? I Wa, ^teheU U, •oar FLESHERTON ADVANeE 1 " 7'r> TRUTH BEFORE FA\'0R.--"FRIXC1PLES, XOT MEX VOL. VII., NO. 356. FLESEERTON, ONT.. THUISDAT. APRIL 19, 1S58. A. R. FAWCETT. â- U To All Whc!2i Concern. it may Tit Bits. Ffltiiig irh'ii 't' ith ov ill nntl itr iwA i:iw:.d«. '. V' L- 1.. re<.civej a; <^<i hertiff mak' statement i.r' ti>< /-Jwic-ja'dlZT ,.-ji; A Co"-. iag HUccntrorcrtMt ' /â- ictf" Th it /J Hmtc? you -ccr. :'ic rev hovtthf vnJj c<'mpltte •t:.lf\Uj .i.^y.rf- '** B«»*Wia M)ii A: CV ? .•A«. I Mr. BradforJ Powrjil. winj.>L' arm was r a' i4K'/< o' /InMTtW/n H'<i/t7i'», r/„ «->n li'.e -itii .'f tliU aioiitt; a inif y vomj^c<- if j^.'^^ie a»a«:!W<"i at t';. rn,.- ii'ftntv <.f Mr Jjhn S^irp. A.-.. :-l>.a. the occa.s:.?!! if\:-.\: the .'iiirr-a^-' of i.:s ilanyhter. Mis* CiraceS^iir '. tj .^Ir .' >s. A. liiake^y. c\-C..micir.rr ; i" -iitrf •â- : war! aaJ out" ..f ujosi s'-a;- ar: x-z'\ 101 • u'.ar of .Krteicewa's •cn.«. K^v .1. W. Shiltt-Q. H..\ . -fEL-iatrf ii: !;â- - i:--.iUa<y aud Lappy uidnuer. Mr. tie.. IJUavIv ,*i>d lILsa .Vni^c Sharp ; • rr'. r-^...I :iie office« ''i .;r ,• -r- -'•â- «" .i . i '• r; U->::;ii i •.V Llinds reBye>.t;v-.ly The ai4-,:...., - -. •„-: '...is 1- «c>ia«. tlw pr!,*tH.c» BWSKr 'a-i. -.nit-vtry- lAoJy irSues lutf ;. jOBH , â- • ; le all :I:(.' •y<. ''7/( /.â- "//^ - r*. .1./. e.l :â- c-.r last wttk s !.>: ul '.cr ibove M.-. •". .T. I-Unnn :s rr:ini'_':r of a nils IS .hifV-nrff. Syeic, PUoaliC'tTr. t'f-:. i-'lr* »HoK* 'k''^ tuurtaiiwl ibas lie will uos /irt-^flose the ust pf li'" !*i>»Tril am. ' - /I .S'.'i<r/6«ni<f un</ Oicm S'jtml T~'< ^t ! im Silling thtu differ'^H .â- : â- •Ci-S'r Frkrs" thnn oth-:r J-rteell-r$\ ^"laa«. (.'!i:i!-iv. %rf vV rr<vk i't tkii s-rtivn ; That I bty 0/ Utterlii^TUjticL y. KlcLsirlsoL' /â- â- m.i : Th'H I have mon WijXcJitt. ' ' " d.'i:-.u i< \Tc!! .X- .^riSU U- expected. Ilr t«»iW /Vdf if. Mr. Hiiot. MtoruUj« ;s i imart€.»« lutn «•. ivvrnivt. v; ". !^'>f every ke*«ii. >Lr..-.vii. . ily mx>: ' :. IlaiJvvarv t^^ve oftou ;.far-.;.. i w^-?«-- â- . who cculU ^0 :'r;rij<.i ljU.r; Mr. M.ir-l;al. i; â- .:. -. -s tr-.i.lv '-f ':';j...-k<t:>.:hi".i; H-.dr-i. ;i :arry;r!.' .:; 1 Mr. .1 s. ai Pe.::-r. ^^ I trA V ^v;::i Mr. .J H. H. re-, I-.-tr-'i ;..> :'.!0 -.\:'j.j Mr. t:. <. A. B:i^ Iv ;. in t'... rxrv.M:- ' •.â- :â- ..•-- â- .: M^r»t.II. Mr l"iv r^-.' A.-j.^tr Lj;. il'Icit j-ic :f Mr. l-'r-. ' :â- .-•.:.•â- -. __ - -oii.-^ u:cvlv iu .•:•! .cir::e': h^? ^:-h Mr .: H !ir^e Iv.sint'^s .0 learnt.-l l.;s .<•-â- '.. '.i Sl.vr;? was recvutly ;• -ftti-'C for a : r-.-.-l:.::^; tiilu â- - RUSSELL'S JE^^ELEE'S •1 \. Qii sor^' "..i;ii'. '«/'y. b-ickeii vp by trrittm vvir^tvts â€" tii(/ (iffn nrim« â€" than any JtKtller thU \\Ui iV.rku d<:.in th.- horti** 0/ C^tmW Aii ni«iaUrs . f ii«.. Wi â- ::. n s Ciirist- I cxwreBjionletK't.- totitaiiMl h'i .. Uy tveniu;;. -0:m. at Mr., claytous. »J'* 1^""^^' ^^o'^l-^M «t-.;:^ ;.a, «<c/- <^c.Me iu « fAi* r.<-Uu. . r/u,f *•> discuss luviuc r!:c C.."..!ty Convention >^[ .**^ ^^^ 'â- ^>; "•'*!'J^*'-' *" / »â- â- b. ilouLU the aKioitnt 0/ la k. rlaxn \ . v.>ld the w riser that re ii;t ;r.at r a:. ' ;* i^W by any other lirm in 20 miUt ' -*l»b»*S'"* '^'â- ^ ''-'•• i^*^ »' U-ciiardson ^^^ jay ^•a4Uy with poly â- •,.- sjan ol „ , , â- *CV«. the cbe»t>estaii<i best •wail paint horse*â€" froui viliich ke i:::\r -.lu ;bo Goo</« alur.,yt .;« rf^-rf*^^./. ,^^ ^^^ ^,,^^,^ ^,, ^.j,;.^ ^,.j^,, Latimer- Ian Temper!it:o" C::!'"-i ar\' rv _ be pre*».'cl ac il.cir i:it>«.:ii!s; uext \\"<3<i C'.aytou's. t!tv C'uvention â- .-.I. U'.'.cr -â- â- - Lr...:. (.â- .v.jj; L-ia- M^<;r;:;ur •at!. M'. Mr r^- n -aI . \ .:.. ' - -• i:; â- -â- â- r. ,,-, . : M ;;;â- :•: y.iS :a^-<.i h:^ ..". :'..T. i'l.irr: wt ut.,al C Vl. :-_• l--;.t<s :i' T.T-r-To. -.._ .. .1-^ ': .' '..•:.e< CI irk. ~>a? .â- .i-- -.Mr R.M. Clark. CJLuaiia.v.z. / ir.i/ *e^{ you (MuJ* »> r^K«e (u o)$t u<t<l t-*o a E; TV tea:n» oi; . Mr. Ohas. S«rjeaut-*o «tt; and far- , tl-'^»r machine iu J 4it he o.;-l 1 .-ut tn^il -her Je\celier$ quotations to i«tr orfcbly known to tlie iwoj^le oi Fleaher- , 4i"*« » ^â- " "='-''''^ than fc ccrd- 1: .vxa.'s me »-iU have to b4 on the bankrupt Hue. .*oa aod nei^hborbood-has gone into ' ^" 'â- -*"<^l ^^'^ â- • ^.ileO:..lLet get.. , ,, partnership witli Mr Jns. McCotu:e!l in »i>ere en«y tioie. the meat bu.-<iUv>;s m tul^â- town. The Difieult Wutrh Rep'.tiriuj, itiproperly rrptiire>l by Ta!k," SjttiitUit* irt(A 'Giant Big ftiBi luuiie is Sarjeant X McCoucvU. W. A. BROWN, The People's Jeweller, Markdale. Ont. if •« - o Q I <: u h 4 /V^ffi o/" Mr. That. Thin frath. Thn>usb au ovvr«i(;h|,Be omitted t.< B«iUl«9t8 can ^et (nil unpplie-oi bnUd- mcntiou tlie •Icatb of JtrlThoniaa Dua- ioK hardware of every description. N'aiU. ,e»th. ivlii^h ^ad even* <Lujr<id on &e Class, Hiage«. Locks Paiiitu, VaniiaLes : 4,^ jav o: Umh tf^ H* pawed Wall Paper, Blirds A RoU«ra. C^utaio*. ' ^^^y jj tj.^ eaxly ^ M 8C years, e«- Ca r p t i te . in fact everytbiug to maicc and t^oinod aui nM^wctdTl^^ al". who kuen- (utaiah » ho w*). i..ai. Hf tt*- Vj^ in^lByyagiP*fa*» * yir.'j. G. .Vudeniru h>u< lew^l Mr k Hrrtaarf. ftr -thf y**nBS^^^^-«. J. S;»ro>il# < tir.e corner store buili'.iuj; ir. FIcshcrtou. suil wil! (.r.rry ou a i^eueral store busiiicKS therein. Our euerijetiv' friend .\t!'lers..n - »!io is well au.l fav- orably k:io»:i here, liaviu^; lt^.a for -oire vears n very j^optilAr salesman iu Mf«*rs. M. Uielianlsoii .v C's storeâ€" is detoruiiuol that tho inMiv.^ sliall know all aW'.t It. jiidiciiiii from the «pai-e speoiallv re»< rve«l for him i.i our adv..'r- tisir.sj eul'.imirs to l.ty L.>».>:i out for imv>ortaat aunoMiieeir.en: next wet-k. t'iri-, t'irt. I- i rr .' The Vos: I.!-;v :• U ^.•: ;:i ;;i;j ci'V.tilrv w tio!.-. !••â- .Mlt- e\.4i'r.i" t kila^ ;>: K,U'.;e^': >.. l.eivo v '.-.r -'â- - ' ri'jht aw.iy .ii'.i they wu. iv 1 r.'::.; ". â- . dilevl. Lime no" ..:<'i::^ to u:e !o',-.r .VJ-if- tcr« like liot cakos. Always or !â- xn ; - two|kil!is koj't ii'. o;'<.i.ktio'j alljtht t.u'.e New Locks \v.:l.o .It -1 i':;^>. New Sa.<h liaiiUiee «:tlu'i:t \ve;.:l.:s. New Miiijie IViiiid Koliors. The uewest !!•. veiitio'j* of the a^f a: U'.chaiuso'j >v *.'»'*. M- IV.vi.^ Wr->;:. : rv erly â- nidi Mr. '. :i. ite.ir:. .1 :u liaii.t.s- at Emersoc, M..::;:oUi. Mr T E. Mci.nrr ;- ' LL:g a rattling II--. rciu;.L lusii-ess ..: Emer^soc. Mai;.- :, .A Mr ',' K. VinP-.seu h.is a .••xxl sit- uatiou in Chica.^. U S. Mr \V:I1 IWtH n viio learned bi« trade And the wi:b Mr .' H H.-ard. ha.- i ^oi-J sitaia- tioe :c Ch:oa^o. Mr. ^V;ll Yokes â€" forti.erly li^Umin]; catc).vr f'<r -ir Kase Bail tearti. andwlio j lean5e<? his trile with Mr. Jr.u. Gt>r^>Ii' â€" has a iJ».x>a •sit' in Chk^a^<<- -s r 1 1 E . Tlif "Illy plm-r /!//â- GEf^UIME < BARGAISS IN Watches. Clocks. JewelerT. Silvenrare, only place to eret ycur Watch cr Clock REPAIRED - - i» »t RUSSELL'S Thctr.«t stock o< Wall Pa,vr, ^no. JJQTED JEWELER Y STORE. H "jse Deo-rst'.oijs at rcclrsn.u-3 * (. os. 1 * TllTnb«-rtr'» .W lor^'iito eiaht years ^o. :\nu hatl reM-l- «^1 six years ia Arletf.s.a at tlie ti:ue â- :i Ivis death Via* an 'ol i co'iutry i)r- anjeiiiaii. He was ? ; liet. resjievMii.- oeutleiua!:. a:'.i follwil f.ir:i.;u;; \^ heii living. He tuaiic liiiy warm !nc-.:'.is whervvcr he Went. lis r\ia;;vts- wh .' eiaed\ reside i'.i theoid lauii- ii. ; ,C' who k':ew hiri:. s::ictcly rr!f-"r;; : .- h-.-. Ho was t':;iiiarr:e>l. U'li:ait:s of '-.<â- .'.-.. I 1 woe.' .'iterrel ii; I:. T'.' as.it;-. o»:uc. terv. on Yo:i.;e strte^i.".^. York £X3SH&RTC.N. :rst ii. [V c^.*.^. ... [ .. • HMrrli y i\.To< â- j^'-sfc^tc'. -V r i; "J^ttr rJ. S M^-e-. Mr. ••â- 111 .1 Vrn/it,tli r\.-. 0! Ih,.' • r i: â- '•!â- • •>-•. I'll- .A. h HI I- . I.,.-.- â- -! i': n. r.Utr:.. >i V !.-• â- ^.,»t.-, r ' . ".iv Ayer s Catharuc oNory ,^:e Thi y .;• .let; :i, :'â- r-'iS-- â- .1; d, li la.: iU, ir-o â- .?> T.ese ; I'.U '.)%â- •â- •â- r :;(t ;1 :- ;;io .. . •.^•â- ^t•â- l '.< are >u;:.ol â- ....•X a:!.; •â- !â- i .*v.i:vhi:;.; ;;i , . ,iro (.i.*;. ; • '. M-t M s- 1 r. .:» &ET YOUR MEAT :.F K O M-: BLAKELY BEOS OENERAL BUTCHERS. c \ KNiUji \ouuu Vau. » F>- â- Hi t'i- T'V.' ..! -u-y Slif> -.II â- . m l>. Visum Court '.VM held here oii W od- Z, neatl.iy of hist week as rvvrted lit our l hist tss'.U'. There were nuue a !uir.ilvr " of eases. The le.;al fratenuty was aiu;- - i meiited by the avulitioii 111 the 'j-ersoii . f ' Mr \V. H. \YruI'.t. a stuvtent 11; Mr. r>.lhuds othce. "Mv.itoid. Ml \V:;.h.r ire.»te<.i a very lavoraKe •.!ii-'rt-s*:"ii ';orv ov his tai^t iuul aMi'.ty sliowa in a vase. J..luisoii vs. McK«.-i./.;o- Mr. Wri.^'.it h.is had some oxper.eiioe in l'e:erU'n'ii-;h. Mr. tiiiir.on had a ijreat many o.ises. ard Mr. Wn,'ht i« looke^l iip<>:i *J his vvm;ver in Pivisi.'ii I'.iirt ciues. He is an iUi.ible olVhalnUd yv ail:; 111:111, and we {â- ri\Rot for ; hnu iimiiy more c.ise* m our l>ivisivin V.\>urts ill liifare Mr. Wnjclit is a sou of Mr. John Wright, of or iieai Fleshertoii. '. A perfectly sound botiy and a mind un- impaireii are poasible only with pune , hhH>d. Lcadini; medical uuthorities in- dorse Avers Sjirsaiwinlla as tho l>e«t bUnHl ' punfyiiis; medioiue in eMstenee. It vastly hi Hi ^ =? â€" I Co pEMOYEQ B:o:h the Boss Barker, ..jr. .Ol. UtI K »/l •( '.n.-t;.^ T'nt> i»«; 'â- oitej ''•'HtO .<^i-v'. < -»'•â- 'i â- >.â- > IXrtt'l, H'l'- . oâ€" m>' .1 .-A-t >..-.â- '.. .I» rt» Hi vi H' SI' â- !'. â- : I'.' â- â- .>(. -If.., •â- â- I •,/,.• â- :• 'I'S'. fi; niil>v itTOHti'l. r^ui^v jl the ladiec re«i>eetf-.i"v ^ -^.s. n-ALTl'R â- '•"..T/f. M FLESIIEKTON ! „_ . punfyiiis; medioiue in e\istenv.-e. It vastly " U'/jV, V i?V<ir, / aiwavS i^C /•.' Ri,:'iards.>tt i.'" Ct KS*Cash paid ftfr fax cattle, Jtc, Ac, >»crv«»es the working and p^tluttive : ^„./ (-.,//^.j^j ill the bov^ go there ftou\ fcr thar st.xk cf ^e':is lK>wer» of both hand and brain. ' fnf,iishillt:s ismincnSf t/itS SfaSOIt." " Whercr did w:: get this loveiv tie, Ed:: ird .- " Ti ,, Advertise in tha Advance.