Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 28 Jun 1888, p. 8

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-4. ^ ..i -a;: THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [June 28. 1888. Photos, Photos, Photos. We art jiou: turning oii.t work far tup*rior in ityle and finith t» uny ever pro- duced in FleihertoH. COPYING and EHLAHQING at MODERATE RA TES. PICTUEE FRAMING ,h>nt in till it» branches. A good stock of FRAMES and MOULDINGS kept const-mill/ OH hand. Will also infoduce the new BliOMIDK PORTRAIT, a picture that is gliding entire gatis/action wherever introduced. SAMPLES can te seen at my Gallery ufhert all particulars as to Price, Style Sic, can lie ascer- FLESHERTON. ^ H EARD'SE^ Carriage Works, FLE SHEETON, iMANl'FACTlKEKS OF JiuiS^icfi, S/iring' WaQ'on^ Lumber Wagons and Iron 'JIarroir.s: Painting, Trivmiin^ and JirvainnQ' j/roniptli/ attended to. Jlorse-Shoeino' a Specialty. THIi StLVER^^LATEa INtTRUMFNT Price - - *3. ORIENTAL CAUIXH IMPOUItLE UNDER ITS INFLUENCE The on\y CfttArrb rt;mody ever ofTerod to the |)Ublic on 15 dayf triftl; • writtun (Ukrnntoa Rivnn with kkcIi luitrumuut, W. T. IJAUt A C«^ US gosea Bum( West, Toroato. Onu ACTIHil THE tREAT EYE AND LUNO RESTORER Actlra h iMl • im^icln* er a dif utiing lotion or powdtr tan. but â-  Helf.gansrm- iiutt Vapor, eaaily anil pleasantly aiiulitvl at all lioura, times and plaoea. Aclina No. 2. tjuickly toUeve* and LhuruuglUy uirea all Throat kod Ltmt; (Unoatia. ActiM No. i).- PoaltWelj enrea all dtioaae* of the Ryo, Cataract Ormn alait^ Kya-Uda, iDflaniad Kyea, near and tar alxhtudnuaa Tm BtS TKKATBD waiI.K CLOalEl). Tiia \cTiiia IB aoi.i> unnBa oirn wiuitkn ouabaiitch on 15 DATS TULu.. Kooloae •laiap fur bandai>ni>ily illuatrateil iKvik aud hoaltb ioumal. W. T. UAKU it. CO., lU gueen Street Wu»t, TuroDto, Ont Medicated Electric Ifedicattid for all diHoftiu>ti of the lilood and uer- Toua Byiieuu La^lieg' Ittlt 9'^ for foumlo ram- n)ainUltti&HiKJiit]iia]. Muub' U«Uf3,cuiuL>liiad Bfilt&ud BosiHjDuory 95. BomiDftl wtftknesft, t-rrora of youth. lo«t iiiaiiho«Kl, iiiKli tly only appliances CURES euiisaiona, Etc. ThO C â- IvInK a direct current'of Electricity tOtne parte. l'»" '"â-  v."rn muljt c.r .lay â€" liicDuvenlencii. Hundre^ls of Tee" :)iti'k HnilTutiH.huaJ Mid liaiun in 1 without I â-  on file from thoae eored of female dl«Ba«)«, , , , , llinliH n.TvouH rtol.ilUy. fiorieral debility. luuil<a»(o, rbeuliiatinn, puralyam. iiuuralKla.sclatloa «. Biiinal dinoaae, tor)>ld liver, gout, leucorrlicua, catArrh of the bladder lt>H alK timonlal di«*^iu<t! of the ki*lneyH. . , .__ . . . _ B<-lual e\>>auiitiou. auuiliial eluiuioua, aalliuiabeart dlaeiia< olaa. imligoatiou. iui|)ot<>iioy„ i41ee. enllepny. duinb aktio . , , -^ handsomely illustrated book and boaltb Joarnnl. <'otTea|v>ii<I..iiC(j strictly coufldenUal. Ooo sultatioa and ulootrioaJ txeatmuullree. A«euU wanted ever) whuro. I'ut. Feb. 2Cth, INOT/ Ouree Ouaranteed Medicated Eleotrlo Belt Co.. I SB Queen 8U West, Toronto, Canada. lyspuiwia, conMti|)ati(>n oryaiji- enliepsy. dumb atstto and dlftl»ot<>8. fnind Htft_nii>_ f or Painless Cure. FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. n^E. DIBEASES or MAM. tub: CiUE^T 1IEJII.1II KEJt'KM'KK, Marvtil of HoaMng, anil Kohinonr el Meilicinf i, the t«rrlbl« cunM<-<|ii><nr)t<a of Inalincrpllou, KzpvoHre niKl Overwork. TTOTTiNra-, iv£xx5r>iLa3-A.a-EX) .a-itt) OT.-n is^ceit Whoua broUou ilonn from theetTfrta of ubusu will And in No. Ra radical euro tornorvous debility, orKanic weakuess, involuutiirv vittil loHHes. etc. STMPTOMi FOB WHK-H No. 6 H)ioi i.i> DK Us.i).â€" Want of imergy, vertino, want of purpose, dlmneHH of siRht, averaion to aoclety, want of cunnilonDO, uvoidntico of convorBurion, lUsIro foraolituilo, listleHrmess and inability to flx tliu atleutinn ou a p&rtiruliir Kubject, eowar<li<^o, doproHSiun of spirits, (.'iddiuues, losi of nioinorv, excitability of toiin>or, spor- uiatnrrhuia, or loati of the senitnal fluidâ€" the result of xolf. abuse or marital oxcikhâ€" inipo- tency, innutrition, oinnclntlon, barrenness, pnl pita '..>n o( the heart, hvsteric feullnfjs iii feinalM, tromblini;, iiieUncbnly, distiirbiiiK droanis etc., are nil svinptoius of this torribr., habit, ofteutiinoa inmieniiily acquired. Ill abort, the nprinu I'f vital force hiivinc lost its lonsioii, every function wanes in couaequenoe. ScieiiHI'io wntorKand the hupcrltitendonta of iimiue aiyluins unito in ascriliinp to the effects of self iilmse the (jreal mejorlty of wofiteil livoi which oome undsr tiieir notii;o. If you ar" iuconiputont for tlie urdiKma d'ltios of bnsiuesi, luoa|>a<'liated for the onjoymcnt^ of lite. No. H ofTers iin oTape from ISO elTeot. of early vice, 1( you are advanced in yeare, No. 8 will f,*ivu you full vii.or f>n(l >^li'nni;tli. If vnu are broken down, )>bysicf\lly and morally Ironi uarlv indiscretion, tou l.iBult of tRnoraoceand folly, aend your address and 10 cents in atainps'for M. V, I.nioN'y '»reaUii" ill Hook Form on IlisoaiHM of Man. Kee'iid und smino from obHervntInn, AddroHs all comiuunicatlnus to M. V. I.UIiON. 47 WelllnKiou Nl. E., Toronto, I) Man wMtoul wiidiMi H««« ii t ls.r> ptrailiM. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. A,Fmrman9nt Ottrt. Pleasant Cure. County and District News. Clipped and Condfitneil from the Voiiinitig of Our ExcIiitngeH, Mr». E.G, Hart, wife of a former E(lit<ir of the Mt. Forest Advocate, lias fallen heir to $40,000. Her husband i» .it pres- ent Editor of the Ganaiioque Journal, Charles Baxter lias a cow he is proad of. F"riday niornini; she jjavc birth to a hue heifer calf and un Monday to n hand- some bull ca,U. Both are lively and doinj; well.â€" [Beeton World. Mr. J. D. Stoddart lost two valuable horses this week. One died on Monday evening from inflammation of the kidneys, and the other on Tuesday morning from beiny overheated.â€" [<). S. Times. We had a pleasant call from Mr. Stew- art J. P. of Kiinbcrly on Thursday last. Ho ii a very intelliijent |>ent1enian & will no doubt make a very jxipular and excUent Councillor. â€" [Thornbury Standard. Two gents in the neighborhood of Ep- piiii; had quite an interesting time bag- ging held for a young lady a short time ago. The difficulty with the lady now is whetlier Jimmy or Guss gets the cake. â€" [Thornbury Standard. An old man named Smith, a bricklayer, in a family quarrel last evening was brut- ally illuHcd by his stepson, his eyes being so bruised that he is totally unable to see. The ofl'ender has been remanded till the old man is able to give evidence.â€" [O. 8, Times. Last Sunday night some persons enter- ed Mr. .Ainly's collar l)y way of an outside window and cnrriuil off two [)ans of cakes, a pill and a pail of milk, the parties were tracked the next morning up the railroad track when tliey found the pans. â€" [Mt. Forest Confedi'rate. Mr. Daniel Mi;.\rthur and Miss Martha Fawcett, daughter of Mr. J no. Fawcett of this Towiisliip, were married in Mea- ford on Tiiesd.iy last by the Rev. A, T. Colter. â€" [Thornbury Standard. Thk .^Dv.tNi e extends its he.irty con- gnitulatiiinsaud well-wislies to the young coU|>le. Mr. John Smyth, hotel-keeper at lla" velina, met with a painful accident at a raising at Tlinmas Carefoot's last week, whereby his left hand was sliockingly Ucerated by an iron h(H>k at the end of a c hain which accidentally got caught in the llcahv jiart wf the hand.â€" [Thornbury Standard. A IVvton man with a garden know, aomethinx nbijut planting corn. Two weeks .tj^o, when he had finished dropping a row, be turned around to find two of his neigbboi's hens watching him. They had |iii;ked up .ill the grains he put in the liillK, iiiid were waiting formore.â€" [Beeton Wiirld. I^ast Sunday evening as Mrs. and Miss !Ioi;artU, iif .Shelburne, were returning friiiii .1 drive, in turning up the lane at their boiiiu' one of the front wheels of the buiijy struck a post. V)reakuig the wheel into pien^H and throwing the occupants nut with considerable force. Beyond the danger done t" the buggy .ind sundry bruises there is nothing serious to record. -(Shelburne Kconomist .Snakk Stoiiy. â€" Snake stories arc gen- erally f.ilse but this is a true one. Mrs. Jolm Tijiiug, of Honeywood, was badly frinliteiipil one morning last week. She went into the bodrooin to make up thi! to il that had luM'ii occupied by tho child- ren and on turiiingoveroiieof the pillows slio discovered .i largo sized snake coiled uji taking thingH comfortable. The snake lial probably lieeii there all night. â€" [Sliclbunie •Fioi) I'ress. On ."Saturday night some person or puisoiiH bi^ike into Mr. G. R. Gilroy's blanch store at Yeovil, and helped them selves to some seven or eight dollars worth iif goods. They made an entrance tliroiigb a window in the.lmck shop and then bored boles through the door till tlieic w!ili room for a Inind and arm to go ill ami pull buck the bolt. They burst off till' alarm tdl but only got a few cents ill change. It is generally supposed here that till' thieves reside in the neighbor- hood.â€" fMt. Forest Representative. Mrs. James Allen, living near Dornoch, aged about (iO, drowned in a well on tho farm hist Tuesday. It wa.i a cribbed well in which there were shelves for milk, .Hid as Mrs. Allen was lowerinu a dish she issujiposed to have overbalanced and gone down head lirst. The well was about twelve feet deep and had some four feet of water iu it. The nccidont happened be- tween twelve and two o'clock in the day. Her husband aidn't fool well and Ijiy down awhile to rest, and on rising missed his wife. After a short search he found her as descriljed. The neighbors were nlann- ed and the body was taken up. (Chats- worth cor. O. S. Advcrtiwr. NOTICE. To the Ladies of the County of Greyr YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO VISIT CLIMO'S STORE IN FLESHERTON and bring your Prodnce and ask to be sliown the beantiful PRINTS suitable ' for any wearing. We have beantiful Satteen Prints at from 10c. to He. per yard â€" sucli values you have not been offered before. Highest Price allowed for Eggs. Butter and- Wool. The best way to destroy Beetles is to sprinkle Paris Green ernd Water on the' Potatoe Vines. You can get the Sprinklers at Climo A Co'$ which are cheap- and good. Only a few on hand. Yours Truly, •ICLIMO & CO.k Wright's Old Stand, - Flesherton. I have received a Very Large Assortment of BOOTS & SHOES \ Several Hundred Pairs of Mens', Womens' and Child rens' which I am offering VERY CHEAP. WM. CLAYTON, - - FLESHERTON. Flesherton Carriage Works. McTavish & Legale M.ANUFACTVnBKS OF WAGOOSS, SLEIGHS, JiVGGtES, DKMOVKATS, ,fr. CARRIAGE - PAINTING - PROMPTLY - ATTENDED - TO. Also TKIMMINUS in greet variety. HOHSi: KtI()i:iNG promptly atteudod trt Special Attentiul* - - Po tjivun to Coutractwl or Tender Poet. D. MrTAVI.SH. K. P. LEGATE FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL Ki3ri»« or Such as Monuments, Tnnoib Tablet, HendstonrB Counter and Table Topsâ€" in Amsrican ai;(> Italian Marble and Grrsnite, and viiadc cit Hhort notice. Also Mantles in Marble aud Marbleized Slate, Ac., *e. Flcihurton, Aug. W, 1«8: HEALTH FOR ALL HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OIHTMENT THE PILLS Purify tlM niood, correct all I>iBordors of Ute Liiver, Stomach, Klcln*yH, and llo-»^er«. Tboy liiviKornte an T restore to health noMIitntcd C'oiwtitntlons, and arc invaluable in all Cca^- plaiutsinefitetrtnl to Females of nil n^es. For CluUren and the ii«jud thoy art pcicvleM. THE OINTMENT a auinfalliMeremoiiy for Had I.ecs.Had llresKts.OM Wounds. Soros and I'lears. 11 jafaniouefor fioiit ami Itheunnttifinr. For dfsnrders af the Che^t it baa »• eqnal. For SORE THROAT, BROJVCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS QlandnlarSwoIlinga.aniTall HKin Rinmaoa it fiaa no rival ; aatl for contracted sod iMfl (^intB it acts like a obaru. Mannfaeturod only at I>rofotsor Hoi,i,ov«T'a BatatoliBbmeot, 78, New Oxford Htreet ( late S3S, Oxford titreet), London, and are sold at la. l^d., 3s. Stl., 4n. 6d., lis.. 2Ss.. and 3.<la. oech Hox or Pot, and may bs bad of all McJ cine Vendors throughout the World. ^V PMrcha4trs shovld lot,k k the Label on the Pots and Boxes. If ike addr*H w not 5SS, 0-^ord Sirett, L«nd<m, thty art spttriou*. *• '« â- J'S&ni' *) 6 II 11^ k,. .. . .-^.-^ .^v_itedk.MiMMMMHtt I siaii 1^ • inamasat^llMMilMilfciâ€" raa »'i 11 iiiiJMiit tfin ^k'

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