Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 4 Oct 1888, p. 5

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Oct. 4, 1 888.] THE FLESHEKTON ADVANCE I SHOES ! I Ir.'.vo :l lun-'" ?t. â- â- k i:l! hv.ul. Siliti: !/.-:• Men's eind. Boys' Long* Boots, A!.ca Ln-v Viiniiyof r.AMi:-- A;;1) CHILDRFN^,- vVKAl;. A lot o; Sisiiiiiier CJoods Selling om (/lsea}i. AVM. CLAYTON'ST^ " FLESHERTOX. Ibvin- irLirci::iseJ t'.io stock ol WM. STRAIN, :> r.-^.v m a better i>ositioii than ever to take th;,- Lad iri STOVES, TIN, COPPERWARB, And Metal Work of all kinds. Eavetrougliing a Specialty. F. G. KARSTEDT, STRAIN'S BLOCK, FLESHERTON, A Positive Cure. >^ A Painless Cure. TACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES cr MAN. Till:: iilttUlT HUaLTIi UE.VUn'ER, Miirv.;] of Heahng, an J Kohinoor of Wedicinei, 4?**<9-vna 'W^ttl^hiai *^^* &erribl«> coim«Miiieno«. nf ln4l|iicr«tion« '*»"^ *-*"«*• '*^*g> Expu>nr« HUU Overwork. â- ^oTr:^T3-, :L.< cx .i ::; ' .ij x..E-.A.3-EX3 -A-^r:) oud riv^rsrir Si lij -;'j br.iktu Jowii from tlio f'tfruts of A\::t^ will lliiJ i}i No. s a ni.licul ciru Ivr nurvous del>ili'.r, ortraiuc wcaknc^.i, Miv<-»luu»ary vitul U'ttSi,?. .to. ijTMTT<->M3 F«n WHICH J<a b S.'iOVLH DK VsK".â€" W»ut ci( ancFgy. v«rtii;o. want of r"n"^'«. oiujaj.s!* of si^ht, aversiou to M>cie:y, wact. of coufl^teuco, avoiafinca of couversatlou, aeoiro for.olitu.l.', Uitiemiiesj auJ in.vlMii;;.- to fi\ «/io atwiiUou â-  a » portionlar Buljoct, ccwar hfo, >!oi're»«ioii of »;'iri;i, gii1'!i:Ks«, ).«.* of luoinorv, escitHL ility »i tmni't'i. si'or- inatorriuea, or losa of tho i»finm.ii lluidâ€"th.) insult of 8oU-auiH9 or marital i>xct!»u*â€"iuii>>- leucy, imiusritioii, eiu^cuiio:!. barvsniK-t^a. valintaiioii of thu heart, bvstfric feeliUKsU' ti'UiaUa, trotabliuo, m*.'lancholv, .;-.s;urbi:ii! dreams <;tc., ar»» ail j^viiiptouis of thirt terribl-. l;jilit. ofti'Utiuiea iunoceuily m-iiiuTeil. lu »hot% the tfxw.n of vital forcu baviiiif lo»t lui ttfusion, tjVHry fuucHoM wanoH la conseqn-juco. Scioiitiflc wntorsaiid tbu »up«ii!tt«n<letit9 cf insuiio a«;/liiiu:« uuit.i m ft«iTihi;i- 10 tlio elT,'^'t^ of solf-al'UH'» lb*- «r©at ni:ijority of wa^ittftl Uves'vbich 00 110 imd,.r Iif-ir nolieo. If you ar»« iucoinpt'tuiit for the ar'lu* ns Cutios of buiiiioss, iuciipacii.itol for tha i'ii.oy;iK'i!ta of life. No. (< ollurs an escape frtim the otfoets of early vic*t. II you aro atlvaiKH- i m v*iri». No. 8 will givo you full viiioruuJ btr*-ur»;th. If you aro br-'kou'ilowu, phyau- »:iv aju"! uiorally (ruiii early iudiscretiou. t! e r'sult of iKuaiance auil fuUy, si'U.l y.;ur a^'. Irvi.i ai:i1 IJ conts iu stampa for M. V. Li bon » xivitii**.* i;i lio'Dlt Korni ou Tidoa^ttS oi >5jt!. Sen'M-i 'I'nl ivouro from ob^i-rviil,inii. \ Mro.'Mll coinmunioaWon9 to M, V. Lt.'U4t>. ^7 IVrlllUKUtu M. E., Torwnio. A INan MJtIigut wisdom h«cj in a fool's pa.-adiiie. CL'KSS GJARANTEED. HEAL TfHE SICK. A Permanent Cure. ^ A Pleasant Cure. HE ATM FOR ALL. Thi'v iiivi;;orateftii 1 i"«Htoio to lu'Hlth Debitit.tto'l Constitutions, and nve iuvAlmiMo in till foni plAiuts iiicitiuntal to KemalcA u{ all o^ma. Kor (.'hiKhoii aii-1 tUu iv^vCi they aiu l^rU•eI^:H^. T II F I N 'J' xAI E J< 1^ « au iiifuViiblo rf^mo(U- for Ua.l l.o*:''*. 1' vl llrt»R,sts, t>M WoiiikU. Sovcf* (i:ul I'lceifl. It is fftuiouafor Goiil ;kiivl Khoujjiatirtm. Kor iliBonicr* of the t'heil it has no oiiua For SORE THliCUJ, BKCkA' CHJTIS, COUGHS, COLDS GlanJiilar SwBiUngs, and all Skin ni^dsos it hrn no rival; auj for contractu^ and atilT oints it actH like a charm. U&nafact\u-od ouly at Vrofossor Hoi.lowats IjAtaJ^lialiiiieiit. 78, Xt>w Oxford .Strri't ( lulo 533. Oxford Street ), London, %ni\ are sold at Is. l^d., 3s. ttd.. is. M.. lis.. 3i>s . ami Ua. oim\\ IIui or I'ot. aud may b. ha(1 of all Mnl oil]. Veudora throiji;bout tho World. JKT* PMTthaurt thovld lo«k U Uie Lithel on tit* I'uU and huret. If (h<: islirut m h<)< ^Jf.J, Oxfvd Strftt, L«ndi>n, l/i#y ar^ ififie^. COUNTY AND DISTRICT. .1 Half rioar Ainoif^ Our Tlie rate "l tiixarion in ()ranL;evilIe is •1-Z milLs nil th..- dulUirâ€" Biamin..ii 23. Tiiu Duiui.ilk Her;i..i |,'ivt;.i us readers fair wiiriiin,' that in three weeks it will take a hiiluiay and piiblicatiun. A neiv [ is about siartiiii; in Bi.koii. U' he called. «â- Â« believe, the Bohiili .\dverti.ser. Mrs. Hu:^li W^itt. â- .viic â- ji the ,'e:icle- iiian \v!i'. f. .unii.;d unii ci>i.i'iioteil f.jr s.jiiie years tiie .M,-a:ord .M.iintur, died at that tcjwii last Week â-  :" tv].h"ul fever. The case is a .sad ^i.e. Mrs. \\':vn wa.s vi.sitiny uld aei)iiaiiit.ui 'es in M.jal..i- ], when she tras taken ii:. Tlie Mirri.r.iavo : â€" It is {*•! years .ir rin ire .suioe siie !a;t ' sav lier husi.and, he beiii:,' nieiucal sui^er- iiiterident of an !i.'s;.ita! a" H.irkerv^Ue. Cariboo District, B. <.'.. .lu i Mrs. \V;itt i haviHL; left tliere to stay in T'Toiiio witli Iter tnr.) soi.3 wlr.lo they are attending j '-••iHeire. M-. Wiitt w..i;;d have been un- I aide 10 reach Meafuad m tune to see liis ' Wife before de.irli ensued, eveti liad he SMrtcd nilell he tirst leccived Woriof her liliies.s, t!ie journey r. .[iiiri!!.! Si^ine 111 T 12 days. Tile -:inie cijse i.reveiit- ud li'.s alten.'..iuce at tiie Iiliici:i!. Ti:..- two ,s,,ns were |iri-.sent at tile mother s l>.-dside w'leii A.-- 'n funeral took |.iace T t!ie reiiianiis ijeiii-.' n.i.-ir ford cenieiry About two o\;\.ck on Ti.csii.-iy after- iioi.ii MinuLs' sawmdl. in Holi;ind, atx)at four miles from this place, was the scene of a shocking accideni, Chas. G-trbutt, a younu man 21 years of age that day, son of Mr. Wni. (iarbutt, was engaged in cleaniii:,' away the rubbish from under the shingle saw. when it caui^ht his left arm just above the wrist, cuttui;; and uian^lini^' it humbly. Tho saw wag nut runuinu under full power and either in the saw tearin,' throuijh the tlesh or the youii.: mail s etfurts to ijet away he was thrown over and the saw caught his riifhl iiide cu ttiiig a h. rrible wuuud from he i-roin to the rioht breast, but fortunately not cuttui'.{ tliioULh the buweU. The arm w.ia humbly toin and lacerated, tlie niiiscles and arteries were cut thnuoh and spliiiter> knockeil otf the bone with the p. •lilts of the taoth ami the tlcsh torn trout the b.'iie up to near the elb.iw. Dr. McCuUoU'.'h was sent for and drensed tlie woiitid on tlie body, by which time l.>r. OUlhain was also sent for. and assisted ;ii dressitis.' the lacerated arm. Ho|.,.s -jre entertained that it can be .'saved. â€" ^Chat<-- wortli News. The 12th annual iMiiventiou â- >} til.' pr vmcial W. ('. 1" t". meets m Sarin i fr-Hii tile I2th to the Ut'i of October. It [>roinises • â-  '-.e a incetni; â- <( uhhiim. in- terest. K'icli coil ity wil'. be r'.i'i-'jseiile i by a shield s!i iwm:.' liie nniniu'r of uni- ons ill llie Coini'v. and nu:n''er of me., bers. WHEN VISITING herton DONT FAIL TO .uv.iy, T'ie d.iy liieriiooii. i in tlie Mea- EXi^MINE THE STOCK OF MOORE, of the FLESMERTON FURNITURE WAREROOMS, both m the exhibition building and at our 5tore, ITos. 1 and 2 Durrani Street. See Hri(ufi;iil Flu^h Fartor Suites in Walnut Fratnes- BedrooTH Seft.i. In a tniniber of Style.'i. from ill to ioU per set in Eb)i, Mahogany and Walnut Woods. The justly celebrated NEW RAYMOND SEWING MA- CHINEâ€" The best in the world. And the well known, tried and tested KARN ORGAN, Will boili be sliowi. AUkiiuisof repairs find NiiHile.s xepi m scocii. I wi'l nay. a.s well as interest vou, to walk through oiu- Sbow Rooms aijJ st â- . tri , ; ami ^ot prices. Dou t forget the place. f%E^Ht;ftTO> •Fl'l^yi'rU^E AV.A1^E1\00\1S """"" ' I_)vii-ham Street, Kleisherton. k 1! ? Uii3rftl*iHi«< 13 eomi>leic. A j^ood stock of poi ished and cloilicovered Coffins und Casket.s on l.aiid. A tirst-cla.-- ll'.ar<>e in coniieciioi; li ^•^•^ f No Universal Remedy li.w >.â- : been .;:s. vir-.i . but. .i.- .it l-u-^' foiii-lilths of himi.iii diseii.Hes have ll»-ir s.uirce in Impure Uluod, a !;•• whicli restores tTiat riuid from a .ie- pravi'd to a Inuilthy couditiun i oines us near beiiit: a universal cure as .i:iy can !>•â-  produced- Ayer's SursaparlUii alT'-cis tlie blood in each .siaj.' of n» formation, and is, therefore, adaptid lo a greater variety o( couiplain's lluiu any otluT kiioun ii:'-diciiu>. Photos, Photos \Yc art 7icie tiiriii ,>y <>i/ !»-o/-,t r'lr $uperior in s(yi'- mi'l jitufh I'* (iiiy dir â-  â- liicnl in Fh>lirrli'n. Boils and Carbuncles, COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE wliichdefy oriliiiary treatineii*. y.i-1.! to Ayer's Sarsaparu'.a after a coiupuruine- ly brief trial. Mr. (.'. K. Murray, of Charlottesville, Va., writes that tor years he was af- llicicd with boils which causeil liini much siilTeriiij;. These \vere succeeiled by carbuncles, of which lie had several at one time, lie tlieii be^an the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and after lakiiia three bottles, the carbuncles disaj). I'eared, and for six years he haa not had even a pimple. That insidious dise,a.>ie. Scrofula, Is the friiiilnl cause of innnrnerablc com- plaints. Consumption tieinj; only one o( many oiiua'.ly fatal. Eruptions, ulcci-s, sore eyes, glandular swellinjis. weiik anil wasted muscles, a cupricious appe- tite, and the like, are pretty sure indi- cations of a .scrofulous taint in the system. Many otherwise beautiful faces aro distimired by pimples, eruptions, and uiisiglitly blotches, which arise from impure blood, showing the need of 'Ayer's Sarsaparilla to remedy the evil. .â- \.ll siilTerera from blo(«l disorders should Kive Ayer's Sarsaparilla a fair trial, â€" avoiding all powders, ointnienls, and \va.she.s. and eswciallv cheap and coniiHHimis, which not only fail to effect a cure, but more frequently aggravate and conlirm the diseases they are frandulently advertised to remedy. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PKBr.VKKD BY Or. J. C. Ay«r k Co., Lowell, Mats. SfM by «U Druggialf . Prtc. $1 ; >U betiics, *6. RA TES. FICTUEE FRAMING .l„ir III .til ;,N /o-.niv'lc*. .1 â- vuhI ttvr^ vi FRAMF.S â- :„.! MO I' I . J) I S( ; S \ â-  ,â-  t ::,:nsl.iHlhi nnh :<i'l. Will ii ho inl'oilucc 'lie >!â- ,•â-  HROMIL^E i'OlxTRMT. â- â-  pcctiiri: th'it if <:iriii,j entire fii/U/'<tctum u-dcc. icr i'litrfha-fl. SAMFLKH <â- '" be urtm lit vti/ i'r-dliry where nil pitrticulnrt i.i '» I'ri.-i . ^Ii/li &'., cun he •ixi,:r- FLF.SHEBTON H EA RD'S arnage orks, FLE SHEETON M.IMF.UTI KKRS OF Ikt^gjrs, S/n-ino' Wa;^ons, Lnnther Wii'Jons and Iroi: narroirs. PaintmiJ, Trimming and' Rpnairing prompflij attended to. Jiursc-Shoeing a Specialty.

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