I day. fruui day to day, ^tld biulinagu, s«s, and not a sign utivii or (ItiSiKQ, CFacu ol Hentiuient. (Saw, Isabel, who liked him well, Waa fail! to liaBten Lionel In prijpcr way, to plainly say Exactly what intent bs meant. For peruido^u ami badiuutje AmuBfi out), bill, tbey ^ivu no sign Of uifitrimoutal duHiKU, If uualloyod witb ueutimont. Ro LIoiihI, ir. Koon befell. Observed a ebauj^Q in Uabel, Bh-< turned away from tritles gay. Uer manner, cuy but gentle, lent To peraitlat{t.> and badinuKe A subtle nioanint!. aud a uign Of â- uuiailiiu).'â€" il iwere u»t design- Decidedly like Heutiuieut. Thus Isabel coutrivcl no well That, pleased aud tlartereii, Lionel Became o><e day, her willioij prey ; For knowing uut lier buuc, be went â€" Left persitlage a d batliua^eâ€" And plum, ly said to her, " Be mine I" Since tiien. 'iwere fuir to state, in Hue, No laok there is uf .'ientimeut. The liyinic Year. Now the bluhterinij Mast is blowing Through the street. And *tia suowium. suowing, snowing, Aud the sleet laa-alitheriiig tbri'U^b the ways Where the wagguns ai.d the lirays Bolu give way Co gaildy sleighs. \a is meet And the boys who go to school Uayly glide 0*er the slipi ery, icy cool, Glassy slide. Which that val-^Ludiuary ICortal %«itb ttie step uuwary. And whoso nerves are somewhat K^tJ, Can't abide. liow the mothers ami their daughter! Don the fur And go shoi>piiigâ€" wiuter's slaughters Nt 'er deter. From the.so nigiLs lie who s adept Hast one certain fact accept. That v/e"vo reache<t ye month yclept Ducem-Uer. Mot IS Bat! Uejulnder. (Tori)Uto Mail.) The followif^ was sent by a lawyer to an editor : 1 slept in an editor's bud last night. When uootiitjr chanced to be uigh ; B*wâ€" 1 though:.â€" as 1 tumbled the editor's bed Huw easily editors lie. The jourDaliet.tijnal to the occaaioa, sent Um the tollowii g leply : Jl the lawyer slnpt in an editor's bed When no lawyor i-btiiiced to bo uigh ; And though be has writ tun, snd naively said, Howe-tsily eoitorslii'! Ho musr then ailuiic, ss he lay on that bed. And slept to his heart's desire. Wbate'ur he may say uf the eilitor's bed, "Twas tbe lawyer bitnself was the lier. Helich-llu th« Hulljr. Sieg " heiiib-ho, my child r*»n, dear, HiuK h' igh-ho ihe holly 1" We will 8a> good'by tu tbe old, old year, And greet tht. tie** with a shout of clieer, bii giiJK ' heigb-ho the hoUv, the holly, Ueru'b tu thu green holly !" With bollv sprigs tbe pudding crown, KiBif " heiub-ho tbe holly I" Xeest tbe big tuikuy. fu juicy aud brown. And load the tablrs witb dalnti' sdewn, Biiigibg " heigb'hu the hoUv, tbe holly. Here's to tbe greeu holly I" Ob. bitng hlKb tbe mistletoe. Sit.g ' bvlKh-ho the taoily !" 'With evergreen leaves aud berries like snow Under it let the true luvnrs go â€" tiingiug " lii'igh bo the h lly. the holly, lUre't) to the greeu holly !" I'iltt the blaKilig yule logs biuller, King â- • ho gh bo tbe holy !" Dance sljad<.>w dancea before the tiro, IMuce llttlo maidens, aud uevcr tire tiiugiu.' ' heighhotb-.- holiy, tbe holly. Here's tu the gluen holly 1 Then faro yv well, yon u""i .ild year. Sing " > elKb-ho the holly I" Tou gave us tb' smite. y<<u gavo us the tear, But now >oung eigbty-niiie draws uear. And we UitlH. bu rcntiy to ftelcoilie liliu hero. Hinging " luMgh h i the iMily. the bully. Here's to the green hi.»lly !" er '•• at London, The anucJ^^auquet uf the thievea of liOndou, Kiven the other day by the St. Giles' mission, was a most brilliant affair, aaya the New York Sun. The Lord Mayor bravely presided, in defiance of the old proverb. To thia baminet, rare par excellence, none bat thieves treah {rum jail are admitted, except, of coarae, the mem- bera of the misaion and their frieuda. The mission has a cnrioas history. It waa founded about twelve ysara ago by a thief nick-named "Fiddler," who abandoned hia old profession and took to religijn for a living. Since that time it haa iucreaaed in power and auefalnesa. Every morning when the duora of tbe four prisons uf Loudon are opened to let looue the individaald who have discharged their debta to society, members of the mission come forward and invite the crooks to breakfaat. Oat of 18 UOO of theae wortbiea set free in 1887. 15,200 accepted the invita- tion. At the close of tbe repast a temper- ance pledge is presented to the gaeata, which they may aign or not, juat as they choose. About one-third of the namber aign tbe pledge, and aboat ooe-foarth of that third keep it. The miaaiou f nrnishea money, tools and clothea to tbe crooka who display sincere intenliaos to lead better lives, and it tinda employment for them, too. At the banquet in qneation about 2U0 gneata aat down lo table. There were some queer faces among them, and their cua- tumea defied deaaription. The ate in ailence â€" that ia to aay, without apeaking â€" but the rattle of their knivea and forks dur- ing the engagement gave noiay evidence of their appelitea. Gradually the din sub- sided, until there were only a few stray rattles left, like thecloaeota well-suatained infantry fire. Then the speeches began, but the members of tbe truly silent pro- fegsion held their tongues. The Lord Mayor's upeech was interesting. IIu said that ten years ago the population of the prisons of London numbered '20,U^3. It is now reduced to 14,536, and he attributed tbe reduction to the work of missions like that of St. Giles. When Hia Lordship left the banquet hall he felt for his watch, and he was happy to find that it was there. and Tlie (larret. With pensive ey*^s thu little room I view Where in my >outh 1 weaihored it so long ; With a wild mistress, a staiicli friend or two. And a light oeari still breaking into sung ; Kakiug a mock ' f life ami >«ll its cares, Kicta III glorv ' f my risiugsun, Xji|(htly 1 vatitto't up four pairs of stairs Ul tbe bravf cajh when I was tweuty-uoe. Tea. 'tis a garret - Ita hiui know't who will â€" There was my bed -lull hard it was small â€" My table there- and I deci|)ber still Half a Uuio couplet, ctiar'-oaled on tbe wall. 7« Joys that tiiuo iiath swept with him away. Come )o miiio evesâ€" ye dreams uf love and fun I Toryuu I pnwoud my watch, how many a day. In tLe brave d-ijs when 1 was tneuty-one. Lei us be gone ' the place is sad and strango â€" How far. far olT rhesi' li •)'!'> times aiipear, AH that is l< fi to lite I'd gladK change For uue such month as I have wasted here â€" Todraw loi a dv-mius-'f l»' amy. love ami power Froui fount of hope thai neverwill uutrao, And drink all life's (piiuUisseticHin an buur, Give mo the days when 1 was twenty-nne. â€" iJeraiifl«r. Crow's Ke«t Under the Llly'a Byes. Those who a*w hoc alf the stage during 'her recent viric here tell mo that even liSngtry, the My, is a trifle pnstie. Age is fceginnin;.; to t, 11, and, no'withstau.Hiig her â- wonderfully lino compluxioD, there are wrinkles formiii« lihiut h^ r eyes and she is beginning tt> •ho* a tendiiify towards «iii6ofi/)oiw« A'hb. that it thmld be no! bat the hari uhqi- snd diesiiiatious r>{ a â- tage life are- nut , â- ducive to thR welfare ofpbjaical beau'.v - l,'<ui*viHe (Ky) Poet Mra. Frlofl|>li- Above Interest, Mal*i-t- • Kootor, I begyouwil oot deoeivn nm about my fase. Believe me I am prepar. d t i In >ir tliu wcrat." Dr. Uisuiuth- â- ' Well, then, madam, frankly tbtru is iKitliiiii the matter with you whatevfr. Y wi ehoiiM try some other â- oheme besiilta ill. health to make yourself interesting." The Tent of Mairiuioulal .Success. One who knows 8rt>8 that it ia not the proper thitif; now to exhibit wedding preaeula e.xcept to immediate relatives and intimaie (riuu ia of the family. This, we believe, is all wron^. If the prescnta are not exhibited, how i.^ a fellow to know whether the marriage ia a sooceBS or a fttUure ? be wanting me to all the time, aee if you' don't. bhe â€" Well, put it on carefully now over my head. Look out for my hair ; I don't see what possessed me to put it up before I put thia thing on, though I couldn't have raiaed my arms, I suppose, afterward. Look out, there's a book caught in my hairpin. For heaven's sake, Charles, get it one way or the other, I'm stifling and my hair will all be down. There, now, that top steel is too high aud tbe cushion interferes with it. Sup- pose you could get the cuahion out 7 Rip it, pull It, anything ! Don't yon see it'a H o'clock '! Got it out '1 Can't you do it 7 Pull it, I tell you t All right Now aee if it looka too flat. Well, book it then. Yes, yon can, too, it'a only a patent hook. Snap it I There, now, hold 11 so I can get my arma into the aleeveaâ€" -not way up there â€" do )ou take me for a coniortiobist? Uh, I never can get those sleevea on ; grab bold of the armhole with bulb bauds, Charles, and give it a good pull up onto my ahuulder; tell me if it begins to burst; does it'/ The veins in my bauds will burst, I believe â€" open that win- dow, will you â€" there now â€" give metheeuds of that belt, will you ; don't tell me, ( harlea, that you've twis'ed the waist, aud I've got to take it off again I Why. how could you have been so stupid 7 Where were your eyes'.' No. you can't pull it off that way â€" pull it off just as you do a glove- - there, uuw, do exert yourself to get it right thia time. Open that window a little wi ler will you 7 What is the matterâ€" caught aometbiug? Well, never mind. Unhook your watub, and let the chain hang on the dreaaâ€" it won't be likely tu fall off, and you muan't tear that lace; well, I'll get you another one if you loae itâ€" do get those aleevea on again; there, now, paas ma the belt. Ob, that fool of a dressmaker ; she's got tbia s^ tight, when I told her I wanted to be comfortable. Open that door, will you, so there will be a draught '? Now see if you can't hook this waiat up. No â€" begin at the bottom. Why, don't you see, the books and eyes alternate on each aide, so as to maku it bold '.' Can't you get it together 7 Why, pull ; I can stand it. Torn your finger nails out 7 Well, fur heaven's sake, Charley, don't notice it now. I've got aometbiug I'll put on it after we get hume. Can you hook that last book, up on my left aboulder ; and then that one down on my right hip 7 Now, get a good firm hold of the bottom of my akirt and give it a pull dowu all round. Now do get out of the way and let me look in tbe mirror. Meavena I I look like a perfect dump. Tip tbe mirror up a little more, will you 7 No, not that way â€" tbe other way- and g' gut me your hand-»;lass, won't you 7 Turn the i,:as up a little higher, and do keep out of my way ; I can't see a square inch of my dress. Well, it looks a little better than I thought it did at first. Juat give that drapery behind a amootb, will you 7 aud pull that ruching up on my neck. There, now, pnt bulb yonr handa around ray waist, and give it a good hard smooth down. There, 1 guess that will do now. I look very well. But for goodness sake don't ever ask me to let you help me again I" â€" lioHon Saturday Kvening Gazette. Oo to the Heart. My name ia Anthony Hunt. I am a drover and live miles aud miles away upon the western prairie. There wasn't a house in sight when I firat moved there, my wife and I, and we have not many neighbora, though those we have are good ones. One day about ten yeara ago I went away from home tu sell my firat bead of cattle â€" fine oreaturea aa ever I aaw. I was to buy some groceriea and dry gooda before I came back, and above all a doll for my youngster â€" Dolly. She had never bad a store doll of her own, only rag babiea her mother bad made her. Dolly could talk nothing elae, and went down to the very gate to call after me to get a big one. Nobody but a parent can underatand how full my mind waa uf that toy, and how, when tbe cattle were sold, the first thing I hurried off lo buy waa Dolly's doll. I found a large one with eyea that would open and abut when you pulled a wire, and had it wrapped up in paper, and tucked it under my arm, while I had the parcela of calico and delaine aud tea and angar put up. Then, late aa it waa, I atarted for home. It might have been more prudent tu atay until morning, but I felt anxious to get back, and eager to bear Dolly's praiaea about her doll. I waa mounted on a ateady-going old horae and pretty well loaded. Night set in before I was a mile from town, and settled dowu as dark as pitch while I waa in the middle of the darkest bit of road I know of. I could have felt my way, though, X remembered it so well, and when the storm that had been brewing broke, and pelted the rain in torrents, I was five miles or may be six miles from home. I rode aa faat aa I could, but all of a and- den I beard a little cry like a child'a voice. I atopped short and listened â€" I heard it again. I called aud it answered me. I couldn't aee a thing. All was aa dark aa pitch. I got down and felt around in the graaaâ€" called again, and again was answered. Then I began to wonder. I'm not timid, but I waa known to be a drover aud to have money about me. It might be a trap to catch me unawarea and rob and murder me. I am not auperstitioua â€" not very ; but how could a real child be out on tbe prairie in anch a night, at such an hour 7 It might be more than human. The bit of a coward that hidea itaelf in most men showed itself to me then ; but once more I beard tbe cry, and said I : If aov man's child is hereabouts, Mr. Henry Beober, Q.C., London, ia very seriously ill. Mr. Alexander Murray, a prominent basiness mau of Montreal, died of apoplexy on Saturday morning. Owing to the continued illnesa of Lieu- tenant-Governor Angera there will ba no New Year's reception in Quebec. A apecial meeting of Stratford City Council was held on Saturday afiernooa, when the rate of asseesment was fixed at eighteen milla. A 3-year.old child of Mr. L. Araenault, Metapedia, Que., waa fatally scalded a day or two ago by falling into n veaeel of boiling water. Joseph Walworth was killed in a dyna mite explosion while working at the con- struction of the C. P. II. branch at th<3 Don on Saturday. It cost 91,438.G'.I to enforce the Scott Act in Lennu.x aud Addiugton, and the amount received in finea waa J;i,052.7.'). The sum to the credit of tbe Act is Sl.Glt.Oi;. Four boya went into the wooda How He Played Lady's Maid. Mr. Goodman, in tbe sudden absence of hia wife's maid, attempts to help her on with her new winter dress. He â€" Yon just see if I can't help you juat aa well as that blamed Eugiiah maid. Con- found it, after I've helped >oa once you'll' Anthony Hunt ia not the man to let it die,' No Surprise tu Uer, Miaa Beauty â€" Do you remember that French count who followed me from place to place, and declared he waa dying of love for mo ? Well, his family has put him in a Innatio aaylu:n. Rival belle â€" I am not sur- prised. 1 alwayii did think hu was crazy. â€" Hew York Weekly. 1 searched again. At last I bethought me of the hollow under the hill and groped that way. Sure cDough, I found tbe drip- ping little thing that moaned aud sobbed aa I took it in my arma. I called my horae aud the beast came to me, and I mounted and tacked the little soaked thing under my coat aa well aa I could, promiaing to take it home to mamma. It seemed so tired, and pretty aoou cried itaelf to aleep on my bosom. It had slept there over an hour when I saw my own windows. There were lights in them, and I anppoaed my wife had lit them for my aake ; but when I got into tbe doorway I aaw something waa the matter.and stood still with a dread fear of heart five minutea before I could lift the latch. At last I did it, aud saw tbe room full of neighbora, and my wife amid them weeping. When ahe saw mo she hid her face. " Ob, don't tell him," ahe said, " it will kill bim." "What is it, neighbora? ' I cried. " Nothing now, I hope â€" what's that you have in your arms 7" " A poor lost child," said I, " I found it on the road. Take it, will yon 7 I've turned faint." And I lifted thu aleeping thing and aaw the face of my own child, my Dolly. It was ray own darling, and none other, that I had picked up on the drenched road. My little child had wandered out to meet papa and tbe dull, while tbe mother was at work, aud they were lamenting her as one dead. I thanked Heaven on my knees before them. It is not much of a story, neighbors, but I think of it often in the nights and wonder how I could bear to live now if I had not atopped when I beard the cry for help upon tbe road, hardly louder than a aquirrcl'a chirrip. That's Dolly yonder, witb her mother in the meadow, a girl worth saving â€" I think (but then I'm her father aud partial, maybe), the prettiest and aweetest thing this side of Mississippi. â€" San hrancitco Call. A. Bad Memory. London papers relate a story of a Welsh preacher who started on the oars to fulfil an engagement. When the conductor came for hia ticket ho had forgotten to bring it, and bad also forgotten hia money. What was worse he had forgotten where he waa going. It waa found impos<4ible to anggeat to him any station that seemed to be the right one, and be had to telegraph borne to have hia friends look into hia diary and aend him word where he waa going. Word oame aud be waa started on all right. Blifkiua (thirstily)â€" So those two fallows got fonr years each ! Soaper \miatily) â€" What two fellahs? Blifkiusâ€" Harrison aud Morton, you know. Thanks ! lemon in mine. â€" The most ancoeaaful dentiat muat ex" peot to run against a anag occasioually. A Koyal Baby'a Retinue. Probably the magnificent state of the royal baby of .'^pain surpasses that of any other infant of western lands, but tbe re- tinue of the Emperor of China shows bow they do such things in tbe east. The list of hia atlendanta waa aa follows : Eighty nurses. Twenty-five fan bearers. Twenty-five palanquin bearers. Ten umbrella bearers. Thirty physicians and surgeona. Seven cooks. Twenty-three aasiatant cooks. Fifty servants and messengers. Fifty dresaera (to put on aud take off im- perial clothes). Seventy- five aatrologera. Sixteen governora. Sixty prieata. With thirty cooks and thirty doctors it is perhaps a wonder that Kuang Hsu, Em- peror of China, haa lived to bo seventeen yeara old. â€" Youtli't Companion. Gananoqae, and one. Page, in oareleaaly handling a revolver thought to be empty, discharged it, wounding a lad named Mu- Ginty in the region of the bowels. Tbe ball cannot be traced. Fred. Geary, aged 13 years, was drowned in Moira Lake, near Madoc, on Saturday afternoon while skating with a number of other boys. Chaa. Ricbarda went through the ice with Geary, but was rescued by one of hia oompaniina, who caught bim by the hair and held him up. Sylveater B. Brown, Salt Lake City, aon of Mr. laaao Brown, Erneattown, haa com- mitteil suicide. He waa a clever lawyer and in easy circnmatances. but he fell iiitj bad health, aud fearing uunaumption and pros- pective separation from his wife and family, became despondent, and going into the yard shot himself. Alfred Falardeau, aged abont 2H years, fell throagh the ice on Friday in crossing Matchedash Bay, atWaubauehene, aud waa drowned. The deceased came to Waubau- sbene about seven yeara ago, and ij sup- poaed to have relatives at St. banveur, Quebec. He was in tho employ of the Georgian Bay Consolidated Lumber Com- pany, and was a steady, quiet man ami a good workman. Thu Montreal Judges on Saturday ordered thu liberation of Adeline Trempe from the Good Shepherd Convent, to which she had been committed in 1HH5 for fivu years on a charge of vagrancy trumped up by her uncle, who wisheil to remove the girl from her mother, who waa a Protes- tant. The Court waa very severe on the Recorder for hia action in illegally depriv- ing the girl of her liberty. A young blacksmith named Albert Seaton, while endeavoring to effect a cross- ing of the G. T. R, track at Clarencestreet, Loudon, on Saturday night, ran against the tide of an express engine and received some bad bruises aud cuts on bis head and face. No bones were broken. He thought he could cross before the engine came up, but waa mistaken, aud could not atop bimaelf in time to prevent a collision. The King of Wurtemberg ia again in poor health. It is reported at Suakim that tbe rebel tribes at Uandoub cunttmplato surrender- ing to the British. An escapeil Soudanese has offered to bring Gen. Gorduu's clothi k, sword and papers, which are said to be hidden near Berber. A manifesto issued by the new revoln tionary group in France declares that i commune ia the only remedy for Boulan gism and Radicalism. The Queen will, nt\t week, bestow a special honor upon Gen. Grenfull in recog nition of his services at Siiakini, aud, inci- dentally, it ia aaserted that the creation of a batch of new peers is imminent. Advices from Kuakim say that .Vrabio translations of the accounts published iu London newspapers prior to Decern lier'iOtb of the plan uf operations of the British forces there have been fuuud in the posses- sion cf the enemy. Louis and Joseph Lebourdois, respec- tively captain and mate of tbe barque Gylfe, of Quebec, were yesterday at Glas- gow sentenced to ten years' penal servitude each for trying to scuttle their vessel and defraud the insnrers. The attempt was made while the Gylfe was on avoyagefrom Quebec for Greenock. The French Senate yesterday adopted the budget as amended by the Chamber uf Deputies. Premier Floijuet afterward read a|deorcecloBing the session, Mr. BradlauKh the well-known English Radical, visited the Chamber of Deputies yesterday aud con- versed fur some time witb M. Clemenceau and other members. Mr. Brigbt'a prospects or poBBibililies of recovery are well described by one of bis family as marvelluus. Real recovery, unhappily, there can be none. Uis malady ia incurable. But bis couditi<)n has won derfully improved. He evcniitB up, though a week ago he had iio desire to riee from his bed. There ia hope that his life may be prolonged fur some mouths. The Liverpool police were an,\ionaly watching yesterday for tbe arrival of the kUJUMABT. and a fleet uf oyater pirates. After 000 shots b»d been fired five ol the rebel cratfe ware oaptiured. Ira Warford, of Bt. Elmo, near Chat- tanooga, and his family, uonsisting of fomr persona, were poisoned yesterday by eating bead cheese. Warford is iu a very pre- oarioua condition, and hia wife ia serioaalv ill. The children are doing well aud will recover. Last evening Uamea broke out in Browik row, Everaon, Pa., belonging to the H. C. Frick Coke Company, ana four bonsi^s wen* destroyed. I he fire waa uauaed by th» explosion of two kega of blasting powder. The house in which tbe explosion ucunrreA waa occupied by Poles. They were prepar- ing powder for their work in the miuea t»- day, when a spark from a pipe igntited tb» stuff. There was a terrific explosion anA seven of the men were frigbtlully burned^ one of them fatally. Big John, the famous Indian pilot, in- tends to run the Lacbine upida on New Year's day if the river ooutlnaes clear of ice. Mr. Herbert, the Canadian sculptor, has forwarded from Paris a bron^ bust of Sir I' George Cartier, which is on exhibition in Montreal. r Marrlnce Kovoaled by » Bicycle Header. The marriage on 'Thanksgiving Day of Miss Sadie O'Neill to Enoch M. Freder- icks, of Waukcgan, has just been made public. Tbe conple drove out into the country on Thanksgiving Day, ostensibly to spend tbe day with relativea. At Lake Villa, however, they boarded the cars, and were soon in Wisconsin and married. Tbe matter was kept a secret until tbehusbiuid took a " header" from a bicycle in Chicago a few days ainoe, and received such in- juries that he desired his wife to nuree him. The atory waa then told. â€" Chicago Inler-Ocean. â€" It ia considered strange that aristo- oratic people will consent to live in a oom- monwealth. â€" A domestic war cloud threatens tbe man who dares to walk loud when the baby's asleep. â€" When a young mau aska a yonng lady for her hand, in nine oaaea out of ten she ) will refer bim to her paw. A young man named Humphrey, whoBS home waa at Whitby, a brakesman on tho Grand Trunk, waa killed at Oshawa yester day morning. Counterfeit bills of tbe Ontario Bank ara in circulation in Deaeronto and vicinity. Aa a rule the bills are pretty well worn and pasted up with pieces of paper. A temperance convention waa held aft Cataraqoi on Thursday, at which it wa* ', reaolved to energetically uppose tho lepeal 'i of the Scott Act iu Fronteuac. City Solicitor Campbell aaya Winnipeg will not pay the expeuHua of calling unt ihB ^ militia in the croaainga dispute withuttt ' resisting the m&tter to the end. At the annual meeting of the Clydesdalo Horse Association uf ('anada yesterday, Mr. William Smith, M P., uf ColumbuB, Out., waa elected President fur tbe year. Principal Grant aaya as the Japanese ara largely abandoning rice in favor of bread, he can stu no reason why thi; fertile prairies of tho Northwest should not largely supply Japan witb the wheat she will rei|uire foc her thirty. eight million of people. James Dingwall, an employee in Walker .V: Marlatt's jiork house. Aylraer, was struck ai|uare in thu face on Thursday by a barrel, which fell twenty feet, terribly injurin(( bim. hurting his eyea and breaking his nose, aud knocking liim senseless for A time. Peter MoMaster, a desperate character, who haa fcr a long time defied the autbori. ties to arrest him, haa been madn prisonec by Mr. S. Wright, deputy sheriff of Tree, cott and Russell. The prisoner attended • aale near Hawkesbury for the purpose uC defying arreat, aud when sui/.ed drew » revolver, but waa overpowered and dis- armed. Mr. W. T. Gianque, weighmaater Michi- gan Central Railway at Muntrose, an4 brother of Audior Gianque, Michigan Cea« trul Railway, while riding on an cngins yesterday morning, fell uff near Montroas Junction, striking his head on a tio, infiiot- iiig a terrible gash. He was picked up an! conveyed to his homnat Snapeusiuu Brid^ but his recovery is <loubtful. Mr. John Bright'a condition baa furlbeiT improved. 'The appointment of the Crofters Canadian Coiumissioii ia annuuiiced. TbS members are the ManpiiH of Luihian, Sif Charles Tupper, Mr. King and I'hoinas Skinner. They are empowered to select Highland families for colonization in Canada. Hun. Cornelia Prittie, tister uf l^iuA Duiialley, was killed yesterday while hnnt- ing near Nenagh, County Tipperary. Ths horae atumbled snd she fell from thB saddle. Her feet becoming entangled in tho stirrups, ahe was dragged for soma distance head dowuward. Shu was 39 years of age. On Thursday evening Stnphen Weston, aged .'i'.l, reeidiug at 'I'M Brewster street, Detroit, took by mistake a dusu of oarbolio acid instead of cough mixture, and fifteen minutes later expired. A cablegram yesterday announced tha death at Pan, France, ol the Rev Jaa. Pet- tigrew Boyce, LL. D., D. D., President oC the Southern Baptist Theological Semi- nary, Louisville, Ho waa 60 yeara old. Milea Johaon, a wealthy widower, oC PcifioetOD, Ind., who waa married on Cbriatmas day, hanged himself uo Thura- day night. Ha left a note saying he had broken hia promiao not to marry again, given to his first wife on her deathbed, and be oonld not endure the reproaches of his. oonaoienco. steamer Lurd Gough fruni Philadelphia' believiii;> that Kuhni, the Wisconsin mur deiiMh ^*''* °'^ board. Their anxiety waa relieved, however, by a despatch from (^eenstowu, stating that the vessel had arrived at that port, and that the Dane had been arrested there and rRiiianded for hearing. He made no resistance. He had a ticket for Basle, Swit;{erlaud, and in- tended to proceed to that country imme- diately. Mra. Frank Cheesebrough, of Bay City, Mich , waa aroused from aleep on Saturday morning by a burglar attempting to chloro- form her. Joe Rather was hanged at Centre, Tex , on Friday for wife murder. Ue went to the gallowa amoking a cigar, and said ho waa going atraight to heaven. The steamship Bristol, of the Old Colony Line, waa burned at Newport, R. I., yes- terday, and the Mexico, of tho New York and Havana Line, was destroyed at New York. Another deaporate tight occurred last week between tho police boat of Baltimore The Ideal Faveinent. The ideal pavement for New York, under exieting conditiona, ia the Belgian block, with asphalt filling between tho joints. This pavement ia now laid on Fifth avenue, and ia cleanly and solid if not noiseleaa. Tbe experiment ol a solid pavement of aapbali has been tried with snecess on Madison avenue for a short diatanoe abova Tbirty-foarth street, and it is about tha only atretoh of pavement ia tho city whera people can ride witb oomfort and talk in â- ooBveraational tone ol voice.- .Vtio York norlit. Hia Marriase a Success. " Marriage a failure I I should aay not 1" remarked a Western farmer, whose opinion was desired on one of the great qoestiona of the day. " Why, there's Lnoindy gita op in tho mornin', milks six cows, gita break- fas', starts fonr children to akewl, looks arter tho other three, feeds the bona, like- wise th^ hogs, likewise aomo motherless sheep, skims '20 pans o' milk, washes tha olothea, gits dinner, et oetery, et cetery. Think I oould hire anybody to do it fur what she gita ? Not much ! Marriage, air, is a sacoesB, air ; a great auccoaa t" In tho French Chamber of Dopaties yesterday Premier Flo((net spoke em- phatically in support of aecular acbools. â€"Cincinnati ladies just now hava a oraza for the divided akirt â€" " loglets" they ara called, â€"It doesn't neoeasarily follow that % seamstress is interested in the aewaga- <{ae8lioD.