s^ "1 â- 39->^a!!*9!^«li THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [Feb. 2, i8«8. FAKM for SALE BKISO lot ».' t'on. 7, Onpruy, lialf niUc from UaiweU, lao «iTc>i. 80 acres cleared, w«ll wklcrsd, %nA uiiiler uoimI state of cuUlvatiou. WrIJ f«oee<l. Iiarco frame barn and atable, fraiu* bouM>. For further j>articuiara apply to J06EPH TJADLKT, IT'J Bpaaiba Avebue, 34^371. Toronto. DR. CARTER. M.C.P. &S.,Ort. PHYSICIAN, SIBGEON, Ae. FLESHERTON. oilice. Strain's block. ReBidence, Wm.Wrlg bl â- |eutistry. DENTIST RyT Thomas Henderson, L.D.S. SUBUEON DENTIST iiM Medalist and Houor Oradnait of tks M.C.D.S., Will vinit FliESHEUTON, iMunnliaws Hotel I kU'l i*'1 each niont>v Tuuth extracted, luitert- twl an<l Ailed in t'.ie liiyhcHt Btylfs of the art, and at mo«lerato rateit. Head OFFirF.,761 Yokoe St.. Tobokto. Tit -Bits. ijontimted from First Va^ii Anbtion sale tiicm Btodk, &c,. at Lot 84, Cdd. 7 Artbmema, oti Wednesday next, Febi 8, colntnencinf» ttt 1 o'clock p. IS. shAirp. John Kiogborn, proprie- tor ; A, Si VauDnsen, auctioneer. For pitrti<!Ulai-H see billg. Taharac. â€" When so hoarge your voice seems unatural. Get thee to your drug- gist for a bottle of Tatnarac Elixir. It never fails to cure HoarseuesB, Coughs, Coldb, etc. ^egal J. W. FROST, LL.B.. Jiiirrlitter, Solicitor, Conveyancer. Oltlco,â€" Strain'B lluildlng, FLBhUjiHTON. A. A. CHESLEY, Holicitor and Conveyanoer, lloBident Manaijer. MR. KROKT will be found at the Offloeon TburadavB a« heretofor*. p. McCULLODGH, Barrister, Solicitor, ^c: OMoe, over MrFnrlnnd'N Store., Markdule. Money to Loan. John W« Armetrang, FLliNUKBTO.V, Cii. OUJ-.V. TJIVISION COIUT Cr.EBK. COIIMISfilOKBB -L' 1 :i M U. I'oijvoyancwr. A'c. .\Kent for j^nrcba*- â- iMxl ftalt, uf landtt. Appraiiii^r for i'. I. C. Ccnik aud F. IV 11. <t K. hocloty. Money to l,oiiii on the .luoat reaional'le termii. Ikbikr or MAlUilAOK ijlCENbEH. NOTAHY PL'ULIC. MONEY TO LOAN. AT LOWEST < I KKKNT KATEK, On Town or Farm I'roperty. H DA.Ml'DE. 1 ]t'Kliertun. W. J. BELLAMY. 1WP. CI.KUK AllTKUEHIA. ('(tSVUYA SCKH, CdM MISSION KM, l.ysUliAXCK ACT, .<(' D!:EDS, MiJUTdAQEH, I.KAHKH, Ac, pruual^ imI and |iro)ifrly exucut.id. Insurance an«o- •4'.1 in flfHt cla»B oouipanli-'B. Mon«v to lend at lowoBt rates. GET YOUR MEAT -i.FROIII-i- Petcli Su Mitchell, CiENERAL lirTCIlEIW, FLESHERTON I C=i'Caiili jiaid for fat cattle, ^c, Ac. AnvicK TO UowMBaaâ€" Are you illsturbed at I I'iliht aud tjrokun «( |our r««t l>y a nick child • iltfnrlriH and cry ln| with j>aln of ruttiiiK Teeth ? If ao gelid aiona" Aiidcvt a bottle c>f "Mrn. Win- kliiw'a Houtliipit Hvut|>' (or (lilldreu 'r»etbili||. lu valiir III lii>:niciilaMn It will rcliovu Uin |M*or little BiiflerrtTiiiinV"Hot»dv. ficpund upon It, uitjtbt'rB ; tlier« tin no i«ii«tiiKo about It It liUri'B DyHWitiiry AJifi lUiarrb.ta, ri'Kiilattm the HUiniaili imA Howidn.nuBin Win. I Colii-. Mifteim the <lui[i<t, r«Hluc«« [nf1amioati.'j.., and t;ivui* tone Mtid enitrgv to tke whole Byj.<fMii, "MrH. WIiib- low«Koolliin(! Hyrii|«" for clyiUlrea Ifi'tliinK l» |)lnai.ant to tho tnBta and la the T>i-.^'riptloti of »jiiu of tln' oMoBt and tiea. r«i>ial<i ybvalcianB Knd nurtieii in the United HUiUMi, and i« for xnle ,t>y all driiKUiHtB throiitibuut the wurbl. I'lice .tWfuty-ftTo centa a buttle llii iiiirii«ii4 Mk for ' Mhb. WiKhi.ow'a HouriifNo nvnir," ana take ,iio otb«T kind. County and District News. VUpped atul Coiulenited from ttie Columna of Our JExchanges. Colonel W. D. Pollnrd, of Meaford, is recovering from a sovure illness. Mr. I'atrick Ryan, of Kingscote, was found dead in his bed Tuesday morning of last week. Mr. John Clark, deputy reeve of Kep- pel, has been elected Warden of Grey County for 1888. School matters in Ohatsworth are be- ing vigorously ventilated through the columns of the News. Mr. Neil A. McLean, the well-known Osproy township auctioneer, died on Tues- day week, after a short illness. Two BOMB of Mr. Wni. Mndill of Craig- leith (near Thornbury) died last week from diptheria. -(^ii«n SUmdunl. Tlie Uttiun Stamlanl of last week says : â€" "Mr. Overland, formerly of Euphrasia, perished in the Into great blizzard in Da- koU." A continncd story on Mormnnism is now distracting readers of the Dundalk nm-idd, as n'ell as the Editor of that journal. A county excliitnge thinks Tub Akva.nce has struck a go.'d mine. True, (> scribe - but it is the kiud of a ininu which comes of hard work an d a considerable quanti- ty of stick-t(>-atiA'eness. They are agitating for the formation of a "'inn Club" in i.'ollinijwiMid. Wonder what kind of a tliiog it ia. Say, Hro. Knwiy, what kiud of an article would it be for hashing up Sjiring Poets with 7 Tliey put a fire on in the Dundalk pen- itentiary stove one ni^bt a week or two ai{o for the iMMielit of a prisoner. The llirald (loon not state ^vhetherthe prison- er hieiit under the stov o or juit aUive it Riibort Million and family, of Owen Soniid, were nearly sufTtx-ated by gas re- cently. It wna thought the gas escaped throngh some old rott«'n tlniins laid down on Water strpet sonio twonty yoara ago, but lliin is only conjeotiirf. Tlie Corbetton young lai.'ics are to hold their leap year meeting shortly. So says the Dundalk llmdd. We advise the young and hnndsonie EfHtor to send some nn«ns|iectiiig redhairod , freckled-fared reporter to write up the affair. The Editor of tlio Cidliiigwood Euter- ;iri(KsayK the Editor of the / tti/'c<m"thn>ws in a speech with every set *<l lea meeting bills" printed at the latter o llice. A good deal depends upon the kind of a s[>oech one "throws in." It would ]Miy t" itive some jKHiple a bonus to keep otf f,he jdal- forin altogether. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McLean, of Kim- iKirley.celebnilud their "u'lililen wcddinif" on the IHth ult. \\\ children and grand- children, ineluilii\g the rejiemblo conple, sat down to dinner. TVIr. ami Mrs. Mc- I^ean have lieeii r«uiid«nt« of Kiiulierlpy for the past !l.''i years. TnK AnvAJtct oxtonds conyrntiilatiiins. Rer. E. Roberts announced the follow- ing subjects in the Meafonl Mirror of last week, as lieing the themes of the dis- courses he purposed delivering in the Me- thodist church tliero the Snhliath follow- ing :- "Weather probabilities and some others that are more signitieant ;" also "Ironical permission and soiilstirring do- chiration." ths bill in form, aud some "missionary work" to strengthen the bill. They are advatieing lii a Way that is more satisfac- tory than they had hoped for. The"mis- sionary work" to be done is simply the yielding of little points here and there, when they can thus gain strength for the bill without making any serious sacrifice. The bill us reported will put wool on the free list, will, by way of compromise, make a material reduction in the tax on tobacco and fruit brandies, and will make a reduction of 20% on sugar. Salt, lum- ber and other raw materials will go on the free list. There will be a general re- vision and adjustment of the tariff sche- dule and the administrative features of the bill will be practically that formerly ad- vanced by Mr. Hewitt. At every step they have consulted ex- pediency to a great extent and have so managed as to gain strength in many dir- ections. They have perfect confidence that they will l)e able to pa»» the bill al- most as reported. An exception may be made as to the wool clause. After a tight they may compromise on this by putting coarse wools only on the free list, if they can uain some decided advantage by so doiug. They appear, however, to think that thoy will not'have to make any change in the bill in this respect. A few days ago a face which still retained traces of grtiat former beauty waa pointed out to me U|>iiu the Avenue, and the fol- lowing storj- W.18 told me of its possessor. During the war her betrothed lover, while serving as an ofhcer under the banner of Cimfederacy, learnedj incidentally of her serious illness in Albany, N.Y. N-thing daunted by the dangem which encom_)a.s- sed Buc4i an undertaking ho obtained a leave of absence, passed thmugh the lines and after almost incredible escapes and hardships, succeeded in reaching her side ill hor Northern home. l'i>on hor recov- ery, he attempted to retrace his steps, but wa.s seen and recognized in New Vork City and arrestod as a »{>y. After due trial before a competent tribunal ho was found guilty uiid coDdemned to bo shot. The lady in t|Ui«tioit was a niece of Car- dinal, then Archbishop, Manning, and the whole force of the Catholic clergy waa brought to bear upon Mr. Lincidn in order to secure a commutation of the sentence. This was done in effect, for the unfortun- ate lover was permitted to marry the wo- man of his choice, and then both were banished to Paris, where they lived under the surveillance of the American Minister until the close of the war. Such, indeed, was the condition upon which his life was spareil by the President. The brave Con- federate's wife it now a widow and her eldest son, through the assistance <•{ Mr. Cleveland to whom he is sai<', ic hare t<ird his mother's story in an accider'.al meet- ing wliich happened in the grt)unds in the rear of the White House, is a cadet at West Point. â€" L. ^^^i^^Kiiti^ J. U7. BATES, Furniture J)('aler and Undertaker, "It 1h vortli its wt^ight in jjold." is ft eoniiiiou expresRion. I)ut, ujijjo thu vnliuiof f,'old iHeawily affected, tlui worth of Ayor'H HnrHaparilln, aw a binod puri- fW, doprecaten. It will eradiciUo wro- fill* from thu Hystuiu when evuryfthing else tailM. Fl.KSHEHTON ONT. he toiinil ea <n* aS v?<<<W THIS PAPER TV^S^.?,^!:^* A.WrrtUinc Rwmu (luSpniee »tJi.w>mJtenlHKi ifgaitraau mt b* atad* tw M M JiJHr sMaa WASHINGTON LETTEK. C^iivmoar Itcj/u/ar ('orrcupon^lciif . ^ WlU(lliM|{^.u, .Tan. 27tli, aH81 Tlbe i<l«iitioeraiUi of the ways and nuians committee Imve AluwMt coiiipIet,twl their tariff bill. Tht^y liai,* ruaiiLeJ « ]H>int iMiw wlkere they ATM iu ^lunitiat agreement and Uie bill in a-geiM^ra) 'form is coinplet- •ul. Tl«4-r<! leniaiiui ii>iw little for them to <Su buyoMl \Xw. iiiuiiual labor of getting Martyrs to Headache Seek lelii'f in vain, until tiny tH';;iii to use Ayrr's .Sarsaparilla. Then they re- gret the years of suffering they might have eHcaiH'd hail they tried this remedy rarlii-r. The troiilde was ronstilntionnl not liH-al \ aiul, until Ayer's Saraapa- rlllK (lid Its effective work us an Alterative anil UIimkI Purifter, they were compelled tii snffer. The wife of Samuel Page, 21 Austin at., Lowell, Miuih., wan, tor u long tliii«, aniijiu't til severe heailaehes, the rrsult of HtoMiuch anil liver Uisorilcrs. A per- feet cure haa iMjen effeeletl by Ayer's Harsapurilla. Krank KoJH>rU, 727 Wn-ihincton St., IloHton, says that he formerly hail ter- rible haailai'lies, ami until I.e took Ayer's 8Br»a|>arill», never foninl any mmlii-ine that would Kive Permanent Relief. " Every Spring, for yoart," writea l^lzzle W. UoVouu, 'JtU Klfteenlli St.. llrooklyn, N. Y., "I have had liiloter- atile headaches. I coumieni'eil the use of Ayer's Harsaparllhi hint March, anil have not hail a liendache since that linio." " I siifferoil from hnndaehe, luiligns- Ilon, anil deLllltv, ami wiw liarilly able to drag mvself hWhU the house," wrif<w Mrs. M. >l. Lewis, of A St., Uiwdl, Mass. '• .Xyer's Sarsaparilla has worked n nntrveloiH change in my case. 1 now fuel strong and well a< ever." Jona* (inrmun, Ksq., of I.yklns, Pa., writes: "For years I ha.'e suffered dreailfiillv, every Spring, from heaituclie. caused liy Impurity of the Mood and UllonsncHH. It seemed tor days and wiwks llmt my lieml woidd split open. NotliiiiK rtdlevwl mo till 1 look Ayer'« Sarsaparilla. This medicine has cured me completely." When .Mrs, Oenevra Helanger, of 24 llriilge St., Sprtigllclil, Ma.ss.. \wf.M\ to use Avcr'K 8arH*p»rilla,Hhe had HiilTcred ttn sii'ine vears from a serious afTcctioii flt the kidiieys. Kvery Spring, also, she was alllhted With heailaelie, lo.s« of appetite, and Indigestion. A friend per- nuailed her to uw Ayer's Sarsaparilla, which heuollteif her wonderfully. Her health Is now perfect. Martyrs to hcail- nelie ahonW try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rr«par*dliy Itr.J.f. Aver Mo , lxiw»ll, Ma«» r ria* tl i all b«Mt-si, fi. Wurlh |1 a iKiUla, R OOTS & S HUE 1 have a FuU Supply of all Lines of WINTER GOODSl RUBBERS, OVERSHOES, FELT BOOTS and FELT STOCKINGS SELLING CHEAP. \nm, CLiAYTON, Flesherton. HEARD'S! Carriage Works;, Flesiherton, MA^iLFACTrKEKS O-F CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, BUGGIES AJYD WAGOXS. QPFPIAf A TTFM TIHM ^' •>«" '" sigx and carriage paint. OrLUinL /i I I Lli I lull jyQ^ TKIMMINO a,ul JOB WORK. Manufaaturers of Iron HarrowB and Farm Gales. HOR.SE SHOEING promptly attended to. Call and see. Durban! Street, Flesherton. CHEAP 1^ AND t DUKABLB ! THE WELL-KNOWN SPEIGHT WAGON ! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWARE. &c . for sale as usual First-class value in every departm ent. Agent for VI'^KEKS' EXPRESS. All parcels left zntU him will be promptly and carefully attended to. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL K1ND8 or e &!iil Mo&ii&e&l&l T:rh J Such as Monuments, Tomb Tables, Headstonm CiMiiiltT luul Table Top.-iâ€" in Anu'rifun and Italian Marblty and Granite, and niivde on short notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbleizcd Slate, i^c, i&c. « Flesherton, Aug. 30, 1883. HEAL ITT FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS&OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify tb« llloo<l. correct all Uitorders of tbe Hi'ei*, Stomach, liltln'yH, and 13o\veIs. Tbo)- invigorate an I restore to healtb Dolillltated foiiKtitulions, and are Invaluablii iu all Com- plaiutaincldeutal to Kciiialus uf all BKea. For l'bildrii)i and tbo a«;»d tbey are iiriovlvBi. THE OINTMENT I* aDlnfallible remedy for Had Urn. Had Itreasta. Old Wounds. Horesand I'lcers. It ia famoDS for Uuut aud HbnuinatUni. For disordvrB uf tbe C'bu<t it baa uo eqaal. ForSORK THRO AT. BKOJVCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS (tlandularSwelliuKB, and all Skin ninaaaes it baa no rival) aud for coutraetad and Btifl oiuta It acta liko a cbariii. Manufactured only at Profeeaor lliii.i.owAV'8 Kutabliiibment. 78, New Oxford Stretrt ( Into ."(Sa, Oxford Ntrrrt ), London, and are Bold at la. lld.,3B. Oil., 4h. Gd., IU. aja.. and .lla. each llox or t'ot, and may be had of all Med olne VcudorH tlujvuKhout the World. /*• Pwrciuuers ahoM look tc the LaM oi» the fef,* and ffo.roi. Jf the addreu it iwt ,'i,M, ( >xfi'nl Strerty LotuUm, tkeii are s}»^ri^,iu. ' WANTED ! AQuantltifiif WHITK .VSH for Huttcr Tnl»»- for wbicb CASH will bo paid on ildiverv. JOS. MiCOUMK'K, Fletbarton. (( BELL' James Sullivan, |The Tinsmith, - Flesherton lb>nairiUK, Kavetrou^bing.and in faot »'«ajy- tniUK in (be budlneaH will rvcuive xuy I'rouipt and carnfnl attention at rvaaouable prices. Unapproached for Tone and Quali^;. OiVTALOOUfe* FREE. BELLA CO., GQeiph,ODt. flVftKIVIKVl^M ^1'^'* l'6Vollltiolliv«<^ th« world hHUrnTiniy'^urnm the Uhi l»lf oeiitury. I'M laH liyM ^*'' '^''^'*^ aiiuu))(tbo woiulurit of iuvoiitivo |M\'«roftB in A nu'tboil jandiiyHluin of work ttia* can bo porforimul all joVur tilt) couutry wiibouC Hw|>&cii«uiK ttio work- leni from thoir tioinnit. l*ay libonO; aivv ono can (In thf work ; iiithw mw«, younn t>r old ; no fipocUkl ahllity roqiiirMi. (*H|tltA] not ue«d«(1 ; you hre RtarttHl frou. i'«l thin out niul roturn k> \\\n and wo will «ciul you (reo. ntm]4lhiiiK of i;rvat ;Talu« and tiii|>orlaifO(i to you. that will utarl you ill tnifiinoaa. which will brbi«t;you tit nior* inoiieT 'right awav. than anything v\nv in Uie worlfu jOKiRn OUTFIT rKil. MdrvM Thvb A Co.. Aa- ffiiila, Uaiae.