FLESHERTON ADVANCE. tf T'n r rr, TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRIjXClPLES, J\01 ME^." 70L. VTII,, NO 426. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1889. W. H.THURSTON, -""'lllL^^,^ ^iuii 5l «i ^ wt ^1 « 1 u Clocks, • Jewelry. Your Own Interesstss by b lyius y^lll• Watuhes.CUii'ks. Inwalry Spac- 't.i hi-ai I SiWui'.v,iri!. lit Russell's I\Ioted J EWELRY ^TORE, FLESHERTON. lu watcUu" we liiivo ft varv laryu stock of Klgin. Walthaiii, Illinois Sprm(jfteld, Coliimbuit and SwiMH LrtSVflrM. in LildidS" and Gents' si/.os. (iiJia, Silvur and Silver ore cases. HrooehOH and Har- uins, o( tli«i latest dusign. Fluo (iold and UoUed (liild Karinu^.Onil Knttons, Charms. (Uains.and beautiful stock of Ladies' lioui Eneawomeii Ilinss. A full suiiiilv of in K. NVeddinu- Itiiii;'' al- ways on hand. .\ls6 a lar«e and well-asaorted Htiitk of bilvcrwaro and Spectacles at very low iirices, and reiiiembei" tile place to ant your Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, etc, repaired is at Rl'SSELL'S. FLEiillERTOK- All work personally attended to by JO. Russell _!_ IJ. J^ AU V A JN (j £j, I'ecL'iit uUcrauce, gave voice to what I is probably accepted by fwo-thirda of Is published Every ''JT'hu.rscla.y, Fbom thb Offick, Sydenham Street, â- â- Flesherton, Ont. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : *I per annum when paid strictly in advancfl $1.50 per annum when not so paid. ADVKHTIHING HATES. One column. 1 year, ?,'iO ; half col., do., S3"; ' Yjuarter col. do., i*!.*). thfi real and only criminals. They I people of Owen Sound will t'tel piomi it waa who formed the Act. and it is ' o' 'â- li« delectable manner lu -.vhirh they alone who are res)iousible lor its ! '^^y have been dished up fji :li.' vii^orous life today. Principal Graut, j a'^Hsemem of the people of r.iii:i'l.i. of Queen's University, Kingston, iu a i I Thi; Hale of luedi'.'iiK-s :br .IIil'i: purposes calls for suppression ami w an; pleased to see the College o! i'liu, mucy moving in the matter, Thiit ;;, columns of family newspapers ai. [n,\ 1 luted with indecent advertisement'^ r this character is a blot on Journ-.i ism,â€" 13eeton World. Right you av mutter how biul they miyiit eonsidor the ineas- j brother, and tilis paper hai ref';-;i ure or huwotTentrtve itM preamble, you can seel ., ^ i i . , how thi, would be, partiouiariy with members ( â„¢<""« ^^^^'^ ""« 0' "^a* deSDnptlOU .iu from tile smaller provincos. These could not iug the past dUIUtUer. be expected to cut a rod that might be applied j , I the people as the most reasonable I conclusion as to the motives uiideriy- I iug the act of the 138 when voting for j allowance, in the following words : Some rouHidered the Avt intra vires of the i province, and iu such case Uiuir theory of pro" vlnciai r^htu fofced them tu leave it alone. No Tiausi.MitadvuniKenionts charged ut the ratn next time to their own backs. Ontario, too, of Sets, per lino for flrwt insertion ami Jets, per though bin enough to take care of itself, haa also line each suhseqaent inscrti.m. ^„„ particularly zealous of its proviiiciai I W. H- THURSTON, ! rlghta. Other merabem who believe that intra i ft»j-*_ J D I virofl actsmay bo vet^jed, if opposed to the geu- I JSdxtor and Froprielur. | „^^j i,,terestsof Cana.la, miuht suiely believe I â€" also that to tcto this baA Act would bo still more aj^niiist thi^ general interest. Booietiiiies WHERE THE CHIPS SHOULD you may he shut niit<iHobson'3rii«iceâ€" bad to 1 FAT T leave this .^ct on the statute book, you say. but worse to veto it. Therefore, on grounds of pru- I I deuce, let it alone. 'This is the argument irom ; Since the distinct refusal of expediency,' you may say , that word does not I /. ^i. 1 L â- A. e i.1 I friuhteii me. Surelv it is better to Jo what is ' Governor Stanley to interfere in the ' ONE PRICE axi'tHliuiit thaa what is iuuxpediuiit. It buuiuh CASH STORE. matter of the Jesuit's Estate Bill, a ! to me, therefore, a i^reat mistake to bruatlie out : noticeable lull has been apparent over ! '"'*'r''"'""*'" "'","«"'"â- ; »«'""'" '"^ """ 'â- ""â- I ^ '. I dr«<l and eiffhty-eight. Its worse than a uiis- { the troubled political waters of this | take , it s wronij. some of those men voted ! province. The people have stopped I "â- "''''""""*"""""*'>'"""""'"«"'' """^''"â- '~"' . i Not a few of lUem, certainly, deserve belter o( talking, and have commenced think- i the country tUan two or three ol the thirteen j »^ig ort * larpef s^ate than tliey ded **>" '"'«'>"'<"»*'"'"i- previous to lii<e refusftU Th« Severe What, then, in the face of all tlie' facts, would be the better course for iDvtcE TO MoTHEn.â€" Are you luiturbod niijlit and broken uf your rest oy a hiiI, < ij sutfcrinijTtnd crving with pain of Cutti ug Teei If so send at once and get a bottle ' Mr». V, slows Sootliiui; byrup lor Ctaildran Teetlii Its value is incalculable. It will relieve tin. n little sulTerer ituinediately Depend upon mothers; there no mistake about it It <'i Dysonteiv and Oiarrbu.-a.r«>KulstH thaStuiii ami llowelK. cures Wind Cuiictfgi^ena the (i, reduces Inflainntion. aud girns tooe and nn, to the whole sistein. 'Mre. Wlnstuw'e SckHI Uyrup' for childi'un teething la pttwant to tai^te aud t» the prescri^ttou of Qnuoi the oj anil best female physicians and uuTBes in L" lilted Status, and is for sale by all 'iiii tliroiighuutt the world. Price twantr-livo ir bottle. Be sure aud aait lur "UlMl. Wl.'.nl SvuL'i-," and tiJie no other kimj. THE MARKET FLESHERTON. Carefully Corrected Each H rebuke administered to the doughty deputation has been accepted by ' many of those whose sympathies hai I been drawn towards the agitation, aud i ev«a those who were somewhat unde- us to pursue ? Is it to fight with all the vigor at our command the mem- ber* who wore given "Hobsoa's choice," and chose what they believed to be the least evil of the two ; kill them politically, and give them no As tall is approaching the topic tor conversation is where can we get the m I a a t ! cided in their views, as being appli- SdSt VSLIUS ^Or th.e LOSlSt MOllGy Icable to themselves, as wen as to the i individual members of the deputatiou, j opportunity to rediess the error (if it We cannot do without the necessary woollens to keep us ] and the result is that a reaction, to a [was au eirori •? Oris it to return warm durin< the long winter months. j certain degree, has set in. When I them with the better knowledge of ^_^_^___^«__â€" â€" â€" ' ^^^ '''^'^ authority as tliA Governor our desires inej gUiuJs upon them, our' ^ gw I General proclaims th<s aet as itklru \ deep averbjiiMa W the advauees of this Jg WrTll<RIi< VjAiN WJCi VTV/? -L -Tl t-^-L^ ? ^ ' vires of the Province of Quebec clam- I occlesiatical hydra, and deeper conTJc- I I orers hesitate, and those who were j tiou of the necessity of a firmer stand 'TK*^^^SH STORE offers vou a hee inspection of theiri*""' ^" «'"=>^'-« '^««P ^^'^'^'^^ '^"'i iukjbe;ogtak.;i against Roman aggression. * "'^ ^ K\m \ lot of flannels now '''"^""*^'^*^ '''*'''' *''® â- ^^*""'"'"" ^°^'"""' 1""'^^^'^"''' '^^^ ^*^^ without doubt Flour Kail Wheat Spring Wk Hart»y Oats Peas HutUr Kkks, freeb Potatos buab Pork Hay per ton Hides Sheepskina (ieese Turkeys CliickeuH par pair.. Uucksp«rlb Wool 'J6 OS HI 14 K ir, A Ui 90U 3 m ft . . 1 SICHS a Bli Sei' stock in all lines of WOOLLE on hand. A New Department. We hsve just opened a choice lot of GL.\SSW.'\.RE, L.-^MPS, etc ,see our prices. Special lines in Men's Long Boots in the fall. Highest cash price paid for butter and eggs. Mcdonald & evans, Wright's Old Stand. Pumps! Pumps! I mem could well do otherwiso that to [ acquired during the past few months '' allow the Dill to become law, when it I We feel satistied that the great is known that the Legislature of ^ majority will agree with us in our Quebec would have persisted in their couclusion that the latter is the only I demand, aud liave probably precipita- : proper line to follow in the great ted a tacc war in that province, the I majority of cases. gr.ayity of which could not be fore-; - n «i« . . CROCKERY' I toU. Qa«bec is by a large majority l The itinerant threshing machine ; Roman Catholic aud is iu a position j n^w goes from hum to huni. j to force such a demand as that which ' ' was made, or "smash" the govern moil t which refuses her reijuest. This is a sad fact, but it is true, and the I remedy will never be applied until ; both or all of our political parties are prepared to place themselves as one : man upon the sacrificial altar, and : tl>at, it thus turns upon its pursuers '' I even that would be no lasting remedy i J while Quebec holds the bal.ance of lu its issue of Saturday I.-vst the power. Toronto (ilobe gave an illustrated I Tho conclusion to which all must ] description of the town of Owen , arrive who have considered this mat- i Sound, As an advertisouient the 1 ter thoroughly is that the present and lutterpress is uU that oould be de- past sgitatiou has been fruitful of aired, but a proportion of the illustra- I much good, however meagre the re- : lions ;ire rank libels upon the place I turns appear at pifsent. It has also j and people. The large cut giving The Toronto tHobe is at present busily engaged iu calling its cou- tomnoraries liars. It applies the epithet to the Empire aud another "whoso name has escaped ns." Is tlio Globe being driven into a corner, | I wouM not be ubie to h I : share uf Lire; Co. traiioai. I 0:1 Reliable watclin,s in Gold, filled { and Coin-sil^ cases. LaJies' and G-eiitii' £i/i. Waluut and Niokle [ nm re|ireMuuted by X I wiiU lj< ;. backed u|i by niiable warnnit iioiuen iti CuiitrHl Grey, than ,1 doing liiz. IU this section. n piieea ire not 'bnd r )cli â- QUALITY Consider able iiiiniwood, lieiiihjck and ceiia^. S]il,Midi<l soil. 14 miles ftdiM tlH' beautiful village uf Kiliiberlcy in Qufcu's Vallev wlicro there av,.- millH, stores, post ofBco and chmxli. and 11 miles Ironi Plesli- erton o" the C, I'. K, whoretlu-ro is 11 suluudid ket for all Uiuds of pr;idiiee, stock, luiiibcr DiarK JJ'AKM FOK SALE C'HKAP, AND ON KASV . terms, lot 7, con. 2, township of Kuphraslfi containing 'joo acres 'Phis is a splendid vain- 1 painfullv emphasized tlio fact that HO 1 wliat is uuriiorted ;o be a view of the able timl'er farm. Well timbered with inived r . t | r i great disease can be cured in a day, ' town from Sniders Hill is uiirecog- 110 inattcr how strong the physic ap- ] nizable to old natives of the pluce, plied. The matter will assuredly be ' The cut of Mayor MoitLsoii leiniiids righted, bsit it requires time. When one of the ghost of a Comaiiulie ludi- thc other provinces become more ' an, imini.s paint and foathei'i*. and a great sorrow ii))pe;irs to ho weighing have beoome comparatively â- weaker, him down, judging by the length of The great question, however, that ; faon fiom stem to stern. It the Uors OS an cii is now being asked, is, what party is 'weight of grief does not culminate vehiclob for . , the most to blame for the state of af- when Mr, Morrison views lii.s "re- fairs existing with reference to tlie ^ mains" as given iu Saturday's Globe First clnsfi 1 J, McGulloush. »r 111, 1 and tHTiDer. a. . . iMarKUalC, 1 aud real estate auent, Vloshertoii. imi:iu;,.icuturcr of r-i'iiP". dtsiros ',1 inform the : FlSSllSrtOIl LlVCrV Uw2.DiSS. populous and powerful. Qucboc wi public r hat ho i« luerared to furnish puinjis for I Deep wells, gravel wells, etc. ' »• ♦'"^^^TOX, Proprietor. Hrtics wbo havij bcrotuforc iiivildifficnliy with tteir wells are Guaranteed Satisfaction by using my articles. I leatned loy business »'itli the late .1. I'ear.of Menford. thes.ii'oriority of whose pumps was a boufebold word iu Grey a few years auo. fie s.ire an 1 call oa mo it ytju ijesjro anyth'uy 10 the iiuirii'liut. J, SJ[i-('HllonKh 'VvT) \ h i r a oKso I) ft b iltOfl. sinblefi op- "Hit c Mnn j^ -iiuw'H hotel. \\ ^v«cial at- ntion paicj ' V (Miur-, lal buKinc»B Jesuits' Estates Bill? In our csLi- 1 we fail to couneot in our suiiuisos. mation each questioners have not far The other illustrations are fair tomid- I to search for the answer. Mercier's i dling, some of ihum good. Taken as Reforip. (jgv(?rnment of Quebec are a whole, liowever, we do not think the C^^SH- or C'tJ «'ill poHilivily do ijelier h Goods, Work Warrants 4'on>i'-l tlian you can do elson here, ually lilted. Work Carefally D' Fair Clu Stoi'l; now ouinplnle in i'! 1 Can save y to $3.00 watche Other lines will be hel 1 en live iiiKighig. W.A. BRO Jeweler aD M.VRKD.\r,K, Ont. â- -^-fL 6