THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ''*r% ^â- i^r\j';flfif^-9?ftAm.?^^^^ THE BRANTFORD LIGHT STEEL B/HDLR! Over Four Tliuiisuiid Sold in Season IHHH. Uviue More Tliuii llair or all Oilier ItiudtTM iiiailc in Canada, t iforf l'ln'•iIl^• their lu't^rs (â- ! :^v"^ \v r"' )"<-tflillif riMMicvt tl^.' fftriiuT'^ to .-I <'itr«(lilly uimiili.'! llm â- M(i.;liiri.>i. " mid (iiitlifiiliv iHlipaii! »itll iilllijr>i Mt\ Kti.iiiiri' "I >..ui ii.inlil...r> wlu< !iumi ini'd '-Hranlforil MuuLiims' mnUct tliair oi>iiii.jn of â- ..t ir wiTkini; and lu^l:r.l; g,.aim«-H It vu;i will *.ill.,w til., a'.iv.-'.'. yo'i will I..' c.mviiii'fd of IIu'sh two laiU: i-\ •â- liriihtf.ird MH.:ti»ii.»« aii' iH.>>(i„s(.d of more iliii>rov..'iiifiitK Hlid art- !iett«r made Dtnu uuv ' '.lor (tin i'lJ- JuJ. â- Hruiitfor-l Mil' luij'h' Rrt' inur«- |>o]MiUr, j,'iv<' butter hatisfutti*!!!. unJ uro ukto li ualjli; t .hi. III. \ ottiur iiittcliifu ill ('una !a. •ni<Tft..r.> l«t <.iv„ v.-irnrrli-r i;^l(I.V fori ltr» liliidiT i\nd ^fowcr .i:J. AioJ .\uu will 1».' »iii.. to i.,. inTtiTtlv fatlsBed with thu lniiidiioo xoii i,'L.t. THOS. A. BLAKELY, 1 i,i;siii;i;t().\. riear<rs Carriages Works. MANIFArTtliKK (<V : Ca iridoc.s. iiiioo-i/?,ii, ]l"(foons, S/rii;/is. ('((Iters, <\i--, <ic. S!..ial .\tUntMM -iv.-n t . 1'AINHM;. TKlM.MI.Nf;, IK iKSK SHdKI Nc; an<l ;il l;iiiil» .if jor. \Vil|{K N.illiui.- liiit rni-t,-rl;i-s in.iinniil iisnl llirouolinut .1I1U ;:ill.vfii. ti'.ii ;; iiitii'l. \\ <â- liiive t'lr biilu -Tj|iit»1>«^i", I^:ii1i nii<I Sliiii{>fl«'s. A- â- Au''rit f. ir IliLh .s liMllrri, M..». 1 1 .-iii'l lliinl. i>. I'li-U's CuainiiiuM. ICval Kob !'. 'V. ( IriiioLT ;iii'l .'^l^iii'l.iiil ri.'w.s. Ta.. ,-iiiil 'I'liiiT Kuiiow (lanu IMnws. H >r..o I'.iwcT.t 1'. 11- 4 H'.rsofl, Strnv Cati.i h, S.-ulllr|-s aiul 'ruiiii]i l>iills. .nniMi. iijc.iith, nur/Kiiii sirifi. rirsin,tf>i. FLESHERTON STOVE EMPORIUM .\ liiu'.- " ..Hi:. .1.1 . f r-T(.Vi;s. ... ...i.t.. S-| 1 .\ 1 |.| KNISllINCiH, 'IT- V. M;l I (il'I'l r.W M:l 1, Wll' (.iKHIS .!tr ,. .tlistaull. ...| hiiri.i i:\ iriiiui (;niN(; a srj:ii .M.ITV Strain's old Stand Â¥. G. Kjirstedt, ^"â- f-'C.^.r.r.' FLOOR, FLOUR, STONE FLOUR !•* prepari'il to tlo ymr (triNtiue on sliort iioticfi «nil IfriiirlHon the oh\ tormn of •very tw«Uih I uiili<'l. Sfveo ctuiH |>i)r htiii of tw>> buHlioU fur I hoppint{ doiiMuvury day The Litlli Mi if t;»; in tl.e uKtiinttiati nf tlm puMic. HAtiKfuciiou Uuarantcu*! P LOUCKS.rroprioior. Good b(*b)inK for hjmtfa. BLACKBURN'S i.s ilie jjldcf /ur choice ^o(jiis and Uiir pria't, Cuuice Holler l».)oiir, Itrmi •iij Bhort.H, ftl nMJCtiottoiri ]>rli:etf. ^'ur«4] M«.«t!.. Hf>Jo(*uii«. MiKHfl ♦iirfl f^rA, I'lirn prtiuArftd C.'txa. i/(iicr*i liMoittutnt of oaSDed gooda t Hole* HOKBT. CONKECTIONEKYof hII kiiide. ICF CUKAM kUd coollut! luuimol ijTii>li» C'holco Frulln a rpwialty. I OAT MKAI,, roUN MEAT., ('HArKKD WIIKAT »ii.l (JKAHAM KLtMMt, iilwara oil liaixi. Hi!ini'ini)t"- till- |il«iL', next duor to M. I'vicliHrdaou JL 0> i. For Sti^Aiii lloiirniill fiti ttulcut 1''1oh1ici ttiii Stiilinii V 1 111) Nt'»iH>,d<)ii)>iM r«Mi<) ti'ilt. hill lit 1 11 ill, >lnst> r ftii'l piirif\t»r Will !»#» scM .lif-nii nrid nti f'M<y tertUK. TtiiHii H bargain A iplv to lUHiKK M-:VK1( Klo-thertoii 1> .0 Monthly Fairs. Ortiim<'villo - Km b»-.oii'i Tlmrt-'lav lu cm< h lIKilltll. ]htn>lftlk Tiii'ada) I'ffor" (trnut;i>\io Klr-^ht'itiiii Mnti'liiy )> foru Oranx'-vj.' Maik>lnli> SAinnlay tM«r<>ro Ornn^'tvillf. hiiihniii Third Tu.'?*iluy iii tai-h incntli. Chat.HWfirth Mftiniav b^'f^ri' Durhiun Hullkiul I tintor Satur<lAy Imfon- Chalnworth rrhM'villu MMii.lAy hffoitt iMiitiniii lliiuuvtir MoikIuv l>efuru Uuibam. 'I'll IK '^^oii r MYRTLE (•UT ((n,l }'Li:ii SJ10KIN(lTlllll\CC(l fim:k than i:ri:K. T&B in liron/.e on £A< H l>l.l<; and PAIKAI^K I" or lllllKI llll.'l' . "Iile i.r clirot, UH.» Poriiim riaslii I'riceSB ooii»t« Fci sale Rt tliti Mf<li.;il lUU. | Arc yim iiiiuli' nustinitilR liy indiL'H'tioii | Kiiinlipiitl-in. di??,jii<N.s. Iohh of ;i|ij.iitite .vell.iw kkin t Sli\loh'H Vilftlirnr is apiiRi- ive cure. KurKulc ,it Iho McdiiMl 11*11. The llcv. (leo l(. Tliayor, of llurlKnio liid., lay* : "Roth iny»olf »iul my wife «iwe our Uvea to Sliilnli'a Oonsiiinptiui. Cur». For Mle at the Mbdio*! iiall. Improved Farm for Sale. l.otnUH, 14!) 1111.1 IV), :iril rntiKiMiaBt. T. Rlld H It , c.iMtliiniiii: lim noros. no cli'arn.l, KOO<l nliiy oniii. wol] liiiprovod. (food frmmi hoiiao and hm tiarii, frame Hlfthld, yoo.l orrliard. etc. Thin farm Ih w«)1 wfttunid and, and is non- â- idnrii.l <> if thiihnnt in tbiH mclion. It Ik .mo milt) and a half from the villain Floaherton. Wlllhnaold oo vary uaar teriiiB. Fur fiirthi r particulara a|>ply to JA8. nKF.CUOFT. Maaherton I', o TliiiiKs AniusiuK und Strange .N.)T OKKIINAL, lll'T WOKTUY HF lEIlSlAL. "Hetter late than never" In a i-..infortiiin n.friiiii. Bavo when you reaoh the station Too to uatch the train. There are said to be at iireseiit ;{,0<!4; liiii;,'tiiiges Bijokeii by the iiiliabitaiita uf tlio ijldbe. VVilhiin Mnont'V, of West Pike, I'l'tter c. .uhty. l*a. , lias a peculixar liead nf hair Wlieii a stomi a|>)iroachefi every liair in hia liead stands out straiijlit, and as he iviaii his hair very hm;; lie i.suuilea ridi cuhnis sijrlit. ( )ri tliat accnuit he never avi'.s the when it i.s chiudy. 'I'll./ k:in.;ar.i.i i.s in daii^'er of being I xteniiiiiated. Its skin is so valuable that laioe iiuriilierg of kangaroos are kilh'd, and hi,'h authorities are of ojiinioii tliat utiles the [ir.ii'es.i ia Htojijied Aiistraliiin» will .S.I. Ill have seen the list Biaciiiien of thiH iiiteie8tiii<4 animal. There seems to be no end to the mis- tbief the Bparrow i» capable of. <tne of the littl. feathered rascals recently jtook tip hi.s residence in a ]iipo of an organ in the Catholic Cathedral at Louisville, and the ori,'aiiist went nearly crazy before it was ili^iciivered what kept liii instrument out uf tune. Kev. I'rederick Mayer, pa.stor of the Evangelical Clinrrli at hansing Mich., drew g."i,(KMI in n recent lottery. Mr. Mayer sfos in. thin;.' sinful in acipjirurj money in that »av, but liis coin,'re','atiun (lois, and there is likely t.i be a vacancy in the pulpit of this church very suuii. < >ne of ilio l«-»t tributes to the re^'ard in w linh Women are held is found in the fact that men, the wurM over, revolt at the llioULjlit of liani,'iiii; one of that sex, even tli..ii:;li slie iiisy have oommitted iiiur.liT. Thi.s feeliiio is so »tr..iio in liiiL'laiiil that Mr-i. Maybrick may escape tlio full pi-Ii.dty .if lliB law. In t'hiua the habititti.iiis are counted ( veiy year in a niaii'ier. The .1.1. St of evciy ten Imuses Um t.-. count his faiiiilieK, and has to niakea ln<t. will, h is sent to the Imperial tax liou.^e. I..1-! 'ear the whole iiumb.-r anniunte 1 In ST'.I .'i.s:;..'.!!!) iiibabitaulK. T.I Kill <)rr M â- .â- â- .vi inii>. Take a small .pianliiy ..f a tw.. per cent, carbolic Hci.l K.iliili..ii and sprinkle sheets, oovur- lil.s, pill.iw, and l...lsii'r "ii b.itli«, the eili^es of bed f uriaiiis, ami the wall hixt'hebed. The fa. >' aiol n.-ck may also be sli:;litly we'ted with the s.ilutioii. Not a sinude L' or mo»i|uito, it is said, will r.uiiH near In l.'<l(l It tiik jusi bushel of cm t.. l.uv one p d of 1, iil.H, n.iw one bush- el .ifcoriiwiil buy i.'ii poumis of nails. Tlieii it reipiired si.\ty.four bushels of 1..11 ley t.i buy .lie of broadcloth, now the K.-.ine ;iii)ouiit nf bailey will pay for twenty yards of br.iailcloth. It then i.i|iiired the price of ono bushel of wheat t. pay for one yar.l of .'alien, n.ov one bushel of wheat will buy twenty yards of calico. The Sariiia < (Imerver says: â€" "A curi- ous fact in connection with the Jesuits estati s Inmne.Hs has been broiijijht to li^lit bv I >r CanieioM, M. 1' I', for Huntiin.'don (the only Kii..:liNh speaking Liberal in the (Quebec LuKislature). After the •status weie taken possesaioii of by the (Jovern- menf in IKIMI, Sir dames Craig, thuii (iovurnor, tyrant ed a portion of the prop- erly fo St Andrew's IVesbyterian church, on w Inch a church was erected, aud in IHi;:! or 1H'J4, Lord Dalhousie, then (J.iveriior, >;ranted n.lditional ground to enlarge it, and also il'Mk) sterliiif; from 111.' revenue of the .lesiiits' oslKtes t.i help in biiildiiif; the duirch, Hetween IHdOand 1h;U, i:7,0!»:! were praiitod to the Kpiscopahuns of t,biehee out of the fund, and i'!W4 paid to the Kpiacopal niiiiister. If the estates were held in trust by the 1,'ovoriiineiit for educational piirpoHes purely, the ailiuinistrators of alfairs in the early part of the century were evidently not aware of the fact." A curious advuiiture happened recently to Mr. 1). Campbell, ]i«rni»neiit-way in- spector of the Indian Midland Railway. As he WAS travellino on the i'awnpore line some twelve miles out of Jhnsi, seated on the frimt of the locomotive, he noticed a large iiiinibor of vulturoi col- lecting and evidently disputing over senio object, wliich, a8 the engine drew near, proved to be the caroaso of a jackj all. The tocoinotive, with the inspector in the front, cliari,'ed in ainoiig the birds, who seemed to be determined, iintwith- standiiig, to nbide their prey. The re- (,ilt was that while some were killed others of them were thuiwn Ai^ainst Mr. Caiufibell, whom thijy straightway pro- ceeded to attack in a most vicious man- ner tearing his clothes and inflicting con- siderable wounds on his hands and face. He wag able, however to retain his po iitioii on the engine and to defend him- lelf from furthfr injury. BOOTS & SHOES. I liavo a very large .supply on and and Selling- very-r.heap.^ IN LADIES WEAe' '•"â- ""•'"•'â- •â- «»â- ' iiid liulF Donsfola.J l.ace nd iJnttoti, .Hisses. Voulli's and riii!dreii's A lai-i't' assortment, all isoris and size.-. ? IH Fine Calf and 1 ion.;'.)!:!, iJaluior.iLs an 1 Gaiters, also Heiivy Boois and Shoes. l'ii(;es and Material cannot be beat. W.CLAYTON BB Photos, Photos J Photos. 'We are now turning out tcork far supfrior in style and finish to iiiy enr pro- ilitred in Fhshrrton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTURE FEAMINQ r/onc in <ill it* hrani-Uis. A <jon,{ glork of' FRAMES .unl MOf'LDiyCS kfp' rnnstani!;/ vn h'inil. Will aho intnvlunthe new BROMIDE I'ORTRAIT, a \ pictiin that is ijiriitij mttire futi-i/'nction tchcncer introituced. HAMI'LEU .'an lie nfrn ut mi/ Gulkry u-hirt all p^irlindiirs <i$ to Price, Siyh' &c., cjn he uscer. FLICSIIEKTON. Hi: ALII I FOR ALL HOLI.OWAYS PiiLS&OINTMEMi THE PILLS I'nrifv tho lUoad, corn il all Disordurs of I-.i-^'-ei*, Stonant'h, liuln'.vs, antl Ho-%v**ls«. Thcyiiiviu.irateai: I le-tor.i to h.'.ihh ;i..|.iHtat...lronKtituti(iiii.. au.l ar« invnhiahlo in n'l Co plaints iiioi.lontal to Komali-s of all awe.... I'or children and the a^cd '.Ley aro iiricolg.* THIT OINTMENT all iiifallibU ronu'.Iy for Had Log*. Had Iireasts, Old Womi.lK. Sotos ar^ fleers It U i,iniou»t tlout aud Kh,.iiniatl»iii. I'.o .iuor.h'ni of the ('he..t it inn no i.qua For SOUK THllOA'I, li I{(K\' CH JTIS. COUGHS, COLDS lilanilularSwolliut;i,(iud a'.l Skin DisoiiHfrt it has no rifal; and for contracted and siifl ointn it nots like a uharni. Mi^niifacturfd onlv at ProfeHSor Holi.oway's Kiital>Itblinu'nt, 7M, Now Oxford Street ( late .VIS, Oxford Street K LoimIoh. and are hoM at Ik. 1^1., 2h. <)d., -Ih tkl.. lie . ^2^.. and ilM. each Itox or >*iit, an<1 ludv bo hkxd of a]l Med cine Von U-rs ttirouphout tho ^'crld. p^f" Purchasmi should in>k tc Ihe L*ihH on the I'ois a)vi HtKren. If the address is iwi 5Xt^ (tjjord atrt'et^ Lo)ido}i^ then are tp>tri*tus. PRICEVILLE BAKERY. A. W^TSOX I Desire.s to inform the public tliat ho can lurnish CAKES AND. PIKS FLESHERTON PLA\l\fi MILLS Fni.STCI.AS llUKAD.^LW.KYiiON HAND, will visit Floaherton twice a weel(--o TllfclSnAYS an. I KHIDAYS, with a full supply of goods. DROP A CARI> IF YOr DESIRE MR TO CALL. WEDDING and FANCY cakes a specialty A. WATSON, Prioeville. Situation D with steady ompl .yaiout and guo.l pay all the year r..>inid, to reliable men furnlshiiiK satisfaii- bry refaraiiees 8.A McOMHKU A do . Nnraarymen, Rieba-itar, N. Y Having purchased the Fleshertou Pluniug Mills fron H. J. Sfruule, Esq., I now dosirt to iufirin the PUBLIC that 1 am iu a (lositian to do ALL KINDS General planing mill work, such as SASH. iXtOUS, DOOU FKAMEH Planing and Matching, re sawing, etc. (iwnd Workniuiiiship Guiirantrod. A larfje tiui>ntity of goiKl dry pini* lumber on liand. I'lesbertou. LOOK! HAVINW Kaie biini- ufris iu Can a<lafor years our repQta- tiiU) iHetiUb waut thruo iiftiU iti «-v>ui vicinity to lepreMUt us, to wlioin oXolufifvc tvrnitory will bo Ritan, llandKoiim outf\t fr'-t^. Balary and ei:p«nt«« paid woekly. I'rovio.ia experiuneu not r4iqaire4. Write at once for tenuB. Har<lv ntock for Can- aclaa apacialty. MAY BK0THKR8, Kurserymou, K<)ChwRt«r, S.T J^C •V