THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. â- j^ \ PICNIC NOTES. Quito a number "tripped the light fantastic toe" during the day to the inspiring music by Messrs. Wm. Reil- THE ABVANCP I '"""'^ ' ^"'''"'' "^^^^^^^ ^*"*°'^ ' ^^'cco'oi, la publUlied Kvery Xlinrsday, FnOMTHU OPFlrE. {iillenhiin St red, â- - Ftenhertor^, Out. TEUMS OF BVHSCHII'TIOK: $1 i)or Miuum wlieu paid strictly in advance ^l.60i>or auuum ulioii hot t^o pbiil. A. ILFAWCETT, Editor and J'ritj/rietor. ( Oldtield {Comet) and W. Jen- nings {Organ). \ Tlie high wind, which prevailed during ihe whole day, made the Lake rather "lumpy" for boat racing. Among the vLsitoi-H present, wc no- ticed Di. Hprouhi, M.P. for East Grey, Markdale ; Mr. P. McCnllough. Bar- rister, Markdale ; Mr. C. W. Kutlcdge, Editor of the Standard, Markdale ; j Mr. Mi'chell, Editor of tiie Clironicie, IDurliam; and Mr. J. E. Marsh, land- jlord of the popular Mm kdale Hotel. I Mr. Harry Bull, the famous baseballer, I repre.scnted Tliornbury at the Picnic. The Durham base ball team recent- ' ^'''t' "^^'ch between Flesherton and ly downed the Markdale one. The Markdale Lacrosse toain.s, for set of Idttor chaps wonldnt i-lay out the full ""^^'s- came oft' according to announce- muiuKs when they fouud' the tide ofi'i'*"'- The match was an exciting wir setting ju against them, so the ' ^nc throughout and some very fine umiiiie declared the f/auic !) to iu I'layiiig was done on both sides. FliESHERTON: TIIURSDAY. .lULY 5, 1888. KDITOlilAL yOTES. ion Day. They arc live business men and advertise judiciou»ly .Somewhat AuiiisiiiK. ftvi)r of Durham, sitorls â€" with a few iionorable excop tiousâ€" aro "natuial born kickers," and after while they will imvc nobody to play against except llic Duncan (^iorillas and Slablowii Sloucliors. game The Markdale ""'O" ^^'O" '» ''"^o f trniglus. lonorable Priceville Pointers. Mr. Fox, of Durham, is the con- tractor of tiie new Presbyttrian churcii Through the kindno.^s of Mr. Mitch- ' ''^•'â- '•'- ^'"^ stonework is approaching ell, of the Durham Chronicle, we have' '^^"'^Pl^^'""»'">^'^"-)- i"«li "f 't has received a report of the 81st Battalion i l''« appearance of fini.shed workman- lliflc Association's Aniuuil Matclies. " P" Unfortunately it came too lute for last ' *'«•• Lamont, the genial landlord of week's AuvANcF., and it is too stale for ""= f'""" ""t"^^'- >"ih Sieatly unproved this issue, as several newspapers have | ^''"^ "'"^ hosilery. In short the Crown already published it. It is strange! "o'*^' •"^^ «'"«''">â- "nproved under the that the Association cannot manage* "''^^ "^"^""X^'""""'- I'nccville has two to supply tl.e local new.=pai«TS most ' ''""y fi'-^lcl^^s I'otols now, affording iaWrcsted simultaneously. The coun- "'"P'*" accommodation to the ti-avelj- iiig public. The Calithunipian procession on Bomiiiion Day created quite a sensa- tion. Their hideous masks, varic- ; colored dresse.", and absurd gestures High School busmoss-and everything I """^ mov. ments pnMl.iced many an There are several ' "opcn-moulbo.t ' stare. One old lady said she came tlio v/hole distance to see tliOMi and "nos.;ing else. " "Well," as with disgust very I sink you was more foolish than the try press is quite as adverse to using old matter as the city press. Owen Hound is putting in her best efforts in order to luoiioiwlize the else she can grab, i liere are County Councillors in Grey, who are I luightv ca.sily molded by the soft- ' .sawder so un.spannglv dJalt out by s'^ted an old gentleman, who wa the -powers that be" m (Jwei, Hound. ! ""^'"^'"K "'^'^'' '^J'' In fact wo are afraid there are several P'^'-''^ •'^'^"'l"'' "" .'"^ ^"''"''^•^ 111 the laiiks of Grey legislators, wlio will always be hluiubiing blocks to those who are iu favor of a progress- ive. !il)eial and equitable iKilicy in (> jiicatiiiiial matters. Irish Lake Picnic. Thursday morning last opened up v.ill] a dri/.zliiij,' rain, which continued 10 fall until shortly after dinner, iic- eompaiiied by high winds. Hundreds were thus prevented attending the great annual picnic ut tliat charming Hpot, the Irish Lake. liiit, notwith- iitaiiding the unpropitious slate of the veiillier, Poveral liiindi-ed people from Markdale, J>urliam, Dundalk, Max- well, I'liceville, Flesherton and the itnwcdiate nciqliiwrhood were tlioro. About o«a o'clock the heavy masses of clouds bc4,'an to disperse, and bj' and b} Old Sol got a chance occasion- ally to scatter a few bright, cheering rays of sunshine upon ilie bosom of Mother Earth. I'lom this time until four o'clock a pretty steady stream ol vehioh'd poured into the beautiful Parish Grounds adjoining Irish Lake ; and eventually tlie gathering became a pretty largo one. Had the weather been fine iu the fureiinon, the Picnic â- would probably have bct'ii one of the most succoasful ever held iu the Coun- ty. Considering all things it was a BUCC08fl. Itev. Father Fecuy worked with inigiit and main in conucctiou with the Picnic. During the day lin re- ceived a large iiunibcr of callers, to whom lie extended the hospilaUtics of jatorc one day not long since. On ." s house m that courteouH and genial ] being asked what she had to dispose jsauncr for which he is noted far and j of, the old lady thus replied ;â€" "Fvo near. In this connection, wo must] got some butter in the bcskit, an' not omil to luautioii tl»e kindly ofKcos ,TouaW's comin' aliint wuth tlie En- perfoiTUsd^iu behalf of the visitors by gljsh !" bhe was n Highland lady *iicgeiiUcnianly Father's sister, and and could cnly speak a few words of lioiistikccpcr. Miss Ellen Feciiy, who I English. i*i u mcU Hiuiabjo and accomplisLad 1 Biandcr's and McCabc'fi store were jy;;uu^lady. , tJirangcd with cuatouicra ou Dozuin- crazy fools themselves !" How'ver many enjuyed the absurd spectacle to the utmost, laugliiiig hearlily at tiie comical capers cut by Captain (iilhoo- ly and company. Mr. Tlios. Atkinson, the popular landlord of the Coimiicrcial Hotel, is getting around nicely after his recent mi.''li:ip. Our friend. Mr. (Jeorge Tryoii, is doing a good business in the butcher- ing line. He keeps the villagers and country people well supplii d with fresh meat, and strives by honest deal- ing to extend his busiiie.^s operations. Ocorge IS deserving of a hearty and unstinted patronage. Detective McDonald refused to allow Mrs. Caswell on the school grounds on Dominion Day if she liad any whiskey with her. "And now," says Mrs. C, "he wishes to â€" that I liud brougiit some so that I could have given him a drop !" Tiio Campbells, brother and sister, of London, Out., danced merrily and most gracefully to tiie excellent bag- pipe music rendered by Mr. Hector McDonald on Dominion Day. The athletic games and sports were keenly contested. Mr. A. McCabe, merchant, announ- ces unprecedented bargains in every department in iiis well stocked general store. Call and see him when in Pricoville. You will find ovcrything sold at close prices tind your wants will he courteously and promptly at- tended to. An old lady came into a Pricoville Lady Bank. Vri/m the Ihmihdk lli-rald. Miss Bowes of the Shelburno La- dies' Band played a solo to a large and appreciative audieiioe in Hliel- burnc last '^'ednesday. Her tirst ren- dering of a waltz brought forth a loud peal of applause aud encore after en- core. Hlie then bowed to tlie audience and began a jig tune, whieli captivat- ed the auilieuce until slie took the cornet from iier mouth and made a small retiring bow, but to the surprise of the audience kept on playing a tew extra notes. Mr. Greeinv(Jod, leader of the gentleiiKng' band, was behind the screen nnd the delusion up to this point had t)i en ':ijmplete. There was no further encore and the young lady left the stage looking rather sad. Kiiiiborley. /';â- (»»( uiir ov'n Ci'tri:itp(nulfttt. Mr. It. I). Curruther.H, late clerk of Mr. .\iid(n»iiM'.s ill Flehhortoii, has re- turmU'd lemu' to lecupointe. His cmi- Htitutliiii iinl liciiif; suiteil to close C(Jiiline- iiieiit. ".No place hko houu;. ' Mr. S I), (iaudili who liiui been atteiul- iiiy the Cii. hmt. at Owen Sound for the past term, ia now vi8itin<,' friends in this vicinity. Mni. J I. Uowerinan ami MissG. Tliurs- toii liavo tnkc'ii a short triji to Meaford via Hc-.-ithcote and Thoriibury for the benefit of the former's liealth. Mrs. ( ). Drinkall is prei^arini; to move t<j Toronto where her luisbinid lias pro- curud a Kituutioii. I'oultry yurd.i will Iiave ;i relief from the ravages of hawks. Tlie other day oiio of our young men wont out luuiting nnd succeeded in shooting thne and unpturiiiu two young ones alive. They are of the Old Country falcon species and !\ro now on exhibition at the "Travellers Home" here. Mr. T. M. Thurston is the proud pos- sessor of a new sign, on which is painted, "Travelli-rs Home" with the emblem of our oiuntry, three maple leaves. This piece of work does credit to the pointer, Mr. F. Thurston. Mr. (i. L. Thompson is erecting a new sloro and iiiakiii'.; proparations for u morr extensive nivrcaiitilu .\ flew brid','e i.i soon tv be built over th<; MeavL-r Itiver on the fourth line near tins jilace and as it is under the su[ ervis- ii^ii of our competent cai-])eiiter anil wai;oninaker, Mr. Jameil Fawcett, no diiubts are entertained as to its beini; a lirst-class [liece of workmanship. To THF; I)KAF.-.\ I'emopc'in^l (if nonfnoFn fitiil iioiHim in till) hvnd of ^1' Htnti'lliii^ hy li Miiipid roiiu'dy, will ni'ii'l a iltfNcrii^tiDii of it KliKlL tn uliy rerKoii who appliltH Uj .SlL'uoLuu.s, :iu hi. .lulm St . Monu-onl. Why You' Feel So weak and exhausted is becauso your hlood is iiii|iiirc. As well expect llio siinitary eoiidition of a city to bft i)er- fect with detllud water aud defective sewer.-tRe, as to expect »uch a coinpli- calrd jiiero of mechanism as the huinau fraiiifi to be in ROOil ordtu: with iuipiiro hlood lirculatinf? even t.. i'3 minutest veins. Do yuu know tli..t 'ery drop- of your two or three pjaUen of blood passes throii);h th« heart aud lungs iu alKiiit two and a half minutes, and that, ou its way, it makes Iwne and muixle, brain and iiervu, and all other solitU and Hiiida of the body? The blood ia tliH great nourlsber, or, as the Bible terms it, "The Life of the Body." Is it any wonder, then, that if the bluiKl b« not pure and perfect in its consti- tuents, yon suiTer so many indescribable symjitoms? Ayer's Sarsaporllla stands " head and shoulders" above every other Alter- ative and Ulo«<I Medicine. As proof, read these reliable testimonies : f}. C. Brock, of Lowell, Mass., say*; " For the past 25 years I have sold Ayor's 8arsaparllla. In my opinion, tlie liest reinedinl agencies for the euro of all the diseases arising from impnrl- tius of the blood are contained in this medicine." E«Kcnn T. Hill, M. D., 3«1 Sixth Ave., Ninv York, says : "As a bloiMl-puriHer and general huild«r-up of the system, I have never found anythinK to uqiiiil Ayer's .Sarsaparilla. It gives perfect Btttisf action." Ayer's Sarsaparilta proves equally efficacious in all forms of. Scrofula, Uoils, Carbuncles, Eczema, Humors, Lumbago, Catarrh, &c.; and is, there- fore, the very best Spring and Family Medicine in use. " It beats all," says Mr. Cutler, of Cutler Brothers & Co., Boston, " how Ayer's Sarsaparilla «lo68 sell." Prepared by Or. J. C. Aytr & Co., Lowtll, Matt. i.'rli:« tl 1 six bolUof, |S. Worth (» s botll* Curreiponde)ife of 77ip Adeaw'. Mr. Editor, â€" I have often wondered . that no person in this thriving vicin- ity took interest enough in the hap- peniuga of the neighborhood to make them public or to regale their intellects after the manual labor of the day or week to chronicle a few of the events that transpire from time to time for the benefit of their neighboiliood and the public in general. I tliink this neighborhood as prolific of news as a great many places, and perhaps if tiie spell is broken .some one will fall into lino and keep us posted on matters tending to the general good and infor- mation of your readers aud to the pulslic in general. One of the events of the day was a barn raising on the farm of Mr. 11. Iioberts. This structure is one of the finest and largest in the neighborhood. Size 42 X CO with a stone foundation !) ft. high under the entire building. The contractor for the frame work id Mr. James Potts and lie has executed his contract in a masterly manner. I have not been able to learn tliu name of the contractor for the stone work. This is cleverly done. t^uitc a number from the McLityre settlement were present. The sides were Lady 15unk against Mclntyrc. Messrs. T. Cooper aud W. Mackenzie were cap- tains. Cooper represented Lady Bank and Mckenzie represented Mclntyie. Although there are some smart fellows ou buildings here the Mclntyre side proved themselves a little superior by getting on all their rafters complete before Lady Dank had a single plate on. However we do not feel discom- htcd and hope to try them again with better success next time. After the raising the young folks displayed tlieir skill III gestic lore until the moniing beams lit up the eastern horizon. One thing however we noticed throughout was the absence of the ladies of the neighborhood and a predomiuence of a select and favored )iumber from a distance. However the neighboring ladies do not feel much chagrined at the sight. During the day Mr. Itob- erts received rather a severe bruise on the ankle between two pieces of tim- ber, but ho is able to be around again. Miss Carr, school teacher at No. ti, entertained her scholars last Friday by holding a picnic in the woods bock of the sciiool. tjuite au enjoyable time was spent. .Ml . .John Liuley also raised a frame stable 2'2 x GO of his own workman- ship and it compareH favorably with that erected by other and more ex- perienced mechanic-". All the modest matrons und blushing maidens of the iiei-hborliootl were invited and a good- ly number stayed for the customary entertainment lifter the raising. The otlier night some disloyal per- sons visited till' luemises of Mr. Robt. Clements and cut the rope and broke the top of the Hag i>ole that stands in his yard. The pole was estimated to he tile hi.;]iest in tiie country, its top Ix'iiig aUml Ki feet above ground. He liowever had the top fixed on again and its height is now about 70 feet. NVe admire his loyalty. Mr. \V. T. Paul has gone to Thorn- hill, Manitoba, to .sio the place pre- paratory to moving there shouhl he like the country. Tlu! road work was done hero last week aud as usual it was put ou the side road where it accommodates the patlim.-tster and one or two more aud the concession where it would be a benefit to all has received scarcely any attention for the last two or three years. Sophia. SALESMEN WANTED ^. l^. Klanl NursL-ries. ei.tabU»hed over M yearn. The uld rolinblu iiurHory. .Men with i>u»b, eiieruy. Bood Imljits Riid clean ctmracter always Bucceeil. Wu can uivc vou good pay and ftuady worla. Writ, for t„rms to tH.\Sli liltOTHLKs- COM- l'.\SV. Nursurymen, Col borne, Oi;t. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. At The Imple ment Isreiiey ! J J. G. Caeson Takes this opportunity to tlianlj his many customers for their hearty ipat- ronago during the past 8 years and to ask ihrir continued support in liisuew premises on K. Tnmble's comer, op- posit.' .Munsliaws Hotel, Flesherton. The following is a list of the Implc- m«iits 1 iiandle, all the manufacture of that t'amon<* and reliable uld tirm. Me.^srs. PATTEUSON BROS., Wood - otocii. Out. : Central Store, PRICEVILLE, Unprecedented Burgiiint in vcery de- partment during the preient month in order to make room fur Fall Purchases. Highest Prices Paid for Butter, Eg^s, dc. (Jail and inspect our goods and compare prices before making purchases. Hinders, Iii"i]i''rt, .\[iiinis, J!nl.,^, Il'.i././oli.l, Jill I I'll ft, Slriijki, t'uttirs, FaiiHiHij Mills, Uprinti Tiiutii Culti- raturs, Grain IMh, llriDul-rut Aedfrs. .N'/oiii;; 7'i"'t/i Jl'ir- roK'.i, /roll Hiirrini:\. Ti''ii-Fvrrvii: Gun;.' f'li'ir, I'htr.,, Scuj[)i''rs, Tnrnij) IhilU, Land livlUrs. â- ^riie CIIILDRENS HEALTH. One of Natures Kindest Gifts is a Heidlhy Constitution. Guayd it against disease by using Siamese Worm Powders. ^^nrvis nri' tlir fruitful cause of mini'/ disorders m Childrrn. SlAMt'.^iL' WOICV POWDERS will expel! Wumu in every case ichtre thty exist, huH raju- latr. the Stomach and Jiourels at the same time. Use them, you icon't regret it. r*eok'K JP*len.Ha.nt f»iIlH ! Should idicays he used for Siek Head- ache. Their operation is »it\ ,i:id pleasant. Thry strike Iwnt.' each tiiim> when used for a Disordered L ^er. ' 'h for them. Get them. Don . fon-^' .he name, P^jolc's T*l»fnrjinX fillK. If your druggist has not the above pre- puratiw^ in Stf^k, W. W. STEPHEN A CO., of Meiiford, iBi.t send them to you prepaid on receipt ofl^c.for either, a of each, or assorted for 81.00. w.w.smiilJN&co. Dni.j-iidf, (('/Mi/,.Mi'r d.- UAaV, 01 i) i I I I I I I 1 I THE MAllKETS. FLESHERTON, Carefully Cot-rected Each Week. Flour ?4 Fall Wheat $0 Spring Wh -at Barley Oats Peas Butter Eggs, fresh Potatoes bush Pork 6 Hay per ton 7 Hides 4 Wool Sheepskins Geese Turkeys Chickens per pair . . Ducks per pair uO to 4 SO- TS to go 78 80 50 55 45 45 GO 60 14 14 13 13 40 50 50 6 50 00 8 00 50 5 50 18 21 50 1 Oi; 00 00 10 10 25 30 60 GO BELL" Unapproached for Tone aud QuaU'7. OATMLOQUfeS rSKK. »- I % A. McCABE. BELL S CO., Gaclph, Ont 1