K PLESHERTON •'TliUTH BEFOUI- FA WOli."-" rRIAVlPLES. MJl MEjY." VOL. VIII., NO 4n. PLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 4. 1889. W, H. TEDESTO.N. EOlTCR & ACROSS THE CONTINENT. Clocks, ® Jewelry. "^'oiii- < >^vn Intei'*»>st.>i* by Ijuyinji yfsuv W'aU'lio^.CUukw, .Ii*WL*li-y Spnc- la«-it)- iiii'i silvitiwiirc, lit Russell's ]\roted JEWELM ^ TORE, FLESHERTON. In watclurw W(* huva a vi-rv liir^jM stm-k of Eljiin, Wallhitni. [lliTiuiH S|ir!iitjtlui<t. ('nlniiibim atnl SwiKH Liivitr**. in IjIkHhh' and <ifiitH' nizes. (iulit, Oliver imd Silv4T oru mis«H. Urouuhuki and Uar- pine, of tht> latttiitd«iiit;n. l^ino (iuld iwu! lUdlod (told KaiiuK'i, t'uir Mutiutis, CharinH. rimins.ftiid n btfftutifu! ntock of Lfulion' fiefn KiiKfi«"ni«nt UiuKs. A full HUpply of In K. Wndiiiut; Kiiij;B al- >Ttysonhand. AIko a lart,'« and wt:ll asHcjrtod hti)ck of Silverware and SiHfctuolos nt very low prieen, and reiin-uiber tho jdact* to ;,'ot vonr Watehofl, Cluc'kH, Jewitlry, etc , re|>tiiic'd is at RrSSELL>), FLESH ERTOX All worh psnoiiallyuctcEiitud to by .J.(». Uuak^ull. 4 Lady's Trip to tho (â- ohit'ii State via V. V K. Down Through Oregon and Call- ' forniaâ€" Natural Soda Water Springs, Water Falls, and the; Saci-ainento Valley â€" ArrivbJ at San Francisco. i Spn-iitlbj tVritfan for The Atiiyitifc. to our riiilit iiud loit, aim jiiat be^umi * lovely viiiley wiUi ii luniit^stuiiJ iiluK.at :u tliu immtli oi the| ouiiviiu. At Si.skiy'.i stiitiuii wo n;ac)i tlie .â- iuiiut ut tiia imniii- Uiiii, tliu u,uv;itiuii beiiiij .t,l;iO trt't. [ Loiikiiji; dmvu from tills lieiirlu wo sue I track beluw track buueiiili us, iiiul aru ti)ld that it wlioru we liuvo come fiuui, lUb iiub winding' liku tho lettur S. Krom liere wo get a tine viuw ui Mt. Shaaia, U,-i40 lout high. Its allow capped piak glisteiuni,' 111 tho siiii appears to bo abiuit 10 miles awuy but is in roalitT SU luileii, Now we bejjiii the de.sueiit of the iiiociu- Leavini,' tile liotel, wo were driven a !'"'"! windiiiy and twiatini} around lli» couple of blocks t(i the ferry whore we ! ''> "'""••'â- iiib' in and out of tuiinols, cross- had t.) oriiss over the Columlhii river to i "'^' '"'i' ''«^r<'«8iiit^ oaiiyoiis,thinkiiit; that take the train at East Portland. The ;**'"'"**" n'one a conBidoral)le distance, but boat was soinetluns; like a .scow or lari<e I '""i *» have only b«un rutraciiio our raft with a little house built on it. One "t«P8. -'"n wliun we finally reach the bed I division is for pas8eiii,'ers and the other "' '''•* tsacraiiiuuto river we look up and fur horses and carri vges. From East i '•'"' *" '"o ri;;ht under Siskiyou station Portland wo ijet a fine view of tho city | which wo thought w« had left a long way oil both siilus of tliH river, it is indi-ed j hohind us by tins time. Some ladies a handsome city. The rain lias ceased : | standintj at tho top appear like children the sun IS shiniiiu, and all nature auciiis 'wo years of a^;e. Wo now run up the ; alive, BO that everytiiin^ in tho country j '••f' hank of the river for a mile or s<i, locks beautiful its we pass nUmg. This '"r"â„¢ over a loiin iron bridge and go down ' is indeed a lovoly tract of country. In a short time we arrive ut Oregon city, which lalioii o: oviT iiO.nOii. Ubi-o moots us .'uui Wi- .no t;ila-ii t. waiting at the .-nd oi r;,,, p,,.,- a dolightful >;;iil ;icrN>i., i!,,. reached llm ];niil ,,i suiisinii.- Iniiiid I ho iiay ul ll'.v iial Geueral News. M> lion. Mr. ."Saturday. .Mail advici'S from \\\-«t \'. that Slaiiloy lias Miiirorcd wv. w.-it irnvcd ;ii l.i.iuj, nc;t (hovy lolv fr .11! tho hardship he has undergone. TIio Orand.liiry at Chicago hii.s indicted Martin Riirkp. Pntruk Coonov, Patrick O'Sullivaii. .foiiii F. B.-L'gn, Daniel Coii^h. lio. Kraik Kiiuzoand Frank Woodniirin ooiinoctioii with the f.'ronin niunlor McDonald is distant fifteen miles, aii'l is pictiir- e»(|uely situated on the Willamette liK^'. ia tributary of tl'e Columbia. To our i right lies the city with mountains rising , up right at tho back of it, the river niah- ' ing through tho cHiitro with a beauiifiil waterfall in tho shape of a horse shoe just at the outskirts. To our left ihi rich and most proi ] tho opposite bank. Thus forming tiia I letter U. About noun we cross the stata Adviob to Mothkr.â€" Are you <li .tiiibo.i «.: uiKht ami lirokuii of voiir rust In ii ilck .-liiM MilTurintjiniil urviiii; with imni.if Cuttiiii; THuth: If so send ut .11100 luid nui a Ixittlu 'Mra Win- ilow's Sootliinij Syrup â- for (.â- hikiroii TLelliHii; Its value in ilicalciilabh,. It will roiiuvu tlif poor little BUlfuriT inmiBiliatiilv, Urih^uiI 'ipoii ii mothers, tluiri! iiu iiHBtakB about it It ciirf- Dysentery iinil Diarrliua.reKulsiua lliurilonmi li auil UowuIb, euros Wiiul Colicnoftuiis tin, (Juiuk reUuuus Ilillaumtion. auii ijives toiio nuii cliorcv to tho wholi! HiBtoni. -Mrs, WInslown Hofitliiric Hyrup" for uUlKiron toc-lhiiiK is iiloasaiit to ihi! We run a race with the ."iacramento river, which 1.S out continuous catartict, dashing, boiling, roaring, loaniiiig, on, on toward liie ocean, into w'licli it at last empties ; hero and there narrowing until you can almost touch its opposite bank, then widening until it forms a siiiatl laKo. Wo A. L\ L> EVANS. ai.\nnaiit valley, one of the i '''^"' '" imd out ol tunnels until we have iuctivu in the states. We travel i'""'''"' through some twenty (iuriiig the thic, valley now ["aasiiii; extonsivo hop I ''fternoon, some of tlieiii being so long yards, nurseries and orchards, all iii liie ''"'t we had to have the lamps lighted highest state of cultivation, liay .dmoHt ! *hilo passing through them. Wo pass ready for cutting aixl grain from a fo..t niiineiisu woim alieds liuilt along the aid uid wealth ANDONBPKICE ONLY. iilR - Dby Qoods D epartment I.S ;iL;ain tilled lo ovcrtlowiUi^ with all cla.s.scs of cool tabncs [or the hot month.s of July ,inJ August. Bciii'4 throuL,'!"! the wholes, ilu h m.st-, we inaii.iL^ed to pick up seveial lines at reduced prices, and are preparetl to offer the public such bargains as never betore heard of ALL WOOL DRESS GOODS In leadm;^' shades for 1 3cts, GREN.VDIN ES, cool and durable, in blaelc or cream, only 12} ets. Nuns \'cilings. Mammy Cloths, Cashmeres, Prints, Mus- lin, C Iwllies, Ginghams, Seersuckers, Lawns, and all summer Fabrics. See our heavy weight zg inch s ft [ -i; 'I' I \ ^ for llcts., Hosiery, Gloves, Corsets, l?ustles, Laces, Em- broitlcric's. etc., at citv pric.'S. Don't be afraid to call and see us ladies, whether prepared to pLir- hase or not. You will find our salesmen very obliging. Market Prico f:r Butter & Eggs. Mc J DONALD & EVxVNS, Wright's Old Stand. , to a foot and a half high. Y , think nature h.id lavished all tli of beauty in this valley. Fine I of timber I.ind, one mass of gv i white, as tlieie is any ipiantity of niouii- tain laurel .-iiid ciittlo wood trees in full bloom. 'I'hi; latter ia used e.\ten»ively in ornamental work in furniture furnish- ings, butter known in Oniiirio as the,i'gi«" wo see oxen in harness. Alter cynnga tree. We thought we knew t leaving .Siskiyou we descend the mountain what it was for the tields and trees to lie | until the elevation is :i,lJ4 feet, we again dri-ssed in tlioir green garb, but oiue we j ascend so that when we arrivu at Siasiu had entered tliis socti.iii of the country , we are J,.")oO it. After leaving this ata- We raino to the conclusion that ( >iitario ' Hon a almrt â- listauco. the whi.stle blows people .lid not know what that color was I and we know soinethiiig is wrong- thi bk'j and had never seen u'leuil ill tlie I umiuiring wc liiid lh.it ciUle are on tho true .sense ii the Word. ICvorytliing is tl'tck. Raising our wiiniow and loukiii;; rich .iini of a velvet^softiiess in shade ' out .vo sou a line aiiiiiial lying on Us liacl; iliat could 11. â- ! be conceived without | j'lst under, with whuols passing .jv<m- its hariiig been seen, I can scai-coly i;ivo ' iicad, h.i\ iii;^ !irsl been lliiiig aliMut 'JU li. Tliis is tl hue and enter California. All day loiiol .'"''I^f''^ '!' '''" i'â„¢""'!'""" ''f oiu.of thool,lo»t J "l>|aii(i best fuiimlo iihvBioiaiiii anil unr' us in tho tinitod Stnti.s. an.l is for bhIo hv all ilruKsists throughout! th« world. I'lioe twirity live .•(.•ntsa bottle. I)« huio auil aslc for "Mhs. VVi.nslow • 9y»|'p, â- ami tuke no otijor kind. Will you suffer with Dysnopsia and Liver Complaint ' Shiloh'a \'itallz<>r .s U'uaraiiteed to ,;u,u vou. For sale at tin .Medical Hall.. THE iTRKEfs. FLESHEKTO.V. Ciirt'fullif Cofrvctcii EurU I'-loiir ,t'. Kail Wheat Sprint; Whuat Ilarloy ... ij Oats â- ,.. â- ..â- .1 I'oiwi " ,, nutter 11 ' Ku«B, frosh ." .. I ' I'otatos bush. ... '11 I'ork ;. ;;. ..: ,â- ; Huv por toil .. " . , Hides , Shiiopskin.i . , , . ... J 'JOOHO J I'urki'vs ' ,, ''hii koiis jiur pair i I'licks ix.T lb ., , Wool ; ., J - -LL __ . of tile track coniauung thiUbaiids of cords of woial. rile tiirests hure are line Stretches land thickly wooded. The mode of gcttini; â- eeii and ! t'he wood up from tho valley to tile top of tho mountain ic by [lacking horses. This la by tying a Iniiidle of sticks on each side ol the saddle 'X bare back and then climbing the liilU.ide wiUi it. Here H'rvk y)t0 .*» I'J â- to S, '• ') 'I, ll Ul '.'â- \ i, I VI 1 a 1 , 1 DM 1 1 , '. Ill â- J 01 J 10 I .*: SlO>J «♦ the beauty a 'Uimv. but '(â- lined tl lie you any idea •• jf this tr:i.:t ni' iiiinht pr'ipijr'v of I'M. 11. ' \\'e [ .i> i •.'. . r what is .â- .â- illod < prairie in 4.. in.; fnuii Oreg.in ' Tin.- of C..UIMC is still in tlio 'â- valley. It was lirst settled by t! tvh.i iiitormarried with the Indian n..iv is settled by halfbrecdi. have tine lioines .iiid orcliarilH ami sive farnia, all well cultivateo. Sulciii. .11. Idle Kielieh i, and They e.xteii- .Vliout three miles out of .Salem we como to very pretty Indian village. Tho houses are all bnilt by the tiovernnieiit, ami have a line high school .ir college. The I I..vi;iiiin...|it force the half-br*ds !.â- edu- cate their children. The fence in front of the college was lined with ynung Indi- ans as we passed. .V nuinber ><i the teachers are from t.'aiiada wlio are en- gageil here. Saleiii, tho capital, is the largest and we.aithiest city in the state except l'<irtlanil. ltha8o\er 10,1)00 in- lialiilants. Hero wo are shown the Stale ..iiiso wlucli is built of gray gniiiito, also ilio asvluin and peiiitentarv. h..ili line 'iiillMigs, and both containiiig ..ver IfOO iiimate.s at the present time, ll might I", calle.l the "city of trees. ' It has tine, â- â- ' i'i'), .jleun streets, an.l altogether is a liii idsoino city. (hiocniiipit help iiotic- lU'. iiow clean an.l fie.sli l....king all the towns and villages are Unit we pa.ss richiii'ss I into the air. I Ills is the see.. ml tune •eitainlv :.luiiiig our in;, iiiis h.is ha|i|.ciie.i Wln;ii "lo.iil.Mi .r.'^siOL; llie piairiu ill t!i.'.\.W.T a calf .\.i.i hiiieo. Iheli uii 11.., mil- I'.irtlaiid c I'';.ii. !i ii..i-*e.» \N 1 1'.- .0111 >! i nil .1 wii. I ho [loor iiiiimais |Uht escape. 1 liy leaping 11. un th.' tiack. Vlntut H inilos from >»,.ssili we e..mo to the ii]iper soda springs, then three miles further liie lower soda s|iriiigs. These are natural spriiii;s of soda water rising uut .if the rock n^'lit oil the m\j,t3 of the river. Over the upper soda springs a I there is a fountain erected and a summer house built over it. .Just accross from iliismi the other side ..f the river is a beautiful fall of water about lifty f«et iiigli, flushing nut iif the face of the olill', with a rainbow stretching over it. The river is very ii.irrow hero so that you could eiisliy toss a pebble into the wator- lall. This is a most charming spot, and Would make a delightful caiiiiiing !;ri.iiiid f. .r aiiy tour- ist. Our tiaiii stopped here for a short lime t<i let us see it. The gentlemen ..jot .lilt t.i ^et a diink ami secure siuiie bir ihc Ittdios, but Were ijuite dlsaap|«unted I., liiid the l'..uiil.iin dry as they were lix pipe,,, ll.i-.vcver, a gontleinan botll Gold, filled goH and Coin-silver cases. I,u>iio8 an.l Gents' -iz.-i. Walnut end Nickle Clocks, .\ 1 Walclle.4 :|llii . I am it.pr liaoked ii| lioiues III Joint,' In.".. If puce .sciilL.i by by relia t'eiitrsl Ijrey, in IhiM -ection. < ir.j 11. ,t .bed i..i;ki warranli, in luei tliHii any jewel 01 niek ..-very linitt. QUALITY Considered, the secured n.' hail a .Iriii through .small dark wo come t" :i d.ii . Here iii..sl ll It lower sprinos and Wo have been pas.sing ll.iL,'.'.s all (lav, but just at died" U.id- leavt :li. We were sorry wo cilld not | us, as we have a troiip of this seeticn of country by day light, [tills (colored when oii the staged Pumps ! " Pumps J. IVIcCulloush. f Durham Bull for service. tlir..i fr.\vi it is so interesting. However. iime we arrive at .Vlbany it is ipii .ind .so weliave to bid farewell t . leeiiig for that night. .\t Kug ivhei'o we arrive about 10 p. 11 :iiie town ll .lur pil.sseui; â- 11 th â- daik. 11 si-ht „â- oily, we say t mills <li Ix.are rkdalo. Mr. .V'ex. Stuwar*. lot l;"i7, :ir'l rare,'!' wont, Ar- tciiiosia, 'lesii-i.s to inform the public that ho has a tln.i tli..r»ii|{hlnod Uarhain Hull for surv- ioeoii liih )iroiiiiaiis. TKK.MS-»l,|)a,. able l6t Feb., isail. For four cows or over a liberal ru.luctlou will bo niiule rnRiiiifaruturor of pmnps, dosireB to infovrn tho ' â- â€" - â- , _ . tn ^ m imblic that ho ifi I'ropart Deep wells, gravel wells, etc. artit'B who have horotoffvc hit.UlilliouHy with \ tbcir wtilfi aro Guaranteed Satisfaction \ byuBiiij,. my articlen. I loarnod •oy l.upitirft. j with th J lato J. Fear. of Meiiford, the suporiorily ! of whose pumps nos a housuhold word in Gicv a f Aw years a^jo. H«Hir« and osU on me if you deuiro anvthiim I B w« pumpIlD*. D. (LiYTO>f. Proprlvtur. Jlj'W^oV ' i(>j.,; SNN â- ^^^f^-. ^•%-. â- ^^'Si J. McCulloHKh. ^E9 I-'irst class hors H II. II d vobiejos for hire at veiiso 11 a b I e rutos, Stables oi>- jiosi t .Man shaw's hotel. Special at- tuntiou paid to (x> ra mer- cial businsM. u'ood bye to the last ul our party fi-oin Ontario, Making ourselves comfortable for the night we koow very little . if what is going on around us until a.m. tho ne.xt imirning. -Vboiit 7 o'clock wo ar- rive at Oakland where we atop 30 min- utes for br(;akfast,au(l from hero wo tele- grapli to our friend to meet 11s next morn- ing about tho gauio time, Krom thi.s out the scenery beoomes interesting .as we are Hearing tho Siskiyou mountains. These are a spur of tho Sierra Novadas. We aro also entering the gold regions. The Soil Vieconies ipiito red, and the rivers and streams of a deep orango color, caused, we aixi told, by tho gold wiishing. About oloveno clock wo are well into the mountains, and the sconory now becomes wild and startling, the trestle work over some of the csnyons being 15li foot hi^li, and very frail looking structures. Yat the view from some of tliose was fine, j The terrible gorge beneath us as well as. all day, twenty-two in number. They were all fine intelligent looking moil and Women, and we thounht tt was a great pity they did not inali.j belter use of their talents. We have still .another night 8 ride befor(j uk, but feel plea.sed to know our trip will lie ended in the morn- ing, although it haa been pleasurable throughout, having had the most de- lightful weather all iIk.' way and nothing to iiiar our trip from beginning to end. We found it smooth travelling and had 110 trouble in any way whatever. Olticials everywhere were gentlomanly and accom- modatiiio, and 'gave information willingly and gladly. No one need feel troubled ,at all about Ua"elling alone. Kriday morniiisi about si.x. o'clock we arrivtj at Meiiiiua. Hero our train is put on a ferry and taken .across the Saoiemeiito river, just at the inouth ui San Francisco [{ay. to Port Costa, a pretty little village nestling at the foot of the hill on the oth- er side of the river. Krom this .nit wt wind around tho liill.s and along the edge of the bay until wo arrive at Oaklands, 11 lovely town across the bay from San Fianciseo about eight miles, with a popu-' I woul.l ^llarH id li ..t !i â- V C.i I able trade . Ii.il I 1. .V. ch : ,1 Pi CA{>H or Oil K Oil" will C' 1.. b,;l;,^ Goods, Work and than ..lally Wan'juil.s <'i>ii.Hi<l<-i-4-4i .11 .'111 lio el.iew \\i'Yt\ '<\H-\ : .1. Work Carefully Don?, Fair Charges ,S*ijck now I'diiiplote in all iiii.'i. Can save you to $3.00 on watches. lie lieM on live and u Othr.r Iitl*i8 W. A. BROWN, Jeweler a.m Opticiau. MABKDiVLE, Out. j *