f ^; â- v-^. / . f THE FLESHEkTON ADVANCE S' â- '*'-::-''At, * • - .!V [Mar. I. 1888. ^M(»l. â- f *\ .' "^ i" v-^ s DR. CARTER. M.C.l'. &S.,O.NT. PflVSICIAN, Sl'RtiEON, &«. FLESHERTON. 6 umco. Htratn'B block. KuniileDce, Wm. Wright I â- ^ DENTISTRYr Thomas Henderson, L.D.S. SriKiKO.N DKNTIST iiiM Mediiliit and Honor Graduate of the JU'.D.S., Will vlHlt PLESHF.HTON, (Miiiinhaw's Hotel 1 liiHl "of «iaRh inijutb. Tttetb extracted, liiiiort* eil tiiKl til! 'U ill tliu Ui^hurtt Btylen of the art, and bt luodt-rate rates. IIi:ai> Offk k. 7C! Yonor St., Tobonto. ^fOal J. W. FROST, L.L.B.. JUtrrl»ter, Solicitor, Ctnivf'i/aurer. OlDcu,â€" SIrain'n Jliiililiiit;, Ki-khiikhtok. A. A. CHKKliKA^ Solicitor aud Couvcyanceir, Ui'i^iduut .Maiia^jer. MIt. FUOKT will Iw found at the Office Ob Thurmlays an luretofore. P. McCULLODQH, Barrister, Solicitor, ^c. OMre, over McFarlaiid's Store, Markdale. .Money to Luiiii. John W. Armstrongi FbKHHKKTos, Co. Omr. DIVISION <;OUltT CI.KUK, CO.MMISSIOSKU ill II. It., Coiiviiyiiiicer.iVc. Aftuut for |>urclia» Btd Kklu of IhiuIk. Appralnvr for C. I,. ('. t'lmw ami F. P. H. .V S. Society. Money to Loan on the iiiukt resHoiialil" tiTiiiii. Ihki'kii ur MAKUIAUlj LICKN»E8. NOTAJlV I'UIIUC. MONEY TO LOAN. AT LOWEST ('l'RKE\T RATfJ«, Ou Town or rurm rropt*i-ty, H. i>ami:dk. Klubhorton. W. J. BELLAMY. TW1>. Cr.HIIK AUTKSir.lllA. ISSI'UAXrK A(i-T, ilV DF.KD8,.M()UT<iA((KH, I.KAKKN, Ac, iircpar- I'tl and pro|M>rly exfciitud. IiiHiirnnri' afrwc- ed ill llrHt cltiHH oouii>aiiiob. Muiivv tu Iciidut luwvMt rnt(!H. GET YOUR MEAT i-FKOM-i- Petcli & .Mitchell, OENEU.VL IJUTCHERS, FLESHEKTON! |:^sf*Cash puid for fut cattle, ike, iic. The Tlii>rimylfHrtd Ihtrluim Hull, Gray Cliampioii ! Will nUxndj'or irrrice at Lot ISI ? Wtai, .irlmirfi,!- iihinit one iiiilv fmm t'liahfilim iStnliint. Tliin ii, a Jirti-rlum tinitiint mtd /iirtiiiTs dffirnttf of iinjirnrinti Ihtir ."(or/. frill do ivftl lo tiiiini titiir <<ni>t to him, Uc if III primi' tiniilitinn. TKHMS, ^lin-rrow. Uediircflrntoi nrcordiii»: to iiiiiub«fi- (if oowrt tiri)Uf.'lit liy nny oiiti man. JOHN ADAMS, Proprietor. \. V] J. VV". BATES, Fumitiivii Di'dler and i'ncCertakcr, FM'.SIimiTON , ONT, Farm for , ale. lU'inS 1»Ih l.f.t l.-Wliji tlii> L'liil Rinl ;ir(l i:iiii^;()» H. W. of T. .»* H. Hond, Ariomr»iii, conniwthiK t«f 0(1 nor»H more tir lo^s. About 'i't ntrrttn iloHrtid A in ({<K/<1 «tiitti (if cuUiTHtinn. Ailji»iiiinj.' KkMlmi- t4»ri SiAti<>)i. Itrirk HL'lxMilliotisn 011 uiiu onrtior of ihu placft. (*'H»tl frKinc Iuuimo. niitnitiK Grf>ifk and iiovi^r-fnilin^' ft;i|i|ilv i»f sprliiL' wiitrr. Hor full partlrulavR .injih to MUS. .I.VNK LATIMEU nil tfiij proinisiK, or Klo»Vu^rt<iii KtAtiim P.O. FAEM % SALE BKISO I.otfi. Con. 7. IMiiriiy, Iialf mllo from Maxwoll, int) acren. lU licroa cleared, well watered, and under ijood state of cultivation. Well fi'ncnd, i.nruc frniiin harii and iitnble, frntiiu house. For fiirtlior imrticiilari* apply to JOHKl'll IIAIil.KY, ITU UpaUina ATenne, W*-,17l. Toronto. County and District News Cliftl}etl and Contleiinefl from the Volumnn of Our ErrhnngeH. Rev. Father Kienian, of Ciillin$(iirood, is ill with iiidainniatory rhuumntiani, Mrs, Edt'ii, wife of the Vnriiey post- master, died on Wednesday of last week. Mt, F'orest Presbyterians have \oted in favor of the adoption of iho Hymnal by 155 to 72. A Chesley hotel-keeper was taken to jail week before liust for infrint'einent of the Scutt Act, The Editor of the Dund.ilk Ilimld visited a number of his brethren uf the press last week. The Hanover Post nnimunees the de- cease of the Uruce Printer's and Publish- er's .Association. Rev Mr. Corcoran, of Eu<;enia, is hold ing successftd revival services at Mount Zioii appointment. The lievinr sayg letters i)atent have lieeii received for the incorporation of the Durham Creamery Co. Mr. John Whitby has sold his farm in Artcmcsia to Mr. James Dawsett, of Leeds County, for $.^,900. TlicColIiniiwood llnlli'tin still publishes that item about Fleshertou Roller Mill, We move a vote of thanks. Mr. and Mrs. McDerinid, of Collin;;- wood, celebrated their Sdvcr Woddinj; on Friday week. There were one hun- dred visitors. The Slielburne Free Prru is ros|H>nsiblo for the statement, that Mr. ".Sec" Ketohuni h.xs fjone into the lecturing business. Next ! Upwards of lfl2."> were raised on Sun- day last, in the Methodist church, ou a plate collection, for church puriwises. â€" Ihi it'lalk llerold. A Miss McEd wards, of Ravenna, dropped dtad about noon on Tuesday of last week, while visitini; hot sister in Collinifwood town. 1441 re^iistered letters wore received at and 1.T;W dospalcheil from the Thornbury |Mi8t-iiflice diirinu the three months en- dini; J»n. .'tlst, 1K88. Miss Mittie Fraino, the distin^juishod elocutionist, will address u convention of the W.C.T.r, at Mt, Forest on the iJOtli inst,, on ".Woman's Work." The Coninieri-ial I'nion ({uestion was discimsed in Mt. Forest last week by Prof. Coldwin Smith, Mr. Shaw, of Pro- vincial Farmer's Institute, and others. F'iiial arrangements have Inien made fur the (•utension <if the telephone system from Hanover to Owen Sound, connect- ing; with .Mle'nford, Elinwood, Chesley and Tarn. Mr. J. (!. .\ndersoM, L'eiioral merchant, Markilale, lias, wu reuret to learn, been compelled by force of adverse circum- stances to make an asHignment fur the lienufit of his creditom. Mrs. ,loa, M.iy, of Hoatluote, died \nnt week, leavini; her hiistiand and six little children to mourn her loss. Wo extend our respectful sympathy to friend May in his very sail loss. liev. J. C. Farthinu, the po)<ul,tr Church of Entfland minister at Durham, recently refused a call from the conijre- u'alioii of Trinity church, Mitchell, nt a much larj^er salary than he is now get- ting. Mr. (lodfrey of Meaford has laitl a four-year-old ee^' on the sanctum table ot the Meaford Mirror. He.iorvi" that egi; for the first sprini,' pout, brother Patter- son. .\ncient hen fruit is better than a club any day ! There was a " hallelujah " wiiddin!{ in the Kalviitioii .\rmy liarr.tcks, Owen Souml, on Wednesday of lust week. The contnictinu' parties were Mr. Robert Walker und Miss Eliziibetli Pirenman, aiid the officiatini; cleruyniaii was Uov. A. H. Scott. As ii X, R. R. mail train was moving aloni^ about one mile siuitli of Thornbury on iMonrlay week, a rifle bullet came crashing throui'h the mail car, barely missiiii,' the clerk, who was enu'atfed in his customary duties. Tlie parties con- cerned in the iiutinye are said to be resi- dents (f the locality, Itro. R, P. McCutcheoii, of Shelburne lodvy-, .X.O.l. W., died at bis late rcMi- 4rfH^ on Sunday week. The beautiful fiuieral ritual of the order was read at the grave by Uro. J. P. Marshall, Ii.D.S. Funeral sermon wnii preached in St. Paul's cburcli, Klielburiie, on Sunday last, by Rev. 11. (J. Moore. '.J^in Scott, aliia Douglass â€" a man of many wives â€" who recently resided in Meaford, was lately foiled in ntl attempt to take unto himself another wifein- namii-only, and hal consequently sh,iken the duit uf Meaford uif liia peQKUi and departed for parts unknown. He is aliu accused of In in^' a horse thief. Mr. F. Nuster, of Tani, has been a subscriber to tiie i^urhain CltronicU for over a ijuarter of a century, having re- ceived a co|iy tii the tirst issue when it was known as tiie St'tmlard. The Editor of TiiK .'VnvANi'K has ill his charge all the fyles of the I'urliam Slundard, and purposes to umki: a few extracts occasion- ally. A Dundalk man placed the muzzle of his gun witliiii a few inches of a pig's nose, closed his eyes and pulled the triirger. The i;iiii went olf ninl the man went to earth on the broail of his back. Thf pig was astoiiLshed but scrambled over the nniii's Imdy and made tracks for more congenial ipi irteis. The man was also astoliislieil, >,:* Wtdl he uiiu'ht t>e. The yfirror says .Mr. .John Maokie, of St. Vincent, tiained a loud of jH>a8 to Markdale recently, but, nut satisfied with the price offered, brought the load back to Meaford, wlnirc he sold it for three cents per bushel more than he could get in the former pl.tce. Take the whole season through, and it pays the farmers to patronize their own home niarketi. Ma.vv Pi:KKnNS SrrFEK from Impure IJreatb and Hup|>ose it cornea from a dis- ordered stomach, in many caHes the actual cuuKe is Catarrh. Nasal Balm will remove the cauae, and cure. .Hnxwell. From inir mm Correspondent. Tlie controversy on ichool matters in this place has been quite amusing to all suWribers to the .\|)Vance and .ilso to many non-subscrilx-rs as everyone takini; the paper has had to lend it at le<Tst twice. In fact the 'VnvANfK has been the leading l>ai>er here since the controversy com- menced. And your correspondent would like to make some comments on the sub- ject but lias concluded that it in better let alone. One of our farmer's has lieen noticed at times drawing a dead cow or sheep to the woods on ii slpigh covered over with [lea straw to hide it from view, a poor â- ilil horse went the same way a while agu. It is said abuse and no Fodder is the cause. Mr. Medlar (iiiy has returned fiom his wedding trip and liMiks as happy :ui a king. .Mi's Ella K, rr 'win. lias been ill for some time if slowly recovering. Mr. Iticliard .Maxwell has leased the fann belonging to .Mr. R. Kiniier and eX|>octs to move in a short time. A string liand organized and under the leadership of .Mr. Spmule. school teacher, is practicing for an entertainment to be held here in a short time. Tamakac. - For HoarseneHs and all Rrnnchiitl Troubles that usually effect public speakers, Taiuarac Elixir will give sptcdy relief. Try it. Luxuriant Hair Can only I* preserved by keeping the scalp clean, cool, and free truni dan- druff, ami the body in a healthful condition. The great popularity of Ayer's Hair Vigor is due to the fact that it cleanses the scalp, promotes the growth of tlie liair, prevents it from falling out, aud gives it that soft and silky gloss so e.Hsential to perfect beauty. Frederick Hardy, of Koxhury, Mass., a gentleninii llfty years of age, was fast losing his tiair, and what remained was growing gray. After trying various dressings with no effect, he coqkKienccd the use of Ayer'a Hair Vigor. " It 8topp«'<l the falling out," ho writes ; "and, to my great surprise, converted my white hair (without staining the scalp) to t/i« same shade of broicii it had when I was '.'.'> years of age." Ten Years Younger. Mrs. Mary Montgomery, of Huston, writes; " For years, I was compelled to wear a ilre.ss cap to conceal a hald spot on the cr^wn of my head ; but now I gladly lay the cap aside, for your Hair Vigor is l)ringing out a now growth. I could liardly tru.st my senses when 1 first found my hair growing ; but there it is, and I am delighted. I look ten years ynuui/er." A similar result attended the use ot Ayer's Hair Vigor by Mrs. 0, O. Pres- colt, of Charlestown, Mass., Miss Bessie II. Uedloe, of Uurlingtun, Vt., Mrs. J. J. Ilurton, ot Ilangor, Me., and numerous otlicrs. The loss of hair may bo owing to Im- purity of the blood or derangement of the stomach ind liver, in which case, a course of Ayer's 8ursaparllla or of Ayer's I'lUs, in connection with the Vlnor, may he necessary to give health and tone to all the functions of the IxHly. At the same time, it cannot be too strongly urged tliat none of these remedies can do much good without a persevering trial and strict atteutlou to cleanly and temperate habits. Ayer's Hair Vigor, rrtparid by Dr. .I.C. A]r«r fc Ce., hewe)!, Ut^ ,a»M by. bni|wl*U sad r«rfunl«ra. v#A - Aj. f.t' ^* e"^J? CLIMO & CO. .Ire preparing to npm out a Jfew yStock of Good a i-if n'jfi. Wright's Store. Everybody will be Welcomed. WHEN YOl REQI'IBE C001> AMU 4'HEA1> BOOTS, 1 Shoes or Slippers, THY WM. CLAYTON'S BOOT & SHOE STORE, FLESHEKTON. CHEAP # AND ^ DURABLE! THE WELL-KNOWN SPEIGHT WAGON! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWARE. &c. for .sale as usual First-class value in every department. Agent for VICKERS' EXPRESS. All parcels left uHh him ivill be promptly and carefully attended to. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VAN Z ANT, f ALL Kisi>8 or Such as Mouumputs, Tomb TabloH, Headstone h '•"^ Counter and Table 'IVipaâ€" in .\iucriciiii aiifi lliilian Marble aud (Iraiiitu, and made on siiort notice. .\lso Mantles in JIaiblu an»l Marbleized Slate, Ac, Aft. Fle.sherton, Aug. IW, 4^83. HEALTH FOR ALL THE PILLS Puritv the lllood, correct all DiMorduis ol (Iio ILiivei*, Stoma-eh, lvi<ln'y«, antl Jlloweli^. TheyiuviKoratoftiilrostore to health Dcliilitiite.U'ousVitutiouB. oiul me invftluiil.le iu all C'oui- plaiuu iucklouttti to t'einiiles o( all ime.s. Kor CliiUireii iiml the iiKeii ILoy are iiricolcss. THE OINTMENT isauiufalllbloroinodyfriilliid I,eKH, Hiul llieasts. Old Woiiml!". Sores anil lUooi-s. It is famons for tioiit imd UhuiiinKtisiM. Hor disordeiii ot the t'li«wt il liii« no eiinnl. ForSORh: THROAT, BUQA' CHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS OlamluUrSwallinys.sud all Skill Dixenaes it has uo rivul ; aud for contracted and skill oiutH it nets liUo a cliarin. Mannfactared only at Professor Hollow ay's Eatabliiibmeut, 7», Xpw Oxford Street ( Intc 53», Oxford Street ), London, aodjLXe i)o((J ii,t Is. Ijd., is. 9U., 4s. M„ Wo., 22fi., niid X\\>. eiirti llo.x or Vot, and nisy bo had of nil Me-l \' â- • * ' - cine VendorM throng) out the World. â- ' p^. pHreha»er$ ahovld tool: ti. the LiiM on the Pnh and lioxcu. If the addrcm it m4 533, Oxford iftrett, Limdon, ttfy (ire $pHrio)u. SKL^--'?*^ '^â- vv * / I. (â- '^^ ^ 'J I ^ t >n V