Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Jan 1889, p. 8

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L, ^ J. G. ANDERSON HAS JUST TO //AND A FIRST CLASS STOCK OF ^ O I o u a xn xn o in O ik rr AND AXES Of the very \)cs.t nKiiuifactiue in America. riic Forest Beauty »♦ 4. Is the tinly Sawmude Iiavin;^ rnc ,L;au^'cs difTe'rcnce between ify ^ the the teeth ami tl\e hack, reiinirin,!; no set for hard wood, and an; made fiuin the best douljle refined siller steel, selected and spring tempered, insuring: a â- > % Perfect and Even Temper. Bcfor6 buying a Cross-cut Saw be sure and see tins Saw, as che3' have n<> et|naJ. A nfst clast; stwdi of of the yery finest <iuality at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Ladies' and Gentlemen's h'ur coats and Caps at "that r/111 astonish you Another Hue I would l^articularly call yonr attention to ia our prices 9Tr Stock of Boots au4 Slioes of every description 9 i COUNTY AND DISTRICT. A Half Jlnu.r Ampnd f'Ur E,vcln(n!ies- Tlie'Cn emore S;!ii oiiiiiteJ imblislilng lust wouk. Wnlkcitiiii luirli sclidol tmiird li.\8 raiBid tilt- fuo cif ailiiiissioii from «imii to ten dollars jier uiiuuiii. Dnturiu cciiitrihutt's tlirud (iftln nf tlie postul reviMiuo nf llie DniiiiiiiiMi. Kxtrcnic siiltViiiii; is reported ainoii!; tho Norwtii!niis<;ttIcrs in Westei ii Dikdlr'. Onfi of { )ainiiii Di;;il,i's liouti^ijaiits lias deserted Ins luadiT, and iitatus tiia* Kuiin \^K'.\ in a prisonur at Kliartmuii, wdicrc In: la wi'll t.rcatL'd. H"ii. Kdward Stuiili'v, won <if tlie (Jiivi'iiiT-fiencrRl of Canada, wms married nil Satnrdav in London to Lady Alici- .Monlatjiii', daughter of tin; Dnko of ManclieattT. City Solicit<ir IJiji^-ar, of Toronto, has ijivun iio'.ice of aiiplioation to Parlinjont for power to coniiei tlie ruinoval of teloj L'raph pedes and Llio plauini; I'f all wires uiider-i,'r<uniil. At tlio next lueetini; of the lire}- Conuty Ccnincil tliu matter of ret;ulatiii<; tlie widtli <if H e/on tires ainl inaUin'^ «liMi;lis the nniforin width of three feet, nine iuLhes, will lie at'ain taken n|i. Thornlinry Standard : A lap^e she bear was killed near Hank« l^.O. in tliin towii- shi|i on Monday last by Donald ArcDoiiald. Straiii^e to say the bear was killed witli one cliarye of buck shot, one of the nhots l,'.iin.r through the heart of t!;e animal. Coiitiary to all expericncei! tlie bear was easily killed. Slulbuihe Keonoinisl : (III Cl.nstiiias il.iy William Sandeisiin, liviie.' on the tort-idino between Aniaianlh and East (oiiafrax.i, was broiiylit befoio juHtiees I'ark and .MeDoiiuall charj^ed with eoin- mittilii,' rape on one Miss H-ll of .Vniaianth. The justiceK coiiMidered the evid.'iiee Miltieieiit to irmialit them in *â- â-  inilliii;,' Sanderson f.T iiial, .-ind he Has aeeordinijly taken to « )iaiii;evillo jail the followintr day. The [.risioiier is a mairieil man about tliirity ye;ir« of u,<e, and lii.s aecnser not more than 14 or !.">' Manover ['...â- it: While in the woods fox huiitiii;' on New Year s I>ay, .loliii O'Neill, of the South Line, I'.rant, n^et nillia serioun aeeideiit. lie wa.'* rnn- iiinj; tliron^h the bush earryin-,' the i;uii in his liaml wlnn u was jerked back by a limb eati Iiiiil; the iininmer and iiii- niedi.itidy di.«elinr^'e(l one barrel. Tin ei nteiits passed thri'in<h the le:,' just above the knee, lieiiii! a stront;, healthy y.a.uv niaii it is probabli! that he will lie nrouiul a^aiii in a short lime. Ibuie Herald : .Mr. .John Lancaster, of .Noitli liiunt, has b.'eii iiotilied by the anthi>nties ol the bank of I'ji^land, that he lias fallei' heir to an iiiiineiise fortune, whii'li liaii beenwilleil to him by a distant relative. I( appi'ars the niiHiey has been lyiii',' in the I'.iiik for some time, awaiting a el.uiiianl. as .b.lin's w lierenbonl.s was leal. Mown until reivntly. He leaves this week, arooiiipaiiietl by Ids le;al adviser, to makej^ood Ins elaiiii to the boodle. If successful, .biliii can lord it over llie be»t of them. Miunbiy's I'm \w fnmislie.s the follow- In:; siraiio., .«ton : 'i"h,- s\\',i- mi Mr, .lohii ll;i» kin.s,i(>si>lin^ at tl CIoiitMisli-r stio^t, !ik« been snlleiin'.; bir a niimber of yeai>, ai«( hits been treated dniiiii! that time ly sr\ era! medical men for catanh of the stiiiiiaeh, eoiisiimplioii, etc., but lier snllViiiiu's '.jieiv more and more exerueiat- III'.' wiitil last week, when the syni|itonis loU! iininin,l.»keably that sonietliino was bisijis; her inteinally Medical aid was siniimoned and a mixture administered which llmilly killed ami uxpelleii a li^.ainl svMin; eii;lit iiu:ll«s in leiiL'fli anl .about as bi'4 ;ii;oiind as the top ,,f one s liuLStT. L.'ilterly .Mrs Jlankins life has been onu of t,ri'at mi.sery and discon.fciit. Sh« could not lie do»vn to sleep, as ill that pn- sitinn the lixaid would come up in her throat anil bite lier. Since the reptilo has been leiiioved slie has made rapid proyicss towards recovery. Mr. Ilnnkins is of the o|.inioii that lits wifi! Hwallowed the lizard Home siii years a.:,'o, when thoy lived 111 the country near .Sti;,tfiird, niid Well! Ill t!ie liabit of cliilil, in;; sinilig valer. jf Crmp. vvhoopiie; C011.4I1 mid MronclUtit AT - PRICES - UN SURPASSED ii="':ov^*.S:'''''''"'' I Khilidi's â- .â- Â»((-;li and ()oiisiiiiiwt;i.i'i Ciiro is sold by us on a '.'iiariinte* It eiiies ('oiisu;niition. Kor sale i.t tho Bledical Hall. • _ _i ^^ • IJoiKhSv Fiilrs. *• dru'ii' viUii- I'he lyw n.l â- JLiU'lny :»iath iiu nth. Dmia.o., TU'sttsy liefiiv" lirnie;' ville. I'luMlioi tun -.<liaij»v liufDiB OniUMOViU J. ;.;uik.IalL. -Satui'.lm liomn! urii:iK..-vi.m. iJui-luiiii Till' il riu'sclny In each ninntli. Chulsw.'itli -MonOa.v \>*t( i»> Umlinui. ItiiUiiiKl ttmt'.rr --Stit.ur'n4a>"{eio i lint,sv.'e':t' . l'.ii:,'Vill. ..loll. hi) liufiii-<' Hiirhrm. lluuevol- ...oiiilttv llUrtt'J iHiihttUi Anyplace. Don't fail to come , in and sec goods and get We do not consider it trouble to show goods, even if you do not iirttnid purchasing. prices. J. CL Anderson, Sl'KOIIIiVS liUICK- large Assortm^ S. I Men's Women's and Children's cranDSHaai«c<a AUD SH0S2 fjr Vv IITTEE WEAH, AT W. CLAYTON'S Felt Boots, (jt'.m Kubbers, Fulled Stocking?^, 0\or:rIiCis, and Jvubbers. Mens' ami Boys' Long Boots, At prices to suit the times. Photos J })<â-  'irr noir luru'niij nut <r(\rJ: f'lr tujterinr in itijlr ,m(l Jluish In unij ficr pru- i!iii-ril in FlesUrrlun. COPYING and ENLAROING at MODERATE RATES^ PICTUEE FKAMING .lone in <dl iln buinchrs. .1 (juoil ftork -./' FRAMES and MOl' L DI.\'<:S k(),t rnHKtiiutlfi i<n luinil. Will also int'^»fiHi: the new BliOMlDK I'OliTRMT. u l>iiiiire that tg girimj entire i«it{»l(irtivn wherever introiliieeil. SAMFfjFS mil he seen nt mi/ (liilUri/ where, nit pdrlirulurs tts ti> I'riie, Sly/e Ac, curt ht nsver- FLESHERTOK. IIEATM I'OI! .VLL" THE TILLS .'•£:».:i:ssr-'. 'iui^<^irs, S/)rij><^' Wagons, Linnhcr U (I'Jons ont! I ^harioii's. niiiiUmJ. Triniin.iii<J autl L'ciKiii iiiij jtroiHjithj (illciKh'il. to. II orm'-Shociiiii (t S/iccial/rj. ^ 90» flewlnft-MacMno-nTinTI f"'-'*l*»^tf.,tk in all parl». b^ • H P I* inline our nmcJihif^X llLJXJ m) ([uuila wb«t9 itio v*^'p)'J <''*') x-O them, wo will teud free to »ne peraoii In Pitch lorility.ihn vfiy bnt â- owiog-in«cl]iti« niKiie In ' wutUI, with kU tho atlAibnivnii. I' will ilfto aind free t cuiii;>ki« lu uf our coiilx am) v«luuhlc act luniitplca III return wo aak Ihai you w whAt wc afiid, lo ihoin who ' lal; at yuur bt'nin.Rnd arit-r If nthiiallihAl) tiPCcitiic yiiiir owa npri>t>t-'riy Tbia cranil raacbins i» kI" ah«T ih«i NlitKor vntcnia, hich have run out ; brfura |>ai<>nta lunnutittoldforfltttJI. with tho • tachmcnta, ami nuw »«IIh for 'SAi>. Hea\. atron|[«at,mu«t na*- iiarblne in th« world. All I* capital r«quir«d. FUia, wrlia to ut at onca can ae- l^(>e tho boal anwiiiK-DiachiDii in iba wnrld. and tha ftric*! i;neu[<«tirbaol'bi|h ail«v«r •bowtt toitrth>;r in AmrricA. 'rittl B ^. CO.. Box 740* AhshbUi, lftuln«* I CAUTION. \l,i. I'KUSONS fti-it hyrifby cautioiit).! a^'^ii iicfc;ntiiitini,;u n"tii U'V ton ddlhirs ilfftil. in t'avor of John I- •i-.ttrr. ^^ivoii liy onu .\hniliiii(!i) Sc.iM, (tdti'd Xpii IH. Hinl din- in s;.t niniii;:<» froiJi duto. unulf (itiyiible at llouth HtM'l Wt^^l ollico, Ks I luivv iiuL voeoivoil value lurtlio siiiuk^ siiwl notuliiiviiiji biMMi lest. JOHN FOS'I'KU. I'rotoii Stiition V.O. th- biiel iNatJuctli SALESMEN WANTED Ijl iiul NurKt;i ii's. ostfiMiiiH'tl over :;(i\('arM. Tlio t>i(l rultKt)l(»tiui'st<i'v. Mi'ii with p>'i^h, eiiojfjy, m>u<! hiiV>itp^aii(l i-Usnn cliaiatrttu alwayHMiicct c<i. NVo can inyo \>*ti (,'i""l I'li-v ami sloiuly Wo k. Writo lo'-,tt>hiiM tc C'MASK'UHOillKi:^ CQM- PAN V. .N,;\rs«jvinuii.(.' jlbonic t I'urif V' the Ul,».iil, I'dntu-'t all Dinn-iior^ of Bh'» The) iMvit;oi»tniiirl roNtaro til li.iHltli Iii'l.ilitiiti-'l ri.hHitutioiiK. unci uli' iiivuluulilo in ill f Com plaiutBiticiitulituI to h'eumUtii nf ull oi,'b« I'.ir Cliililn 11 unci the n^uil tliey mu lalculoau. TH F OINTM KNT AH infallihlt v«'ik. iv r.>r V-n I l.»>'^. li'i-'. Ur'-asti, <ilr| \Votinil«. SoreM '.wiA riocr«. U i-'- fainotr«t' (i'Mit an! Itui iimatisiii, Kcr diHoi-.k'i-n of the (.'hf-t it httk no o«|ua FurSOIlK TllUO.rr. lUiOA'CHITlS. COUGHS, COLDS (l!aniIvilarSwolIiri';R.iinil all Skin l^i-'oaskUt tt ha« no rival : ajul for cuijtractod aiiU hUjI o (Its it acti lik<i A chariit. *l;*niifa.-tiin''l oiilv at l'rofr*-*iir rT"M,ow.\v's IlKtiihll-hiiu-Tj^. 7H, \4*w Ov/or<l srrcct ( \\\W T%\V.\, Oxford Stn^'l )• LonWoit* M1<1 aro riol.l lit Itt. Mil .'J-* '.M-, J". I" 1 . n* '.".N.. an- 1 -VW. tMu-li fox or I'ot. ami iifAy I't* luid of ull Mtil fiiifl Voii'lors thi-oii<;biMit tlu» Wmlfl. JSfr rnrch>i*ern ahouhl liu,k U </'« L(thd on the l*oh firnf Pttrxe^. Tf the aihlre.'^A m tK^t 5-'{S, OcfnrU ^V^f(!^ Lflndoyi^ thfii( are .*;H/yf')'i,t. -ilz H EA R D'S â€" Carriage Works, FLESHBRTON, â-  M.iMFKTI KKRS «F «iK»a<<*hA~..

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