Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Apr 1888, p. 4

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-.imiSr-'^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE i h^ THE ADVAITCE. In publislicd Every Tliiai-sclay, FllOM TUK OFKKK. tiydeiiham Sired, - â-  FlmhertoH, 0)U. TEUMS 01' SUIiSCUiniOX : ♦ 1 por nniiMTu whon paid stri-'tly iu advauce $1.50 pur annum wlieit imt ><> pHi K* A. R. FAWCETT, Editor and Pntprii-tur. FLESHERTON: THURSDAY, Al'l;. 12, 1888. j:di Ton ia l so j'es. The Markdalu Sl'iu>hi,il tnlkod ((uito K'.inicillv .'ilx'iit "i;rotii-oyf(l imiiisters" l.isl work. I'onplo iiiouiiil lieii' Jii not IvUi'W iiiucli alwint Hiu'li tilings, but it is tviilont'.y ililfen-nt in Maikdiilu. We (•'imiu'inl till' Slitiiiliird fm- iiili,'Iitoiiiii'.' I < in icitaril to tlie inaltor. ll liiis I'vi- (Iiiitly n practical acini.iiiitaiiiL' witli tUo tulijl'Ct. Till- Stiimlfiril piililislii'il an artiolo niicnt "Iiiccinsistencj" kist wiik. lli-io a:;aiii <itir ciintemiiiii'ary uivus an oxcellent und lif.'like ]iicturo of itnolf ! Itoally tlii; tilnidiird must have ynt into tlie (•â- mfuss- i iiial liy uiistako. !<eldi>in are people so i]'en and frank elsewliere ! Winter in nlriijlit in its place ; Imt \.lun it lingers »o lon^' in llie lapof sprini; 1 i.e In^'^ins to wonder wlietlier tlie »uin- iiicr will escape a friuid undirace from the ( !d rucal or not ! A comparison of the Markdale ,<t'inil- ./.( editorial reinarkti ;. leut ''ijreen-ejed i::oncters" with those eonlained m the Mlicle ininiodiately folhnvini,' - in refer- iiici- to one of its own iiioht influential iiid lii'.ddy respected townmnuiiâ€" is rather iiiterestmu M well as Kimnlicant. The world hmks greun to those xvlio ','izf at it ll.roii'^h i;reen-eohire<l (.peitachs. as all I'ks yellow to the jaundiced eye; hut fi-liloui are the puhlic trealeil i4i >uch an i'..»loiiishinj{ exliihition of vi idai.t ^'reen ness na in the rnse inider consideration. If only post'olHci) and prinliiii; ollice eouhl |.( hroujlit loHether undei- one In, .f, how- ever, .S7ilie/ric./ reilileis Would .seldom he ;.;llicled with twaddle ahout ";,'reen eyed li.. niters. "••. Tin' i:r-ei'n •.â- â€¢â- â- j-les Wouhl Mi'ii hiul their wav into llie "heU' ho.\ ! A j'lance over the ailveitisiu'.,' columns e' liotli tlio l)urliani newxpapert, sIiouh ll.iil the leadilio luerehaiit (^f upper town li still ondcarorinu' to I ni full and ^;â-  '_'ood«, the leadiiii; ilillo of lower t All is earne.itly soliciting; custoinors to I ly furs, woollens an<l Htich like, while tin' ji>welh>r considers it nei'-.-<saiy to let t!ie pulilic know that he lias just the lii^ht liiid of uoodH for the Cliiinlnuia holidays '. MthoUL'h Flesherton is only If) or Id miles distant from Durham, our husiiii'ss men consider it ahout the liuht time of \ 1 ar to Imkuu spriiii; millineiy am! such li'.,e, while onr Kinhlini; KiUtor has lieen on the w.-vtirli for Sprin:; I'oets and I'.ook A. 'iIiIk several weiks. He has lil.'d the I el! doy's teeth leal nhiirp and has lueii I lacliciiii,' on the sand ha,' every day of wanted to keep the piesky things fastened in my mind. I noticed jiuople anickerin!»>niilly, but that didn't stop nie. Nuxt I tackleci the vowels. They bother- ed nie considerably. 1 oot them niLxed. Tlien I'd make a fresh start in an audible tone, thus : â€" ".Ah, eh, ee, ivw, oh, oo,' &.C. I did this one night after I had re- tired, and my wife anxiously enquired if I was sick. In reply I took a sudden jump into the dipthonjjs, "I, ow, oi, u, I, ow, id, u. " Thinits went on in this way until I came to the s's. I'roli.x s and final s, double as, addiie.; ii and f, addiu'.; s to pr, prefix st, tinal st, and all the rest of it. It was about this time that my brains be- i;aii to knock around amonuat each other "nd mentaliy ask me to ;.,'ive them a rest. It was no use. My wludo being seemed full of s's and hooks and loops. I got mad, hut that diiln't help me. If niiy- ihing, the hook and crook fever grew worse. I dreamt of nothing ISome' times, in my dreams, a great big fellow with a huge S on his shoulder would come ah>ng and threaten to give me a whack on the head with it. \Vhon 1 awoke^ in the morning the rcMUii seemed full of s's "in f.aet i w.asn't sure but what my whole body was 8 shaped., • The "half sized consonant^" did not trouble me much, excejit when they cain^ in colli.iion with those maddening s's. Then -but why .say more on that score / I am now making a determined *assault upon the "W and Y .series of Diptluuigs " and the " (irammaloguea or Letter- Words." I went over the former in the ( presence of his serene Satanic Majesty of The Ai>vance printing ofHce in an audible tone, thus : "Wah, weh, woe, \va\v, woh, woo; yah, yeh, yet;, yaw, yoh, yno.' The devil scratched his head for a min- ute, winked his left eye solemnly at the Sporting Editor, and then tapped his fore- head with painful sigiiilicance. 1 stopped suddenly and reached for my Spring Poet .\nmhilator. The devil .skipped out of the road with unusual celerity. Since then I have courted solitude and .solitary places and can "wah, woh, wee'' and "j'ah, yoh, yee " to my heart's content. I U« iNBWAI)VEUTlSEME^â- TS. .summit \it »; /;;/'.'.N <;. ';'/((' l'i(/lllitlll I'.ilitllV Htlllll-S Ilis A number of pwrsous in h'lesheiion are Ktriviiig to become prulicieiil in the sc-ience of I'holiograpy, umler the wi^e and eiier- ;r.'lie enpcrvision of Wm. Iihiu, llsip, I'lincipal of our I'uhlic Sih.iils. The 1 iller gonlleiiian has fiw eipials in the innfter of iiiipailir;; knowledge. lie '. ikes a tlelijjht in the business, and by Ills earnestness and zeal aHakens an iii- t.nsu ami yearning iiileiesl within the hreaslii of those who are his pupils. I mil slightly imlnied I i be ambitious. I mippose I inherit it from somebody. .\ lihort time ago a yearniii:; ih'.iiro took .^ possession of iiiy soul toaii|iiiic thuartor s'-ienco of rhoiiography. The idea grew i>t nil amiwing rato. â-  l''iim!ly I learned to my joy that Mr. Irwin was a shorthander Mid 1 maJu uri'.'i,n'.;eiiienls to take a eoinne villi him. 1 studied the coimonaiits, vowels, dipkhoiig.i and occasionally start > '(J Biy friends by breaking out with such kiit^ligible and edifyijig iiuiiiysylliilile4 im â-  "IVe, hue, tee, eliay, jay, Kay, L'ay, vuk, Ml, ing, way, emp, ray, arch, yuy, ^.fV- ***y»' *"*' *^ ^"' You nee I No Universal Remedy lias yet lieen discoveieil ; liiit. as at hast four-tiftlis of liiiman iliscases have llnir source ill Inipiire Ulood, a niediiine wliieh restores that tluiil from a <le- praved to a liealtliy eoudilion comes as near being a universal riin^ as any tluit can 1).- pro.liiied. Ayer's Siirsaimrlllu alTeris flie lilood in each stai;e of it6 forniation, and is, therefore, adapled to a greater variety of eiimplaiiits than any other kutiwii meiUcine. Boils and Carbuncles, which defy onlinury treatment, yield to Ayer's Sarsaparilla after a comparative- ly lirii'f trial. Mr. C. K. Murray, of Cliarlo'.esville, Va., writes that for years ',« was at- rtieteil with boils which -ailseil him iniicli sulTering. These wori succeeded liy carliiiiicles, of which he had several at one timi>. He tlieu l>et'aii the use o( Ayer's .Sarsaparilla, and aflir takinf; three bottles, the <arhmules ilisap- jieareil, and for six years he has not had even a pimple. That iiisi. lions disease, Korofula, Is the fruitful cause i^f iniiiinierable I'om- plaiiils, Coiisuniptloii heing only one of many eijually fatal. Eruptions, ulci'rs, sere eyes, glainhilar swellings, wiak and wasted muscles, a caiiricious apiie- tite, and the like, are pretty sure imli- cations of a scrofulous taint in tliu system. Many otherwise beautiful facis are disligiired by pimples, emiitions, and unsightly blotches, which arise from impure blond, showing the Iiei'd of Ayer's Sarsaparilla to remedy the evil. All siitTerers from blood disorders ithoiild givc^ .Avers Sarsaparilla a fair trial. â€" avoiding all powdirs, ointments, and washes, and esixiiallv cheap and wiirtliless compoiinds, which not only fail to effect a cure, but more frei|Ueiilly aggravate and conlirm the iliseasi's I hey are fraudulently atherlised to remedy. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, lltKI'AUKO IIV Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hoia by all Dtutftilata. I'ricv (1 ', six boiiUx, «6. FOR SALE. AtiOOD HfddY and ii Kood Bet of Singlo Har- uess for salo cUepp Apply to JAMKS KKSTKU, 2w'. Fleshortoii. WANTED. ^ Lt>ml and Trarrlling Salesuicn, Jo ^cll tuw cli'iirr vanytie.s of Nursory Stnck. citluir on saliiry or i-omiuiiiHiun. I'urntatu'iit itnplj,)yMicil% to tlu' ri^iit iiieu. No room fitr \i\ify oi'n -i. u|irii;li» atul juttiost. aro t!ie oiu'h viv aro hpokinti fur. All^lrl-^ with rt'fcrtMiccK, MA\ iau)THKUS. Nur»«ryiiu*n. a Uuclio»ter, S. Y. •FAEM to RENT 'dfe' FOK SALE. • BKIN(J Lots s A- u. Com "». Towimhip of .Vrt«uie- Ki*. I'oiilginiiii; l.'ttl (icnm iiioru or los». about Nil t>f whii'li nil- clt-ared (itK>.I Kraino Hani aud StuhK- anil Htiii;-t>fa'il I 'Wflliuti Htumu tiiiil a t;o*>.ni«'Hriiit; Onliartl. Aiply ou the iireuubtiH for imrtiLMilurH, or to AUClt. Mi PHAIt.. ! 1. shurtoii Station V.O. N.H.â€" ronBCSKiuii jliviMi iiiiiiiediatuly. ;i.'xV;i5S FARM !CE SALE. Bi:lN(t l.ot it, foil. U, Vrtfuiesiu. coiitaiilinc lii»)ftcri!s mori' or K-^s. For paitlv'tilars Ul'l'l) to KIi)*ihc'rton. \OTICE. SIIINdl I'S cniiKtantlv ot? haiul tiwl for sale lu'iiii. Just put ii; :\i t[-olas!* lu'W (Mh'ppiii:; Mill now \'rii\ii ajuii;.' vutr t^iuiu aiul ^vt it clu'i po'l up iu bhort ov.l.i. J. H. SLOAN. iluction Sale VALUABLE FARM /,i tin' TiV Hsitif' I f i*<l>l'* >J. i,J It ti'ii-iiii I.I'M tiJ tp- li"iii .\lt'X!ii!iK'r.\Ii'L.'un t<t till* Vftn'..»ri* wlMt ;l will li- piiMlu. .vl iit tU*' t im.i i.f >;»U* iiiul on ludiult (tfMii; nri.i.' in p.iv I III tit <•! iht iMKiH- * -* tin- 1 1 I'V ;.fiiir*'tl. t lit' If \\v\\ 1m- <.i(fH' '. r.-r MiU- I'V I'^- .Viii'iioti ii: LIN- I.KVS MO'M-L. in tlo- of MAWVKl.L. by JoMN Sl'i:i,!ts. Aiirtiom-fi, on TUIKSIMV, ATKIL l*^(li, ISSS, at \i ovlock noon. 1 ho [.â-ºMowing propi-rty. iiaiiu'ly ^- Lot niMiibcr m*. iu tho ScroniA IJaii^ji- m (""n- r.-sMoii Nnitti of ihi- Uiirhttru Uoiul, iii tlioToft ii- Mini- of i>^)>ify, (.-fiittiiiiinM â- '*' iicrn.-t, luoinT ]f*i', of which :tO uru siiul to bu cU'ui tnl aiiil ouUiviitotl. On llu" itU'tni-o-» tiro '^:ii.l to In- u TcUur Lo^ Uotisi'. Alho ii I. OK Itain un.l Sh^il*'. TKIt.MH: Ton por I'aiit. at ti'un <f Sulc. for thr buhiii.'o ti-iin- lihurul ami will ho iiiado Kn<'\\ II tit limu of y^ii\c. I'or furtiior ptuiiLMilar" 'ipply to :.hiSS. HAUWU'K A I-liVNK'^, \*n.loi;i Solicitors. Ti rniitf. Mnri-h th. b-^ hotos, Photos, iiotos. H'c (ire iinic turtiiiuj mit icork fiir xi'pun'nr iu sfi/lc dml j/nisU In aiii/ ever pro- ilnrr ll in Ffislurlun . COPYING and ENLA.^C^ING nt MODERATE RATES. PICTURE FRAMING ,f,»»- in nil itt lirnni-hiii. A <;o,,r/ stiific of Fh'A.UFS ,ni,l MOT fj)l XOS kept rnn»tnnlhi i„i han.l. Will also iut>-oilu,-e ihv. ww liliOMIDK I'OHTHAIT. ii fiic.lnri: thui is ijirinq intiri' mitis/'ttrtioii trhrrrrrr inlradurcd. .V . I .)/ / '/y AAV ctiH 6c «««» ttt my (j'uUmy uKiMU all jyirticularH tti to l'ric<\ Sti/h kc., (•<(» he (uctr- FIxHiaHJlRTQN. ClIlLDRENS HEALTH. FAEM for SALE BKINd I.otiV C"on.7, .Osjirov. half milu froui M.iiweil, MO acres, fj icrus cleatoU. weil watore*!. Aiiii melyr k>,>«1 ^l:it« of culelvutiou. WoU fcacL'il. l.iir;;e Uv^xwxi barn und stable, frame Uoiistf. Kor further parcic.dajs apj)l> to jDriElM! K.M'l.KY. 17'J SpmiiUA .\veDue, ^MS-.TTI. Toronto, One of Nntnns Kiiulnt Gifts i* n' lleitlfhi/ CiiHStitutlon. Guard it ugaiuft' diiense Li/ uniiij i Siamese Worm Powders] Vi'oi-nis are the. puit/itl aiuiie of mani/ disordem in Children. SlAMKStJ', WORM rOWDER^ witlcjrpcl Worms: in eeerij dise when the// cjcint. irill reyit-'. liite the i<tom(trh <ind BuKth at tlic .finic time. L'sc them, you Kun't retjret it Chaii<2:c h\ Bjssiness The ij!i.lL'r«;;;nfa Imviiig •,i.jy;;lit out S. Spirifis Huti-b'-riHi; hiisiuess in I- l.'^iuTtou. hiis opened lip witil a tlTie sti>ek of n,-:e;-t. Salmon. Sar- dines. Fresli * Drie<i Meats, Kn-h A Salt Kish Sun-age. iwlocnu. Ac. an 1 invites ihu people t.i â-  call uml ^I't aiijnainted «n'l li-avo a trial or-ler ' for unythiin; ui tJic above line«. FIcsUurtou. Fel). 1st. Is.'vS .(CS. McCO.NNELL. Should idirays be used for Sick Head- j ache. 7'heir operation is viild and\ pleasant. The;/ strike, home enrh time] when used for a Disordered Lifer. Ask. for than. Get them. Don't forget the] I-»ill>s. If i/our has not the almee pre- 1 para'tion in Stock. W. »'. STKl'llES ^ d' CO., of Meaford, vill send them to you prepaid on receipt of'lbc.fur either, a of each, or asuorted for 81.00. I w. w. s'lm^' & CO. J'cu;;./<..f,i, l(7o./.3.(;. <l Il.tail, W. W. TRIMBLE: ROLLER FLOUR. m 1 Etons Flour, I OATME.\L. IIOLLKD OAT.S, tiK.\HAM FLOUR. ! L'U.VCKKD WHKAT, GREAT RUSH ! lAThat For? Where ? ToNV,S.C'HU;sTor. SMi^lioal Hall. Kleslnrtou. for the cii«'brut>'l nicliciues. JtlHN.StiNS 'lUNlf nil TKK,S..Ii>hlisonii Tonic Livor I'ilis. i .JOHNSON b .M.l.-HK.lLlNCi Wllll'K Ol.NT- MKNl', ! rnTT-p DrTQTI i< for tbu lllTTKliS a.< it is 1 inxii ivuon. ki!..\nui. 1.0 tiif fori all nLTV'j;r. ilisc.isiw. Hyst,TUi. U<*bttity of any ht>rt. <^f .Vppctite, t'onetle t'oniplalnts. and I'alene^s (<( c'oniplexitni utiil till dicerdelh ari»- in;^ (nun poverty of tho lllo4».l, Thii Piiuli is foi tll» I'll.l.S as there die lUO r\iUc<U none l>itt,r than tnu.o n.r l.ivor r<<:ii|<i.iiut atul UoraiiKuaient of thediK^'st- ive oi^;au.. THK lllSH is f,'r theOINTMUST tt» it ranks rtist in its lu'alint; <iniilitii'> (or all Skin Disiasi'S of u SL-rofulous iiutur,'. l-itrus, >caldf,, a. e.. ,vc. .Vn^l It is to be foumi at tlu- prut; Sti*reof W. S. I'HiasTOK, Kleslierton. roiiio and try and seu for yountulvun. (i I ,) (I (I ' ; I 'M u I (M THE MAllKETS. FLK.SlIKi; I'DN. ('ti rcjiiltn Cinrtctc a Each » iih. Flouv . «;! s.') td ;•! !I5 Full WlieiU ^0 7S to (1 K) Sjniuj,' . 78 (1 so I'itrlev . It 00 I) 70 Outs . i( ;iK HS IVas . (t ".,s G() r.iiitcv . '.7 17 F\'j,'s, fresh . 12 l-i I'lHatocs biisli . 40 4 11 IVik . ti .-.0 G 50 Hav.l'or toil . 7 00 8 00 Hides I :»o 5 50 Wool IS . n -d) •Jl Slu'epskius 1 (IC Gi'ose . (1 0(> 00 Tmlicvs . rt 10 10 Cliickeiis per pair •-'.') :;o Pucks per iiair :a) 00 Slior'.s, Chop and Bran. POTATOES. APPLES, ETC. OlSi'ERS Fill! S,iLH. W. W. TIUMl'Li:. Flesherton. l^e, Ist, lSs7. BELL" mm Unapprcachcd for Toi'c iicd Qualify. CATALOGUtS FR£2. BSLL^CO.,Gusipii,oiiL Elfllfni IU;\\ \Kl>; U m:»- tifos,. v'o r.i., ! Hi Y I'l'^ ft'i^l tli*-ii att. ihi'v \MtU'u!'Uioii ftUMii I "»"1>1<' finploviiU'iit th;»l w.U no "â- â- â- â- â- â-  ...I... .1 /.-"..... .»...i- 1 ..^ ».. tfwko tht-iii fiiniilifH. Tho prot'iis uio ovory iiiduhlrious ptiBi>ii, n aro now maktiit; '•overai month. U is t-asy for any their hoiiio.s nti'l hi,i>;»' liitti "iiite fi>r itny hrivf iiiAilo nr I hutiih'cd >loliiirs a le 10 uiakc c^> an,! upwards per day," who )•* willing; to work. Kill*- or -^fX. youHi; or oil: capital not ni-iHUsl â-  wo •^tart you. Kvorythiuj; new. No special abilitv rt'iuiu'l; you. reaJor, cjiu <hi it ait \\v\\ a.-« t*iiy ^^tw. Write t" UH at omit for full pariicuiav>. wliK'li WO laiiil fruo. AiUlross Stinsou A tV., I'orthiiul, Muino. SKA \Vi>Nl>KItS oxi»t in tlioti^aiuli* cf (orni'*. hut art' wiirpassoil h\ the iiiarvc!-* Il^l of ii»\ontiou, 'rhi-M- who lur in iieod vi liiot\liiblo \Vi>rk that I'ati hi- ilotu* whi'o living at hoiiut >(houKl at otii-o himkI thtir atl- <hoss to Httlh'tt \ I'O. roithlUit. Maiiu. UJul r*- coi\o frtv, full h»f«'iiiiiitit'n how I'illior i5*-\. o( Jill ai.:o'<. niii oarn fi":ti ?» > t.i --auV* per day ajiU Mpwai "!•* whvrvvov liii'v li\f. You aro .itart«<.l frei-. i'lipital not ri^piiiA-d Stuiu- htt^o niAtW (. vi-r .r",*' ri a hiii;^iv »;ii* !i; th.s wi': k. .\\\ suo- A Positive Cure. A Painless Cure. FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. â- DIRHASES OP MAW. THK Ulit:.tT ntUML'VH ii*.V>'f:Wf.l<, U.'ir\tilo> Hf.ilinq, and Knhinoorol Medicines, ^f^a-^ 'vr*tfa>'C3l H««"ti'rrlt>i<< <â- <>»«< <]iii-ii<-rH ol Inillnrmlon, ^"'ii • II ^^''^' l-.xpo'.urt'niiil Uvt-r»urh. Who aro broken ilown (roni tho olTcila of iiWiiso will ilml in No. s a rmlK'Hl i. iiro for uurvous (loi>i)ily,ors'ani3 ivpHkiifsB, invu.uuiarv vital lossfs. t,t^-. Stmvtomi ron wnuil No. « Siioi i.i> rnc Iki:i\ â€" Wiiat of omrny. virli;;o, want o( puri>o.=o, iliniiiesH of siKlu. uvornion to bocioty, walib (if conft'louco, nvoi»l'ilU'0 of ootiversaltoli, cUsiroforBOlmi.lo, listln.isMosj iiul inul'ility to fix tho attonvion on a paitionlur subject. cowHvilii'O, lU'inonaioii of upiiitu, ^'i.iilinoss, 1, m of nioni.>rv, oxcitiilili'v of toiiipoj, sper- iimtorrhu-a, or loesof ilio s.niiiual llinilâ€" tho i>'siiU <»r soif.aimso or nniri'.al excessâ€" inip,^- tuiicy, launtrition, iMuuitiiioM. baii»iiiio»H, palpitalii'.i of tho heavi, h\3ti-tic fvelinK^ in feinali>s,iroiii'.>Unk', nul I'loholv, â- lIMiirhim; •froums ^fc., oio "11 sviiiptoiun cf thin ttriiblo hnbit..>(:.oi'iiiii'SiMii; mlv n.-innr,'.!. In uhort, tlio spiing of vitAl foreo having lost iin tonsioti. .vorv (nmition iivunis iii .•nns,-,pu.noo. .sciontifto wntorsaiKl tho ^.^lpulintonl^ont« of insino iisyluMii nii'.l.i in iiiiorii'iin: lo tho oUoota of folt abnso tho pruat ninjorilv of wasto.l livos winch I'O'ao un.l v incir iiotiix). If von aro hvoinpitont for tlm ariliioii.s tlnti.'-iof b;i9inoss, ine.tpii.-iiiiio 1 for tlio cnjoynioiit, ol life. No, s olTois an csoupo from tho oifiota of forly vici. li \or, aro lotvanool in viiirs. No. ? will i;ivo yon fnll vluonucl str.iiicili. If von Kill iToh.ii itown, physi.-.lly aii.l nioriill" !roin early IniHacrotiou. tie r.'SilU of iKUoranct ulil (oUv, ». n.l.yotir aihlr.'sa and 10 oouia iu stainpa for M V. l.lHov'a Tiv'i'is., in Uook I'l i-in on Ihsoasos oi Man. Soaioil •iiil h.^mio funi obsci viitiou A lilvi'Sis r.n comninilicati,.ns to Id, V. l.l'UO>', tl M'<'IMi>k(i>u .Si. V. , 'rorontw. A Man without ttUdomllH'S in a tool's paradise. CUHES CUARANftED. HEAL thE SiCK. A Permanent Cure. A Pleasant Cure^

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