â- V t THE fle;isherton advance. ;Nov. 1. 1888. V ^sisssassBS s I % YOUR Special Attention! IS CALLED TO Till': DECIDED BAFJ^AINS lalhTss Woods, .^!iuiOiES<?^i, ^^k%, k -AT-^ ».f \ A beautiful range of plushes in the latest shades, at a surprising^ly low figure. D(\-y L^AIL TO SI:E our STOCK OF BOOTS --> SHOES! *^1'\VEKY DESCRIl'TION. Men's and Boys' V„g Hoots of the best manufacture at rogk bottom prices. |yit,„i .^,^1 j^ace Boots in j^Mcat vari ety at prices sure to ou. THE TOP\PEICE PAID For Buttet and Eggs A lot of choice Butter in T-ihs or Rolls wanted by 1st Noveinf.ier. • At Cash Price fov Trade. COUNTY AND DISTRICT. Half Hour Aimm^j, Our Oiaiigeville is now li^'lit"*! '>>' t^ectri- city. ' Till! Times reijuosts inure iHili<'e pro- I tuctioii for Oivcii Souud. Jlio. MeKaddoli, ;iii old iii:u\ ovlt 8iJ years, died in Owfii Sound •^n.'A l;nt Tiiur»<Uy, from piiralysiH. We taki; i-.xee|>tioii to tliu 1,-ater siute- nient. 'I 1:.' Iteil Indiann v.iii.li inrliiclis yn-ry known tribe of North Ameriinn In- (iian.H (it is not a <ii8tinniiisliin'/ tilK-) â€" used jjucli rucptacles. I'lcail !)r. I>a".v- son's "fro-hihtorie Man,'' or (."atlin. Tlie Holland Ceiitiu burglar eame \\\' for trial at tliu County Judi;e's I 'runinal Court last Friday and elected to be tried by .Jury at llie next <jeneral .Session (jf tlie Peace. He ^ives iiiti iiame aa Frank O'Xeiyhl, of Xew York. The (leneral Sessions wdl be held m December. -[O. S. Ti uioR Mr. Frederick Hilt.s K-ft a big turnip at tins otiice Tuesday evening whii.h take.s the cake. It is a .swede weighing 27} lbs. Half au hour hitc Mr. 1!. liu.,Ii, of Liver|>i«d, sent us in a swede weii;h- ing 2811)8. ea.sy. The largest yet.- [Pick- ering NlAS. Thornbnry Stamlard : Our excellent citi/eii. Mr. Will. Faweelt, e.v Dejiuty Reevi) iif Eu'dirasia, has a peculiar goose. She iH now and for some time pasi bii'ii laying right along. We ctpi-ct to have one of the old lady'« eggs for dinner, but we can not nnderstHiid why she is doing buKitiess this time of year. .\n excliange days : I'hc man who re fuses to subscribo to hi.s liuuu! p.iper. and yet borrows il from liis ininhiior as soon as it leaves the press, w.nild (irop a nK-k>-l with a hole in it in the contiibution box -.t cliiiich, sigh bweausu the holu wasn't biggur. and then go liniiie and do without sugar ill his c.tFee for a week in order to get evin. • irey Itewew : Mr. .)o.ii|.h .lj.cnues, of Iv.'reiiiolit, the othur day picked up a pieco "f V ery ancient Indian ["â- tti-ry on his farm, nhicii is now at Ins oIKi'i-. It is only a ]"Tt;..ii of wliat li:id ..nro b.^cn a bow 1 .-r C" kihi' pMt. Thi-...c 11 Iks .f p. it tin are f.'Uud .it intervaii all oTci I .ina- (la ami Norilicrn >^tairi and are siippo.^i-d to have I.' loii'.jii, 111 'lae i.uc [.iwi.Mis lo the Urd I iidiaiis. .\ecoidiii' lo t!ii. .I.-mnal a new pest has In.ido it> appi-arauec in the i it y oi .'^t. t'.iih.iriiii's. li i> .in uc.^ifit alioat ilie ^i^e of a pia and is ib. -it rnctive i" carpi-ts. clothiii;-. i-t.'. ill 1. or hi.ii-c tlie i rjuls have i.ii-n iiiiin-d. In anolhcr iiSideiico a geiitleiuaii had a lii-w i^uit nf rlothes de hlroyi'd. 'I'liry didcr from iiioihs .iiiifc- inuoli as th..y eat whole pieces out ot the fabric. Martyrs to Headache Seek relir( in vain, niUil tliey iM'gin i.j uiic A.Mir's Saoapurilla. Then they re- gret tliii yi-ars of snlTrriir; ihey nii.;lil have e.M-apcd had thi.y tried tliis n-nieoy earlier, 'rho Iroulile was coiistiliitiniial not local ; ami, niitll Ayer's Sarsupiv- rlMu did its efTiritive work as an Allinativeaiel lUood I'm ilier, they w\:re compelled to siilTer. The wife (it Sainiud I'age, 'Jl Ausiiii St., Lowell, Mass., was, for u lon^ liim', subject to severe Iicadai )ies, the result of Htomacli anil liver disnnlers. A pci- fect cure has been cffiitcd liy Acer's Sarsaparilla. Frank Uolierts, 7'^7 Washington st , Itostoii, sa.vs tliat lie foriiiiTly liad ter- rible lieail.elies, and iiiilil" l.e took â- Vycr's .SarHa|iaiiIli>, never foiiiid ,-iiiy medieine tliat woiilil ^iie Permanent Relief. •' ICveiv SpriiiL;, fur vears." writes Iii7./,ie W. DeVeaii. .I'l'-' Kifteeutli St., llrooklyn, N. Y., •' I have liad intolir- alile lieadaelies. T eomnienced tlie use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla l.vsl .March, and havK not had u Iieadacliu since that time." " I sniTered from headache, iiidiges- lion, and deliilitv. and was liardly alil«>j to ilrag mvself about llie hiiiise." wriii Mrs. SI. M. Lewis, of A St., I., .Mass. " .Vyer's Savsajiarilla lias ve^^ a marvelous cimngi' in my ease^T feel .Strom; and well ivs cmt." -/, ,, t ... - ^.dB""". i a., .lon.-vs (.ariimn, K.<(|., ofjg'sutteieil writes; "lor years I J(|,i lieadaelie, dreadfully, every Sprlnyl^, |,|,,„,l and cau.sed by niipurity i| f„r ,i,ns and Inloiisness. It seoj^^.^nlil split open, weeks that my lijR till 1 look Aver'« Notliing reliev^ijUs medicine liUH cured Sarsaparilla. lue c(uuplet^"' AVln.,i Bridgej use . (or BOOT I liave a large stock ou hand, .suitable For Fall ear. Men's and Boys' Long Boots, .Vlsia lai-g: vin<H,^-oi' L.\i)Ii:S' A:;1) CiULDHKNS' ^Vli.M;. A ioi a SMmssu^r G«otls .^eiSiiig off (/fiejip. WM. (TAYTON'V^^ FLESHEUTON. ^v otos, Photo 5 ..â- -ij' Pliotos. Wearf iioir turninj ,,ut icnrkpir supmnr In style and Jiniih l<> m"J 'â- ''''' /"'"" itiicrd iiif'lnliertuii: COPYING and ENLAtOING at MODE RATE RAIES. PICTURE ?RAMI^ ./..„« in nil Us hxm.che,. A good nVx-k nf A^l-"^'''; '''lfiil'^*^^o\tTli\\li\'' '^ /liiiiire thitt ii gii'ing entire t'ltis/'ictitui vhrrever'"'''^",^^"' , , V. " ^„„ ;,(. |„f<.f . 1)1 .irrn lit my Gnllriy irherc all purtimlitrx <is to '^'" ' ' J " t'limd. _ _«»T»r3 t-"^ u •k â- ^ A ' *"- r.vJ A Positive Cure. â- 4 ' 'pjfi^ A PalnlesB C'\ire» FAGTSJ TOR MEN OF^ALIL AG£S. s. Iv^, C5 DISEASES OP JiL^i.-r-i-r^-i -^T/â€" v •-,_ â€".r .t3>.,.~. ilu- i.-t-i ibi« .-..iwiMi"-''"** •>' In«n»8rcUon, i;jJ2:SI.;^§ilii |;xp«.mrc.»M.I 0»erwurk. .A-iTID OUD Itv^TElT \. h.j ii.re broken . ..m-n t^.'.M th, c!T. .-.b of .il.uso "H: ."" in No. Ba, vail, c.i cure fur ner=OT, vlohil tv nrr».cweoJtnew. 'o-o. notary Tit.il loHso... etc. KnirpToiia Ton which No h mi,, Li> UK l-'BHiv- ^uut of 8nm!y. vortitu want nf purjxne, !t^u ess < t i A ," i" • io , 1 Voiety^ w«i.t ' t oo.iftrtouoo, ..voKUuge ef convcr.M..oa, i';>i.',-i 1 c 1 ei â- e.s â- â- ol - ,ltJ^Vi•^•i'^â- •*^ '"»' o' no.nK.rv, cvi-itajfiii y ol tenifer, ai«r- tviicv iiiiiiitiiiion iTMirCioii, li»rtcr 1 -*, ralpitale-in of th" heart, hytleiic loiOinus (p- 'mlM^Wennn^rin;;,; Mi.K l.«|..".-'- '" »1-V.. tbo s,.n,„ . f vl*»j force liavm^ lo.t its teiisKin, 1 verv finioti.iM ««... In coi; v...j,i«io«. Son-ntino writers of insiiu.i inylu.ns uim, m nwru i.; >o tlio cffwta ot solf-ai.usi u.K.l.ja l.vo^ v.Uieh e,- i« ini.Wr 1 eir untie.,. It you ar« iiicoi (letie.-iof ln-iT,..s? ;ii-,iti»i>Un">' '"'" '•!»â- ' eiijoyiimut. ot life, .N tlin clfeetBot »,ii.|v y.v-a. 1' J""' ""> a;tv".»™;l i» 5f"ar«, No. 8 risalt'of ii;u,iinii«ttn;l full eiuiw- 111 lio„V Form I'll 1 your a.liliHisa anil U) ci.<itsi Pisease* of .Mftli. Uoalcil h "\i,Vi",iss'uirc'.,'.''iU»u"'ca'' 'ii<<" M. V. I.l'liON, â- »" Wj A i.lan without w/ndMnlivi^' in a loo! « paraili**,. CURIS ttU d the yupuriiiteiiileute ilia (jiont majority of intent lor tlie artiuont. oLIora uii oncajt^e from ,ivo you full vn;orfln:t arly iiidiecret.ou, thw \id for M. y. L«i;BON'a «>*Ak *ai on*i'rvaliotw IttOk., , Toronto, «•. SICK. h perr****"®"* Cure. >r A Pleasant Cure. IIEA'I [I FOR ALL' how J. G. Anderson,â„¢^^ fionovra Ilnlaiiger. ot 24 prlMKlluld, .Vtass., began to Sarsaparilla, she had HiilTerrd yeiirs triuu a serious alTectlou iliicys. Every Spring, also, she iCted with headache, los.s of to, and IndipeHtlon. A friend iwr- )e(l her to iihh Aytir's Sarsaparilla, „,..cli benettted her 'wonderfully. Her ^ health in now perfcel. Martyrs Ui liead- Bidie should try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I'reparcd by Hr. J. V. Ajr.r fc Co.. I.ow.11. Mm& hricu il; .U b«UI««, ii- Worlti $i a betilt. TllJi: PILLS ruvifv till) lilootl, correct all Uiwoidura of tho Livei', ^tomuch, liiilu'j^^H, unci ii<> TUeyinvi^'oi-ftteaulrertton! to hoiiltU DubiUtatflCnnstitutions. and rvo iuvaUu" lilaiulsiuciilonttkl to KumaU's of till n^^os. Vox Childifii and lliu a^^'cd the) ' THE OINTMENT an lufalliblo rouioi»y (or Had l-e^'H, Had Hveftsts, Old AVouncla. SoroR and Ulc (lout rtud UUuiuuutiMUi. For dinoidura of the Cheat it bat no For SOUK THROA'I, BROJ^CIIJTIS. COU( OlandularSwallUiti.,aud all BkluDisoasas it lias no rival; anJ tor o,oi olnts it acts Hko a eharui. '^ Mtiinfftcturoii only at I'rofe.sor Hollow at's Kitaliliah^^ TS, New OY<;or(t Street ( late 5;»8. Oxford Str« â- " " "" â- "â- TU. »28., anil Sllii. each Hox or Pr-' â€" enilors throughout the World. audsrosoia at Is. lja.,at.^^., 4t. r«l.m.. »28., anil Sllii. each Hox or Pot, »i oln« Veni • Pwro/Kum thovld Ixmk U «A» Lahtl on ih» Fott and Boxu. iSS, Uxfwd Sttt**, Xstiden, Ihty mn ifntr