I T i 1 E 1- L E S H E R T O N A D V A N C, fiEO. MITCHELL, BANKISR, i^"i^i':!sii»<:it'i'o>'. th.it It IS â- iH-tti-r III.! tlmii never, ' tht'V (iuf ill an RpiMi»raiiP<' about V.'V) aii<l |. lived several selections. Notwitli'itaiiil- inu the ilani|iiie.H, everyliixly ap elijoye.l t iifinsil ves, eHpi-ci^iUy tli ) |:le. who l-iupt mi iaie liour. tl.: ill liurxiitly you 111.' until a S/ffr, ,1 All,-^ili„n p'Uii t« ll» .-..//.rd.-u .%'.,'â- < itllll Arc, i:,h.n.h.,„ ,f- (', U. '.'/|.i I'oor .Vi.i(/i The Local IMews. niial i> llaiMK'i'i"- '" **'"â- '^^'" July IJtliLs ye.ir «ill It r.-U-l.nite.l Ly ',!.!,« ilinlri.'t ut'Kleih. -11.111 SiAtiiiii. It i-* evpocieil s'iimj ei^lil 'ir nine loili^rs «ill l.c iire.-tiu. Mr (ieo. I'aik.-, »lio !.ii» .Iriveu. '"V. I'u(iersli^ini sUi^i- lor y.;.iii. loii.ie liia l.'--'t tii;i on Saturduv. wiun li>' liad lim tiaiii nii-elj ileeorateii Willi iiiilii.li* lu lioliyi tf l,lwo.<-asloij. lie 11 I* liHIi'ls over tile , le'ilis 'â- « Mr. Melilniiu Tlie ('olliii«wo<)(l liulletm take» two itciiia ill our Maxwell , .rie'lvondeii. e, a ' l.ical wh'ih v.e wfit.^ 'iUfeK o al«iUi tlu' two '.'eii'leinen wlio.'.it lidari' u« in I 'e Tersliiiin. and jdaeea lln-iii uin'..'r a M.-X- well hi-a.l, willi.iUt i;ivin_' credit, 'loi^vt liiit )â- 11 lire t'ally .Mi. ImiII.-iiii. lliirlJi and I'.iiti.p â- - I i.i;Ie l..ui»<'al.- in coni|iany i-ii'irn.iii le i<- jidei eaiiVAs hiHl SituiiiMV e\ 1. 114 t â- '(loie a â- â- •ii'.e ,.,,„],..,,,,. \\,. ,: ,. ...1 .i-e til., .hovv â- 111- ., ;»,.., Iii,i i.u r-',ii..l II :.i l.i"--e " I'*' «, t-i- iiii-fci-lit lli:it «e ill'l li-'l l-'ifie lil.> ',•â- ;â- . ;t-iiji'\ i': li.i'- :ii.; i)"! lu- ii.il.-i elcVaN.I I \ li'hi lllll.l-' -l^ '»> Insli T i:ikt; Picnic. ' Till- aniiiinl liiili IaU* l-'u-nie was held tliii v.-;ii*in .Mr, .la.'. I'.iither's uriive, on | \\eil;;iS-oy â- ! I:i^t we.-U. The '.'atliel itiL! ! «:l.-t li|o|i-.',|_^ 11.. I quite s-i Iw.'e llS on| I'i.nii.r .i,-c.i"siiili^. hill rveryiliinv w-as ! ijrui.,.-. 1 i.ii i ly and au ciiiiiyalil- tMi..- \\ .1-1 ^j.ent .-.-ii! 1 I eli:-M.i »i-i vi s im;c.-h pra 'I'iie ealahles were all thai • d,-sire.l,aiiil Mrs. Peter Neil, who t-d tin- iiihliary d.i|iartnii-n'. di- for the exelleliei! i'l poor work in the tield. Oamo was called (ill the seventh ilininSK on account of rain, when the score .stood as follows Kleshertoii-'J I 1 2 (i 1 •!« 1 J'riceviUe - 1 3 X> 1 2 2 -1* â- 1 rntti.iK-Jl II. Hii.>t - l>. M<-Iion«Ml.w!.l> ww- I son ..!i(tl . ,, . ' StaiwliuK liwhj.iiiii'-^S.Jr-c k,«)n ls.,i- .u-ir- ' tl;in Jii-I ,, Idiii: ojclii:;!. luini' s Jnrkmii .st. It .Vli-)rn-i.-r; i-riiml stn-i iuii;) .. V 'â- 'â- â- > T.v<.iil»l. ( M nil. I 1> .\|.|i..in..li;.|'l..l riu,-. -l,o..lini; iuial.-t li. 1 vroli l-'t, .i;.|m7.','.» r«i« - J..1.11 McAi-tliur !.-*t. 1'. N'.il â- '"n..-.-.- lr.,.lr. .1 -..i.ln... O .\r-.-n«-niith M v>' r.i.ik. -i.ii â- .!i.i n, T- 1 «,-.-, nn.u* l.'i 'T .Vlkiinoii Ut, \rth«i* Jit.i. i;.,>> ,.„,.im.lu, IJ 1 .i.i^'K lliH M niel .\ :.\illuii- (• .Mr- m^ o d.-d l)AiiriliL'...f eouis U. M> (â- ,\rM.- Air.>«i.lnltli iMt. N\ . .11 s hv th.- n |.:>st proVM w:is h.j princi;.-ii ;iiilus.'Mii-iit. rilth.i tlu-le Wile ve\. ml .-Itllh IK' c.-llili.-Iltl Mu-i.- w.is finnishco hy l-'le.ihert liAi iniiiiitaMi- ,.1 -h-stra, atvisted .Ml- .:.->s. Ilcniv. •.! .MarU.ial.-. i-ii an "r- (.Mil. iiid tile spi.Miiiiil uiil-ic »w Ir. hly apir.-ciate.l hy othcul-, and pe.pk. ,.\iiiiin..' pr.iiiiinent ^.'i-ntleineii present We netirc! l)rs. ."^pri.iile, K-.-o, .liinies.ili and Hull 11 , .1. 'i Huirer, ..f Diirliaiii. and a luiinlier ..I i.tliers. F.ither .li-h-.tf, of ille. and Mr .las. Kyan of the tture als-. visit. irs. The '.'ath in»pt;rs..l .il...iit 7 .iV-'o.k all hiiviin.' ' a vciypl.asaiit afternoon. There ilrii...t" entire al.soiice of r'.wily .iinners in the t'ame.s were a-. illMlr.. L'l 111. Sl.ilieâ€" lit K. i,.l .\. .Miirr.s.jii ; h-.p sl.-i. Isi .I..I .t I'.luk.-lv, :if ft - 111 . I lliui.ln- lA.r-l r.io- U. r.liiki-sl. Ill -ill'l. h Wat.s.iiia luill «a<i.|.i-n dnriii..;th.i afto idi I ll.lll'.'.-Vll saiiii* pi .-III. I ciij.iy id was an : IMii. l'ri:-.i f ll.-VS- I M-.rii.. ; and iiiiii|i n.ioii and evi-niiiir, and n.4«ilh^l»ndiii^' the intense heat a larL'o luiinher tripped the Ir.'ht fintas. Kl.-shtMt.-n's inimitable l.ra.'s han.l furnished music on the u'rouiiils .\ ^reat many respectaMe 'o.'A- ],. , imlividuals would not pay tl'*-' '"" cents admission, hut '^'azi-.l on the s|.orts fi ,111 .ner the feoce. Sucli antics wouKl l,.;id one to helieve tliat the h-oks were their only sl.ick ill trailo. We caiimit reliain from c..iij;ratulaliii.,' the unerijetic .-.ininiiti*.-, (-oiiili.i.sed .f l>r Huttoii, J. |lr..wii, .1. M.- .-Arthur, 1). Ijviiioiuit and .li.hii Mc'ioWHii. iip.iti the success wlueli Hitcii.h'd their ettorts. Tlis judges were (' M Kiiiiioii, .V Mclniiis, and L). K. M.-.\i-thiir The Times m Ml l» P .\l.-l)..nald, .'i'i It. " m. ^l.iiidiii.: 1,T 1) .M l» ual ; -'ii'l .1- lllaki-ly. loiii lr.-.l v.r.l is -.- Is- r. H.-arn. ,:,,.l, -Ji. ll: M 11 â- - 1 Hiu . I... I.- Hera;. i Hu 1 thr-.u.-! It, ri|.l- i» w hat t he 1 luiiii- I I ii.-aw!ul..H.s Tl man is stu.lyinj^ an h.ai inti . eh.i •" i â- A Ch M I. Iiit-lit h I ati-,n oi 1 hui d. r.it. i.es.ilt ill. ue 'It h. '«ti. iy. Star think, Diiiidaik r.iivitiok.L'v ariied liiiii i-hapt...i .-t inn to re| ijat ill.. .,s. Hissuc.-esi" as i« l.-iiitaii|..iint t.. the ina.l. in his newlv Ki.r ia l..i.7k, null- .SIiiIlIi's l'l. r.. 11, l'l. 1st. -1 K.-r H.lh: chest. U-tc I'ri.e 'J.*» cKiil VlLLAGt^Cf\uGEHl^ The tifiiK gains is Av ure <iuli to offer \n\v Ml the times \\\{\ uioiiey searc(\ Ta!:ia;4 aclv:iiit:i,4c oFiIkS \vc oiicr yo: nico ntv .-.j*., He fo!lu\vIll^ liiv.- lUK-cs : MEm'S m BOKS' BOOTS. at \h: at til. id V. Ill .Medi. al Hi Wrlf^lit I I 1. I.. I : 1 has ..iij. t'.rv I. 'Hi '' . 1„, I III r 1 ill r. tli.-i.'- r- .- Call iJal.l^•..|1 .V t -'» lartfe estahlisii .1 a ii.iri jw c-ac»pc li-.iii iiicin«r Ml iiday meiiiii:,' 1)1 irnii; tliu I', \\ . I.UIl.cl 1 . wait ..ill. I 1 niat.-i id. â- â- • ItaM' 1.^.1. ' . ..Ill . I at l!.l^ 1.1 lie iriii .1 t.U- ol pa|ier!>, liaiioin;; swit.-h I....U1I 111 tlleir l.!le-.;ia|-li l^lilie.l l.y th <-lcttiicii\ .111.1 .Icr. r.eiieutli till- tile ipcr iMid inll.iiiiiii.t'ile .1 111. .. I i.| It t iUbii t.ie, w..i.ld ,-. .1 ... .1 itai.li.. pile t' rril.ie t . .ll.;. .1, n â- .lie w.is 111 the ..llice I th.. liui.- II'. w It tailed t.. do nly iiijsti-ry. penult. LMrci ;â- rs' M. 1 t iiir'. Till 1. recti. rs ot K.i"l iiif> .Vjncultuial •S'l-iiU m 1 III .Miiiisiiiiw s hotel o'l .Sal iiii|a\ List t '1 t'le tlaioacti.jii of i^eiieral |.ii..;ness â- i'h^ SI. letai-jf'ii report slo-wed the K' .-;. ly '.. \n; on » u'.>.>iJ lilianiiial l.asis, l..iui;^ ^'.tO on lull. I from U»l year. < In iii..ti.in of .Me.ssrs. Ciinloli and .Sproule It wa» decided to uileii.l tin. prize list to the Htimdard of IHH7. The reinaindi-r of the afternoon was spent 111 airaii.'iiij; pri/.u list, ainioinliiient of liidi;!-.,. et'j. Mr Tlios. Kells, the ex preanleiit, was pri.iieiit and iiiai;iiaiii niously iitleieil a prize of live dollars for th.. hesl essay nil farming, turiiis .iiid eim- (Iiti.nh t.i Ik- urraii|{ed by the dir«ctur>,f<ir which see prizt: list. Notice. <)wii|..ito the inpUnimiit eveninj{ for the ;;iideli party on Monday lust, and c.inse.pieiit diHappointnieiit lo so many, the ladies ot the .Metliodnsf Ciiurcli have deiided to hold nil adjoiiriivil garden j.arly on the same |,ioiiiidH, lliuse of .J . V\ . AriiiMlr.n;:, Km) , ou Friday eveiiinj;, .luly 1. .Xilinlssioii 10 cuiitl. l.'&t.irili cured, liualtli aixj sweet hrealli Bei.-iireil, by Shlloli « (yiitwrli Ileiiiedy I'rice 50 i^eiils Niuial Injijctor freo. ]''i/r sale at tliM Medical Hall dc. Ill-; I. 111.; i.i'i . a!).. Ill 1 1 I ,-.1 avi ay in t!ic '. dl.i. .- | , t .lit ..111 ami nnich-r'-^neotf.l i-c-<i- ,|,.„, . ,;, the p.-i--ii .'t .'^Ir Uilliam Wii.dit. »1k.. I' r tliir'y-iiine yeai-^. Ims has he. -11 a pr.-mu.- 'it 'i..;iire in thi* .s«,ti..:,. .Vt \\ii,l" WM '.-rii 111 tin- \,-ai I -.â- .4 ami c:'.iiie t.> *hia « ''inlrv fr-.m ilic county ot .\|..na..^liall, Irel.ilid. inth.- \,.\i- \<*K sef.liiii; ..11 a farm â- »h..ut 1| "nalei. Iroiii Kh ,li.-rl..n, win le he . peii.-d ,1 -lUiend stoic, ami Ml ise.|y.-iit ly r.- i III.. ved t.> tills mlau'e. when- he cailled ' on the Imam.ss l..r a nuiiili. 1 "I y'-ais .Mi..iit In .- yi ais a.;. , ..«iii-' I" lin.incial ^ ditl.^ii.' les.'th.- hiisliie»» was X'^eii up, Kline "hull time, when h-altli woiihl lu.- ileceuscl liaa hceu activity . ,,.;„.,-.l 111 th.. si..ck nhippiii,; ti.i.ie, and |;;i,"l I II out .Irivinv; ui ;.i» rouiol ..I Imsi- ness t 1.- iii> h.'loie doalh caiii • h or tn..y.,-us .Mr. \Vil[.'lit Inwl heeli li..ulded with heail .li-'-a.se, ami tin- appL.teh ,,f till- lire. el messeiiK'or was tliereL.io n ,1 m.itiiii-; expc.tud, for wlinh tlu- cas.-.|^;cntlcmaii wasw.-ll piepaied.hav- hi-eii a I Us-i lea.ler and Sunday si-lmol Boik.M HI the .Mcth.-.list I hiirch lor .ivcr iweii'v vwiis. llo leaves a widow and seieii cUlMieli, aU '.f v'lioiii were preielil al the luiieral ..jici-pliii;; th< ehU-sl ilaii,.diti.r, wh.) was unavoidahly detained Ml t liicai;o. J'li" interment look place on Tuemlay to l.'leHli.-rl..ii cemetery, and 1 tin- teinains w.-ru tollowed to the ^f.wa liy one of the larjjesl liiimlals evur seen here. De. eased was a ineiiihcr .d the .\. tl.l'.W., which l.uK'ed attended the f iinral in a Imdy, iiu liidiii'.! renresonta- livei from the Markdal.- and rnei-villo l.id^jes, ami the .K.ll.l' W. I.iinal iervice was read at the urave liiiiiiediat.-ly afl.'r the iiil.-rment an impresMve funeral serin. Ill was preached in the Methodist Chureli hy the lUv Mr. Whiltoii, from Luke 1-' I!" ; 'lUessed are those serianln whom when the Lord cometli limlswatch-.n« Tlie church waairowded And thus pasijed away from lito William \Vri..<lit a man who w;i» leapect- ed hy . veiyoiie, who helped make this country wliat it is, and who, iiliove aid hettt-r thill all else, was prepared to hear the loytul iumiiioin, "well dene, good a;.'! faithlul surraiil ; thou liaat heen faillljiil "♦•vr a few things, outer thou in t') the joy of the l,oid." .lit 11 Int. I..ti .1 II. i„ 11. „ (, -, ..l;.| : . 1. i l,.t. S., .-, s , ..I. . ju i. 1- |. -- i-il I.. V o i .is . I 1.1. Ir. --.VI 1 â- (I -u^i II. .\ ,.-l I--. fi. . . --Si i1\ iii.Mn I .uiisi 1,1 iiKiii. ..-1 i.wvr.T I. .ir. \\ KKil!'! ll~t I. IN-^.I I-" ..l-.ll - I : 1 . . . 1 1,. .1: . ,11.. ,.,.<. I Mm s WU" .- .-- â- .. 1 1 C Iv 1 Mtn s spill 1 1-411 CI \ Ml-ii s C! ll -^ "' lii..v' W\\u L' stuck ^ 'io\ s splii ' I'JUtS. i-!i '.111 Kin \>' outs. Kip )0(JtS, S:. Si. Si. NOTICE! TO <Tri.l»IIOKS \OIIIKKS. v\ llv , I t,. 11 1 I I. . ,1.' I tl. 41 I I. [ .1. l'i,-|. h .» ,,.\ Ml i....-.,( \.. ;ci..ii I ' .11.11- I. ,11, inii. ..f tl... I ,.vi.i-ln|. .1 \ir .•..iii,l» .<! 1.1. -v. Uriii.-i «liu 111.- I.' II,.. IJII. ..( .\l.lll * 11. Oi-I.iil- ll. I'- I ...|,.| \s 1-. -1 |...-. nl I . 1- ."-I. ,ot . t 'U. â- -i. .-'-I- .1 I 1 II ..n .11 l...|.ir.. II,., ..I. I l.ollt. Ill .1 sl..i..t nil. .1 :o -,. Mi-v -:.t-rto:i V\r>{ (lay of .(iiiiinsl . 11 .1 . i-ii.l; -I >ti>t. III. tliun. . I»,.U ll. ,. t isn iin I ..urliii 1 th., fill. 1 111 1,1 ..1 111. ir .1 I itii.i it ttii . T. .f nil. I 11 .1 til i.-ts sii,l n I,. -it l,v 11. 1 1,,, li..l..l\ III i,n:,.i I l«l.. ll .- .t.«trlli-it.i 1 Kill. I I .-i;nr.l ImIiii; lis. 11. III.-., iilia I Itsv iili.l ti... ..x-cilt ll-* if lllu p'Otn: ..I, IV t.. II.. I„.<.|i t'U.-li I-., will l|..t i-l.tltl i-iaiii . 11 1>. ll l.s . -,.,. nil 1 1' « ir iliiiiii... n tut. Ml. Ill ..; ,1, .., .,11 .1.. ..I- - 1. 11 111-'. .!„ ,- Will .. I ll;.iU.l,l .if Wlu.-ll ,v.- i.iniii-f.l III.].. t,.l 111. •sM s««.-t>..i nin i-iiit lli..i.-..f 10 siiv [.. ' »"" "' wli..-.. .11111111 ii,,lii-.. »liioli..,llm».- '"-n "> 'â- "'-•'' a- «(,.iu».ii,Ulll.o .iii,„uf inlti.,ll»tiin.it".ii lli;.MlT< VUINH I (IKnliiii; SI I'.W.VItT l--.ii.-.-iitiir» liillN WltllillT I Pa;..! .lull .-JMli Isi.! LADIES' dCHILDRENS' BOOTS. Wui-.XJii'.s whole .stock A'lp. Women's .-^p'tt boots. A beautiful polished calf shoe. Liulies' iiiic Uoni;ola Kul boots, ttiil biutoiieil or hicctl. I -:»• size- ^l.Oc. S-e.Jl>. Si.tv'. CluKlreii's shoes lower than ever. \|oi<gagf 1' Valuable Village Property. IN imrt-iia k'ortiilii III CLOTUING DErAUTMKNT. A nobby suit, blue sjr^'e^fuU slZ(^an>l aicely n, ule, 154. 75- A nice j)air wool pants cut in the latest style tor %>t.4i). A nice range ot tweeds f )r boys' suits, frotn jo cts. to 50 cts. per yd. All wool. up ill, Ka.p, returned liMiie III on Tuesday, liriii);inK mtli liiiii for a I'ersiiiial .1 (i. HUBI fi.iiii lliiinllt Master Kichard liusaell kuiiinier vacation .Mi»» Tilliu ( hiudiii, of Owen S.iutid, was a iJtieMt of The Advance on DoiainioU Day. Mrs. J. C. ("raiie, of Owen hound, \ inli-l her pareiiU, -Mr. and Mrs. K. Tiimhle diirinj; the p.ist wuek. Ml T. Clayton, uf 'I'oroiito, apent Domini, III Day in this vicinity and re- I in-i,nd on Tuesday. ,Mi- l-M. Kichar.Uoii »peni the lit with (1 lends in < tweii Sound. Ml Kn-haid lliiithani, .Jr., and his i-,tir, .Mrs. Will. Will!... 1.. also .Mrs. A. N| ll. I tinni, arc away this week nslliii({ 111. -lids III Klina and .Slratloid, (i allien l'ii.:'Iy. The jar.li-ii pally uniler the auspices of i:„. ,Meth...list Lad'.es' Aid on Monday .-ici.ni>;c.,ul.l not he called a veiy ureal siic.esa. The weather wa« very iiiifavor- alil.. A li.avy lliunderstorni alioiit sij- ou..ck caiiseil every.uio to lii'e ill' '"'!'« oi th.ire beinii any nallierini^ wlmtevur, I. Ill Uir ehnittiils oalmeil down, people lie.^.aii t.i arrive, the K»te» were thrown ...len and when the uudi.-m'« had all arrived $M) had lliiiill aihied t.. the church treaeury, whioU wf» not at all l>»d KefrcshmeiiU wer« serTed iuMr, J.t^'. Arinstronii'R rMidaiicu, whicK had b««ii kindly »nd frwly thrown open to the viiilors. Th« band was deUiiied at t'ricttill* ^J th« •turm but, baliuviog r'roi.p, whoojiimj coU'^h and Uryiiehitit imiMediately relieTed by SUlloh't Cure I'ur sale at the Medical Hall. Dgirdnion Day in rriceville. I'rlcovillo eelobriited the natal Jay of our fair Diimniioii in a lavish maimer Willi a iiiannilicent list of sii.irta and a \i\\i crowd Kleshortoii vacated itself for tin; i.i-ashioii and visilod ila sister tov.u W assist her in the jubilee. There was fool i-aemti, jumpin);:, tljrowiiifj stone, and ..Ihei kindred ijijiiiiei), hut Uie (greatest at tr.ictions were two basehall games, the liist betweuii MarWi^ale and rriceville juniors, and the other hct ween I'riceville and Klesliertoii seiiiora. These iimtcliea ailrart.'.l a lari:u crowd of apectatoi-«,atid I'riceville won in each case. There weia liut Uvo iiiiiliiii-i phiyed. hy thu junmr cliihs, when the score »t.oo.l « to !• m favor ol I'm-eville's linU slui^wors, winch was appaieiilly very , Halisf.njlory to the iiia|ority, as the Mrtrkdale hoys had in several iii.slaiices almobl ueached man- Inii.l.and the I'licevillo hoys raiiiitid fi-om U ycais to In. 'riie seooiid Kanio that helweeii Flesh ei-toii and I'riceville seniors, was note- worthy for some very poor, and also smile hrilliailt [ilayiliL' Taken on the whole I'riceville (.layd somewhat the husl l/anie. althou-ii several cliainiin.,' tills of work l«y Will Clark, Klesliertou's pitcher, who knocked the ball over the fence while threo men were on hiuies, tlierehy oauainp four runs to be piled up ; JJave Anderaon'a lively protection nf tirst Ijase, and Williams's exoellent oaUhing re- dwmed our «lub frum »ham», owing to t|i..wi.riif sail' ci.iitsliii.il ill a ii.iitusKi. 1,. till' Vwli.li.r. wliit-li liinrt- i;iii;ii willlitiiiro.liii-o.latthi. tiiii<io<H«J.>.tn.irowill I... -.1.1 l.y ll .Mil. iriiilck. Kill , auction. -.11. ''X pul.llc suiniiili. Ill Atkllisoln lii.tel. lu lIlL- Vll lu(;u ..f I'rlc-ovllUi, .III ThiirHday, Jul) '45th,l«H9, ill 111., ll. 10 lit III ..,:!, nk 111 til., (iM. liiiull. llmtol- li. Willi; liiiuls uliil |.rDliiis*-i* til lliu VlI.l.AoK HI-' I'lllrKVlI.LK, in tlie i-iiinilv iilUrov. licliiK c(.ni|...se.l of parll lot Tiiiiiili.-i- two oil tl'iB wii»l Hill., of yuui-ii street III tliii siiiil villKu.i III I'nc.inll.i Tluirii i» ..11 tlie i.i-<.mi...i< « nil., ami ii linlt ntoiy fraiiiu ilwulling li.MiHu. ls>'i4, >si.t III I..1 111* (mr -.lalt. i.f ri]|iakr. TEliMS of HAliE : Tlilsnroi.uily will lit. iiil.l siilijuot to a n.ssrve l.iii. 1 w. -Illy 11.11* i-niit of ptirrtmsi. iiioin-y is to lis pni.t St tinii. I.f sslf. anil « â- iiltl'-i.'iit siiiouut with 111., ssi.l twoiitv i.tiri-eiit I., niako u). Ill all till. Biiiii ..f *Jl'i williiu tliruonioiitlislliurostter. liim. will l.uiilvi.ii (or tlio l.slaiicii ir roqiiirod. on teriiis t.>lie iiiMle known nt limin.f sslii. Km fiirl^ni- imillciilars apply lo 1) MoCor inick. Ksj... auilloiiiior, Kisii.-ls Waile, l£>.| . I'rieovillu.or to llio uiKiursiKiii'.l ,1 \V; FU08T. Klesllorti 11 June 'J-ltli IsW. Vuiidors Hcilioilor f)^Y QOOi)^. Factory cotton, full yard, only 4 cts. a yard. Cottonades, nice patterns, 17 and i*^ cts. a yd. Our best prints at 10 and i( cts. a yd. •Shirtings from S to 13 cts. a yd. Beautilul ginghams at 8 cts. a yd. ct. VALUABLE PROPERTY, i.N iHi; V1LI..V(1K OK FLKSUEUTON, UNDKllan.l hiv viitiiii n( tlie pow.ir nf sale i-.iiilani. t ill 11 .-.-rlain 111.11 tgaiie IwliliOi will 1... |ii...iiii-...l n Jllil. lorci (iir liiil.- 1+ I'lil. .f »ilI.-i a 11-11 â- III. 1.1 will III) ll A lovely Japan tea 5 lbs. for 90 cts. as good as any tea in town. 5 bars best Electric soap for 25 cts. 14 bars Nice Toilet soap for 25 cts. 24 lbs. best rice for $1.00 14 lbs. No. I currants lor Woo. l^ lbs. Valencia raising for $1.00. 14 lbs. bright sugar foi ^.l-oo- MUNSHAWS HOTEL, iii.t [if Hi'-.hci tf>ii, (til TliiirHdii). the •.•â- 'â-ºtin Way of July, iss'i, ..t tlio iH.iir nf oiiB ..i-l.H-k 111 111., iifii.nioi.il ill au.l Huiijiiliir tliiit in'.M.iili lii.'wni . villaeo luls iiiiiiilifi-« n'.. 17, Ifniiillil, .111 lli.i s.itli west ai.loof hvilnnhiini »tro..t,ioilt,iiiiinK l.y muasurc im 111 mil- lu'nolliaoll'i-lllil.l l'l li i..|ico.i iiorcli iiiniui.i-luBS, iiccor.liM|;t.>r(i-i,i-t..r'-..l lilm i>( "»'' illvlMoiiiir im iiimili.-i l«i,iiiili.' :n..l i.mgo ..r .-.iliccs^i.illK.iluh w.ist .(ttli.. T .r.ilil.i nil, I Sy.l iietialii !' "i.-l. 11 <li" 'rowii-lii|. .if Ait..ine«ia. Tlilsiliisnsl.l.. Br»'l"'"v»ili''iiistli.ii.ul .Uh.-lio.il Iii-uii.!rlv.ftii,l n-oiiiiiin on \lHtii <tr.,'.t, lioinii Rtimil I"*! viii-.ls froii. ttii. liusim-k" I'l.rti nl of tli.i villiiiio. l-;r.. i.i.l llieii-.iii is a IJ ^tory lni.-)i rtwel liiiKh.ius.iouslotib foiinilalioii, eoiilBjiiliia tsii i-oiiiiis Kiiil cellari wUli won.l "liofl attached. Tlie rroiiuity will lie sol.l siil.jnti. lo a n.si.rM tinJ. Ternis sii.l c.militl.ins iiisao known on day ol faU. ForiutthBrnartii-iiliirs apply 1.1 K M I'HADWUK. v.inilors' solicitor, neatly, Chailwick. lllaokslock * Oalt, HWallingtonitraeteast, Torouto. Oat meal, corn meal cracked wheat, long clear bacon, spiced rolls, smoked hams, and bologna sausages constantly on hand, at close prices. Butter.eggs and wool taken at highest market prices. The Old lU liable Htixml R. Trimble. f