Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Apr 1888, p. 5

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-'t. Apr. 12, iS8S.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE. Nauitoba. To the E.iit.,r of Tk« JJr«H-v. Toyr '• iTvn cirresponjcnt " biW " sometaiiig to 9M.y. ' Of weat jtr, wid wlu'l, Mid uews o/ ihw day. And will CDmmeiife with the month of " many weathors," then r.imbltii<i note as nsu;il, trying t<i reomiociise you fur your UinUiK-.'is, and bem-tit others by inii>.irtin<: truthfui Ami usofal information through The AiiVAX<E, a. ]»ifev that I, and those who once resided iu the County of Grey, cannot well do without, as it is a connect- i:;:,' link betwean tha old world and the r.ew â€" Ontario a:)<i Manitoba. Telling aiuoh that h iloue and viiiJ. Iu ch'irfh am! state, by which we're • Aud hvw Canadians go ahead. ftd." M.VKiH Is â- ' ?»Iarchi[ig on " with its " many wea- thers," uiiuus thaws ai 'I rains, as iii t-ntario, but windy and snowy â€" & little. Clear and cloudj-, sunaiiine and. well, a little iiu're wiNn. However, as there is such a •• sameness " iu the v. inter niontiis here, March woulj have to seize upon v'le iif the few blizzards to " cinie in (with) like a roarins; lion." or get u[) a "â- special " of its own if the blizzard is not " on time." THIS WI.MF.E. •'They s.iy," is more severe than usual. b 't li;u u^t materially .lilected out if d'or oj>erations. SleiiihiuK is i?o<k1, no •• wail.iwin:^ in the snow," there beins; < !dy a few iiuhes â- â€¢ o'er the levelleti irrouud, ' no .January thaw, no rain, no mud â€" one lon^ cold, cold wiuter. But you would be 8uriirjse<l to see the school children and others playing out of r.i'ors. s;ime as in (Ontario. Ohurch-aoiiis; journevins:, Ac, but sometime* â€" " The blertk wi:)d. in bluster loitt!. Dmei sailiun o er the auowy cloud," and â€" Jack Krost bitas iKiii^; Winter s son " You'd better lH.'lieve '' a st'^nn's bt?»;u:i. The whirlii;;; wind and ^iriftimJ snow. In-.pede yoia- protires* a^ yoo ^o. Then Slav iii.l.-.jrs. if >ott*cau. Nor risk your life, j'reiumvtwou* man. Yet it is wi'uderful h. vv well neoj'Ie oencnilly endure the intense C"ld â€" i:i fact many of them seem to fujirj it, reminding ine <-'i expressions of lunatics, who have regained their reason. â€" ** There is a :ov iu boiu^ iiia.l. Wliivb noue\iut mad man know. ' Xow a (ew wonU about â€" BLlZZiUns iND 1-YOlONE.S. JIucli referen.;e is miule by Southerners k:n Manitoba and Dakota blizntrds : but ijive me the blizzarda (which are few aud f*r between) iiistead of cyclones of the •South or any other country. A bliiuou'd Seldom destnjys a building or causes great i loss of life ; but a cyclone â€" well, if ever ' the " Prince of the power of the air', manifests himself tit the air. as the '' evil i one," it certainly is in a cyclone ; but, i fortunately, they do uot occur here. ' Permit me to chautfe au old sayini; a : little by remarkins;, that •' Sprin;^ lingers i lonj; in the lap of Winter," although the t rirst spring niotith has nearly March(e<i) | out. t .UlVli-K. j ^ A;iaiM I say to all : If you are comfort- able where you are, or likely to become . 50, stay where you are ; if not, just come | this way, but <jos't le.we caxad.v. , WSI. PUKDY. I Winnipeg, Mar.-h 2.'Sth, liS6. j If you have 3, cold, o>U5:h. br'>nchitts,or | any I'unu of or lung disease, do not i ueijlcct it. Avers Cherry Pectoral, if \ promptly taken, will 9j>eet.UIy relieve aud i cure all ailments of this character. Meaford Road. Frum 11" r â- Acii, (.'urrfSjMjuih-ut. Mr. James Hiinson and family left here la-'t we«jk for Caledouix Mr. Hanson will reside in Wwjdstock during the com- ing summer, where he will practice the veterinary business. Mr. John I. Graham and wife liave left the valley 4ud come up to the Meia'ord itoad to live. Mrs. Pritchard has removed her stire business to t.'.o dwelling h<iuso oU tlie school premises. k new boiler of forty-tive horse-j.>ower has been [ ut iu the steam Siiw mill. Mr. S. Dsburn has b«'Ught the oil Yau- deleur einjxjriuiil. Mr. J, C. McCoiineil has started a w;i.;gon shop at Yandeleur. There is son.e talk ^.>i & weddiug m the iici'.iUl'orho. J, of wliieh more an-^n. Messrs. D. Walker aiid (.J. Pritchanl are 'goiug very extensively into the sugar making business. TAMAlIAf ELIXIR is not .idvertised to cure ooiisuini tiv'ii, but it lias made SI ".lie remarkable cur^-s of [lersons suppos- ed t.i be iu the lirst stages of that disease. Owt*u SoiintL From our oin* CorretpomJknt. Several loud vrhi.?pers of "Spring !'" but t;o bold for fear the ghost of March may scare Ai)ril into a tit of snow-storms I Mr. Chas. Gordon, one of the first settlers of Sydenham, died Mar. -iS, at the age of 67. Mr. J. T. Habarc baker, died sud- denly at his residence last week. De- ceased bad been suffering from asthma. A farewell supper was fji^'cu at the Ross House lUst week, iu honor of Mr. ^V. H. Heart, barrister, who has left tcwn to continue his profession at Sault Ste. Marie. Mr. George Belford. dramatic reciter appears iu Uwen Soimd this week, imder the auspices of the Y. M. C. .\. Mr. J. Masson. M. P., was home for his Easter holidays aud left agaiu for the capital accompanied by his wife. Capt. .\ndersou. of tli^- J''..r?-!, and wife, arrived here from Saruia laat week. The Emma Wells Co. played to good houses here last week. She is the only foar-\oiceu vocalLst, and an excellent pianist. Free medical lectures will 1.* held iu the Y'. M. C. -V. from time to time. Dr. Geo. Dow lectured on "Ph\si<.logy of the Brain, .>u Mv'Uilay evening. Rev A. H. Scott, pastor of the Pres- bvterian Church .Kuoxi pireached Ins farewell sermon Sunday evening. CouJeused Novel â€" Thos. McCltary was taken Iroin the O. S. gaol Sat-ur-Jay. on a conviction of larceny ; cciirt«?d a girl on Sunday, married her ou Mon- day : got druuk on Tuesday ; took up residence iu the !oek-u{> ou Wednesday ; was ushered into the Magistrates prts- eucc on Thursday, aud sivnt Friday in gaoL Ho was dischargeil on Saturday at the earnest reouest oi his wife, so that they might agaiu s-x-nd a happy Suuday together ! Mr. W. E. C.i'^er, Ad\erttsing .Vgent for the Toronto News, saysâ€" I was induc- ed to try Na»;il l'>;um tor ;v severe aud troublesiune C^ Id m the Head. *-'nce u?iiig it literally washed out the cb-gged secretions, and ;eit mv he ad clear as a bell - 1 Luxuriant Hair Caa only be preserved by keeping tbo scalp clean, cocl, and free from dan- druff, and the body in a heakhfol condition. The ;»reat popularity of Ayer"* Hair Vigor is due to the fact that it cleanses the scalp, promotes the growth u( the hair, prevents it from (ailing out, and gives it that soft and silky gloss so essential to perfect beauty. Frederick Hardy, of Koxbury, Mass., a gentleman ^fty years of age, was fast losing his hair, and whac remained was growing gray. After tryicg various dressings with no ecCect, he commenced the use of Ayer's Haix 'Vigor. " It stopped the failing out, " he writes ; "and, to my great surprise, converted my white hair (without staining the scalp) to the tame akaiU of brovrtk it had when I was 25 years of age. ' Ten Years Younger. Mrs. Mary Monrgomery, of Bosvjn, writes: " For years, I was compelled to wear a dress cap to conceal a bald •pot on the crown of my head : but now I gladly lay the cap aside, for your Hair Vigor is bringing out a new grow-.h. I could hardly trost my senses when I first found my hair growing ; but there it is, and I am delighted. / look ten f«an !)O^H'jer." A situilar result attended the use ot Ayer's Hair Vigor by Mrs. O. O. PYes- cott. of Charlestown. Mass., Miss Bessie H. Bedloe, of B-arlington, Vt.. Mrs. J. J. Burton, of Bangor. Me., and numerous others. The loss of hair may be owing to im- parity of the bloo«l or derangement of the stomach and liver, -.n ivYiich case, a course of .\yer's Sarsaparllla or of jVyer's Pills, :n conne«.tion with the Vl«or, may W necessary w give health and tone to all the functions of the body. At the same time, it cannot be loo strongly urged that none of these remedies can Jo much good w-.ihout a [vrseveritig trial and strict attention to cleanly and temp^rrate habits. ^rdical. DR. CARTEi^. M.C.P. cV: S. . (yNf. PBYSUIA.X, SlKtiEO.N, &c. iXESHEKTuX. Office, Stra:2 i block. KesiJence. V.'ni 'Wright 3 ilrutiatru. DENTISTRY. Thcnias Henderscn. L.D. S. SL'liGEO.S DENTIST GuUi M-ii'jiist Mid H/utrr tiruduute nf iMe /C.'-.I>.*-., Will vi,it FLKSKKBTON. Mcnslitir s Hott! 1 &il^l Z'A -iii-y^ Uiouth. r(*«th extr-4ctt.:. iuecrt- «l an ! s;!e.i in lije hi^hi^t styles ...i u;e irt, aJjJ at Ui'-derate r&t«r<. I'qial. J. W. F11U.^T. LI .B.. Btirrt^ter, Solicitor^ Conr9'f/aueei\ Oifict*. â€" 5:nfci:i 3 Hta: h:i^, Ftii-iiiiiros. .1. A CHEiLEY >f\\--i'-r xr.d •.â- â- ::-.• }anci.r, I MK. FliOST w:!: i>v iound at il..- Cdice ^2 I Thilr*dav» a^ hervUilorv. P MiCULLOCGH, Barrister-' ^ulicih.'r. Ac. Otticf. o»fr Mt-FariaiKiS. Morf, Markdali'. Noncv lu John W. Armstrcng^; r :.t:-:!!'..T'.N, i, ,\ {ji-.y Ayer's Hair Vigor, iy^!^^^::v!?^,:;^^5^-.i?;:iv^^j^?t!;: __ ,^_,„. .^, ,,. **^ s»;o o! .»j:.js. Aiin»im:r fvr l t_ C I.':. rtcp«.-«»l »y Pr. J. C. â- \Ter jte Co.. La-n.l. MiMi ; »n,! K P K t- s â- s.^.-,..., \i.,„.., â-  , ; .. . Ptcp«.-«»1 t>» Dr. J. C. .\»er jt Co.. Loitll, tioia l>j Druggisu uxl Ferhun<!ra. aaJ K P H ,t S Soouty" Nomy lo i. â- Â« i on tl - ost rt*..oail>i<.' •.••-•:•>. ls»t > ;t' .â- >â-  M.VKilLVoV: ' mo; I LICE.NSES X<.H'.UiY PUliUC MUN EY TO LOA> • AT LOWEST ilRK£.M UAIES. Oa TcK- or Firu. I'rc'itrtT. s. c.oi'. â- - :;. I y -i...rtc = . APRIL â€"Iâ€" 1888. The Fkfhertou Spring Show U note hrinif htil und it is (in iicknowUui<j(d /t'ct that the 13tMSt X'l'ices <""c fcfi'/iy secuml tit the n v^ J Furniture Wareroonis, vk(r« every j>urchnicr is *ure 0/' rfceiving si'inc viltt'tblt: priic. Sjx^ialiUi art BEDROOM SUITES of New and Tastv Designs. , Shit and Rdd Chiirs f )mt'thiii(^ «.ic niid mtist !if seen to tM apprixiiUnl. Chil- f drtns' C.\liI!l.i(!L'S^\rhich for Style 'ind rtcnt/y n/ t'inisA )uivc »«i-«t Itin fhi'irn iit this s< ber'^irr. I'er/aratid. Ciiu.j nitd Wood Scit CUAIUS in endhfs viriedu. CC'l'BOUDS. SlDEHO.ih'PS, Uih'EAl'S.SlXKS. Sic. In uphl>ht^r^•d goodt our .ihoic cxcelli ail precious â- iisplo^s. To ittttmpC lo i/f.« cribc tiH ihi: d>^\rcnt <tr(tclf$ on crhibitiioi icoulii end in f'triliire and so tci rxlend II lif'irlij Imitation (o nil to inspect (hf b<:»t di.<plnif of t'arnitiire tvfr shown in Fli-thtrton and reinemb'r that ft(ry artidii is fir s<ile Ch<:ap, itvd liitt bui by no mean* the Ir'ast lr•^ h^'ve much y/ttia'iire iu annouitcinj that ice hace the So,« Ifight ^l sdt the j istly CcUOmttd Haiidlt>i« ttt Xawoik. i Humtik/ti l^}Vff:itur. Matthew Anii>!d adoiks that he found ' jmt one thii)^ about .\iueticaii civilizntiou I that meets with his nppri'val. It was ' th.1t the Aiuer;cai;j ii' not. iu addreweinsr a latter, commit tiie f Uy I'f writiui; "â-  Es- quire '' after a person » r.atue. Tliat is true : they do not u«e the uscIks and i'HM:iiriy'ie.»s " Es^. ' at the Ixwk eiui â- ! the iisme. but they m;ike ain;>ie ^iiuends tor this lanse into coi^imoii "5en«e by wn- tiui; "Hon." or "'CoL" or ••l.ien.'in front of the nanra. Smno time, » heu the world v;rv>ws wiae, the babit of omauien- tiu:; the uamea of i-eople who have ik' ri'iht to titles will K- dr^>pf>ed. Even the " Mr. oujlit to »{o. It does not anything. " Mrt. " .* s-onietimes of some use. as when a lady s nnuie is written '• Mi-s. John Siuith.'" But if the liarue be written •' John So.nth," without ) ro.'^x U'dody could ^apfKi?,' tint it uioaut Mrs. J'^liii Smithâ€" it moans Jidiii tumse'f 'ust v< much with.'ut the " Mr. ' a- with it. If .1 man be an hor.M-able, or i Sir. . r :ii M. v.. or a Q.C. - or ;» doct' :â- . it is as v.c'.i to uive iii'ii his title : but if he i.i i!"t ci:- titled to »â-  me haudU" to h'.i \\m\'l' the fnct is iii:olo manifest in "' J. din S:i;:'!; ' jiu-ic as luvich :i-« 111 â- ' Mr. John Sui.tii. i W. J. BELLAMY. Gcnf/emen requinnoneat, iwi.. cLs^an 4»Tm«.n. \CvyrEY.\SiEH. <»<.u.Tf/.Ns;;<).Vi.j and attractive Horse (h1 i-i rlr K.J. sPKorr.. H.-f-jr .<H,i M^n-:- '..â- â- â- '^r. 'O.-.h. X â- - ; t.''.,;r" fi.» ««.(. . i/i.Tf'-J â- .•..'. '. ''/,•.- ,v< ,vru .'•-â- â€¢â- . Afi V ;•' A", y. Si'LOV Li . i'u^^!â-  . i'-'r^i •â- â€¢'â- . The Flesherton AdiHuic of'Wh^Tmsmiih, - Flesliertou iice fJIs the bill exacfli/-] r*^- _ *i: trii.', KAVi'troi'ghing. an J in fiictevory- y: n ^ t*^ *» Sray Champcn ! ' .if<<-m..<:.i,f . , l..t f â-  ' ^ â-  t vi ft. .tH-H '!;. . •r..,-,...,' I .1' ,;,„â- ; i.1: ,..' to a-.-.c. c: .•;â-  c u-. lit .;k'-; ^v ;oj\ .i^jo :: ;i:i. '-•li:, VLi.XMS. l-.opiii.)r. At>v. K •.. M THV.t \ • von .v'irN.'i ^; tii^ht i?i I \'T. rxeu oi \ M;r Tf^t t''\ .* •! i ' t If ^ .-.'-.I t: .lu-*':,t *l.^rv {i N ".('â- , ,- -> nil' -T r:M%(vvIl T.- •?'.'â-  c. It- vfvUl- â- -•' ! r.-r i:' •,!u'rv i* Ci'f-. IK«.( â- â€¢ .â- i\ -MI . I'i.UTil 'â-  *. »i!:''hv?0". I. ^*'.l A-- \ "â- â- â- WON. â- > int« \V -n-l ^''--.lo s â- Â» to? -J tilt* tiiMii-. rt' ri.-esl!.- i!i;u«*t;viii. All ! civv- t"tio k - '. ' , ,.;..,is..-.,t:..t' aite o: t.^v *• iiml 11 lo â- **.'> â- . â-  l>v ivil liri'c- 'A tf t'lo ;.;> till. twfulv.fivc ^• â- Mk~ Win..! .vv's 8" •1.1 .tVorV.r, • •«.?â- -> --v<N->' UlW-IUni^W • "•â- â- .â- o'.'ii...n.7.isi 'Jk. w.-iM 1 Ij U ^ * I' J -rr.; -.0,. '.,1-t Vv:; v.:.--;: • sM I SiS a »\iA " = •'â- "â-  "•-•"^ <â- !â- -• '• â- "â- â- â- '•'- 'I , :v.': • â-  c JTii:iv»* 1% .a liif-.JMvl GLEAih'.rabU.F TnUTH ::r^'::n';::;n^:?:rv:irf^;;^';;;,r;^=^ III all A-in>L^ o/ FINE PRINTING (, number o/' ickich »♦«/> be seen at our Wmxivovu tcith Prices' TcnHs Right. J. E. 3100 RE, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, PURUAM STREET. FLESHERTON- iJlTKS i KAY F£V£n. â- Xoi » Jail â- Â». Fo« . i-r or IrritaUns Li ;uK'„ I^ice .0 ct», »3.l j! iVX '•' "et pb'shisMo styour OruT- .â- â- >t». •••a: ic-'V*''- ''â- ' t^'ev-:". ;•â- " ;â- 'â- >•'<'. -^''-'â- ""SJ i-'ULFORO ^ CO.., Ont. c«i -lo fi' » -".k . (itbor siii. \onnK cr \»U1 . : -.jve.jl lii'tlitv (.'at»it«l ».>t n*e,*te«i ,..;i art- .tivrtcvl in-o. C'.i& %hi* t»ut B" ! "-li'iim :.» ' us afc.i wu w.U .-ifnti \o:'. fre^, souicti..-',; of kj i'«t vtlltit A"..t il.-.T'OrtAlK't' to you. ihrtt w .: *tArt â- .•*-; ' i:i t>*si!i. H>. M-hii'lj wil' l>rir^v,^u ill U!.-ro nu'i. -,â- -.â-  r!i;ht iwiiv. t»l:lu iOi\thin« ci.*e in lile \\o:'f i..!> .'i-Tsn viiKK." .Kiidress Xxnv .(; i",> . .Xr. .. .-t.^. Mii-...-. Agents, Agents I T/tc Jn'rance Offii'i' /nts a N.^^ i:.,.„.,._ -o-.rn>wi .^ mo.tenrunrc Count;/ £ARTH, SEA AND SKY rrputation. j ;.^^ lieiuj.i luU nii.l i:vA!'!iic Jesorivtio:) of in thut I is wv^Uvlorilii m t.vory t'o:itiliont ». f lie r,\>l'*. i:i rContAiiiiuM thvitlir-i; ailioi::ur».-s on Ui..»i aiui >vt^ IrouoiMu-,1 Lli..icovtfnv* ot tlic wovM's ,:roatt.'!»t e-\- ploxors IU ikVi ;'.*;c!', au.l ivujvrk.tMo piu'iu-uu't.'* ill ovurv ro.Alir, >f rt.iturt? Kli'brnoii'.i; lti»' ^trik- 1 iisi; !>!ivsu»l tv.>;i;io«of ibc f«ith lb* i-ccul'iu' i«i.tfu«ii;t;t. ,*f U-...- liinnan raoo, of aiiiiiiAN. Ihiiii*. oisivis, tto . .ivoluviinc « vivW uo.«cii! tion of ihe .\tUntio. T'lcii^cnnl lu.itaa (.Vf»!;» sal of the l\i!»i- â- *eii.i. the mo«sfirr» pl the iioo)', beautidil <i.-«*b«.>i:s .-Hul plant-". sin)!!:l«i fislu-« ami ilwullcr-i in tho world ol waters. vcuiarkaMe M'/>rn it corncd! lo SALE BILLS! We cfV/ there with both feet ah ill d of all riviU^. i> i.-urr<'tit«. t-to., tci^^ther with tlio amajoin; pbeiioiiioiia of thi- -si^lnr ami starry >>s:,ms. bv n-»)ir\ naveiliH)! t NVvtlirop. 11 P . enibt-l!;.shnl with over .^^lO fliic onuraviugs. LiNiraJ l<>rins to agonv-i. Oifor.l l^ll};»^)ingColl»I>»nv, 5 JonUtt St.. Toronto, Ont.

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