Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Apr 1888, p. 8

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/ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. [Apr. 12. 1888. *!' I ^ i County aud District News. VUitfU'd and ('oinlcnm-d from ilte Culiimus of Our Errhawjeit, Foad * McCutclieou, ijcnoral nmrcb- aiits, Sliiilbiinie, li:ivi) asuij^iiod. Air. Dumaii UohciUdii, a St. Vincent liioiieer, UiuJ 011 tho 1st iiist., aj^od 72 yenrs. The oflicBni of Sliulburue A. 0. U. W. lodge imid Mrs. McCutolicon 82,0<XJ re- cently, bciii^' niiiount nf insuriiiiL'u in tiie siiciety liild liy tlio lato Mr. .McOtitcliuon. Mr. (-'lia.s. Uordcm, wlio liad been 45 years a resident of Sydenham townsliip. and at onu time Local Supcriiitui.dent of Scliools f(]r Nortli (irey, died on the 2!»th ult. , ULled 0" years. Hobt. J, Casement, of Hontinck, was recently tlirown out of liis cutter and le- yir. W 111. McDoiudd, a prominent citi- i ceived a .severe blow behind tho left ear ien (if Meaford, died on the ;Wth ult. | which reiuh red him paitially unconscious aged 75 years. ! Tin- cutter w;us broken \n twain. Mr. Anyu.s McNeil, tho new landlord I '^''^ Durham Review publishes the <f the iMcAllister house, Durham, took ' '"""^s "f three men who subscribed for lossession lust week. that jouinid and then moved away with- Fletclu-r Winch, of Eldorslie, was re- ""t I'"yiii^' up. Two of tho men named contly lined $< and costs for usiufi profane ; l''i'y*^il "'« "•i"'*' t'"'ck ""' "s a« well as and grossly insiiltin',' lan'.'ua^'e. ! on several other I'ditors. The a--iej,'ate number .pf pupils in the '1'!"- lenpective editors of tho I'ost and Meaford public schools re^^istered for the month if .March was 400.- Mirror. .\dvertiser, of (trangeville, have been ex- cluinu'lni,' "compliments " recently. They Ifev. ,1. C. I'Wthijig, of Durham, has ' f'»-''l">'iitly do. Last week I'.ro. Kennedy acce^ited a call from Woodstock, a fact I '""' '''" "'i''".^'" ""^ 't must be confe.ssed L'enerally re-retted by his late j.arishon- j ')'"<• ''»-' ^"^ 'n '"« "•"•'< 'i' ''â- >' ''"' shape, i.i-s. I " Henry Too," of .Arthur, stole a sheep John Colbeil, of Owen .Sound, got his j ""'• 80UI it to a .Mt. Forest buicher liust K •:,' broken by a heavy falling cm it. I w«Jek. The owner cim.r alon- and claim- Fellow-woikmeii made hmi u[i a purse of I ed the animal before it slaughtered, money. '^'^' '^"' '^ "'"^ """ ""^ l)utclur is out A Wiarton lawyer afl a riti/.en of the several dollnrs in cash and lias Liained an same phuv had a puKilistio eiicountor last I i^'l""' amount in experience. weuk, in which tho former canij off sec- | N"t " »'"i<l'-' individual Ir the ;Wth ,,t;,l best. side line in IDlderslio to the town line of Mr. Wni. Dieterlie, jeweller-^- formerly Sullivan, a di.itanee of a mile and a ((uar- of Thornbury and lutteily of Torontoâ€" is ter. cillur chews or smok.s tobacco or dead. He was hi-hly esteemed by all drinks any kind of int...xicatm- li.iuor. wlio knew hiiii. If there is any other tract of country of Meaford boys t;o fishin;,' in the bay on extent in the county that can Sundays, wh. ivat the iMiiKir expresses make the same boast, we woidd like to just iiidi;,'iiatioii and culls the attention of liear of it. - Cheslcy Enterprise. tho authorities to the mattei I Duiidalk village constable feels his uats The Chesley Knterpriso isa very spicy ""-â- ""'''""''".V. A respect.dile, ipiiet and I-aper in every respect. Its editorials »rel""-iWdin^' man, was haulini,' telegraph splendidly written aud its local news ' I'"'^'" through tho streets of that village ituliis are racy and I'ointed. I lecently, when his )ioi-»es got stuck. In- All alleced iMisl-otfice robbt'ry caused I «'""''.v the Village Constable (with a big Bonio excitement in Hanover recently. A U') l'""""'l "l'<'i> the nnotrending man, :.'eutlenian was accused of the thuf., ! drugged him otf the load, yanked him ar- liouyht beforj the magistrates and lion orably anpiitted. The Creenioie Advertiser :â€" " A. Gil- lespie, our Postmaster, has his new build- ing nearly completed and has within it ouiid a bit, aaHsud him, and called him "liar," "crank," &c. Of course Dun- dnIU is incorporated. ("onstable Fiiibow and twenty men went to Sliclburne on Kri<!av morniii! the Yale Stundaid new »tyle Tost-tlftice , ,.^^1 ,„ „r,.,.„t Thompson and Hlack, two Cabinets ami Outlits, which c.nstitutos aj |,, who defied the cnstablcs. working posl-i.tHce complete in itself. ,,, , ,, ^i , 111 >i.i TV,., <i; .. ; 1 I . 1 nlack coulit not Ix) found but lliomiisim I he iidice IS kccoikI to none wo have seen I • in any c.untiy town or village for style j "'"* "•"" escaping from the r..oi of his and convriiii'hce." | honsn where he was foUowcil by Fiiil«>w FLESHERTON Roller Mill! The UMdcrsigncd bogs to oimouncc to lii.s iumi(!rou.s custouiei.s iluit lii' li:iH !'()t the Mill ill (^00(1 lluiiiiiii^ Order ANO HAYK COT IN' THE VERY LATEST IMPROVED Roller Plant And fiip.Ujle of tiiniliio our Fii'st-Olass FLOUR and ;iiii pii iKired to j^'ivc my customci-.s Uood Yields and liisf-ch^ss Hour. J/o/>i //<;!; to rcri'ii'c a slutre oj your /Jdtrona^'r, as I an/, iireiximt to fj/t' J Rcinain I'oiir.s Ucsp., WM. BHADLEY. P.S.â€" f don't hc/ojiii' ^" '/"' Mitter.s' .^Issocidtinii or any of tJie .Miller Secret Sarirlien as it Juts heeti. re ported hi/ some of the Milliii'4 f rat emit ij,â€" ]\'.li. March lUtli, 1088. and arrested. He was brought down and .as the conslahhfl started otf witli iiim to Orangeville tiny were lutsaulted by a crowd of one hundred village roughs who had coiigcegateil The fonstaUes fought bravely and maintained their man whom they took to Liurel where he paid his tine ami costs iinioun^iiig in all to .^118. Later on in the ilay Andrew Jelly and a man named Atkinson were arrested for a.ssaulting the mnstable. They were brought to Onmgeville jail where they remained till tie next day when they were bailed.â€" Dutleriu Advertiser. . I It TliMESI i J' A RLL i ME XT. CLI The New Store. I.' t A \X*.J^fevHS5^. « -^V Wright's Old *?^ stand. If'lua irti.i l>))iir at the Ltist Srs- sioii Therrof, Council met in the Town Hall, Flesli- ertoii, on Mond.iy, April 2nd. Members all ]iroseiit. Premier Christoe in chair. I'ctilion from W. Ferguson and others. I'riceville, re McArthur sisters. Postage account from K. J. Sproule for Sl.SI ordered ]iaid. McArthur, llo! uidâ€" That IJy-Law No. 422, ai>poiiititiif Township officers, be now- read a third time, signed and entered in I'y-Law book. â€"Carried. Mc.Xrthur, Sharp - That the petition of W. Ferguson and others be entertained and that this Council grant the McArthur sisters ?."> forchan'y, tliey being in indi- gent circninstaiices. â€" Carried. Mc.Xrthiir, Shar). â€" That tho Keovc be and is hereby instructed, ujion application from the Trustees of Union School Sec tion No. 12, Artemeaia and (ilenelg, to issue his order in their favor for the in tcrest aecriiwd on sinking fund of said School Sectiiin. â€" Carried. Mc.Vrthur, Bolaud â€" That the .\iiditors Report, as tiiially audited by the Special Committee, be ado].ted, and that the Clerk be and is hereby iiistructiHl to got 2ilO ci'pies uf the sumejuiiited in i>am- plilet form ; tluit all standing liy- Laws be printed in appendix thereto for distribution. â€" Curriud. lioland. .McArtluu- -That Mr.Meldrum and .Mr. liiinlie, Township .Vuditors, be paid $12 each for tluar .services. â€" Carried MeArthiir, Sharp -That T. H. (5dli- land's account for surveying and [dan, ainouiiting to $i;i, be paid.â€" Carried. McArthur, Sharji -That tho appropri- ation for the improvement of ronds l>o, f. reach W,-»rd, 1^150 ; and that §ltKJ be iippn â- printed for the iniprov:>ineiit of streets in iiiiiiicorpurated vill.oges within the Townshiji, a peroentai;e of the value of assessment ill each villau'c respectively, ami that tho Councillor of his resoective Ward be a C"nmii.ssioiier to let and i>ver. sec the Work and his conniii.ssiiiii shall be .S :.. I'arrieil. Kidaiid, Sliiup- That the Pathiiiasters of the village ef Flcshertoii bo permitted by order of I'lerk and lieevo to draw n sum not to exceed §llM)oii acct. of stat- ute labor for said village fer 1888. -Car. liolaiul, Mc.Vrthur -That S^l'tO be ap- propriated to biiilil a bridu'e across the I'leaver Hivei on I>avis' devi.itioii. â€" Car. Councillors paid fi'r day's si'ssioii. .\djouriied. H^ive opened a New Stock iiKOt KltlES, UUV t;OOi>.S. ItOOT.S & SHOLS. < LOTKSXi. We extend to all a Cordial Invitation to visit us. "We will be :u the mar- ket to handle ail kinds Barter-Wool and Hides. Cast Metal, Jcc. CLIMO & CO., FLESHERTON. I have received a Very Large Asscrtmept of BOOTS & SHOES! Several Hundred Pairs of Meus'. Womeiis' and Childi-eus' whicli I am ofifering VERY CHEAP. WM. CLAYTON. FLESHERTON. CHEAP « AND « DURABLE! THE W E L L - K N O W N Catarrh, when ehrooic, becomes very olleiisive. li is impos-sible to bo other- wise IumIiIiv, and, at the saiiie time, af- lliited with catarrh. This disagreeable dise.ise, ill its most obstinate and danger- ous forms, can be cured by the use of .Xyer's Sarsiiparilla. ;h >, «w SkxhbzQ U4 k- : ^^^ C/5 OCr Iron N'S ND ALL ] 1 »s < i ^m â-  «s 5.1 ^â- â- '^ Cl Li *"^ b â-  ?. X 'A SPEIGHT WAGON! Call and j;L't I'liccs, &c. lioin undersigned. STOVES, TIXWAKi: . &c. for sale as usual I'"irst-c!ass value in everv doiiartment. A-cnt for VICKERS' EXPRF.SS. All panels left uitli him will be l^yo}iif'tly and canfuHx atttndcd to. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, AI.I. KlNr>S o>- Mi\ li hiuii l\\\i Suoli as Moiinment3, Tomb Tables, lloailstout j • r t'otiiiter and Tabic To^';! â€" in .\iniricau aiul *^ • Italian Marble and tivaiiito, ami made en short notice. .-lUo Mantles in Marble ami M.irbleized Slalo, Ac, Ac. Flesherton, .\ui;. 30, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL THE TILLS ruvifv ttio lUiV^l, correct all l>isc»rdyrs of ttio I^iver, Stomtioli, lvltln'>-s, n.ntl IJoAvels. Thoyiiivli!»rato»M I rosloro to luwltli IVl'ilitiiti'il Conititmioiis. siul are iiivHtuiiMe la oil l'*a;- plauits OioiiliMltiil to Ki'iimles of iiU imes. Kot C'lliUlieu a«,l llie »(;eil lliuv »ro j'rUolu»». THE OINTMENT IS «ii Intsllil'lo romoc^y (or )l»il bi'Ks, lla.l lireasts, (11,1 Woinuls, Sores antl I'K'tfrs. It is UnHHM l«» lioiit »ml Uliouumtisin. For disovilers ot tlie I'lioHt it b»8 no equsl. For SORE THROAT, B1W.\CH1TIS, COUGHS, COLDS ()landuUrHw»niQgs,auil all Skill Pisoiks«s it Iisa no rival; aud (or couUBCt«d aud tUO ointa it at-ts like a charm. Manuisctured only at lVo(»uor noiLOWAt's RataMiahment. T8. New Oxford Street ( Into 5.t8. Oxford Street >. London. ami ai e aoUl at Is IJd . -.'s, ikl,, la. f„l . 1 1» . ais . aiul Jis eai-li ll,>t or l\>t, anJ uiay lio bad o( atl M^d cine Vendors tltrv>ui;lieiit tho World. pS' Vxin-hMtrt $hmdd ioo* (> J/n- LuM on Iht l'i<t.t ixnd V>o.tes. If ihc (xddrt-i* it nut i'S, Oufvnl ^tidtt, lA'mU'n, ihru art »^>iti ieiw. J .J

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