J t'- July 5, r883.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE I t BIG D I S C o u N T S â€" 5//// the order of the day at â€" Clayton's Harnesis Shop, FlESEEETON. Some oj the Goods I offer for Sale : WHIPS, Aa immense stock, which will be sold at t'rea.lly reduced prices, Curry Combs, Brushes, rEEKLESS Hoof Ointment, Peerless Axle Grease, Harness Oil, (Sec, &c. COLLARS A SPECIALTY. HeiDairing PromiDtly At- tended to. Thanking tlie public lor past pat- i-auage, I respectfully ask a continu- auce of the same. REMEMBER THE PLACE : Gordon's - Old - Stand, Kicbardsou'ti Block. D. CLAYTON. June '^6tb. 1888. THE FLESHERTON 0) u •H -OX- Durham St. IS THE E -IN- South and Central Grey. A 'FULL LINE OF House Furniture at Prices tfiat will attonUli the cluiest buyers. Our stock cuntiitt of CHJ^IRS of every description in Wood, Cane Seat, I'erfoniUd, Slat, FolJiiuj <uid Fusy Stuffal Seat niul to suit "tl lujis from the baby chair to the old <y.ntt chairs. TABLES ill endless variety. Some very pretty Extension Tables of new desiijnsjusl in. SOFAS, LOUNGES, WATXOTS, SIDEBOARDS, CUP- BO AH Di^ BUREAUS, SECRE- TAIUBS, BIRD CAGES, FAFER RACKS, llAT RACKS, LOOKING GLASSES, SEWING MACHINES, and anything and everything you re- quire inside the house. In Beclilingl' our stock was never so large and varied as at present, consisting of Wool Mattresses, Sj'rings, Bedstead*, Cots, Cribs, Cradles, Etc. Every article marked low to suit tlie times. Eaps&fsCslUilswSswiiii To be seen at my Warerooms. Funeral Outfits a Specialty. J. E. MOOEK British Colnmbiiu Editor Advance, Dkau Sik,â€" I will offer no excuse for time between letters, only tluit wo liave notliinsf wortli sending. We generally 8H0 by the Advancb â€" wliicli cciines pretty regular â€" thut you are pretty niucli like us in B.C. and sum to have some kind of weather. Feb. came upon us with the tenipenituto up to 80 degrees. Buds Ac. lt((Han to swell, tlowers trieil to bhjom and tvo began to rush work as if we were a month behind time, but March came .-vloni; cold and raw, frost and snow yet li,'lit, and put an end to our dream. Feb. and Mareli had simply traded places. SlitjUt showers of hail up to middle of April but a great part of the .seeding was dune by that time. I very often when on R. R. Track stare into cars to .-ice if any known faces .are to be seen amongst the numerous passengers who are daily arriving. Allow me to say that the coun- try hsH been too much boomed, and the Westminster and Vancouver papers are now trj-in-.; to see which can boom its own little place the most. A great many come here to )ook for work. Think he- fore you come licre on any sucli lay out, there arc too many already, but I suppose it is no u.se to say anythinix, they will Come and plenty will find themselves like one of my boys who went a short distance into the bush. Presently I heard him call me. "Are you lost ?" I asked. "No," ho shouted back, "I'm here." Land hunters almost daily. Two have just left, aitmiriiin my pl.ice and perhaps envying it. Well, it does begin to look a little more like soniethini;. Standing on the wharf the other day waiting the arrival of one of the boats I shouted to an actjuaintanco about the weather when jireseutly my hand was grasped by a pa-ssenger and when he l<joked up, Billie Galbraith by all that's blue, and Mr. Rennie. Only a few min- utes t4) talk. I dcm't give much encour- agement to )>eople to come here, he said. Oh no, because I tind nine-tenths get dis- appointed. I am that already, ho said, and ho had only arrived the preceding day. Whj-, he said, I see nothing but mountains. Crops in general arc looking well. Temper.ituro 90 degrees in the shade. Land is all taken up around me, but mostly by young men and bachelors. Galbraith remarks they must be go(jd to me here, for he never saw nio looking better. How am that ? HatI a paper from my old friend, Oeo. BIyth, Chats- worth. It was addresseil to New West- niinter Init they bei;an to know me and it WiUi forwarded here. I don't think any of my family would care to yo back east again except to visit. Chinaman are be- coming beautifully scarce, .saucy and in- dependent We often wish for tlio same class of settlers th.it .Vrtemesia has. We are terribly mixed, selfish and void of priiici[)h<, mixed in nationalities, reh^ioii. politics and everything. Two more hind hunters, one from (ioderich o^id the other from near Harrie. This is the third at- tempt to linisli this scribble. Very few salmon at River High on account of lieat. We fear another dry summer. New fruit and potatoes for some tini« in Vancouver from California. Wo I ,i.r<; >u8t finished sowing turnips. Get i..ui> fixture in shape. Yours Tru/. •, ' J. M. WEBSTEn. Port Uaney, B.C. P. S. â€" Some time ago my wife sent a small sum of money in a letter hut it seems il never reached its destination. Since then numerous letters havo tailed to reach parties to whom sent. Where the fault is I cannot say. However, if this is ever seen by the party they may just :i8 well pass the letters l>ecause no more money can now bo sent for the principle reason. TO EENT. Good hous« (iiid lot to liont in Klosli- ertou. For imrticularH apply toTbo.H. Osborno. Ksq . or at Thk Advanck of- flco. Also a well cultivatud fftnn of 'iJ trtores, with ^outl house and orchard, Olio miUi from Flushui ton, for salo or to rent on reasonable turtus. Aii|il,\ to Mr. Oshorno or at Thr Advance otllco as iibovu. Lost Cattle and Sheep. STBAYBD from tbo proinineB of tho iindor- Niljiiod, Lot :ir>. Con. :>, Artomesia, one nio- diuiii »i?.<) rod and whitu yoarlintj hoifor, kIhu ono small red and while vmirlinc! liuifor, also one yood yoiint; owo and one iiwe lauib. Any perHon giviuK information loaihuii to tho louovory of tho aboyo >yill bo suitalilv riiward«d. HKSKY DOWN, Flushurton P.O. LOST CATTLE. STUAYKD from my promif ot, Lot 24, Con. 17 Eorouioiit, about IStli May last, ono red Heifer witli white star on forehead, one red Hteer, and one red and white Htaer. all yoarliUKs. Any periou fiirnibhiDK iiiformstioii loadinK to the recovery of tho above will be Hnitably ro- wuiled. THOS, ALDCOHN. Oroiuore P.O. You Carry A who.'e medicine chest in your pocket, with one Iwx oJ Ayer's Pills. As they operate directly on the stomach and bowels, they indirectly affect every other organ of the liody. When the stomach is out of order, the liead is affected, digestion fails, the blood be- comes impoverished, and }'oii fall an easy victim to any prevalent disease. Miss M. E. Boyle, of Wilkesbarre, Pa., puts the whole truth in a nutshell, when she says : " I use no other medicine than Ayer"* Pills. They are all that any one needs, and just splendid to save money in doctors' bills." Hero is an instance o( A Physician who lost his medicine chest, but, having at hand a bottle of Aycr's Pills, found himself fully equipped.â€" J. Arrison, M. D., of San JosC, Cal., writes: " Some three years a({o, by tho merest accident, I was forced, so to speak, to prescribe Ayer's Cathartic Pills for several sick men among a party ot engi- neers in the Sierra Nevada mountains, my medicine chest having been lost in crossing a mountain torrent. I was surprised and delighted at tho .action of the Pills, so much so, indeed, tli;it I was led to a further trial of tliini, a.s well as of your Cherry Pectoral and S.arsapa- rilla. I have uotUing but praise to offer in their favor." John W. Brown, M. D., of Oceana, W. Va., writes: " I prescribe Ayer's Pills In my practice, and find tliem excellent. I urge their general use in Lamilies." T. E. Hastings, M. D., of iialtimore, Md., writes: " That Ayer'.i Pills do con- trol and cure tho complaints for which they are designed, is aa conclusively proven to me as anything iKissibly can be. They are the best cathartic and aperi- ent within tho reach of tho profession. " Ayer's Pills, PBIPABBO BT Or. J. C. Ay«r & Co., Lowell, Mut. Sold by all Dniggiiti. pdiaK DR. CARTER. M.C.P. itS.,«)NT. PHYSI€IA\. MlIRCiEO.N, &C. FLESHERTON. Offlco, strain's bloek. UuaiilcMce. Wiii.Wrici.t »â- DENTISTRY. Thomas Henderson. L.D. S. SL"n(iF.ON DENTIST Gold MefbUi.it ami Hininr Ontdwitf uf tie ll.V.D.S., Will visit FI.EsnKHTON. iMun«ha-»V Hott ! 1 and 'Jof each nioiitli. IV-eth fXtriiettHl, nibert- ed and tilled in tlie lii^jliest btyles ui the fttt. au- at modunite raters. Hnii) OrFirr.. 7C1 Yiis<-,k St.. Tohontv Jfijal. J. W. FROST, L.L.B., BarriHft'Vj Si»li<iiot\ Cottreifanrer. . OiHco.â€" Stmin s HiiiUiint:. ri.rsHKHMtN. A. A. CHIOSLKY. Solicitnr iuui Cuuv( yaiiCf* . MU, FROST 'vvili In* luuiid at tlio OUlto (-u T)iurHdBVK as lua-tjtnlorf. p. McCULLOUGH, Barrister, Solicitor, tfc. OlMce, «v«T .McF.-irlaiid's "Store. .Uariulule. .'Honey to Loan. i ll$mC5!S tfjuds. ^ ^ «• w 2 C/5 C3 •A CO Q â- H « <i: < < s o OS 60 â- H A C a Jobn W. ftrmstrongy l'LK^<Il^:llTo.^•, Co. GuEY. rVIVISION COLUT CI.KRK, t'OMMlSSIONKH *^\ II H. U., Convex aneor. Ac. Auent for pnrcljii-. a«<i »ale of lands. .Appraiser for C L. C. Co'i: aud V P. U. J: S Society. Money to Loan on the most reaaouabUi termH. Issdkh or MAKRLtG!-; LICENSES. NOT.UtY PUBLIC. MONF.Y TO LOA]\- AT LOWEST 4 IKUE.XT KATE.«»^ On Town or Farm Property, S. DAilUUK. Kleaberton. W. J. BELLAMY. Twr. ui.KiiK ai;tbmi:«ia. CONVEY A Nl'EK, VOMMli>.^loSKt:, INSURAA'CE AdT, ,(â- (' DKBDS, .MDUTCAejKS.lRAKKH. io . picpHr tjd and prnpttrlv exefnlod, liiKurance attec ed in flrflt-ela8scuui|)auieH. Muuev to leiul at loweHt raten. R. J. SPROUL, Uraltvrlon. Cimri ij<nifir, Aji,>i<u.^it . I'o â- Ufitor iiiui Miiurij Uiuhr. Ilcils, Mm'- i;ii;/c.s, /('(i«(!,s 'i)i(/ ^'itts i/nni'ii iiji iimi \'i(liintiuii,i mwtr oil Ahiiiti.st Htitiri'. ('!:itr- ;/i« rc;|/ /-t/id. A/i/>lii ^< A'. J. UPliOL LK, Vustmaster. Flvsln lii'ii. James Sullivan, The Tinsmitli, - Flesliertoa Ropftirihg, KavRtronjihitit^.antl in ffletuvpry thinf; in th»* bnHiiieHS will rureive my prompt and rarffiil attcntiuu at roartouabli! prict'H. Flesherton piSffUanrDMisi. The TIioi,»iiih-Brai Uurhnn livll. Gray Champion ! Will stiinil fvr itmice id Lot lijJ J 11'..,*, I f^"\ f^\\ \\ n I ^J I ^"\ Aitiniesii(â€"iibiiiilottemUefrimiFlejilnrt"i, Uj |{|| I L \\j J' â- '^''"'""*- '^''i'" '« '• Jirit-elitsit animal mnl \\\\ lilt I ir 111 '"â- '« ''" «««" '" '"'"" '*^ ';''»''« *^ '"â- "'• i^<' J IL wJ U^ L-3 L-J 'J 'JL 'â- â- ! '" ;"-'»"i' conditio.. MILL! THUMB.â€" ?lp»reow. I! Iitcodrotes accordin tuuuuibeir of uoift brouflM by any one man. JOHN aUAIW, I>ro|>ri«tur FARM 1 SALE. Tbe uiulorsiRDed bogs to anncuiico to hia num- erous cuBtomurs thai he han got tbu Mill iu Good Running Order aud havo got In the â€" Very Latest Improved ROLLER PLANT And capable of turning out FirBt-ClBsa FLOVU and am prepared to sivo my ccmtouiers GCOU YIKLDS AND F1R8T-CLA8S KLOUU. Hoping to receive a share of your patronage, as I am prepared to please. I lloniaiu Yours nosp., WM. BRADLEY. BUlNO Lot 93, Con. 11, Arttmooia, coatainiiiR 100 acres more or leas. For particulars apply to ROCiER LEVER, FloataertOD. NOTICE. SHINOI'ES ooDstanttv ou.faand and (ox sole cheap. Just put in Arat-olow nuv Cboyp i^:; Millâ€" now brlufi alooil font; .n..(ij uui get U chopped up iD.iQpc (VMr ,/ Agents, Agents I Now Ueadtâ€" I â€" Ocn Nkw Book. EARTH, SEA AND SKY â€" OBâ€" Marvels »fthe Universe n«lng a full and ijraphic disoription of all tlist is wonderful in every Continent of the Olohe, ii. the world of waters and the starry Hcivven». Containing thiillinK advunturnKon hind and .»(i«, roiiowiiod diBcoveries of tho wxirld's (;reoteBt ex- plorers in all ages, ari«I reninrkable phenouionn fn every realm of nature. Kniliriieclig the »t lik- ing phyeical foiituren of the earlnn the pecniiiir oharaoteriaticB of the tinimn rare, of uuiuialp. bird*, insesta, etc., inciudiug a vivid deBcription of tho Atlantic, Paciftcvaiid Indian Oi'rain. ami of the l'ol«r Sean, tbe inonMerB of t>>e deep, bcautifnl vashellii ami plantu, hiiiKulnr ttaben aud dwellers in the world ol watorn, loiiiarkoble ooean ourrentB, etc.. toRethor with tho ania^'iiig fi'lleno^nln& ot tho »olar and starry nyatenif . by onry D»r»nport Northrop, 1)1)., emlHjiliKhed with oTerSDAAnee'iBra'riuKS. Liberal tortos to osenu. Oxford I'gAlisbiiis Company, S Jordtai M..ToroDto,ODt.. ai«:aUK 4 • i ^ ^a^