Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 Oct 1888, p. 4

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-^-.r- THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. haiiilltid, wiint uf 8|mcu will not puriiiit uf any dfUtilL-il (luHcriptioii. It consists of I evurythin^ in thu line of gtapltt and fancy I dry goods, (Irvsti and mantle )><)odB, ( «l(jvoH, hosiory, utc. , tweeda, worsleds, etc., liHtH und caps, uents' furnishings, I II li^ A TiA/ A \I r^ tr I carpets, and hoime furnishings, also gro- J- J-L U I\ SJ y 2\. Lj \JXi» cerifs und ladius slious. Tho busincHB I. i.iihiuii.,1 ' *«" deserves its largo trade Jblvery 'Phiii-Htlay, Fll'IM TIIK OriilK, li<j I'liham Streft, - - Fliahertoii, (hit. TKKMrt OK SUIlSCItlPTlON : II pnr aiiiiuii) when psiil Htrictly Iti advan c $1.jO \tvt auuuiu wliuit ii<)t HO )>ai'). W. H THUKSTON, Editiir awl l'ri>iir\Hi>r. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, OCT. 11, 1888. I U. TRIMULE. I It affords The Advance pleasure in re- vii'wiiif^ the busiiiuss interests of the I town in ruferinx t" tlio old established, I well kiiowrn and popular luiainoss of Mr. i R. Trimble, yeneml iiidreh:int. I This bimiiiess is too well known over I tilt country to recpiire any extended men- : tioii. Mr. Trimble has been ostahlisliod over a third of a century, liavin},'l)een enjja'^ed in the ini-rcantile tniilu li.'i veaia, aiid i» one of the oldest e»tablinlied in (jrey [County and the pioneer institution in I P'leshorton. It is uniieceHsaiy for ns t" TliC clectioil 111 Cftrdwell last | gay that tho business has exerted a Woiliiesdny, to supply tlic vacancy ' marked influence in stiinulaiini,' the , 1 ., ,' ., fTi, " lime of business and in druwiii" trade to oCcaBlOllcd by tLu duatli of TlioiuaH ^,,^. ^,^^,^ The deserved popularity the While, resultoii filtinjj'Iy in tllt rotnni busine-is liu» acquired has been secured ot Ins KonHobort White, by a majority ^-y ,«"»'••â- '"' »'";y "' **"* *""*" ,"f ""; Ti 1 i- â-  I people, by handliiift a cuperior class of of 112. The election, in many re- ] ^„,„i, .^„,i ,,j. t,„, f^ir dealiu;; for which bptclH, was one of the most interest- : it is well known. Mr. Trimble has de- nig which lias taken place for some i J"'*^^ ''V'''-'-f.«V" '"'''f!'^' V'" "^"f' '/ " ' I the peiiple III his line aiul Ins large trade tiuie. Mr. Stnbbs, the opiwsingcandi- and well stocked ston; show how he has ddtc, was also u Conservative, but | ""cceedtd. Tho st<«k is an sxcellent , ,, ,, (jiie, which for want of space we are uii- uot a nominee of the party. He ^j,,^ ^^ „,^.^ ,^„y ,i,,^^^,,,,,, ,,^,„ipti„„ „, cauic out on his own hookas a local ' The ditf.;rent departments are as follows : candidate, rec.'ivin..,' the full Reform ' J*'-'""'«'""l'' department, gloves, hosiery . i etc., hats, caps, and ready made clotniiiK, vole, and a good portion of the Con- „f ^\^^^[^ there is a larije assortment, car- Beivative. Yet he was left out in the pus .md house furiiishinus. Tho boot 1 , I ] , 1 ,. 1 • .1 r t and shoe department contains a heavy ••cold, cold world, and in the face of ^^^^^.^ ^^^ _^„ J^,^,,^., ^„j ^^^^ ,„ ^,,^ ^,.^. tvcutB Mr. While's vict<jry was a grand ; eery branch is a full line of jiuro family Qjj^._ , i^riiceries, [irovisioiis, meats etc. The upper story is used for the storajje (pf inerchaiidiso, ready made clothiuij, hats, caps etc. In addition is a lari^e ivHrerooni for provisicjiis, crock- ery etc. The stock is an extensive one and well assorted. , \V. UICHAUDSdN. . ' Theaiiii of this is.sue of Tho Advance The Village of 1< leshertou has been Ih^„ik a description of tho mercantile in written lip, in a general way, ill these teresu of Flesliorton. a busiiicsH that will come 111 for a pr FLESHERTON'S BUSINESS. A ItfsuiiK- or th<> HuHiiieHH Mcu of BusliH'.SM mid FlfKhortwii. columns, upon more than one occasion. This week we go into it upon u more el»bo«ale scale, and fiirni.sli our readj leM with a short doscriplioii of all the iniiieut mention is the popular druv, wtationery and fancy jrocKls store conducted by Mr W. Ktch- ardsoii. Readers of The Advance, and particularly those anioiii; tho nuineroua customers of .Mr. Richardson's business. more iiuportaut business (â- nteiprisi S of will appreciate our reference to this well- tho place. We issue u large number â- â€¢'â- '"'"'-•t«'<l •";'«. <"'<' the adsj»nU|;e. it • " i otiers 111 suplilviiil! tlie public with every- of e.xtra l)8[)or8, and those who aic not t|„„^ i„ t|,y li„e. The subject of our BubHciiber* will i»lea»c coniidet it as a ' sketch enj.iyH the ^dvaiita.'es of lon« an.l \ priKjtic*! experienci'. and we may say is a ' cheiiiist and druwist ot mure than or<li ! nary ability. He liaa been eslablihheil , _, , , . , 1 upwards of •_'() years, and wc hav Ins I^Iade^»of Tho Advance, and eHpuciallyl ^,^,„,„i„ „^^.„i,, ,i„a he lus on.- of tl those who are ainoiii; the ininicrous cus- tomers of Messrs. M. Riiharilsoii .V Co s ({eiieral stoit;, will appreciate our reference gift should a copy fall into their hands. M. RICHARDKON. to this jpripular and prospering bu.Hiiii'Ss and the a<lvaiita){i'« whicli the tirm pos ei'SHen in supplying' the public mill their wants of ev«irythin){ in the niercAiitiUi liiii'. First we may say that Kleshertnii is forliiiiato III the possiuision i>f m bustiiess such as this one. In it the citi/.ens of our town mill people of the surroundiiix country enjoy all the .xlvanta^es of- fered by smaller luttablisliuieiits in the cities. The rut'ord uf this brni is as sue cossful as It is loii^' and one irhieli any hrni might. In: proud o4 K.ilablislied nearly a ijuaiter of it uentury, doiii<_> an extensive trade over tho surroiuidiii^ country, with a widu a<;<|i<aiiitaneo in the wholesale markets, the hrui is in the very Im'sI |xisition to keep the business to llie Irtiul. Our rea<leis are too null lliiirr coiiiuiodious brick establmhiiiont and the iDinieiise assortiiieiil of i^uods dis- played to irivi! any detailed description of here. Wo caiiuol itdrain from noticing; the hue appi irance the interior presents, the splendid system ami (general order ii'oserved. K oonsistiii'.^ of itatloii 111 sayiiii; lH!St equipiK'd and most ably conducteil stores of the liiml ill this section of the country. Oi i ibe essential features of dru^' business IS knowledge to discriminate III piiro ilru«8. Kvury ingredient whn li enters the eomiioHitioii of drui,'* here, is subjict to the most earefiil exaiiiiniitipii before nsiii),'. The sl.iek is lai>;e ami coiiiilele in every ile|iailiiieiil. It con- sists of pure drii.'s of all kiiiils, dni','v'i»f«' sundries, the leailinu' patent medicines, etc. ,l»»>ks, iiii'ludiii'.' Holiool supplies etc , stati'inory and a line display of fancy Ijoods. The stoek also eoiitailis wall- papers, boiileiiir-'M etc , also a full line iif paints vamislii's, and dye stulls ol all ilosoiiplions. I're.sciiption work is I cariiiully attenili il to. ; ,1. K. MOOUK. I There is no line of business in I'lir town j in II mole adiamed condition than tlmt I earn, d on by Mr. .1. K. Mo,,re, fiirni 1 tnie dealer and undertaker. Since eslali i lislimii alsiut a year lefo, Mr. Moore lias \ met iiiucli luoiv that oidiiiary sueeess, in ' (UtVelopiii((ii larno trade. The .Vdvaief is ple;ised to note the proLjioss of tins liiisi- i ness and the diserved popularity it lias W. CLAYTON. Our business record would be very ni- coniplete without reference to Flesher- lon's old established and well known boot and shoe business, carried on by Mr. \V. Clayton. It affords The Advance ploiusure to note the successful manner in which his business has been conducted. Mr. Clayton has been established up- wards of 27 years and durino tho long period the business has been fxjforo the public a laru'e yearly tride ha.s been done. The public have found from experience that their wants in this line can be sup- plied here in a Hatisfactory inaniier. Mr. Clayton enjoys tli« advantaoos of loiio and ])ractical experience, and is in the very best [Misition to keep his business to the front. His store is always found well stocked with a line of boots and shoes .se- cured from the best wholesale dealers, and of all stylesand sizes from the ladies' hn- est Kieiiclikid to the mens'aiidboys' heav- ier Wear, als-> rubbers and oversli'ieK. li<iots and siloes are also made to order from l\w of material, and repairini^ done. The stock also includes a full line of u'.iods. Tile business Well deserves its large trade. J. <;. Rl .SSELL. Wc h.ive pleasure iu devotini; space in our business review to a description of Flesherton's popular jewelry business, conducted by Mr. J. Uussell. This business is too Well and favor- ably known over the surrouiidin;; country to require any extended men- tion. .Mr. Russell has b<:en established aliout .') years and has met with very Kratifyim; in devolopiiij; a lar^o trade. He has devoted hia eueruies to BUpplyiiii; the public with everything in his line and his Wi:ll ei|uipped store and lar:ie trade show that he has succeeded. The deserved popularity tlio business is secured by a careful study (if the wants of the |ieo|>le. by hamllini; a superior class of ^'oods and by the fair dealing for which the business is well known. Mr Riissill enjoys tho advantages of lonu and practical experience and is a jeweler of more than ordinary ability. Mis neat and attractive store, which is handsoinoly titled up with line wall and countercases, etc., e.intains a stock as tine as the mark- I'ts a'Tord, consistiin; »f uold and silver \vat< lies of the best makes, clocks of Uroat variety and jewelery of all dcscrip- txiii.-,, ladies' ^old and colored sets, rin^, chains, cliarnis. brooches, e'.c. , also silver- waie, spectacles, etc. Special alletitioii IS i^ivcn to the repairing; department. F. (i. KARSTKDT. Next in our business review, we have pleasure in referiii){ to Firaherton'a l><>p- ular and well conducted stove, tinware, and hardware buainesa carried on by Mr. V. ti. Karsto<U. .Xiiioli^' the eiitrri>ha- j III',' business yoiiii(4 iiiin if tho town tho i subject .if our sketch t.ikes :i pmniineiit pbtee. Ml Karstedt establisheil alHiut one year a..;o and has met with more than oidinaiy in developing a larye le. Fi.un the inception of tho busi- aiid .-very departmeni, aei)iiired. Ilie lesiill of a careful study liess and mantle K U i of the wants of tli.- pe..ple. by bandlin ' a kdoves, h.isieiy etc. , Imts ami caps, n«iit • i siipeiior chiss of u'oods ntid by the l:iu fuinislunns, cariHjts, and house i deidiin,' t..r whicli it is well known. Ml. ti.iiiisliiiiKs, ready made clot;liinii, j/rocer- ' Moore hasdevoli-il Ins eiieruies to iiiei.t- les, bo.its and shoes and hardware is in« tho w ml i.d the imlilie in bis lines siiMpIv coniplite. The tirm has in the and his well st.'eU'd sloi.i und bir..;e tivele p^ist iiiiporlo'l a c.insiileiahlii <|uaiility of show li..w he has siiceeeded. Xw iiispoe st..ek and in this particiiluc wo may men- i tioii of IMr. M. .ore's waierooms wiil con lion the trip of tlei sei*.* partner, viiieo that he is able to supply the public Mr Uichatds.iii, across the ncean. from | with anythimj in Ins hue accordiin; to which lie lia.i just letiiiuieil. Whilo ill llio taste ami means of all. The stock is the I )|.| Country le had an o|if»irlunity of , an excellent ..m' and is larsie iiiul viirieil. vi-itiin! p.'i' thi- uieiit nmiiufactiir- . It consists of all Uiinls of hoiisehohl fin- ing ciiilr.-.-. \Mlli the result of betl.r nit lire, parlor iind tielloom avis, f, belli;' opened for their importa- and exteiisioM tables tu>ns J. (!. ANDERSON. A busiiiHSH deserviiiK of inure than or- dinary pr.'iniiieiice in our review, is the |K. pillar ami or. iifressive one of Mr. J. O Anders.iii. <Ve may say that Flesherton IS fortunate in the possossioii of a busi- ness such as llus one, which oilers the ad- vanta|{eA it itoes in supplyiin{ the peo[il,i with overythinu in its line. Mr. Ander- son estnMished here last sprin(( ami has met with very gratify iiiK Miiccess in de- ^ulopinu a larue tnide nxtendinu ovor the surioiindiiiu country. The deserved jxip ulaiity III. I biiHiiiess has acipiiied lias l»ieii secured by a careful study of the ptMipIo, by handling a reliable class uifids aii.l by the fair dealing for which ihu biisiioiHs IS widl known Knterpris- iiitf and experienced, no opportiinitv is ne,'leot«id that would ill any way bo to the Rdvantai;e of ciisUiiiiers. The public We may say \\\\A advantai/es here, the business since its incuption haviiii; eiert- •d a niarke.l iikthlenee ill stimilUlinv the i-'es, ^oe. litre boards, l.iiiii- sprin.; beds ami iiialri'sses, etc. piM-iiil attention is ijiven to the iiinliir- taking departnieiit, beiie.{ fully supplied with evrylhin..' recpiired in the line, hearse, and funeral Hiipplies ot all kinds, eU:. S. SIMUIT. Next in our business review, we will refer to Flesherton's popular Hour and fend business carried on by Mr. Sleplien Spirit. The .\dvance is pleased to note tho success whiidi liiu> atteiuled Mr. H|iirit's ell'orls. lie h.u worked up a (loiirishiiii; trade mid has made his busi- ness very |iopiilar with tho Keiieral |.iib- lic. Tliu suecesH he has aeliie\ed has ,,f boon attained by llalldllll^ a line of i(oods and i^iviin; careful attiiilti.ui to business. At Mr. Spirit's store the pub- lic Iind a choice and wull assorted stock, coiiHistiin; of tho best brands of family tbiiir, all kinds of feed etc., piorisioiis, ineatii, etc. The biisimiss is one which supplies a want in our iiiurtNintilu lino lid durinif the timu Mr. spirit ha* laiuii T.4..»e ..f Imsii.MS ami in drwwii.u tmde established, about one year he ha. been •*lh«t,.«i». lâ„¢ a.f.,„.iice to Uiu stuck o.mductiiiKlti»«suoce.sful mwiiier. tr; iiess most ciiniinendablu enterprise has bi-eii disjilayed and the trade has been largely ineivased. .^lr Karstedt is tlioroui^hly practiele in every det.-\il of till: busiii.'ss and is in the very K'st po- sitKin to otl'er to tlie public all the advaii- t.i^'es of the trade. The popularity th-i business has iiciiiiired has tn-eii secured as the result of han.lliix uood oonds at res. "liable ). rices and fair dealili". The stock IS 111 fact an oxccllent one and con- sists of, 111 the stoves department, a full line uf the best makes of coal and wootl sti.ves .Mr. Karstedt is able to oH'er a<Uaiitai;es in this line. In tinware is ad kin. Is of hnusefurnishintis in tin. iron .ml e.ippor wares. S|>eeial attention is I .;uf:i l.i jobbiiiv; and eavetroui<hiii>{, I w.irk, h..t airheatiii!;, etc. Mr. I Karsteilt recently Isoi^ht out the stock I ..f W. Strain. I 1). CLAYTt)N. Kli-.shertoii's popular and well conduct- ed harness manufacturiiii; Inisinuss, car- I ried oil by Mr. I). Clayton, should not Ih" oiinlled from tins review, .\nioni; I the biiKinesses of the town which have gained proineneiice for the liiyh standard 1 t.> whuli they have la'eii raised, this one I lucup.ei a pioiniiieiit )>lace Mi. l^lay- I t. HI liS' U'en established alHuit 4 yours I and has met with most salisbietory ru- j s lilts, ilevelopue^ a Irnile over the siirr.mnd- I int; country. He has acquired for the past a do.serveil popularity, having the reputa- I tion of turniiii; out a cliwa of work second to nolle in the country. He enjoys the adviintaL'es of loiii; and practical experi- ence aiHi is in the best position to keep bis business to the front. .All kinds of harness, ln(ht and heavy, double and Hiin^le collars, etc., are manufactured and a o.iod stock is always on hainl .>f,biaidos baiiiens, everything usually found in a class harness shop, as whips, cntba. brushes, etc. The business well do- bervea its lari^e trade. MUNSHAW S HOTEL. .'V j;ood public hostlory where the jiublic can obtain suitable accoiniiUKlatioii is an important instinution in any town. In this respect Flesherton is in advance of most places of its sire. Mr. Munshaw's hotel is one which is second to none in northern Ontario. The liotel is » larv'e biiek structure and one that is creditable to the towp. Its popular and able man - ai<emeiit has inailo it a favorite with the general public. Tho hotel is excellently furnished throughout ami atfords every comfort i»nd cH> quests, (Sond Btablim: is als.i in coiintction and a buss coniie<'.ts with all trains. Mr. Munshaw has been c.onductiui; the hotel apout "Jti years and is well and favorakly known t.i the ([oneral public. Tl\e town is fortu- nate ill tho iHisHCssion of an hotel such as this (III*. rHtmHiUAVH sriDio. Flethotv ton's popular and well duiducted photo- i^aph studio should bo proiuiiiently iiieii- tinned. In this particular it affiirds Tlie Advance plt>Hsure to state that the town has one of the best phot<)'.rraphio studms in this section of ih'.' country. Mrs. iSulmcr is deserving' of ..redit for the liiLrh standard to which she has rai.sed her busi- ness and the excellent Wi.rk she turns out. The studio is hand.somely litted up with all the latest appliances f.jr scenery, etc., all kinds of plioto.j^ranhie work is done, from an ordinary ij(jrtrait to the ino.1t eleiiant cabinet. Eiitrraviii.,' ii also done under the different plocesscs. .\ny cm) who appreciates artistic work should call on Mrs. Uulmer. GEO. MITCHELL, BANKER. Amoii^ the business ii stitutions of a town oi.e of tho most important for the easy transaction of business is a bank. Since .Tune last Flesherton h;ui enjoyed the adv.iiita.'es .if ,"in institution of this kind, established by Mr. (Jeo. Mitchell, a irmtloman of lar^jo bankiin,' experience. He does a general bankint; business, including the nesrotiatiaii ..f drafts, notes, receivini; deposits, etc. The Iwink is lo- cated seciiod di>or iiortli of Uichardson & C.i's. .1. H. HEARD. Tlii.s laroc e.stablisliiiii lit is so well kn.iwii over the county that it is iiniie.HS- sary to enter into details. Mr. IKaid manufactures all kinds of bu;,".'ies, waifms, and democrats, in a ..-tyle ec|Uai to iiiiy- thini; north of Toronto, as his exhibits at the shows will testify. He aUo di«s u general blacksniithiii'.' business. JAS. SCLLIVAN Is the oldest tinsmith in I'lesherton. Itepairiug, uavetroui^hmij, etc., duue in a superior manner. Other businesses, which we hac le.t space t-o mention fully, are : The cal Hall, Ur. Cliristoe, |)r.prielor : K. I'. Lc„'ate, carri:i.;e maker : the cheese fiictory, by Stewart ; Flesher's Woolen factory ; Bradley's roller and lloiirin^ mills ; Mr. Dinude's Iar.;e tiUi- nery, and R. J. Sproul's &ai>h and door factory. ArtemeHia I'onncil. Council met in the Town Halt, Flesherton, on Monday, Oct. Isl. kW the memlHMS pie.Heiit. A letter was received from W. J. Moiiiii»han, road connni.^.suiiici of Ospny, asking that the hill on town line, Ospicy und .\rteiuesia, opjiositt' lot 1, ."tid iiiii,ue, north, be cut down, and olferbig to expend 810 if tlie Council wotUd (jraiit a like amount. Tiic following accomils were ord- ered to be paid : Tlios. Ounn, gradiin; and raiHiig on town line, Artemesia and (ilcneig, 82.50 ; viirioud parties, for work and iiiaterial on lloyiie bridge, 8iS()5 ; John lloluiid, leltiiig und iii- siiectiiig work dune oti Valley rcvul, $1. Ten ihdiui a Wits ','1 anted lo meet a like amount from Ospiey f >r cutt- ing d)wii lull Ik'Tt.' meiitioacd. It was uioveil by Messrs. Caiiutt and Slnup, that Mr. I'.olaiil nioel Mr. (iil- niy on lull betwi-yii Kiiplirusui aiul Artemesia to lepaii bill. Aniuiig uur, busiuM uuticos, The jieople of Ramsay t)oiinty, DakoU, are reporaed to W in a state of Btarvaliou and are ap|iealiiig lor aid. Why You Feel Si> weak and exhausted is because your liloo.l is impure. .\.» well expect tlii* sanitary condition of a city to l>e inr- fe.t with denied water and dufectiv.. sewerai-e, as to exixct sucli a coinpli- eatnil piece of meelianisin as tlie hiinisii frame to \w in ({ihsI luder with impure 1)1. .(Ml eirciilatini; even U) its minutest veins. Do you know that every dro|v of your two or three Kallons ot MixhI passes throiiKh the heart and luntfs in alH>iit two and a halt minutes, aud that, on its way, it makes bono and miisele, brain and nerve, and all other and tliiids of the boily ? The blood is the (jreat nourisher, or, a* the Itibls terms it, "The Life of the Body." Is it any wonder, then, that it the liKnul be not pure aud perfect in its consti- tuents, yon suffer so inauy iudimcribaMo s,viuptotns';* .\yer's Sarsaparilla stands "liead and shoulders " ahove every other -•Vlter- Atlvo un<l Illoud Me<ncliie. As prouf, read these ndiable testimonies : (). C. Hrock, of iH.well, Ma,i».. says: " For tlie i^aat 'iS years I have sold .\yer's Sarsaparilla. In niy opinion, till. h«"st remedial agencies (or the cure id all the diseases arisiiiK from impuri- ties of the bUidd are coutaincil in tlii^ medicine." K«cene I. Hill, M. D., .-Wl Sixth Ave.. New York, says : ".Vs a lilo«>d-piirilkir and Reneral liuiider-up of the systeiivl have never found anything to eiinal Avers Savsapaiilla. It Kives perfect salisfartUni." .\yer's Sarsaparilla proves e(|nally etiicacious iu all forms of Scrofula, Hells, Carbuncles, Kczemt, Humors, Iaiiiiba$;o, Catarrh, &c.; a<ad is. tliertv fere, the veiy best Spring and Family Medicine in use. " It taiats all," ea,>s Mr. Cutler, o( Cutler ItrtHhers Jt i\y, IViston, "how Ayer's Saraaparilla does sell." Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Ii Co., Lowell, Maiu GEO. MITCHELL, BANKER, KLitZsiil I K I i '!'<>> . DUAVOllT.'i liOiaUT ASh ffOl.!>. Sprriiil Atti^ilii'ii jHtiU to the aJUilioii rt A'ofeji (i)e( Aviiiiint.', ~'iiU liuor Suiili !._» jiiWiun/wrti it: Cu's. Medical. I DR- CARTER. i M.C.l'. i S. ,, I PniNIMA.V. MIKtiEOX, &r. i H-E.SHERTON. I (lincc Htrsin -. hloci nusidencs, J. O. Itaue! i Partnership. !â-  J. ii. HITTO.\. il U.C'M . E. F. IIIXO.N. Ml) l.ii . Physicians, S::rgcot:s^ &c , &c. PRICEVILLE. Jfiitiiitni. DENTISTRY. Thomas Henderson. L.D.S. Sf»<iEO.V DKNTlST liM M-'tlolUt <iii<t Jlui:or GriiJuatt of the li.C.D.S., Will visit K7.KSHV.KTON. iM»ii..|i*w'i K..ti I i and J.W enoh in .nth. Tevth extrsrttMi. in.ert .••i d:i.l iill..<l i.-i i!:,. liighoi.1 :.tjl,-,otthe Bit. ainr t.t iMtwicr Itv i.*t^ .. Hka:) Ofki. k. Trtl YoN(iE St.. ToaoxTO. ftgal. J. W. FHOST, L.L.B.. Itdrrmter. Soliritur, CoHrtifonce^x. OJlcvâ€" Straius Huildiui;, Kls<.bkiii..ii. .\ .V. CHK.SLF.Y. S(.lioit«r su.1 l'on»t . suew. lleftiilt-iit MsDS^ur MU. KKOST will be found at tb. Olio, oc»i» s>. lureteforu. P McCULLODfiH, lUirrhfer. Solicitor, <y-c. 0»vv. »*fr 1ltVarliui«t'H .storr . .Harkdalr, .Monry lo Ltran.. John W. Armstrong,, SHrilTOX, t'o. 0«KT. IX 7nS^' ,V"^""^ '''â- "«»< rOMMIKSlONKU ** I .1 II IC. t. elitevuneul . " â- ".jisbl.. i.rin.. Us, ki. or M.\RKlAbK â-  11. ♦« r . i.u fs.ssrs NOT.VKY riiu.if MONEY TO LOA^. IT LOWEST 1 1 UKEXT KITES. On Town or Kaiui I'rei sny. KluslMrlou W.J. BELLA^ljr T«». CLIHK illTliMl.«n. lysrHAXVK A(!T. .it' ^ •'.l«ndi.roi.erive„.o,„..,i l-.i nriu,.,. iStJ R« J. Sproule, pi)eT.MASrKll,FIesherl..n,Ouumis,io,r •' 111 H. U., Licensed .\uctione«.r,Cou veyaccr. .VppriuBer aud Money Lender Real Kstate and Insurance .\i;ent. IWds, < .MortWK-es. Leases aud Will, drawn up and Valii» nmd*. on shortest notice. .\tl« tion Sales intended lo iu ,i„_v p«rv ef the County. M,.n.,r to |.«u at lowest "rate. o# inlereft. Celholions att.iul.d to with proioi-tnes., and despateh. Ili»r«e8 low. AKe»»f..rtlie IV.miniou Steamship(.'onip»u^ Cheap ticket, from Flesherton to Lirerpool, (dasgow, Londim or anv of th» Britiik VoTU. Parlies intending to visit EuKlind, Scotland or Irelaud, will pl, »»t. aajj ,,|^ i^' 've piirchisiuH their tickets tisewlier*. James Sullivan, Ibe Tiusmitli, - Flesherton, K..j>.ili(nK. K»vrtrougJiiiit!,»iul in faotsvwi tluiiK III thu bUbiuess wi.l receiv* m» looiuiiland careful lutention «l rtasonable prices ittisftllmifinwi. FOR"SALEr Tw.f vcrv rteslrsbly lotafert lots la tlis ,H «« of Heslieiten. An ( \e,lleut chsuiw td »»..iir.. Ii Ki>e.l «it,i for • priv it. â-  ei.i,lou<.>« â- ^I'l'ly St once to Ur to liKO. KKEKKU, K'.ekliartoa. _ J.OBO. KKKll.U, Kore*t, o«l. THIS fkV'ERT'UZHn.V.?:^^^^* Adnrttaliui liarMM(l*M|va«*t<.Vwk ^^ I i i • t I /

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