Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Aug 1889, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. a£0. MITCHELL, BAItfKBR, DRAFTS BOUtiHT AND HOLD. lipecial Attention jmiii to tlit: CoUect'mn NoUi and Aniiunta, iliid door North HicharditnH <i' Cos. The liocal Iffengs. Wbat is UuitiM'iiluK iu Our Own Vh-lnitr. Mr. Thus. A. iiUkulv ha* sold sixtaen 8dlf-bind*r& during tliii putieuon. W. J. niakestcii, of IlilUido Academy, Cavu us a pltmsaiit call on Tueiday. Look .ut for McDonald and Evann' vhange of adverti«eraent next waek. The cattle fair at I'riceville un MocUay wait well attended and a large oumber of tattle were sold. Tlicre wa« no re|,'ular serrice in bhe I'reiibyteriaii church last iSabbath, owing to the continued abience of Rev. Mr. K:ni-8. WANTED.â€" Ad experienced weaver, or a Buiart youug woman to Icam. Alto -.1 boy c^r (,'iil to wind l)(jV)bin« and reel yarn. .\li|ily »•â-  '''" Kleshertoii Woolen Mill. In the council luinutua of laat meeting of council the name of John Hargrsve, aa collector for w ard No. 1 , ahould ha»e lead John Hazard. Tyiiographical ecsor Iteaden will notice by our advertia ing columns that the Owen Sound C«l- loyiito Institute reopens on Monday, Aug. 2(>th. This Institute has bean remarkably auccuasful. Head the an- nouncement. Mr. W. Wovd, merchant at Fluber- lon station hat a ii)lendid stock of general dry goods and groceries, which he i" ftulluig at very roaaoiiabie prices. Bis Htock of ladies' dress giHxls is more ex- ti'imive tlian it hat ever been bvforo. ('ali in and examine. Will McFarland, while camping out at bell's lake List week shut a very 'urge loon.â€" Markdalu .Standard. Mr. Kd. Ku'liardsoii, iif Flesherton, cluiois half the honor of that capture. Hu saya he broke the bird's l.'^ with a ball and Will linii-liud it with a shot gun. The Priev-vilttf correspondent of the Durliam Chroniclu ssys, with refereiicn to '.h(; Liauifc of baaehall which was jilayed iu-twetii l'ricevill«i and Klushertou two wieks age, that "the ladies who were present were vary enthusiastic, and â-  huwed a feeling against the visiting team wjiich I'riceville ladies would not be guilty of on tucii ocoaaiont." VTo have leveived from the oflice of the Manitaba ('olonist a publication in uiagazine form untitled Port Arthur Illustrated. It is very neatly executed, kill) illustrations bMiiig uf su|)«rior excell- unce, and ajl piinted en heavy tonml p»|)«r, makimjtilitj bo(>k,a «r«dit to the placu with whicUit deal.^ a-.^! the i>fflce of publication as well. The Klcshtrtoii Adrniice has ontvred on aiiothitr volume. Success to ye. Oreeniore Star, ^es, In-other, age Ih creepina o"- The AdrwiCf) was eight ycarsuld laKt Jiiiio, but «« ujgk'cied tu iiMUtion the faet >t thu tiiiM). Wti have to wear speotiwdto and our memory is falling us, but don't you forget thst in other res|>ects w^ are still a vigorous old oooii for our yean. In an itt<m puiilithud in tha Markd*lc Standard this anomaly oiista • "The horse ran for alniut a half a mile when he w«s caught. The bug^y and hnrii»-ss are a total reck. He happened lucky that he was not killed." . Wh(».happened lucky that he *aa not killed ? Was it the buggy, or the Imrnos., or the horse, or the individual that caught him, or the half mile that he ran for ? U is uvidoiit that Homething waa nearly killud, but what was it I W hure was. the half iiuli; situated that the horse ran fi.r ? (low could he run, anyway, wllsu lie waa caught ? When but our head aches. Ain't used to literary puzzles of this kind. A Btroiige Beast. A year sgo tlio Shelburiie Free Vress noted the tiuding, near that villa^, of tha nU of Some huge prehistoric animal These remains were disivivered while excavating for a well, but owing ti> tba latx* (|uanlity of water flowing in oparatiuus had to ba abaodonad. Lately, Vwever, work tut b«an raiuioed and the result is that other portions of the mammoth beast have been uiiearthed. Those who have seen tha bones cannot place the species of animal to wbith they beliJig. So far as known no other roniaiDs of a like nature have ever bean diacuvered. They belong to neither the mastodon or mammoth. Una horn has been secured, which, Mr. R.L. Mortimer, of the Frue Press, iiufomis us, must have stood out nine or ton feet fram the head, or about twenty feet from tip to tip. The horn has the orthodox curve of an oxe's horn. A largs number of the Utnos are now on exhibition, but the complete skeleton has not yet been ex- humed. Hero is something which may puzzle the zoographer to describe. So far wo have not heard of the remain.s having been examined by any professor cum- petsnt to decide as to the order af the animal which they represent. Garden Party. The garden party whieh waa advertised to be givea by the young ladies o£ tlie Methodist Church, took place on Friday evening Inst, on the spacious grounds of Mrs. Geo. Dinwoodie, near Masherton, having \>aen postponed from Wednesday owing to rain. The party gathered to- gether was not large. The evening wa.s rather cool, which, no doubt, cau-ied a great many to remain away. The eLe- ini nts seemed to frown upon the young [leople iu their effi;rts to tjet up this party. Those who were there, howsver, appeard to enjoy theii^talvei heartily. Good Crops. The following from tha Manitoulin Expositor go to show that agriculturists on the island will have no cause of com- plaint thi.i season : "Ki^hteen ears of fall wheat, containing 770 grains, on straw four feet six inches loBif all grown from one grain. They stand at present in the corner of our offico and came frtjm tho farm of Wm. I'etere and are uo IhjI- tcr than Iha rest of the field. Timothy fetft 2 inches long, oats 5 feat 8 inches long, and spring wheat 5 feet 6 inches long with fourteen ears to the one nut These also stand in our offico and came from the farm of Henry Shannon, the grain all largo and plump and handsoma enough to please anyane." In the Poaiiut BuainesB. An item ha.s been .going the newspaper rounds stating th&t tho Canadian I'aciiic railway campany hat fired all nuwa- butchers and candy mongers from their lines, and that henceforth tho passenger niny ride in peace. This is a mistake. The company, considering that the caleiing in these lines was not satis- factory to travellera, has. taken over the business itself and will hereafter pester passengers on the latest a]>pr<ived jdaii. This is done through philanthropic motives, wo presume. Of course tho fact that Mr. Burgess fwa think his name was lUirgess) lato proprietor of the news company which supplied the C.I'. K. trains, made fid, 000 in three years, may have been a small incentive in tha eyes of the railway authorities. It sounds nice, does it not, to road that (he O.l'.R. are selling peanuts, popcorn packages, and aranges for a living ! The "Wiartou Excursion. Oue.iif tile most pleatant aicurainns which w« hav». avar anjtyed^ waa that giveii b-^the uni>a<l Porrscecs and Work- men o( t^albiirii* aH>l I>uudalk. to Owen Sound and Wiartoii on Monday last. Tho train which convoyed tha party con- sisted of ten coaches, containing between seven and eight hundred people, of whi.h number Flesherton contributed about thirty. Upon arriving at Owen Sound the party wa.i transferred to the steamer ('iirnioim, which was in waiting, by which they were conveyed to Wiart(.n, where they arrived at 2,30. Tho village of Wiartoii IS growing steadily and suroly. Fifteen years ago, when wo first taw it, it was a mere hamlet, with piobahly twenty houses. To-day it is an incorporated vil- lage Wiith tho population and appliances of a.towi). It boasts.oC several e.\celleiit hotels, of which the Arlington is the best appointed and most |)retentioua. Tha pulilic p.irk .skirting thu cliffs which over look the bay is not by any means the Itmut Rltniction which Wiarton boasts. The park is pioturasi|ualy situated and is made more beautiful by a small assistance of nattir«. Trees and rocks adorn it ; tables are placed at. intervals for the accoiuinodation of picnic parties, and a limpid stream of cold water wanders through it, rising froni out the limestana clitfs near by. Tho village has a system of waterworks and fire protaotiou uf whieh any city might tie proud. A>n aihibitinn of thit wat given by tha fira department for tht benefit. Q^ ihair vitit(to. Cour diffar«iit litiet of hose were attached to twc hy- drants and an inch-and-a-half stream poured from each to a great heigl^. We should^ say that Wiarton is ji^s^tically impregnable to tire with the magnificent protection which is afforded by her water- works. The time at our disposal; wat not Buthcieiit to examine the town as we would have liked to, but from what was seen we should judge the place has not yet sepn its palmiest days. Bverythiug has an appearance of newnett,y8t there is asubstantial glow of health which predicts still greater growth in manufactures and lutrcantile industries. The boat left at 3.20, and Owen Sound was reached at 0.30, where the excursionists had until eight o'clock to do that future western metroiKjlis of Ontario, the Flesherton contingent arriviig home a little after 10 o'clock, having enjoyed a pleasure trip which wiU not toon ba forgotten. Flesherton public school opened on Monday last. An amusing game of baseball was played on Monday afternoon between the married and single men of Flesherton. There are conflicting ruiBors as te how the score stood, Bi>me placing it at 10 to 15 in favor of the married men, others claiming that it was 34 to 40 in faror of the single men. This latter statement wo are oarselvet inclined to accept. busbela of peauuls are consumed in this country every year. They cotne chiedy from 'Virginia and North Carulina. altiioagli TeDueasee also produces a siiiail crop. "Peauuta are planted at corii-plaiitir.g lime. Each kernel products a running vine, like crab grass, and each root produces about twenty p«ls. When ripe, the plow is run through the loamy soil, on a dry day, just before frost. The nuts arc dried and shocked up like corn to keep dry before housing. When marketed, they go to a cleaner wliere they are put through steam power machines and polished, after whi:h they are graded according to size and variety. This year there is but two-thirds of a crop, and they are higher in price than since 1884. The crop begins to come into tho market about tho fiiBl of September. The Virginia nut is the largest aud finest. The Wi'miugton is a smaller sort, aud the Spanish init, a still smaller variety, is one whose kernels peel per- feptly clean, thus making it valuable for confectionary " MW" ' A 1) V ERT18EM Eâ„¢ Pediail. Notice. Tha members of Fonntaiu Council, R. T. of T. , are earnestly reiiuested to at- tend tho next meeting af Council on Tuesday evening, Aug. 27, as butiuett of importance is to be transacted. Married. Mr. John McGowan, miller, of Prica- villo, was united in marriage yesterday (Wednesday) to Miss â€"Grey, eldest daughter of Wm. Grey, Es(|., Arteniesia. Our heai'ty congratulations go with the happy couple. To New York. A cheap excursion will bo run to New Y'ork frou Toronto on Saturday, Aug. 31. Fare for tha round trip from T jranto to New '\'ork and return, only |11. For particulars apply to H. W. VanEvery, 5 Adelaide st. eatit, Toronto. Northern BusiuesB College. We have received the aunual announce- anents of tho Northern liusiuesa College. Those who are desiruas of recotving a buninuss education would do well to write for tliKiii to C. A. I'leniiiig, I'rina|>al, Owen Sound. See Advertisement else- where. Owen Sound m\ i Re-Oi>cns .Muiiduy, .lug. 'JOtli. The Best Equipped School in the Province. A Staff of Sevou Specialists. record; 1889. ALL the pupiU of the lustitutu. who tried thu I'liiverMty Examiutttiun. were tfucoousful. Sli uiAtrictilatfil, uiiu t&kiug huaor* in uvury ncpftrlmtjut. Till) curnlnliitoH from this rtch<x)l at thu Dt-'partnicutal Kxauiiuattoiiit received a Iar^;l•^ number of Teachers L'c-itiflcates than ihil thutte (-f anv uthur school lu the Pruvluc*. Six received liis; clacti* , thirty-two, second clat<4 : and forty six. third olasF At the .Vrt School HxaiiiiiiatiotM thu Students of the lurttttuto obtai[)e>l three huiulred proTlcieDcj certiflcatoitâ€" the laruwst uumher received by the pupilM uf Any 'IU' iimtitute Two pupils tri*'d tho Frimar\ F.xamiuatiou of tho Law 8cciety and succeeded. For furthtr iiifonuatlon apply to F. W. Merchant. D.R. Dobie. riUNtlPAL, Skc of Bt. \RD. Dd.. CARTER. JI.C.P. &S.,O.NT. PHYSICIAN, Kl'R«EO>', &r. FLE.SHERTON. Office, Strain's block. Resideace. J.G. Ruafel a. J. (J.Suttori, yL.D.^.% Meml>er of the College of f h)'Biciana aa. Surgeons, Ontario. Eaquifre at office, one door east ol Urier'sstor or Atkiusuu'H Hetel, Price ville, Nov. I'j, 18i>S. DRS. SPOULE & EGO. MARKDALE ONT. Office ^-Mauley's Drug Store. T.S. SIKOULE.M.D.otJ. .XNUUS EOO.M.D etc '&Ce of Tutteuli&m, Ont. Dr. Ego willbefoundat Markdalle House stnigbt ~ J. P. OTfEWELL^~ VETERINAKY SURGEON. Graduate of Ontario Vet. CoUeee. RaSIPE.NCE OS rOLLINGWOOD STBEKT SiXth Door EaBt of Preitbvterian Church. FLESHERTON. gruti$tri|. jj^ DENTISTRY.. Dr- Thomas Henderson. ii:KaEO.S DKNTI8T GM Medalist and Hoior OraduaU uf R.C.D.S., Will TiBit FLESHEKTON, iMunBhaws IIcK. 1 sii'l '.^uf each luonth. Tet-tb extracted, inBer; ed an \ filled in the highoHt stylus of the art, at moderate rates. Hbu> OmcE.TSl Yosem St.. Tohonto uf Toruiito, is Tiiiting Peraomil. Mrs. Jones, fritnds hare. Fnony, »i«ter of Katlior Kaeny uf Irish I.aka, is visiting; in Nuw York. Miss Jtissitt Damuda, af Funthill, is visiting with her umU*, Mr. S. Damude. Mrs. .las. Trinil)K«,of &Iii;higau,is riiit- in^ at Mr. K. Triiiible's. Mr. McDonald, merchant, and wife, have been visitin>{ roluiivua in the vicinity uf Uipley durini; tho pust week . Mr U. L'(H>k intends to make another visit til .Manituulin island this week ur npxt. Mr. Walter Leitch haa returned fn<m Owen Sound fur a couple weuks hulidays. Mrs. 1). 8. Munroe and Miss Frank Wri){ht are visiting with their mutber, Mrs. Wm. Wright. NORTHBKN IIS!li![SyLlESC. Re-Opens on Sept. 2ijd for Nintli College Year. Br8INKS.S l)EI'.\KTMKSr. SHoKTHi^fD A.ND TviEWKlTlNd l)EP.\RTMKNT, ANU OR- SAMKNTAL DePARTMKNT. The most complete and praclical College in Cana- da. _ For 4nnual Announrrments gUiiiK full Partioulnr.s uddreiiK C. A. Fleming, Principal. VOTERS' LIST. 1889. Mxmii^ipality of the Towmhip of Arte- mesia, County uf Orty. J. P. MARSHALIi, L. D. S.. l>fL\TINT, Visits Markdale the Ut and 3rd Wednrg day of eaclk mouth. Fleehertun each trip ou the day foiluwiut;. ViTIC W ted. A Flno Hotel. While ill Owen Sound on Motiday we to<A occasion to visit the new Patteraoii Iluuse, H'hich hua late'y U)e:k erected there. We fouiiil it even auperiur to whai wu hud been led tu expect. Mr.. Duncan is the same );tHii»l Undlurd that he was while keeping the old City Hotel, but his new liousu is more in keepini; with the rH(|Uireinenhi of a city than a place the 8i7:e of Owen .S.jund. It will be many a day liefu'.vi a liner buildjii^t will be erected in ^(»i place. The inner appoinlinents. cuisine, etc., are entirely in, keeping wikh i>tiiv>ardiappearanoe--ti»t class in every respe<;t. Division Court. There was it very large attendance at tliii Division. Court held here on Tuesday, ii)cludin(! noven lawyois. A number of cases were adjuurned until next court. There was uiie cawe tiiad of more tltau ordinary interest, th»t of Kingston v. Wdlsuley. Kingston is a l.iwyer of -Mt. Forest, and Wulseley a fanner in the tQwiiatiip "f I'roton. The latter owed a third person, who, it appears, was in- debktid to Kingston, and had given hua ai) asaiEnment of his claim uKainst Wolae: ley. After the assignment had bauM made and notiKcatiuu K'y**" >t uppeana that W(dsel«y paid over his indebtedneM to the assignor and Kingston sues fur the amount. Judgement waa given for th» plaintiff. is hereby given that I have transmit- dulivered to the persons mentioiieil ia the third and hiurth seotionsof "Thb Votbbs' I.IHT .\c-T," the copii's roqalred by saiil sections to be so trausiiiitted or delivered of the lilt made puraiiaut to said Act of all persons ap- pearinK hv the last roviBod ABsefiBinout Roll of tha said .Mull ioipaliey to be entitled to veto in tha Bald MiniioipuUty at Elui;tiuuaf'jr iii»mbers nf the l.rKlslativo Assembly aud at Municipal KlectioiiH; and that Bald list was ftrst posted up at my ofli.i« at Flei^iMrtoa. on the £ah day of AugUBt. IbW. i»iid rciuaiUB t^tere for InBuactiou. Klectors are called upon to exaniiuu tne said liHt and if any oiniRBiouB or any errors are fouudi tiiereiu, tatake Immediate proceudingito have the sajd errors corrected acuurdUiK to law. WM. J hefj^amy, Clerk of the said Municipality. Dated Uiiu Stta day of Aiiuust, A D., li)89. Peannti. Aoo9«diug to & correspondent ot the Nev YkOirk Evening poit^ 3,200*000 Hnb Thill Spring, MANIIPACTURBO BY Uutts « PM-d Dec. I. ,885. U7, PearffiS;,*^;. {4 Interest to every man who usea a, Wagvn or Carriaue. THIS ANTI-RATTLER IS the BEST, HecauseitiH effective, etinple, easily adiuuted, duntlile, inoxpunsivo. There are no projeotinif en^lh to tear tho sponge or wash cloth. It fits aof slse eoupliug. -FOR SALE AT- Htard's Garriagt Shop BEESmSAU. I HAVE TWENTY rrVK BKIPB OP BBKB.iOjI, IlD flrstrclass eoaditioD, of which I am deairous af dispoaina of flftean. Parties daslrloK b«aa wanld do mul te coqimuBicata with me. JUHK PLBWEB Umkarlay Oat. ^fjial. liarrMer, ^olu-itor, Cottvefi<uu-ttr. Etc. Fle.shsrton Ofkk-k, .>Eii i'asT OrrK-r. Si-'tDULtkS UviLDI.VO, on TaiHiDAYS. OWES SOUND OKFK K, Fiiosr* IUti,di;<« P. McCULLOUQH," Barrister; Solicitor, i\e. OlUre, over .McFurland's St»»re .Varktlalvt. Muney to Loan. Jobn W. Arnxstroagi Klkbhehton, Co. Obey. nivisioN coi'HT ci.i;kk, commissionk A'l V. H. U.. CouveyaiKt.t,.tc .\Ki;ut for par.;h aed Halt, of laiidH. * ' -.-'-â- - aud K. Au$>raiBor for C. 1.. C C cnj. . P. B. A S. Society. Money to f.oan en moat reasonable terms. Issi'ua ur M.-VRKIA LICKNSE8 XOT.UtY PUIILIC. MONEY TO LOAM. AT LOWEST «'l'RRE.>T K.4TEH< u Towu or Farm Property, B. DAML'DB, Fleshertoo. Mr. Wm. Karstedt, i>\une Miuon, Brulduyer and Flaatfrer M.\TERI.\L FURNISHED tlitimutes yittn free, (.imamental Flastet iity a SpeeiaHy. fence one door sonth of .Vdvaiice Ofllce Iv. j7bel,la my TWP. CUEBK AHTKUKtiU. CONVEY A NCEK, VOMMlHSIONJiH. ISSVKAHC]!! AO-T, itC JJEi:i).S,MORT{l.\«ES. LE.\SKy, *c , pre|j -. , â€" - . r J'epar e<I and properiy executed. Insurance affoc ed iu nrst-cWMa companies. Moucv to lend at lowest rates. R> J. Sproule, T^OSTMASTJiR.FUlherton.C'ommvggiou -*• or ill B. R., Licensed .Auctioneer, Cou viyaiiai'r, Appnuser and .Money Lender. Keal Estate and Insurance .\K«iit. Deeds, Mortt'Hgcs, Leases and Wills drawn up aud Vahiatii-us made on shor'.eKt notice. Auc tion Sales atteniled to in uny pary of the (.'Punty. Money to loan at lowest rates oi"' inttrost. Collections attcodeJ to with praiuptness and despatch. Charges low. A^entfur the Dominion Steam.shipCampany Cheap tickets from Flesherton to Liverpool, (ilasgow, London ur any of the British Ports. Parties intending to visit England. Scotland or Ireland, will please ask rates be- fore pcTcbtBing their tickets ilsewbere. Hou&e and Lot for Sale. A Kood honsn and lot, epposite tha .Methodist Church, Flesherton, is now* o/fered for sale. The house la larRA. land roomy, fine lot, Kood stable aniT .^-^v>p_Jyard, splendid well on tha pn>tal4ea, froit. tTaas,eita. This la a rarabarfaln. Appla, .•.TAMDUBIM.FIeshartea,. < * I \ i lij" '\ » •»!<. »

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