/ y \ When Jim w»i Dckd. Wlien Jim was dead. " Hit Barved him rigbt. ' thu D«bon ted. An' 'buwd biin (or tbe litu he d led. An' hiuj a-I>'iug thar a' rest With not a ro e upou hiB breast ! An I mt-nuy crui^i wortis they ted Wbeu Jim was dead. ** Jea' killod bifself, " " Too mean ter lire, ' They didn't have "ne word ter give Of comfort aa they h-'vered uear An* guzed >>n Jim a-lyin^ there ! ** Thar aiu t no use er ta k. ' they sed. " He's belter dead T' Bn* •a''doi)ly tbe rw m crowed still. While God'- uhite auunhiiie aeemed ter fill The dark place with a ^eam ft life. An' o'er the dead she beut-- Jims wife I An' with her ips c t-se - close to hia, Aa Iho' tie koew an' felt tt)e kiss, Bbe sobbe.lâ€" a touchiu' sight ter seeâ€" " Ah ! Jim wui alwa> s good ter me r I tell vou when that cam to light It kiuder set the dead mau right : An' round the we*-i'iir woman they Throwed k'.iKiiv arms of luve that day. And miugled wi'h their owu they shed The teodere-it tearsâ€" uheu Jim was dead. â€"F. L. Stitntcn. Tenip«r»nce Note*. A committee of ihe French Senate re- ported recently that ih-' drinking of spirits in France baa as-tamed the proportions of *' > social dant^er.'' Statiaticd sbo^v 10,000 peo(;le are killed by wbisk--y where one la kille-l by a mad dog. Wbtt of It ? Shoot the dog and lioense the sale of whiskey. â€" Rtligiout Ttlt' teopt. Mrs. Oatchinson, a competent and most indefatigable worker iu the W. C. T.Union o( this city, esi)«i.-id to bt! present at most of the sessions of the National Woman's Cniristiau Union, to be held in tbe Metropoli- ton Upera Hoase, New York, within a few days. Colonel Coran, of tbe Bengal Artillery, â- »ys : " Abstinence agrees with Europeans in India. Ai one station, when drink was â- old, I lost mv men in scores. When drink was stopped. I didn't within tbe â- ame time lose a single man." Rev. Da>id Uavies. of tbe Regent's Park Chapel, iu the animal sermon of the Leagae at tbe MetropoUiau Tabernacle, said : "Even iu th-.»-lebratiiig of the Lord's Strp- per some JtoU 000 uraa spent every year by ibe tdiarcbe^t ; so that the reclaimed drankard foaud at the L.)r>t's table just tbe very IMme teiupiatinn tf'at he used to find in tbe taproom ! Could Satauio irony reach such a pitch as that 7 Ue ihouttht it was worth the while of the Charch of Christ to abstain Itom taking wiue^i which were intoxicating at the Lord's Supper, so that there mi^ht he no teinpttiioa a-sociated with the recoi- leotiou of II fiu'te love." It is a notabla fact that the|fashionable Clyde watering places o! Kilcreggan and Cove are practicalK placed ouderlQu Maine law. There is not a single licensed publi : house (roiu one point to the other of this favored shore. The old natives will tell yoa of the time wiihiu living memory when the pjuinsula bad six licensed booses one at " <h- I'lachan." the cluster of qaaint eottages round 'he corner at Koeueaih, one at Cove, one at Kil-re^iiiao, auother at Col- port, anil sti 1 atiuiber at Muirahaoe, with a sixth at Hosneath ferry ; aud if all stories are true, tlu-e did not lack patrons. The chauge<i coiidiiioti of K^ftirs is indicated by the reiiiaikable fact that now there is only one liciiised house on the entire peninsula, that being the iiin at the K <sneath ferr> . The Duke of Argyll from the outset made an expires* mipnlaiiuo in all the feus on tbe Kilorrggan ahor.- that none of them should be used tor the ere tion of a public house, and this pnivisiou hts <<een faithfully ad- hered to with the hai'piest results. You would {>erh-^» be interested to bear an item whiijh !â- • fr-sh. It loiues from the tesliiiiony ni' the iShureh .Uij.in.ruir;/ ItittUi- ftnctT. in that dte(.h interesling periodi- cal we have ihi:< siatemrnt made, that in 850 miles of c.ia-t line, tnat is in the tropi- cal region of Vfri a. on the west coast, no less than twenty ships a year arrive there with athonsaini Ions of intoxicatingdrinks OD each of t'lfin Think of it â€" twenty thousand tons of intoii'.'ating drinks every jear poured in om that limited tract of oonutry. One 'f the luisxiouaries con- nected with the Cmrch Missionar> Society says: " f this itin^ is coatianed it is only a cjuestion of a (e« years for me and my peO(ile." Thero was a ves-iel conn- cte»l with a South .\fii an iMnipaiiy which took 85,0 caK' so! nin. wid ih.^se weredelivered to two fict Tirs »l •lie, and the poor blacks part wi'lt v«lu>«Me ivoiv, splendid skins, Items of value of all kin is -what for. do yoo think? .\ --ise of HoUanda I Now mark th it. The • â- >»;â- of minnf at ture from the tiino hrf teis i» is '-'». Dt. It con- tains twelve ordiuar> nrmdv size bot- tles, and ii in mainly made op of oil of vitriol and oth-r .-o np nuuls that are a disgrace ti be moH at all It should be a crime tor nu-n to vmd »n -h things for their fdlow-metx to drink Hut they do this, and t:el a hutuir I t.ines, an.i often 200 or 900 times, th- value of that with which they pirt Think of dozens of these poor men, with little bniui or will power, tear ing open these casrs. and draining the con- tents of the h'ttloH until their brains are on fire, until lhe> liance, laugh, roll over and fo-»m â- it the lu I'l-h, and ultimately pre- sent siu'li a hi'lt^Mis H^ectav^le that if ever one had a pictnr • o' pandemmium yon have it th^rx An i that is being carried on to-da> hi the iir lueut nation of which we form a p«rt. 1 i.i<|h" 0;>d will not grant this pto(ile inosiu Mt\ again until we deal practically wiih tlr.-i >|Uekiion. We have it on Scriptural anh iri«> that " Whatsoever a man so-ieth tlntt sh^ll he reaj.." That applie.-i to a na'io i :i-i .vi-U a^, to the indivi- ilual. and <v^ hiM'e bei n sending out for years a wh 'le broo-H of uuclean birds, and many of th^•llI ar.' tinding their way home to roost.-â€" Urwry Varli^. KILLED UKE A PIG. Fartber Partlcolsrs of tbe JuTcnile Crlnse In Cape Breton. The horrible story recently telegraphed from Cape Breton is confirmed by the North Sydney Herald which tells the fol- lowing story : A dreadful homicide occarred at Cow Bay oa Wednesday last. It appears from what we can learn that several young boys had been watching the killing of a pig. In some way this aroused their cariosity, and, as such sights sometimt^s do, it msMie a very strong impression upon the minds of Ibe children. Daring the day they at- tempted to imitate the killing of the pig and bound one of the young fellows hand and foot and held him on the ground. An old rusty knife being the only instrument at hand it was tried with bad effect upon his throat, and an ugly wound made, from which tbe blood dowed freely. It is said they also inflicted a had wound in his abdomen.* The little fellow, who made as much resistance as he coQid, was anable to avoid being cat. He managed to escape, however, and was taken home, when he took sick and expired next day. His death was caused principally by blood poisoning, introduced by Ibe rusty krife, making a gash in bis throat. This is an extraordi nary and partioolarly sad tragedy. The young people do not seem to realize the terrible nature of their deed. ORANGES VERT SCARCE. None of thaFrnlt Kruasht from Floridaâ€" Hich Price* Hsle. " Unless the yellow fever plague in the South shall be speedily sabdoea there wiii be very few Florida orangts in tbe market this winter." said a produce merchant tj- day. " Although the orange trees in tbe great groves along the St. John and Indian Kivers are now bending to the groumi under the weight of the ripening fruit, the fever has had sacb a terrifying eSecl on the people that enough help cannot b>- (ecared to gather the eiicrmoos crop, and oranges are rotting on the ground. \t a matter of fact the friut tnuld not be shipped North now, even if the crop were properly gathered, for the qaarantine re- strictions are so rigid. Oranges were never so dear as they are new. Nearly all there are in tbe market are broogbt frcm Ber mada, and these are not very good iu joality. They are selling for 85 a box and finding plenty of buyers, bat when the Florida supply is in good condition the Bermuda variety can be had /or i2 per box No Florida oranges will be received so lont as the Fruit Exchange at Jacksonville is closed, and that will n . t be open until the fever shall have been stampedout." Latest scotch News. On the 13th all- tbe non-commissioned ofiicers of Edinburgh garrison celebrated the sixth aimiversary of tbe battle of Tel- el- Kebir, in which the Cameron Highland- ers took part. On the 17lh all., an elderly man named James Mackie, who resided at Bosebam Place. Marraylield, Ediubargb, met his death in the Glen at Boslin. Ba bad been walking with his wife along he bank of tbe river Esk and fell over the rock into the stream in the attempt to look over. He was picked up dead. When the Qaeen visited Glasgow Cathe- dral in IS<(9 all the mioisMrs of the city were accommodated with seats at the west Hoor, where she was received by Principal Ua:farlane. There are only six of these ministers now alive â€" Drs. Somerville, Smith, of Cathcart, Ramage, and Fergus Ferguson , and Messrs. David Russell and Kobi. Bremner. .\t a meeting of a snb- committee of Edinburgh Town Coauoil held on the ISth ult , it was agreed to recommend thai designs should be asked tor the prnposed statues to W^allace and Brace, but thai no premiatns should be offered. Tbe cost of the statues is to be aboat £3,000, and it is proposed to erect them somewhere on the south side of Princes street. .\ reoent visitor to tbe last resting place of Kob Roy writes : " I have jatt visited the old kirkyard ai Balquhidder. I had on this and on a previous occasion to send to tbe village to get a person to point out the ^ravd of Rob lUiy and bis wife Helen. Kuglish friends were with me on both occasions, and their remarks on the neg- lected condition of these graves brought the blash to my face. It is almost impos- sible to decipher the few words on one of the stones which would indicate to tbe tourist that he stood near such an interest- ing spot." Surely the Glasgow folk might do something to improve this condition of the Macgregor's grave. Juttinna uf a Day. Wareham, Mass., has a monument to the memory of a cat that lived to the good old age of 'io years aud 'i months. It was not erected by public subscription. What's a poor barglar going to do for a living if the women of the land get in thu habit of going to bed with a loaded revolver within reach? Two or three oases have recently come to light where burglars have been shot and even captured by women. Wilson Waddington, of Savin Rock, Conn., is said to be the largest lan.lowner in the L' uited States. He is believed to own over 'J.000.000 acres of grazing land in New Mexico and elsewhere, aud he has also made large investments iu real estate in Western cities. A new feature of picnics and lawn parties has broken out iu Knuland, sutigested by ihe Prince of Wales. It consists of wheel- barrow races, only the conditions are that each gentleman shall take a lady in his wheelbarrow, and Ihe two who come lu first get a prize. This novelty may be ex- pected to strike this couulry abiiut next season. Gen. William T. Sherman seems to have not tbe slightest fear of death, aud talks of it sometimes iu an olT hand way that is extremely weird. Not long after Sheridan's funeral Sherman was speaking to a friend of the luany prominent officers of the late war who had died. " I shall have to hurry up," remarked Sherman, " and die pretty soon, or there will be nobody but militia to bury me." What .tiled Haunah. Fat Widowâ€" I'cctor, I want you to answer uiy nuestioiu candidly. Doctor â€" eriaiuly, my ilear madame. Well, am I in love, or have I only got fatty di^geueration of the heart'? _ ^ Tube L>«veloped Later, " So your old uncle is dead, Charley?" " Yea, died jeslerday." " Ue was a very ecceutrij old fellow. Pe you think ho was altogether right iu hi^ head?" " Well erâ€" I couldn't say, you know, ontilthe will is real." A Little of KTcrytblDK. Cremation is still illegal in France. Boston was 'iiiS years old on Monday. The herring-sardine packers of Maine will cure and pack :5O,OOU,0OO herring this year. The wife of a well-known > ienna banker lately displajed forty toilettes in twenty- ooe days in Carlsbad. Mark Twain says that he has no difficoHy in sustaining tbe r.jli of M.A. but the part of PA often gives him a good deal of trouble. Thieving is carried on in Chica^ in fall diess. The men who have been caagbt lately are stylishly dressed and wear silk bats of tbe latest pattern, tat they are discovered as quickly as in any other dis- guise. A new disease has broken oat among the grapevines of the Santa Ana and San Uabriel valleys of California. t is termed Ihe sapsour, and tbe cause of it no one kuows. I he vines begin to wither and in a short time die. The following verse from the Iroquois Bible shows what a jaw-breaking language thai dialect is : " Aontoosscke lauusai akosSatbece nasaiapon oni kanSanersaak serapon ikonnbeiie nok th nonk^ati aonsasonkjasarine tisnoukati ne Skennen." A quarrel with a fanny caase took place recently in water submerged Augusta, Ua. A gentleman paid a negro 91 to carry bim on bis shoulders to tbe hotel, and a serious miaanderstanding arose about the position tbe gentleman should occupy on bis por- ter's shoulders. A Bay City (M;ob.) hone doctor stood talking to a friend tbe other day. Tbe end of a bottle peeped out of the formers pocket. Along came a fellow looking for a drink. He spied the bottle aud dexterously removed It from its hiding place. Ueiook a big swallow and stopped tutb a jerk. It ooataiued horse meaicine made up of am- monia and other unpalatable liquids. It is said that Alexander Dumas lives strictly by measure and weight. He li^es at 6 iO in summer and 7 in winter. Uis tirot breakfast invariably cocsists of a glass of milk. Ibe second, which he takes at noon, is a very plain meal. Dinner occurs exactly at 7 o'clock, aud by 10 he is m bed. He walks three miles every day, and never works after i in the afternoon, and he is a strong and thoroughly healthy man. An Austrian Pompeii bis just been uu earthed near Zara. Zara is tbe capital of the Austrian Province of Dalmatia. Thou- sands of coins of the Diocletian period and of other early times, rare specimens of Grecian and Roman sculpture and B>ztu- line architecture were discovered along ib« Dalmatian shores. Amphitheatres, tem- ples, catacombs and other evidences of a busy aud highly civilized community were anearthed. An officer of a French regiment con- demned several soldiers for breaches cf discipline to run for tbrte hoars, carrying their rides and full etiuipmeuts. A corporal named Vallad, at the end of two hours, fell down exhausted. The sergeant wished to let him rest, but the superior offi.-er in- sisted that be be made to get up and finish his task, saying that he should run until he dropped dead. The corporal got up und shot himself dead with his tide. CURRENT TOPICS. A WESTEAM paper, in deprecatiog tbe statement that moet criminals are lUiter- tte. says that in Massacboaetts nearly all forgeries ire committed by well-edacatea men and women. How coald an anleitered man commit a forgery? MiTKE sqaare, in which the last of the murders ot the Whitecbapel batcher was committed, is bat a fe» blocks distant from the Bank of England, it is in the very heart of the business quarter. Tbe greatest wealth and the greatest poverty thus exist side by side in the British metropolis. A ir'uuof was bainiug in Cork harbor when the tide carried her out beyond her depth. She was iu great danger of drown- ing when Miss Murphy. daUihter of Ald- Murphy, of Cork, sprang in and succeeded io dragging her on to a rock in tbe harbor. There the two were compelled to slay unlii | some men on the clirfj saw them, and,' swimming out, brought them Eutely lu shore. A so^iiL means cf suicide has just been tried in Chicago. Mrs. C. J. Uelon. a widow, is the inventor of the process. The other evening she committed saicide b> running a rubber tube from an open gas jet to a sort of rthiervuir made by her bed clothing. When the reservoir was full of gas Mrs. Delon put her bead -ander the beu clothes and was immediately overcome by tbe gas. She bad been in poor health for some time. TuE " beauty ' show at Spa, Belginm. appears not to have been a brilliant sue cess. After a postponement there were only twenty competitors. Several girls, in- cluding one from Polsnd. were prevented from attending oy their parents at tbe last moment. The prize often thousand francs. It is tbocghl, will be sheared by a Guada- loupe Creole named Smaciarct. A Parisian and a Swede have also s fair chance. It is not generally known that Miss Harriet Fraser, tbe only survivor of the late Simon Fraser, the discoverer of British Cclambia, is still living at St. Andrews, in Stormoni County. Fraser began bis memorable explorations in 179°i, and died at St. Anurews in 18()'J. He was offered a knighthood for his services, bat was forced to decli e through stress of circamsia!:oes, and left his family qaite poor. Sir John has been applied to for help to tbe last bearer of tbe honored name. AmoN'^jt the many ttartlmg disclosures with wbich scientific investigation has made us familiar, one of the most extrava- gant is tbe discovery according to which Ibe Dose is said to be liraiiaally losing its power to discharge its traditional faoctiou in the case of the civilised people. When the sense of smell vanishes altogether â€" as, it is affirmed, will infallibly be the case one day â€" tbe organ itself is boand to follow its example sooner or later. It is, no doabi, a fact that the olfactory sense is much keener in tbe savage than lu the civilized man. and it is reasonable to conclude that the more we progress in civilizaliou tbe duller the sense will Ktow. and ai nature never preserves useless organs, when tbe nose loses its power of smelling, the nose " must go." Two young women coming towards Memphis. Teun.. from a town in .\labama were put off tbe train Ihe other night at a small station outside tbe city on suspicion of 'eing refugees from tbe plagae-stricken district. Their trunks were pitched off after them. It was almost dark, and raiu was falling heavily. Tbey soagbt shelter in the only house near at hand, but were refused admittance. There was a number of white people and negroes in the place, but only one would approach them. He not them two chairs, and they sat out in the raiu until they could induce a negro to take them into Mem|.hi8. They bad to pay him five dollars. On tbe way in tbey were met by some men who threatened to arrest tbe negro if be did not lake the women back. Their pleadings finally^pre- vailed, and they were permitted to enter the city. This is only an instance of tbe di<-comfort and peril that spring from the dread of letting tbe \ellow fever gel within tbe limits of the southern towns. THE LADIES' COLUMN. A Fine i'oiupllmeut. Husband Prof. Widehead paid after very tine compUment night, niv dear. Wifeâ€" Oh, did ho ? What did he say ? Ilusbaul He said th«t you weren't handaonii>. hm \ou wcte on» of the most intelligent woii^ be ever met. Wifeâ€" Prof. , What's hia uaiue has w- ooived lii-i Isiit invit-«l'o.i from tne. Cheap aa lilrt. " Yon charge a very hi>th price for pull- ing teeth," said a real estate dealer to a dentist, vou a ! " Oh, I don't know about that," was the diuuer last oojfident reply, " we only charge a dollar , an aoher." Daring a re»nt visit of the Prince of Wales to Hungary he was much impressed with the magnifii.y<nt uinstacbes worn by the ooaohmen of that country, and engaged one of the most disliuguished looking to aocoiupauy him back to F-nxlaud. On * arriving at >iarlboronk'h House the im- " Witness, did you ever soe the prisoner ported .)ehn 8.4w that all the other coach- attheb*r?" "Oh. >es ; that's where I men wore clean shaved faces, so he went got atM]uauiied with him." to a barber aud joined the beardless brigade. â€"•' Name tht» sacramtnta," said a local 1 hat evening he returned to Htmgary upon Sunday sohool teacher to a meiuber of her request of the Priuoe. infant class •• H i,(itisiu. conhrmaiicuiand gme of the great needs of this country vaooinatiou," was the prv>mpl iM|>ty. Menis ta be young women type-writers who â€" AroUiBg-pia iiatbsn on doimiw woa't g«il married. A Very Old raatilon Revived. The idea of " thumb rings, ' to which I alluded some little time ago, has become an established fact, and jewellers are showing broad bands of dull gold with a large jewel sunk deeply iuto them, designed to encircle that clumsy member, the thomb. The tacts have been traceil that Queen Elizabeth decorated her royal thumb with a ring, and the fashion revived during the reigu of George 11. Eccentricity is the kr-yuote to jewelled ornaments, and the dainty woman The London i'ui.y Ttlf graph has wound up its long series ot colamus aud columns of letters written iu reply to tbe question, •• Is Marriage a Failure .'" The paper has received 'J7 UOO letters on the subj-'Ct. and while most of them were bosh, the TcU- gT'i}i!i't conclusions drawn from the lot probably voices fairly well the I'nglisb idea. It sa\8 : " The consensus of letters M overwhelmingly strong against early marriages. C>ur law ought, we think, to forbid marri:i<.e to >oaug men under '21 aud to young women under 19. Among the wcrking classes espe^ ially this would province, we believe, an excellent effect. Then, also, it is clear to our mind thai tbe law cf divorce must be enlarged to permit dissolution of marriage for desertion, for lunacy, for confirmed inebriety, for couvic- I tion of disgraceful crimes, as likewise for I established incompatibility of temper and temperament, such as a just and prudent : judge would aduiit to be adequate. That I the marria>;e service as it stands calls also for alteration has been abuudanlly demon- Monkey skin for muffs and trimmin^^ â- will be more popular than ever. TheEmpreEii of Austria, though a famoca honswomac , :s rather nervous about horse* â- he dot) not know. A disco-^sioa of tbe Malthosian theory elicited tbe statement that clergymen, as • rtile, have tbe largest families. Laoies' iraids can now be hired ia New York by the evening or the hour. Soma skilful drtescra hav, a large number of clients. Mrs. P cir phrey Ward, author of " Robert Elsmere, ' is a s.i^iht woman with a coior- lecg fsce, dark hair, large nose, and small but piercing black eyes. The Doctess of Wellington ia lame and has to Uie a crutch. She is considered b ami; il and is very fond of buiis, of which ' sae has a Urge collection. GaiUtta Dionesi is a girl 10 years old. She plays the violin and interprets worka of tbe iireatest musicians in a way that aroiues the wildest enthusiasm in ItaJv. A bench of Cowers above the forehead is almost as much used to fasten bndal veila as the jewtUed clasps so much sffccted in New Vcrk, a:; j the fashion is reallv in much better taste. Little Jcsef Hofmsnn says he is not much aisappoiated because he is not com- ing to Aii:erica this year ; " bui,' he adda, ' I shcu.'d hke to see the pretty ladies again. ' Tbe rogce '. The \ ir^itiia story-writer is slill a oel«- britj , fcr as jet the killing frt»t bas not hcgtrfj the â- ^uick-come dowers ofnerfame. There fore '.he following descripiiou of til« lady in i;';e8:icc is of interest : ' Who" aaks the BuJale Fzpreit. " Van heard cf a woman cashier or clerk or private secretary eiEbiz.:iii;g ber pockets full and skipping to Canada 7 It is about time that the soperior honesty cf the woman iu bneiness should be recogniztd and r»w:irded. It seeirs now is if the reigning winter bonnet wculd match tbe lightest in^t of ihm •trtet frock cr cloak, and would be trimired â- viib black velvet, with black strings. Thi« style is Very generally becomiun. alifaongll rather sctiiore, atd black " kills " some of the new greens and some cf tbe new reds completti.'y. The Chicago rniua* has been itnder- taking an in.juiry on its on accoani as to ihe tale cf divorced women, and stales tbak 73 per cci::. of these persons marry aithia a )ear. The inference is that le-inarrving IS tbe principal otjeet for which, divorcsa are generally sought and is an evil resolt- ing from t!ie too easy divorce laws. According to tbe Boston Tnnscr<pt, yel- low is tbe color which seems to baT« revealtd itself to tbe novelist cf to-day. althoo^^h some very pretty cream â- ,^I>.-ad frocks are wandering thrcuih the pa^es ot current action, and pretty Rose m 'â- Robert Elsmere has a multiplicity of frock-, eacll one nceedingly tsthetic. After vellow will come green, probably, and then the red vel- vet and sLk will return to the old familiar roand. ! Mrs. Atralie Rives-' hanler is a baaati. . ful woniai:. and in that uui,)ue pariiculajf the stories tloating about in regard to hoT are true. She has tbe kind !->! beauty tbaft both mtn and women admit' \ wealtia of goldei: ha;r â€" tbe very sha ie that hair bleachers would give the wrrld to copy worn in a !c>ose knot on ih-s back of ih* neck and ;:: dujy pompadour curls iu front ; large bro^n eyes, the expressive kind, and, ii-ost ancs-jal of allâ€" that is, with blond* hairâ€" the b:*.-ke8t aud longest of lashes ; eyebrows oi:iy a little darker than ihe hair, therefore Mrs. Chanler must alwaNS eecap* the Accusation of dyeing hers; a freela complexion which is en'aaced irstead ot disfigured bv the tiny mole on her right cheek, anJ. teeth which even ivory cannot match. If smiles and a pleasant, cordial mani.er denote amiability, then Mrs. rbanltr has that virtue, for ii spite of having been deloged with interviews all day jts'erday she submitted once more to a list cf questions. A Uri.lt Appeal for a Holiday. The following letter, savs the Piercer, has been received in a local office iu India : â€" " Hococred Sir. -With everv prepon- dersEC* of d-je respects I humbiy beg to state that by your honour's favour mv wif» begotten a girl five years ago, and when all hope vanished for "a male chill tor the inheritance of my progenitor's names, I was got a s.ia one \ear ago, an! forasmuch il behoves all Hindus me'i to offer all male child to our deity for his future growtti and prosper in after life when he gains hiA manhc*-!. I beg your kind honour tsiU allow m^ two months' leave t<i viai% Jogerrith's Shrine, which wi 1 cost very much moneys AUobvsome -", n <rcanel will makearrarsefor my daughter smalrimony, if not my caste brethem will not let mp join in fellowship. For these latterv expendi- tures SCO rnpees will be r. quiredâ€" namely, halt to be tiven to bride s hridegrm^ni. as is our cottpm^. Now your honour if C^^n^reKa who cannot bring her nerves into sufficient strated by these letters, aud the sooner His prompters would manifestly Ho their out sabjection to permit ber wearing live, spider-like bugs as ornaments consoles herself with very realistic imitations. SfpUinber Table Talk. Grace tbe Primate finishes with the Atha nasian creed and tuins his attention to passages iu that service which shock young minds aud disconoetl older ones the better." A Mixed rp Mlulster. In an old Scottish Parish Church the minister was very deaf. One Sunday Ihe precentor hart to give out the intimations in the following order : New hyniu hooks, I bapiisi'is, and other minor matters. Itut ' the precentor, commenced with the baptism first, eayiug : " There will be a public baptism here next Sunday, and parents will give in their names during the week." The minister, thinking he was iuiiRiatiug about the hymn books, said : " And p.trents who have not got them will kindly ' come to Ihe vestry afterthisservice. Small ones. Id. : Urge ones, id. ; red backed ; ones, 3d." â€" The use of unusual words and foreign phrases is no more a prtjof of culture than miles an hour A Boston woman made the tour of Europe and came home and never even mentioned it to her most intimate ttiend. Dumb' Ah! You've struck it. Ooe of the last pension bills vetoed was that of an Indian woman, who claimed that her son and support was killel in tie army. It was shown that he enlisted for biiunty, deserted, died a natural death twenty years after, ard that she bad a husband.â€" IVfroit Free Presf â€" It is eani-T to manage and marshal lOO men than to control one woman when her mind is set the other way. It requires just double the powet |o'|)ro- pel a steamship twenty miles an bdnr that it does to drive the same vessel sixteen trouble. Noonemakii'g any arrange for j>oor to thecoi^ntry then wl y I tiive your honouf men's hard-ihips bv which delet'eri on.i and abominab'e customs be abrogated as hctr can poor man pay such lar^e ^niTia for daughter s matrinioiiy; moreover it he is not pav ih.>n he is made f - je t'onahle man and ontcastfd from all fellowshin in caota. I therefore beg your kind honour will have consideration on my caio and order Kha/sic^M t(- pay '25 rapeen from mv p»T to B ',.'' until my full oonie of '250 rupees I .im^rrowfrom him hedischar^'e«l. For this ktedness of act. I blt-s* your honnur and Wesa vour honour's ho.ly will begmten 1 000 sons who will live to he Methus.slehs and be vigorous, healthy and forcible as Goliath." tbe wearing of a flannel shirt is that a mau dots bis own washing. Both are meresur- face indications of what is possible. " Have you paid any attention to the controversy about marriage ss a failure." "Yes, considerable. Bat marriage is a euooess." •â- What makes you think so?" 'â- My wife's late uncle left her $10,000. â€" There ia a policeman in Boston who has carried his club fur fourteen yesrs and has never struck any thing hut attitudes in all that time. â€" BoTs who think they know more than their fathers out to be encouraged to run away from home for a couple of weeks, in ordsr to Isarii that pies do not grow ou trees. She Would i<b1- by Love. Balva Look wood, having visited tbe Capitol, at Washinii'on. ih- oihef ^av. was plied with qnestipns by Sfvpral of her Con- gressional frieiiils as to the conn* she would pursue it the fortunes of polilioe shoo'd place har in the Pr-'-'id-ntial chair. Finally, it is related, Mr Morrow, nf Cali- fornia, said : " But you couldn't be com- manclerlr-chief of the armies. How wonid you arrange that ?" Mrs Lockwood there, upon shook her finger archly at her ques- tioner and rep'iiKi sweetly : " I would dis- miss the armies and rule by love.'' â€" Kocheskr Vtrtiocrat. i i\