i- FLESHESTON ADVANCE. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."â€" " FUIjYClPLES, J^'OT MEJ^: VOL. Vn.. NO. 361. FLESHERTON, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 24, 1888. A. R. PAWCETT, ^°'l%l^n.,,c. AT Tit - Bits, 1 •â- RusselFs TelHng trhat tjottft on. hi ami rtr- onnd FU'slu'vion, local Notices intended tn beneftt any indi- vidual. Kocioty or ('nr|joration, chiti'fiod Ht tilt' rftt4? of 10 ftmth pfr line tlr^^t itiUHrtinn. No lo- cal in>i**rted for Icsh than i3 couta. SpBvial ratoH to rounlftp ftdvortihora. NotecL â€" iJeweleryz â€" zzz Store, FLESHERTOl, Mr", .lacijues is viKiting har daughter, MrH. Bultiier, of thin place. C'linio & Co have a new annouucemeut ill our advertisiiig cohimaH to-day. Read •it. 'llio Tort.ntn Empirf is gradually but < surely takin${ the lead in the procesHion i)f Canadian daily newspapers. Enibroidi'rit'H Hflliii;; very 4'h<'up M J. (>â- .4iid«Tsoii's 3T<*. stouds YuH will jind the Jinest and bfit dfiipitty of , fw 'i*<'. yd. Mr. J. R. Keefer returned home from WatcllOS, Clocks, JeWelery, DaU-.U last week. Wo never saw friend ' , .Jim looking better. -I ^y I Sitverware and Spectaclep Lenore. Her hoart wuh lik> aTi)ite-li\i(l hwout That upeiiH iu dia •tin. For Iov« drow uufrittfoUlud U!uv(;3 To wither, onu 1>» ane. In Klleiicu and in iMJbe Hs. hIio rri'XKud oft tliatm<' li.art. Low pluudinu to be Wfi-'i iifjiiiii Or ulBu with life M JNtrt. That lifu had liooa • iniMiiii) Htraii);e Of ilnrkneau and of Ui;Mt. But Roon tliuhrJebfe94N.K whh uclipKvd Uy >uuil)ro uloudsaC niijlit. Sho was not ^aiid. nmr bnivis noi- stroiifj â€" Sliu drooped luir llfeMt' hfiul, And from ln.r ofttimas tiMvr -wet cIil'lU Too mjiiu tht) roRti'flush fled, Thoro nanio a day wHen no iiMiri! puin WouUi toar herM"*''"' bi</iiBt: " I Invtui him HO," was all hIik suid, • I loved him,â€" lot me rest." Oni; little hand wan oloHi^d iiljimt \ paper whito and amall ; Tin.y lookedâ€" 1»' â- namv uiih written thoroâ€" Uix name, r that \nH nil. She wftu not ^rand, iu«r hnivc.nor Htronj; â€" She rlrooped her Wttary head .\nil loved oueM wliiBpered o'er her form ; " Shi! loved hiui â€" aha is .loud." (hven Suniul 18SH. â€"^Mdu B. VanDnsi-n. Cftrru'd LlHtlUimm^ly, \ Anvin: to .Motuehk.â€" Ato you dint «r bed »f. . . , nii;ht and l>roken of vour rest by ii sick . hilil At a meeting of the (Quarterly Omciai scilferiut!.i,nder:,int;withi)aiuof CnttinKT.i ;h v n.i«..] . » n. M 1.1 i: i/'i.._„u i.'i.,ui..» If nosund iitoneo and Ket a bottloof ".MrB. Win- Board of the Methodist Cliurch, tleshor- „iy„.„ suothim; Svrnp' for Children Teethii.c. ton eircuit, the followiug motion was '''' â„¢'"'' '* inealei.lablH rt »11I ..lieye the ' '^ poor iittlu rtulforer iinmediatelv Depend upon put and carried unauiuiouslv; â€" lit. motherK; there in no mixtake all lilt it. It ,, , 1 , ,ir . " 1 , I euros Dv«entery and Diarrhiea. reKuluien the Jloved bv .1. W. Armstrong, seconded i stomach and Howuis, imiiob Wind Celic. softeim Iw 4 R FiiweMi-f- Tli.if tliiu (hi'irtorlv <â- ''•• flnms, reiliices Inflammation, unci xivest"re Dy ."i. K. J<awcetl, mat tliih i^uarteiiy jj,„, „„Qrgj,t„ ^i,,, „||„|y ^ygj^.,,, ..,,r^ wi:-. : Official Board desire to record their '<•"'»«""''''"« S'^vrnp' for children teethii.t; « I pleasant to the taste and IB the pi'.'Mript'.oii â- I I gratitude to the (ireat Heatl of the one of the oldest and beat female phvBieii.iiK I ,„ , - ,_. . . . ^ ! iind uiirseM In the I'nited Htatep, and Is for •.e.le j Church for His presence lU giving to us ; by all drutiRiKts throni;hoat the world Pri(c iii.iwn mill iii-ounorit-v iliirino rli.i fniifnr 1 twenty-live nents a beltlu. Be sure and l.hk for I peace ami proHporicj auring tliu comer- , .,%,i^^ Winklow's SunTiiiNa Hyninv and take I ence year now coming to a close. Wo """"""â- ''''"'â- I desire also to record our vur)' liigh appro- I - ' i ciation of the life and labor of our esteem- 1 J^ g\Y A D V ERTI S E.M I'jN TS. led Superiiitundeut. Uev. J. W. Shilton, ' iB ... .hose administration of our QQUf^J Qf REVISION, I church laws wo heartily endorse, and " " / J whose earnest and faitlifiil labors are so ; acceptable to our people. Wo deem it ipiito superfluous to invite him to ru- I main on this circuit, as we take it for I granted that ho will auroly do .so, and I tliat TOW.XSIIIF OF .iUrE.1IE.SIA. thii ; Remember the grand concert in the Town Hall. Fleshorton, on the evening of the cwmiy at^lM ,>J^y ' "^ *'"-' '•i4th May, Thursday. ] We issue one day vurlinr than usual ^ ^ r\r-r\ n r KIT //I \A/C D 'â- *'"'* ^^'''*^'' "" "â- ocount of the '.i4th coming Jo rtn Ctrl I . L (/ KKC n l on our day ..f publication. Mrs. OibHon, of Jf^rsey City, U. S., is ther dtaUiH irill stU <t'ni thin, Jor. the guest of our respected townsman, Mr. «.. 4«u|ri»a« iiud WMuim WaUlu^, j^^„ Gordon, whose aunt she is. JruiMH>.5i> Up, mil- ranted from â- ! Ui ;> yean, • iiukthe jif'iple f<rr Jifteeii mUen artmnd al- :'-aijii take tlui'ur Wiiiehen, Cloekt anil Jtwtl- ' (1/ Repaint tu Rraiui!, FUnherton, m thep liirvfamid by experieiwe lir U the nnly Man thnii iiiu ilo tliem in o tati^ucturij num^tr. All wvrk peitotudly lUtended to at t ^EUSSEIil^S NOTED JEWELERY STORE, The brick work on Mr. .loseph Black- burn's handsome rcKideuce on Toronto street is being built by Mr. .lohu Wright, Jr. FLBSHERTON. GET YOUR MEAT I have' received this week a few more dozen pairs of the fa.sbionable Wigwam Slippers. They are comfortable, cool 'WBi'l cheap. â€" Wte. CtaytoiJ. * Yoii should s«><> that 104'. Dross <«oimIs at J. 4>. Anderson'sâ€" it is rvully worth toe. a yd. Tlio Fleshorton Adva.'^i.'k staff went _ I on a Ashing excursion to Kimberley last ~ I Friday and succeeded in bringing home nearly si.\ dozen speckled beauties. certainly not think of disturbing Jiis j notieu and govern iljinisulvos^a^iom Twi). Clerk's Offlee, Miiy iath. IhKM! ' To-yight. The evening of the Queen's Birthday. ] present relation. ' Jtav -i^tli, will be celebrated in the Town 'Pliu above is also eudorsed in a most Hall, Fleshertcn, by a grand Concert, | i^.arty innnncr by the people generally, wliich will be giveu under tlie ausiiices I i,v whom Rev. Mr. Shiltoii is heUl iu the THK I'ir^t sittin^iof the Court of l.evinen. .m the Assessment 111 IKM fur tlie 'riiwnsliii. . f .Vrtomesia. will be belli in tlie Tt'WN HAL! . ., .... i.- • /. „ -ti â- „ , l''IJi;SHi:li'l'(iN. .Ill .Mundav, 4lh dev iif .U'Nl! the htatiouing Committee will ,^4 am pani. s im,ie.todare,..|i.i,ed te:i.ia COURT OF REVISION, of the Ladicii' Aid of the Presbyterian Church. Best local talent engaged, S0I08, duots, trios, nnd Quartettes. Fleslicrtou Clee Clnb and Oicliestra will be tliere â€" in themselves a host I .\s this will probably be theTiclicst musical tareat of the season, you should not fail to get there. Bring along your best girl and enjoy a rare evening's entcrtaininentt Admission l.jc, ch^rou uiidur Vi years of age lOc. Doors Qpen at 7. ISO, concert to commeuce atrS olcl'iqk highest respect and esteem. "Mliddi/ Vallvy. TOWNSHIP OF USi'KEY. I rpHE Kirst SIttint! "' the Court of , . , 1 i-i â€" the .\sheshuient of Imhh for the 'IHw iisliu. 'I t "18 received from above locality | Ohprov. will bu bell in \ia.'^\v::i.i.. .m '.n-.h. .• <.h iliil iifit .irrivo in fi,„„ f,ir i the 'Jath day of .MAY, IhNS. .-Ml parties !n!ersft...l eK illU not arrive lU time lor ,ire roijuired to take mitico and (;ove,n them- selvoH accordiut^lv. \VM. MUM',. Clerk. Twp. Clerk'H Office. Uth -May, li.'H. lasl luserdv.!! .\DVASC'K arrive in current issue of Tub Will l)e pleased to hear from Notice to Creditors. ' 4blW>it salvation -t-F K O W-:- Blakelv d McConnell, GENERAL BUTCHERS, FLESHEKTON! tiS*Cash paid for fat cattle, itc, Ac, .\ timnber of our Flcsherton boys have been camping out near Feversham for a week past. When they return wo expect to hear some pretty good fish stories. Mr. Dan. McLeod and his mother have the sympathy of the community in the severe loss sustained by them in the destruction of their dwelling liouse by fire la.st week. Dan is a hard worl<- ing, honest young man, and Mrs. Mc- Leod is an industrious and fespectable woman. IHens Lout: Boots solliiiii at '{.1» |M'r 4'eiit. disronnt for cash or trad<> at J. Ci. Anderson's. NOTICE. SHINGLiKS coniitantl'/ on hand and for sale chiMip. Just {Mit in nrHt-uliisH nuw Choi>l>in^ Mill - now hrint,' along your ^jraiti and yot it chopped up iu short ordor. J. H. SLOAN*. Kti^ouia. FAEM for SALE Bi;iN(i liOt G, Con.7, Osproy, half tiiilu from Maxwell, 100 aorert, (X) ituroH cleared, well watered, and under ^ood ntato of cultivation. Well fencoil. Lari^e frame barn and stable, frame houiju. Korfurlher particulara apply to JOSKl'll HADLKY, 17'J Siiadina Avenue, .â- M5-:i71. Toronto. Santla; The importi and the dAune* oriieglocthi^ to attciiil to i ion in current issue, tlie iiijmortal interests of the soul were beautifully set forth by Mr. .Small, a student from Knox College, Toronto, in | the Preabytcriau chin-ch on Sunday last. The earnest and (iractieitl inaniier in whicli the speaker dealt with his subject secured the marked attention of his numerous hearers. "Kyeholder " as often as possible. If ho will send us his Post ( )fhce tiddruss along I with next batch of news items, we will j forward him corrospoiiilent's outfit as | desired. Please note thatall correspond- I 3J1 the Matter of the Estate cf Ne:l ^ , • , i .., • ... ..I Kennedy, dece-dscil. cnco must be r<-ceiveu at tins utilce not | "PUIISI'ANT to l'riivi»iiMi!i of the levis later than Tuesday noon tu eiuiuru iusert- â- ii luteH of Out&rio, Cbaiuur lib- .Notim* in b«rel^^t0yMi (Imt all criidltorH and nthm' 1 er- TiUH IS I'Oit ror. MollM llavin;,' iiM\ detiti*. einims m- dtijiii it Ih ' attaliist the KotiUe of Ni'il Kimneih, lute of tt.e I TiiwllKllip of -•VrtiniesiiL. in theCoilliIv <.f ':ii v. sehiiiil leaeiler. deceased, Abo -lied "ii ir .il.oiil till .itli liat flaiiuary. A.I).. IhSM. hv mrelv ; r.iipore.l III! or h.fore the I.'itb diiv ul .In;.. ;»*>.. ] ' to sendliv |Mist pi'epaild to Krederiik l,i'i::.i\v I of tile suid Cownship of .\rteniesiti. I'ri .vill" //, ll'ilf I'td/ I'ou to Ufilll d'rri/ [ IM).. the administiatol . if tile e^Ulle ot 111- M... I ' Koril ill. This Arlirlf. ' , '[''"cased. 'I'le.u- ehrislian nn.l s„,-,,,unes. ,.,J. .iresses and .leserlplnins, the' lull [iK i t renhirs id ! tbeir I'laiuiH vinl Htateioeilt ol tlnii- iieeii-.iuls I and the nature of tlie hecnritius lit iiii;.. In id I v tlltun. .iud 111 dice is further Ki von that at the cr.pira- tioll iif that Iiniii the said admiMistrator wij . proceed to liist litnitu the assets ef ibe said de- .stocli of New j cwascd anionti tin- parties entitled thereto, 'lax'- ini; rei^ard iililv to the claims of whie lie sbit .1 then have uotiee. and that be will nut In- 'i..ldi' fur the assets ,ir any part tiiereot s i -i'-irine-.t. \ to any pcrseu uf wlioHc claim he siudi nut lii. *1 ».ii,..^.._. ...\.\ivL.. i 1 . have had not ice. DUhss <i<)i )!)S. .\ idiiipiete ,, , , , ,,. , ' MASSO.N .t MASSON. lilacU and colored C H.slimeres, i , ., , , ^ . . ,. -I I Soliriturs fur tlu- said administrator, rre;;ir.Lk earnest, forcible manner, so character- 1 handsciiie new Combiiiiitimi Dress goods | iveuncdy. Nun's 1 Dated at Owen Sound thiH 1st day ui ri.i.v, ISNh NEW (iOODS.- Mr. H. Tnuiblc "ou- In the evening, Rev. .J. W. Shiltoii. B. i oral merchant, Flcshertoii, has pleasure ] .v., iehvered a stiiring sermon in the ' i" annoiinciiig that li Metliodist church. Theme: "Our Future State." The sermon abounded m thoughtful expressions and practical applications, and was delivered in that Spring and Summer (iiiods is now com- plete in every department. NKW range in istic of this elo(i>ient and gifted preacher. Mr. Fred Ryder and his assistants have made an excellent job of the brick ami stone work of Mr. C. .1. Loitch's store and residonco on Collingwood street. Contnietor Mour and his men arc now pushing the carpenter work. The building will be ready for occupation by .luly 1st. Kcnu'mhor, Yon can avi 4 Ihs. .1. <>. Andersons famous UOc. Tea for *1, Try it! An Oiiiimtion, K Dundalk correspondent says: â€" The item in the Herald last week, in re- ference to the social held at Mr. Dean's, was not complete. There was a very im- portant omission made by the writer. Ho forgot to tell Herald readers about the .oentleniaii w)io lost bis bat, and who n I I ± I n an / ! expreK.-<ed indignation that any jicrson Booth thd D0SSf^Dd.ru6r,\ao\xV\ have boon so stupnl as to take it, I when tho word "Donkey" was written /ms rcnwmii fo ou- ,,fthc xhop, h, '5'"'- I iu^ido as "plain as tho nose ou vour Strain n bloi:K near n in. mrnlioniti: h hooti , ,, ,, . ,",, and .H/,oe Wio/i, TuronU. slrcH. wh^re h,: fn^w-.' Mr. Spurr is a racy and able pEMOVEQ and ri.-iiii and Fancy Check â€" â€" ^- â€" - Veiling, -Icrsey Checks, iSc. j The liahij Vlllaae thnrd Vfom. WASHING FABRICS, Prints and | Tho Spurts Committee of Markdale Muslins. Our stock is complete in all I advertised a Lacrosse Match between ; the Lati^.st ratterns and Colors. Flcsherton and .Markdale teams, to bi; j (JUK-V e'H'I'TO.N'S. -â- i.T.'iO vds. extra played at tho latter place on the 24th ; |,^,nvy Gray Cotton, iili inches wide, for a prize of $.>. Tho Secretary of our i oXLY '> CKNTS PER YARD ! Lacrosse team wrote the .Secretary of j ][osi 1':RY & S.MALL WARKS.- (hir tho Sports Ccdnmitteo for information as ^^^^^.,. .^^ j,,^, ,^^,^,^^t ^,^.,.^ ^,^^^^.,, ;,, t„^^.„_ they had not been consulted abunt the | ^jlovKS. -A fine a.ssortmeiit of La- ' Saturday. «ud day of .tuiie. l.HS.-*, niatcli, and received a reply that lunie I ,. ^^^^^i (;,.yj^. oioves 1 "«• Kiodock a.m. The tollowinn piuporf/. mi- but juveniles from Fleslierton wiuild be I ^oRSKTS:-Complete stock. Be sure Wh";!;;:;'?;! li^,T;!:;;;,?U:d's^d;„:;;r;"?^'; .^ ' ill thc' '['nuii-hip of Arttiriusni tn ti.c. ( nunU â- f OBK.IEN V O'BJU'EN. PL'KSI'AN'I' ; I llle .IlldKment ill ilr.s i.tti. .1 tll.-re will ill- -eld in lOOl p.ueel -.vi'll â- -â- â- ' approl lilt inn ui" the Master of tlie Supi etiii f'v.U' t of .Tndi.'iitnre for (bitario at (i\mii Suuiid, I v AliilAll.X.M S. V.V.NDUSKN", Auctmneer, at .\1'. i- shaws Hutil, III the VillaKoof FleiheKun, in t; .â- Count;. Ill li >i;> . un allowed to compete with tlieir team. I'liis is just in keeping with the baby villaL;c. But why do they advertise a matcli and then debar our team '.' Was it to give a show of respectability to their sports '? Our Lacros.sc team and many of our citizens intended going to Markdale on tho 2-lth but this means â- 'stay away" and many will do so, as ] our team will not be allowed to play. , However, it is just ;is might have been | to ask for our Daisy -bOc. Corset. .JERSEYS, Hamlkerchiefs, l''.nilir.iid- cry. Liiee Curtains, Wiiterpri.)ofs, But- tons, l''rillings and Laces. .\ full range. HATS, HATS. HATS.â€" The largest ami best aswirted stock of Ladies, Ueuts Boys and (iirls Hats in town. GKNT'S FUHNISHINOS.â€" This de- partment is ciim|)lote in idl the uobhiest Shirts, Cuffs, Collars and Ties. CLOTHING.â€" .500 men and boys expected. The "Hustlers.' afrai.l "f â- ,,.^„tp,i .at the leading clothing bouuo. getting badly whi|ipod. re-sorted to the ,,(,(^,-pS & SI lOKS.-Our stock of fhmking act asa means of escape. j Ladies and Gents Boots and Shoes is . ! execedinglv large. .1. «. Anderson wants l.-i.OOO' (lUocElUES. -Another litrge -stock EutfsriKht away and will pay the ,,, , „ i it i ^ Highest I'riee Possible in trade; of that famous uueolored Japan lea at Cii-ey eiintiiMiin^ one lunidred iicli There lire iilnnit twenty ncreH oleared iiiid ntult r riiltlMitluii. rlio property is di:Oniit trooi t le Villages 111 Miiikdaieand l-'leshiitti.:. iifiout .*'\.i miles and the roads leading theie|,i .-ue |;u"l country ruads. Tlie prupeity will be luld ,-.iL ject t'l'a reserved bill Ilxed bv'tiie sai.l Master. TKUMS OK S.M.K: Lot liO is piitiiited i,:el will ill) sold eioiir of all incumbratic's . bit If'i i* unpatented with a balance of alioiit .-^'.'iisiitt >j:i.< the (.'rown. Iu per cent, of the piirclun-c luon, _. to lie paid to the Vender's Solicjiurs at the t:;i:i' uf sale, .inil tho balance within tni)l> ^i. s •whereitltei' wit iiuiit, interest. The i-ther lirio.s and cunditiuns uf .^alc nm> be aseerliiin. .1 . -i aplilicat ion to th(i Vendor's Solicitors loul ^. ,.l be annintnced ut the sale. ALIi'ItKU I-'HOST. l.iHiu Master cur.Ason, mukuison a s.mith, Volldor's Sidicitu;. Owen I-iir.iiid. Utticd 111 Owen Koiuiil, ^:!i Mav, luss. or Cash. .h/o â- H-'dl he luipp\j to ai:e the sniilin(i facex of all his oU cudumem and as many new f/nf.i as ^wiijc eanclnded to yive inc. a cluiiKC to rnain- tain, my reputation as thi: Bom Barhv.râ€" not only of FkshertoH, but of lite entire dis- trict for tivenly lavic.i aruunJ. Tho patrunago of the lailioa ronpootfully so- licited. Feb. 17th, 1888. WALTER BOOTH. writer, but his item would have been much spicier than it was had it contain- ed tho addition I have meutiouod. <"a)l at J <»'. Anderson's great haruain house an^l seenre some off. W. Ashton s famous English Prints, extra widths, lie. per yd., regular tselliiiK price 14c. per yd. THIS PAPER ?'.X'^oK'??rNTw'S«V'*-. - â- ' 'vt>rtlAiiiu( _ ffSIMil. Adverllslii«nHniau(10SpnKMiSLVwd)cijwvJv«r A Great Big Offer. The A dvancc sent balance of year to anyone in Canada or the U. S. for 50 cents spot cash ! Noiv's your chance. 'ioc. lb., oO boxes No. 1. Layer tiaisiiis at 1 $l..'jO per box. PKUVJSIONS.â€" .lust received 1 case'. Long Clear liticon. IfiM lbs. sound Oat- i meal, Cormueal, Dried Apples, White j Beans. | SEEDS, SEEDS, SEEDS.â€" Timothy . Red Clover, .\lsiko, Garden Seeds, Tur- nip Seeds, Flax, Vetches, i BUl'TER, EGGS, and F.arm Produce I taken Iu exchange for goods. Highest | market price allowed. I R, 'I'RLMBLK, Fleshcrtou. Uaapproaclir 1 for Tone .and '.uality. CATMLOQUfaS FIft 'â- . BELL&CO..Gffi»,OBt.