Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Feb 1889, p. 6

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I . EXTKAOaDIN&BT MiaTiKEN IDilNTITT. Oriaf Wtut«d Over the CorpM of a Mother'* Uuublr. When James Waters, who lives at No. 2,033 Urkney streut, returned from )itE work last nixht, ho saw a stoat, middle- â- ((•d woman sitting on tbo stoop whose Iao« bore a dradly pallor. The woman told Mr. Waters that she was ill, and he aaktrd her to rest htrself inside. She mooeptud his invitation, and was escorted to a couib, upon which falia reolinod. Baddenly she juiuptd up, and uayinj^ that she must have fresh air, opened a door and went into the yard. Bhu gave several gasps and dropped dead. The body was taken into Mr. Waters' house and the neixlibors were called in for tbo piirpode of having; the dead woman identified. Uae littlu ^irl |{l*"<^Bd at the fenturea and exclaimed: " Tliat's Mrs. Dierolf." hho brought her mother, who alio said thf budy was that ot Mrs. Uosanna Dierolf, of No y2H SoaierBCt .street. The report that Mrs Dierolf had dropped dead spread frnm one end of little Orkney street to the otbi-r. It reached tbo cars of two of that woman's dau^bters, who bast- 0ncd to the bouse. They were conducted to the rooni where the remains wrre. Amid â- oba and violent outbursts of tiriet the yount{ women said tbe body was that of their mother. One of the twirls threw her- aelf over tbo >ody and was with diffioulty taken awa; . Coronor'd Messon^er Matthews, who lives in the vici'.ily, was notilied to remove the body lo Ne. '.128 Bomerset street. The heartbroken daughters slowly fol- lowed the wa^')<on to their home. MeatoDf^er Matthews jumped off his wa^ f{Ou and ran|4 tbe doorbell. A woman answered tbu summonH who bore a striking reeerablanie to the corpse. Matthews thoii"ht it was her Nister. lie s«id : ,* The body of Mrs. Koaanna Dierolf is in that ws^i^on. Hhe died suddenly down tbe street. Wbere do yon want it to be â€" " " What '." shrieked the woman. " I am Mrs. HuFanna Dierolf. You don't mean me. Hrirely '/" The mcBuenKer thoo(;ht there must bo a mistak" somewhere. lie saw the two fjirls half » lilock away, and be hurried towards them mill abked if they were sure the body was that i>f their mother. The two subbed hysterically and nodded their heads nllirmatively. When they came up to the liouxH the front door was closed. One of tbein opened it with a key and oalled to iiiinibers of the household, whom she u funned of the death of Mrs. Dierolf. ' I lu 1 look like a dead woman ?" oame from the dining. room, in that betokened niigor. The voice was familiar. It was that of the girls' nuitber. Tbither they went, and when they beheld their mother whom they had rocogui/i .1 as dead they ^riod for joy and asked fnrgivenoes. MeHHHij;;,'r Matthews was a silent witness. " In all in^ ei|ierienoe handling; tlio dead," he said, " I never saw anything the like of this." Turning to Mrs. Dierolf he said: " Madam, yuur children aren't to be blamed for tliitikii i; the dead woman was you. Hhe H yimr iloiiblc, she is." Till! woman who was supposed to be Mrs. Diuroir wsH about .'lO >ear8 old and weighed ibmil '-'i|(l |iiiundri Kbe wore a brown skirt A CUICAUO TBAQELIV. A Iieport«r Murder* bis Wife and then Saiuldun A Friend's Htrauge Coudurt. A Chicago despatch says ; W. T. Bradley yesterday shot his wife dead and then com- mitted suicide at tbe Uotel Cortland. Doth were employed by tbe Chicago Globe, the husband aa a reporter and tbe wife aa literary editor. This is the third tragedy of tbe kind that has taken place here within a week. After the bodies were taken to an undertakers, Frederick Mann, a linen im- porter, entered the hotel, and being told of the shooting was overcome with grief and raved around exclaiming, " It was a life thrown away I" and " (^h I tbe brute." lie then started on a ran for the undertaker'a, where be threw himself upon the woman's body, kissing litr hands and lace, unmind- ful of the blood which stained her clothing and face. It was some minntea before be could be dragged away from the body. Lie then glared for a moment at Hradley's body, and, with an oath, said, "Oh, the thief, villain, brute, let me get at him !" Mann then made a rush at Bradley's body, and would doubtless have thrown it upon the tloor had not the officers dragged him from tbe room. Mann stated that he bad known Mrs. Bradley since childhood, and knew all about her troubles. Ue was very fond of her, and had repeatedly warned her against Bradley. He said Mrs. Bradley bad decided to pan from her husband and that was the direct cause of the shooting. While Bradley was in prison Mann escorted Mrs. Bradley to and from her eight asaign- ment. This made Bradley insanely jealous, and with Bradley's dissipated habits led to frei]uenti|aarrel8and culminated in yester- day's tragedy. Mis. Bradley waa formerly connecte<t with the atage. Dy.\IIMON rAllLIAMENT. a bli and polka dot hu dark poko Iv, a gray bonnet. plaiil shawl I'Utttidelphiu KII.I.KI) IIV A ItriKil.AK. A llot4il l.aiHlliinl Hi NwttiiNtm, WitleH, Mur- dered Wjr M Negro. A London eablo hsnh : Mr. Kent, land- lord of tli'i (iloticoster Hotel, at Hwansea, was killed by a burglar Hunday luorniug. Ue retired with his wife late on Halurday night, aftxr locking all the doors, including thusn of bis bedroom. Karly next morn- ing the wife heard a iimtih struck in the room and mw a ne^ro lighting a caiidlo. Hhe awoke her husband and he grappled with the iiitruder,while bis wife took a pis- tol from iiiidir the pillow. .\s it was too dark to tnke aim she ligbtnd a candle. Hhe then llred and the negro fell, wounded in th-i thigh. (!uraing the woman, ho crept unler tbe bed, but as she was unlocking th" door emerged and threw a mirror at her. It miHhiul her, but extinguished the light and llm negro esc^aped. When she re lighted tbo candle slui disi:ov«red that her hunband's throat was cut with a razor. Kiuit lived lung enough tiidescribe the mur- derer. .'\n aUrm was raised and about noon the negro -van discovered at a dry dook badly wnnndcd and covered with blood. III! JH a seaman named Ham Allan. He Hai>l bis niitive WHS robbery. Ilooun- ooaled biiiiHi If in the room before the house waa closed on Haturday night. VICK-KK(iAI. KANIII)IM8. Uoituiiieii tV<irn hy l.itdy Mauley anil Her Krlniiiln lit llin CuriilvHl Fniiey Hall. Writing on the fancy dross ball, given in Montreal, a oorrespuiideiit says : Lady Stanley waa dressed in a rich velvet drets of a lovi ly sago green, which sliimmered as â- ho walk,-,! along llio beauiifiilly lit ball- room. I'oik brocade belpeil to relieve tbe eye. Her Ladyship's oniaments wer.i dia. moiids of the lirnl water. Lady .Mine Stanley lo iK.-.l very handaome in a faiilt- leaaly made itresH of blai^k tulle, with a moire satin sanb. His Lxcellenuy's daugh tor-in-law wore some Hue diMiionds in her hair, while her neek wss circled with aimilar ornaments. I'he lion, Mrs ('olville wore white tulle, with bm !«.U. body and aaab, her arms being set olT with uraoelots of dead gold, studded with brilliants, wliiuh were also conspicuous in bur liair. Fortunate fur the ".Siiiitlia." A New Zealand paper is restHinsible for one of those aturiex wbiib are aliiinst tun good to be true. The mutiny of the Hounty ooourred in 17^'.'. and tbe lU-ineiidants of the mulineera are now living on I'itoairn Island and on Norfolk Island. One of tbe moat noted of the riiigleaili rs was .lobii Adams, whose real imnie is eaid to have been Alexander Hniith. A midshipman, who owed bis reaciin from drowning to Bniith, was doairoiiH of r< warding bun pro perly. and |daned XIIOil to bis oredit in a bank to await his call. Thn interrai was to •(xiiimiilate, and as the right Hinith could never bo found, prnmipal nod interest now »iiiouDt to i:illl,(iOil TliM is a tolerably large nest egg for ihr KITU,lLl!i.M ON THIAL. nreat Exrl leinent Over the Charges A galuat the HUhop ut l.liieolnâ€" The InvestlKa- tlon llpgloii Tc-Morrow. A apccial cablegram from London says : England is to have ita own theological ex- citement next week, retlectiona of which will extend all over the English-speaking globe. Dr. King, the Bishop of Lincoln, is to appear at the ancient eccleniastical yalace ot Lambeth, whose brown turrets face the Thamoa over against the Hooaea of I'arlia ment, next Tuesday, to be tried by the Primate for ritualistic practices. It is an. derstood that the Bishop will come in his I opo and mitre, attended by the whole body of hia canons, and will take the a pnuri objection that lie has the right to bo tried by a synod of bishops. If this plea is sus- tained there will be an adjournment until an episcopal convocation uan be summoned. The charges against Ur. King are six in number the uae of candles on the com. munion table, the mixing of water with the communion wine, having the " Agnus Dei" sung after the prayer of consecration, hold, ing hia hands in the shape of the cross while pronouncing the benediction, fac;.ig towards the east while breaking bread, and performing the rite of ablution, which means himself drinking out o( the chalice. The action of the Cbunb Anaocialion in insisting on the trial has created very bitter feeling among tbe more liberal clerg r-, ami even the Tory papers denounce it as a regrettable relic of medueval bigotry. No such trial of a bishop has oocarrcd before since tbo Keformation. TIIK AUHTKIAN THKONK. The L.f^e Tragedy .^ifiiii) Kevlvedâ€" The ^»uc'ee•|»hlâ- l. A Berlin cable says : The Nutioruil /fituny saya advices from til. retemburg, whiota may be regarded as absolutely authentic, assert that Count Iloyes and all tbo domeHtics at the Meyerling chateau saw Baroness Vetsera, who had been shot, lying under the counterpane on Crown I'riuco Uudolph's bed, and the thrown I'rinco lyinf> outside the bed clothes, and that they cuntirm the report of family dispiitea arising owing to tliu intimacy of the Crown I'rinoo with tbe Baroiiesa. In discussing the Austrian aucoession, tbf^ general )iit'S8 expresses the opinion that Kmperor Francis Joseph will racogni.-.-) the validity of the proviHious of the prag matio sanction, that only in case of the total extinction of the male line shall tbe succession devolve upon a female. \ lenna court advices assert that llmiieror l-'raiu-i^ Joseph avoids facing the succession ditli Gulty. Archduke Francis, the presumptive (!rown I'rince, who is highly esteemed by the Kmperor, siitTers severely from epilepsy. lie himself desires to live lu <|uioliies8 and obacurity. The Fmperor detests tbe next brotliur. Archduke Otto, the scamp who so brutally treated his wife. Princess Marie, of Kaxony, that he recently entreated her relatives to give her shelter and procure for her a separation. A ,lii|-y of WuliU'il Mtty lie Noetlt il A Pittsburg despatch says: .\ curious case, which may result in a rei[iiest for a jury composed of women will coino up in the Orphans' ' oiirt shortly. A Miss Mitobidl claims the estate of Thonms Hbeehan, late of this city. Hhtehan hail a daughter who was placed in a convent when a child, and wlu>, it was afterwards re ported, had nied. Hbeehan died soium time ago, leaving an estate worth S.'itl OOi), and MisH I\Iiti'liell laid claim lo it ns bis daughter. A iiiiinber of other women (nt in claims, but all except Miss Mitcbell were rejei^led as spurious claimants. Klio is identilied by her mother through a birth mark, and at the trial it is probable a jury of women will be deiimided to decide the ease. This is someiblng which the old common law permitted in certain canes, but which is not known in the profesaion aa a matter of practice for over two oeiitiiries. Oertle Won't Hu It Agsin, A nalifax d'Sp^tch says : Miss (Sertie Smith, who eloped with llev. Mr llutcbin- son some months ago, has been doKorted by her whilom lover, and is now residing in Kngland. luulmoir, one of whom «aUbUsbed his title. Hovnn white and four black convicts were disciplined at Newcastle, Del., on Satur- d-»y. Two Philadelphia burglars, " Mrokeii n )H» Oeorge " and " (Uirley " llariis, stood one hour In the pillory and took twenty lashes each for their attempt to rob Hart .t Brothers' safe in ibit eiiy a few weelis ago. Three n. groes, (or petty burglaries, (.raiidsona of the [ took tbe (lame inininhinent, and six other Slid to have ooiiviots liy â-  lashes each for petty larceniis. I l*heie was a large orowd present. Mr. Laorier presented a number of peti- tions from tbe Roighta of Labor assem- blies praying for various amendments to the law in tbe interest of tbe working olsBsca. Mr. Foster presented tbe rsport of tbe Auditor-General for the past fiscal year; also a preliminary abstract of the business of life insurance companies, and a return of Governor (ieneral's warrauta isBCod since the last sitting of Parliament. Bir Adolphe Caron presented tbe annual report of tbe department of Militia and Defence. Mr. Brown introduced a Bill to make farther provision as to tbe prevention of cruelty lo animals. lie explained that tbe object of the Bill was to prevent those forms of cruelty to animala not already prohibited by law, such aa trap-abootiDg of pigeona, cock and dog lighting, and other Bporta in which live animals are employed. The Bill waa read a first time. Bir John i bompson introduced a Bill to amend the Klectoral Franchise Act. This Bill waa substantially the same as that of last session, which, for want of time at tbe disposal of tbe House, did not become law. Tbe scheme proposed waa, that imme- diately after the 1st of June, the revising oflicer, as directed by the present slatnie. shall proceed with his revision, and shall make supplementary lists of voters, which shall be sent to the Qaeen'a printer and returned to the revising officer tu bd posted up for public inspection. On a fixed day objections will be heard and corrections, if neoeasary, made and inserted in the list by tbe Government printing officer. The list, as 80 corrected and printed, shall be final, and ahall be struck off and distributed in the manner provided by the present .\ct. I ho list, as ibaa eatablisbed, la to be final as to the i|ualifica.ion of tbe voter. The polling diitricts shall be sabdivided from time to time so that they shall not exceed '200 voters instead of 300 aa at present. Other changes were proposed with the view of aimplifyiag and reducing the cost of revision. Tbe Bin waa read a first tiino. Kir John Thompson introdaced a Bill relating to billa of exchange, che<iuea and promissory uotea. The Bill waa to a large extent declaratory of tbe commou law and the uaages of the mercantile community, and it was nut proposed to bring it into force till the Ist of Heptember next. Mr. Taylor, for Mr. Kirkpatrick, intro- duced a Bill to permit foreign vessfla to aid ve-isels wrecked or disabled in Canadian waters. Mr. Paltereoa (Easexj introduced a Bill to admit I'nited l:itates vesaela lo wrecking, towing and coasting privileges in Canadian waters. He explained that tbe Bill made provision for American vessels enjoying the privileges enumeratnd in the title, so soou as tbe (fOternmeot of the I'nited States shall pads a law giving these title privileges to C'anadian vessels. Mr. Boyle introduced a Bill to prevent the practice of fraud by tree pedcners and coin mission men in inu sale of nursery stock. Messrs. Walriio and LaKiviorc, members- elect for llalton and Piovencber respec- tively, were introduced and took thtir seats. Mr. Howell, in answer to in<)uirie8 from Mr. Kdgar, said that the eU'Ctural lists, as revised m l(*sti, had been prepared and had been furnished to certain parlies in th<- case of bye elections for tbe House of Commons, and for elecuons under ttie Canada Temperance .-\ct, and only iu such cases. Mr. Foster, in reply to an inipiiry from 51r Perry, as to whether or not the Gov eminent intended lo place ill the estimates a sum snlTuieiit to build a subway con Heeling Prince Kdward Island with the mainland, said tbu ii.ttiitiouof the Govern ment would bt- shuwu in the estiinales shortly tu be bron;;ht down. Mr. Brown moved for a comiuittee to inijuire into the fraudd practiaod on farmers aiut others, lie thought a good work had been done by this i-oniinitteo last session, though organii^eJ very late in tbe session, and he believtxl there waa room for further profitable invesligatiun. Mr. .\rmstrong said ho thought there was no necessity tor re appointing this committee. It had fulfilled its uinmixii nnd the t X(HnsBof furlheriiiijuiry would hardly be justified. Mr. McMullen favorei further inquiry by the coiumitiee and belicveei that it could yet render good service. The inoliou was carried. Mr. Costigan rose to refer to a statement in the annual report of the Inland liovenue Department which bad be'ea interpreted to mean that the consumption of liipiors bad iuoreased in tbe country, and had bten con strued in some i|uarters to be an attack on the Canada Temperance Act. The state- ment in i|uestioii was an error ou the part of u clerk 111 the department and would be made right in a corrected issue ot the re- port. The correct percentage ot the con- sumption of ln|uors was about tbroe- fjiirths of a gallon per head. Messrs. Denisoii. Cockburn and others presented a number of potitions pray iiig for I lianges in the law in tlie interest of the working classes. Mr. Itrown presented a petition from the Hamilton Society tor the I'revenlion of Cruelty to Animals, praying that the Bill now before Parliament, having the objects of the society in view, may pass. Mr. llaggart presented the annual report of the Post otl'ioe Department. Mr. Foster presented tbe report of Mr. Siine m Jones, l!oiuniissioner to the Argen- tine U 'public. Mr. (look introduced a Bill further to amend the Uailway Act. He explained that the Hill proposed lo reipiire greater care on the part ot railway companies in tbe matter of landing pasijengere nnd handling baggage. Mr. Cook introduced a Bill to provide for the exaiiiinaliou and lioensing of all persons employed as stationary engineers, and all persons having ohargo of steam boilers and other devicea under pressure. Mr. Lmirier inliinated that to morrow he would ask the Uuveriiinent for the tisual e.\pUnatioii as to tbe oliant;<s that bad taken phioo in the ('abiiiet during recess. Mr. Landry introduced a Lill lo amend the A,it respecting interest The Bill waa read a first time. Mr. Wallace iotroduued a Bill for the prevention and suppression of combinations formed in reatraint ot trade. The object of tbe Bill was to prevent any persooB, corpo- rations or companies from granting excla- Bive privileges to any persons, aa well as from denying privileges loone person when granted to other persons under similar con- ditions. It ia also proposed to prevent parties from combining to restrict the mannfacture and prodnctioQ of articlea of merchandise that are either produced in this coantry or are imported. Penalties by fine or impris- onment, or both, were provided for infrac- tion of tbe Act. The Bill did not interfere with section 121 of the Revised Btatates respecting trades anions. Tbe Bill waa read a first time. Mr. Laurier moved for copies of ail Orders-in-Coaocil, etc., relating to tbe dis- missal ot the Hon. Wdliam Rosa from the collectursbip of Customs at tbe port of Halifax. Bir John Macdonald, in reply to an in- qniryof Mr. Laurier'a aa to tbe recent Cabinet changes, said that at the close of last session it was thougbt well that Bir Charles Tapper, Minister of Finance, should reaame bis position as Commis- sioner in London, and be therefore resigned his position, and Mr. Foster, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, was appointed in his stead, Mr. Charles H. Tapper taking tbe vacant portfolio of Marine. In tbe place of Mr. McLelan, late Postmaater.General, who was appointed Lieatenant-Goveruor of hia native Province, Nova Bcotia, Mr. Uag- gart, the member for Lanark, was appointed to the Post-ofiioe Department, and in place of tbe late lamented Mr. White, Minister of the Interior, Mr. Uewdney, msmber for Kast Assiniboia, waa appointed. Major General Laurie, member-elect for Shelburne, N. B., was introdaced aud took bis seat. Mr. Kdgar moved for copies of the reao- latiaus passod at the conference held in IBS" at the city of Quebec of delegates from the several Provinces of Untario, Quebec, Nova Bcotia, New Brunswick and Manitoba. Ue said he understood that these resola- tioDs bad been forwarded to tbe Dominion Government, and regarded it of importance that the House should be placed in posses- sion of tbeui without delay. Tbe motion was carried. Tbe following bills were introdaced and read a first time : Act tu provide for a regular ferry between the city of Quebec anc. the town o( Levis. Jlr. Choiiae»»e. Act to reijuiro the o-vne; • of elevators and hoists to guard agaiist acridvuta. Mr. Madill. Mr. Wood (Brxkvil. ir. acooruaiice with the reoommendatioii ii' the Commit- tee on Stauding Orders, mjved that tbe time fur receiving petitions tor Private BilU be extended to the 'i'ini insl., and the time for presenting the same to the 2c$lb inst. The moticn was carried. I he follo'A-ing Buls were introduced and read a first time : To incorporate the Algoma Uailway A' Coal Company â€" Mr. 8bauly. Kespeciiog tbe Kootenay cV Athabasca K»llw»y (;oaipauyâ€" Mr. Mara. To provide agaiusl frauds in iapplying milk lo cheese aud butter factoriesâ€" Mr. Burdelt. Mr. Davies in>|nired if it was the Inteu- liou o! the Ooverniuent to treat the temporary offer made by the British pleni- puteutiariea to those of the lulled Biates at the tiuis uf tbe bi>(niug of the Fishery • reaiy in Washington in November, 18{$«l, tbe bud;;et speech? Mr. luster said that was tbe inteutiou. and kuuwu as tbe J/i>du< > icrrhli, as atiU in force, and to issue licenses as therein pro- vided to American lUbermen for the fishing season of Ittttil. Mr. Tapperâ€" That subjeot is now nuder conaideraiion. Mr. Foster laid on tbe table the esti- mates of the sums rdinired for the service of the Dominion tor the year ending 30lh June, IS'JO. 8ir Uichard Cartwrigbt imiuired it it wan the tuteutiou of the Government to pursue the practice iutroduc d last session, uf proeeediiig forthwith witbthe considera- liou of the estimates before the delivery of Ue hoped there would be no objection to goiitg into the estimates en Tuesday next. Bir Richard Cartwrigbt said ho bad uo objection. The uew practice was similar to that followed in Kngland, ai:d he had always approved of it. Mr. Perry, in moving for a return of the number of lobster caiinericj round thecotst uf Prince Kdward Island, complained that the fishing regulations in force there did not properly protect tbe lobster industry, and were not properly enforced by the inspectors. Mr. I upper said the regnlaliona in i|nea- lion were experimental, and were only ailupled for tbe season of last )ear. It was prcpjsed to issue new regulaiione fur the cuuiing season. A number ot orders for papers were passed and the Hoaae adjourned at 4 Od o'clock. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Once lu a lluudretl Vears. The MiKfinnf I'/Atru-ricnn History points out the present winter had its couulerpart a hundred years ago and also two hundred years ago. In ITS'.i the farmers on Long bland were ploughing then fields in Janu- I ary, aiul in Itis^ '.i the Barou La Houtan made a canoe expt-dition in Minnesota waters, from November to March, without detention by ice. He Wautott to Want. Little Brown. stone Boy (sighinglâ€" Oh dear. Fond Motherâ€" What is it, my darling What d you want ? Little ISrowDslone Boy â€" I want to want SOIUHtbtUg. A Fluwery Sermon. " Well, my ilear, what did you think of l>r. Vorbose's Ktrinon this morning?" "Why, I was very much surprised. I never knew before that the apparently sim- ple text he chose was so hard to explain.' Benjamin Franklin's waub ii owned by a Lanoaslei' (I'a ) gontleinan, who still carries it and sa)s that it keeps good time. It is L^t silver, shaped like a biscuit, aud hai< engravrd on ita back : " Ben Franklin, lUnxplained '^^^'i Philadelphia.' Prince Bismarck ia indisposed. Mr. Gladstone baa gone to .\malfi. The health of Emperor William ii again threatened. King Hambert ia certain to visit Berlin in tbe spring. Thirteen oonnlerfeitera have been cap- tured in Butler county, Pa. Mayer Langelier, of Quebec, was ban. quelled on Batnrday evening. It is reported that another attack wiU be goon made npon Bnakim by the Soadaneee. The lecturing toar contemplated by Henry George will begin m London on March 13th. A company has been formed at Windsor for tbe purpose of boring fur gaa within tbe corporation limits. The annaal dinner of the Montreal ''ncw- ehoe Club, held on Saturday night, was attended by the Governor General. The Winnipeg ilorning Call has bten bought up by the Frte Frut Company and the Call will cease pabhcation with to-day's issue. The Montreal carnival is over, and special trains on Saturday took away nearly all tbe viailora who visited the city of the ice palace. Tbe oEtensoire, or monslrance, recently given by tbe Pope to Cardinal Taschereaa, has arrived in Quebec from Rome and will be placed in the Basilica. Col. Hercfamer explains that the beer which he is charged with introdoeing into the Northwest Territcriiswiihcut a permit was for the use of tbe canteen. No successor baa yet been appointed to Lord Saokville at tbe Wasbingicn Lega. lion, and the opinion prevails that Eng- land is in no particular hurry in the matter. Tbe extenaive establishment of James Wyeth lV Bro., manufacturing chemists, at Philadelphia, was burLcd yesterday. One fireman was killed. Loss about 8575,000. Lord Charles Beresferd bad an interview recently with Emperor William and Prince Bismarck, both of whcm pointed out the advantage of a defensive alliance between Ecfjland and Germany. A temperance revival baj been inaugur- ated in London under the auspices of the Royal Templars Messrs. Bta0ord and Dannett, of Hamilton, are addressing meetings in Victoria Hsll and creating a very favorable impression. An agent of the United (States Treact .y Department i> at Niagara Fall?, N. i'., notifying Canadians who work on the American side and reside in Canada of tbe provisions of the contract labor law •ud probability of it being enforced. The Royal Templars ot Manitoba, n annual session at Wiunifien, elected Ktv. ' W. Bell Grand I'asi CouuciUor and Dr. McDiarmid Grand Councillor .\n invita- tion was extended to the Domioiju Council to bold their meeting for IS'-H) in the City of Winnipeg. Late rumors nominate John R Thoraaa, of Illinois, to the Navy porlfolio, and John C. New, of New York, to the Treas- ury in President Uarri^onâ- s Cabinet. It is also said that General Alger, of Michigan, his httn ctfred the War Secre- taryship. Queen Victoria's horiies and carriages have already been shipped to Biarritz, pre- paratory to Her Majesty s arrival there. Her favorite donkey, which always accom- panies her on her eiear»ion!i, will follow shortly. The Queen will leave for BiarriU on March 5lh. Mr. Charles Spargeon has sent a letter to his congregation saving that he will soon see them again and that his limb is itnprov- irg, lhou:;b he cannot use it vet. His long absence, he says, shows the vitality ot the church, which he declares will remain a power for good when he has departed. It ia generally believd in Berlin that the recall of the English Coi.jul at HaoL.» will hasten the settlement of the diffl.-ui'.ie) in the Navigator Islands. The Berlin Pur expresses the br4ief that the Ei.i:lis!i repre- sentative has been very mu' h ii tlu-'ncea in hia course by the Brituh and Cobnial aalhorities iu New Zealand. The bari|ae Theo^iore Bohrend has been wrecked at Texel, England iVn i>erson8 were drowned, including the captain and family. Heavy galts are again railing on the English and Irish coacts A building fell near Bolton on Saturday, crnsbing sev- eral cutiagea and killing six jiersons. ,Vt Pembroke a ferry-b.iat capsized and nine persons were drowned. The Sydenham Street Church. Kingston, rebuilt, remodelled and now oi.e of the finest edifices in the Montreal Conference, waa roopeued yesterday. Kev. Dr. Douglass, paator of Ihe old church in ISoi. pre»ched in the morning, and Iv-'v. Principal Grant in the evening. F. W. Wcdell, of Uoches- ter. conducted the rau*ic. The recent ex. l>eudilure on the church was S'io.UOO. Yesterday morning a great crowd of un- employed worKingmen marched through the Via Condotta and other stun is in Home, blackenin*' the shop fronts m thev went, atd in some cases entering ami plandering stores. Street lamps ami win- dows were smashed by the mob, and on the Via Krattina a number of buildini;i wero badly wrecked. Several collision:' o- urred between the police aud Ihe wuiMii:::nen and a number of fiersous were wciindrvi. Several ringleaders among the riot<r:i were arrested. Troops are loriiiiu^ a oordou around the disturbed district. that the Hill proposed to t\x the aim. tint of Education, saya a contemporary, begins interest pay ableon alUoiit raola at a cortain the genilemau, but reading, good company rate which it would he iiaiirions to exceed, and r- tleotiou inuHt finish him. Where .\s to what the limit sluMilil be, he wished lo does the doctor come iu ?â€" KiX'/ieff^rPiiil. have the opinion of Ihe House. Kryr/is. Aduilratlou ^ ?) Artist (with pridel '• Ye-<. that is my picture, Dorothy." Cousin liorothy (hop- ing to please)â€"" Brallv '. What au exijuisittly lovely frame ! "- Juu'^. At every riulroad iu Uolland there is a watchwoman at tbe crossing. \ Cliu'Bgo dressniaher aim uinces herself aa " a gowning aial froeking artist. ' The connly ot Carleion 0'«n»;enien have passed a resolution depict ii i It.e acuon of Ihe Dominion Goverutnti.l m allowing the Jesuits' Estates Ac. Sfcrnary Bayard has i-iufifd the German Minister that bis Cl.Mriiment accept llie proponticn Ur a tiMimptuu at B'Tliu cf the ConlmiH-»i iu Wjatd t» Sauioa. f t

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