Mlba -**m (â- "â- • T i\ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. .6E0. MITCHELL, BAIVTKBR, l''L,KS II H^ K^'rOTV. Sj'iuil AAi'tttu-n fmi'i >u Hi (â- iiillirtiiDt Xvrili The Local NeTWS, Oliut is llaiuMiiiiii ill Our Own is llaLMX'iU"^ â- " tuiitv. laiMMii \ic^ wliiL-li mel "M Muiuliiy. will apl>uar lU'"* vock. _ A i;e» aiii roiiiMiuii u.m :ilatiuli is iii l,»«iie iif •intmn i'V ilia '- I' K. :i'. I'l"- â- .•)n .Station. Ill aiKillii'i ( â- »|>ciai" ii.'Uii )i! M mlcirst t< i;llllU. Wll. it: f'.lllui a t . »>i is-nliiTs tliiil « ill ;,ll mUI I.'.l.l' is. ir'y. of Irii'iiU.'* V. Mil. I.«M H.ill ".1 U â- •• I' "liurrkniU-. uaul ;i .'l.'H! \n.t !• ji t.lio vioiiiitv ..f l\iinl'erlf> l.'i'- . ?.,ni:iii â- â- ( 'loi..!,!.!. wlui ii i!.. (.ii'Ni I family • K-i. I «â- • UI Mf'l ll JllIC Ml <:.i.; .Iil» l>i'i:Il V 1~1Mil' Wl MI ]ia-t t!ii.- ivi .>M S;itniii.iy •,.|iti.- uiit 11 hii;; .,1K ll.l.-' wcik. VmIH- illl- 1.1 LMi!ii'»tIy r.l tiid A N«is.rti, mill lui; « lu'vi- itMie »t Thi'V will also uiiliirt,'0 \Vi .11 >tiii.iil ^> iricdi.ili ii'iiii Tii.M.ii- i: • IWIKM, »li' >â- !«' )'i<,(..ii S;»ii' II. iliuir t;iaiiii .I'lieli Tl.« i !â- -r;iiii '.l S-utl; (irey Teacliers' Jn^tii'i'-i-. !" 'â- '^ 1'»1J 1" l''ii'li»ui '>«i 'Iliui.'ilay ^rK^K*. Oct. ."5 iiid 1 iic.\t. ii.ui j'nl !>•< 11 i^"itil U>,u< this (.flica. \Vr havi; uvi.l\c-il « CDC/ "' P""-' '"" c»f ill.' ijifjit N.irilieiti Kxliitiiti"!!, t'. l.f Iwld ill I '..||iii..>«.....l on Wedtiedilay, I'll III,, .lay aii.l Kiiday, Supt. LT), 2(1 and ^^I. .A II N. .liMikiiis. iif lilii'l fame, win: mill' L-dilT of tlif Oiirliaiii ('ImiuicU and IJruBH. lis I'.uduot, lias Beciired a iilii- alum avi iiiaiiasiiiii; t;dit..r nf tln! liiaiitford daily TuU'ijram. Tlii)»u 111 "â- it siiliscnb.Tn wlii> .-vru in ar- fiars 1)11 lii'-ii «ub.^(-ri|Aii>ii a.jc.iiiiilii, will liiid a iii'lici; ]'iiiittd ill I'lir lixal ccd- 1II11I1.1 that iH i.f intrrrst. to tlieni. The Rev. Ue.i. H. Thayer, ..f Burbone liirt., says : "Itoth iiiy.ielf and my wifu uwu our livva to Khiloh'i (>inHUin|>tioii Cur«. For sale at the Medical Hall. Keep it in Order. Tliu fK'ho. .1, ln'U one* mure iheds forth iU accents iipuii tlio ambient air. The boll ri'pe brenks rKgularly abnut once a week, wlioii th« brll'rt ninlndy coasnth. Could 11' 't tlio ro|>» be replaofd with wire ? We like to here the liii!4eiiii?, vihratiiit; accuiit.s ..f the af.insaid bull .in it hustles lite youiiyatt-r* nil' to Llif pliicu of e.Vocu- tiiiii (tlicy ixciiit.^ their ntmlie.s you kiinw'), wiieii-tlie r...! tiiutli nut, and tho ilevi'lcipiiieut ui thw nia.iler ijcttctli ii' ii« handiwork. Keep the bull ill iifder iiid I«t ii» unjoy tliB iiiemorie.i it'ens. Fine .Pluijji;. Tlio iiKlrvuliuil wli.i tlii.'i noiintry ciiniiit raise L'oc.d fruit, frnst or ii'> frost, is away oil' ill his iialculatioi'K. We had a l;i^.'e tmski-t .rf plums unit us from Kiiiibcriey .'11 .Monday wliirh ivas hand siuiie eiKiuv'i I" iiiake an epitMlie s nioutli water. Tiny ".r. Jill laiu'e, and liHciiuis to a de^'ree which iiu other frui". can att:i;ii. Wj incaHured one which pr..viMl to be •>! inches in rirciiiii- foivMcu one «av and "i^ tli» otlu-r Tliere were iiiiiiiliors of others eiiually liip^'.., in fact tliry all ;<|ipearcd to be nearly of a dize. Th,; pluiii.i wei-.' '^ToiMi by Mr. .1. .M. Tliiirsto.n. of Kiinliorley. and (li-.coiiiit anvthiii:,; w.^ h.ive seen for a loii^; time. appeared to be in no haste, and ruiimined nearly two weeks. Hu affable and pleiiaaiit.and made himself <|nito at home and a favorite nrmiiid tho hotel. Do Monday i;f lust week., however, he sud- denly diflappcapod, Wa^'iii'^ ii" clue m t<i his df8tina*>ioii. In fact bo one saw him leave, and it couW not be discovered whiidi direction he took. Ho iite dinner as uiiihI but could not be f<.und at tea Hiiie. His room did not present the ap- pearance of (luiicipated departure, as overythiiiK was loft, as he hiid used it, even to tho case of a co.stly iiieei-scliaum pipe. 11b h'tt, buhiiid hiiii a lar^ju ijuaii- tity of cIoiIuhl; and hooks siithciont to more than cover the of lii.-i board several liuie.s over. Mr. Muiishaw will not entertain the idea that there wnc niijthini,' crooked about tho youiij,' ma'i. and still expects to hear from him. How- ever, his strange depaTtiiraap](ear» iniex- phiinable, and if soiiiethiii.; i» not so.jii learned as t.i his wlii'reabiiut.s iii'pnries hhouUl be mstituteii to ascertain wh.-rp hu was from and wiu-iu he h'ls ;,'oiie. It IH remarkable, to hay the lea.«t, thai he could (lisajipear thin in bronil iliyli;.;ht witliout any person liavin;.; sen him d.'- part. " piiisuits. The regular subscription price of the American Karmer is Jl.OO per year. TT COSTS YOU NOTHING. From any one nmiibcr ideas can be ob- tained that will be wortli thrice the »nb- scriptioii price t «-yoH or nieinliBis of yonr household, vi<i 7of okt it kkke. Call and SCO sanqde copy. Servant uirl wanted \V. Irwin. Fleshorton. -.Apply to Mrs. 5iU(lici\I. ycnia west. Any ainoiiiit ol lionrv tor at this oni«-<v sail' A iTarro'w Escape. (•ieo. Siiell, a yijunf,' mini IS of nijf', iivins,' on the Inicl; line, 7/hile n;'pf"'icl:in'.,' t'.io c-licrse f.ictory with a load of milk oii Tuesday luoi-ii- iiitr.iii.;!. with a Herioius accidetit wiiicli niiijlit rasiiy have provr.d t'Htal. Whiii' desfi-ndiiii; from lie' street I < the factory iiis team bec.une miiniUi- at;e:il)Ie ami ata. id lo mil. Tin; wa'jon -r.ruclc ;i siouo Slid the colli-i'ti lo'^lvp 111- \\:i'.,'o:i tongue. Icttir.;,' tho hoi~cs fi:.-. Tlie Hues 1).- calJ'o i.iitaij;,'li '1, ilfiivviii:,' Sn.-U from! tile waoon.siiid oil'' wlioel of til.' latt.< r ; ims^cd oviT lii.'f bi'iiy just abovo t!;,. i hip-i. Tin' ilijiU'il mail was c:irrieil i to Dr. CurU'i- ,i otiiije and fr.nii liuiiei \ lioliM.-. At List acconiil.-i lie was nhle to | walk aroutid. It was au e:^Cc.(iiii^ly tiiitiow u.-;capo. ' DR. CARTER, .M.c.r. it s.,().NT. FiiYMiciAN. siK<;i:o\. &c. FLESHEKTON. Ilu-e, .StrRin".! block. IC-sidellce, J. (>. Ull--e! .• J. Gf. Sattoii7 M-©-C!.M- Meiiibflr of tlio College of I'liysi.ians a;i Suri,'.MiM^. (HitBrio. KiLjiiift'e ftt .>Ili'«,oiie (looreas-tof Cirior"-:^:.^. or .ItkiuHOu .s Htt.'l. I'l IT DRS. 3P0Ul>: Si EGa. M.Mluli \l.l'; '>\T, Oilh-i; ;--Uatiloy's Wriitr Store. T..S, sl'i;ofi.t:,.M u..r'tc \M.r.-- i:r.u \i 1 r ul liilt.!Oii.lln I J. P. OTTEWELL, ( I la.iu J. P, ::i;;v.\!:v ; c ..1 (li.t u: I .N . â- II.. 1 â- Wanteii I" I'ur;l; ' A i;oL,.i, ll,â- a^^ .>c..r ohl lilly ply to 1'. H liiiiJli, K'j'i'rirtoii Ap More H'juoy. .Another lar'.;e rjii.mtity of hi-ney has beoii left at tl.i.s .dhce for sale. Twelve cents a pound in small (imint.vies. A re- duction will be made on 2.') lbs. and over. ' Thoroughbred Graders." A pencil-written notice was potted in tho Fleshurt.m hotel laot Saturday aii- nouncini; that "seven «elt-bred \i»uita and two thorounh-bied yanders" would lie of- fered at puU^ie auction that afternoon. The sale did not come (df, however, as the owner put in an appearauve and claimed the property. Advertise Stray Auiniali^ When an animal or article is tost the quickest way to recover it is by adver- tising it in the neWNpaper. A great many people adopt the penny wise and pound foolish pidicy of tiampiii'.; the neiKliborhood over in fruitless search of the niiMini{. object, losing more tiiiiu than would pa* for a^. advertiaoinent many times c.>v«iik~{ Ks. Unrestnced Heciproeity may be of inostiniahle advantage to Can ada or it may be a mere •fHil" as its opponents call It, but no one can deny that Naal Habii, has ibme more for suf- fers from calaiih than any other remedy known. Mr. Tlioinas K.i'che, Uochefoit, Ont.iays :â€" I havesultftro.l severe.y from catarrh, and never «.it any relief until I used Ntt.nal Malm. I nerer tli.uislit I could find so sure a cure It Is a pity all afflicted with catarrh do not know of and use Miis wonderful medicine. The Crops. Throtigli iuformation receivei| fr.mi various pnlnta we Itarn that thrin'^fhout Uip t«i«riiihi|>« of Euphrasia, Artemesia and Osfirey, all kinds of yiain are yield ing well, with oats and peas eSf,optiou. ully (,'ood. In Proton, most of (ileneln and Molaiiclhon the yield is |Minr, with Uie Hiueption of oatA and peas, which ap- pear to hav* done well in all seotjous. Rarley in those U>wi)tbi|>a i» not of jfcuid quality, owiiic to rai^ia. Harrastiii); will ti« woll advanced this i^ek, owing to tli* ^Kceptioually tint. we«Ul«r of, tt^a past ♦l^«.W»ek»,, Trio.I to Jump to Death. Till' otiiei' niuht while ,(.W. H.'iidcr ROM, Es.]., was coiiiiii'..; from Toronto, an intoxicated vouii;^ iii.iii boarded the train at Dundalk with the of stealiiii; a liili! to I'r.. toll Station. He took ir,i a posUi'ii oil the back end jf tlie rejr coach, aiid when approachinc I'roli.n Si.ilion, wliih' til.' train wa< still travell ill!,' at the rate of about .'JO miles per hour, the individual in ipiestion attenipi- e(l to jump oil'. Mr., wle. IiicI.iIt chanced to be standino hiiii, Ljrabtie.l bis cojlar but could not pud liiiii upon the stops However, a biakfc.4iiisii O|iporluii'>ly put in an appearance and raiiiilit bis li-os. and in this way lie was held up until the train arriveil at the »tati..ii. Hero the onductor him "Bha;k up' under threats of arreat. It was a jii^ltT .'heiocall for .Mr. dri.tik. and as it w.»» his pants were iiianii fitctured lido ribbons ami the cuticle of his Is'^'s tickle.l r ) an extant that he will Buon for^'"t. _ A Dol:u-d. We lu'olected noticiii'^ hut week that while ill Markdale on Tuesday we en- joy.' 1 a plea.saiit visit with friend Itut- led.;e, of the Slaiidar.l. He pron.iun.-od 'biisiiifa* as beiiiK .(iiiet. lii'otlier Kut led'io i.i Lioniaf and atfable. If ho w.iuhl but do his own editorial work, and not allow the .•»d.lle-|>ntod, hystoriciil nil iii |ioop v.lio wrote what editorial he liud hut week, access tu his columns, tho res- pect eiiti'i laiiie.l for him by his readrrs w.iuld Im^ more in ratio with tho iif.iresai'l .|ualilies than they are at present. 'Oie writer refeire.l to liI;cnsTho A<lvanc»to Shakespeare's DoL'lierry. It is not a cliaracter that any person need be a.shanied <if. On onis Occasion D.i^iierry ileal *ith two hypocritical ra«icid<, and t|iv' writer of tho .-jriicle referred to striktA us as.huiiiK at least a fair repre- sentatiiui of one of tlieni. He would have us lielievo that he is the only iiiiinaciilate seer in cdiristoiidom, and in this case en- deavors to hide it behind soiirrility. Hut ill the words of D.icUctry, "No thou villiaii, Ihou art full 'if piety, lui slin'l'lie proved upon thee by ^'ooih witncjs." Personals. Miss .Sarah Smith is visitiiii! iiiT.udul*. Mrs. Skene, of Uta bauU, is visiting at Mr. W. P. t;rotsley'». Miss Bolfo (Miristoo is vjsilins; friends in and u,^l-of Toronto. Mr. .\, Minishaw and son took in the Iluniuiii shoff in Toronto.mi Monday. Mia.s Francos Hoeoroft has secured tho position of liesd milliner with a larjje firm in f'ollini!Woo<l. Dr. T. Henderson, dentist, is about psyinif a visit t.i British {'.dumbia and California, a(id will not visit Flosherton profe.ssionally for some nioiitliB. It will be a wull-earmtd test for Dr. Hendhrson. Mr. Ed. and Miss Lizzie Richardson lei(>ff)r Owen Sound on Monday, cveuinn, riio former to attend thn CofleKiate In- stitute. Ul.laâ- epare.^(>l^ a, suiuind yearat the University, and/ the latter tn attend/ Model Soiioul: Mariio'l r>i D.akota. The folluwiii'^ I arlKiilars of tha mar ria .'â- • .if Mr. H.-rb.i-. Hlraiii. ot Miiiot. l)..k..ta. (an olil Flesh. -rtoii l,..y) t.. Miss S.iiiih .Ahriiiis, of reiiiliina, a[>peari)d in tb.- IViiiliina Express of .bits .Au'.'ust •_' ; The ci.iein.iiiy was pi ef. .ruled at ( lie risideiicB of the bri. ill's in .tlier. in '!io presence iif a lar'^'e number of relatives and iini'e.l ;,'iiesls. T!i(> presents were UMiiieroiis and heautiful. Many were tbe aitis'i.' handworks of ths donors ami all were tasteful and appropriate, .\ftertbe c. ivni'inv. tiie ^iutsts sat down to aboiiu- tiiiil ri'past whoso variety was only ox- celle.l by It, <'le'.;anci'. .After k.-iub time spent in s.icial atlil merry niak- iiii;, the quests ileparled at a hit.' hour, wishing tho new married pair every bless- iiiLT known to iiiortala. The urooiii ic a member of the iiiercaiitile Brni of Strain I5r.»s. of .Minot, N.I)., and was formerly connected with the business of Shaw A Charlton of this city. While a citizen here, by his urb.ane mannur.-i, business abilities and gin.d luib'ts, he iMiriied tho re<;ard and rmtfiect .-f i. larRe>er of frieiiils will >vill be ..^lad to learn that lie has been successful lu his Miio.l venture and will coio^ratul ilo hiiii on this last jjilditi.jii t.i hu capil.U. t)ftliebnile wo can truly say that her pl.u'e in cliurth and social circle will bo liar.l to til'. She is a tine musician, b.itli inst.i uiiieiital and Vocal, ami i.H possessed ofa talent of executive power that made her a leader ill social untertuinuiLlits and ^atherin^s. She was for several years lieputy aielitor of this county and thu public examiner pai d I er the conijiliinont of having tho neatest sat of books that he had seen. Very few couples start wiit in the dual rolatuui with n.ore i;oe.l wishes fnuii as lar^je a circlo of vyiiiiii friends, for all the pltv^sures. of tlie wedded stale than do tlws 1 tymlar ^,n^\ happy p.iir Tl;s same paper •!' date Au;;. 22 tells of 1^ faruwirl <{atlieriii'^' in Peiub iis, q{ which Mrs. Strain \v,as tho lieroine. It was ijivoii by tho Methodist connrejjation of that place, and duriiij{ the evening Mrs. Strain was prcseiitod. with a haiid- Botne silver water set valned at 8-.^. Tho Advance vjes with its western con- frere 111 orter'-|i!« tJis heartiont of well withes to tho happy c;>uplp, which will be eclioe.l by very many of Air. Strain's old friends and ac.|Uaintancea here. rLlv>nKl;l'ii.\. \1 1 ii ii i! :l L PJ Vj f «!« . ; »)( ^V^Jl '"''^ ,^^,> . rWc^"^. s ^ r 'J a ^.f,j.s.f •.^â- ;:, i,,>^,.r=.^^yj (^ M .«\ L : U H < . SOUlHIMtt. r,t:,.;,,i\-j kew::;g. Many -..or; llt'-l ui'.'o^.-' ar-' Sili'jlv .Tn.-^'--T - Calillh, 8'icn dn lie*! ..''.'. ; ir'Ui .). ..I. . I-.. L â- . sc'iiso .'f sill' n. f '.iI I'll 'i'\ ii ' .-'Ki:!.; ii;;'i ;â- ; :.i . . r.i''.'a. <;p"mi l-.'-lin^ o! i^. n.; f, .â- !- '.i v ;! i'r.l v.oh anv .t tupscor k;ii(il'''i s. ni' t.- lo-* ' l;j.!: C.itari h. an.l should i'JSe no liliic in po^.i^r-- : 1 I' '.ft cl ^;^J.^I. I'.U.M 2i.i |/'.iiii'.l 11 .'â- •'(,â- . n.'i;'5Ul in Sicil risul'i 'â- â- : C^uarr!:. (â- I! \- . .1 I'V i .iis.impiion -m-t (Vath, N \so. IUi.m U s^i 1 * ' 1 1 < or I', p. "I lai.l. ou icc .•;,.. : ijo^c (jo ccuts ar.-i 5i ^/ L:- a ^aic^^j;..; FUIFORD & CO., Brockville, (.nt. tr% Bc-.'/arc of iai.*val;.;a3;.r ia i^i^n-.Q- Fl.'d 1.. s M.ii err. '11 diO' . ' 1' o:!l n; ...-'l. ea'-li ll 1_J ''ll tlo. '\i;y. f.>P -i ^r{]al. lilt 1 Fl.Ks Sp jr. risl.- H i:h n i;.iii,i ',^ftfi' iltii', d)i< rt- fftt tt '. ; V 1 'i-n.F, Ni;'.r l'o.-;r d] 1 1. -â- â- . '. r.' 11 Ills.:, N Tin r:-i.\\ ., Why will V'li'.coii^h.w hell Sliikdi's cure will i;vv« iiiimediate rel *f. I'|'i<'« 10 cts , .~><)ci.s,, and 81. For s.ilu at the Medicii Hall. iNKW .Ai)VKHTISFi.\lBiNTS CAME AST ti/\Y ! ol.f ('.inii' to th«» ]«n»iiii-iu-i I'f .Imm"* Fi Am-t, \,r^t '28, ."itli (Hm. Arli-itu»KU. i>n or iilM»iit Iho ftrnt of Mnj ltt>t. one rvd •"ii-or «ii|»|i<>-,c.| ti) bi- n •! year 'Ihf urttiLl- U r»;.nii;hU'\ t'> piovu litulKfrty . l^*y tuK-/ )iiiii a\vii\- â- JAMKS I JSHl'.R. KloshcrU'ii. Au«.5, IHHD. I \p, « u:j'l : P MgCULLOUGH, j Bai'iislri-. Solicilor, cVr. OfWcc. im-r McFarlamrs Stun .Harkdalr. ^floury lo I.oai:. ^nr.iufcs tfavds. J^hn W. Armstrcn?, I'*l.i;sMl.llT. N, C '. fi:;! â- , . â- pvtVISlCLV DOL UT C1.KKK. CU.N; .MfSSIl'- : ' •^ . c I't. i%.»0 '»vcvaii«i;r. iV.'. .\t > 'H I - >tO' litil sii.'n .>f liol.t". AliplRi-er f..i «' 1.. (.' t m Hiol r. I" H i';S. Soci.'ty. >I. .'o-. t 1 ndii , â- liloMt ruaKOKsblc terms. Ns( v.i-" ..i. \\ \\{\\\ \ i.i(JK.ssi;h, .\oT.\t;v I'fiu ii-. xMOiNKY to I.OAjN AT LOWKST 4 VKKKM KATK^ u 'I'owu or I'ttroi I'reiAi-ty, K DAO.I, OR. A Strange D*sappearauce. A few weeks anu a young man, who gave hia name a« PUiton, arrived at Munshaw's hotel, claiming to be a rep- Weut^tije of thf Ol^b* qews^per. He Sp«*('inl. It is with pleasBi'S that we aniiuUHCe t.i our many patrons that we have made ariamjeiuents with that wule awake, il- lustiatud farm ina({a/.iiie, tlio Ainerivan farmer, published at F.irt Wayne, liid., and read liy nearly 2(X),(KX) larmeii, 1y wiiidi that yreal publication will be mailed direct, FUEE, to the address, of .'Vny of our .sulwcriburs,wlio will come ill and pay up all arreaiaKu,* ..ii subscription and one year in advance from date, and to any new auhscribei, who will pay oua year in advance. This is a grand oppor- tunity to obtain a first-class farm .journal free. The American Fanner is a lir^a l(i-pai,'e journal, of natiaual circulation, which rank(i apiong the leading a.,'iicul- tural p:vp«r?- It treats the ipiestion of eei-iiomy in atriculture and the rijjhti aitd privileges of that vast body of oitir •/jMJs -Ainoricau farniersâ€" whose indus- try is the basia of all material and nation- al piospcrity. Its higlrest purpose i» tlie elevation, and entiahlingr u( Agriculture through, lb* Higher aud biwader educ»- tiuu.of111ei1.a41d w«D(eii- engaj^iid ia it« SALESMEN \Vfi:ity.l t*>r our it."i|)l.-le lino U Nl'lV^KUY STUCK Alliu'W, r)i..i.-,. ,i!i(l F.\.ST-SKItLlN(i srKCIAI.TIKS I en II ftini^Jh I'AYfffi PUSl- 'I'UlNHto workiTi*. My laii^u cxperietioA fn tht» btmnierts #niil>li^-4 11)9 to orTer Hiwciat uUvaii.ta^e« tt) hiuiiiii. ra. 1 f.VN MAKE A SlCCfc:SSKUli S.M.K.SMAN nf niiy ono \tho will fuMow iiiv iii- Ktiuctioii. pHniianuiit cTnitlovnerrt \Vat(OH liuiil each w*)fk. Itiitfll free. Apply ac &Ao« and hucuiu rlii-u'o uf ttTiitorv. i:»'.VARD l>. NKKLL^ Nut.civmaii, lliJ(;miSlKK,N Y. MU.STUIN TUIS I'Aflill. J A <'oinplctr Hi ohnstown' .1 I'oinplctc ffltKtory of t.b VALLKY V LOUD uniL>raolnt{ ivlKa. a liiKltiry of the floods ill WiUianitii'itrt, l-"i*k Hiiveii, Siinlmry. antl all tin; IUkxIuiI (iutrictt* in tliu Statu ot V*i\in*\\ Vftiiiu. ftlsit ill (liislitiiRt":!,ll. (' ,\cw Vui k. IMafy- lari<l, Virginia atiil WoHt Virffiiiiii. all of which I'titikA-d thu tuttkl losK of uvur U.tOO Uvt«H and the lioHtiuciiuu o( uviT #4l),OU0,W*0 winih t'f propurty ; U> UCO. T. FFKiti.S, A. M. Octav.i. 522 pages ; Il||lstral4-<1 with Forlity-CilEht Fiili-1>UK«^ Eiigrav- ill|;.S. I'riee $1.50. Kirst eilitiiui issued Aiikiusl lOtli. .Ve pay duty on all liooks. Agents Wanted. Semi 60 cts. for cemidete outfit. H. S. OOOllM'EEn ACo., New York. NOKTHEEN Re-Opena on Sept. 2nd for Ninth College Year. Mr. Wm. Karstedi, S'io/if ilni'iii. liiiikiiiiji-r iiiil /7.ii.'4'!'.'i MATKHIAL FUKNISHKD listiiiHitt i/inii j'l' .'. Oriiai.., iitol /'/ 1.' â- / iiiij n ^pri'liOty. doDCHfluu iloor sobtli of A'tvauce Offl «. Iv. J. bellaM Y TWP. ,,fcKHK AUTCMr SIA. ( vsyKYAS( •>;/;, vvmmis.<:o};ek IXSVlLiyrE ACT, dC DKKUS, MoU'r(l.\<li;8. l,l:;.\si:s, Ac. j>r«i'». I'll uii.l properly .-voiiited. lii'^uiaiico air«c . e.l ill ttrst-cltois companios. Mvnw to leti.J .1;. lowest rates. R. J. Sproule, â- pPSTM ASIT.R, Flesherton. (.'.immission ^ i\i ill 11. R., Licensed .Vuelioneer, Con veyancer. Appraiser and M.mey I.endt't-. heal Kstatii and lusurnnce .\cent. Peed.*, Mortkiajj'us, Leases and Wills drawu up au.f, Valuations made on slior'^'st iiotiuo. Auc tiou Saleii attende'l to in any psry if tho County. Money to loan at lowest rates oT- interest. C'elloctions iittcnd'ed to with promptness auil dospatcii. Cliarges l.iw Agent for the l>hraiiiion SteamsliijiCimiiiiiv Cheap tlckots from Flesherton to Liverpool. (ilasKow, li.iiidon or aiiv of th'< IJritisli I'orts. Parties intoiuHiii,' to visit Eugljiid, Scotland or Ireland, will p^taje ask rates b>> (ore pcTcbasiiig their tickets pl.-^ewbere. BU«NBS.S 1)EPABTME.*1> SH()RTHA'NI> A.NIl TYWSWmXlJiU I)l£l'AK;r.ME!Wi AS/* Ok- NAMR.MAL Dk.I>AKTMENT. . The niQuf complete and praciical College m Cana- da. Fof ABnnit.1 AnnounrcBiriitit (Iviug nili rare trularit address C- Ar Fleming, Principal. Ihib iliili Sarins, M \\ K.ICTUU:- .) IIT Butts & Pafd Dec. 1. 1885, tit, I'oarm ,1**?^,' Of Interest to every man. who uw.s a, Wayon or Carriaate. THIS ANTI-HATTl.KI! hS the BEST, neoausoitiH efTvctlvo, Hiiiip]i>, easily adjurttoil, durablo, Inexpan^iTe. Tbore are no projncttiiji (indH to tear the Bp^u^fu ur wash olutb. U tl^ii any iizeooapling. -FOR SALE ATâ€" 1 » t *- i » 1 r V r i i i1 ^' K f 1