Wm Mitchell IJan87 I ADVANCE. " TVTrn TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" PRIXCIPLES, JVOT MEJ^: 70L. Vin., NO. 364. PLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 14, 1888. A. R. FAWCETT, EDITCR ti BRCPRlETCR THIS IS FOR YOU, A I It Jlili Vatj Yoii to Ri'ttd Every tf'ortl ill Thin Article, NEW (J(M»US.â€" Mr B. Trimble, gen - â- ^ral merchant. Fleshertnti, lioa pleaaure in announcin!; that liin stock of New Spring !tn<l Suiniacr Gmxls in iiuw eomplote in OTcry dup.irtmeiit. ^EW DRESS GOODS.â€" A complete ranj/e in black and colored Cashmeres, lljnd.-sonic new Ooiiibination Dress ;io<xis avid Plain iinj F.vncy Checki' Nun's Veil- hrs. Jersey Checks, Ac. WASHING FABRICS, I»rint» and Muslins. Our stock is cumplcte in sll the I.,atest Patterns and Colors. GREY tOTT()NS.--2,75!» yds. extra lieavy (iray Cotton, 'M inches wide, Tit - Bits. Telling irhat (foetli on in dnd ar- ound FlrshertoH. r^ocA] Noticed jntendefl to benefit liny fndi- viflual. Society <>r Corporation, thur^-'eil at tlie rato of 10 ceiit'w p.-r line ftrnt infi^Ttioii. No lo- cal inserted for le«i» tliau 2.') oeutH. Special nttes to reKular advertisers. Terrible ReducUoBS on our tine stock ' of Silverware at Ruwell s, Flesherton, for this month before moving. Rep Russell's new ad. on this pas^e. Cattle fair on Monday was poorly attended. Remember the the 2Mth of June. Irish Lake Picnic on Highest C;ish Price paid for Wool at the Fleshemtn Woollen Mill. The Clianee ^ a Lifetime. Mr. Morris, of the wirld-renownpd Montreal fimi of Opticians, Messrs. B. Lannvnce & Co., will be at Russell's Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. which affords the chance of • lifetime to those whose eyes are faillaK Spiectacles fitted to suit everybody to perfection by Mr. Morris. This is th« ilMDce of a lifetime. Don't forfjct the date, Wednesday, June the 20th, at Rus8«I1'b Noted Jewelry Store, Flesherton. 'M incties t >NLY 5 CENTS PER YARD ! j Master Fred. HOSIERY & SMALL WARES.â€" Our ' vUitinK at Mr. J stock is thtj lar/est ever seen in town. ! <> LOVES. â€" A tine assortment nf I^ies . .-.nd Gents' Gloves. ,a„d«^0OO. Mr. Jas. Buhner returned home from Chica^, 111. on Tuesday. Dean, uf Dundalk O. Russell's. Hull city was destroyed by tire on the th of June. Loss between $500,000 Btf sure ' Death to P<»l»tt><' Bugs ! Wm. Richardsion htu* Just rrt'eived a I rase »f Paris <;reen. C0KSI:TS.â€" Complete 8t.«k. to ask for cur D:iisy ioc. Corset. JERSEYS. Handkerchiefs, Embr-iid â- ery, Lbc« Curtains. Waterproofs. Buttons Frilhnifs and Laces. A full mnije. i Mr. J.^ph and Miss Charlotte Fawcett, U.\TS HATS, H.VTS.â€" The Iv^ent „f Heathcote. called at our othce ni the and best ;u4s.)ited stock of Ladies, Geuta . absence of ye Editor. Boys and uirls Hats in town GENTS FURNISHINGS. -This de- { ^^ >"" **'" * ^""^ partment is complete in all the nobbiest ' P'''*^* Shirts, Cutfs. Collars antl Ties. W. C. T. t. The regular sessiu* of the W.C.T.U I meets June '20th, bat Instead of the us- i rial exercises, Mrs. Jfittie Fraine Cooke, ' , the talented eiocuttonist, will give aj I Literary Entertaintnetit in the Town I Hall that evcnintf undtir the auspic>j8 ><f the Union. Now, thii is a i;rand treat, I don't miss it ' .V sil»«t collection at the ' door t(i defray exjiuuMS. To conmience at eight o'clock. Oome one, Ci nu- all ! If you want a t;ood Watch at a low ow is the time to call at Russell's Noted Jewelery Store, Flesherton. CLOTHING. â€" OtJO men and Iniys waut- â- ««1 at the leadini; clothing hoose, BOOTS .V SH0ES.-Oiirst.)ck of La- dies And ( icnts B<x>t« and Shoes is bxceed- inply l*n;e. OROCERIES.-Anotherlanw stock of 4h«t fatuous uncolored Japan T«ft at 3Sc. lb. 50 boxes No. 1. Layer Rai«ins at 4^.60 p«r boj. PROVISIONS.â€" Jost received 1 case Lon| Clear Bacon, 1500 lbs. sound Oat- meal, Coninieal, Dried -Xpples, White Beana. SEEDS, SEEDS. SEEDS. -Timothy Red Clover, .Alsike, Garden Seedi<, Tur- jiip Seetl-s, Flax, Ve:ches. BUTTER, E(;GS, and Farm PphIucc taken in exchange for .i;<.K>ds. Highe«t market price allowed. K. TRIMBLE, Flesherton. €ET YOUR MEAT :-F R O M-i- B/akelv d McConnell, GENERAL BUTCHERS, FLESHERTON! liS'Cash paid for fat cattle, &c., &c. FARM for SALE Our esteemed friend and townsman, ; Mr. J. Ciordon, has succeeded in getting a position as travelling salesman for a New Y'ork firm. Chesley was burnt to the K^ound on ' Saturday morning laat. Evary bosinev- pUco was swept oat of aziateaca Wk a small grocery Mora. ' RuHawayg, \ On Wednesday laat, Mr. John .VJaius left his horses and wagon to wlucli tiiey were hitched standing at the roller mill while he went to tl>« village to transact j some business but before he L:ot pa.st ' Heard's carriage shop he saw his horses ' coming behind him at full speed. They passed him but were stopped opposite Elder's livery stable before any damage was doae. Mr. Will Heard and Frank Sullivan started for Markdale on Friday afternoon last with a horse and covered buggy. Tkay were ravtinir tk« « ivor utuvrly oppo- site Hawk's affg pickling esfabhshment when the horse took fright and made a leap breaking the cross-bar o( the buggy and throwing the occupants out. The! horse got free from the buggy ami ran to the top uf the hillopiHMite Mr. R. Lever's Tenders for the digging of a well on the I where it stopped. The buggy was slii;htly schot>l lot. S. S. No. 9, Osprey, will be damaged. Will escaped injury but Frank received up to the 25th of June, 1888. got a bruise on the leg which made him Edward McCallum, Henry Field and D. i use a walking stick. Now is the time for BARGAIlSrS. Having purchased the premises lately occupied by J. W. Bates, we purpose moving there by First of July, 1888, and therefore in order to clear out some of our IMMENSE STOCK before that date Call at once if you would secure of the (ireat Bargains in Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, &c. at Russell's Noted Jewel- ery Store, Flesherton. K. Preston, see bills. Trustees. For particulars Mr. Buchanan, of Meaford Road, oc- cupied the pulpit in the Methodist { church on Sunday niominy last, and Dr. | Christoe in the evening, in the absence of | Great I Rev. J. W. Conference. Shilton, who was attending BEIStl Lot 0. l'ou.7, Osp Ma\ivi'tl. ino iiort's. li) Osproy. liaU mile from res cU'art'd. well â- watered, anil under ^oi»d ^ta'e of oultiv.-vtion. Well fenced. LarKe frauiu liaru and Rtable, frame huuite. Kor further partii-ulars apply to JOSKPH U.VDLMY. 1711 Spadina Avenue, 313-371. Turolrto. pEMOVEQ Booth the Boss Barber, has rem"fnt to mtr of the sh<ip:t in Wm. | Struiiif hU'rk )iMr H'ln. i>'(tni/ioi(.<i'.i buct ' mill shiii: -iiiop, Tiiniiito atrnt, u'hen' hi' I uiU I"' happii to MC the mii-iliuii finvs of all hi,i vld eitstiiineia and as iiumij new imes ir.s i have coiuluiUd to (/i'lv tin: a ciMiu'eto main- t^iin mil npiitatiiDL as the Boss Barber- â€" . Htil only of Fleslirrton, hut of the tntiie dis- \ trictfor tifiUy miles around. i The patroua«o of the ladles respectfully so- licitcd. I Feb. J7tb, 1888. »»'^ ^ TER BOOTH. 1 Correspondence from Eugenia, Price- ville and Meaford Road, a report of the | convention .it Durham. Kimberley school 'report, W.C.T.U. items and other news I were cr.'wded out this week but will ap I jiear next week. Say, Tom ; I don't see how you have so I much money these hard times ? Why, I'U tell you, just because I to»)k my wool to Sarjeant at the Flesherton Woollen Mill and there got half a cent per lb more than I could get anywhere else. J Messrs. Clemes, Irwin and Shore â€" school teachers of Eugenia. Flesherton and I Red Sch.Kil â€" walketl to Durham, a dis- I tance of fifteen miles on Thursday morn- I ing last to attend the Teachers' Con- vention in three hours and a half. How's that for walking ? Xt the semi-annual meeting of the Orange District, of Arteinesia, held in I Markdale ou the 5th, iiist. , it was decided ! to celebrate the Battle of the Boyne on the 12tli of July at that place. .â- Vn ] invitation is extended to the District of 'Holland. Euphrasia, Melancthon and , Proti'ii. \ :<i'od time is e-\pected. Do not take quinine for malarial dis- ordera. Ayer's Ague Cure contains none, nor any other injurious inKredicnt. Tins preparation, if taken strictly in acciTd- ance with directions, is warranted to cure all malarial diseases. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. I GOOD FAKM For Sale in Osprey ! UNDEU tho power of sale oontftincil in a ocr- t&iti TiiortKnKe, which will Ijl* prodiired at thf tiiuw of suit", tliare will hv offoitni fur salu by Public Ancti..n. at HI.*ACKSTOCK s HOTKL, iu the Villa^i- of sINt^iHAMPTUN. at th« hour of 11 o'clock lu the (ort'iioou, Thursday* Jum^ *it%U IHHH, b\ A. S. VAMUSKN. Auetioiitjur, nil tlmt cer' taiu ptircfl or trstrt uf Iniid pri-uiiHfH Bittintc ill the Tuwiihliip of ».)Mprt}y. in the C'lmnty of Clrey. cuittHiniiiK by ftduifasuroiiicnt l(Xt iicros, Ih* xhv Sftim- tnort' or U'J'S. and bfinn composed of Lot uiiiuber thirtyUvt). iu the wixth conccftsiun of the ftaid tuwu»hip. Th« property ih situate flf- tuou luiles from Flesherton find two niili'R from Sin;;bamptou. SoiliaBAiiilj loam, al>out fort* acre* cleared, baianoo timbered with hardened, except about Ofteoii R^ruti, covered with cedar, baUaui. and Jiii.\uil tiujber; well v\at«rod. HuildingH: Gooil Frame Barn. :(;t x 4M; Hewed Lt>a House. 15 x 18, aud oiithuildin^H. TKKMS AND CONOITlONS OF SALK -Ten per ceut. of tbu ^urchoMo money to bo paid to tho vendora" Holioilor^ at tb« time of sale, sulll- cieut with the said ton per cent, to make oiie- tbird of ibo piu'chaae money in one month theruftfter. and the balance to be •â- oeiiieii bv i lirst ui"irt«ag<* over the property !?"l.i, piv.ablo I in ftve yoais. with interest at six and one half j per cuiit. per annum. The property will bu sold t HiibjuCt to a reserve bid. Further particulais nmde known at tho t.:n!o ( oi Bale, or on application to A. S. V.VNDISKN, ! Auctioneer, Vleaherton, CHAKLKS KING, *> j Peter St., Hamilton, or to Ml'LOCK. TILT. MILLKK. CKOWTHKH \- MONTUOMKUY. I VendorH' Solicitor*. TO KiuK St. Kast. Toronto. I Dated 2an<l May. IhNS. Bargains may be expected in Watches, Clocks, Jewelery, Silverware, Spectacles, &c. during the present month at 3 %ilV yOTIVK. Tenders will be received up to the Ist ofJulyne.Kt for building a Stone and Brick Bridge acro«.s the Boyno water near Flesherton. No tender necessarily .ic- cepted. Spocitieations at Dr. Christoe 's oliice. By order, NVm. SH4&r, \ Dk. Chrisws, ) June 4th, 1888. To THF. DKAF â€" A I'orsou ciiioil of Dnafno^K autl noiHoA in tlio buail of ii vt-iirs' Ht;indiu« by a simple reiiieJy. will Ruud (i iU'.icriptioa of it KRKE to »iiv Verioii who applies to SiciioL.so.N. 30 St. Jo)m St., Montreal. The lifc-«ivini,' properties of Ayer's Sarsaparilla h.ive established its well-earn- ed reputation, and made it tho most effectual and popular blood purifier of the day. For all diseases of the stoni.icli, liver, and kidneys, this remedy has no eiiual. Price ^1. Noted Jewelery Store, FLESHEUTON. Do not fail to come as ft vUl. nay you. Po.ntire/ij for tkis month only, and alivays take your Watcft. Clock' or Jewelery Repairs to RU SSELL'S NOTED JEWELERY STORE, FLESHERTON.