THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE I' THE ADVANCE. Id publlslit'd KnoK Tim OiFu I'., j fS;/i.ii/iam iS(r«et, - - FUetif.rtm^, Out. I TEUM8 OP SUBSriill'TlON : I ?l por annum wh.-il paiti strictly iu advajioo 1 ^ i^uf aucum wUuii uut so i^ail. I W. H. THUKSTON, Editor iind Profjrietur. PLBSHERTON: THURSDAY, BEl'T. 13. 1888. I\TE\D TO RETALIATE. with entbuaiasm and exoitemcnt. Its bij,' exhibition was formally opoued on Tuesday by Hia Kxcellency, Governor htiinlcy. On Monday ho was tender- ed a royal reception by the municipal ofticers of the city, in the Horticultural Pavilion, at which 5,000 people were ! present. Toronto, if anything, is a 1 luyal city, and always recoivea in a ' ina".'nificont manner the represent- atives of our (^lu.en. Euiin Iky went into the heart of Africa to hunt slave-traderH ; Stanley Went to hunt for Etnin Bey, and now another plory-liunting American has gone to search for Stanley. And still the fivc-r-haunted marshes of Central Africa cry out, ''Come on, Macduff." For some time past the mcmbocB of the House of Representatives at Wash- ington have been wran^'ling over a nmrrow-bone of contention, viz., the Fishery Retaliation liill, wliich tinally passed the House on Siiunday last. h still has to yo before the American A Biitl Spirit. To the Editi,r of The A-h-<,Hr,: Will you kindly permit iiio tu explain a niattur (^oiiij^ tho usual rounds, and which, if oll'jwed to pas-s uiiclialloiiijed, may do more harm than doHirablu. A mail of thin Villaoo who gives his nanio lis Hjiirit, on Friday the 7tli inst., t^enate. and in all pndiability will bo k'>deavorud to vent lii8 Hi>le«n on myself )>a.ssod there also. It strikes us that I'" '*"* ""'y-' * I«'"i«»lar friend of ii must bo a huuiiliuting .-spectacle to the honorable citizens of thi^ United States, IhismixUne of blustir.bravado i mine, one who has lioon Uiidur ubli'^a ti <ns to mo moro or less fiir the [met ten lyrais, Went to tliia S[iirit'8 i^reen tjrocory to trniisact some Imsiuess, when this said and pandering to th" Irish voteâ€" for S|,irit fuij,„e,l sickness, and asked him to that is the whole secret of Ihcsiluation. j net him soni" siimulant from tho Jrui; 'i'ho Irish vote of the I'nited States is ' Htoro. He desisted, tojj hiin to yet a very important factor in the election i ""lie froo' the hotel, llo told him no, of a'preHident for tho "grand and!""*' ''" '^'"''^ ««"' nothiuK but trash, 1 â- no .11 i> . ..I i; „ or words to that effect. Ho told this idorioua ? republic. lUpublicana ^ . ... ^ Spirit to send the l>ov for it. IJis second want It, and Hemocrats require to re- ,' ^, " , i •. • • . ^i ,â- , l''*"" *"* *''•'• *>-' wouUIii t i^n'o It to tho tain it. Hence the political ma- , ,. ... ., ^ 1 l>iy. I poll this oiner.,'oiioy this innocent i.ocuvering in their representative „,j ,„^„ wa.s induced to come. Uut the licuses, the low depths of groveling Modical Hall had certain definite rules iusult ftOd calumny heaped upon (treat j regarding the sale of li()uors. Ihitain and Canada, and the pitiful spectacle of a people who try to make pditiual capital at the expense of the liner feelings and friendly advances of a neighboring people. It will, at least, have the effect of placing the hiais aad stiipi s iu unenviable con- trust with tlie union jack; it will re- move the iilm from the eyes of many Canadiaua \yho have looked with clouded vision upon the glitter and v;lamor Burrouudiiig the republic to tlic south of us and thoiiLihl it a good tiling to conneel ourselves more losely with â€" 111 fuel place our.selves miller the conind of the .American mi rcautile world. Tliiie are a fiiw such, but wo predict that the sorry siMictacle which has lately been prc- senlod, of American Senators and Anierioan CuiigresMUen tr«m]ihnt,' upon our just deserts, and outraging diplomitii!, will very largely have tho effect of di.sgustmg even these adviwates of closer intimacy with 1 verything American, in politics, at hail. the agility and dexterity he possessed. The bear did not attempt to climb up after I\Ir. McAfee, but cast s*ome ter- rible glances at him, and after a while moved off. Tho dog used the precaution of keeping a safe distance betwoi II hiiu.self and the boar. Hears liavd got so numerous that it is almost a daily occureui,u to see from one to four between the 9th and nth liiM's, There is a good hunting chib or- ganized for tho express purpose of leesening the number of bears in that part of the township, and the Jirst hunt of the season will take place in a day or two. Tiout fishing ends on Saturday, and fish stoiii ! will be at a (liscouiit for an- otlier i:\j,\it UMiitlis. Here is our last, as a kind of farewell: From Kimburley we had forwarded to us last week a qu.irter of a trout which woigUpd when caui,'Iit 21b. 10 oz.. and measured 17} inches iu ]eii:,'tli. The piece received made a break for three. of Ah n prool of the low ebb Aiiierioaii poiiiics, and tlui di (itlis iif ininmnly di ^'r.d.itioii to \*liieh .Xmeneaii poliliciaiis can ihseend, ihis fishery hiioin--:! is a glaniig liiustration. Seoiiting the eoiiscien- Ui.ns endeavors ofdreat Rritain and f'anada to effect no aniicahle settle- First, wo never use the pri»ilegcthe laws ijive us, to sell indiscriminately, even to tho aix ounce limit. We roust h1- wajs have a rensouablo evidence that it is to U> useU as a medicine pure and aimplo. So that it is ii'rmarvel that in this iiistaiico the saino safec^iiards were used. Let mu say, the old ^'entlcmaii has a (lauijliliT, who was and is out of health, aud for whom stimulants had been ordurod before. When the question was put, is this till sickness? his reply was "yes." Next (juihtion, "how is your dau'.<hter now 1" The answer was, ''not very well. " S.i that it wiis K'iven to him,:u understood by us, for his dau;<liter. IJul no siiouer had this stiiiiulaiit |)as.sed to this mail, who Kulwcribcs himself us Stephen Spirit, tli!iii he supposed lie had us iindiT his clutches. 1 am told he has tho Ixittio sealed for the day rif doom and destriiotioii. I hopu ho will keep it whore ho can always see it as n warnini; to his utieiaiiiplel iiicixniieSi. Now It so li:ip|ions that a licensed medical pmctitionur is not limi'ed to sij- ounce), nor to sixty ounces, as lout; lu ho does not wantonly ^dve it fur tho saku of trade. In this oaie 1 was present, and tho liquor was given upnii a medical privilege only. I Impe tiiia i!X|.lanation will serve two purjioses -first, by exoii- eratin;j[ us from blimio, and second by os- tablisliiiii; the character of a man who lives among us. One other tliiiii( T merely .stiite, that a man who utters sucli a sentimunl as tiliis, "That he ho]ies thai (lod nor the devil will get him until he gets venijuance," is a dangerous imui, and it is a question iient, they, for the basest of political whether I ou'jlit not, as a public man, imqioses, refuse lo .icept any peaceful terms, and iiave tho ofirontery to say, ill (fleet, "Heed not our boiistingâ€" wo wink while we talk." Tlie New York Tribune says : "That thi.s Adniiiii.sUntion will exfiiciso the powers coiifencd by the bill, if it shall heeome a law, Bcaroely anybody liolieves. The composure of <lreat Biitaiii and Caiiade has huen iindi.sturbed except by a single belli- gerent cditoiiil ill ii London news- paper, and tlin brnve nivings of a ;:.ilhint Canailiaii militiaman urrainn him for cxi)res.sioiis so amonahlo to piiiii.shnieiit. 1 will decide upon the course I slnill pursue hereafter. Yours, DU. OHUISTDE. Sept. 10, 188H. Eire liiiijH at Dundalk. Al â- â- It l..'JO .Sunday morning lire broke out ill Dundalk hi the store owned by .lolui Cijiiiio;- and ocuupiad by James E.'erti'ii as a liiiuor storn. Despite tiie eilort,^ of the peqile the lire spread and soon .1. D. Morgan's storu and dwelling, 0. II. Ji well's furniture workshop, the Ilaiibiiiy block, occupied by Jeweller Jcliiwton, liiid Jaiiiea C^uinor's store and dv.elliie:;, were in ttauies. The total loss is eslinmted at about ?8,000 ; p,-vrtly covcrr ii by iiiaurauuB. Jewell's furniture st'ic and Hanbnry's store Ik in-; built of brick, those buildings were saved, tliou^fh badly J. imaged at tbu back. The fire was iiiideubfeilly tho work of an incen- dKiry. Since the above naa put in typo we learn that one or two arrcs-ts have I>oen made in connection with the affair, but the parties were dischar^red. Tho cim- stabulary of Pundalk are about as bin " farce as their lockup, and that is saying a ijood deal. An IC.rjilfitiiition. The coinmnnioation from Dr. Christoe, in this issue, may appear somewhat ob- scure to niairy of our readers who arc un aci|uaiiiled with the circumstances. We did not care, from charitable motives, t<. iucnli''n the malti-r heretofore, but now that tho Dr. has miulo it public property we feel at liberty, and in duty bound, to exjdain t!ie disagreuftble affair fully. Some tiv > or three weeks wj^o Dr. Chris- toe felt it bis duty to briii'.^ Mr Spirit before .1. W Arinstroiii;, J. P., where he was tiiieil i.n two diireieiit iiifi>rmati'iiis, viz. , for using abusive languaije, and furious ilriviiii{. Since that time Mr. Spirit appeal's to have been layini( a deep plot to wreak a heavy vengeance upon the 111., and taking advantage of the latter's amiable dispositioo, he foimd it not ditlicult to'sociire si.tlicient evidence, as ho thinks, to convict the Dr. for sell- ing mole than the prescribed six ounces, and has accordini'ly laid inforiuatioii be foro the license inspector. Wo aro sorry that the matter has gone so far. It is only a personal affair at best, and such things should never ocour iu a village which boasts the same amiable nature that Fleriliertoii inhabitants are noted for. We Hli.nild like to see the thing droj>ped, and an amicable settlement arrived at. Such Would refloct more credit upon both parties than eternal warfare, where ii'i just object is to be attained. Uirth. lioni -At Flcbhcrtoii On Saturday, •Sept. 8, the wife of J. it. ('riMo of a daughter. The steamer lialtic, of Colliiigwood, is ashore iiii (Jiie-Tiee Island in t!ie N<.>rth Channel, Lake Huron. An Indian liiu killed six i>a: of a herd of seven butKile which he fouaj at the Red Deer Forks, in tlie N(e,-t!iuedt. Hon. Edward IJlake Ikis u'lveu i^-2JiV0 fer scholaiTiliiiis in the I' •^â- .irtmeiit of Political .Science in Toroiit.^ L'uiver.sity. Last week a large quantity of whisl. ey was seized at the Sault, wliicli had just been smuggled from the .\iiieaiean side. Six ajiplicutijiis for divorce have been entered at Ottawa f^T the coming session. Sir Fitmcia De Wilton, Itev. Mr. Ma''- kenzio and Sir Charles Wilson ludieve there is no can e for alarm regardiii'g Stanley. Maine returns would seem to show- that the Republicans have eun'tod nil the Senators and that the Dennwials have gained a few se.its in tho Hm:.4c. Two earthi|uarte sliock.s linvc occured at Vostizza on the Corinthian (iulf, doisg great dam.igo. Troops have been dcs- (wtclied with a supply of tents for tho homeless and provisions tho destitute. Sir (jeorgc Stephen is still in ScotUnd, aud it is learned has already felt much bonetit from the rest and relief from his presidential labors and cares. He short- Iv returns t^i Lombe] GEO. MITCHELL, Jjl;AC<;nT,i IltiUdllT AND ^ulA: Sp<''-iitl Attention 2\'ihi /,, th*' coU-pct'ttm or .Vfji'.'.i Hod AccuiJiitu, .,iol doijf A'o/'i/i of Uoluiidson d- Co'H. iWuVxtixl Omch Syiin;! >'ews. The harbor ia l.!',o.I *itli »tcaiub.arge8 and consorts and wkiliiej \essels with 'iraiii and coal, and ::.d:oati i:is point t;' :-. good fail trade. Karmors around bore cannot ^'rumble ah.iut the crop.s. .»'.l f;raiii crops arc cxctiUelit and prices are j;ood. Mr. Kough, the extensive bre.-vdcr of Galloway cattle, has shipped, for exhibition at Kingston 11 liuail of Galloways- 4 bulls and 7 females, lie will show at Toronto and London. To THE DI'l.VP.â€".^ I'oritnn cured ot Deafness au:l iiuisoH iu tliL} ItMU) oi *.^t ytjS'H' kituiiitiug by a ^ilI]t)It) Iflie.'dv, will Rciut a liu.crijitUiu ut ll IKCK to »tl>- l'eri,.:i who aiMilies tv Nienoi.Hox, JO St .luhu St . Montreal. i)R- CARTER, .M.O P. .t S..()\T. PilY.SICIAN, .SIRUKO.N, &<•. FLESHEirrON. Otnce. Str,;i:r< Mock. l:e»iden<;c. V.m.Writjbt I â€" ! Partnership. |~ .9. (.; E. F. III\0\ JI.DC.M , iin'Tox. l.u.e.M.. P'tysicians. Siirjrcons &c., (s-c, PRICEVILliE. DENTISTRY. Tliomas Henderson. L.D.C. SLUOKON DK.NTIST '.'â- /</ Mfdulist iind JJoiioi- ilraduate^^f Iht- Wi:: ihit FI.Kt^Hl.KTON. i.Miitm)ift-w » noNI 1 an ' •;.'? â- â- ic;. eiuiitii. Teet,li extraijtdc), li-n.-rt- «i «â- •! lillBd 111 th,iUiKluu,t «t\l«»o» Ui«»u. iiart dt Ul'il, .-ate rule- Hk.iii Oki'm v.. 7fil YoMo: St., T'Ii'^'TO. iNliWADVKllTlSKMKMS. Piano For Sale. .K boautiful 7 oftavt! upri;;ht DomlMion rtaiio iiouriy i,ow, tit a iKirKaiii Apply at Atlvauce Strayed or Stolen. From the pujuii^c* ot W. C I 'aiker. lot, C-, *Jntl\vunt. Art-'ii:fsia. two ri-'w-; in p!^â€" 'tnt* afi-ii bii<l lliu oth>\r youtt;^. I)tiii;k, liinl bliLok an 1 wliiU* (ip^'tttxl. (niuriuati^ui thaUKiuU/ tfi-uivc>l auto thoir whouuiboutn. W CV rAltKI'.lt. The Atlrajfce TiLiI* JAN. I. issj. V' <>!• ^^•> <•! !S. ^fOul. J. W. FROST. L.L.B.. Hai'rister, Sofiritoi% Vouvctjanvcr, Officii,â€" Suaiu a Ituildiiifj, Ki4k>BBKTON. A. A. CHKyLKV. Solicitor an 1 Cunveyaiic«r. iii'HiUoU* Mttiia^'or. MU. FROST will b« f.tuud at the Office ye 1 liurKdavM aM lietetofur*. P MeCULLODGH, B(trristi'i\ Solicit at, i\c. Olli« o, over KIcFai'laiidV .Store, .Varktlulc. Iloiiry to Loan. John W. Apmstrong, FLL.Mllii.lVJi, Co. (Jicm. niVlSION (dlKT CLKJIK, roXIMlssIONIU " I II 11. i:.. (Umvoyaiicer, *c, .\!;mit fo>- inn-clia'- awl F.Oo ,1 lioutii', /kppMusar (or f. !,:»â- . c.iii. Mi.ll 1 I-. .\ s. .s.„.,,:ty ,\u.iu.> t,,l.i,tt„,.nth.i uioht r.ias..iia|,|„ ti.rius. l^srh » oy .MAUKIAGI' .N0TAJ4Y i'CBl.K'. LICENSIi.s. Uliiiberloy. from <mr inrn t'orrefpoitiltnt. Ill the is.siie of The .Vdvaiico a Htaleiiient wa.s made to the elYoct that the goods stolen tVoni Mra. .Jordan re- ci^itly were rieovured. I have in (imriMl and Iind that there i.i no ehio aa to the artieloH .slohni, or tho hiirh'- 1 r* either, except that an old Bnit of ^' '•'''""' Uwecil was left bidiind, beiny tho rom- Onat Hritanj nor Ciiniida believe j nanl of a good oiitlit. that President Cloveland will exercisi I Our iieiKhbor, iMr. U. .1. McAfee, the po>vorfl whtfh it i.^ i)ronoeed to "•'*^' '^ ^'^^''' '^'^y** "^Ko. a very narrow 'e8(i.!Pe from n l;ir!];e hear As 110 was f'raat. IT Thif^ i.s very eon.soling to tliinli iipoit, \ throiigh t Im bush, a dog that acooiu at any riite, w lien consider that iiny ' pmiod him came fiuddonly npon a retaliation attnniptrd will recoil upon ! '*''fe"^ '"^'"'i ^^''"'''' ^aa hitting, or ly- tlioUmtidBtat-8 with asgreat force as '"«!"! ''T'" ?^'"t"'' "^""'"'^ ^'" ' , ... mi . , .. . ,, I Holt when di.sLinbed by tho doi?. As It can h.t .18. Tins latter .8 tbe cause I ,„„„ ^, brun. .spied the dog he went of our "composure." I for him. and the dog went for Mr. â€" â€" I McAfee, and Mr. McAfee went for a Torouto is ouce mwo bubbling over tree and Qlinibed up the tree with all BOint; flora the 7lli to tho Olli line. General News. Hon. Kdward lilako's health is report- ed much better. The rroviucial Evhibitien was opened at Kiiitfblon on Monday. A war amon.n the .-Uiierican Northwfest- ern Indians is threatened. The damage do;Ri by the in Maine is estimated at .?!, 000,000. The Hoods in AustroHuiiifaiy are caus- ing au immense amount of dama^'e. Tho Rod River Railway will not bo open for passenger traffic until Oct. 1. Twi) blocks in !~aii Fraiici -co wjre burned Sunday ; loss, 1,250,000 The Uetaliation Hill wit3 passed in the Ilotue of Kepresentiitivea on Saturday by a Vote of IV-t to 4 Tho writ has been issued for Montreal East, the election ti take place on th Itith inst. It is e.stimatod that ei(.!htv pera ma lost their lives ii) the recent West India hujcri cane. ilEAT, MEAT! FRESH MEAT, Xice Tender Meat And Meat of all Kinds â€"AT- Blakely d McGonnell's. u I .1 i I) ! I I (I I I I I (I I THE MAMETS. FI.ESHMUTON. Ctircfnlli; Coriucted Each Wvek. MOMEY TOLOA^. Al LOWEST iUltKKM KATES. On Towu or Faini I'roporty, S. D.\ML'nK, FIf.Hberton. W. J. BELLAMY. T«r. CI.KHK AnTtMKSH. ( '( >S VK YA .\( A-jR; ( 'OMMlSSIOySJs i.w'iUhASCE Atrr. <tc' nKEDS.UOKTO.Uilia.LE.XSKH, .«â- «;. i.r<-i>ar ^ u, i.iKl imiporly ..xccntod. Iiisiirango aflf«c I'llii! lustrlasBuoiniianios. Moiitn to IcDiUf lowii-^irsto-^. l''h>ar ?5 00 to i") (0 Fall Wheal §0 78 to 80 Spring Wheat 78 (I 80 Barley 50 56 Oata 30 30 Pens 50 55 Butter 15 15 I'lsoH, frcHh Ii 15 Potatoes bush 40 Q 5u Pork, (! 50 6 5.0 Hiiv per ton 7 00 8 00 Tides i 50 5 50 Vool 19 23 ilioepskina 50 1 00 locso 06 06 "urkeys 10 10 Ihickens per pair 25 30 ^Oncks per pair 60 CO R. J. Sproule, po.StMASTKR. Flpsherton, Commission- er iu I!. U., liieenscd Au' lioucer. Con MViiiicn, Aiif.niiser aud Wuiiey Lender, ili'al i;>',nti' HiKilLsnrannM A^iiut. ]>ccds, Morti'as;.:s, biases aud Wills drawn up and Viihiatiuus made on shortest notice. Auc tiun .SiibiB attended to Iu auy pary of the roiiiit.v. Money to loaa at lowest rates of interest. CWleotloiiB attended to with I'ruiuvitness and despotcu. f'luirses low. A(;ciit for the I'duiiiiion StLamshij)CompBiiy. (heap tickets f.em I'lewherlon to Liverpool, Olnagow, London or aiiv of th<i liritisb Ports. Parties inteudiag to vitit England, .Scotland ox IrcLuid, will yUaHd ask rates be- fore vuretaaiuB their tioki^s olscwhare. James Sullivan, The TInsmitli, - Flesliertoa Konairiiig, I'.avctriniijliiiiK.iiiicl Iu factevory thiiiK ill tliu buiiiicss will loccivQ my luojuiit, ami cnuluj aUuiitiuu ftt i-i)»iiea»blo pricoB. FOR SALE. â- )- Bt>cu)c«g...i..| sif furapriviti reaidunce. Aplily at Oliic U) Or to "'-^â- KREFKU, Floshcrton. J- GEO. KEElfEK. Forest, Ou», 1 « • % » THT8 P APimi VWt *" foBBd on ni« M ..'*«w AdTFrtldng Bmrawi (MBpniM St. 1. whMm MraJMM. •<;ainew nv U BMda tec II Ul J|MwxMpB