ONTAfilO LEeiSLAlURE. V \ The following BUla were read the third tia^e and paased : To amutid the Act respecting the federa- tion of the Uuivereity of Toronto and Uoi- veraicy College with other anivrrbicieu aud oclie>jea â€" Mr. Roaa (Middlesfx). To incorporate the town of VVeat Toronto Janoiion â€" Mr. Gilmoar. The following Billa were advanced a rtage : Keapeoting a certain by-law of the city of Loudon â€" Mr. Meredith. To enable the town of Cobonrg to aid the Cobooxg. Blairton A Marmora, or the Co boarg. Northamberiand St Pacific Railway «r other roadâ€" Mr. Field. Respecting the uoiiaolidation of the deben- tnre debt of the city of Toronto - Mr. E. F. Clarke ( Torontol. To revive and amend the Act incorporat- ing the Sarnia & Lambtou Soucberu Rail- way Company Mr- Graham. Kfspeciing the Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railway Company â€" Mr. Leys. Mr. Tooley moved that ^ee8ional Papers No. 74 of the last aeaeion, being a muru of oopies of the evidence taken by .l^uiiliQa Irving, Enjuire, Q C , with reference to the Ontario Grain anil Seed Company, togeiht-r with his rtpori, be referred to the Printing Committee with insiractiona to consider the propriety of printing the aame. The motion passed. The following Bills were introdaced and read the first time : Mr. Gibson (Uamilton) â€" To amend the Pablio Health Act ; also, to amend the liiqaor License Act. The following Bills were read the third time and psssed : For euioruing orders ander the Act retpecting master and servant â€" The Attor- ivsy ' General. Reopectmt! the piwers of Electric Light Compouiesâ€" The Attorney-Geueral. Mr. Gibson's iHamiltoii) Bill to amend the Division CoQils Act was read the aeounil time. Tne following Bills were advanced a stage: Respecting a certain by-law of the city of LoniJoaâ€" Mr. Meredith, To provide for theeiiensionof the water- works of the city o( 6t. Catharines and for other purposes â€" Mr. Garson. Respecting the Niagara tV St. f^atharioes Street Railway Companyâ€" Mr. Garoou. Mr. Waters moved that in the npiuiun of this House the time has come when the Government of thia Province should snb- mil a measure for the approval of this Assembly having for its object the pro- eariug of money from the capit*lists af Great Britain upon the security of Provia- Otal bonds or otherwise beariug ititerest at 3^ 07 -1 p<<r ctnt. Bald moue> to be advanced tn the farmers of this Province to enable them to pay of existing mortgages At a very slight advance over hrst cost and not more than would cover the necessary expense of such loans ; the farms to be the •ecurity for the money advanced, and the â- amu to be repaid in such manner as may be devised. He explained how it was that m number of years ago settlers had bur- rowed money from loan companies with payments extending over twenty )e.*r8, osteuoibly at li per oent., b'lt in reality at 11 per ce*t. Times were good then ; wheat was seJliug at Sd to 81 'i3. and the tarmers entered upon HUgagemriits which under the present conditions they were uuablu to meet. Aa a conse'jueuce many of them were loiiiug their farms and leaving the MMtDtry. Mr. Uoss (Huron) said that the object of the hoM. gentleman was praiseworiby, Out it would be only the revival of the muuici- pal loan fund trouole. The onject of the Government in lending money for drainage purposes was to encourage the improve- meut cf the farms, but be doubled Abether it would be advisable to encourage the farmers to go into debt, and tbe loweiiug ot tbe rate of interest certainly would. Mr. Blyth (Huron) opposed tbe motion. The matter would be too complicated and would get the Province iatoemllesd trouble. He thought the Government should accept the sinking fund money from the moniepalities as a loan. Olbaou v- wTOn) opposed the motion, r. Waters regretted that the G iveru mtt had not promised to take tbe proposal int4beir serio* consideration. le luoiion was withdrawn. M. Garson moved that in the opinion of ihisHouse it is expedient to i xiend to mar«d women, possessed of the leoessary proptty or income qualifiuatiou, the right of voiig at municipal eleuiioua. MrBiuitb (York) seconded the motion. Thi motion was withdrawn. Mr. MoMahou moved for a return of copies of any correspondence between the Oularo and Doramion Goveruii-'euts, or between the former and any corpi ration or persOLP, relaiiug to the owrershi^), sale or lease of the Uuudas it Waterloo micadam- iz»i road, togetherwithoopiesofauy papers 1 the pussession of the Govtrnineni relat- ing thereto, subseijuent to that already broukht down in the year 1380. The ill Jtion passed. Mr. Dance moved that this House, re- oogi I/, iig »hat the High Schools and Col- legiate Institutes of this Province have in tbe p«»t proved of great service tu educa- tion, and while not iiuestioiiiug the neces ally of lluir being maintained in an elli oieut cen lition, is ot opinion that the time has arnvvd when such schools sliould be more lar ,ely suiported by fees, «ud that the law be so a ueuded aa to make it com- /tthat fees should be charged to ,,lenduig Buuh schools. He explained haiJad brouglit the matter before the ^i^)^3i the (iirpose of having it dis- oum*-" he mouKht the time was ripe lor eoijJ''o"' ^' ""' ''^"'' session at least Qtjj(BSIOU. jRoss (Middlesex) explained that the irnrftiuu of fees was inoreasiug Many of *e who enter the schools did so for tbrfirposo of tiualityiug themselves for Ihrfaohiug profession. The Uov-jriuiieul »cj consider the matter and perhaps lakkciion. a|. Muioalf considered that tho imposi- tior*f fees woul.l bo a retrogressive step ^biic education. Ue believed the ig[6chools should be as free as tbe PubUo :h<ulH. .Vt. .Meredith said it would bo unfair to uipfl High Schools that were widins'to ve (r- e o tuoatiou to ch%rge fees. At pre- nt the High Schools could charge foes if y wished. Many of the school* only r^ed fees to outsiders. r Wood supp 'rfe.! the motion. r. Gibson ( Huron) wanted parish l» ecfaoola instituted like those in Sootland, where tbey taught the classics. He main- tained that tbe High Schools sbovld not receive any support from the Governiaont. The High School in bia district waa twenty- five miiea away from where he lived. It was no use to bim. Mr. Meredith â€" Bat the jail is seventy mili-a sway from yon. Mr Hardyâ€" Bat that is not the point he is trying to^t at. Mr Gifaaon (Haron), continning, said that b« nevar knew of any person yet who had euterad a High School to return to the farm. The money spent on High Schools would botnach better spent in developing and fawilding railways in the unsettled diatrtaM. l>r. ^[l.Laagblin said he knew nnmbers of professional geotliinen who weald never iiave uucupied their ^^resest positions had it not been for free ecbools, free hiiih schools and a free aniversity. An hou. member bad referred to Scotland. All he could say was at the tun» be visited Great Britain there was no ctiance of poor people rising. He believed in giving a perfectly free education, and would vote against such a si-kemu of imposing fees as that proposed. There was a growing disposition on the part of the farmers to give their sous and daughters a belter education than had been the c'latom to give farmers' caildren. In Scotland it was not uncommon for uuiver Bity men to work farms. Mr. Craig thought the people were very well satisfied with tbe present system. He was opp<)aed to compulsory feea. He be- lieved the teachers of the public schools were good teachers, and that their efiiciency had beeu improving, a result owing to the high schools. Mr. Uack thoaght that in Bruce the feel- ing was in favor of compnUory feea, and of increasint; the grants of pub.ic scboola, and the establishment of a tilth form. The motion waa withdrawn. Hon. G. W. Ross introdu.'ed a Bill to auieud tbe Free Libraries Act, which was read the first time. The House went into Committee of the Whole on tbe Bill to amend the Anatomy Act, whieh provoked a long discussion, the u-<ual objections being raised to the pro- posal to (^ermit bodies tu be taken for ois section unless claimed by relatives within 24 houri after death. Mr. -Mer.dith said that it would be a rhiime if the Legislature of a civilized Pro- vince like Uutario passed such legislation. Mr. Fraser al-o opposed these clauses, and proposed ameudmenls which were acceptable. Mr. Waters autigested that an there were at present six Bills before the House deal- ing with the asstssment law. it waa too late lu the session tu nive them all proper con sideratioD, and be ihuUKht it as well to let them lie over until next session, and for the Government to bring down a measure next session. Mr. Mcwat said that be concurred in this opinion, but sugge^ted that two of the Bills be taken up and referred to the Municipal Committee. Mr. Wood (Kastinga) withdrew his Bill to amend the Registry Act. Ue aaid that the Legal Committee had completely changed tbe spirit and intention of tbe Bill, and he could not accept it. The following Bills were read tbe third time and paraed : Keapectiiig tbe Ontario >V Saolt Ste. Marie Water, Light and Power Company and the tOAU of Sault Ste. Marie â€" Mr. Lyon. For the bettar protection of insectivorous und other birds- Mr. t lirke (Weilinntou) Mr. Mowai moved that when this House acjjurns on Tuesday next, it do aland adjourned uaiil 11 of tbe clock on Wednes- day next, and that each day for the re mainder of the session the House do stand adjourred until 11 of tbe clock iu the fore- noon cf the following day. Mr. -peaker to leave the chair each day at 1 until i o'clock, without the question being put. The motion passed. Mr McAndrew introduced a Bill to amend the Act respecting the cffice of sheritl. The following Bills were read the third UDie and panstd : Respecting the consolidation of the deben- ture debt of the city of Toronto. â€" Mr. E. F Clarke, Toronto. To amend the Phariuacy Act, â€" Mr. Gib- son, Hamilton. Ueepeetiiig tbe Niagara ct St. Catharines Street Railway Conipauy. â€" Mr. Garaou. Respecting the Boards of the Baptiat Convention of Ontario and (Quebecâ€" Mr. Uryden. The House went into Committee of the Whole on the Attorney Oeneral'a Bill respecting the administration uf justice in cerisin esses. TbisBiU contained a clause making it permissible to appoint an assistant Police Magistrate on a majority vote of the Muni, ipal Councils. Mr. Meredith objected to a bare majority of the Council passing on tbe matter, and proposed au amendment to the effect that It would require a two-third vote of the Coutail present to pass snob a resolution Mr Mowat said the olaase dtalt princi- pally with the city of Toronto, and ashed for Mr. E. F. Clatke s opinion on the clau«e. Mr. E. F. Clarke said the city had not passed on the advisability of appointing an assistant magistrate yet, but he thought perhaps it would be as well to amend the clause as suggested by Mr. Meredith. Mr. Mowat consented and tbe amend- ment waa adopted, Mr. Gibson's (Hamilton) Bill to amend the Division Courts Act was passed through Committee of the Whole. Mr. Meredith objected to clause 21, which authorized the summoning for debt, and the garnishee of their salaries, in the cases of young niiuiarried men, iriespectivo of the extent of their salaries. He said that in many ot these cates a summons for debt would mean a dismissal by the employer. Tradesmen ought to be taught not lo en- difficult 10 get Cooservative bolel-keepers to promise him either their votes or sup- port, so apprehensive were they of disas- lioiH results to themselves. He did not believe the same abuses would occur if the County (Councils were again given control of the license boards. Mr. McLauiihlin challenged the bon. member 'â- â- r Llioi Northumberland (Mr. Willoaghby ) to formulate his charges so tbat an iuveatigation might be held. As to the retrogressive change proposed by tbe Opposition, the whole teouperacce and cburoh sentiment of the country was opposed to It. Mr Awrey said that the hotel-keepers were the supporters of Dr. Willoaghby in East Northumberland, Hia agents were hotel keepers, and it was very amusing to see him call bin aupporters martyrs to the liijuor license laws. Mr. Awrev continued the debate. He taunted the Opposition with makinti vague charges in wholesale which they ciuld not substantiate. For fourteen years in his rioiug there had not been a complaint against tbe administration ot the Crooks Alt Mr. Clancy aaid that the admini^'ration of the Crooks Act and the Scott Act by the Government had brought both ii to con- tempt. The principle contended for by tbe Oppoaition was that it was not possible to anminister the Lw^aor License Act in an boneat manner if the GoTernmeui â€" any Government -had control of tbe license boards. Mr. Ballantyne contended that the Crooks Act had been admirably ad- ministered. Under the previous sy.-tdm in- spection of liijuor places was a farce, every- body who applied got a license, and li'iaor was fold at all hours. Aa to the Bcutt Act It was impossible to enforce it because the people did not sympathize with the mea- sure. The House divided and the amendment was lost. Yeas '.ii, nays 43. Ykasâ€" Messrs Blyth, flanev. Clarke, E. F. Torontoi, C arke, H. E. (Torontoi, Craig, CreiijLto >, Hammell. Hadsou, lui^ram. Kerns, Lees. M.-aoliam, Mer64iith, Munk, Mur^au, Preston, Uorke, Smith 'Fronteuoe), *tewart. To..loy, Whitney, Willougliby, Wood 'Uastinus) â€"23. Nays â€" Messrs. Allau, .Armstrong, Awrey, Bait ur. Ballautuc, Bi-hop. Hie;tard, nronsou. Cald-^cII, Cbish â- im Clarke * Welinn^to- >. Dock, Davis. Drydeu, t'ergusou, Kieid. Froaer, Froe- tii'%u. (iarsun, (jihsou iHamiltO'", Gibfr>n (Fluronj, (iiimotir, Graham. (iuTbrie, Harcourt, Hardy. Lyoi, .Mc.\udrew McKav. McUabou, Moek. Muwai, Murray. Pacauil, Hhelv's. Kay side. Ko.-s iKuroui, K 'Bs i MiddJcsex , Smiib lY.rk , Snider, Sprogue, Waters, Woud^Branl) â€"43. The Houae than went into r*ommittee of (supply and passed several items of tbe esti'nates, Mr Meredith aaked if there was any truth in the rumor that the Government had changed its policy on the railway ijoe*- tion. Mr. Mowat aaid the Government policy wonld be fou/^d in the notice of motion given by Mr. A. M. Ross. TBLiEGRAPHlC SUMMAKY. Kew VMralon uf the Batter Joke. New Boarder â€"Will you pass tbe butter, please 7 Old Boarder â€" Every time. Haven't in- tercepteu it in four mouths. You'll pass it when you get acijuainted with it. His Kedeviuinc fault. Mra. Harrison (fondling a pet dogi â€" " Such a dear little fellow as be is ! I wish he could talk." I he President â€" " 1 don't. He might ask for an office." â€" PhtUxdtlphia Record. A Feraunal (Ju«titti>ii. " We wonld like to rent a honae," said a nervous young man, accompanied by a blushing maiden. " Double or single ?'° asked the agent. " Married," stammered the young man. Metaphorical Only. FTeâ€" I am carried away with my passion for you. I She â€" 1 wish you were, but yon are not ; you are still here. Thr Quaker. Is It tdiba by a Lady ? A new periodical bears tbe name of the Tungue. As a rule, there is not much in a name, but this is one tbat is bound to tell. â€" Uarpet't Bazur. Thloga That One Would Rnther Have Kxpr«i.aM<l iHherwIsv. " Well, I must say good bye, Misa Green. I've got my sermon to prepare." â€" "Oh, surely your sermons need no preparation!" â€" Punch. A TrausfurmatloD. FIuD â€" He isn't so attentive to her aa he used to be. Snubâ€" She's jilted him. eh? Flub â€" No; she married bim. coi age these young men tu^ks credit. Mr. Hardy thought Ibe^Hpngmen ought to be taught i:Otto run inpdebt. The clause passed. % The commiitea rose aU reported pro- greng. « The debate on the m<l|iilta> for going into Committee ot Supply, Ad Mr. Meredith's (imenomciit thereto condemning the licjuor lictnae idiuiniatration, waa re- sumad- "i Mi<> WMie BMOthe Government control of the liuenae boards woiked injuriously in c«»Fa of close election eouti-ets. Parti^-aii ii.lluence wa.i said to be e.xerted iu these n^jisncts. At hi* own election he found it A Doctor's luHdvertence. It is said a busy doctor sent in a cer- tificate of dtath the other day and inadver- tently signed bis name in ihe space for " cause of death." â€" Sanitary Era. Moral, Don t Drink Late. William Wdd, of Newark, N. J., arose from bed to get a glass of water on Sunday nixbt and broke his neck by falling over something in the room- ^ mm' ' The friends of Mr. Seymouri^iwfer, who disappeared from Toronto dk tbe Ist of January last, are offering }2Cll> reward fcr news concerning L.m. It is estimttted tbat thrre ie fully $5,000 worth of bides stored in Kingston and for sale. "There were moO bides brought to thia city," says the Iwict. " thiB winter than for several season!. The prices are lap " Afks MoNv Caihi' and Mr. Osoar Wilde art- editing a uurxMis little book of akntchea. A friend of Mr. Wilde's amuaed himself while the " Is Marriage a Failure" nuostion waa raging in Ii«adotiby making imaginary pketches of the writers of tbe publiehed let- ters riieae sketches are very curious and Mr. Wilde will make good use of them. James ('AMrnELL, ot Patkersburg. Mary- land, appreciates the witdom of old Sam Wi Uer's advice " Revare of the vidders." Some time ago he waa out riding arid when passing the house ot Mrs Chas. Osborne, a daahing voung widow, hu pulled out his handkerchief to blow hia nose. Mra. Osborne thounht he was trying to flirt and, drawing a revolvtr, fired tjur shots at hini, two takii g I fTct iu his face Tbe fighting lady ia now on trial for attempting to kill. Mr. John Bright has taken a fresh cold and has suffered another relapse. The condition of Mr. J. H Pope is criti- cal, and very little hope of bis recovery is entertained. Advices brought by the steamship Zea- landra to San Francisco say that all is quiet at Samoa. There is an exodaa from North Carolina of negroes, who intend settling in Arkaneaa and loilowing agriculture. Mayor Grant, of New York, yesterday ordered that thesanhnrsiof Erin be hoisted on the City Hall en Monday. The Czirewitch wi'l visit Darmstadt in May, when his formal betrothal to Princess Alice of Hesse will take place. Atlantic City, N. J. was flooded by an unaaually high tide ou Friday, and railway traffic for some hours was interrupted. Tbe Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Quebec has passed a resolution strongly protesting againat the Jesuit Estate Act. Forty million francs have been advanced by the Bank of France aud other parties to keep the ' ompioic d'Kscompte from going into liquidation. The trial in Montreal of Benson for wife murder resulted on Saturday in an acqait- tal, the jury holding that the conduct of the woman justidtd tbe act. There was another tumultuous scene in the French Chamber of Deputies on Satur- day, caused by M Laguerre making an attack on Minister Conetans. Tbe First Chamber of the Swedish Diet has rejected the Bdl for the imposition of an export duty on iron ore. The Bill had before been rejected by the Second Chamber. It is stated that the French Government have warned wealthy foreinnera, who are Boulangisi sympathi.sera. that if tbey financitUy assist G^n. Boulanger they will have to leave France. The British Channel squadron has arrived at Tangier to sucport England's claims regarding the cable and other matters. 'The deet will not depart until tbe Sultan's reply b-is been given. The Duke of Cambridge, commander of tbe forces, has issued a royal warrant, declaring the Qu>^en is convinced of the Honorable AriiHery Company s loyalty and restores to the company its ancient privileges. In Lennox and Addington lO.j convic- tions under the Siott Act have been ob- tained, and tt>..'>00 imposed in fines. Uf thia amount tio ii'JO 55 baa been collected. Four of tbe tiued were committed to jail and nine absconded. Cbarlea Nanjack, an attendant at the city hospital. Savannah, Ga., committed suicide yesterday by shouung himself through the head with a horse pistol. He stood in front of a mirror aud aimed the pistol. He was believed to be insane over spiritualism. Mr Fred 'ngram, of Dun, Wiman dt Co., London, was walking along Dnndas street ou Saturday with a friend. The two young men were " fooling " with a knife when by an unlucky accident Ingram received a severe stab in the aide, which r»|uired tbe attention of a doctor. A messenger who has arrived at Wady Haifa reports that a battle between the followers of Senoussi and the Mahdiats baa taken place at Sinan, to the suuthwcat of B»r«, and that the former were viotorioua. Both sides suffered heavy losses. .Vmong the killed were two Mahdist chiefs. Maloney, the Montreal gambler, waa arrested on Saturday on a charge of having stolen JII.OlO worth of jewellery from a commercial traveller named Ucinhaltz, representing Messrs. Ellis A Co., of To- ronto. Maloney, altboogh the empty jewel cases <7orff found in his safe, came back voluntarily from the States and denies tbe charge. An imposing service waa held in the Belgrade Cathedral yesterday in honor of the accession ot King Alexander, The King, the ex King, tbe Regents, the CaMcet Ministera, and all the diplomatic represen- tatives were present. The citjtWas de- corated with dags, and the iSlebration closed with illuminations and ^ torch- light proceaaion. Iu the coars* U the day officiala were received in a f awwallaudience by ex-King Milan. Peter NearsbaNky. after lifty hours' im- prisonment in tbe Black Utftmond Colliery, near Mount Carmel, Hi., was hoisted to the surface at \ o'cloc^lMl Saturday after- noon. His appearance Was the signal for cheers from thousands dt throats, which were heard for miles. Ht* had been halt buried, and had given up all hope when his rescuers reached |)»|n" breant " in which he was imprisoned., Sttange to say, his in- juries, aaide fr^ nervous prostration, are not serious. •- • Last eve4^ about 10 o'clock, while Mrs. (JudgejHorne was driving to tbe Miubigau Central depot at Windsor to meet (tiends, the horse became frightened at the express coming in aud backed over the platform in front of the engine. The duver jumped from the carriage, leaving Mr«. Home alone. The engine struck the carriage, completely wrecking it and knock- ing »rs Home out. She was found be- tween the front trucks and the driving wheels of the ennine. She was only slightly injured. Only for the depot detective sig- nalling the engineer she would have been killed. In the British House of Con'mona yester- day W. H. Smith moved cloture ou the debate on the address iu reply lo the Queen's Speech. The motion was carried by 247 to 06. A despatch from Zanzibar aaya that a fight took place between Araba and the Batlerfieid against Denmark forthelDaJ of a number uf vessels near St. Ibooia* many years ago. J. H. Baker, employed to make publio exhibitions with a self aotii:g tire escapa, fell from the Ryan Hotel, Sr. Paul, Minn., yesterday and was fatally injured. Robert Garrett, tbe ir sane millionairs, left Ringwood, N. .J , yesier 'ay morning ia care cf his physician and attendants m route fcr Mexico. Mr Garrett's condition ia greatly improved by his sc.jurn at Ring- wood, but he is not couoidurtd out of danger of a relapse. Mrs. Aon Driscoll decB):itHted her sleep, ing husband, Timothy, uiih an axe daring a temporary fit of insaLiiy, near Delafieid, Wis., yesterday morning. She attempted to murder her son also, but was reatrained by her daughter, who awoke in time to prevent tbe act. The woman baE recovered her reason. She says i-he was impelled Uy murder her entire family in order to aave them from some unknown calamity. Catherine Tay lor, a widow about 50 years ot age, was brntally murdered in her bed at her home. No H30 Third avenue, West Troy, about 9.a0 o clock on Tuesday night. She was struck on tbe head with an axe, a terrible wound being ioflioted. One of the fingers of her left hand was cat off, as if she had tried to stop the Wow. The assassin ia nnknown. A aon, William, 25 yeara of age, is under police aurveil- lance. The Washington Inaugural Committee has achieved an unprei^lented financial aac- cesa. There were 12.000 tickets to the ball sold, netting 960. OOU. and it is expected tbat the receipts from the sale of tickets to the promenade concert held in the ball room on Tuesiay and from the sale o{ souvenir ball tickets will hring this amona* up to 970,000. The 9.50 OOU guarantee anb- scribed by publio-sptrited citizens will be returned. Nathan A. Wilson, Secretary of the Cleveland Stove Company, shot bimselt dead yesterday morning while sitting at his desk. His father is President of th* company. Yesterday afternoon the com- pany assigned. The nominal assets arft $200,000, liabilities nearly 91)0.000. The aa- signment was made, it i-i said, to tide th» company over the excitement caused b; tbe Secretary's suicide aud to preveOk hasty action by creditors. It is thouglxfc Wilson waa deprvsaed because cf too cloM attention to bnainesa. •t black from the She changed her UISCULUKKU â- lltWItl.LKRT. Somet Imea the Odd, '•umetimcs the Wearer CaUMS It. Sometimes it ia the gold and sometime* the girl that makes jewellery crock, as ia evidenced by the following from the JeveW ieri)' H'«A/y ; bhurtly after the holidays there aam»- into my place a pleasant-mannered young man who expressed a desire to look a^ acme i;old necklaces. It is needless to say tbat I sold bim one. It was foortaea carats and very pretty. Two days later the door was fiuug op>-n and in rushed tb» same young man, txjiling with rage. Ha threw the necklace on the counter, demand- ing the return of his money, and throatenad to expose me as a swindler. It took halt au boar to learu bis story. â- t scins that- after presenting the necklace to his lady love he bad takeu her to a recsptioi ornamented with his present. A'ter tbi first dance there was a cominotiutriu on9' corner of the room, au 1 tbe riTals of cor customer's best girl werii,Jittering among, themselves and w hjMf^ring about her. Iho young lady liSred m the glaaa and almost fainted aw^ tbe sight. Hnr beautiful neck was ali friction of the necklace mind about fainting, returned home with her brother, and sent itia necklace back to her young man nMb a note that she did not like the braas. I tested the necklaca in bis presencs, and proved to bim tbat it was full 11 carats. About that time a young physician ca'led to purchase a scarf- pin- He bad overheard part of the story auifaaiud to hear the balance, as he b«r lieved be could throw some light on tba- subject. Pretty soon he laughed outright' aad said : " Why, sir, the trouble is with your girl and not the necklace. She baa- too much sulphur, iron, mercury, aalt or acid in her blood, and aa any of these sub- stances has an affinity for gold the explana- tion is clear. 1 have patients for whom' mercurial medicines ha\e been pre'3cribe;d, and tbe result is tbat their fingers npOD- which rings are wcrn discolor at once." My customer cooled off and carried hia purchase away, ^ Time Kvf.us Things up. Plumber ^1S89) â€" " Where are yon going ? " Wi/e â€" "To sell my diamond necklace. We must have bread. ' Hoaseholder (next door) -"Where are yon going ? " Wife â€" " To look at a diamond necklace which, I bear, ia for sale cheap." Householderâ€" " Well, the pipes haven't frozen once this winter If you like it buy it." A Bluut Cuncluslou He â€" What a charming woman Mrs. Bar- blue is. She â€" Oh, she's a bluestocking. He- She may be, hot she is sensible enough to wear ber dresses bo long that the tact is never unpleasantly ptrceptible. The DlftVreuce. " I'ts eating between meals that's giving me the dyspepsia," aaid Bilious. " Its working between meals that's giving it to me," answered Bonly, Mias Oldham, who is rot ao young as she used to beâ€"" Speaking of fine lacea, Mr, Jac>Bon, here ia a lace hainlkerchiet Germ ana on March 3rd, and the Germaua j made expresaly for nie on m'^- lijih birth- reocoupied Bagomoyo without loss. Bu- shiri, the Arab leader, waa wounded. Sir Julian Pauncefote, the new British Minister to the United States, will start for Washington about the end of this mouth. Alter a short stay he will return to London for the summer. In the autumn he will take his family to Washington for a will be glad to know that permanent residence. In the Lo*er Flonse of the Danish Riuxdag yesterday the Minister for Foreign Affairs stated thiit the British Minister at Athein had const n'ed to act. aa arbitrator iu th" dispute between the United States day." Mr. Jackso", gallaniiy â€" "Simply beautiful 7 Ah, Miis O'dhiim, one seea nothing 80 fine as that nowadays. Thinga were made much better iu those good old times, weren't they " â€" Persona puzzled by the word "ohm," aa a term of measurement for electric foroe» tho original oha w»3 George Sininu Ohm. bi»rn in Bavaria, March IGih, 17S',) A staiue will be un- veiled in his honor at Munich on iho Itith of next month. â€"Some men "\U» and i.'fti'i." "^thera devote their time cxolusivily to forge.' ting V I and Denmark regarding the claim ot Mr. all that they ever kmw. r".rr^ â- :r Trr^rv. <f' {