Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 9 May 1889, p. 5

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1HE FLESHERION ADVANCE. Everything For THE GARDEK To Our Friends and Patrocs. W â-  io-iiro to tliank yoit for voiii* lilmral r-at- r<»:M.t;ii it! thupHxt. and hope for tt i'(mtinuuiu;L' ot t!n) -am**. Wo have ttiiH year uiaitt; t;reat iiiipt'ovi'uiiiiitrt iu our rttock, ami )mvt> ;^ot souie \>f till li â- ><*. varioiios of tho (litfurHiit tilantu. Wo h ivo at t*^'o^*-ut for ttalu It V L B N . <railiolus an 1 Dahlias. 11 « I' S E PLANTS. Villi i->L lou MIlMliM'OllH to UiUIltlUlI. illi-]iulill|^' 'i.rililir ,iii<l sink.'*'- (ti!niiiiuniH in many shatlt's, :: t\ \ an 1 â- ^Mvur. tr!rt>lor. ivy ami Hi-tiiit^M) ^tn-an- imns HI liiciil v.iriuty. (^iiiuerurius, i'riiiiiilas, <'alt!i;ot.fia!*, I'.ttniiian, iioliotropo^. lieyouiaH â- LuU lie^>llia Ui.>\, \t>:itil1uim, Foclisius, I.ilitiK, <')ii;rii-'. Hy tran;,'i*aj*. PtilnrRnniiiins. Rost-t*. Ivir-i CoKmi-^. \i:hvraiithas aiiil MtiontUnver. In B E l> D I !V i; P L A > T S \\\' ii.iv.^ Astiu-M. Halwanirf. Stm-k-i. \ erlxMian, Jiiiiirhin. MiMiuhiM, l'''.)xyl«tv(i, LoIm-Hu, Kor^^et- Me-Not. t'hiua IMiik. Seihuu. Al v'^suiu, I'auHv. V K <; E T A B L E PLANTS (â-  i.i!i.i;;('. I'aulitlmvur. Cdlorv, Tomato and rar:niibt'r. <'ii! Flowers aiut Floral Ut^si^ns. A'.l o.'tlurs att*-mloil ic) primiptly. JAMK:^ liKKCUOFT. GsSE^XmOtiSE. Uii TO BLACKBIRD'S -FOR - FLOUK, FKED, AND A lar;,'c stock always on hand. Dealer in FRESH and CURED MEATS, NEW LARD, BOLOGNA,; ETC. BLACKBUEN'S J.E. FUHERAL D I EEC TOE, -AND FUEiTITUEE DEALEE. Keeps C'uiistantly on Hand AT \\\\\ Fiesliertoo Fiii'iiitare Warerooms DURHAM Street ILESHERTON, CGSRESPONDENCE. The MchuMl <(iie!«li»ii. Dkab Advance : Tyroue'd letter in your issue ot'^iidiust., ia no improvo- mc'iit on ilia tirst, lii« riKures lor le^iil cinsus icUiniH tor tlirec years, if coni'Ct, aiu Very discruditiible to iho cc'usua liikt's, as they are imxcusably asiray. U was clearly proven to the ('otuily Coiird of Arbitratuis, that tut school population was up to the legal recpiireuimils in l8a(i. It wua vigor- ously rlispuu'd at the time, so far as posuive assertion I'.oulil go, hence tlie iicuessity ot" llie point havnig to be prove:! at the tiuie, wliich witu done by '^'i ang names to the lioaid, show- ing the number of scliool age [lersons to be over fifty. We beheve it has uever been less than fifty .'finte, and to-uay it is over lifty. I'hia section was established by proof and not by sutfcrance, the teiTitory of the section id small and ijurruunded by sections too large, surely it, is nu lliui'e tlian right to ounalize a liitl'-. "'ryronc ' tliinlis the council have great reason to be proud of itself ; we ara only too sorry we cannot endorse tlial.but be^' to express tlii^ wise and liope that tlie council will not give way lo pride, but go to work at once and re arrange everything necessary in the sciiool sections witliout fear or favor. FLESHEHTUN STATION. A FULL LINK OF J^EW HAIR DRESSING PARLOR, MK. W. .1. NF.L,t».)N. hiiMiiH I'puln.l out u miw Oiirbur sliop ami liiiir di«»--ilit{ IMiiliii-. in Moore's Block, Durham St. 11 ir.'i'iiriMl to attiMul to all v.oi li iii Ins line. nm\ wotil<t iiivilf patroUHi^u. tlair cuttiiiij. slmviiu; slianwiiiiiH ra/.or«, uV , :ill cloiiu in the lnBhB»i styln of ttm art WM NKT.SON " FLESHEETOIT PL4\i\(i MILLS JJqUSE_ JTURNISHINQS of every description. Specialties FOR THIS MONTH HiiviiiK purchiispil t)in I'Mi'Siii'itoii rhiuinn .MjIU froii K. J. Sproiilf. Km|.. 1 now ni.'Birt to infiinni tin* PUL3LIC tlKit. I am ill II |io:^itioii Id ilo ALL KINDS Geueral planing mill work, such art SASH, DOORS, DOOII FRAMES Planing; and Matclniig, re Siuving.ite. CoutI WurkuiaiiMliip Cuurauteetl. A large iiuantity of "oixl dry pine luiiibor oil hand. I" It'slielDon. WanteD SiLES.nE>' to «<•» .•h..ico«'rv .St,.ok, r.lUKK.iL I'.VY (iVAUANTK!) WKKKI.V. No i-.xperii'uoo it-qiiiied. Ciuiirin'iicfi atouce iiiij sucocw is asKuruJ. iVnti) Fiii,i> K. YoD.Nii, Niirsciyiuau. lluchuster, N. Y. BABY ^ AEEIAGE S THOMAS' celebrated ORGANS To the KiUfor of Tlie Adcanrr. Dkak SiK â€" In your last weok's issue tliere appeared a coniinnnication from your PriceviUe correspondent containing a statement wluuli no doubt was intended as a slur upon teacher and pupils of "Hillside Acad- emy." As I ain evidently tlii' pi'rson referred to I would therefore ask your Pricoville oorrespundent for a cleai'er explanation of hia insinuation. If lie means to say that the regime of the afonstid school is, and has been o(, a doubtful and suspicious iiatiue, tlieii I give such assertions a nioM empiiHtic denial ami can fiuinsh abundant |)root to substantiate my statements. There is a vioorons .\nfilo Saxoii word of four letteis which would bo a very ap- propriate epithet ill describiiii; sucli a ciiaiiicter as your nanieless coirespini- dent. What wmi' l.lie motives thai incited him to imblish such a loose fabrication is a nnslcry to me. Let him come out like a man and sign his own iiaine if he has any old f,'nidge lo settle. This mean, low way of sfib- biiig in the dark is very inisalisfactiny to any one. and oivcs a piM'Son no fair ciiaiice whativir to letaliiite. rhiuiking you Mr. Editoi' for tln' valu- able simce I have occupied, I reiiiiiiii. Yours tnilv, W.J, r.LXKKSTOX. T( iicherof II. A. rnceville, M;ivf. ISS-.t. FOR SALE! Iliiililinu lot iu thu villaKH of Moihorton. Apply at this ofHcu, or to .USUI'S Mil.KOl). Kleshurton Statinii. Situation. 91 New Raymond Sevviifij; Machinesi SPPwIlTGBE'DS, â€"»<«â-º*â€" lleuford U<»a<i. I''litiu 'fill' <nrii t \,i t ' .^ittitiii ail. M â- s. Adam llolicv. ir., made her liet;o hnd a present of L pair (if twin babies some liiiicj ,il;o. .M •. J. Wariiii;,' has had I severe altai k of pleurisy. 11.. IS -etluig aroniid again. Si ring seediui,' is about Inoiigh- Warm weather and a oooi ram is need â- d. Fi Il wheat islookm ,' well. â€" - ' ^ ' Eiiisi'Hi a Ftuin ititr "fiit'oft >â- .<;>(;/((/' it. SEA GR.VSS & WOtH, MATRESSES â- mMnaaaMB<ja^iHBriaHiBawaMaa.aBwmi with Ktuady tMnploviiiuut and Koo>1 pay all thu Vuar ioiiikI. tt.» ruliablo mull furtiiH))iiiK K.' tiOrv rufiirmicoB. S..\. MuO.MUKH * Co , NurHorylncn, Hochuittwr, N. V V0LUKTEE5.S Attention 12 RECRUITS Wanted! No. ftcoiapauy of voluDtaara will ineot in thu . <lrin Rhml, Klunhartoii, uvory ThiirMlav and . • M4itiUMlay«>vuuiii|(at 7 o'clock luttil. furthar or- .•.. • J J KIKM), U«ut. C. J. Sl'ltUt'UK, I^Uut We are olfeiing special bargains in above lines during May, as we (ind it necessary to materially enlaigt; and improve our place of business. We will give a further DISCOUN of 10 iftr tent oil all I'his extraordiuiiiy offer should diice our stock at least $.j()0.(l(l above the ordinary trade. locked. This would serve in a orcat meaanre to keep the stairs from being destroyed. Charge a small foe.eiiouoli to cover ajl expenses, from those that go bolow.or rent the key for the day to the picnic party. The place by tliis plan would keep itself in r(!pair. The stairway is at pruseiit in a very dilapidated condition. The supports are very much decayed and the rail- ing gone, so that it is very unlit, even (l.iiigerous, to pass up or ilown. The aiitiiorities should see they are made safe or else have them removed before accidents happen, for the stairway is at preseiiL nothing more nor less ihaii a huge man-trap, and people cannot know until tliey are on them whether they are safe or not. Tlu^ religious (piaiterley meeting was held in the Methodist Church, Kiigfiiin, yii Sabbath. Services were conducted morning and evening by ihe Rev. Mr, Steers of Maikdale. Kiuibfrley. FLESHERTON FURNITURE W.' are pleased lo see that Messrs. .\kitt and Sloan, who have been con- tined to bed for some days by a severe cold, aie able to be aroi,iid uu'iiiii and alleiid to their business. Mr. t). Howerinan and Mr Paul Sherwood have also i( covered fi-oin attack of inllainniaiion on the lungs. Mr. Sloans sliiiiglo mill is injw going full blast. >h'. Thos. Siiggitt. who lias been speinling a few weeks \ isitiiig his, I er and the scenes of his boyhood, re- I turneil to Toronto last week. Miss Samantlia Watts left hist week for (iiielpli, and Miss Miniiie I Watts is taking a course of nin.sic I with a Kimberley musician. TTiie season of picnics has arrived, laijd on account of its nigged and i o- I inaiitic ucenery there is no more p(i|)u- ' lar place than Euoeniii to hold a \>ic- ' nic for many miles aroniul. Still it I is strange that, no [lersoii in the vil- lage has takejj advantage of this, fact and eiideavorod to mako it still more " ~" atlriictivi' for tourists .and pleasure j seekers, heiudos obtainjng fur thenl- • selves a little peeiiiiiary prolit. Pleas- ! ure seekor.s - are generally lliislr of I money and good spemlors. flf course I the falls are the chief attraction ,aiid I the approach, to them below by means I of the stairway should be kept- in vo- i pail . No porpou however, is willing i to uiidertaitc.tlwi expense, without, re- i luuiieration. 1 , would, ^.uggost (bat I Uie place be ma4« secure. Have a ' i^e or house at the liead and keep it General News. Sir. .fuiiaii Paiiiieefiire.tlie new British Minister to W:iiiluiigt(Ui, wau preseiiti'il to President HaniHun Friday by Seerelaiy HIaiiiu. .\iv you inado miserable by indinestioii cuiisliimtrin. dizziness, Iobh of nppetit.' yellow skill / Slnioli'.s Vitalizer is a post fvi! cure. Fur Sale at tlie Medical Hal) Till- iiopiilation of (Quebec in placed at t>i(,8Uf),or with St, Sauveur nieludetl,8."),- OUO, Will you ,sulfer witli Dy.spep.sia and Liver (Complaint ! .Sliil«ih « Vitalizer i,^ L'uaniiiteod to cure vou. Ftjr sale at tin- Mo.iicui Hall. .V Iliad doi; panic is raoiiig at Hay '."iiy, Mieli., w'leri! .'!."i ilo(;s have been killed witliin 24 Ikiuim. Frei:. o"iiiwii <'iirr'S)iiituiriit. Tho weather is very line al present. and tlio leaves are eoniing out upon the trees. I'he grass and fall wheat lire growing very t'ust. Wo are glad to note that Miss I'Jlla Carruthers is able to be around again after lier attack of uitlamination. b isliing is the order of tiie day. but some fi«li in vam. One of our sports- lapii Wi'.vA out the .3tlierday and lished for nearly half a day and cangiit noth- ing, but carried lionu! cnonoli water in his boots 'o wash him for montlis. Thu Kimberley base ball ha.'^ organ- ized for the seiLson, with Mr. (.'. Howe ai captain, Mr. J . 0. McConiiell .sec. Quite a iiinnber of tiu; citizens of tllii> place met in theselioid lioiisu on Saturday evening last to consider the adviHibility of erecting a union churcli ll waa decided to build a two story building, the ba.senieiil to be used for public meetings, ami the upper oliam- bfr for r«lif,'iuus purposes. Jiin-Jam Valley. "In the secluded Jim- Jam Valley of the Sun lierniirdmu Mounluins" re- marked .loe â- Joachinson, the pioneer of San I'ernardhio, yesterday, to a re- porter at the Palace Hotel, "tliere are the most marvellous niiragcs known to the world. The wonderful mirages of the Mojavct Desert have been talked about a ocnnl deal, and they are en'illed to all the proinineiice they have had. HiU those of the .lun- Jain N'alley are far min-i' wonderhil than these. It is called â- ) nil-. Jam Val- ley becausi,' of tlw; slninj^e things sei ii there, and 1 defy any man, however soniul i;f iniiiii lie may be, to ofi in •here. aii>l not think lie has ooi ciii before he u'ets <jilt. This valley i.-i about iweiity-livi' miles long hy tll'tei n miles wid.'. It is iniiiilnibitcd. it s bordi.'red by tlic' main San lie; n.iidiiio iaiig<; on the east and by a spur of the Sii'rra Magdalenas on the we> t. There is no well iletiiicd trail tliroiigli the heart of it. Tli" vaMov is a'it. 'I'he siiiToaiiding i) oimlaiii.s a ..â-  in - ribly cut up. The peaks aie jagged. Altogether the sui-r(iniidiiig'< aL'e veiy weird and foihiddiijg. Leaving I'lsk's raiieli on the tiail at the 'ooL of the Sierra .MaL;da'eiias. yon chiDib. au easy grade to Prail .Mans Pass, tli.' en Iranco to the valley, (io on in and pnaty soon you .si,-f lakes and running rivers, and green borders, and ilyii g waterfowl. Willows spring up he. e and there, and in the distance yon s, e water lilies. What you , heboid con- trasts linely witii .the riij<ged moun- tains, ami you are with it and g<j on th'iiknig yon liavo ;i.n eanii- j ly paradise. huLiaii camps appuur in I view, anil lithe oaismiMi propel fantas- tic crafts ii|ion the waters. .-Vdvaiie- i ig still further you .see dim niithncd forms, things whose outlines \(ni can ! hardly express in wej-tla. Sombre countenances gleam at ymi from llit! air above. The lakes ami i'vei» and the palid faces shift and c ha Ug<' before your eyes. Sonielimes a dozen of the more iirlessd:mly outlined loiins may bo seen, and tlie panUiniin.' rej minds you of a strange liohoohlin dance. Sometimes a slonn breWuS in the valley, and then tho soein.', is ;dl the more terrible, h'orked lightning bla/.es about, and siriiiige, inicoiiih animals, dift'ei iiig from any you have ever read abinit. are to be sc«n there. These pbeiiom''na. are seen for a stretch of about lifteeii miloH mi and down the middle of tho valley priiici pally, and ihey have been viewed by a groat many people. I'liey cannot nndeistand why the forms of the mirage, if such it may Ix' ciiUed, are so much more strangw tliero than on the Mojave Desort. Everybbdy is in awe of the vjvHeyv and . tliere are mighty few men, however iiwvy, who oare tio go there luiicb.". Terrible iiiui<di4ttiiiiH .ire p^portt-d from t|>e Saguney itiBtnot, and iharu i> coii nidvntble puvorty ainopg thu people. IMontbly Fairs. Oraiiyevillo â€" Tllo Hci^oiiil Thtirsdny in ,mi-!i iiluuth. DiuiiUlkâ€" Tiiesilay hufor" Oraui,'4'Villo. flush. trtoii -ilomliiy ln-foro Oi luiguv iI!o, Mark,lalo--Salurilii\' hHlort- Orniiticville, Uurhuiii â€" Third TiiuBdav in ,!Hth Mioiitli. Ch4t.-iwortli â€" Moll. lay before Diirhaiii. llulliiM.U'ontur Suliirday lj,-fi.iu cljultwoi til Plioitvillp- -Monday hofore lliirtiiiui. Haliovui' -^lotulav ht'.foro Utiihul.i. SIOO. unUJUIil. Xirtt Id ite worl'l. 11 n n n i«*.i*(.tr. W.f-X ILLlJj ^>iB|CCaj». Uolb IjJict' Pat) J (fcnli' iMM, WKb wixk* of eqMkI vaiut. I One ParMin ia «acb lo- '»iiijr c«D Bccore ••nr frre, n.<r«ih«r wllb imr l»f»^ ni>Jvtl' iMbie linn -f Il4iu»«>l«olfl Hnrnplm. Thetr pamplea. a* wrM as ilip watth, vva *rti\ Free, ftnil after yuu have kr^it ttan \m fwmt ho^i for 9 nitmtb* antl abown tbem to lho«» wte iBAjr bav« e«li«d, Ukejr b»com« yamt u«vn prut>*fiy. Ilio** vtfco vvrlt* %% a««« < ui be ••i* of reetlriait >ba w^ntrtk W«j«r '^1 •â- pr«M. fr«l«bt,*M. A(Mt«M '1 liiH Yeo-i .?. MYRTLE ('UT ami Plug mimnum FIKEK Tll.l.>i EVEH. See T &B ill Itruii/.e (HI CACU PLlt; and ri<'Ki4;K PRICEVJLLE • BAKBEY. A. WATso\ I I'esireslo inform the pulilie that lie can lurnisii CAlvES AND riKS IIUST i\.\H HRK.MJ .M.WAYSO.-*, will vit-it Klfsln'iton twico a ., Tl Ksn.Ws itiiil KUID.AVS, Willi it full ,.lipply Ol I^OOIJM. UROP .V I'AUn IF V(M DESIHi; MK TO CAhh. WKDDINC and KANCY chkcii.i specialty A. WATSO.N, I'ricHVilIu. FLOUR, FLOUR, STONE FLiOUBl Mil !' LOL'CKS I» propaKHl tt) ilo yom* Liiihtiiit; «iu sluirt uuIum. ami f,'iiiiilH oil Uio (iUl tniiis uf uvm v t^v^'Illll l)iiK)utl. Sovon (..iiitM pin- \n\%i <>( two Iniihols tui <.'lun»pinK. lUnio nvnry iliiy 'riiu Litil-i Mi n t>tK iu 1,110 i3Hliii)tLLliiii <f( tliu ijublio. HatiHfactiou Guaraiilued. P. l.OCCIiS.rrtipiiatoi ({ooit Httibliii»{ (or ll n K»H. 0. lidavish, HOKSESHt^EK AND GENERAL BLACFSMITH. Collingwood Street, FLESHERTON, - QMT. Maiiufai:t,urtirf; of Wagons. RIciKliP DtriuotvRaiH, utn. HnrHOHho«iiiu t4)Uli«llt<>. S|MW)al ul*oiitiui] f{ivi! I lIciKlii'. liikiKie' m nror.iiCTy al ivuii to uoail-Hi < LAlMinc and Plow Chains vaa- utaatly oa hand.

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