Klo|>ciueut. On Clii-i.-.tiiKis !:vo ili.T. ufi9 a ball. .\ll<i I UHS Ii<it lUVllfil 1 tliti ii'>l kii.iW llitj hi>Kt ut nil, And f.'ii 111 rin uiiv bli^lit. i. And h.nr-i ili.t Uiii-ic r- hiMt, A-i'l ciiu;!ii lilt) >iuiv. r .1 the Hour iii iHaOi thr lUm-.-rH h-.-t \\ liilf u 'â- •â- â- â- It.: I kiiuu Suiii â- I n If tlj- ^In*W. U\. r III. -now iiinlawaj : Tli(-rt •^ iM.iiMi iiri.i 8UI1 I''i»r ^vhui 4 lu I..- .|.)n.- I(i'(-.i, t|„. It. aU .1 tLr dttv ' 'I'lm In )Mtili.4l,t I.-U 11- . â- â- M n-i sn.iw ( ':i II. il L;r.M â- lii.-ii n] i.:iiii.!t. , A nillUlK? h.-1-iijf I tn I'M •« s i low A |]r< tiini- . â- â- il I iM.i -.patj 1! I'.in.un. 1- i.ll ih.' Kurllv I .. ..n ni.o s. n: ' h. 11, tiMiiii' ill ill. Ali'l ll'Jin 1.... -.,, .1; jiii, iini.c lull - I «KU r,., in 111] jin;, !â- ,..•,! An.l tlihii h. V ran:at:.' (-]â- â- , U'l \ MV 111 K .^ |,l.i/.--;..l . Mil,, 1 l-.ii->\v tuu- • i,K \- :. 1 \n\ H' 1 rKthiT Hi'i'oii-1 rihuriii .. Aii.i .il wTi ihc 1,1, i. ftnii. ^t. 1 .si. \n.l lticI-."\ h Walt 11. I li,. r. ( » \^ im. I i\ 11. .1- ' ( 1 u in'' t" I.Ws ihivf vnii [Mcij uno »" imr Sf..- ^I. J.h l.-Uiiil-- li,. (.'Hl-il.i â- • .1 \na tl;. ij a Mi'i.l.ii 11 .â- l.-i T.:. tl. iinmri r.11, 1.. r Iiilh.-i W' r.iil siti* U.I- III !i. y r .1 !' i Ai.'l u|' tiM- r.. nl iUrl 11)- â- ,â- ..â- I". \^ Ai.'l II. .ir.| \>.^ J., l.â- ^ :. . â- h! I ik. ,!,â- ,, t iM i.r ri- -^^tcL ni..| '1 hull nu\ I.. . :i- I.>'.,l AI..1 U|.li,.. â- , .v.v r..,..| a. â- •â- > \i..l i.-,.'. I â- . ; . VI. 1 1 Tl-..li.', r .â- ,â- <•'• 1^ 1 . ^^ \ll'[ 1 .i M .. 1 -.â- .,,, â- â- .1 !...â- M .,, , M. I .â- . . ., !â- '1 i..i' 1 1 11, i; ,â- ..â- .â- . . â- 1 'â- !' l'..i 1 ,•â- • . 1 . 1 1 - 1 .... 1. ,. ! . . ,. . ,-. 1 3IY LADY TDXiaiE. My Aii, â- Th il, k I'fOjll,* IJ - for CjI./ii, I .â- 1 1 11. iimrry a m ..n mi>;lu licj will . to ft >;irl dikrKi'\ H Htni in -. Ami V \\lf l>»*;i,l." I . ly It wii- ftliMja! a iliily iry Ml rriWLiitliLr I'a^ju lu 1 titnc. A UKitlurUdd buy IUJUl;Ii. but Wllfu It OlillR- rimiii;; up iilto;^, ll:, r aiiiuiiH It wad iiLiHuliilily blood ciuJIiiit;. J iir pour iiliiM wnu nully drctjs. d 111 a iniiiiii-r lli^l win aliiio.<t iiuliceiit, nml it hftil c^tij b.'vu Mill i iliurc Ml,* iiifortiiaiii Hi.-i.i rully |Mit HI. nii|ir<-Hrtivi' h,nni in a out bultouiit il-.!,- till, tl J yl ni' ii|Mjri the Brin of Ihr iKTtijn lu b- (-nil,;!,!. Ill' I) tliat hli" actually iisiil Im I liiu^uatje - iij fact, s.von. at* bliM lu'rtrl liiT lihtlitT ilo. It .\ art lurfiill) iruf tliat »hi-' ranly |iul IM ail rtppi iiraiirc at , liiir. Ii. ami win n hIii. ill.l |iai'li'i|iali' III ihi) liiibiluiiiiiial ilcvutioMrf of |irowiid\ illi' [laritib, hhtt wart w,jiil to tiallcr up tliu CMitral iiisli' 111 a i-liort ami j^iitln i li-Hrf babit, \\iii(h wa-i i-.\lrt)iii<-iy ubu -kiii^ to the taate of th' luiini'i'KHtii.ii. Klin wore buulu, raori' ivir, nml it waa riiMior,,'ii a Hpur on oci.aBiona. Ill I ;;re»li-nt iitlfiiHi', [irobably, WftH h'T iiioiie of ilndamu ln.r liair.or ralliir of leaviiit', it to ilri-rta itai If. Sliu l.nl a iiiiali. Hhap 'ly 1. ad i lat,|>i'il cli, 'ly from brow to lliMiat I,) liia\) r, ,1 brtiA'u iiirla. (.'oloiiel I'm.;,' H p. \v wart llir inortt cou •ipuii ,in ill llu- pr, Uy naiiilKl.imi ihurrli. aiui li.i- iia}"' .f liirt iltiiLihtt r tl liamlsoin,- 1111 k ' \po.~,' I III nil 11:1 rhi^;,! II. I, ,.n 1 riroiiliT) of a SAbOaiti. wan a m \, r fu-lin:; rtoiiri- "f iliiijil, a-i'iri- to 111,' . .'Ill III.;,' i itr'iwiiii\ illiaiiii. lia.l nil Si. i'aill 1 '.pi.', ."l hllllHi'lf ili'arly, mil to «»> mUou^^Iv, on thm M'r\ iiiibji'i I â- \S iiii 1, ii a '.'. inmin'ri ] i"ty aim ,. I aat'urilv lo lii.' iiifaiiii i I by tin' 1. i ^;tli ut lu'r lour. H.' llu rti;,' "f a li'iir.,' toM in il lull:;! 1 1 I hiH I 111 'I I I > ' t 'iiilil a \ omit; lail\ .'ly II: 111,- f,i' r mil i.i.U ,.| u». bill, 11. but of till' .â- â- . I iplif , oi lli-i f-MiIiiiiii, ai.il \'t be all thai iili \ III.. I Wif.' .\',l n 1.1. .Mill M; I. ,. '.:.. t'.l f ut lil"l II' I I . li li< lit M|i\j r '% bill' k 111 r i.iiUi) I'll; ' up f I 11' H b\ a .1' nrlor' . nrr\ ill 111 II till \. r\ I -.1. I.., iia ' .' itll aii'l ...I ,. tliiii. â- Ill ^1 ifl rty imiiiil'-.i. ami I I'l'Tl 'I, It \Vr.-' 'I II' .1 pii.liiinoy, P I'p.r bir.'f;.'. tu I lull I . Ill, KH 111.', lull iha.l'' iif ', (' 1 1 â- lliiiry I a bill.' llii.ii'-l l.l'lll plM.ml up Uiil. lit lupi. ail. I ilpp''.I'nt IlIlpleH >i p I "I tin- ilrai\ iifl il, .\tr.iu I'll iiM' .1 III. I Ill-Ill. 1- triiiii .' il w lib liiti I waa III' 11 lb 1 im t i i that I" i! V '.'.otiiiiii ' Men I .VI aim r I'.ii'' wai-il. all lit 1:. I' liboul 111 I b '. 1 lUllilily b'l .!|. Hint IIIOIIH oil I 11' 11 1 \' liikj rii.'io Will I, .Mi-,1, .N'l iinili'i i\ I 1 11 't', lii.il i.\i\ lloli, by u lit\l 1 ill' r. u iilrokr. up III llii' moot liail iipiii i| iiii'i' ly li> bro.vii li.iml lliriiii;'b lb Hin nil.; . â- â- W by il'i 1 wiur II Ihirt wnv V ( >l like It. ami lU'l likrii II, nii'l Ibk," ili.'ii, with a 1-11. bleu iihli jm- (;b\mi! of Inr llrl^;llt ri'il blown e\i.t. " 1 ahull 111 vva\ 1* wtiiril HO, even wbiii I am iiiarrii il." " Voii Hieiii to lia'.e no iloulil on thai Hi ore," ihii re'ibir'h wifi' bail n plieil, in a Millie wliioli waailr>,r thun tliu Hinile Lbal ail oiopaiiieii It. Mra. N i laoii bait what niinht b.'t^rninl a well jniflateil iiioiuh. " I'ray, ia il to be aooii .'' Miai I'lkeo b'l'l lautihe'l at tliia, lliii;;in(^ one blue Ibiniielel arm o\i-r tlie elmir in â- .vlii ih nhii Hat Mi.lewaMi. ami Aha. N-Ihuh hail aliii'bb'reil liolli 111 the biii^^h ami ;;i a lure, vsbmh uln' foiiiui iiiipieni.iinil y III .'laepiii); w ith till ir M Mil I 'a e.i.ipp il loi k.i . no! I iboiiM iiiaater Mil, iMiHa I'ai^e iiiiii,'-; a ili;hl .i-i\ .â- 1 J -ka ami 1 111 tliiiil'. phi t ar 111'' mi : (io.vliii Ihi ' till lull 1' llll pl'llt I liav. n't .iir,-e, h.'ll <l|,l 1111,1 la turn wb ir H lib I wibi hail I Hill unable liiil bearlilv ideal . but. 1 they aiwrtva CJlll'lltb." " Ac.OliIi'IllH ' nlaiiin t, in a tluaerib, . Hlie bebl up III" eray I' "ttiiii j.'l..vi t-, orna iiieiile.l with wriHi laHs.'bi, theae hint Hliiiiini.! ill the i; omt biiiy'd ai^ilaljoii. Thi ii friiikv biibbini;a ilevelopitil n kitteniah ileaire iiiiMlaa Tatje to a -I/'* aiel aiiiir,' tli,<iii How ilell^blliil it would have In mi to iili atirve tbu fai;u of tin ir wearer, hail aim (lonti an. Jliaa I'rt^'e iliil not alwaya inilrol hi-ri-elf 80 well aa on tliia oi laaion, lio.vever. Hlie tii'lili'.l to her iiicllnalioiiH withoiil atint, not infr,.|iieiitly. ( )iie of iheao <!VOiilfl look plane not l.iiif,' after Ihe viait of the r, rlor'a wife, ami that waa wlii'ii the riiiiliir'a aoii priipoaeil to hii . Thid uiinlluiiian waa n pretty lilllo per- BOiiaKi', with tliu [ihyHiiiiin of a tolerably woll Bonlptureil anow man. Ilia oraiifjo- ooloroit hair Burnioimtod liia iranne colored ears with a pinion-like Htil'fnoas, whiuh Hiii^lieHled the i;li a of a pair of Mercury- like heel winya haviiii; Bprouted in the wronn plai-u. He had orantju- colored oye- browd, above litUo dark blue eyea, liku raiaina aet into hid puddinj^ face, and hia orange lolored bear.l grew one way on one aide of hid fac", and another way on the other, aa though its owner wurc- utandini; in a pi-rp'.'tual ilr»ti;;lit. Hut no.ther a iinin'a [iddonal appoarince, nor the fact of hi-i buini; a reclor'a aon, can have any apiireciable elfeet upon hid love alTaira HO far aa lie biinailf ia loncernedi ThUd il oh ine.od that Tiniotheiia N'elaoii became eiiainored of the hoyile-nidh ,Mia.-i I'ai^e, and proiioaeti lo her. It waa bit I enoiieli until hi) ^ot down on hia kneed, .lulilli e mid not Bland tliiil, and Boilo'.vn file went on her kneea alao. I'lat opposite liirn. and aaiit. ad will aa dlie eould (or laiieliiiij.; ; " I'leaae i;, t up." Voii ma) In aure li" diil ao with alacrity. He did more â€" llu a it up inetapliorically aa Well, and remaiue'l from that time in a dtamiiije poriilion. He admitted that very iiit^lit what he could never bo poraiiade.l to evi.'ii bo imicli aa liaten to bef're, namely, timt for yoiiiiy women t'l apply aciaaora lo their hair h aa uiideemly aa a like appli''alion ia meritori- inia 111 yoiin,'.; men. llu iiiiliilid to lii.a iiiother thai In' had once iii'.'t Miaah'^tji- riilii:.; aloi.e iipiii llie biiihway. ami that t-be waa wlii-tb'.;;. lb' w. ut i,.i fir iia lo aiatu tbiit iMih I. T mouth in ilial imfi n. iiiiiie [1 .Mill, 11, p.,' nin-i iiTiii li"'r piaituil) plain, am; r Ml. Ill llll by atniir'.; t!i-il l!i.\.'ii hair uorii in di-inure baiela on eiiliir ai-je of a 11 1 > 11 r:.,in I -mimi' was H .-;;,ht at on e r, f ii'.-hiii:; It'll eni'i'iilii'L'. iifitr baiiiii: liii.-.k -'i f.if tiii\ li ii„'lii of nine lllion i:ri. p brown riirh. iii'l a I'iii- tlial ' hai.;' ,1 h-- oflt-n an an iiiititiiiu .--iin-ii'l. .Mr. Tiinolluih) Ni la'iii bad a coiiain I.iU'V, V. llll aiiawi red I \ielly 111 tbe iIi.mh idi'al. ami 1. ' ao ui afier made In r .Mra. '1 im.'ilii'i,- .N'1-ii'ii. II' tiijk a I'l rlain |iri le in pre-, 'in im; her l.i .Mnia Tatje, and in lutei.ii.tjafter- â- -v.ird to li.-r .-iho iked I \"laui»lioiio in re;;4r.t to the much dncii.i-H-'d I'lirU. It waa about ihii time ll.al by h no 'tiling of a coincidence, a C'liibin of .1 ii ii ib al-io made Ilia ap|i-arance in the m i^jhborh' mi. He came nil, \iie.-ledly. ii'ni in- t lu r jiHt oiitaid,! of C'aryloii yatea, li-adiii;; Inr leirtie Haiilboy, who bad umiv Uiiie all ut a emldeii. She waa ratli' r a Blraii;;e liijiire. tall and .â- ili;.;ht, and wiih aa f,-w curiea ua a (.'ro'.vini; lad. Her liibit, winch, in ih.ae dayauf i;allii-in aii'l [.''iiberB, waa r'llly noticeable f ir itri 111 k of voliiiiiimiuaiU'M., win ;;-itliered up iiiiii'iat t'l her kneea, diacljaiii;; riit-^'.'t- liatlmr bo H, ataiiied criiinoii for linlf lie II l''iit;lli bv the acirlel n ul. II r billi coi k hat waa pii ,'iei back on lier brmvii I nat, and a tiparkle of null ornamented her h fi .:lu-ek like a fantaatic pateli ! lijiit:litoii lii.l not in the leaat nc it;iii,'e li-r. II,' had not - •â- ••n her idme the daya iif while frii ka and blue bIiol-. bikI .-socka, wh.-n her hair ha'l b 'cn a pretty tan color, and one of h'T front tl rtb iniaaini^. He hertilat,-il a iii'iin>-nl, and then reiiie.i ii|i an.l aokeil if he waa or waa not iiiiatakeii in Ibinkiii;.; tin- eale lo the li'fl tbe one will -h led inl'i tbe Carvl.in farm. She iiodili 1 and aai'l that il w ,ia. 'J hen h-j aaw mat inr hor-e waa lame, ami, jiinipine lo.vn. at-ked if h" ,' ..lid llu'. a.-e-l-t h. r. SI',' ibaiike.l bun, ,iii.| , U'l im. thai i-he tb'iimlit lo'lid mil , till,' r I havi i'l till II V le I'llU: -.1 to aflir till le of 111, llll '•li: ii'.iu li. â- â- 11,1 m i'b iiK • .\r.' \'iu r'-allv (.;oiiie to I'lirylon llll I â- , uur mum ,'" â- â- lilt 'III 111, â- be ha 1 aii.n r. I ufaw h riil.lp li ,II;;I.I.,11.' II li \'- I'l lliat ll'i I I'lilp^l.l', CM Ml w II I 111 iMIlIll e\pi i'l , will 'b llll bi I , ami],- fumi I .1 lb.. n.lle ,1 I; .11 li'll wl it an â- Mill, I llul II I'bll. II " ill., I. Will if her ^01, "I, 1 . 1 , ill i'l. .llll Why. llll 'bill:, ,. 11 I",; •â- bi 1 il. rein lib r. •'.('. .It as â- .No .' il. ,'U II bi.V, tb < 1 1,1 10 111" M 1 I I 1 1 'I 1 I 1 ' ' " / 111 lillU mill li'' I lUi^li lie liiiii' III piiriii,; li' r o.vii '1 1 lull ' ' hit" auii >im',.l. :h II 111,1 I III bun w iiii II oil 1 \ it III , T le'f rtrill. " 1 III Ill-oil riiil. \ uii d'ln'i 1 , 111 I to â- arm drop to hor shouldera, held her ao, and kiBdod her. 8he did not burst into tear,), and raiae her riding; whip, aud i;"'*-' '''"> a sinart blow a^roda tha,lip8, or rail at him like the little bhrew ha believed her to bo. Whftn alie Ba'.v what waa abjut to happen, she merely drew in her pretty lips to a hard white line over her teeth, aud on that hard white line fell Mr. Philip Houi^bton'a kiaa. It waa certainly nothing; at all like what ho had auppoaed it would be. Neither wa-, her c'jnduct. tihe Btoji iiuietly, lookinj^ at liim a.juirely in tlieeyea, and drawine on a Iiltlu furtliur her do;{ akin t^auulleia. " Kr â€" jou have inialakeii your way after all," alie remarked linally. " How ?" he Bald, feulinJ somewhat ciirioud and f.xtrtinely um 3n,fortable. Kite atiU looke.l iiui'itly at liicn, while 3i'ttliii(4 her culfa aud p:illino forA'ard lloi billycock hat. 'â- Krâ€" you have behave- i like a beast wlien you ahoiibi hive bdiaved like a een- lleniin,' she repllei, almoat Bulkily. "(iood iitternoon." .\nd she turni 1 about in the other riirectio.'i and walki 1 olf with lur laiiii horae. He had no one but liiiinelf to thank for all Ihia. nut that did nut in tbe leaat miti- mte hia violent imlii^iiKlion. To hi- called li rat a •â- diiidy ," ainl then a " bcaat," in lesa tlian twenty iiiuiutea. by a very pretty youne woniaii, ia not ealriilated lo add to 'iiie'a eiij lyiiu III even of an .'Vlberinarle â- Jii'iie in the ll'iah of a .N" .e;uber aaiiai-l. .\ii'l. by I. core"! if "'le W'lan'l lo kiaa o.'ie a i: 1. ,11. WHO waa one to ki ja .' I '• jU-,b'.uii waa aciuallv more furinii-, than hi renu'iiiii. r.il to Im.,. Ii , :i I'l tiie whole loiira.' of I.I- life. .\a for .1 I iilli .1' 11. I real I', .i.) not kiio .v li'iw to wn\, comuri ii.i; .Iiini'i'd ^lile of lol'il. ! nil', p. rl.iip,^ hi, III lit coli'Maely e\preH-ie I iiy =:i> .i; lliiit, !: A l ah - hi'eii in lb' pill'- i'f b r .I'-.ti-li 111111- .-â- ike, ami 1! 'U^hi,,!: I'l th" riimtila uf II .,l,f, rcea, ah,- A, ,11 ,1 mi'.i- a, i-lKel llH I. I'l with dri'l lei fi.lllij.S of Mll-,f»,-tl '!!. -Ill nth 11 I I iiiver been kia-i."l, and hal ii id a cl.anniiiu ami rimanUi- fancy thai lb â- man who inirn, ,1 Inr hhniill iie the only man to ki'H li-r. N iw lioiiuhtoii had ilaahi'd ibid pr, Ity ideal I ' bita, and b-okeii the â- hiiriii. and p-ilh|iii' Jed, pollim d, .Miaa I'at;" toll heraelf with viiilenc, lur BO loii;; rill I iilied llpa. Hia luouata'he had MTalelied her mm-, and wli Iher one tiirii:- une a lipa in over oiie'rt t: e'.h or I ol. a kr-s IS a kis.s and alie wouUl be juita with liiin. -luiilh'a fa 'o waj d,'ci,1e,il;> wirk-'d aa ahe made lliia laal ai iDUiic.iiuiit, and there waa 1 ver Bo mil 'h mure red than blown in her will,' op,-ii t-'»eB. 1 J niLibtun III the iiieaTitiine pro'i'e.bd lit ( 'ary Ion, ii hen- he l:oI a i:eniiiiie \ iri.iiiiaii wiboim from .1 iilit!. a lalher, who waa Im ai'cond coiifin and not liia iiiile. lie waa ala . r,-i;ale,l w iili a iii> titi rioua drink, wbi li coiifnteit of lemon pi â- , 1 ami brandy and nutiiiet;, and bev. ral olln r ineredienla, ami which tinted very deli -loua. and which hia boat ,'-illed "(.'olonel I'aye'a own." " (j'oloiiel I'at;,' sown" put I'hil in a aonie- what belter ti-ni[K-r. and he waa diapoaed, after hia Becoiid Itimbli-r, lo sini'.e to him aelf over hid little couain't, impeiuoaity, ami Weill ao far ftd to concoct a speech wlin h he would make to her after dinner, and which ran to lli" , lie. it lli il any one would be not illy com, lit but an.M cia to play the part uf least lo auch a beauty. I iiiriii" llieae Mieii'tiUomi ll.e i-oKiiul waa tilhii;; bim ell ri ll.'c; thai bapp ni'd l;"i even body in ihe 111 iibb.ilb'.od for the lilr,l I .Velve M ma. " .\ii.l. I a.l ! f^if," h" el ,l,-.i. "bill loll I'll, ml, I : nil 111,,-' .111 l\ , N i-o kiio.l. .\li out 'iml mil b aiili, r.nsl.r ' i I'm' c i!o II' .'s i,i,'K tiaiiie for I'iiil. :r,iin lliil \ouii'' it I. lull. p. Ill, I -til'. I r li.s 'It â- of w. I llu I. II 1 M ai 1; an im'tiii:--,' "!' s.'Iiih c bi'd'e, as m t h" ,'itie iif li 1 .1 III lir.'tb' r, eir. I'i.il, i I t lliakrii I er b l|i| 111^ 1111,1 1, \ ,cir 1 HI. b,iv lu s a lullll;' 111, aks iiiv b, art, nr ii I ' â- I in- C'll.'ir 1 Hi! riibbm ; ll urp, rii I'ii 1.',: w iih his , i s ! â- â- i; â- A: ;:â- 1 â- l oil lie 111: 1' 1,. Ill 1 111 I la I, I .:id, ail! if I. if" v,r Mi.i ill w roii;^ aii'I I, f â- ilv here â- 1 1 It. ' lllll'ia ks mi b I" .*' 1- 11,1 ( '.iiisiu I'bll. aiiiiti 'bap, ii.il nil, ..iiMi 1 IIH o lie to iil.-ul lie 'â- bl'l'.'il 1 I I, a, I"- I llll III ' upper lip, mrnl nii;ir,','.'i\.ii .i of app.n.ii lot I I'l lu I of a hiiii'b bin 1- r-,-,'i and "t il wlm'h be lot I I'l lu I will II Ibel UsI pirl.'l. .\,'. Ill nut n bit," Hiii I .1 II nth, b"nd lilt: a hllle auiv truin bim, ubile atill iu-epii.j.' a fuemlli tliaiifi un bin loin. Is, an.l I leiii:; liiiii fioiii Urn iiioin of iiia toniut I'liii nil hat (iheri' were .\iij;lo niariiaca in llioMe till I .-. but they were tlir t .v.iejitiona ami not the nili | lo the toea cif hia ptileiit leallii-r hoota. " !\ol a bll," nil,' repratt'l, eanieslly 'â- Wbv. ill wlial way .' ' aaid ll'iimblun. " Voii're inure well, vim're aiicli a dami), " npli.d e.andid .ludilh. '• How ev,r can joii wickIu .voiii to. a in aurli boula .' (old! il imikea mine a. be to loek at ','111." This ma.le twi-.! that ahe had ua,.! that aiiiiuwhal eMraordiiiary form of ivpreB sioii. Heaidi a. I'lulip did llul e.vacUy enj ly liiili'; called a .buely. •â- '^â- .111 have cbain;e,l, loi," h,, remirkel. " M,' ."' ud .lii.lilh. "Oil ! do von 1,11 nie 1 How .' ' '• Well, for omi lliiiii' " aaid 1 1 iiiijhl.in, iiwly, "Mill ir diilii I aweai when I laal an \v I oil." It is imp.itiaiblii to ima;4ii'e the i ii.'cl tbiit ler pliniil reit'iilion of Ibi.s a.-alhiiif; re mill k ba.l upon bini. ' I i|dii I I .'" alio aaid 1-1 iiiiel, , aliU hold iiiii bia ban la. "1 niiiil bai,' li,,-nii'rv lullll^. \ei, I waa I 11 uienibiT all about It now. Voii ii" d to make iiie dolla mil of la.liahea. and cut tiirni|ia into il uvei . for me. (lb. \ea, and y.iii taUKht nm lu ll^h Willi a crooked pin." " 'i on haie beconie a lUlier of ii'i.v, 1 iiup|iiiae," aaid HuUf^liloii. allempl at wit. which, howevi'i. Cum 111 aa unrullbHl aa ever. " Oh, dear, no," uho aaaiired him liali fur tile' .'Xnil mmlly with pina, 1 uiiiiit adiiiil I " ahe ended, laiinh. " lliHv tall and Btrai^jhl you an. cniiain. I do believe I eould walk under your arm. l.el'a trv. " bit 1 bir. r !â- 'irl ' ' f hi- , and sil I i\ 1" pnrtu.l up Ilia lij a a. if ii -.» I ill iilv lilt m- I aii I tpuki' II, III! " Ami lb,' wai lb i! , I. .11 I'u'Uii.li piilu-i u , r.iil i i-., on mi ,,,ii: ! lo hiar ll, r taiii, lon.l llunk be wia ih- ainarii ,1, bi ii ' t, pi i,'„. ,i w, 11 w.ll lb" bo\ 'a m ll r ll I 11 ll sti ll, iliii'a a ti-t. ll,- lu p.'B of li'Ill liil. b ,.., a of I, llll,' leini tl'e cul',11, 1, w h I W"ih I 11, \, r 1. nr 111 llle llle tur.';;iill,:; a' i 111 1 isi in bid 11 liul I't'.'ii 1 ir llul iMra !;li's',il of ili,' in i i li'lloua b'lerHt;". ilriiiik in liui. liUn. s inirrora was another .Judith, aiil another, and another, and another, atretchin.,', like the kin^a in "Macbeth," to the crack of doom, for all he could tell. And they were all kiiottiiii{, and all had delicate f'.-et in bron/.e alipper-!, and wore blue beads, and not one of iheni looke'i up at him, althouuh tbe colonel caino boiateroaaly forward and hauled him in by both hands, ami bade hia lasa L;ive greeting to her oouaiu I'hil. (,i lolh ahe : " Vea, dad, dear, that's all ri^ht ; we havi met already. My ball, dad, darling i you are stampinj; all 0,'er it. Thankd." ad i'liil handed it to her. Now the colouel waa a j^ood deal, as ii"; would e.\iirebs il, " diacomboberaled." He aaid " Hey .' what's that".'" andboked from oue 10 the other, and let go of his coat-tails in sheer aina/.-?ni>!nt. liul aa Miatredd -lulith maintained un- broken aileuce. and appeared abriorbc-d in her knitlino, l{ou;;hlon was at the pains of c.vplaining that he had met hid cousin ua the highroad, and bo.v they had mutually recci,'ni/ed each u'.ber. .\a he made these remarks he caught hiinaelf watching the aubject of them out of the tail of lua eye, and fell, moreover, into a strange fancy which likened the slim foot in the grai ailk-meBhea lo an irideac .-nt bi-etle caught in a aoine-vhat bii'ky spbler'a web. Her hair wa- juat about the color of her shoe, he oba. rved a little redder, ptr- lupjâ€" ami a b IW of blue ribbon l!-atlered over her fair bomni like a bullerlly. Tile colonel laui^htd a j^ooi 'l-jal, and ho hid Ihe rare accoinpliabraeut, or rather fi''i|lti . of laui,him; w,-ll. lie w.ia aa han i- soiiie aa irs ila';t;liler, in a more r.-tiular way. aud w. re bia thick, rio'.ouili curlin;; hiir in a 'pieue. He had broad chestnut eyi br_,'.vs. iliat im t above his nose, which In I a pi 1 'll li'o' bul aristocratic ripple in it, and lua iiio'jtii waa aet between two loDuinh. curwm.; di.nplea, like a [ileaaaul a, nteme b.'i -vt-.-n t.vo bra. ketd. I!-i had a • i.ipcl'fl ill hia thin, whicn waa aonu times moil or has I'-veleil with ahaving po'A'der. and be wore knee buiklca of brhhanla, and il atui'K and ru!!l-.s. 'llle colam I wad a beli -vcr in the g'ii)d old lull -3, ' ! un ired for th i reientioa of stage coached, ami al.vaya travelle'l in hia [irivate carriai;-'. ll-.i took anir.I.and treated tiiiiitielf to a pinch now, while alylyobserv inn lb. hero an 1 heriine of theadveiiiure J ist r. 1 tied. He had bia aiiapicions. hal the colonel, thai lli re had Deeil a ljw.ro -v of aoine km i betrt'een the two, and ho also noli, d tli'j bin,- bo.v, aud the beads, and the bro'i/'e ^hoea. The colonel waa a cloa-r observer than people e.n. rally "ive him credit for, and be ie;olleiiie 1 tint .Ic.dilh did Hot generally w.ar her bron." suoi'S lo dinner, neither ill'- bim- bo.v, luir lli.- beads. He waa also aware of the fact that I'liil It.uightou was an eilreniely dialling loikiuy youngster, and that the damoa.-l lu the chiiun-'y cor- ner had announced her uilention many years at;o of "marrying her I'liI. ' Tina waa at the lioiti of the misoiii.; tooth, and radish dolls, and liihing with crooked plus, etc. Il gave the coloiul .jaite a comfortable and perfectly natural i^low- to think that H'li^hloira father was weallhi , and their obi place o'.^c of the haiuisomeal in \'ir- ^iiiia, Alao he recalltd wall snijfa -i i m tbe fact that liily two veara aco M.nier I'i'il biiiHi If ha I gri liuit, d with bo lors at til" I. K.iole lies I'onu el CliiUssiaiii I'aria. .\i,r> :; lo I ibiii:; It w, ii'd b -, the I'ol.Mi.l lobl iiiiii..lf aid luihipslhev ivoiU.l re main iviih biiii at Caiylon fur a-nneveiira imlil. Ill fa. t â€" Hire tbe col'Uiel. who had been;,,li g sob; r ami a 'bt rer, ai^be.i rallii r heavily . Tlii'ii .111 bill 1,1 llu i up for lb- I'.r.-'t time, bll' llul at lioiuiilii!!. Will llu I kui ti;h, da.l, ,ic*r .' ' she Bill paiikK. "On, 1 I-. ko'i I'll b'iiii;rv, sii i the 'â- "luiiil, Willi .!"li;.'iii: ll pi- ..irvialuni . " 1 III :: 1111^ I I li'.itri i 111 iip, ' lb" . 'bm- I.' • I'll lb.' r,,u -1 1! lii ;!it m S'^^im .1 II iii'i s ml;, ihi- liiii" ..'o' i a fat a i'.'ui 'â- -il ir. a . I liiiuii'i bvit Ai h n -'"11 I bill, kill.' it lu ill r. " 1 .link ll'ie Wl roit i;i«.'. f II I i,Ui' it V 1 alie 'iia mik.i III ikl :' li [UII â- ul â- â- O.', at lb" I l> ll'ii^bl'i all tbii wlill" waa 111;: if -111, tub woiibl "11" lo imike hia i;rai'i.ful tiieecll im 11 by w lib an loft hia " Tiiey crooked with a W. 111,1, cbail,-.' to iimlo' Ilia i;ra,'i.Iul apeech by a; p ai III,' at iliii'ier. 'I he ll'. I, I, I, IS bo waa a iiu;;liiy Iriiiter ami sp,.rtanmii u.'tu'ra'ly. al .vi> a liliied lali' at Ihn s 'aaoii of llle v.ar. He emploje.I an iiier...r. an, I sp.'.it meal of ( )cti.bi'r and Noii'iiib' r lit f,..\ iiuniiim. S.i it ciinie to piiaa thai llii'V .lined as a rnli' by candle li^;bl. I'bll epenl a luiiiul hour in making him- aelf pr. ,1 iiiible. 1|,. waa a well I. inking young fellow, with lone, clean liiiiba, and a cm lomslv liau;,lily IHiae of lu ad, Hia hair waa aa Bbiimltiiil ami wan. I iiiiu-li after the fashion of .liiiliili'H. r.rhapB his inoal de i."ni'iitli, r u I: â- " lll.l l.'U Us, I C llu ' .lu '.ll UAU il a bit, 'I'ut b i.i and 1,11 wli-i b â- • l>lk sklti- l'.it;.', w it ll . \ .' .. 1 ihiui 1 .ill" >^be foot fro II till' .: -ay her ailk abiiui i 'le i,ii,l s'" ai; nil, â- \ • 'l! -ll I'pp'M'.'i! I'l i e â- ', '1, I'ir. a, 1-11.- 1 ',1 [|.- .ll I 11 ' a-'ii- 1 1 is'. 1 1 wli.it ^â- ' I" II pbc'l tr.iii ; b.:. .1 aa i .r Ink. 1., ' -111 i l!,ili.;hi,'ii. It. 1- , iiu.i, i.s'i't b â- lb- y,..i I 111 .ill 1,111 t ,,0 lo tkil- , i.i :., i aailiii.; abuu; ami .ili.iii;;, ml i.i'i, r pi',i,l p.ior l)i"k ii-.d I 1 w,'b'..l ' • Ci.iie a cropu.'i ,' 1 -\lie;n. Il- w. .1." a.u 1 ^\ la â- 111' du'iiii â- â- f.ir bell, r ' r.i.-ie af;, r r, b i-mn b.-r Web. an, I b .;-i'i w in 110^; lo 1;; .I'.t.l.leO skeiV.T w ill! dishea mi/-- and commoiipluoe beside it. And after dinner he bad another glasa of " Col- o.iel Page's own." The next day there waa to be a fox hunt. They were to atari at (j o'clock sharp, the colonel told them, and I'hil waa to ride the C'Dlonel'd favorite, "Trumpeter," aa ' Hautboy " was lain.?, aud Judith pre- ferred a great sun ooljred brute, rej nicin^ in the name of "Eyebrow- "â€"why, no one ever knew, as the gallant steed certainly poBsesaed none. Ue had a bla.< 'd face and a sullen eye, and enough d»ylight un-ier him to hive illuminated S',. Peter's every coign of disjdvautage. IVjt Boughton found that hia rider hai a way of pulling him along that tol.i airaehow, and the great raw b.'ist jumpe.i like a gra-nhopper. Il waa a pretty ai;<ht aa they rode out the next n; jrning. The auu was ju.st rising b'.-hinl a /.one of dull gray clouds. Ceryl- green and topaz yellow met wilh the soft- ness of a kiss in mid-heaven, and the moon. wan. as thoai;h with mu.'h watching, crept .lo'.vn behind the naked aca;ia trees to the left. I i.er the brown lawn there was a light po.vdering of snow, aud tii;re waa a keen wind abroa 1. together with macli rustling of with' rsd grass ani trees. Tney had some hot cci'-ie, which Judith poureii "St for them, and the remains of the ereeii goose, and then liiey aet out at a huntsmma j -)g for the meet. .ladr.h hu I plenty to do in attending to Kvebrowa. who was diapDsed to cO'juette with tvry lie-. 1 leaf that blew across his .vay. an 1 'Iruinpeier was surlici-.'nt of a handful to ke-p HoughKii's mind cjm- plete'y upon himself. "Ah. lb- re's the lUUsi-:!" called ths eolo-nel at latit over his .sli-julder. " Keep hia hea'i. .) uiiy. lied bjlt iu a minute if be tho'l;4ht he could." They could hear the yowyowing of the hounds no-v. titfiiUy borne toward them ami a.vay by the ;!'ictuatiiig wind. â- Once." -aid •! iliih, be;..aiiini; to speak all of a sU'ldeu, " a frieii i bru',i;;bt a Oer- iiuii baron- ','. .r aiic',1 a B-*'ellhe was â€" to r.'e da.i. He supped at Caribu about a week, and dad, of cijrse, took hira out huniin;;. You know ,i-id can uever resist callii.i; any one's allentioQ to the hounds wbe 1 ihe\ 're ijiviiig tongu-j.* He savs he's fir b.-ttor able to appreciate such har- 111 lilies than ll»nhoieii ur Mo.iirl. Well. we ha i iiotien j'lat about here, anddai â€" dear .Ud ! snail 1 evi r f'.'r_e: his I ue .' - said : ' There, -ir! ciiyou ever hear su;h music in your life, air .' • Vere vere ' aaid the baron, elderly, t .vislic;; all about in hid sad, lie and hiliiiii" on b' his horse's mane. -Vat inuai;k .' I cau'l hear u.' niusick vcr lose 14111 tawgs.' " " Ha ! ha ! ha ! ' ib.iri iere.l I'liil, who wastpially d.lub.l.i with lliia anecdote and the sudden breakiiig of the ue between tlieni. "Juiilh," ii-' began, and loamjd over with hid han i on her pummel. He was j'lat ab.)ul to m»k-> his in-:di- tated a[ijlOi;y wb'ju th.-y were j lined by some people, and be sat erect ai;aiu ;n a tolerable hurry. The\ had a long day of it. No lesa tb.an three fo.\ej were starte.i. auJ the pa;k bei'ig young, and not so well trained as the heart of the maater cild desire, brok-; abominably. Then, when they linally aetlli 1 ilovn to work, reynard took to a .Iraiu, and waa tiiveii up 111 de.-pair. The fourth f,i\. liowi ver, i;ave thiin a capital forty miiiiites. but got tiiein iiilo lb. nioun taiiia 1; lally.ami ihey killed hinuner lifteeii iiiil'.a from I'ari Ion. r "I' ' t.iie., .1 xi y 11 M. I ,)i; ri>i; n .v !>. .\ltltilii- t'ifv 11.".-,- I lleitell A rii aii'-iiwi I > ater It full of I'le Slltll'Il'T i ' Imlel I I'll" n^lblsiera â- â- I .'fi'r.i iillv. b.i'. e a li'lliier. t'Uiuin; H ilhout ell curved i-r unevt-n i;iii,e hail linhtfnl feature waa hia minitli ami pilling a little one sidedly o ami very wbito teeth. Ill- !i follow, 1 hiiii in the cure of bia holy H"rvaiit. an.l In. iaaued froii lua room llnalh . aa deb. i.'iialy an.l fiiL;riiitly fieih aa it M null giieii tu fur nieii lo ttpp.iir. When be eiiitred Uie cruviii;; re 'in he found, a hllle t.) hia aiir|iria", lint ,1 udilli was tbere alrea.ly , eiigag.'d in lb,, stail liii.;ly feiiiiiiino t'liipluyiueiil of kuottmg. li,iiii.;litoii only saw lint her fo.it, in iia bron,'. alipper an.l silk alu, 'king, was very ali'iulir ali'ii.b Tor than he ba.l ever aeeii.iii fa.'t with an iiiatep under which the y ,111. ig man waa convinced lit> coul.l have rolle 1 a goo I Hi .'.I iniirblo. Khii had on a nice liitle fr.nk nf tome creaiiii atulf, that fell abinil her. guilll aa of crinoline, an 1 n atriiig of blue 1'. raian h.'a.lB iii'.iiiiid Inr throat. The colonel was revolving Blo.vly beforn Ihe tiro, with parte, I c.ial tills, and at the siimi tiiiui rocking b.ickward ami forward on his toes. Houghton piiiaed in tlie hall sonio time to WBli'h tluuii. 'ihi-y made auch a pleaa- I'bilip held mil hid arm obediently, aiidlaut picture in tlio wedded light of the \ya\ aim ma.le tbu alteiiipt, but her itycB Were blimleil agamal hia coat sleeve. " I know uvur ao much a better way to iiao my aim than that," aaid Uoiighton, suddenly possessed of a devil, uud he lot his ouiillea and b'apiii" lire. neyoiid ihe... wiia the hanilaome duak of tlie oakpaiieled room, with its high, carvetl furniture and big I'roHch mirrors whii-li ah ' h* 1 b en wurkim; f,iw lbim;a I.) alti'iid to b I'l'ay e\ 'U-ie im.." aim aiul. lb to hiiii. an.l th '11 left tile 1 further cereni'ii.y. I!oil>;liloii aat.k .biwii into llu liitlc oatin. pulTi'.l chnir. winch waa yet warm with emlnai lug her. and bi'(;aii pomteriini many thiutja 111 hia hi art. He wia j i-l botiiiniii'" to Ibiiik thil p.rbapa be bad l« liaved like a bevat after all. ami owe.l liT an apology, when a Hol, mil 1,1,.. e al the do.ir am I : â- ' liiiiiuT am Birie,i. a'lb." Tiiriime.h'.' aaw that ihiavoi.e lu'oceede.I from a iirson inextricably Untied with hia childbo.i.l'a exporieiu'ea. ll was muuulber than rmle 1! U-n, tlie unij ir .loi.ui ot l!ary Ion -All indiiuliial aa black of bi.ie aa lie ivaa white ol teeth and doiil ; for ( 1., le i;.leii bll " got 'h^i 111 ' al llu. ii^e of UI. Ho waa ao bin k aa t hu the pos.-eaa r of a bloom like llul on a dama .11. ami had a pale pink acir cbiwii uii,. cheek, wbuli gave lua skill the appt araiii e of black aaliii liav- inn ripped over a rode c lord lining. He besitaled a nmnieiit when ha aaw I'bll, and Ihiii Inu'.-t into a deep cbuckle aa lua whilom lornu iter aiarted forward and to.'k him bv both hamla. " I'li.le ll.leii," aaid Im, "you don't look n day older Ihaii you liidtwelve years ago." " I'oii' I, IMarao Phil,' llleas y o' ha'at ! 'Cepl iiir yo' whiakerera, I'd dun b -n know yiili lime I sot eyes on yub. l.'.ir ! it don' Beein a day ainco 1 waa yerkiii yub out or ilat ar tub iiv soft. soap whar yiih wiu a tidhin' fur Miaa .ludy's bIuv, bIic tlon' drap 111 it. Vuh But'n'y is looking peart. Hi! liarâ€" dat'ddo Cun'l (;ood-by'tiil biiiie by" riui dinner wad a aucceaa. When ia dinner not a succi'ss with hungry f.ilks .' There was a grooti goose with gooseberry Itoughtim had not laate.l a greeii â- uf ll'l'.iir..-i ;'.,.we,i Wli k- 11 .Vtiiiiitlj y'ltv .'! atrcvvi.i bea.b was I'll, TO waa 11 '-'in .ms I M nil ill-,' lrl|i of one Iif tbi- V'l.'bta lu ,U\ . Tbe pi.-'.y was aril .i bv ''^pi Will till" in -i-'vaciit .Men. '1 ii.'V -p. k" a Iciiii looking; -chooner .'It sh.irc an.l l.ie .tipiim ii piirt.l aft'.r Um p . p ,' in .\iliiiiti ' (.'uy . In llie I'oiiVt r S.I 'I ilitt f lU.i.vel ll wiij fuinul tbit liie s'bi'oii.r w'.ia no olb-r tlnn the U.iberl "ll .rs;iii. whi h waa bl.-. vi hi:;li ami .iiy on sli'iie I iruig lb ' t''rrili!c s'.orin ..f l-si, and upon ulu.b balla an I parlies wore b !d all "i the follo.iiiii: s, a-o;i. .\ ainili ft-iii\ of sai i sifters were al w.'.ii on li;.' ''la.'h. 'llieir out:.; ciisisted I'l anie. a ali.'i I itid a tin bo\. lli^'v dug ihe aiii.l fr nil ar.iu'il the posts on which lb,' b.iiiil walk bai been laid. .-Vfler reach- 111;; a lb', oil of abjut two feet tbe sifters ra'i 11;.' a vol tbioiii;h iheir sieve. rii'piiilly th ir.ilirta were u .lardeil bi ll i.ia of pie. loua aloika and j ;wilU'rv. To a curious viait,ir one of ihe sifters i\biiiiteii lua iriii-iirc. It coiiipris.-d diamond pina, a pliiii goll ring, a dollar yold piece, and a nuinber of emalU 1 coins. He had male a liu'ky hit iu the moiuing. an.l waa about yb'O b iter otT. Hesaii there Wvre caaea where *.M.)0 had been re- coi,r,.d from the sand in a d»y, but that many daya were often spent wiihoiil re- covering a doUara worth. The action of the ae» waalua all p\rliclea around the p.i-ta along the b.'aeh, and the hundreds of dollars worth ot jewellery aud imniei lost by ili-o aiiiniiier crow.ls are gathered in bv iheae patieni loilerd liuriiig the cold monthti. -r/.,i',i.'"i'/'',,,i 1: â- ,-,„,(, Now wish .nir wish r it Tlie ^Vi^ll-lt.â- lle She '• There, it's vo'ira. but inimi.yoii iniistn't tell i w ill never couu.' true " 11,. (Iciderly " Ib.il m >y I not toll you '" She " Oil d.ar no." He (patlu-ti ally 1 " It never can come true unless I do tell vou " She -('<byly) "Well, then, in such an e\- .'I'ptioniit ciBe as yours, p.'rhapaiou had b.'lter tell me." Ibe I ueerlululloH 111 1. 1 1,. ll I to young phyaician. -" Bauue. _ . ..„ „ Aa ho entered, lie aaw that iuoiie of those gooao for twelve years. Ilo tlionght French I'aliiul ito young phyaician. -" Von aay, doctor, that I am well now. and thai 110 further danger ia lo bq expected?" Phy siciaii "I apprehend 11, >m-, sir; bnt lito ia uncertain." Patient " Perhaps 1 ha.l belter pay your bill now." I'liydician "Well, yea, air, it might b. as well, aa I have aaid life is very uucertaiii." Life ia history, not poetry. It consists ot little things, rarely illuminated by llashes of great heroism, broken by great tlaiigera or demanding groat eiertioiia. The Pruaaian blue dye waa discovered by Dieabaoh, at Berlin, in 1710. k f I , I