Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Oct 1888, p. 8

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. '"Oct. iSS&^ An Int4-r«'stine Letter from »w llainpxhirc. At, The Central Store, I'lifirtrfihvtf'l liiirijiiiii.t tn rrrrij ifc- p'lrhnriit ilurii'j ihr jinmit monlli in oiilrr tn 7iiul;e t"cin fur Full ''i.rtlt'mj. YOUR Special Attention! IS CALLED To tht Editor of The Advance. Ukaii Sin.- Thiiikiut; thut (i Itttcr from nij' I'l-u rt(.'iiriliiiK tlic fur away statt of New HaiiiiitihirH mlRlit liu ptruBicl, not wit)ioiit plpamiro. by al lentil some of tlie inimy reuit- (TB of the A'iviince. I have tlius vmliireil to trcHpiiHS on yo\ir v:ilualjlc hpiiue. l.iftviuj^ tlie (^urpij City (.11 -Titli ol July, via 0. I'. U., I arrivi'd tin- followiiit; evtiiiliK at luy ilc^- tiiiiitii'ii, I'iMiimitli. N. H., a wenllliy town with a iMiliiilation of some 'J, 00(1. Tlii.s |)(irt of till; stiili" it. iioti-il fer the beauty of itn Willi iiioiiiitaiu scenery. Ou« who has not teen union;.' mch niountniiiH can form but a faint iilea of tlie Hceiie. An «u t"^''.'" in a [joetie um»c, we write . M/ijesti<r ijMHinttiiM^ : In tliiuo aitibitjous pii(lu, l.illiiij; thv lull |nnk!< till >-hroilili;ii in the '-ky. Oil I uvuriiiMini; liill». thy mniied Kramluur Hlieiikini,' in I'nii-e of tliy Creator, lint iiowa-ifttill wei^.»/f. tli>' iicatl, l^uicklv i-volviut; fi-oiii the rulliny clouds. i.i all aijiuw. TiiiK'ed with tlio Mlory rif yon nuttiii;^ Run. W'hu-li siiiKn to ret-t beliiml the weHteni hiiU. I'l lints fiinious to the tourist are. Moiinlt. Washington, I'ro^pect, I'rolile illll. and Ual'l Knob, ran(,'ini{ from :t,00() to ."..iKiO f,-et in hei^hl. As you may iiniiKine, \l^ilors fr.m trie rily fiirtlier are very luimer nis liiir- iiiK the hot monlh.i of Kumiuer. I'or their aecomodiition lai^'e hoanlinp houseii are bmit, and tlieiie are usually well tilled with anxious Heikern after loallh and i/leasute. Thcr Iiii.incial ben. til derived from this is.oiily too often, counteihahiiiced hv the dillusion throughout till* ruiiil di.strict.s of the vices mid follies of the i-lty, v»!th hut little of tho redeeniiin; virtues. Nrvv Hampshire i.s now under total nro- lilbitioii, mill Hppsrei.tly the law workn well, as it is coiiinionly said to be very dillicult to buy anv iiit« \u'ant.s i Tuny kind. ilurd eiior has i'ii« been a favorite drinl; in the larniin;; eoiniuuiiity, and he is llionk;ht a verN temperate luau itideid who will not provid,' bis men with their daily allowance 111 thlii beveraije. Tlius we sen the lorce of custom, even thouijh kii< wn to be an in- jurious one. The (.irms here are Uhiialy lar^e, luit »i) broken liy lull' Hmt only iklioiit one third \i capable ol cultivalion, boin;; llat-s or "inter- vals" b. tivieii the lulls. The staple crop \» liftV, with oiite.s. Com, ami beHiis . n a Miiull- cr sc.ile. On the fariu manoi'i d I'V my brother lo I tons ol lu»y are ci.t .mnu.iUy selhuK at *l."i per ton. \ltllolliill tiellU J for 14 ei !i'ill V un 1 ;; bill' t ,,, i .i . . . .i i i â-  .Anin imu i .» 11 hvS t II.S OpilTTtlllMtV to t lllllk lll.>» yet. Ill improved macliiii>'r>, ,i;i 1 « ly- o. /• ," â-  i doini,' wotK, thin state i, oui-uippe.i 17 liiaiiy ctist'iiue!;* forlluir liciiny imt- Ontario. Yit meu of (.-real wealth ur> v. ry | iiUKloi,' tlmillt; tile ['JV. 8 Vi ill s Iliul to common, lilt it is wealth whn li, in 11..- j „^1j il^.j,- i.,„|tj,,,|,.,l\q;j;j,f,i-t j,, 1,,^ lu W mo.t of instances, ha. been aceuniub.l.M .,,„,i^^,^ ,„, y., Tlitnbk â- .•. <-ovil.-l-. on- Bome ycaiH ll^;o. Lumbering' ill exteiisn. I) ' .. ,, . â-  n , 1 1 â- > j , carried on here »ll the year around. Pme, pn.'^lt.' Mlinsliaw S Hotel, nf-iicvtoil. npruce. and oak, j^row in t;reat abiindaui* | Tllf foUowill!,' is 11 list tif tl.'f hftyle- MEAT, MEAT! FJiKSlf ME. IT, PEICEVILLE, '\'ict\;'i>ES«10J- .llcilt . hill Jlcdi 0/ (ill A'i;,il.s -ATâ€" B/akefy d McConne//'s. Highest Prices Paid for \ - Butter, E^^s, dc. Call (Dill infpcrt ditr gwiU mui oiinj<i're jirirrs irj'uri: 7itaki-iij jiiirrlmsit. A. :\I.CA1]E. i iiH» I e BiH sa t J. G. Cakson TO Tllli DECIDED BAIUIAINS 1^ IliliSS (IDODS, MlNTIilXliS, HID., '9 AT- J, H WW \\^ A beautiful range of plushes in the latest shades, at a surprisingly low figure. DON'T FAIL T(J) Sl'E OUR STOCK ()!• BOOTS --> SHOES! on the niounlaiiis, down uhn'h the loi^s iir< drawn oii slides, to iioitiibbi saw iiiillt placed at iheir biise. '1 In- pine liimbor i« extensively used In luakii g paeliiin; bo.>.es, paper, car wheels, etc. Ibis industry \o » noiiice of ahiiust inexhanslahle wimIiIi, ai a fresh suplv if lune niav be cut iroiu the saiu" land about evi-ry thirty yeur/. .\» will have been 11 >ticed by the riader of lh«' public press, tho presidential eanipaik'ii is iiow becoiiiiiiK Very iiileresluit; to the American olti/.eii.|;e pi liar's, hearini; the nuiueii of tho rival rtuidiiliites, are to be seen in every town aii.l vilhijje, lloatiii:! Ill the hre /.e. I an oppoituuity, a short time ftK". of alleiiihiiK a political ilemoiistialion, or'llim riiismu' held lu honor of the llepiiblican canliiliit'K, Uarris.i.i and .Mi rloii. (iiui. Hairisiin IS said to be a direct desceii lint of Harrison who loii^ht for the cause ol libi rty, ,11 the nrmy ut Oliver I'lomw. II. .Mii'Ut .'.00 persons Weie piesi lit, and 4 pleiiHint; coiitiast to uucli nalheriiiKS 111 On- tario i\as the presence ol nmny h.dn «, all s,emiii;;lv niter.sleil 111 the i|ilest\on at is.sue. Sli .it. ib.ainh ible sp -eehe^, WHi ib-livi led .ilulust lliu Kl-eillest ol MltllUsiaslU. rile ;ist ol llui speakeis. 11 marks was; '•Aineiiea lor A iiieric vii-.." lie..' o) poMlnm lo l.'o.iiiueren.l l.uio.i wiili I'.m.ebi, an<l to I'll s;,li lit ( s pioposod readjusl- 110 nt ol the lanlf. Imoiu si,iii»tu-b III f â- ,eiM â- . 1 have Rluaiicd the li. How lilt; l.ictt . Ill th.s . oiiiity, iiriil- t-di. witii ii popiil iiioii o; III". Ill 1.1,1 mo, they li.ivelll iiiuiieif, eiiieilane'd Hi ibe public .•\p. use t.. the tune oi fJ,l,-Jbll.lll. I'liese ,irr nio^lly .Siiieiie uis mlh some I11-.I1, but, I mil to my, ml a Ciiiiadian aniout; till' 1011:.'" I'. I l.'i-. 11 !â- â€¢ sts 1 yeiy iiiiui, wo- inftii uiei I iiild of till County, on nil iiveriino. .1.1 1 liiill a di.iliir per bead, to support paiip- 1 u,. l,ii llie I hr,,-nie ;;ruiiiblei i.' taxes in tiri-T Count.! paiiae and cousi-lei llni above i.ii.l I; Iioiiikfu;. I'.iiriii;; lea.v. I o.kve iilie.idy t.ikeii up too ninih •iiiice, I Will ul.ise with uo. d wisln-s f.'t llo- C' iilin,;ed pio; jM rity o! 1 ,,i .\dvuiice. YoiMs tnib. , S. 1'. (iAUPIN. iiK'iit.s 1 Imiiilli', iiU llio iitaiiulucturt of lliiil fiiiiions iiiiil relialilo olil tirmi, Mossi-.s. I'.M'TKKStiN lUtOS., Wool- stock, Out. ; lltiiili t.<, /I'eil/iers, .Voirer.i, /oT/.-e.<. I('ii<;i/i>liji, ItlttllfifS, .s7. ly/i.s, I 'uth;:-', h'oiiuiinl Mi^fi. SiniU'l T'<oth Cuta Vjtllfl, I (.'iiiiii l>rtll.i. I hriHiti-fttt St't'd^rs, I .S/,riii.( 7'oof/i //(i.- ' I'oie.s-, j Iron i/.n ii'ie.i, 7'ii-(i-f'iu';(>i(' (lany ' rton; I'to'rs. pEMOVEQ Booth tho Boss Barber, hi'f r-)ll:>r,;l (â- â€¢ • !â- 'â-  nf I/., .I„^.K ,/, ;,' '„, Slnini\hl„.l. , • ),'•„,. /;.,,„',V,o.,'.< '••„.r -ni ; .4o^ ,1,../,, T, ^'r-rf, o-,',.- , h- u-ill hr hopjiij ^. ., ,• -hf .-i.nhu • /.I,;.-) , f III' Ills oil riiM.rini-r.i iu.'l n.-i ,001,11 on'is .. • lotlX C"ll.•^|. ,'.-./ lo .,ii. „!• ,1 .-/.' â- (,.,â-  fo ICilit, ^(I'n 1,17 niiHtiitioo o., the /;„.« l!i,,li,râ€" O'd only ij^Fli.-Jorlou. loit i.f tin: rutire </(,» tii-.t for hv,-nr^\i,ii!.:' ttrniiiul. Th»p»trouat;c of tlio U.lie.i ru»pei.t(.ulv .so luittd. rei>. iTin. !Ns,s h'M.TFU f-t'tiTIi. M.'.vi'ij; m\%. 1 aisli to inform tl;e l.idic.i of Flosherton- and vieiiiiiy that I ;itn now prepared to Ji- all kiiils of l>i-ess and -Mantle Makini.-. (iood tit KU-^iauteid. Your attention i.« especially cillej tu luv system of ciittiiic -CoriiwelU Improved Self tittiiii Chartâ€" for whifh I am agent. Those desirous of le.arnini; to i-ut Wy thi.i system c-jn do so at moderate cost by ap plyiuj; to ine. i^hop lU'Xt Jivir to ,). I-;. JI(iii-e» I-"r.ri!i. I me St-.>Tv. i Jennie McBrida. KVl.liiaiXIIVMUWKIGU'.SMndCJO (,)!• l':\'I'RV DESCRIl'TION. Men's and Boys' Lonj^ Hont.s of tlie best niamifarturc at rock botttjin prices. lUiUon and Lace Boots in j^rcat vari- ety at prices sure to suit ymi. THE TOP PEICB PAID utter and A lot of choice Ihittor in Tubs or Rolls wanted by 1st November. At Cash Price for Trade. J. G. Anderson, SPROIJLE'S BLOCK Ti) 'iiir. a:el 110 |)I.\r, .\ P.-.MOI, 1 Ml|«| of In.lltlM'SS ill the lie III o( '.:.i \i-ai-s iiaiioiiii; liy a nl,o|i|i. I.HU'.U, will Hili I h .U- . 1 it I'ltni: to I'liy rei;.oii \rlio UiHiiifs to ^;llllouâ- '.^, ;m St. .Ii lill ^l .Vio?:lrinl. FISH, O Y S T E Bi '^"^ rb 3 AND CAMb:. â-  <>«' rr<-:iiii iiii«l rooliii!; :iiitii!r:or IM-iiiks ill i'licir .S'.â- Â»^«lIl. I (,'001/ Sto.k of ('to,f;-ltiooi -I Alvo'i/i on Ihuul. OKliKlt Vori! FLOUR AND FEED FKO.M S. SPiniTFLEL^IIEIlTOlT. Strayed or Stolen. Krnii) Lot .Vi .'itli t'oii., Art()iii«t<lA. 'J tiulforp, 1 yearn t, ml untl wlilto. Inforiiifttiou thkuK- luliy r C'lvt'dlfv HKNUY DOWN, KlQti)i«rton r.O. \OTItK. SUINtiM'.SrnnHtPfitlv on hftnd luid for srIo i-luMtfi Jii-*t |Mit in llrstcliiHH new Choiipnu; Mill rit'w III ink' rtloiit.' M'ur K'""in uii»l avi il chiipl'*^"* t'P !»' siu'il orilrr J 11 Sr.OAN. Kli;;itMift. Hon, C. Edwafds Lester, Lata U. S. C-)uaul to Italy, nuthor of "Tho Glory nnd Shamoof England, " "America's Advancement," etc., etc., etc., v.Titcs as follows: - New Voik, .Xu^iist I, is.mi. ) 1J'.> K. -.Mil St. j Dii. ,1. ('. .\YKUvt Co., l.iiwell,, ill iiileiiii'ii: .V sense of ^raliliiilo the desire lo vender u ser\ iee lo tho piililie impel mo lo make the following »;alelliellls: M V eolh V-'e eavei'r. Ill Nl'VV Haven, \V11» in:, riiipteil \'\ a seven- eohl which so .nil i-bled nil' ilial. lor ten years. 1 had it liaiil sliUf:>;le for life. lleiiiori lia^o tioiii the liionehial pussjioes was llio result of almost e\er>- fresh e.xposiiri*. For Mills I was iiiider trealmeiit of the uMesi pnu'liiioiiers witliuut avail. At blMt 1 Icaiiieil of Ayei's Cherry Pectoral, wbirli 1 usi-il (moderately and In small (li.s.s) at the tirst leiurreiii'e of a eoUl or nuy chest iliineiilly, ami fioiu wliieli I iiiMiri.ildy found relief. This \v;us i.\ei 'J.'i W'lirs a|,'o. M'ith all sorts of i;vposiire, ill nil , soils of eliniiil-.s, I liavo iii-MV, to this ila\ , bad any i old iior iiiiv nlTeitioii of the throat or luni;s w liiili dill not yield to .\YKii's CiiKKur rF.i-roim. witbin '.'I hours. 1)1 com so I ba\i' never allmved niy- (..'H lo he vvithoiil this remedy in uU iii.v \iiMi;;'S ami travels. I'mler my own iilisin mloii, it bus j;iven relief lo vimt iiuiiilievs of pevsdiis; while ill acute eases of piilnioiuuv iiitliimiiKitlou, sueli us I :iiiij> anil iliphllieria in ebililreii, lifo lias llei'll presiTVed tlivouiili its elTei'ts. 1 rerollinielld its use ill li..;llt but frtv- <|iieni iloo-s. I'roperly iiilniiiiislered, in aeeordiince with \i""' ilireetiuus, it in A Priceless Blessing ill anv hoiisi'. 1 spenU earnestly beeniiso I liel earnestly. I have kiiewii nniny eases ol iip|iaieiilly conlirnieil bromhilis mill coiii^h, with loss of voire, partieii- larly iiuiont; cleruyiueii nnd other piildic Hpealler.s, perfeetl'y eiireil by tliia meili- I'lne. Kitithfullv vours, ('. fMiW.VltnS LKSTEK. Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, rretisrul t.y l)r .1. (" Ay«r «i Co., I.ow«ll, Mmw. Uolil tjr all Uru|||l<l« urn) D»I<ti lu MaUiciao. JtK.VI.KD TK.MIKllSaililvcssedto the under O sik'iieil anil ell loiseil â- â-  I'.-u.iiTs for the Snull Ste. .MarieCiuial. â-  will |.t. i . . . iv,. I Kt tlii.s olUce iiiitiUhe i\rviv:«l ,.( the ci-i.i.i iiM.l Westein iiiiiiHoii ri i:>ll,\V. the ir'.i.l .lav of OctolnT. lie\t lor the fonilatiou nil. I ronstruetlou o( a i iiiiiil on till- iiiiuuliiiii ,.( liic I ivor,tliroiii;',i til.' Island of St. Miirj. 'file works will l>,' let ill two soctioiis. one ei winch willeiiihrRcetlie forniati ui .if t!i«- eaiinl thloUKll the isliuid. tho Ml of locks etc. I he other, llic .leepeanii; iiii.l vv i.tcimiK of th.. channel way ut l„.th eielsi.f the canal coll alnu-tiou of piers. etc. .\ iioipoi the h>ciilit>. together *itli plans an I Bi'eC'Jlcatiolo. ..f the wi.ll>-., cu'i he seen at this olliceon iKiil litter rtllSH.VV. the Vth .Isv ef (V-n.her. li-.-xt. uliel-e print.', I funis of teiidel caiinlso he ol.taiii,.,!, .\ Ilk., class of iiiforum ti.'lx relati\'i to ihe works, Clin l»<i setiri at tlie olllcc of the Local mheer ill tile Town of S»ull Sle Malie. Dnt. lii'eii.]iii.< ct ii^aictors are reii'ifste.l Co Ivmi ill 'Illll 1 tliat u.ii.iiis will 11.. I 1..M... 11,1, lei c,l uii less >tl i.-t,l\ ill II.-.COV. Iftllce Willi tile print c I forms iiii.l hi' iiccouipiiiii..-.i Viy n K-lter stat iiiUthat the peiMiii or persmis ten.terim; Imve cioefllll V exiliaiMi.,1 tile loeiillly an. I the Uttture of ttie iiiat.«.rx\l fi.liiiil ill tile tiiiil pits. Ill Ihe case of llnu-,. thi-re iiiii-,l i.,. attache I the actual si(,-ii»>iiies I. f the full iniio... the im lure ol till- ocellpiitioli ail. I resilience of cacli iiieiuhel of Ihesaiiie : ami (unhei a n.wK lu;- co.n nil iliT fill the sum o( siIi.uOlI must lu- culiipiiuy the teiuler for Ihe cmii.l aa 1 lock- anil « iu\K nneo^iT nFiiiir f.u- t.-e sum oi iST,.s<l liiil-t aec pany the teli.ler for the deep eiiiiii; ami wiileinnuof thecliaioicl w.iy ai Uitli ell. is. piers, etc. Tliii resjiectiv.. PKi'osrc Kro; i;'!~ eiie(|ues will not he llccclUlsi -lill-.>i U- e.|,<l .ner t.> the Ministei ill UsUways aii.l t.'iiiial!.. nud will I..' (.'ifelle.l il the pilltv teUiieriM,; il.-clllies ell â-  teiiiit.' I'lto coiiirtict tor till-,t fi,,? riitas nil. I on the teini â-  stute.l in tie- ..1>--! -ul.iiiilt....l The ileposit leceipt thui sei,' in iv'il bo i, lliriiel t.i the lespcctive li.ol is i.!n., ,. teuilcr i ftic not iii-.-eiUe.l. 'I'llis Ueparlirelit iloes ii..;. ! Vi.ier. Iiilnl iti-i-lt to accept tile litwesl m- u'l , u o.h.irt. IIV Ol.le , .\ I'. ::li'.iil.r.Y, -• cieturv. licpartmeiit (if it iilwnv-s nn.i fjnuiis . (Htuwii. -^tli \iiu'n-t. 1- ..- Strayed or Stolen. Pioni the prchli'ies of \V f, l'nr:..|-. let i -J, '.'nil west. .Vrteiiiesiii. two --..w; in po; -one ivdi.l iiM.l tlie oth-a- voiili,-. r.hicl,. im.; Mel whtt.' spi.tti'.l, IliKiiinilti.'ll tii.l. lifullv lecuivc 1 fts lo their wll.'le: l..,Uil>. â- ''. I "IKKIMl. SALESMEN WANTED ^:„^. elan-! Sin.eii.. -•-'•liilil-^' 1- 1 .,i. i , ,.: vs. Tie oUI lelnihle iiiirsc; V. il, .i moO |rsii, uiier«>. â- :i.ikI Imbits Kii.l cleuM cl.aiact vslw ..\s succeed VVu can i;ive y.iii |/..i>.l | in . .,1 'iiailv work Writ" lor terms to I'll*.'!-: Itlh 1 1 Ma;:,' ('t)M- I'ANY. Niirmirviiieii. t .-Ihen-.e. lOo FAEM for S AT.Tn. Itelm,' imrt nf I,ot No, 10 <'.. .'.'Utnliiiliu' tlftv acres. 'I'lie id situated ah. lilt olie-iiu.l a 'miV village of Kieihorlov, all nil li- umtininceiit land. Ap Try The Advan for ^i or six tiicnt' . Huphrasia pi.'portyi 's fvoni tho 'ivatlou ail , .\l,l)OtS lierley P. one year >r 50C/S, I , 1.*

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