Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 20 Sep 1888, p. 4

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THE FLESMERTON ADVANCE. THE ADVANCE. la pnlillBhoil 111 very '^X^liiii'sclay, Kbom Tiiii OvriiK, iS; /. ,»/..(,« Street, â-  - Fleihertvit, Out- TEKUfl OV BUHSCUieTlON : 51 i><-r liunmn when \>ni<\ t^trictly in advanc 41 x> I'cr &I1UUU1 when not m) pai'J. W. H. THURSTON, Etiitar and /'rt»//ii«io)'. Conaiderable editorial and other matter crowded out tliis issuu. Fall Fairs. Kant Orey .SV;>^ 'J4-'-i/i Proton Oct. 11-12 South CJrey Sept. 25-20 (ilenolK Sept. 27-28 Artcinpsia Oct. 2 North Oroy Sept. 25-20 Spring beds from 1. 5(1. Woven wire Bpriiig iiiattrussos at 82.60. PIverythiiig else at correspoiKlinn lnw prices at Flo.sli- ertoii Furnituio Warerooins. FLBSHEKTON : THURSDAY. hEl'T. 20, 1888. We have hesitated in y;iviiic; publicity to the communication iif Mr. Spirit. It (le8ccnd» bm low in tlm Kcalf <if iiorson- nlity, and we will m.l any more of the same i|imluy ; but :us the writer was justly entitUil In one reply to the attiicli un him fi last week, we have felt ill duty hiiwiid to publish it, at the same time reserving to nursrlvos the rii;ht to omit a few seiiteiicis of too spjumtic or virulent a nature. We ilo not desire this style of newspaper controversy. It doc.x not redound to the ciimIu of either party (hi TliU'-gday last, llioie died of ulliw ffvcr, in New York, u tiiaii who will long be rt'iiieinbt rod to the .^cRiilitic world as (jiio of llie bright- i.-t lii^litM tliat lia.s ever Blioni; in tlic lirii. anient of sci(!tic(\ in the person of ,,,,,,,, ,, ,' nuiry an to ttlieii the baselinll and hirrosKo l.icliard A. rroclur. lie wa.y one of i ' •", , , , ^ , . , , , I uiatchea are to Ixi played, for 1 he bilver til yroat » ofourday.aiida 1 i i i ,. ,i. i> „.»,>. f w-.^t " â- ' I cujis awarilcd bv ttii l>ireetor«ot r/ist brilliant aud proiif:c writer on aliuoBl ; ,.^^.^. ^^^ficultural Somty, a.s a prize to any bcicutifiu Biibjeet. Atiioiif^ lii'* | ij Every |HT»on we ineec is niakiim ei Ijo ooiniiutud for ilunn^; â-  lunrter of » hiliidred books may be I (iames to comnieiiet! on the exhibition. Moiiilay, first iiiiiiiioued, "MysltrieH of Time and iSpace," "Our Place Among the In- fiiiiia's." "Myths and Marvels of As- tiiiMomy," "Flowers of the Sky," (ac. l'iofe»»or Proctor was an K?i),'iislnnaii, liui'ii at Chelsea ni 1887, but owned an obsorvalory in Florida, where he contracted yellow fuver, winch attacked I, nil at N«w Yoik while on liis way to Miiglaud. by Ins sudden death, in the /eiiilL of Lis sHCCfiH.Jtlie world liaa bUHtaiued a great Iuhs. day of Show, at ID d clock a.m. sharp. The ipibstioii is ask^.d why coiiimeiico so early in the ilay ? The answer is, so iiiaiiy clubs will couipclo that they must coiniiieiice early ti> 'Jut through pl.iyiiin iMjfore darkiiens comes on. Kveryboily is c<>iiiiii;( to SCO this j^rcat mate h. It is all the talk lor miles aiuuiid. It will be a fine contest, ii" doubt. DroBH TriininiiigH. Special novel- ties ill these lijiis at M. j^icliardsou's An KntvritriHitui .\)'ifflibor. It will bi; reineinbi'ri'cl that some time The great eKliihitioii which lias »!Jo Mr. Mdiowan of I'licuvillo purchas now l>c«n in pro'^' for over a week | ill Toronto, lia.-ibeen a marvel of aiic- ceH8. Boiue $C2'1 have been raked in, over and aUive the amount taken dnr- in;; tbu siiuij [loriod last year I alto- K<Hber |27,UH1.48i. and on Monday .liity tbouitand visitorH untured the turiwtile^. Tiiis in all iiiue and pro- per, but w« would be niucli better phased if about forty out of that sixty liiouiiand would enter riii'- tinnstile mid 1)»7 iif) for the p;iper. We plac^e 1' at a low oBtiiuati!, us we doiil wi.-ili iiiiyoiKi to iut'V that we are inflicted Willi liog^isliiieHS. The Streclsville ileview comuH t) hand this weiJ< in larked and chaii<.;ed to the popular ei^'ht (Xige stybs It in iiuiuuusely iiii|ii<)veil in ap])earaiice,al- tlioui;li wo cuiiiiot Kuy we are in lovo with its new motto : "Strike ! while tlie iron is hot ! " We think it would b'' more snilable for tlie blacksiiiilli with whom it ori;^Miiati d, and we would have likeil to see the Ileview bearing; the ^'ood old motto which bro tlii-r I'aweeii j,'iivi! to llio Advance ! ••Truth before favor;" "I'linciple.s, not li.eii," or â- â€¢Hew to tli<> line," etc. The new iijotid is iiioii iippropriiite to a labor impel , or un Anaroliist piihlica- lion. Howevi'i, wi! uie 'dad to see ed the Kd.'e Mill estate in Durham, and has now m lull blast one of the best IbMir- ill'.; nulls ui the I'mvincc All our old •ettlers know it is a lirsl ol««« water |>ow ur ; but Mr. .Mc< jowan has taken advant- age of Its natural posilioii, itiviiig a jMiWer une>|ualud in this I'nvincu, while ita facilities for cust'.iii or iiiercantile work m uiisurpasHiid. The niRchinury has Is^eii constructed uiid.T the able suiieniileii dunce of K. I', (.'ave, which is ii Huaian tee of eXc. IliMi'-e in Itsilf ; whilt! the Btructmi- and (Mri^'iitcr arr!iii.,'eincnts { liavu been under t lio judicious and skil- lful workmanship of Mr. J. McLeod, who stands lirst in the ilass of skilful architects. 'I'lie mill dam hius been n - built under the siiiiie niaimoeioent, ami stands unrivallr.t on the indile SaULfeeii I'tfUt'llllltil'll. A few friends visited the home of Mr. .Iiisepli Hlai.Uiurii on Wednesday even iiitf, ami preseiil. il him with a iiicly bound <'oiiiiiiciita;y on the iSible, coii- tiviniii'-; four volumes, and Mrs. HIack- hum with a piee«; of silver. A verv pleasant tiiiM' wan K)ieiil. The u'lft was accoinpaiiivil bv the followln:^ iiiblrcws : Til .^fi. ./".â- "/'/. IU<ii-l.l'liii'.Sui>- ri„lni.l,;,t III' < 'lull ni"i''.i I'nahiilrtMH I'liiiirh 1)K.*K SlH, .\li •.â- uiiiii'iit poia lia.s sa.d thiit bmnnai;'- lias be. ii â- jivcii m Wc may be tin- I'clt.i enabled to conceal our feidimjs. Kvi n li this wei'u so, wi' wnuM not si'i-k I' caiplov kiiy laliKilaui' but that «imM K'^" "Xpii -ision lo the It IS our hearts' desire and prayer to God that yon and your amiable bride may be lonj; spared to each other, that He who is the .source of all yoipcl may shower down upon youhis richest blcssiiijjs, both spiritual and teinpond. A Bud Spirit. Kditor Advance.- The intellectual size of a man may ne measured with tol- erable bv the tone and charac- ter of hi.s uttcraiicos. In last issue of the .\dvaiice Dr. Christoo illustrates the low- iiess of his character and breeding by usniL^ the above hcadiii'4 as a low buries- (|iie upon my family name. I will be chaiiiable enough to suggest that prob- ably it w:is the vile poisons, under llie name oi' whiskey, winch ho has beeo il- licitly letailir,,' t-. the iiublic, and which may have been up|ierniost in Ins miud when "A Had Spirit" sui;;.{ested itself to liis iiiiteitilu ima^'iiiution. Till' .second paragraph of the elbisioii IS co«:a\ilv clap-trap, and were it ni't thai il w..uhi implicate a thud person, I woi;M . Aj.ise his subti-rfu'.'e â€" tiie usual ruiful ol c'lwnnlly criminals. The whole pari'/raph is .in absolute lie. The third puraL'iapb: He does imt â- '»ell iiiili.scriniiiialcly.' There arc per- S'iiiB in this vicinity who will sustain mo in liie as .iTtioti that more svhiskey bot- tles me Idled in one of our dru^; stores for '•family use" than arc lillcj at .Mr. .Muto »ha» s Hotel, and Mith a dc^'ree of "imbscriiiiiliatc ' u cki,'.saiies.i as to le- suhs, which ucilliei .Mr. .Munsliaw nor hi.i eni',doyius Would sanction. Imleed. those who are disappoiiiti-d at Mr. Mini- shiiv's Hotel in boitle lilliiiy or etherwiso lipid a i.ady supply elsewhere in our model christian town. The Dr. allows hiin.>clf ample scope in his ••reasonable evi.ijiicc " when snpplyiiio thirsty souls with t!ic "water of life." I woijd bVe to su,'.;cst a few of the ipiestioiis he would propound t<i an applicant at his bar, but but in view of poiidiiii; iiivesti^;ation8 I refrain; yet it would be amusing to know the iialuio of the iiieilicine dose, and the ilisi-iih.' it was supposed to counteract in this lusty patient he snppo.sed "the old man" was i(ettini,' the whiskey for The biceiic haw is much too indeliiiite and va'.'ue to be placed in the hands of uiipriiici|ded practiti iiiers, as Dr. Chris- toe has proven hnnseli to be. There was ii'i niiclical "privileee or "•cortiticate" reijuired in this instance in obtaining the li.pior. It W.1H ooiteii as an every day orciireiice, and with the connivance of one who oceasionly expounils Hcdy Writ fruii the altar of the Tabernacle in this town, and a vuheuient advocate of I'rohibitiou tyranny bir the country at larije. The last papa<,'nipli of his whining ilrawl contains the expression ••veii'.jeiice ' as eomini{ from me, which is a libellous iiiitiiith. 1 have loiij; been aware of the iniiiioral double dealing of this creature on the whiskey business, and did say to a friend "that 1 would be even with him. and no aciiuaiiitaiicu of iiiinu will deem ine so absurd aa to dischargi^ a whole |>ack of artillery to annihilate .k wizened phaiituiu in mortal shape. lleapect fully yours, .STSirilEN iji'IKlT. Fh:sherton, Sept. 16, 188H. liiistioi;«>. Interestint; news scarce. Miss (iraham, of Kvorott, is visiiiny her brother here, Mr. W. Graham. Uarvcstin;,' is a thin;; of the past fur another year here but the recent frosts have done considerable ilaiiia;;e to some of the late oats. liush tires have been ra'.;iii^ around here for some time Ijack, but they have dune no serious damaL'e so far. A few of "ur eiiterpi isin.; people are ilown atti'iidiiiL; the '•(< fair" which is l)eiii;{ held in Toronto. Practice is '..'oin',' on lively here by the S. of T. « ho intend Inddini; an eiitertain- nionl hero .shortly, but we have not learn- ed the date yet, whicli we will ciironiclo in our next episile. It has been decided to build a lar^e shed in connection with the Metlioilist Church, to'^ether wi'Ji a lectuie room, which we tliink will be a '.'reat beiielit to tins | when dioploted, as there are some niaouiiicent orators luiro who wo Would like to 800 e.xpress thcnisolves pubhrly. Well Mr. Kditor, we will hive to brill'.,' this •'Bud'4ct" to a close as our pencil is ^eetiiv^ very short. Visitors to tlie fair ifONDAY nii'l TUESDAY no\t aio invited to (•â- .11 and iii.spect our iniiiriiificeiit full stoi-k, iiiid preiui.scs, wlien an attiieitiv,). dis- iday of new Koods will be fruvul.. M. Iliclmrdson A Co. GEO. MITCHELL, BAWKER, IHiAVOnTS WUiillT ASD SDLh. iifjfi'.iill Attiliiiuii Jiili'l to tlir colllvVltliut .Yo^^» lUnl AiM'Mllts, '.'rid iliHir S'J/Ul if Hirlumlium d; Cii-'.t. I>i4Hl. Kkstek â€" III Flejierteii, on Sunday niornins, KUIi.ilist., Nel*oa, son utJautes Kester. ai^ed 2t"> years. It is now s(ipi>i>sed that Capt. Van^ele wft)^ the "white pasha" whose presence was reported in the ISidir-el-Gazel Prikvince. .\ lar^e nuiiibi'r of workmen were parti- ally asphyxiated in tlm Hoosac ttuniel on Saturi'ray hy coal uas from n, locomotive, and many of them luiriim escaixMi. DR. CARTER, Mc.r. is..,,'-.NT. PIIYSICIAV, MlrtlEOX, &<•. KLESHfiRTON. OJTico. Strains I)I<M-k. Ue-^i.Vnce. Wni.W rii;l t^ --[ Partnership. 1 = £. Â¥. ill.\0\. J. <;. HI TTO.\. Physician", Siiri;co/ts^ &c., (S-c, I'RCCEVILLiE. Jlfntictvii. DENTISTJJY Thomct" Hende^s^n. L,D. S m'UUKO.V llKVItsT 'â- 'titi Mcihllilt ('ml llinivi (, , ii'ltuit, ,./' :>: I .C.D.S.. Will vi,iir Fl.P.SHKltTO.S. iM. ^•â-ºI'i.w s Hrr,.| 1 ami 'J. if uiicil iii.jiilii Tc'tii â- â- xtm, r,.,|. iri„.|i vd illl.l rtllcll ilj tli.j loj;h.-sl M\l, - .,f Ui.' SI t. Ul! I Kt mo'lt-rato riiti-.. HK*!) UFIICK.71'1 V MK St . 1' KOVT. s ^fflal. .\f>vieK TO Mo'rill.KS --V^ X9U riiaturbe.i til iiiulit mill l.rukeu of your lout l*v ii nick ebil.l r^iilTeriuij ftUii cryiiiil wilh I'shi oft uttiliuTeotli ? If H'l ..elnl St (<iu:.>.atul Ket a n.>ttle of "Mrs. Wlie kUiw'm S,Mithin,i: S>rup fur (Uiinir«ii 'routliini;. Its vulnc \A liieiilculal>]e. It will relieve tint poor litllo sulTerer hiilmullafelv. Depend upen h. inolliiH K ; thoru !» iiu tiitstuko uliolit it. It ttires IivsenttM'y and Dlarrliu-a. reculstvH tlie Stomiicli and, ItowtOs, cu,ius Wind Cuilc, Hufti*us tlif. (iiiiiiH, riMlucim [Mtlninmatinn, and uives tone aiul tiiinri^y tu tin* wh(»l« •yst«io. "Mrs. Wlm»- lowH SiiothiiiK Svriip " lor i^iiUlreu teithlnx is I'leasnlit tiitliB tante HU'I IS tUe |iru»eri|ition of cmiy of tlic oMei^t and iKist feliinlo fhvsiciaiiB ait'l nurses in ttiu I'nited Stnt.>«, anil in fnr sail) hy all druK'^islH ttiroiii;liout tli« woilil. I'rlee tw<-nty ftvii cents a tiovtiii. Iiu hu.i-<* and aftk for "Mi.s WiNsi.ow's KouriiiNt^ Syuli',' and tak* no o .101' kind. e-nrl o'lt feeliiiy.^ oi rcspiul and esteem file Ueview so liiiicll inipro\ed in ap I whii-li \\e cnierluiii towards yoii. Our learanc. , mid hope the neoiilo of ' l"'^'"'-"â„¢ ''"â- '•.""""'"'""-'"' '"''""" 1"" :. MO • 1 l"">e of niviiej.exp hireetHViUe Will appreciate a good ,^,,,1 j„ ,i,,|„. „, it ^vouhlli thiliji wlieii they havi 4;rey EAIiiliilioii. ' clllerlulll hi le tins eveiiini! Is 'or the pose of niviiej)e\pri'Msion to these feolines; nu so it woiihl he iptitu siipir I Ihioiis on otir part, at tlm same time rr I pilKiiaiit to you, « ere we tu dw. 11 upon I your iiiiiny i-'oiid ijiialitics. We are per- lf-(ttly well aware tlmt far beyond the . ! Iiinili' of our Sabbath .Schnol the iiame of Oiireihibition will bo held .m M.-n- ^ , )„„,,, |,in,u,.,,„ ,., ^y„„„,.,„„i,^ ,â- .„. ,|,„, day snd Tuesday iieM, Se-pt. 2i and 25. 1 winch is just, upiiolit and j/ood. (hi Th»t it is i-oini} to be u biu huccosh jh | where yoii nil), speak lo wlmm y.>ii may, d.^uioiiitrated iM.yon.l a .ionbt, as entries 1 1'"' ':^''''';'' .''', ""= .""â- "",'• •^*, '"•'''''''•« , . , . . associate. I with yen in tlie work of the mrecomue,' in thn:k and buit, ami tUe extra s.diUtli .School, we may ho permitted to attractions to please the people aiu of a , »uy that uu are will ideased to have V"U very iiitureatiiig order, lielow wo give I as our superintendant. Ymir alTable tk« proKraiii for the two <Uyi : I ",""V''- ''"' ^"'\ .*'"'^'' >'"," '''"I'hi.V. "»-l thedo«-p piety wlacli pervades your litter KlllsT HAY. ' Slices at once eiimniand attention uiid le i spect. Sahhath School teachers often I inut with nnicli to diHcoui'a'.{e them, but 1 we are ever reniimUil by you that it is crosso teams. I.iun.isse coiiiiietition open the work of the Miuiter in which we are to the county : bsseball open to clubs in eiit;a)(ed,and that He will help us in time ill the east ridiii|i; of (;rey only. Play to ol need. comoi-iue at 10 och^k a.m. Articles in ' . ^' further eviduiico of the kindly feeb ,„,,,,,, . , . inas inat exist liutwocn lu, we ask you to tlu, hall will be judged and ol«n for vis- ^m-pt of these v.diimo«, imt for the in- it4>rsat 4 o'cJot-L p.m. A good day's trinsic value altaehablu tlmreto, but for â- port. Coiiii! ««Hy and see our popular the spirit in winch tlu'y ars uiven. As IM'.ioiial KBUie. 1 >"" I'lT"-*'' timse [siiiiis in years to conio ' the eircunist,iiico of this *votiiiit('s pro- jiKCOiVn DAY. i cHudiiiog will psM liefofo your mental JiidKint; of cattle, horses, slieop, twine, ' "'"*' reoa'liiiir to your mind pleasant re l-.ultryand »1J insMufactures. Uaiipii* '" Owiri^YoVo''' r"â„¢"* â„¢n'l«w,we have omiKjtilioii, bicycU Slid f<H>t races. Hall deemed this a doubly attiijK uooauion to >uiM>n for risstofd from iO o'clock s.ui, jirittnjit this tiinUiumiy, DiracUirs' Prizes, two silver cups, to ht •srsrdeil lo the liesl hasuljull and la- !Ha\Wfll. I'liiin oio' oH'ii V(irri'!<tiii)iiiriit. The beautiful weather of the last two o» thiee weeks ciiabhd liiosl of lb.' Kaiiners t' TO THE DKAK.â€" .\ PersoQ cured of Dasfness and noises in thuheiid ol 'Jit yean' sta'tdinK Ity a siinpln ronieilT. will send a desurlptiou of il riiEi: tuvuv I'ersot. itlin applli^s to Nl.:ie<i. ,i,N, ;lu ^il. Julin Sc, Uuntruul. iNBWADVKPJI^KMENTS. PAEMforSALE Hdin^ pftit of liOt N(v 10 Cmi, .'», Knphradift, con^diiiinu Urtv iifiu.**. Tlu* abovt' iiropi'itv In riitiiiitit'l iil»>ut uiiu itiul-atiiiU intUiM from ttin villn(,'«* of Kiuilit'iioy. nil urulDmiltlvatiuii ami maffiiinci'iit taiut. Ai>i>ly to A. ALDOUS, KimbHiloy r. O. STRAyED or STOLEN. Ijost friiiu tho \>ioi!i!fluH of John Slipi wood, Lot J. W. FliOST. L.L.B.. tturrksU-i; Solicitor, i'ourri/itticar^ Olflee,â€" strains lIuilrlinK. Fle^beutos- A. A. CHKSIjKV. Solicitor and fuiiTeyanoi'.' Ui'sidunt ManuKer. MR. ynoST will bo foiiiia at tliu Oajctoa 1 hursUsYS as lierutofura. P McCULLOUGH. Darrisler, Sulicittn. ,')-v. Otli«-«'. over MrFarlaiiil'is Storr.^ Marliilaio. .Honey to l.uau. John W. Aprastrong, l''l.>.SIItKlo.\, C.I. tilllf. . D•^'n"i^' ,V'"'"'r ll.KUK, n.ll.MlsslONKlt . ', " , "'/.oi'V'yiO'ci'r.ii:. .VKiiitioi imrchas- ^,1^".' h'«"'.;"^'- .â- ^'''"»i"''' '•"'â-  i.c.cum and K i H. tc s .-..Hiuty. Mi,,,..^ t-, I.„an on rl,# LICENSF.S. NOT.tltY J'lllLIC MONEY TO LOAN. AT LOWEST 41 HKE^T KATES^ On Town or Farm I'roiKirty, S. DAMLDK, FloslmrtoD. â- '.lliplete harvrstinK in a 177, Lack line east. .Vrt.inuMn al,o„t Sept n :l ' '^ uiilcli co^^s, oiiti li^'ltt red and two dark red, tlio satisfaclorv inaiiiier, and allhoUKli the (pi.uitity may not be up to the averat;o, the i|Uality is said to be excellent. The new store opened out by Mr. .1. I'arr is luakini; times lively in the inur- cantiie business. With reu'iet we have (» record the death of Donald (.'ameton, olio of the 1 . pioneer settlers of this neii^hborhood. .\ii attack of Iidlainiiialioji which soumed III baflle medical skill and kind care, caus- ed his death. He died on Wednoulay last and his remains were laiil at rest in the Mdntyre t'enietery on Friday, leav- iiii{ a lart;e family and many aui(uaintmi- ces to mourn his departure. Mr. .\. Henry, while working abunthi^ barn was badly injured by an uvo trout;h falling and striking him on t^e head. It was thought at first that his injuries were fatal, but he is now in a fair w^y of recov- ery. Cjuito a largo number have gone from hero to »i8it Toronto's groat exhibiiion. Mr. W. Ijoiig, and Mr. 1). K. Pj-estou, are away, visiting friends near Kingston. Mr. }I. Fields is haviiif; his vr^ll drill- ed and is now over (10 foot deep, while a well di4i{ on the suhoid grm|nd,;on1y a te» yards ^islaijt, and a littjp ivef 20 feet deep, has teu feet of water i|) jt. T|)e school tri^steas will shortly )iayo to gjy^^ kii upcouiit of this ten feet of Vfter, larkest haviiii; luft liorn oil witli star in fae and weiirn a Liell. 'I'lie lii^ht rod oow tias liitel teiLt Idiliil. Inrornialioli as t<t whereabouts tliuukfully ruceivutl. JOHN SHEHWOOD. Piano For Sale. A beautiful 7 octavo upriKlit nouiinion I'iann tieaily Lew, al a barKaiii. Apply at Advance umce. U I J i I I I I I I I I t) THE MAUIvETS, FLKSHKRTON, Vari'/ulhj Corrected liach H'eek. Flour ?4 80 to 5 IX) Full Wheat $0 78to0 8o Bprin-,' Wheat 78 U 8o Barley 50 ,55 Oats 30 30 Peas 50 56 Butttr !5 15 Kgg8,freah 16 16 Potat^esbush 40 50 Pork,., 6 .50 G 50 Hay pei; ton 7 00 8 00 Hiiies 4 50 6-50 Wool.... 10 23 8heeps}{irH 50 1 00 Geese ft 00 Q 06 Turkeys 10 10 Chickens per pair 25 80 Ducks per gair «.^.... 60 W. J. BELLAMY. Twr. q.yi:nK AaTniiKfo.i. COM'/': rANCSH. ( -OMM issioseM issuiiASCt: A<n\ dc TJEEOS.MOKTdAOKS.LF.AHKS. Ac. ,,rep« *' od and rrcpurly exceiite.l. hiMinince sffes- ed in nrst class uompauies. llonuv to ItiiUat lowust rates. R.. Js Sproule,- p03TMASTf.m,Flesherton.('„imDls8iou- "*â-  er in V>. R,, biconseil Aiietiinieer, Con voyanoer, Ap[iraiser ami Muu.i* bender. Heal Kstato aud Insurance .V,;enL Iieeds, Mortiiagea, Leases ami Wills dia.(n up and Vsbiations luadoon ahertvsl noiwe. Aao tion Sales attended to J:, imy pary of the founty, llouBy tu l.,aii at lowest rates of iutertst. Colleotnms aitenileil to witli promptness and 'lospatcii. t'liarges low. Agent fur the DominioLi .StiaaishipCouipauy. Cheap tickels Erom Flcsbf.tou to Liverpool, <diui(jew, Loiiilen or anv of the Uritish I'orts. Parlies intendiny tj vUil I'uigland, Scotland or l.-eloml, will pU-^mn ask rates be- fore purchasing .^etf tickets elsewhere. James Sulliva^,^ ' TheTiDsmith, - Flesbertou KsnairlUK, Ka.oitoe;.jiiini,,,i, 1,1 m facteverT- tUing in the bilseiei, « i, .eomv* m» promiu, and caie.'.il .•i..oaii"ou at reasAoable p ^os. PiSWilillltOllS. ^OR ^ ALE." Two very (Tcslrably located lots iu the t« Isgu of Heshorton. An excellent chsnos to Bocnrea«oo<l site for a inivatu rusideuoe Apply at uuce to UK0.KK1;ff,U, Fleshertoo. Or to J aSO. KMIiFER, Forest, Out f (> 6Q, THIS PAPEE p»,i::?jr??j?iiSii:-> AdTertMnsIlonwKIOBpnioeSt.CwlMira _ mi

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