1 June 21, 1888.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE STACKS OF riiriiitur£ AT â€" I D. Clayton's M tLL-K\0>VX VltXESS =- -= SIIOIM Ills been rt.'iuovi.'d lo thi' -;tiiu.l hiuly <^!*onpioil by Mr. John <.iordoii in liicli- •Arl-KMi'-i Illocli, SycU-niuiiii stiT'ti, I'l shortoii. Crash } Bang ! I[:i\iiiy boui^'lii Mr. < 'i.ij-iLur,-: sloi.'k .( t :i %'rcat Induction, the imliho may I <ck oir. ior TREMENSOUS REDUCTIOIS. S;.ick 111 i-l pi.i.-iuvcly be cliMivd ri'j;!i: 'â- â- I 111 iii.ikc r>:oiii. t'liiiii.' ;tlini,' ;iii.! w.'will ;;;'jlc [uici..-! lli:it, will oyfU WHIPS! 11, 1' fiii''.st sliH'k fVcr -Jrcii ill KKsIi- iTtoti, ;iml :it prict'S \vliii.-li iiiilsl >iiiL .'vwvbi'ilv. t'rma Iti i.'(.iits nn. l-'.veryUiiiiLC ivsiiiilly found in ;i llnu- clas.s t'stabli.sluuciit you luay i.'0!uit on '.^fUiujj; at MWl IiriEs: Step ;iik1 at priocH wliicli must s;Uid"y i-von tlif closest bnyoi's that no bctier vahiL' am bo obtained iinvwlicrt.'. Solicilin.',' yovirpiatoniiyo, I n'nmin « Yours truly, 1). CL.\YTON. Flcsl:firt.oi2,,Juuo •'(!), 1kS8,. Farnitiirii PLESHEKTON. -C<JMi: AN1> CV.T- B A R BAKGAINS A I N S Tilt; .uucli i.s u'i'il a--.-oriiil llii(in;.;ii- onL aii'l '[nulity iiiul piioi h ii,L;hl. j-ivi ryho Iv wiio .'!.'.'>. .Muddy Vall«y. <.'()rresp<iudeiice of The .IJixjncf. W'u hiid a heavy niin here wliicli was much iifiideil, Mr. J.iines T. Wilsuu who had liis baru burnt two weeks aj^o \x goiiifj to erect a new one with Ht'ine foinidation like a true farmer would do. He Iuih let tlie fniniiML; to A. McLeod and tile atoiiewnrk to lliu Acle.s Bros., all who aro considered t;oi)d Workmen. There was a regular lield tight took place at the east end of Muddy Valley a few days ago in which there was one .seriou.sly wounded and another aliiihtly with stone.s, a.i that wan their jirincipal wijapon. Wlien they cauie to close ijuar- ters they used their tists, Init there was not much scientific boxing done but they foui^ht bravely. One of the combatants made a kick at his a-saailant but being a little near .sighted he did not juilu'e the distance very well, ther-lore he aii.-JSed his mark and the ponderous boot went up until the stitfiiess of the hip would not .allow it to 'j;o any further and the .sudden .shock knocked hftnself dl^wn. Tf Jidm L. Sullivan ever comes around this way we will match one of our i>uuili»t3 with hini if he will lii;ht accorilinu to the I'ro- toll prize riinj rules. It is to be hoped they will conduct themselves better in the future as I ilo not wi.sh to writL' ,iny more on a .â- subject like this as it i.s con- fii.siii'4 to the intellect. Air. Tridham. catihi buyer, of Harris- ton, and his wife was up un a visit at Mr. Blakestoii's. Mr. Faivpier .McKiimon, of Clinlniruli, is up visiiiii',' his si.ster who liv.'s at .lohn .McDoii.d.U. Wo hope he uiU have a pleitsant time .is he niteiid.s rumamim; here two or three weeks. Mr. .\lex. .McDonald has been ailini! for some 'iine with a larne back. W H are Ljlad to hear he is alile to work again. There was some talk of tin; morinoiis puttiim ill their appeiancu ai,'ain .it .loo Canipbell's. their ohi .stand, but tiny did not come. We think they won't Irouble themselves any more with the poor sin Hers 111 this settlelllellt. Miss .Maix'aret Nickel, of .Mount Kor- est, w:us visitiny .at .Mr. IHakestoii s. EVKIIOIUKII. If you want ,a L,'ood W.itcli at a low price, i.ow i.s the time to call at Kusnell's Noted .leiM'lery ."^lore. Fle-.li.-rtoii. I'l-nni "III "II-, i I '.<;r. ./..., i.». 1,1, KllU''l)l.l !l.ls bt'ell I'.ivi li'il -.lilli :i irw \ i.-.itoi s lati'iy who con:c to vi.^it irnini.-. .umI ^elniM'' the scrij.'i'\- :ii'oinii| rii.' i;ili.H, .Mr. \ :i!.iitiiu' I>u;. ,.;i.l Mr^. I),v â- •[ .M.lllp' ia, ll.ni- '.H-oii .; I'll, !.!;_; :i Jew i.i\s 1:1! .M ;â- . .'^â- ilii,;, i I'o.'i.i; -,. .11 .>iiaiiu.|- llii.. 'I'llcy 'ol:;!!".' i!ii - â- ,i| ' ol 'll,. .-..Ullll', . : .M,-. .1. V, \\ â- â- â- â- ^ ,., i: ,;,, ,.,.,â- . |i:,» ! Ivel. Luxuriant Hair Can only bo preserved by keepinjj ths Bcalp clean, cool, and free from dan- druif, and the body in a healthful condition. The (-reat popularity ol Ayer's Hair Vigor is duo to the fart that it cleanses the scalp, promotes the growth of the hair, prevents it from falling out, and ({ives it that soft and ailkyglosH.so essential to perfect beauty. Frederick Hariiy, of Roxbury, Mass., a gentleman lifty years of age, was fast losing his liair, and what remained was growing gray. After trying variouB dressings with no effect, he uummenced the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. " It stopped tho falling out," hu writes; "anil, to my great surprise, converted my white hair ( without staining tho sculp) to the same shade of brotcn it had when I was J5 years of age." Ten Years Younger. Mrs. Mary Montgomery, of Boston, writes: "For years, I was compelled to wear a dress cap to conceal a bald spot on tho crown of my head ; but now I gladly lay tho cap aside, for your Hair Vigor is bringing out a new growth. I conld hardly trust my senses when I first found my hair growing ; but there it is, and I am delighted. / luok Un years younger." A similar result attended tho use of Ayer's Uair Vigor by Mrs. 0. O. Pros- cutt, of Churh'Stown, Mass., .Miss Besaie H. Bedloe, of Hurlington, Vt., Mrs. J. J. Burton, of bangor, Me., and numerous otliers. The loss of hair may be owing to im- purity of the blood or derangement of the stomach ami liver, in winch case, a 'oiirse of Ayer's ^iarsapa^lUa or of Ayer's Pills, in lonnfciion with •lie Vigor, may be necessary to give health auil tone to all Ihu functions of tliu boily. .Vt the same time, it lauiiut be too strongly urged that none of these renieiiies can 'ht miiib godtl without a persevering trial and strict attention to rlcauly and temperate habits. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rruparml liy Ur .I.C..\ycr .'t Co.. I.intnil, MuSi 60I1I by UruKgiitt auU l'«rfuiuer>. ;m > 3ttrtliral. DR. CARTER, .M.C.l'. its., ()NT. PHYi»I€I.4.\. i»lU(;EO.\, &(â- % FLESHEKTON. (.Ifflcu.Strain'ii block, lle^idenl'o, Wm. Wright > DEN^riSTRY Tiiomas Henderson. L.D. S. si.'iicEoN D];n risT Gi,ld Mi-iiali.-.t ami Il',in,r (innlwit, nf It,, li.i'.h.S.. Will visit n.i;sHKKTO.>". MrohbawV n..I. 1 1 iiiitl 2«if Mduli mutitli. Tftitb i-.\trnotoi|. iuMt,!', â- u i ,iuil fllb'il ill ;iu' lu^beM M;.les uf tbe ull. an^i III iiujiieriilt! iHlc... Hkao Ok: r' 1:, 7M ^'..m.k St.. T.'Uomo. ^'f^iU. J. W. FROST, L.L.B.. Ii*(rri»tri\ S4fUritoi\ Court [/aiu'tr^ i>lttce.â€" Slrtiin s Hiiiliiin;^, J"i,i>ni ut' n. \. A. CHKSLKV. ^wlidtur an*) Coiiv..-\ anft,-. UuHiilt-nt Mftimu'-r. MU. FUOST will I)., fuuml ut :lio Cir;ci. u TliursUavH as Ih-juIuIhi •â- . p. McCULLODGH, Barri.sfi'i-. .Sulici/nr, dr. OIBt'f. ov«'r Hci-'ariaiid's .Store.. .Itarkdale. Hoiit-v to Li»nii. Joiin W. Armstrong, !••: ^iiKiiTiiN, r,i. Gi;ev. Ui = C/5 I f- .-, CO ^ Q < -5 a 1-3 -: < u rt r niVIlSION (.•lUliT CI.KllK, Co.MMISSIO.' K ^ â- II ». K., feuv.,>aiM-i.|-. ,vi'. ,\i;i in liir |i"0 ioi- mil itule u( litii.l!.. .XipmiM-r lorl' 1.. (â- ((.•; I uu.l 1'. I'. I). X S. s.„.i,,n \|,,„*j to l.,,iiu ,.11 t! m.iBl ruiisimalib' t.-ii.e.. tssi i:» of M.\l,lll.M. I i.icK.ssKs. .sor.vnv rt hlkv MONFA' TO LOA.N. VT LOWEST 11KKE.\T KATE>. Oil Town or Kann l'ri<i>Li ty, I S. U.V.ML'Di:. I l-'leKiioHu;! t CO I !!â- â- 'ill: 11 r .1 . I !â- I I iiii'n.'i • iM f: I'M!-'-. .1111 \ 1 r . 1 '.â- M ;i; ;.. li.'u,.! 1, , ..1 l';.-i, - 1 ' ' 1 o. \\ ' 1 Coine Riolit \Vi' nu'iiii l!'ii-^inc.-;s and do ISii.-iir.c-iij ill :i l)U.-<inc.--.<-likc uiaiiiitr cvio'y time. UNDERTAKING DEPARTMENT complete ill every vespoct. Calls iit- itMulcil to ilay luul iii;:,'lii. J. B. MOORE. Juno -Jtli, ISS.'^. â- â- â- lo.' M ,1 II ,.â- c â- :•â- â- ... I , ; i, '. .... y\.. â- } , .:l;:i:, -, ,:â- • 1 ,. . : l..,|.l-l-... iloi >i'lih' I. I' ;':ii â- :•' . ,,.ivr ' M.;i \ si:. II ; !â- \\v. .! o: - II. ^;.-;^ ,": -r'n •. -...â- â- , :.'.'.m1 I.i,;,. ..>.â- .,.ri;i._' I/,. , i'. , . ,,.:,, • ., i. . III.; tl.i- sr. l:rl \ 1? I lll:u I!,,.,.]! ;,i. T'alr IS any oii.i.r.' '.â- â- ;' i h.- i-r . nil 'iI >noiv I-.- â- 11.,' ill till' c.n .-., ;. ,r, \ii; I'lio '.vili'llu 'o ;;!â- : a -liiov i'.i!! Ill .li;;;.' ,;iii I.:..'; .lie I ih.-io. I l'"ishin'4 1., tlio , .:',;..| , I -l:,. i',.-i-.' ,11 :!ie r.r. L\t>r Kiirr, Vi' u!,il iviL,'rijia at ;ijis- eiit. I hi' li-ili .'-li '! ;i - no uoii, 111 !"•;]. I;.|;i,' ill.! ir-iil li til. ;.â- ..I •• iiii . • I'. â- > <'Mr. I'ricv- ;:•.• !'(iijil(i-. i>ur cner^'iitic |i;r.i:c -â- ho, 1 irustcis have iTccteii a lino, <!â- .:•>; uitial si\ foot felloe .iroiui,! the si'io'e, is -jhool o|.,,|||uls here. Now is I ho liiirc to tiirtlu-r beauti- fy the ^'rouiiils l>\ |iIaiiM:',; evel'.;reeiis, .V.C. < )iir res|ii'cte(l t' ovii,.^iii.iii. Mr, 1). .Mr- Lean, li.a.s luiilt f",- I'lMii.sel: a niie. .sihil' resilience uji 00 I'le ''liciiihts. ' Mr. .McLe.in is ui.Iely kuoivn, both for his i^ooit tiltiii;,; iioot.s am! liis aiiiusiiiL; and instriiciivi; ailiiressfs on the ]mli|ii; |,lai- fonii, Loiil; may you live, fiieiiil .McLcail ! We notice tl.e iiicreasiiii; ileiiiaiiil for that yooil bieail Al. Watson makes. (1. W. Tivoii is nishiiiu' the meat bu.'^i- ness. He liceiis a salesman on the roatl uvefy day. Mr. T. Ferguson is hiyhly conimonileil for his thoioiigh-bred stock. The sire aiiiiiials of his Uiuliani cattle, IVrkshiro swine ami line ivoiil sheei) are <_'ooil. Mr. W. Watson, sr,. is in (wen .Smml this week on the tiraiiil .laiy. Mrs. .J. 0. .MiTiiiies, of (.'hvbov;.;aii M;cli., is visi,;iiio fiicmU liore. ^nME0| EiinK X ^ M â- < fi 1 W.J. BELLAMY. T>vr. CI.KUK MlTKMl.sl.l. I'o.VfA'r.l.VA/;, roiiMissiiiM:,: i L\Sl!;.l.\fh: ,\i; T. o<' 1 â- r\KKUs,Mi)K'ii..\(;i'.s. l.);.\^,l•;s. .1, ).,.y„ J-' oil aiul |ilo|.i'i K ..-MiuU'il. Ill.uiiiiui- aTi -ni ia ftrsc-i:la»> . unii'ttiiii^!*. .Moin, to Iiiui i« t'orwat ratufi. R. J- SPROU[;, ' I'I-kIi'iIiiIi. i'. â- ,,â- ;, III,,, ., , .ly.y/o ... i' iitnr ,luil Mi,i,,,i 'lulrl, /'i>./,., M ,â- ylili'. fiilifs .11, . I II .,.'., ii-'f t •./, , ; I â- llf'lluiiis 111,11 /',.., ^ >! /I,.''. â- I/,/ ;â- .- f.'i !i,ii: l/.f â- ; >.. I:. ./. .^!'l,"l i.J /'...•..', „,..,f^r. !â- ''â- . -ii. .I,.,.. James Siillivan, TheTiusmith. - FleslieitoL IKll.Ill- •!! I â- OQ ^lilicciilancou-:.. Flesliertoii n. n.,r..„ [f \B m MIL!.! Gray Champicn ! tl',:i III,,. I I.., • /., ,• ;,,;,- 1,1, ,, ,,.-,./- ,,:,.. ,1 ,,. ,„.;. ,•,,,„ ;â- •â- ..;,,. , ,-, s;,iti,.,,. Til,.-. , â- , lii -I , '..V, , ,,,,,,,,,' . , /Hlrio 'S '/'.^0"l(.N ,1 : ,,,f,,',,, . ,1,1 til, , , •-ill 'I,, ,i-ll t,, i,, â- „ , III, ,!â- ..,,r,, I,, l,,,„. / ,.. I/I [11 1,11,- ,-,,l,,i. f-',,'. I'KKMS.- rl|i.-l .-..« l;,.ln. .-.I l;i:.., „, ,,:,:; ii' auiiilier ui iM.'.i... I'l i.Kiji: 'â- .. .01, ..:,. 1. 101, ;i 'll.S .\1' WIS, I'l, |,, ,, :, . FARM 1 SALE. â- ' !l<! UMiloiSHjIl- 'â- \\:c> ' I .i!i;io,i;i. M ;,, 111- nuiii- 1 . r-'ii:-. ijUsl«iiin:i-> ti;at lie i::i- ;:'.'l till -\;iil .n <j;(>o4l Itiiiuti^u Onlcr ai)>l hiWc i,(it ;:i iho Very -Latest Improved ROLLER PLANT Ati.l (MiMii>I<'"I t'.iniiiiK mil i'-r>: (la-.^ VI,Ul'/i uik! mil i>ri|Piii I'll to .^ivi; my t iisioiucr.n l«4,UJJ Vll'.l.ItS .\Nn I- 'WSl'-i'LASS i'l.cU'U. Ho). nit, t" "'^â- ' •*'' '^ 'liiii'" «'! y>>\\v \KUvv:\iKHii. as I tiiii pit'iMH' -.i f" ;ili'i»^t-. 1 llu-liiillll \ ixirs U^â- ^.l'.. X> 1110 iipply tu i I.ot JJ. ( ill. n, \i;tiiiii.i.i. . . alioh.i; , acr08 111. lie i.r li--. r..r iiiituula. . ko(;ek levek. ru-iifi 1(111 Agents, Agents ! ^o^v 111. ,111- l.>l 1; Nl;iv IliH K. EARTH, SEA AND SXr WM. BRADLEY. WANTED. Locol and Vt'HVvMht'i .Sah'smrn. To s,.U our 1,'h.ii.'.' varietii"; of S ;ir.iorv St.mk i'itlli>r (111 siilio \ .T .â- .uioiiissit.ii INTUinlii'lit i fiiieleviiiiilit to til.' liiilit in, III. Nn room for lii'.l lines, il}tniih' iiii.i il..li.''-t.. 111"'! tho oIl.M MO ail- looliiny for. .V.l.lrt.ss witli r.ili.i.iin'ei', M.\Y ItllOI'UKRS, Nuirtervnieii, UovbgHter, N. Y. j Marvels •â- /tiu 7J diverse floilii; a full mill i^miiliii- .li'fi i.ijitiiiii ,,f ,'.1 (',,„. in w.iiiiii.itiil ill (1.1. 1 V r.. mill. lilt .if the i.;<.lio ; I ^ihii wiiilil lit l^nn.iH Mini till, stnn-v Meuvi'll- I'l.miiiiiiiii; tl'ot tan u.lv.iitai.'rtoa ian.l an. I s, ,. O'llUWlMMi llis»Ml.,i,|s ,,; 11,,. nHjlK|,.„ ,;;, „t,.^t e â- . -" I i.|ni>-r» ill nil i-^avs. .iji.l v. hm, liable I'bin, inn ^ fill i.v.iry leai'jn ..1 ,mi .ir... i:iiiiiviuiiii; t!:,. stii',. ' itli; iibysi.-nl Jwwuri'i. o( • jic ,«,»tli tloi iieeiiliiii I *^lWUl^telil.<A^ I'Miui liiirt.i, fl rj.,',*. ..r tinitiinls hlr.lH. iiiKfi'ti', I'll',, in, lii.liiii; 11 \ivi,l ili.i-o iiitir>i iif tbi. .ttlunlii', I'liiil'ii' iiiiil In.linii ,>i;,-iiiih nmi if tlKi Prijnv Seii», tlle iih.ii.hI, r« of Ibo ileep bi.aatiful seatihtillH uinl pbiuts, isfnj^ular ti,.ln ^ ami ilwolleis ill tbo luirlil ..( WHtern. ri-tinu knb:.. ociiiiti ciineiiis. iitc. to^:i.tli,'r with tlio nma/i: c pbelioiiitiMa nf till' solni niK) utarry si t.t< iiisl b\ Hoiiry Daviiiipmt Noitbn.p, U.l).," unbullihh, ;• witb oYor KlOftii.' i)ni;raviiii;s. I.ibxnil tbinm'.' agouta. ilxfordl'HblitbiiiijConipouv^ j .lonlio, St.. Toronto, Out. 31ftv4*-