Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 5 Apr 1888, p. 5

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Apr. 5, 1888.] THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE Gentlenieit reijiiiring neat and attractive Horse Bills! ^"eed scarcely be told, that The Flesherton Advanc of- fice Jills the hill exiXjctlij- Spiirgeoii and the I'uiou. Fur ihi A'iviXiii:^, As maay of your readers are interested in the discusaj.pii ooiK-euiiii^ Mr. Spur- aeon and the Bii[>tiit Uiiion, the follow ing definitions may be helpful in under- suindiu'4 the question at issue : â€" be watched wit!i ci.iiisiiierable interest. t.s- pecially by farmers. We are not familiar with the law on the subject, but justice Would say that a j erson buying a machine from a ciimj^'any s â- intlti'rizi:il ai;cnt, and paying that ayeut in full, was entitled to the niacliine. •'â- â€¢mpauies should make their agents uive security, in order to pr>tect iheuis elves and not be putting innocent parties to trouble and expence. 1. â€" A "Baptist" IS a person who, un profession of repentance towards God and The moral f.T farmers is to only deal faith in Jesus Christ has been tiaptiiied (immersed) int<j the name of the Father, the Son. and Uic Holy Ghost, and united in church fell'^wship to observe all that Christ coniiuaiiued. 2.â€"" A Baptist Church ' is a body of baptized believers, meetins; toijether for Christian worship, instruction and work, j acknowltdijini^ no Head but the risen Savi.iur, :ind no Liw but the Divine \\\.r>l. E.ich uiemlcr h:is a voice in all that concern.^ the Church, and each charch nianoi^es all its own :iifairs ; and with agents «hoin they know. .1 Comnivn .Mistake. Mt. F'ifwst /Jeyrejseiif'etiV. We regret that some of our readeirs oc- casionally fi>rget that the Rep. is a ikjc-j- paper, and take uinbrasje at certain items i't news published m its columns. We have 111' desire whatever to wuui.d any- j one's feeliiiu's, but when an item of news j the ] they are caused they become newspaper I prop>erty and our stock in trade. is taken exception to, we do not feel in | anyway responsible. We have nothing ! apart from exch separata independent j to do with ••cik.m/i./ such news, but when j body, tliere 'â- Â« no such thini^ a Baptist I'liurch." 3. â€" " -Association " is a name givi-i. to that arran54euiei:t by which the several churches in any district consent to work toiieihcr in orvler that the stn:)ng umy help the weak and all freely combine to {Homote the work of God. 4.â€" ".A B.-iptist I'ni'n ' is a purely fraternal movement, wherein, without rc- strictinsj the independency of each church The "Able" EUiloriul Writer of I the Durham I'hroiiiele. I Fr in tha 'ir'ij R-'rf''-. I "His itlie i.^hroni'.- man's) edi- t.ria! s; .ice in the same issue was tilled I up with Xormanby council, a baking pow- i der re.idmcadv t alxiut piancakes. another and the individuality of each minister, all ! aK'Ut s..iiio Yankee fake and yet another GLEANINGSOF TRUTH III all kiiida of FINE PRINTINS The Advance Ofpce lias a most enviable Countfj reputiitio/i. When it cotnea to SALE BILLS We <^et thert' with both feet ahead 0/ all rivals. ^Lt V/^^ :*":*^"- •*'^-'^'^'* l^-N* Have you a Bull ? I j lion have, it will siwc yon moneij to get yonr l^rintin'J and Advertising ilone at the AdrtHice O^ee. Flesherton. its members may bo mutuaUy editied and united ill carrying out such works as are binding u[mu all true WLevcrs. The I'uptist Inion ^.f Givat Britain has exist- ed aKiut "Jo years, and aU'Ut twu-thirds of the churches and pastors are members of it.. The BiH'tiit Ini 'U of Canada has ceasv'-l t'l exist. o. " Baptist Denomination' denotes the classiticatioii of all Baptists as one K'dy : but d'-es ii't sonify that there is any onjanic unity, centi-.d CK'iitr.'l or othciJ leader. â€" See def. 2. 0.â€"" Barticular lUptist ' is almost an obsolete cxprvssMu but is souietiuies used ti' dcscnlie those churches that are dc -id- ly I'.ih uiistic in d^ictriue. 7. •â- Ltaptist ' denotes those churches that hold 'general," -r •" .\r- niimaii.' .T ""free will " views. L'r. Clili' id, riesideiit of the I'nion, is a •• i^ciural. ' Mr. Si.uri;i«'ii a Calvmist. Neither term descril>es c«irrectly the views commonly hold by Baptists. ,"<. â€" Mr. Spiuxei'ii's C'liiferenco is a yearly i.'atheriir.' of ministers, who have U'cii (T ;u-e l-eiii'.; trained in the "I'astor's »." 'lU-e. of which C. H. V. is president. This c'liforcnco exercises no ccclesi.istical contri'l over the minis, ers cr the chuivhcs ihov, aro pastors of. The O'lifeivncv meets M a body of free Chn.Hi;;iti w.ikers I'l enc'iUraL;e . no another .ind consiili r U w Ivst tliey may proiiute the iiitcrc.--'s v^f Chri^t's kitiL:il"m. ;>. â€" Mr. Spui'.;eoii's relation ti> the I'nion in no way etl'ects liis deiiouiina- tional standiii'^. He is. and for o:i \ eai-s lias been past-r .f, the lanrest Baptist cliurcli 111 ttre:it I'.iitaiii ; and, like any other Baptist or Coii;;rei;ati.'nal niiiiistor, IS eiitiiely free to follow his own convict- ions as to whether he will Ih-Iohj; to any us.sociation, union, or any society lUit.sule of tlie local church ot which he is p.vstor. T. \VAr>..N. ab-jut Holloway's pills and ointment. â€" . Bancakes and pilU are hi^h subjects and I Well deserviiii; the ^iioautic ell'orts of the urii;hty brain that c. iitnds tb.e CAronu-iV." I V'.'vicE ro MoTHTH.*. â€" Aro y •â- ! Li:-*:urbeJ at nt;:hi .11! '. bfokeu oi \onr ri-st bv ti *iek cl'.iM 5u2eriM:a:ul rv.r.' viithi-a'"- Jf <-' '.•.tins: IVi'th ? U >o ,v!i.i ,it o'K-.- ,:. i <-.-t li K.-.t'.o nr -Mrs. W-n- slow 4 So.';::':.); S:. r Ji' for l tv.l.irvn re«,-thi;ii;. It* v.l'i,' .-* iuoali'it'.AMf . It wil! rtJteve the J»,v'r h'.T> *ijr!rvHr :ti.:u*'il<fttoIv Utf|viid wyon i:.uiotbtfrs; :b,»rv u r.o mistake dbor.t it. It cares U\>culvr> an 1 Oiarrl-.-M*. r,'»;'i'.4:es the S:.^luncl: Ali,l U.»w,''-. "ires \Vin«i I". 'Ik*, softcl:* tht- itu::i«, rc'luecs I:.:*.a;'i!iiAt:'M: dii i :;lVtf'* tol:e ftu.l euertv t>> the wh-.-'.tf !.y*t,'ui "Mr-*. \V:ii«- low s Soothini; S>r'ii' for "ehiKir«-n •.,ethini; it pteas'iin lolhf t.iste ri:;.i i* tiu' I're-^eriptioti of oue of the ohU-'t a:; I be't feli:«Ie )'liv«ic:»ll» arii-t ;iur'«es iu the l'i:ite.l State*, an.i i** for sale bv all .lni<>;ist'» :i:r'»:;-jhout ibe worl'l Vnee t«e:;ty rt^e i'el!t» a b.ntli- Fe «-.irr a:: I &.'>k for -Mhs \V:\*l"w*s S'joTHiNG SYurv." aad take •jj other km J ADVERTISE â€" IX â€" THE ADVANCE. // ijon are desirous of sh- earing the leading news- paper in Crey. Just send a dollar to A.R.FAWCETT ADVASCK OFFICE, IfLKSllKHTON, ONT, .V Pointer for Fanners. /)i(;7cai;i CAroiii'-?'-. Much uneasiness prevails amoni; farm- ers wlio purchased implements from Billy (.'ampU'Jl, who skipivd to the other side a few weeks aoo. In sevend instances persons wlui K>u;.jht machines from Billy :uui i<iid liiiu in lull, have had the ma- chines seizeil by the coaij.>any i>f which he was the authorized ayeiit, they claim- ins,' that he hoil not paid theiu for the im- plements. I'l'r instance, Jas. St.tples, of the Sid concession of Olcnels;, boU'.;ht a mower fi"iu Campl oil ;V short time a.;o and .;:no him theivfor a horse and Jl'i.oO in ciish, beiir^ payment in full. Livt week the machine was seijiod .tt the in- stance of the eoii([iany. Dennis Crim- iiioiis, oi Bentinek, is just a similar case. He bouolit a reaper, and yave tho .â- \oent a lioi-se and Jlo in cash. Ho had the satisfaction .'f layiii:; for the nmchine. and now linds it .seized also. J. B. Kin- ney bouyht a cutting box, for which he paid a small amount down, and Intd time for the l>alaiice. Tho company came ahing and demanded it. .Mr. Kiniuv otl'eied to give it up if the amount which he paid was refunded. This the c< inpany refused to d>', and got out a writ of re- plevin, and the cutting box Iso was seized. There are others just similarly fixed. eases will bo tried at the plviaiou Court next WeUnesdny, and will The Reason Why .Vyer's I'-.Ils ar- > ' popular ls. tliat while aUrays rehabl* as a eathanic medicine they never leave any ill elTect.i. This is they ivre purely Vegetable, an-l entirely free Irom ea\i- iiul or any other drug In all eases, then-fore, whether the p.itient lie I'hl or voMng. tlier may W- coDii- Jeiiliy a»Iiiiiii!stere<l. I:i tie Soulliern and Wistern States, where ,!eraii;;ements of t!ie Iner ar* so [;eiierul. -Vyor's Tills have pr^'ieil an in- estinia'.ile biessin:;. l>. \V. Uaine. New Iterne, N. C. writes : " I Miflered a long tin-e with «!on;><h and Iner inulles. 1 tru-.l \ anous ;i;«i- rtlii-s. I'lit reiii\eJ no lieiu tit uiiiil I eomuinuetl taking .Aye: s I'llls. r'.ei.e I'iils beiieiileil me at t'li, â- â- . I t!.<-m re>;iiUuly for a t< w ii;"nlhs. and my lie:illh was eoiripletely :, stored Thronglioiit New Kiulaiid. i:t\t t» hun; diseases. Stuniacli anil IJowel Conipliiitits :ire the mo>t prevalent. Dyspepsia anvl ConsIi[ ai:on are a.:::ost nioversal. Mr. luilUulier, a pr:iei,eal elieliusr. of Koxbury. who was luii^ troubled with l>ysiH'ivsia. writes : ".V friend imliued i: e to try .\\et's Pills, .iiid. :>f;er t.ikiii:; •â- '..' I ox willotit Uineh belletit. I was d:>lH'Sed to .]\::l ihi nil but he iircod pt i^everan' e. ;ind. Iwlore I had tiiiislied the second 1 o\. I b<'..;an :o i xperienee rel'' f I eon! :. j.-.l takiuj: tluiii. ,it iiUer\ 1 *. iint:l I ' .i.l nst-d ele\eii boxes. :>;o>:ee il U> ^;iy. that 1 am now a well n .oi, and iraifdii to your chemistry, w .:;cli oui.slr ps untie. ' The head and stomach are always -n »vmi»ilhy : heme the cause of iiu-st of tiio>e lU.stressiiij head.i. hes. to which so uiaiiv. es|>»v:ullv w.'ii.eii. are siiloert. Mis Il'aiviet .\. Marbl. of roiiijhkeep. sie. N. v.. writes that tor years she «:us a martyr to lie.vlache. a:.. I ne\er fojind anythiiit! to j;i\ e her rioie tliaii •'â- m- jHirarv relief, until she beuaii Iiikir.; .\yer's I'lil*. since wh-el: si e Iteu iu'the enjoyment of perfo. t health. Ayer's Pills J l-KKV VRK.ll lY Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co., Low«n, Mass. ScM by all DruisMts, â- ^G-R-i-P'*- C.\N.-\DA S COMIC ?K?Z-\. J. \V. BKXGOUC.H, Artist and Editof. I4SLKD 'H-SEKUV. $.: a Year ; «l (ot 6 Months. Martyrs to Headache Seek re!i.:( in vain, until they begin to use Ayer's Sarsapariila. Thua they re. gret the years of suffering they might have escajK'd Lad they tried this remedy earlier. The trouble was conslitulional not local ; and, until Ayer's ijarsapa- rilla did its effective work as an Alterative and Blood Purifier, they were compelled to sutler. The wile of Samuel Page, 21 Austin St., Lowell, Mass., was. for along time, subject to severe heada- hes, the result of stomach and liver disorders. A [ler- fect cure has been effected by Ayer s Sarsapariila. Frank Koberts, 'li Washinston st , friston. says that he formerly liad ter- rible heailaches. and until' he toik Ayer's Sarsapariila, never found any medicine that would give Permanent Relief. "E.erv Spritic. for veH.-s." writer Lizzie W. Ue\Vaa. J^H' Fifteenth St., Brooklyn, N. Y., "I have had intoler- able heailaches. I commenced the use of Ayer's Sarsapariila last .March, and have uot had a headache since that time. " " I suffered from headache, inditte*- tion. and debility, and was hardly able to dra;; mvself ah.iiit the ho;ise," writes Mrs. .N[. M. L.w:s. of .\. St.. Loweii, Mass. " .\yers Sarsapar.lla has worked a marvelous clianiie in my case. I now feel stron.; and well as ever." Jonas Gurnian. Es.|.. of Lykins. Pa., writes; "For y>'ars I have sutfered drea*ifuUy. every Spring, from hea<iaihe, causevl by impurity of the bl'X'd aii»i bilousuess. It seeiue<l for d.iys and weeks that my hea<l wiuM spl.t open. Nothing reiieveil me till I to. k .\yer's Sarsapariila. This medicine has cured me eompletely." Wlien Mrs. Genevra Belans^r. of 24 Bridge St., SprinjrileKl, Mass.. becan to u.«e .\yer's Sarsapariila. she had siiffere-l for sc>me years from a serious atTectioa of the kidiieys. Every Spniij. also, she was attiiitcd with headaihe. lii>s of appetite, ami indijjestion. A (riend j'er- sii.ided her to use Ayer's Sarsapariila. which l^enetite^l her wonderfully. Her health is now !>erfect. Martyrs to head- ach.'- should try Ayer's Sarsapariila, Trevaroi by Pr J O .\y«r .<; <\' . I'Owei. Majfc I'rice ♦l.'iii t'Oll.-». »i. \Vor;i fj t. L.iiie. ^dical. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. iS.O.xr. PHY-SUIAX. SIKGEO.X, *e. FLE.SHERTOX. Offlce, -trains'; -ck R(-»i J'-'ie- W::; -Wright s ^eutiotru. DENTISTRY Thomas Henderson. L.D.S. SCKGEON DE.NTIST , Guid yi^^iidist â- uni Uvtiijr >JraduaU 'jf ' •>? ' R.r.D.S., will visit FLESHERTON. Jfunshaws Fotel 1 *:i'l 2:i each 'a:..icth. Teeth e.xtmeted. i::se!-t- «! »ad mied la the highest styles oi the »rt. ii, 1 at modertite rates. I Hr.cD Orp:. E. T.l Tcvon St Torovt'i, ^rqal. J. W. FROST, L.L.B.. Barrister^ Si^Uritor, VoHveyanrei\ Oilioe.â€" >:raij\i l'u;M:i:i: Fl^*H"jLiiTi.>s MK. r'ROST vi'.: be loii^i at zlic Cffet- ^o Th'.irs*.ljivs is bcrttxf^re. p. McCULLOUGH, Barrister. :in!ic!fn7\ Sr. OJUfe. over llrFarlaiid"* .Store, .Warkilalo. Moiioy to Loai;. John W. Armstrong, Fl-Ml IT' S, I. . Ol, (".RIP i< incrtasing in i..:'"once aid popu'.iiily eveiy j-f ar ! It i» a suprec!.- hoawlioJd favor:le, ».Si e every l\'liliti.i:i atitl T: :>s«l'3Pal and Ku»in«,»» M«n enjov« t'^e clc»er hit-' »l--ich a^fxai in every iv-ae. Subscribe now 1 See our PTOirium and c;lubi:'"is Li-»t. Circulars giv li!g tuU i'atlKuiiti^ '.cut Iiec. ^^Look out for Crip's Comic Almanac for 18S8. Pric* 10 cents. aU? PlBllSfllW W. 0) o o > H bf) a^ C/5 ^ DIVISION I'oriiT CI.EkK. l-'iMMlSsIONS:!; ::i 1< K.. C."jveya:K'er..«e .\:.-<T.t fo. ['crel »-. Ae.l *iile "1 U:;d* .VM'ra:>er tor C L C Ci.-:-; . »a I K r B ,V S Soeiety, Motley to Loa!! p thtf luoftt reasoiialle t,-ri;is. IssfKJ* ^'K M.VliK;.M.i K LICENSES. NOT.VKY IHBLIC. I MONEY TO LOAN. t AT LOWEST *IKRK>T KiTK.«». S. DA Ml VV.. W. J. BELLAMY. TW?. c:.; KK .IKTiMl-ll. • I.\srHA.\<F: m; T. .:'•• DEEDS. MC-UTG Uil--.<.l.K\srs. A" ]'â- :â- :«.;â-  e,i an I; . i\eei:t.i-i !:.».:.:.: e, .;''.,,- j ed lu Ilr>«-tflA>s .. - u-l'tkuies ^I, •., i :o U: ; i: ;owe*»r;it, -. I R. J. SPROUL. j ^Te.v'i- 1 '. 11. I '. f 1-, t,.!!, > r. .(; i.'-.-i„ r, I'-'. I u, iifl .U â- â€ž ,, i,„.i,r. I-.-.'<, M •â- - '' /'l'/'.<, '(••<>'> t'.'i " lli'i ."r 0-1. t y, / i 'l/u.i?.o,»., ( ..ft *}i>nt<i.t o'^' '. '*''.* - .;,s <-.ry '. ir. J ,,,,,'., to A'. ./. SI 1j'( I F. F'Stui.i^t,r. F'- ^h. James Sullivan, The Tiusmith, - Fleshertou j prompt ftni v-nrtf-il a:vc: :. :. .it n. TV' .;. -/;,••. f I Gray Champicn ! ll'l'l' <t:t.l-i '"/â-  «. |-|-1> â-  If / o' in >â- '..•.'• I .4rtii/ii',>i.i •!'â- . 'â-  St.i:irH. r.'o> i> f.inm'rs i.f .- '.« 'v^ I., .,:â- .â- .'/ ;..'',-' LS ill t'r(/*o.' â- â- â- It i . *..>'. TKliMS el!-.T,o« I1,'>1 l-.-.l'-ite'i.i.O'- to ne.uiler v-I e. u- l-roUKl.t 'â- ,' a: > i liis .loUN .vp \\i.s. rr-i'.u r 1 â- â- -/-'• '-. 1. ) til. â- irs '•â-  .', iPISIiSp- â-  -A t'.JO !;i-t ' .Of .. Iitr." â-  't ftst .iiiH'iij.' :lt m".' \- ' . ! •.i\,f\.' yx L I >> u n 'lull •' 1 I a:i'l «>«:>•!: ^! v-rk Th.Mt oun 1 e jH-rf*"'.! â-  â- ! .\'\ , over tht- 0'>u:i:rN wuhi-ui Ht.-i..uHt;' ij :1 i- w« jL I t»r> fr<>ni (h«.*!r >;^>:'>.-^. ru> hbi-'ii": utiv .: j V'.\n .u^ t'.ii; -n-.irk . oith-T hi-v. \a»';hr >r iM.t . J *Vev'iA'. aJ'i;v:\ i â- .•v(ii;:t â- ! I'a] ;tul :u>t lu-ts't-', I >oi'. are startf.l fni- Cj: tin-. «r.t !iiil:tiu ii : â-  ' :is Ml. I wv wiT. 't-Ti'l you fr^-e, -it-Lii *.»â-  i. j; uf u": vu: I valiu- aii.lih.'.HTrAnci. r.>\-'' .i.t »ttiri n > -i in husi!u*««. \> 1 â- .•.!.â-  "!* wi'l bi i' i; ^ 'â- .â- . :â- ' ij « vf uuTfi. ' rii;ht awii\ , ti •â- -•• ;vi\:h:>i; â-  '. -o ;:i tr.e Wii 1 ' limspiu WW MiKK. V.i.i:i.''> Tw. K »V 1"*.. A.. Agents, Agents ! EARTH, SEA AND SKY M arvi\ 't't:.i' i'}:::tr^ Ut'i"v:>(uri anl '.^rRvhu' 'U**oi ii'tiv'ii of nV. 1* uoiulcrf'u in \,'vt-! > (.'fUtiiK'nt of : hv (iU'l>e ::i thy \»uul of Wiit.'Vs rti:>l tl:** slHn V Ht-HVi-n*:. (.'(".itrtiuiiij; Thi iw.iii; ti.ui : tuies v*il la-i.' aiul -t_-iv, ri'ii.'Wiu'Ll l-.'t-*-vi'i u's ,'f lt)o \\*>i 'his t;i\-iilost i\- plorors 111 .â- *!! .*^«-s. uti I u;ua)kHb>o i>lunu»r)fv v ill i'Vfr> rvrt^m f iuUiiu>. Vml-iftcinf; the ni-.-'k- iiiii l»hv^Urti fi-ati't •* ('Mn# vM'th \)^v I't'^'ii'.iur chtiriu-tv I i-*;u s ^•' tlu' bttumn ruotv of ;iiiiti'ul<. *>ir»l'*. iii'tivt'* ft,- . nulij iiti^; n n n ul *losc* ij tioti of the Atla:itu'. i'liciiio aiul lii.liAtt iVoaiis k'tM o( tlu* l\»!ar Svji<, x\w ivon>Wvn ot tV.o tU**^p, hfftiUifuI soft-*luris a:ul pla:;>-*, ftii;«ular ftKlu-:* aiul i-hvollcis in tlio \\".'rli.l ot wntors. it'iitavkahie ocoaii oiirrtnt<». fto . t«i»(ftbt»r witb tlio nnin/Mif; phcn.Miu'ua of tho <»'0a' anU smriv s\»itfUis, i»v H-nrv l>avi'ntv->rt Nniihn >|>. l> P ." miibcllishwl with over .VO rtno ftcraviuxA. Liboral Irrms to ftfjeiibt. Oxfon\ INiblisiiing Company. 5 Joniar* , !M.. Torouto. Out^ .'Vft-^^ ^ \\

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