1 I I ' » 1 r â-¼ r I 4 VUK f L £ S H E R 1 O M ADVANCE. /Competition P\efied COUNTY d DISTRICT. PRifEs ammm THE PEOPLE Wonder ! H in .ri) (â- :'-.'. â- -i.il SI cii.^iip and a'^ llit â- i\liic U11H-' Ui.-1-p nil tliu staiulni'd i|iuUty. III'!; MDTTii I-: SMALL PROF IIS â€"ANi^-- â- - A HtiniB lail named Smith cut liistuot and died of luck jaw. Kiiicardino will jimbably ^-ive 8700 to Ix.iiua ;i stdvi! manufactory. Mr. Ai)dr«\T Shore, Ci)lliii;,'W'od tnwii- ship, get liis .slioulder dinlocated by Uiiij,' tlirown I, lit of a l>u.j;i;y in Mfiifonl. I ^ fil Cr.liq Ltll, of JitlitiiiiU, died I'H I c*nlly. Hi! was NT years iild and never. j tiiivw wliat siikiii.s.s w.i.s until lie ccjieri- I eiictd tlm uiui ' Early je.st wliicli t,. oulay 1., >K luiii a-niu:,' Mr .I.e. Sl.'jok 5 saw niiil at I '.;rL)i:tt<iii w.a.i Inuii kI t(. the itcuimI. |./.'ct!u.r with a!:niit i^O.lcO f, ,; ,,f h;,,,! ,,â- 'uiustly Imi I'w.-oril aiid -lU.fl;!) ilun-li-«. ilie mill wa.s vahmd at s:>OUO ; ii>^u;vd fnr ?10()(>. Tho lire The >(ew Butt«r Extrat'tor. An ingenious fellsw in Swsdon has inrented a if.achiiie for making butter from milk nearly freah from the cow and it now looks :is thoiijih a threat revolution in butter makin;; ia alxmt to occur, brouijht about by thiu wonderful uiachiu« The wholu proceHH of extracting' butter from, milk by ita use is a mystery to ua and we c:in only irtand back in aniaiie- nieiit and await further devehipnieiita. TliB Siiccess of this prooesa, however, is proven beyond doubt, ami the lollowiin; ] descri,,tion, taken from Hoardb' Dairy- man, will throT Borne ln»ht upuu the I iiletlioil of making- liutter by means of the Extractvir : •"One mouth ago, the iimchiiiti wa.s au% up at '.10 W.'ifl .street. New York, and haa look forward witli pleasure to her annual visit every summer. Mr. ill. lliin^ liaH gone to reside in Toronto. Every one is Horry at his leaving the Falls. May lie pros- per wlierii ever ho goes. Ho is a ! good, honest yoiiiig man. A Kingston man waiiti to form a jyn- dicatu to bore down a thoiiHand feet to tind wliat it under the city. A Woman who liveci near St. Thoiiuu : was vaccinated and never rec«>vered from the effucts. (JaiittiKKiiie had a SOI, 000 fira .Suiidav. Feversbaui, Fo There is an «xi-uiK-in crop â€" one withoul arrival loi- mauy year.s-ii; Uh- fall laii-s in this vicmity prey this year. i N*Mr- I'l.Acr.. Vnv popii!;ir iiUTcii^nt has ooeii iU.oIe to -A'ii-J.ritjuid till- ei)iniucrc!i.il op- iwsi'ioi) ho h«i.-i HO ol'lfii met Willi. Hti is lien.! AUV.. a'lid couiniaiids a ''ood Fall Shows. is .1 li.st of tlio date.t of iip:-.s>.'.! t..'ia'.i- bc'ii the worl; uf ,iii "'' "•"' piUroiliit,'!'. W. McdiiT ,l;oI lip at -1 niijinuj paiJl live \\ i'(iiie-;day luoriiiiw. iii! aiiH'o been astoiu.ihi!iL' everv iiiaiiiutilator ' l""'^'' liivvi- boeii in a .souiliaiabnlifitic ^ - ' I .... ... I Ktlsl ( ij'HV ' .Irtt'iitiisiti illiMieli; 'hciiun Ciruv 'Jrrti.* N('i tin "y - reiuial -^ ;; 1 Sri.' ry Ill'Iu^lroil .. . KlL-SlliTtOU. . ..I'ricevillu .. MarkilHiu . .."iirliaui i'oHiiiKWO'xt. [J.iTi:. .Soiit. '£i ii:i(i -1 Oct. M'' ^C.umi-r ..S<«pt. "4 uiJii -' ....Sept. -i.'} to -7 VVaI!oli! I''ulIs.SH|>t.2<uii'i . r-o â- â- nto .-^i !â- :. J : . rh. .. li QUICK RETURHS, \u\ -1; ItilL'c tr.cli' we :iri doi'i.; I r. J vc'.i •.:.::â- .. oil;- iT/rLs In |)Km.->' and -..(.• w;:: .-UcUi.:i ai.' u[i[irccialcd liy 'r''-i;''.l. of I'll;' cli(.'\p 01" leiidioo ! 1 I.- â- '. .lilil iiicaii I) uuui:i-M-aUi uiir \\..:!e .•5i...j;i uiacii in 3. [; iim.u'y. :vs lltijie I. ad been no lire in .:ii!! niiice- Satiinlay. The kw!" i.s a • U;. on,; 1,, Ml. S|M;,,k and to the vil- . - I >iii Itmriu- Uconoiiiist. I- Ti ,,i.iI.itoc!% Si-ntiin:l Review .say-i â- tiv.l-.nv iniaii'ir of ilie tenacity with i.-!i t,,.!;.,. .-i!,in;al.<i cliiT.- to lif.j hm re- c;i.;'y i i^on I.i. in;:ht Ij'^l.t. OMraiuonih .i-.'o Ml- .),,lin Smith, of South Zurra.lo.st â- 1 s-i -r rinii no naco '.f it could be foiind unco .-t leiv â- ia)i« at;o wlieii ..fou.o iiieii woikin.j in the SIml Hr»iich 'b.Hiiti f-iHii'l t!ie .•iniiiial cnilL!d..d in tu..- nnie. h. w.n aiiv.' tlio it 1,-i Loluiable ciiii.ain tliat It li,id I L-vn Httick fnst in the (.-.o lor .'ill d,iy-. lln l'cii:'4 !;bi r.ate.i it was found tl!.;t til..' liesli wa« laid bare 1 u :i.i back by til" 'lie.*. Ii-u'i'm w sre be'.-innno; to i(,t fr.i.i It, r,-et. It H.i.-i .Mi)! .dill. 11 i]a-- , i- f.v I a_'o. a CO Mpl< of ibiyy alter it was le- ni ^ ••<! friiii tin! intnl. ' 'n .Sunday, the l.Sti;, iv live viai-. M doi;!r.r of .Mr. I.-nis Wenirr, riuionl, M1.1 ;.ccMcully .sh. t \y her bf I'lov, a.;cd ei.'ht vi.afs. Thi- | .•irent.-i hail '..ion* to a carupno'crin'.^ ."• inc niie luile.H tb.sl.int, aU'lbiu' left a y 0111 - };iil in ciiiH':.? of the riiiMien. 'I'lic revolver, a '.i- c.-iiiber.waa lo.'iilcd and witinn ri'acli .if tl..- boy who to.iiv i' and (oiniii,..,' at the -iil in cliar.;i. Kiii-1 tie woiilil sboot her. It went oli' ar.il the ball .^tri.u k the little i^irl over ihe i-iulit eye. fract urin;,' tiie .skull and b>jlL(inii ill the brain. Three doctora were | .snoM in attendance ami e\ .'rythiinj po.s.si- I lilc wa.s done fi .sav»; ihechiid, althou'jh I scarcely any I'.np,.- tcuh entertaitiud of itn 1 roci v.'ry. Tlii.-j irt another "I the inanv Slate. Wliin tiiin'i ye ' Dur huicl i.; iini o:; a v,. ry ,[, styh'. Njj iiiLriuicrsi, r.io, ao lune.i a tinv moiiKi . KrV. MV. McNri! ilM-! b..-l ;,-,V.;V ... a vi.sii to l.i..; 1.01,11; 1,1 .-, , !.[.; .1 ^. t'atiicr. Ho will .-0..11 i.-ip.i-:i. iiid I t'evirsliiiiu .sdiiiiol i. ni.se wa.-i on ; i.'' i. cream and Ijiitter who has in- .â- ipected it. It takes sweet imlk at a 1 temperature of t;2 decrees, runs it tliroui;!! ! the machine at the rate of l..")(M) poiunLs 1 per hour -the akiiunied milk there i.s no ' 1 butteriuiik about 11 -comun^ out at a i point on (lie ]ier!;ihi!ry of thi- bnvvl ; the ^ranulaied bui'cr fn.ui the center. | Iv rejuvenated liiirilji,' va..-at.;;n , ij. I The machine i.s niiieli like the Daiii.sh- j raiHcd, newly pL;,.:lircil and iKce I Western .srparntor, a.i to the main bowl ; ; ily pailUeil. j'iie alU.li(i;i..i;.;c in - ; and it ha.s iiiside oi" liie n.iid liowl aiioth.-r e,o;scd i)V ino In-r liarvesl. I device ciUJed. the ••di'tmber,' int.. winch ' I 'nr saw lioll --I .1. in- v.r; ! j tlie crornn hirers a.s it s eks tin- >ii.'iiti-r. [ and as wo tindcr;,tand it iioni the rut .imi ' Ibo o.-;planation. a secondary se|.aiaticn: I.; effected m tluoli..iturbi.r that oliunu.itoa I ai! the .s.ru.a i.f i.he iiiiIk from tin' iat . save a little more tli.xn I oor cur. of the c.iseiue matter. .\ . the ln,l.^l cliunim'.; o: ibu ; i;r;st crc-ain ubi.iiiniiiif , by anv "f tiie 'Id processes. leaves one per cioit. ; ^ and. the ;:n.at bulk •;( tin- butter has _' Oi 10 y ]•!â- I int., and Home 01 the pooie.M i from I) to 7 per cent., it will be .leeli it j twrn.s ciut 1 nttvr eiii-enl iaby the s,Hnie as fr'-edom fioin the matter '.Init ni.ikfs luit- •.â- r •.-.. ranci.l. ja we uet from les'ichurn- ill;^. ilel , as ir- nol iji/can--',. ihe wat.-r;'; ..r.v : M«'.'<iier(i>ii .sia:ioii /â- ,v,. r or., I W riiliier f tci eiii:. ai vr-'iiinj-, FiirTne ;]'â- â- iiot ; liiir â- •i^- 1r rit:i! (1 ,^u. Cl ^.^ to ijlo!!' opi I :i . O) j piciiil a' be l.ir'-'e ill .lininULy aii'l t,i.r I ill ipiiiiiiy. except winai. s,iiiio C'lii ):',: \v!,.-;!.t :â- ! in-i ;r .vluj,;, 'â- ']'â- .â- 1 . n pi.iln! 0! I,', !i:',: \v.,.-;!.t :iro:n:d lo.ri;. .\l'V.i;. â- piiii.; doi,... ill wo^.l. Tie 1" liol cni'jiHo (Ult. lull, !â- â- . It will bo l,ir_,'e in si;'|-| aija: 1.1 li;ilnilill;4 ih; , upi mill.' jii.-l no i slioeiiiaiier. a 1:0 ii..,p.- and V 'ar. J Otv^ii Sound Siiiiiiiier ('ariiiviii. ( loU- pi-.li: ( ;on,i , :U. tlie .sial.oii f.^r :: li r. a saiidler. ainl a il.si) liv. and be ii.se- '.iii'itiii'.n inn fill. TliU'e lr(,i tireli smiji; siclciu ,-j ; om hinnsr lias run ipiile .1 ijaov I'anii lor l-.arly ..1 liie diy vi.,io.r,s eniiid be j ji,,. i,^„t, nioiitli.'sitcceodiiio. liow.-ver. in 'Jie .iiit'e bniiu'iii.i,' llir'JUijli of two inl'anl.-. Oneofonir eriteeuicit yoIln^' liniies wa.s talirii .'.\ tins \vefl(. .\ll wimii her a spi I liv 1 cOiivr) y. No uiiei s around llie si.^iUi.ui :it tiie I warniinii jiaiinilia hnvc recmve'l n..t CONSISTS i)F Pliisli & Hair Cloth Suites, Sofas, Louuges. Centre Tables Sideboards. Cupboarcifi. Chairs. Etc ._ IS WW [Mt. loiie.st Kv\ leave Ir.a.iv rl lire .ti-Tn? within reach )oUf . .\ v.. occurre Lirown, chi.'Jr CiV lii.l at 14(1 the Co| stoii weiid.ino their way towarils our I S ".vii wliieli was diciualiii lor Mio oc- I â- ;a,-io,ii. l^lmrtly alter imoii exciirsiun- li-ls ijcgaii to airive IVoin Miailorii. \Via,rioii. (oJiiiiKW'iod, Jbaiiiplnii .lud I TovoMlio. T'Ih-*!!' frtends W'Uo iin i at the ,-l'alii)li .ttid tin.' whaif ul'our poiiulaCv:, who Wi lu leinled li» ; li.'/ â- ''J.lr<':iis' Own Uaiid. I'.-, :; , !s( ' r, clock (-".er !>,<1<l''l persons li ni ;;'s- I , i j -â- (•;:. I'll, d on tlie plna'tim ;,'ronnii,', lo i iviuie.-'.s llie iiianv dpoi;,-; .if whic.i on.- | - aim latal ncrnhni j „^.,,,, .^_ , ,^;.. ,,,,,. j,,,,^ ,,_ ,^,^ ^, ,.^|.^ ^ ,^^. , farm of Mr. Nicholas , |,..,,i [^^ [ iiiaiiy j pii -'ini unit.', lii.'uks 10 11. c ^i)ru, \ nniiid o( liarvost work. I Giiueral News. • ii. • ho .MoBt Surce.'iiful RHnisdr »'»<-r du- el-.-,., ,1, ,1, ,1 , ,,,,rl,On III ila-in-.tii ,.i: i 'l.»';. jii.L â- ,'... I. ;r. l.,-aa|jrnof hel, \\. iSTnEirrsrii.i.n, p. q.. Muj- :;. :?». an. V. J. Kmui I. , â- ., , :;i„,>iHirBli t-aiie, vi. 0' nllrni'H,-: .lavo ii.-i-d Ki-ii â- Inll-H ;«i,ioi:i i'.ii,i f,ir rspiivlni, ill I iil»<. In n.-.l^^'-it l;o!ii-m-Siiti(I ^ilitf'.luiiiiii ,;iiil Idujiii u usiirc ,.|irr ni'-ve.-y r-.po-t. £ . ,,nll«lly ,-it-..miueii;l It 1 1 :,ll !i, ir^.m.n. ^ ry rmiiicnuily y,,|.r«. cliAiii.ia .1 Bi.A' i;o.:.. KENOilLL'S SPAVIN CURE. „„ „ , ,. ^r. Tiio.vAd, p q.. April ;. .^-.. Ln. I!. .;. kisr.oi. . ... njiuahuitli Kill... vi. oem.i;-lUBvi..i,.,.i u fi-iv wililc.« or j.iirKi-n. I's Sinrlii euro on my roll, ifh waj Buirirlai; tr'.iii liillu •i/tv ,i.T» â- ' pi .1 vor.v Iwjforu., ..ii,li-i.:i r«!^.;7"u. IB '"' "'"' ?â- '""' ""'"la"'-' «!"""' li'2-lkJ"i>B urn iiiiiilo cmiilok) aim ni|'..l 'â- 'II". I cau rii-i,;jiiii,.i„i 11 a> On ,_ Ix-itan'l m.ifct .•iToctlvi- llnim' m ^.p^ 1 ni4v., oviT ImuUleil. Klnul' m-ii.I ilii'.'i:';ir ym-',' iliiulili- t).«.kii.aiUtle<l "A T1..1 ilkeuuilui Hurbi.-,'' Yours r'".i'irifnllv. 1, F. Wnjjiss'iy. KENDALL'S SPAVIN CURE. I'"I1T il.!.: E. â- A\:l. .Muy III. lita. Dr. n, .7. KitN;i»i.i.co . itucKunoiii K.IK vt. OfiiUriiun -- 1 â- ilirays kui-p your KcDilall's S|),tvin Cure altU lUlatiir on liiaiil i ftii'l tliftv lia\,-r iirv.'r fiilifi In] ivliHt >'tii Nt^wi Ou-v wlU do. l* lliive cur'-.l .mail lu^u of .Siiiivh, FKaOAirsl ami alio two ciispn of H1ii([Ik.ii" imMWCtllul (ir.vonrHntuii<lliiK."iimarcawtiicli IbuUKht til lliv.'l rrijlil. luiil limn not seen liny slyus of 'llseaiMt in lllt'lr olIaiH-iiiK. I'uurs truly. _ . -. D.J. O'KKEITt. Prle.. 81 pcrtviltli.. or «l.t hfiitleii for ».1. \.l 'IruKKlbtu liiLviilt 'ir.-aii «et 't for you, or it will l.o sunt to any utliirt.!>tt uu reevllit of erlco liy tUu Sroprletors, B. U. J. KENDALL CO., EnoiburRh Falls, Vt. SOLO BY ALL. DIlUUUISTf«. if Ilr 'â- â- 'â- ' , k'ad. liiiiii.ei.s;ai V lo siiv iluiL o c "II Miind.iy la.st, by which an active yoiiiii: I lad named 'I'inip.soii met a lerrilib' .b'ath. I Deceased wa,s drivin;,' a .self-binder and it , eeeiiis bail jiiKt ceaaod work owiii;; to rain, I when tl'ji.i horses took fffjht at smiiethiiiu' ' and prepiuiei.t,|f to da<3ji o*f, Tiiu'j.soii j Jtnui'ei *i ti^A! .'n-iint iu ordtir to seize flie 1 ' animabs by the head, Imt in :onie I'vaii- ' ner fell directly in fr-mt 'if the machine, which wrs pulled over hiui. Tbo knives tor?, and cut him in a Imrrible manner aiij tlij \iniij of the* Jiiufforuier \ii"jK' Misted hilt hni'^ea. The unfortunale • fellow lingered in terrilihi ai^ony until j Tuesday imirnin^ when (i««u,h put an ijtid i to his iiufforiin,'s. He was one of Dr. BarnardoH char'^'es and was in every le spBct a model youth. Georfie Williams is an Engli.shinaji w)iu all wi le Weil p!ir,;-i.d wi'ii; ti.c uianner ill which iho hoys acip.'.ii; .1 tl.ili.- si'lvis. l-'.arly in tin im nil ;,' lln nmi Were on tlir a'.LiL I'miii ovo.y point Cliiiiese lanleiij.s Oolild lie seen s\v;iv iii;X ill the bree;;o while iho ear \\a^ phased with the ijraiid inilsic wlni'li I wa.s fiiniisljoij by the "Viaiimnd l.'il (.'olnpaiiy" aU'l oi'j' I'jree u;Vtii haiiiis. l''r'ini the I'liitei'Kon ILoii.-Je the t'iti.'.eiis' (.(wii led till.' ^T'oeesynin dmvn Vonlett .street. Tln.'ii followed the iiaiilical Jisiilay. p'.vi ry eral'l in town appeared to nave jiaid a visit to Cliiiia for their in, my ipiaiiifc illun)iiiuliurs. The fast sailiii.t; .steam .ship, tJie Cam- bria, led the wa^;,, follov.ed by ihe .Nhicldiii,' JJird with Ji.er Iket of forty sail. Near the dj/y dix'k professor Hans stationed his artillery, l-'nr hoi'iH the sky wa;j 'jiie beaulifiil pic- ture of medley eil stars and whirlino 9ea •tewibtt-lluehlii)' ^h'.. W i:. Cbnllau, Ca:' 'n,'.-,- rlii:.! i ,Stoue,va.l .Irick.soii. 'ii"ii •â- : typli ioi ,i\'i at Cbarl":;.-. â- '^.C. I''r.>i,i'- .At Kineb n l'".ill'i'ii TouiMlav, I'ei v, the littl" s'li ,'f \V !â- ;, K:,:,. ,lrii_".;ist. was dri'Mioil ivliili' plai.ii^ about llie i;a,i,o w.'iks, I pun ix'iu'iiiii-^ |\\* lvoi'4 pn,>oin .^Irs. M.i}l'rici; wi i .'\iiinne'l by th" piisou I'liysi'iai'., ai ;.i upon his "r'icrs ihe wa, placed in (he niliiniury. .\\ ClnLli'a!i'i.i;;ii. Telili.. bm MiL.iiii, i beautiful y.'un'j woui.m. biiriuid boti- seh to death, Lucaase her :elati\es bad di,«i/reed with her and she was tired of life. Mail has bi-en ref tseil in the casu "f Mrs. Hicks, who is '.â- InijL'oil with liaviin; poisiiiied her^brotlutr ii* Xormito. The .\tla,s wo'illen nil)], at Whitby JfOO RE'S BlOCiT, BUrLdlllSt. tt« in ftll pan» . triK "ur niKtJtiiK s^ lj\^ ittviKli wb«n tba p^ufiic ,in *<^it ibvni. wo will Muu fv*'*' 'o "1 â- 'pvr^ijn mcaih lu'«.ii> itt-'ry btu iawiiiK*n»(.tiiiic 'iiHii' <n > world, Willi itll ibc mun: imit n'« k •' vvill Alio ttndft****: a ii.{io "• lie (if iiur ti,»iiy miJ â- .â- â- .kinbi*' trt iiiiplPi Iti iriura â- >••• a*k iiai ^ t J »ln>*v ylint rtf »eml. â- >â- ihoir "iv. nil Hi *i'ur tiuim'. unil tiin^ '£ li*«il>lw>l t>croii>>:r V. Ill ,:\\, rtÂ¥. Thii r""': nisifiKi'- ;•- laiic ahvr lllc ftilut:**^ I'Ktnnf* â- hicb tiftveruu oui i.. icr- laim i (tiiut It koUJ tot 4fVSt, \iiti'tit iBitivrtKn, UlU tlOMr »illl '• *|ft«»0. nt\J,rir<-ii|ri'*l, iii^^d 'K' ni«< tLibL in Ibr world. A 1 «. c Ni> rtpilBt [cqu.r^a Pl4Ui. ' •i-< notiii'Tion* iiifeii liiiia* whu *vritf> lo ik> At (inc-e«n«^- • •*â- irCtt 'hp b\'4t n';MiDfr-ma>.liit)« ili Iho jv lid. and fb â- iM--: iiM'.'/ M iirk»of high "rt "v«T "ho»ii io,;»:ji i lo .Vihtic*. V J£ L' K. «.*', CO.. Owx. I^i*, AuKU»ti&. Muluo* ItEMOVAl. I .i< ' I , e t o luturiN lilt.' imlilii' lliiit I huv " . \\,-li hiiown tjn shop to is too lazy to work ami would rather he I meteors whili; ovm' and anon biillooins in jail, where he is stir* of threj meals I .'hot across the northern sky.sheddiiij a d.-iy, thtui at Iib«*'ty. Ho has 94i«nt j ten jvaMS i«i the }'ritiaii army and ten forth ''lorv on tlieU' wav. Nc Furuisliiiiffs We have still better vahics than «ver. Whole bedroom suites of beauti- ful tiiiieh and desion at remarkable low prices. Spring Ma'resRes and Mi.\ed Wjoi; MaM'csscs lower than ever. J.E.H88Eli Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. 1 & 2, Durham St., F l-. R § H E R T O N mora in different penitentiaries and pri.sons of this country. Two years a^o he struck Oran^^eville and the saiiio nii-ht the a;;ricultural hall at the exhibition ijriiUUilu feJJ a pi«» to the incendiary's torch. For this cnme. wbich he frankly acknowledsod, William.s spent two years in the Central pii.son at Toronto. tJn Thursday nvorinii^' week iha little srmie btiildiim on Prince of Wains' road, known as tile "M»iH C.JUyc,'' was discovered to be on tire, and when the honest fann- ers of the vicinity leathered to uxtinuuish the bbaze they were coolly told by I Williams that ho was the man who applied the iii.'itch. Williams, of course, was at once arrested, taken before Police Magis- trate Fattullo and cominitted for trial. He w.as arraigned before .Judye McCarthy on T',;esd4;/. 'jf last week. and, as he rsther likes his ipuirters in the "Cistlo," eNcted to be tried by a jury at the fall a.s.Mzea. The prisoner, who is about +5 years ot a^'e wid of robust appearaiife, has iieen (ironounced sanebydnil Pb^si'iiaii Lewis. He makes a specialty of burning public buildings, hia^de object evidently being a desire to <>nd liis days in jail. Itiia ihjilbt the iiuineroiia visitor.s '>i)iX' away many plea.sant re^olleetioiitj of iho day's cii- joyment, and will often think of the stirriin.; enterprise of our people mid the ofan 1 eulivenino s';ei)<;iy tliat stir- roun.li> our fair younj.; cii/.. Eus;<'ii!:i.. Mrs. L'lenibel ami her dj.ugliL«r-iii- law, Mrs. (ieoi'j^e I'Un.hel, ollbilfalo, have been vi,sitj^!j 3.1 'vVi^ititt.u i'mvis, near Eiiegiiia. with soii;^' ntiiei hieiids. Tha.v, spunt a vei,;< pleasant afternoon visili.n.L; the cave;, a.nd the falls. They also went dinvn the Lovers' 'iVulk aii'l ;,'0t pretty well tired out coniiiij^ buck. Mr.s. I'leui- 1 •! has been a resident of I^uifalo for forty two years. She was delighted with the scenery aroniid Euoiniia,and till) pure air -ijid ^ood w<xl(ir. She says if tli'^y ouly hail sijch piciiit; groniid« rtcar r'.ntfalb wlnit a, grand pleasute resoi',t would be made of it. •Mrs. Plemhel hopes to raiiwu in the were biuued Krnliiy, .\l. 'die Ni.'W Lbiiii.p.'ili.i^e State b'air a VoiniL; cj'iple were piil'hely niarrieil ill, a iiallooii, and niimediatnly alter tlie cer.eiiL(iiiy a,soended on. their bridal tuur. Win. ('lie, ased 7-, a' tipple, wandered \ .Miioi'leii' ^t.ick of tinware null ho fioui 1 Illy now preiiiiMH^. UK1'.\IU1N<; E.WETROl'tiHINC .jiua itnil JAS.SIIU^VAN. doiiu as heretofore. I have I secured tlie agency for away fr.'i;) his home, neai' S»l. Thoin.-is, | (],,,(;,. l^biiited SlIl^er Sewni^ Macli tweUe days ayo. Wedneedoy his biidy | u,3(|„uMiiiK uiv old iri.m.ls Ui . was f.'Uiiil in a buckwheat patch half a ""*'â- 'â- '"> '"""â- ''"I'' 1 '"""""• ""• .iiile from home. Mis crutches bail, broken, rendering him pnwertrtis.aml lu had died from slarva'ion. A pnt-h through thij litilds uJioned wd'.ure he h.id , '. pulled ln-ji.s*lf along by buryiii.,' lii.< lingers in the grounif, fills \\'itrn'r,']ioon, of V.'ikiole, .S. '.'.. colored, wlnisii capaciiy fur dispoaini; of eygs WHS well known, waaered a dollar on Wcdliesibiy that lie could i at seven do/an I'ktgs at one siltino. lU' statioiii;d himself in a eotnfoHablu poaitioii at ten, o'clock in tin; moruing and four hour.s later he aioso ainl Wiie*. tUu heavier by eighty-four filed eggs, which he luwl j swallowed during that time. He was well satialied wsitJi hisiiii^sil, but died the next day in groat agony. TBi/;ov ;''ii'.,^/ ii;k"'t^ '^ j W, McTavssli, I HOKSESHOEK .4.ND fQENERAL BLACKSMITH. ., , , , , , . ' t'olliiigwood Strcefr, , . . tor ilyspeiJMm,a*ia liiver complaint you i _,,^«., ,^-..,.,- near futine and pay a lonoiu- visit to have a limited i(iuuTutto« on every bottle | pLESHLKTON, - ON L . this romantic villige, of Shilohs vitalizur. h. never fails to cure Miss Bailie, of Chicago, is visiting F«r sale at the Medical Hall. i.itv that th. law do*, not nermit of th. *' ^^'- J'""'^'^"'^' '^^^ , '•"' '^ '''''>' Shiloh's tlura will immediately relieve iddit?" oJ the cat^i niK^^^^ welcou.0 visitor among her many ^roup, whoopiho cough and bronchitis sentence. -[OrangerilleAdvertiaer, 'friends aromid Eugenia " 'â- " who, still I For sale at the Medical H»ll. Manufnottirnido). WnRonii. SlelKha. ltUH.,;i.ii». lieino.:rKti<, uto, HorsiishooiiiK |ironii>tly si.. t-iiiiilod til. Spei'iftl ftt'ootion liiyeii to coiiti.irk -i or ti'iHler font, LugK >UK aiul Plow Chains vanir tauti; on hAli'U. Tr-