Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Apr 1888, p. 8

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/ •<^ THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE [Ai>K. 5. i8b8. Couuty and District Nows. I'lijUiid and C'ltiulrtntcil from the ColntunH of Our F.jrUau<ivn. '\'\w Nditliein C'ouiitius Ailvurtisur, of Iliirrutiiu, is (Kfuiict. Dr. S[ir..uli', M. P. (m- East (!rey, s;>ont Eiuitcr at lioiiie. Owen Siiiiiicl Bpriii',' slidw of stallions and bullH will U- lielil ,>\\ tliu 2(ith inst. W. ('. IMclfat, the \V;ilkurton Ciiiof" of I'olice, tlicd on Monday of last week, iijjed 'M yt-ars. T)u(Ti-rin, Siniooi', Storniont, lifuov, I >uiidAii uiid (ilonxarry countius will voto on the Scott Act on tlu^ '1Xa\i inst. Jai. Isa.acs, one of the early pionoera 'f Amaranth towjishiji, is dead. He wiW 101 years of ai;o at the time of hia I'leniise. A circidar saw in Jiull's planning,' mill, I>urli:uii, came in contact with Kubt. II ilia hand on Wednesday week, inflict- jng n tle^^h wound across the palm. Open Division, in the Iodide room of lnii*tioi;o Suns of Temperance, to-morruw (Frid»y) eveiiin;;. •Spuakem from Dun- <".alk aiul Klesherton expected to be ; resent. Hed Wiii^, a ("ollins{wood township lianilet, has decided to or^ani^^o a Hmss Hand, with eillier Mr. Will .Sparhn«, of ClArkshiu;,', or Mr. K. Vanzant of Flesh - I rton, as instructor. (Jood for Itcd Wing ! The Markdale Slaiiiinriia short time aj;<i announced a late addition to the laniily of IJcv, Wesley Oassin, of Mitch- ill. Kuipiiry has failed to substantiate the â- â€¢correctness" of the item in ijuestion. What did it mean anyway I The skating' match between Andcr- h "11, of ('.illiii^wood, and Dornn, of Me.iford, came ofT in Meafnrd rink on Friday ui^dil week. The stakes were ?'200 :i tide, and the distance to Iw skated was ."' miles, .\ndersiin won easily. A yuuni; man named Charlton, while v.orkin;{ in .) mes' saw mill. Wiarton, 1..II0 day last week, had b.itli his lei;s cut ^ and was otherwise fri^ditfully man- : led by a circular «iw. He only lived a few minutes after the occurrence. I'umlalk is aifitatini; for fire protection. (Ml account of the 1 r water supply there, the //./ 1/1/ su'.{i;ests the purchase â-  f a chemical engine. It thinks, how- i ver, that the cost of such an engine is lar toil nimli, and asks its rtiadi-rs to give t.i ! matter eatiiett consiileration. A twe, belonging,' to a Normandy 1 .«ii«!iip f.iiiMcr named .Malcolm .Mc- '.'uanie, vave birth to three lainlis re- â-  ililly. 'La-tt hprini,', " says the (linj .'.'. Mi-i', •she raised four and with the ;hree last week makes seven lambs in of a \ear and all so far doiiiy well. ' Ml I'. .). Mun-'^an, Editor of the l)u;I'eiiii I'oit. u|i])i'aied before the I'olice Mau'istrate mi Saturday week, I linr;;i-d with having assaulted constable. Hall. The case wa^ disuiiased, it hav- :iijr '-ecn nuwi conclusively proved that ^Mitor Mun;;ovan was not guilty of the I liarife. Mr. (ieornc Col bet, a prominent I iti/.an rif dwell Sound, di id on ISnnday • f la«t week. He was born in the town I f Hamilton, ill Lanarkshire, Bcolland, II the year IM(I8, and ciiiiio to Canada mill 11 he was ten years of Hi»e. He was t « ice maiiied and bin second wife and a f.iinily of tu'ulve children, six sons and six dnn>;hli'Ts, survive him. On Monday eveiiiiio last a boy named 'i'lylor, atepaon of .Mr. David Lewis, iitli line, St. Vincent, wu-s on his way home 'rmii s.-hool and chanced to aecure a ride \:h\\ Kaiiiiiel (Juinton. In ]ilrice of Reltint; III the cutler he rode with his knees on the fender ami holdiiiij on the side with liis hands. The horse bccnnio frlijhtened for lome unaccountable roaaon and be^an Kicking. It kicked past the dashboard Aiu\ struck ycmii;,' Taylor abou'. the eye i.nd t.Miiplc kuocUim; him unconscious, He was e.iriied lioeie and a plusiciaii sent tor, but he rallied only a short time, death tosulliiiir during the ni^ht. Deceased wiw 1; i>ioiiiihiii({ Jounii lad of 8 years, and his sad iiiid sudden death liaH cast a l;]ooiii I \er the entire community. -.Uoi/on/ A sad and fatal accident happened to Hli old man iinnu-d Lipsky, on the 4lh coll. of Sullivan, hist Tuesday. Kaily in the forenoon lie took an axe and went out into the woods to cut a etick of tim- lior, and not returnini! at iioon, his d«u;;hter-in'law, .Mrs. Fred. Lipsky, bc- e.iiiMt uneasy and set out to search fo"" l.iiii. She sent to Sir. Myers", a lieioh. bor, and as he was not there Mr. Myers joined In the search, but it was not until about 4 o'clock in the ofteriioon that his body was found in the bush. He had fallen a tree and in fallini{ it had knocked <lown a duAd limb whicli atruck the old man on the lieadi and killing; him instant- ly, as he had not stirred from the position ho had fallen in the snow. The deceased Was upwards of TO years of a^e, and was a qyiet lunpectable farmer. â€" CluaUy Ji'ii- EnKeiiia Brirflots. \ ('•irii.ipdiKhiiCt' of The Adnuice. \ < till filadaonie spring? ! Lovely sjirin;,' ! ' Sii,'ns of beautiful, welcome spriiiii ! j Mr. Ale.x. MadiU has hied him away on the morniiio train. To the West ! to the | West I to the land of the free â€" Manitoba, (jod speed .Meek I Mr. Clemis, the popular P. S. Teacher, spent Eastertiile with the old folks at home in Colliie^'Wood. Made some tall ' walking, uoing thither per mile jier so many minutes. He's a rushei to walk anyhow. Schoid children had a frolicsome liidi- Clay two days. Hurried olf to their tasks a^ain today at claiii; of !• o clock bell. Farmers rushing business in the saw log line now. The Latimer company are hustlers to 1 saw wood, I tell you -40 cords per day regular. Old sol shines hot, roads breakiii!/ up ' some. Falls look yraiid just now. Don't . foryet come see them friends. Welcome i all. Mr. Scott .Jamieson and family gone to Michigan. Prosperity follow them. Cattle in general in surrounding coun- try comiiiL' out of long hard winter in good shape. Woodchucks are out- glad to see them. Sure sign mother earth is thawing out, making uncomfortably warm down in the burrows. Clap our hands with glee, soon we'll see vevetation 8|)riiiL'ing. lUids on the trees are ready to burst. The old carnivorous birds, the eiows, have come, lots of them. Sign of a bountiful year - old heads say they never saw it fail. Hark '. did you hear the glad sweet note of yon robin I Yes, yes hurrah ! spring. The laiiilis are frisking on the hillsides, the kiiie are lowing in the lane ! Our Town without the '•shi|)"â€" is hero right side up with care ; no inaigiii- ticaiit village accoutrements or luiraplier- nalia eipiipniviil. The Mayor presiding as usual. Look up, little ones, your am- bition is laiidalile â€" look np ' Owen Hound. Frinn imr iiivn Corrispuiidint, We are exiiccling Spring, mud, andâ€" the poets ! An Octogenarian â€" Mrs. R. Crawford, ar., recently celibiated her S'ind birth- day. Mr. .J. Collicrt broke his le:; last week while engaged in lifting planks at tFie dry- dock. Mar. liH.â€" Tlic closing meeting, for the season, of the Collcgiate's Literary Society was held this evening. The opening glee "Dream the Dream that's Sweetest" was well rendered. The debate was : "Ite- solveil that Canada vriuild be benefitted by beiiiL! inailc a Republic. " Messrs. McKay and Dolue spoke with much fervor on the nifirniativu. Mr. McKay said there was too much King-worship and Queon-worslii|i at lu-esent and what we should worship was tlio initiiliy's 1-.4 in- turslf. Mr. Dobie also made laughable allusion to the country paying out so many thousand pounds to keep up Queen Victoria's husband's daughters and daugh- ters' husbands '. Messrs. Skene and •lackman spoke on the negative, but their arguments wen- ii<it suthcient to weaken the points takt 11 by the other side. De- cision was granted in favor of the altirm. Miss Lizzie Kicliardson and Mr. Elijah Jones (son of an Indi.iu Chief) favored the audience witli an instrumental duett â€" Mr. .Tones iii'oii his violin, and Miss Li7J!ie uccoiMpaiiying him with much ex- ]>re3sioii upon the piano. They re8(M)nded to an encore. The pantomime "The Working family representing a family engaged in domestic atlairs and working to music was highly amusing. They were interrupted by :i young gentleman, prob- ably "the black >iieep of the tlock," who upset everything and all tumbled in a heap oil the Hoor with wash-tub, churn, irons, tables, apples, etc. accompanying them ! This w;i.s decidedly the best thing I on the progranniie. I Ap. 1. â€" .\n Easier Praise Service was held in the tt.S. Methodist church this ' evening when 11 large congregation had \ the pleasure of listening to an interestiiiR I argumentative sermon on "He is risen,'' I by the pastor lb v. T. M. Campbell. The ! choir rendered the suitable anlbem "Te I Deum Ijaudaimis, ' and Easter Hymns and Carols diinni; the evening. This im- ! prensive'service Has closed by aingiii^ the j dinology, ami benediction was jiroiiounc- I ed liy the pasli r. FLESHERTON Roller Mill! The uudorsigiied begs to uiiiioimce to Ilia numerous custonuis that be lias got the Mill ill Good Kuiiiiiii^ Order AND HAVE COT IN THE VEKY LATEST IMPKOVED ROLLER PLANT And capable of turning our First-Class FLOUK and am prepared to give my cuBtuuiert) (iiood Yields and ni*s(-class Flour. CLIMO & GO. The New Store. Wright's Old Stand. Have opened a New Stock <;KU( CRIES. DRY iiOODS, BOOTS K SHOES, t LOTHI\«, We extend to all a Cordial Invitation to visit us. We will be in the mar ket to handle all kinds Barter - \\ool and Hides, Cast Metal, Sec- CLIMO & CO.. FLESHERTON. Jl(>j)i//o' to rcfcirt' (( share of i/our pcihoud^'c, us I ((III )>rciJ(trcd to please. 1 Ueiiiuln )'oiirs lu'sp-t WM. BRADLEY. r.S.â€"I don't heloTii' to the Millers' Association or (t-Ni/ 0/ the MiHer ^Secret Societies as it has been re- ported by sonic of the Millinii fraternity.â€" ]]'.B. IVIIEN YOr KEQI IRE GOUl* .l.M» i IIEAF BOOTS, Shoes or Slippers, TK Y WM. CLAYTON'IS BOOT & SHOE STORE, FLESHERTON CHEAP AND '/ij- DUKABLE T II E WELL-KNOW N SPEIGHT WAGON Call and get Prices, Jtc. liom undersigned. STOVES, TINWARE. &c. for sale as usual l'"iist-rlass \ .ilur in evcrv department. Ai^ent for VICKERS' EXPRESS. All parcels left :.'ith him will be promptly and carefully attended to. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, March lOtb, 1888. All. KI.SliS OK M^ vi twM W:r! 'i Such a^ Monnu'.euts, Tomb Tables, Ilcndsto'.ii ? '*' "?Rtji C'otmter iiiid Tiiblo Tops â€" in Auuiieiin luul -. -BVV(, Itfiliiiii Miu'ble aiul liniuito, mid nuulo on slioi't notice. .Vl.-io Miintles in Marble and Miu'bleized Slate, .Vc., i^e. Flosliorton, .Vui;. ;!0, l'*S3. J I HKALTIT FOR ALL. iHE TILLS rmifv the !ilooi.l. ft«rri-it all IHj'ovfU'Vs of tho Liver-, St<>niti<^»h% lvi<lii^yw, iin<l IIoavoIk. Thoy iiivijinrati'Mi \ vcston* to hi'ftUh l>ebilitat»'<H"iMistitittU>iis. biuI ar** itivRhmMo \\\ all Cotu- plttiut» tncUlontnl to I'cnitilo-^ of nil a^t"* !*'<» C'luliiivu uiul the u^iul tlio> aro i>rieuluaB. THF OINTMENT IBftnintallililoromoil.v tor llml l.ft'a. Had liivn'^n. iMA Si<ri'« iiiiil I'loi'iii. U is fainouBtor clout aiul lilifiiiimtism. I'nr ilisinitcvB i>l tlii' I'lii'^t it lias no iMiuiil. For SORE Timo.n, BIIOA'CHITIS. COEGHS, COLDS lllftiidiilnrSwulliugs, aiul nil Sliin Pinoasi'!! it lias no rival; anil for contracted and stiff ' ointa it acts liko A I'liai'ui. M.imitaoturoil only at ripfcasor Hoi,ix>wav'» I'stal'lislunpnt, T8, New Ovfonl Street <lu<c .wa. Oxford Street). London. auil aroBOlJ at In. 1 Jd.,2B. l>il.. J-< 0.1 . lU., Ks , and ,1l». paih Hox ov Vot, and may I'C had of all M*d lino ViiniJor« throuKhont tlie World. fiS' PtirchMai t}u>\ild tovk li the TmIkI oh the PoU niul lii'xex. If th« udihtss ii not iSS, Oxford Sir*H, Li>ndi>n, they <wt ,yni» ioim.

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