Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Apr 1888, p. 8

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••1»»^' T!^" • t THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. I %. WILL HAVK AN A P. IN [Apr. ig. i8S8. This Corner, NEXT WEEK. .He is Opening a: New Stock i:\ :V - SPKOULE.S BLOCK, And haa not Hme to write one thi» %fceh; County and District News j diluted auil ('oiulenncd from tlic Colmnns of f>iif JCxi'haiti/t:t. \ Dufrurin iiiul "tluT Oiitino counties Vote (111 Sccitl AlI rt'iiual tD-diiy. Maikdiile Clmrcli of Knuliincl pfople will build a tine luick parsonage in that villiisje iifxt suiiaiiur. A 8!20 suit iif 1 1' •thus wa» stolen fnaii a liciltiioiii Willi I'f iho Aii','lo-AiMfric:iii livtcl. Diiud.ilk, l;i-*t wui;k. Jaini's Li'Hi.s li'.use, Mt., whs lU.^tniyuil l>y liir un Thuihilay Wi'i-k. TIju onu'iii nf tlio lin i.s a uiysttTy. .\Iarkdalu juiJiT Lacrosse club has n- or^aoizc'd fill' si.i^i'Ii of 18K8. Thu nifin- lur.tcall tliciii.^^ilvos, " Markdalo Hiist- krs.- 'rhoniliuiv aiil Clarksljui-L; liavo organ- ized a uiiiI.mI loot Jiall team for the siM.siiii, til lu' k' ""11 ax till.' '" (Jtnr^iaii Iti'VCIM. ' Kdvvaid Davis liioku a smull bmn.- in liis le^ whiki Halkiiii; on aMiiikdak- sidr- walk <mu eviiiiii;^ not loni^ siiiiu. He Klipl'od oil till' icr. 1). Uyndnmii, of (iraiid Valley, (('". Uutririii) has pa.d tlio line ivcently im- |iii.<od on him for violatiii',' the Scott Act "Sod and fiiHta. -Sliollniriic KiMiiomist. .loliii InviJi, of Thoriiliury, »li[i|>cd tliroui^li a hole in the ice on (ii'orL'ian hay and took an iii\o!uiitaiy hath. This «as on (ill. id Friday. Uathcr early fur bath - in<:. J'lhii '. Saiiniel fJriiT ua.s sentenced to .siieiid three years In the Uefuniial ny I'urhieak- inn iiilo a Mt. I'or.'.tt He wa.s | taken to renctaiM'ui.sheiie a coiiiile of I weeks auo. Sunday week an Ainaninth farmer started widi a load of saw loi.;.s for a Iiei^hbciriii.; mill. Iniiii.'ine lii.s astonish- ment when a iiiaii met liiiii aiul told him it was Sinuliiy ! Mr. .John Kicharvls.m (of riotoii) wlui some time ii^o wa.s liurt by tlie falling; of a tree, died last Tuesday. We extend our symiiathy to his iriend.t iinJ relatives. â€" Diindalk llei^tl. Mr W ll.^Vrl-ht son ot Mr. .lohn \\ rii^ht, Arteniesm, and junior member of the luijal firm of Pollard iV Wright- is h>catod at Clarksburo. He is very highly spokuu of by the Thornbury Standard. Thorn\)ury town council is counting the cost of a hook and ladder coinpaity. Af- ter while the ratepayers will have a jirnc- ticnl duiiidiiuiruMoii thor«*of --M^Miut the time the collecttir makes his uiinoal visit. Iiicemliaries set (ire loan empty roiii^h- ra.Ht house in < >rani;eville on Friday week. Iho (ire «a.s i(iieia'iied before much damage wiis done, and now a clue hax been found a.s to the identity of the lire bUL'H. Kinuscotu I'ublic School Trustees re- cently advertised for a I'eiuale teacher. ( >iit of some fourteen applicants, they selected the one beariin; the name of C. A\'. ('oli;er. Tim desired "female ' teii- wher turns out to be a youth of some 18 Hummers ! .1. .\. McLean, wlio vi.sited Shelhume reeeiitlv , and lepreseiiteil hini.self as »oeut ior tlie Toiont.i (!loli,>, laked ilia ipian- tny of shekel.-! fioui the unwary, I'ot on the â- â-  bonze," came in cuiitaet with a real reiueseiitative of the ureal U-fcnii paper, and skipped for '' pastures new." .Iiisepli (iahan, a bad sixteen veal's old (>rnlii;oville boy, burelariously entered Miss Mann s fruit store '^n that town on Sunday week, and stole 3;> in cojiiiers, a box of cigars, and a ipiantity of sweets, .loseph wa.i bioUi;ht before the I'olice Ma'.'istnile but sentence was deferred. t hi Suiulay Michael Shea, an old Heli- tleiiiaii 7(i years of iit;e, teaidili^ on the old eoiKVHsiiui of riotoii, fell from a mow ill his barn and sustained serious injuries. Mis thii;li was broken in two places and the iiccidunt, owino (o his iidvaneed nL'e, may prove fatal. l>r. Mel'liadeli was called to attend the injui'i'd man. Mt. Forest Itepiiseiit alive. *>»««^«-« NASAL |{AL^r. Deafness caused by t'.ilarrli i.s ipiickly reheveil by Nasal Ha'm. Ileadaelie caused by ('aturrli is quickly cuieil by Nasal Italin. «.^^* KiiKoiila S4-li«M>l IN'itorl for A|»ril. Total niiiuber of pupils on register dur- ing; the month of March, HO. Hoys, 32 ; girls 28. Agt;roi;iito attendance, 012. -Vverage daily attendance, 4;t. S. Clkmi.s, Tenilwr. CLIMO & CO. The New Store Wrights Old Stand. Have opeiHMl a New St(H k 4;K0( l^lKlilS, UKV (.OOU.S. HOOTS A. SIIOLS. t LOTIII-VG. Wo extend to all a Cordial Invitation to visit us. Y.'o v.-;:i oc '.u the mar- ket to handle ail kinds Bartoi' Wool nnd Hides. Cast Ivlei;'.l, Scs- CLIMO &- { X).. FLESnr.iiTOX. I have received a Very Large Asscrtaieut of BOOTS & SHOES! Several Himdred Pairs of Mens', Womeus' and Cliildreus' which I am offering VERY CHEAP. TVM. CLAYTON. FLESHERTON. CHEAP AND DURABLE! T II E WELL-K NOW N SPEIGHT WAGON ! Call antl get Prices, &c. from un(.lcrsiL;n(jd. S'l'OVICS. TINWAKl-:. &c. for sale :i.-; usual I'lrst-chiss valiu- in i:\erv dt'oarliiient. N-> nno can describe the sulferinga caused hy Asthmik except those tro ibled with the (oniplaint, One package of Southern .\sthnia Cure will relievo any cAse. Double treatment iit each package. A^i^ciil for I'ICR'HRS' r.XPRFSS. AU /^anrls left uiih him K-ill be pytiinptly cvu! carcfiillv attcfuled to. srit-v I >."?-!. - i<"r.i?:siii'::i«'i<>>'. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, AI.I. KIM'S OK Marlls and l:^mii\ W:ris, Stieh Its Moiiuiueiits, Tmnb Table-;, lleailstoiu s »Y Counter ami Table To^is â€" iu .Aiiueiiciui aiut "' liiUiiui Miirbli; iiiul (iniiiitc, uiul nmilc on .short iiotwr. Also Mantles in iJaiblo atul MarbU'ikieil Slate, i^c, .Ic. Klcsherton, .\u«;. iJO, 188i'.. lIKALril FOR ALL HOLtOWA^WLlS&QWIMiH â- '^u ill I': IMLL8 rurifv tbo JlK>o*l. ion\-ot all l>i--ovder^ of the I^iA^ei*, Stoiiiaeli, ICitln^;*'?^, nntl IJo^vels*. Tlieylnviiiorntt'tvn 1 restoi'o tn lu'alth l>clMlitKttnU\>U''titatii'i,s. an-l iiro inviilnnble in all i'«m- plaints itiuitloatiil to l-'i-inaluH of uU ii:4i.'rt. I'ov C'luUirun aii*! tlio aKo<l thoy arc I)riculv!i8 THE OINTMENT IHniiiiifallibloromoAy for Hftil I,pi;s. Ilail KroustK, Olil Womuls. Soie-i sml I'lcoin. It is famous for (tout ami Uliciimiuism. For ilisovileis of the C'lUMt it tins no f.itml. ForSORK THROAT, RROA' CIIITIS. COUGHS, COLDS (HanitiilaiSwiillliiKn.ftiul all Skiu Diseaso'i it l\ss no livr.l ; aiiil for conli'Hcteil and »iiS ointH it ftPtH like a eharin. M imifaotnvoil onl^ at Professor Holi.owav s Kstablishmont, 78, New Oxford Ntreot ( lnt« 5.1S, Oxford Street ). Loudon, amlftrosolilat In IjiL/.'s. Ikl., ta.M . lu . Ifja., ami .TW, e«eh Mot or Vot, and umy bo had of all Med cine \ oiidors throuKlumt tho World. Purchatert ihould Iwik k (he Label on the Pvt-s ami Boxe.i. If the aiUreM w i»«< SS,\ O^rtbtnJ Street, Londcn, thc\i are ^urwus. I

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