Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Aug 1889, p. 4

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> / THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE >** I GEO. MITCHELL, BANKER, I'^LKSii »':it'ro:v. OKiFTii unUOHT AM) HOLD. ^ifxctill Attentwti paid to thi' riiHeitlDli Sn( "4 atui Ac(i/imU, Und Jour North Ki'Kar<i$(»i d Cut. The Local Itfe-mrs. M'imt IM HiipprniiiK in Our Own Vi«-initv. To (Liy 18 MHiUilale's civic holiday. Onill baits ctieup at the Fleshertoii W luUcii Mill Thcro »or« twu baplisiiia in the Bap. tut church on .Sabbnth last. (liuquet by laiiip-light is the popular gnioo in Fieahertnii. Mr. W. J. HDWHrcIbuilt last week an fiiurajoua cistern f'>t Mr Lucas, of MultUle. Mt. Wm (jalbraith an<< family re- 'uniud from iliL- western Statea last week VII I udl reiuaiii iiore. Wi; )iave ruceived i copy of fJlciielg Ajiricukural Society's prize list of the tall fair to be held at Markdale on Sept. ?<> and -'7. UiM. E UroM't], of Pricevillc, and her fathor, who hus been visiting in Scot- Itkiid diiriiii; the past nuiniiiHr, are on tb' ir journey home. The Ucvtre Hotil, Markdale, has .'luiigud hands, Mr. T. Jennings haviiif; >;ivun it u|i. A i^eiitleman from Colling- WH.d took posseaaioii on Tuesday. I^loiiherton and vicinity has been Ruf- f>i^i-<J with ptrspinlion durinj; the iires- .:nt week Let us sutfu."9 for two months III toitii- ere .John Krul miKufluselh iis. Mr. CE. Ncil.nierciianl of lYvirnliaiii, ius rt'movi'd the i.uiitints of his store ti' Maxwcli, whcr" lii' taken up ijuarters .11 the hlin]. l:iii ly o(cupu.-d by Joseph • 'an. .Xrloiiifsia Township fall .sli>w will be !ndd al I'rici'nllc on 'I'liuisday, Oct. ,'!. Thu prize list lias just heeii issued fnnii this oHice JaJi Urodii', Vaudeleur, see fiary. The Antliom sung by tliu Methodiat choir in the Flcsherton churcli on Sunday evaniuK hist was worthy of .special iiiuii- tion. It wan «,\ceudin^ly well rendered. Will you gutter with Dyspepsia and Liver Comiilttint { Shiloh's V'ltad/.er is guaranteed to euro you. For sale at the Medical Hall.. A comfortable house with one and a quarter acre lot (convenient to Fleahor- ton) to rent or fir sale on easy terms. Apply to W. H. Flesher, Flcsherton. Aug 27th, 188<.l. F'ishinjj stories are a (liin<; of the past. They have come to a tin-is for this season. All the tails which wu have chronicled during the jiast summer were hooked on the fly, and wu have not done a bit of line about tlieiu, either. The Meaford Monitor transplanted a lengthy editorial of our.i last week with- out giving credit. Not that wo care for ourselves, but we hate to liave its readers (TO away with the idea that the editor of the Monitor would write such nonsense, yim know ! AccordiDK tu despatches the American cutter bear is making thinus lively for Canadian scaling; vessels in licliring Sea. Slie bears down upon them, 'ares their hidden sealskins and bears away with them to Uuualaska. Those who liuvu barely time to escape do not forbear do- ing so. How can the Knglisli (iovorn- ment bear to aue this thing going on V Anionxall our exchanges last week, not one appears to have "dropped to the racket" of the C. I'. H. authorities iu lir- iiig the news company from its road. They one and all L'rave'y ajiplaud the move witlnjut dreaniing of the motive uiidetlyiii;; the philanthropic / act. The iie'.vs aijeut still operates, '.gentlemen, but liis nia-ter ha.4 been i hanged. He is as frisky as ever, too, and don t you hesi- tate to reincmljer the fact. The output of cheese from Fleshertoii iheoae factory for July was 21.000 lh» , f.V? which !> ct». waa the price rei'ei\ed Tlie same amount of ,lune cheese .s(dd for H{^ per Ih These were the highest pridja paid in Oniario for cheese. D F. Ferguson, lialsarn Valley, was a welcome visitor to our sanctum on Mon- day Ue reportl the wheat crop in that ncinity to be » failure, owing to ru»t. Vcaa are a good crop, oats fair, and bar- ley not very good. Rev. Mr. Kmes occupied his.nwo pul- pit here last Sal.lMith. He had been ab- »«)ut for two weeks in Sutton at what proved to be the death bed of hii father, who had lived l>eyoiiil the twilight age of tliroescore ami ten. The funeral took phaoo on Friday afternoon laat. Melai'Cthun (u-ople ate blowini; about Ihcir bigniust.ird. The Fjoiiomist tells of a slock of wild iiiuslarii eight feel long. Tim thing is indigenous tc, this township, or at least it 18 a scarce article, but none loo scarce. When we haven't ai'ything lH.'tler than mustard to brag about, wu will quit bragging. Markdale, iw a business pl.icD.does iioi â-  oiiut lor iiiiieh just st the prosjiit seasi.n of year. I'ariner.s are biny and have no tune to go t.> town From peisonid fbst-rvation .jo Tuesday we believe it to lie (piieler than Fle.sherton. Somu of lb" busiiies.s ineu iiifurmed na that they d > iioi ruiiiiMiibcr ever seeing it quite so dull aa it ha.s been Ihi.s siiiiimer. Tlie Itoetoii World now »»ya thai a Mr. Mncpherson, of rnescolt, '•made a flym!! visit to bis son's hut week." What's the iiiatl( i wiili I'leseoti that it o»n'l raise its own Ihos I .Now if it h-id boen a lishing visit there would Imve lieeli Home sense III the thill!,' I'ossiblv, liowever, it is only the Worlil's delicule way of muking the tact known that .Mr. Mao doo.s not use woriiu for bait 1 •Some men try adyertiaing aa the •ndiaii trred fwatliers. He lo.ik one feather, lutd it on a hoar.l and di^pt <'n it all iiiijhi. In the mnriiinu he rt>iiii^rked : '-'Whito man say featheru heap s(((t, white niMii fo<d." Some hnsinoaa man invest 8o or OOoenta in advertising, and then lliej do not realise a great in- •reaae of business the/ declare that «4T»i}iaiii j dual nn^ |>ay,. - Bx. More Honej'. Another larye quantity of honey has been left at thi.s oHice for sale. Twelve cent.? a pound in small quantities. .\ re- duction Mill be made on 2o lbs. and over. Notice to Faruier.s. Special reductions in to fanners for threshings, or when puicha.sed in large >|uaiitities. We kill to live, and furnish lirst class nieat.s at cheap price.s. I'etch A .Mitchell. Read llio Now.spiiporB. Shark*, Hwindlers, conlideuca opera- tors, and the general fraternity of fakirs, find out people who duu t take or read the local newspapers and Heeco them ijuite easily, but the man who keeps posted on current everyday happenings is forewarned .ilid prepared to boniite them unceronioniously, and save him.'telf from Uting.Tictiini7.ed. Paased. The Misses Lii^.ie and Annie Uichard- son were both successful in passing the recent oxaintnations for third-class teach- ers. There was some error on the part of the examiners, and word wa.s not re ceived of their succeHs until Friday last. Wo heartily congratulate the young ladies. Not to Fiiaino. A meeting of Liberal Conservatives of ward No. 2, Arteniesia, was heh! last Week, .\ftlier a thorou;4h disoufsion of matters now exoreisins,' the country a resolution w;is unaniiiMUsly carried to the elfe t, however diep the iiieutiiig nii',dit regret inioqioiutioji (>f thn Jesuits, the T)oiniiiioii (bivernment was not to blaiini thoiefoie, or those who wore elected t 1 .support the govriiinieiit, for the aetiwi they took in the matter. Ill llin M.'ittfM' of Schools. From the ii'poi I ,.f Sc4«iol Inspector Campbell as suUnittiul) to the last nioeiing of County Council wo '/lean tlie following with reference to si hi«)I» m tins vicinity : ''('cuisidering the iiiiin- ber of pupils III Attendance, the school house in No. 7 Osprey is about the worst in the County. XipI (Uily is the room too Miiall, am; ceil- in- too low, I. Ill the walls, furniture, etc. , appear dirly ami foil,i,ldJ||^, in thn ex- tieme. Fvi^ihii.u' ^ibont the .scho.d in- dicates iiidillereiice to the eomiort of the pupils. Akhough not wisliiii!; to 1)b ar- bitrary, I must, as ill duty hound, insist j on some radical rliaiigu in the a|ipearance I ao.l dimensions of schools so naglected. Several other scho.ol houses arp .so bad that in my opinion it is. money thrown away to repair them among the worst of these are No. 1 Arteiuesia, and. No. « Kgreinont. 1 was, however, notitiud that the ralppayera of the f had authorized tltf Tr^aleea to e^«ct a .new brick building, not to more than §2,500. I have not yet lieanl Iroin the Trustees of No. 8 Egreniont, what they intend to do by way of iiuproveineiit." Personal Mention. Miss Annie Mctluire, of Quebec, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Kingston. Miss Jvaty McTaviah, of Syracuse, was visiting at Mr. D. McTavish's last weak, Mrs. t:.F. Ste\vart, of Gait, is yisiting at Mr. (ieii. Stewart's. W. K. Flesher, Eaii., returned to Eng- land on Monday last. Mrs. D. Muiiroe, Detroit, and Miss Frank Wright, Chicago, returned home on Saturday last. Mis.s Laura lloland, of Durham, was a guest of M. Richardson, Esq. , fur a few days during the past week. Mr. (ieo. Anderson returned to the Northwest on Wedi>esday of last week. Mrs. D, Blair ia visiting friends in Wiart(jii. J. W, Hciiden)<>n, Esip, is rusticating with his family in Fleshertoii for n w«ek or so. Jlr.M.F. Madden, of Chicago, who been vi.-,itiiig relatives in the vicinity of -Maxwell, returned home on Monday. Miss M..\. Madden accompanied him. Mrs. Will. J. Varley and daughter Ella, of Eng)ewood,New Jersey, also son Hieliard, of .fersey City, are visiting at hor brother's, Mr. Win. Wilcox's, near Flesherton. They had not seen each other for itlii/osl twunty years. Local Drift. Willie taking a walk around the rill.ige the other day wo were pleased to note the large amount of iniproveniont which has been done iluring the past sjiring and summer. .New .sidewalks have been laid down, crossings made, drai;i» dug and trees planted. If the stniu amount of improvement is done each year it will not be long until our town will be sufliciently handsoino ti^ }<l«cis iu a gla.>i» csm». Speaking i')i'' hidewalks, though, there is one which is .somewhat of .an eyesore to us. Wc refer to the one lately placed from the street up to the sclioid grounds. It is crooked. .-Xt whose door this fault lies we do not know but we do know that it is a blemish which could easily be rectilied, and ought tu he. Since the lato iuiproveineiitH upon our school grounds tliey are the geinual admiration of the public. The grounds have been nicely terraced and sodded, ,-.nd semi-circular walks placed from the new turnstile. The Ir'leshertoii school and groiinils are now n^ittcd to bo the liliest ill the county outside of Owen Sound. When a few iitore minor iin- lU'ovemeiits have been ninde, .such as planting more trees and shrubs, straight- ening of the warped sidewalks, and terr.acing the northern slope, it will be a place of beauty and a "joy forever." There is nothiir.' like symmetry around an educational irstabliHliineiit. It is the place where the yoiing idea expands, ami the surroumlings constitute a portion of the eurricuhiin, as well as the .\, B. C, geography, gramnier and other studies. Let nothing be out of pro[>ortion or deformed around the.schoid grounds. It is riinioreil that seiiio of our sportive eharacti-. intend |ilacing a eouide r>f boats iip.ui Flesher's pond. Could not siuuithing bo done towards cleaning out that pretty sheet of water, such as le- inoviii^ Htumps, etc. It might be made a very plens»ut place of resort. SleeploK.M night.*, nMviK miseiahhi by that terrible cough. Hlii>idrs Cure n the Remedy for ) oil. Tor salo at the .Medi- cal Hall. A Now Book. rhou'.;h ihu.lohiistou'ii disaster occurred more tluii two monthfr since, the int»rest of the public in so remarkable an eveut has not eeasiMl to be active. H. S. Uooil. .ipcrcij it Co. «if New York, liiivo just is- sued a Very ioin|ileto and richly pictorinf histoiy of the event, which is a work of the deepest interest and power. No rca«J- er will care to lay ,isiihi this thrilling narrative unriiiitihed. In the wiuid'sjlior- rible records of evil wrought by tlus iin- laiiied forces of nature, few cataslr.iphes have been more lieiiit sickening. I'he fearful loss of life, the vast waste «<f pioiMirly, (he great interriiptiiui of* luisi- iii!ss, destroying the complex machinery which fed .so many thousands and con- tributed to tho interests of the wh(de 1and,ttio bard to match. Death and ruin take a thousan^l shapes, but rarely have they assumed a guise so horrible as that in which they rushed down lui the pepple t>f Ouneniaugh Valley, Tho record cannot fail to be uf perennial interest.antl to flUjr the. li^irts ofall wlio read it for the next generatiini to C4iiiiu, for such a catastrophe, inurcifully, cornea but once in a century, if so often. Enough time has now elapsed to enable the proper veritication of the facts to be iiiadr, and a careful and studied statement to be given to tho public worthy of so startling a subject. \\\y hurried and hup-hiu'ard narrative of an event which stands .so unique in our history, is far from doing it even partial justice. The author has given U8 in this book a record both vig- orous and accurate, and every reader sh(>uld have the work in his hands. The book is an octavo haudsnmely printed and bound, and contaiiLs 522 pages, em- belished with forty-nine fine full jiage il- lustrations. ,-\geiits wanted. H. .S. • ioodspeed & Co. pay all the duty. ilUdiciil. DR. CARTi'^R. ^r.c.i'. .ts., O.ST. IA\. sii{<;eox. &.-, FLESMEllTOX. OC&co, StraiTi a block, liesiilence, J.(l. i;;:'-.e: ;• That liackiiie coii-.'h can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's l!'iiiv. Wo guaranteu it. For sale at the Medical Hall. Get Married. Every newly married couple may have The Advance aa a wedding present free for six months, iip<in fuuisbiiig satis- factory evidence of the marriage. This is a standing otl'er and apiihcntioii be made six months fri/ni date of mar- riage J. a.ftutton, \r.t).d.Nf. Memlnn- of tlu.- Collciio of Physiciiim aa SurKuou'^, Outario. Kritjiiilo at otficc.ono iloor east of(iiior';i9tor or AtUiiiHuii'ri Hctel. PH'-rvillf. Nov. 10. IW-^. DRS. SPDULE: & EGO. MAHKIJALK n.NT. OJll«'«' :-JliiiiU'y'.s DriiK Sl«»r«'. T..S. SrilOULi;.M.D.,Htr. AN«l S K(iO..M Li ..i .•- late of roltonliiiie. (':.t Dr.Kdr) vill be fo.iiiiliaMii.rk'lHlell..M..i- .it \i\-^\--, "I.P.OTTEWELL, vi:rKRi.N,\uv SI k;,i:(.in. (jraduate of Ontario \ et. I'olle'j.-. RF.siUK.N<'l-: ON coLi.i.swiuoni) ^Tirv.i r .•il-\lh Iioor I-:Kst cif I'rt-st,. r.riiiii rhtiull, FLESH ERTON. Fo, dv-spepsia and liver complaint you have a printed "uaraiileo on iivery liotth; of Shiloh's vitnli/.er. It never fails to cure For sale at the Medical Hall. iNKW .\I)VERTISKMK.NT8 J A Coniplctc History f the ^ I and (â- |^M;^i.vHjH ohnstown k7;<!-od euibrnciiie al«o, s lii-^tory r.f tlin tl-'od* 1 in \\ illiarii'-r'trt. I.oeU Hiivpti. Sonbiii y. nii't hH till' Ilor..h;ii disti ictH ill tliij State t.r' I'eiin-^yl- | Miiiid. Hlbx in tia»*iiinf^tun.I) C .^<?^Y \'ii:k. Mary- I land, \ uKiiiia aii'l West Viivjiltia, all of wblcil raii<;efl tliM total loss of over I f.fmo lives mill llie "lectnii-tioli of ovtr »«.0llO.ixi<j w.iitll of l'ro,.i,rt) ; Ky HEO. T. FEKKl.S, A. M. \ Uclavo. 5'.32 pug, s ; llliistral<Ml Willi I FonilK.V'KiKlit FhII-I*:iu:o Kiisrav- i illX!*' f'rice fl.50. edition issued I .Viinust 10th. A'e pay duty ou all touk.s. j Aiji'iiti* Wanted. Send 50 ets. for j comnlete initlit. i H. S.GOOnSI'KKD.'i- Co., New Vork. Owen Sound K(*-O|»oiis MtHKlay. .An;;. 'iUlli. Tlie Best Equipped School in the Province. A Staff of Seven Specialists. RECORD^ 1889. AM.tlio imjiilfl of the Iimtitutf, who ttimi tho l' III verm ty Kxftiiiiimtiun. wi?re succeaHfiil. Six tiiatnciilatetl, uiio taktii^ hoiiiTH it) uvvrv DcpartHifnt, T>ie caiulidttttja f nmi thia hcIuhjI at tilt) Ut'partmvntttI tI-\AtiiinatioiH rooeivt'tl u. lar^'Hr nitiuber of TetvchorM' ( Vrtifioatett th«n <lic) tlinHu I'f anv nther Bohool in the rrovtne«. hix rt'ieivttii iirst clant* ; thirty-two, titcoiitl diis* ; ami forty-^'ix, third claBs. At tho .\vt SclKM.l KxamiuntioM* the Stiulfntu of tho Institiito i'btiMiHnt tiirt't' hiii)ilre4l iirotltiency L'LTtiflcatoB- thu laj'iiiMt ntiiiibur r«cutveil by the I'lip-l-* i>l tt- y one itmtituto. Two yupilBtritd the rriimiry Kxaiuination uf the l^aw Scciotv and "lU'oeeaod. Koi mi thcr Information apply to F. W. Merchant, rKINC'II'AI*, D.R. Dobie» SKC. OK KOAHl). NOETHBEN BdsieessQuebf. Re-0peu8 ou Etept. 2nd for Ninth College Year. HcslNKSS l»KPMirM!:ST, Su.iRni.\SH l.NU 'L'VI'KWIUTIMI DKI'AUTMKNr, .\N1J Oll- .\ AM K.MAI. T'Kl',4RT.MENr. Tht' fii*>st fotnplele and jiniciicdl Co/U'oc in. Ciinii {Id. For iiiiiiinl AiiiioiiiimiH'nts Kiviuu full rariiciilars ad«lr«vss C. A. Pbmiug, I'nncipal. Hub Thill >Sj>riiig M.VN-lTACTUllKIl 1!Y Uiitts \ Pafd Dec. .. ,835. Uv, tVa.'Jr'IS' Of Interest So every man who uses a NVa>;oii or (..'arriaye, THIS AN'I'l-lbV'ITLKR fS the HK.ST, Ilocaimeitis effuctiv.., simple, cahily a.huKte.l cluraliki, imi.xpoiisivi'. I'liui-., m-u no i.iojeetini; Biidstotiiar tlin Bpongn or w.ish elo'tli It fltS any sue coupliug, â€" FORS.VLE AT- t'.. Jfutistvu. DENTIST m' Dr. Thomas Hsnderscn. si;hi;i;(jn uiiNrisr dold MflalU iiiul lluiu.r (,',w. /,,.,/.• ..t A'.C./A.V.. Will Ti->t FLKSHKKTON, illiii .-lui» .â- < Hot. ,• l aiul -iv^I raeU iiututli. Tt cth HXtnitif.l. iij.cit e.l lin<l rtlk-il I'll tlie llii;ll.:.-.t >tyll;i of till- un. at mi *Terate rate'!. Jfrui Ori'icF, ytl YoNfin St .Tc u. \ ro. J7p~ MUlSiliiili, L. W. S.. I»1:.\TIST. Visits M.irkdale th- I ,f ;ii,d VvA djfy ofejri. Illolltll. F'lcshertou each trio ou thed.iv foi'n.viiej J. w. Fimsr^ lidl'vistir, Siditiloi-. Coiinifu !.*:<•.<, Flkshkuton- (liKii ;:. .NKM- I'o^T (iikii i:, SfllofLK's lU-lI.MN':, OS fui l;M>A>.s. OWIIN SOUND Ofr'li â- :. Kuovrs ll;-c; P. McCULLODGH, 11(1 rri.stcf. So/ici/or, ,Sr. OiHri-r ov«'T .Mt-Fai'laiiit's .Store illurkduli'. .Iluiicy tw Loan. John Wi Arcnsirorigi FUiMllEIlTON, Co. OllEV. fvivisioN- coiliT fi.KltK. costuitisri);.!; •"i T. H. U., Oonvivvuiicer, .Vc .Vkudi loi puieli sell sale of laiulii. Ain'iHivnr fur (' I, (V c i ni fti!rt I'. V. H. .% S. Ssciity. .Money 10 l,o«.n on most rea.HOUub)u terio.-i. I sset;li uf .MAiUtlA L1CK.V8ES. N(>I\1;Y I' MONKY TO LOAM. AT < IKKK.M KATK.S u Tuwn or Fttiai I'rop.jity. S. LIAMIKK, Klesbarton. lie. Mr. Wm. Karstedt, Sume MdMni, lirirkhiijer ami I'laM'-ifr. MATEiU.\L I'lIUNlSHKD E^timiitf.i i/i'iv/i ('/â- ,â- (•. I)nianiriif-d Phstfr- iaij a •'^/jfi'iiiltu. iltne* e:ie .loor south of V.iv,»n«e Uiffico. VV. J. BKLI.AMY ^ TW'I'. Cr.FRK Aini.MI iU. ((KSTL'Y.IXCKH, (VMM I .>70iN'.fy,', Y.VSr/.'.IAfi-.' .!(, "/ iC rvlll-.Ii-^. MiiiiKi \(i|.;s. I.KA^I .to., prepir â- '-' e.l Hiol i.|..l'ell> e\ecmeil. : iranuo allec pil iM ni-Mt-ihi-j toiiHiauies. M. ,â-  to leaj «t low-.t-t rates Kl. j. Sprr I^'KK, KU'sliiTlo *- er in H. H., l.iceniiil A veyaneer, Appraiser an. I N Ueal Kstatu and Inhuraiice .Nlortyaijew, Leases and Wil' A'ahiations nia.le on slior'" tion Sales allriided to in t'u'.iiit.v. Moiipy to loan interest. Collection.s iU promptness luul despiiici .4gent for the Dominion .SI (.'lieap ticket-i fiom Flesle (llasgow, London or a- I'orts, I'artic.'s intend'i Scotland or Ireland, uil fore lU'TCh'sini; their tie House and L 'or Sale. oiuniisiiiuu loneer, Cuii lo/ Lender. â- nt. Deeds, rawn iip am J lotiiu'. Aiic . pary ef ttin •west r.ite.s of â- !d to with 'harges |.iw. hipCoiupMiy . to Ijivet-pool. the l!rili.Siii vinit Kuglaiid, J ask ratfs be Isewhere. • If I tttt (ruit. tvi' .VIliliiniliBt t'hu ofTeiod for haI anil rooniv. il yfinl, H|ilen(1ifl s, etc. This i' , S.VANUL'SKN, noH.V -, •puosita til* sbttrtuii. IS iioif house ii l(kit;4 -ocxl stabls «n(J t tb* preuiMS, >arg«lu Aypljp > i

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