Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Feb 1888, p. 4

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iixiii ''ill 'i '\-k\ m»"- z-Te*.^v.Ti»aff:T: T. ||«| iiiiw ft The t?LESHERtOl4 ADVANCE f !?â-  { if ,1 ^^ ««<- TUB ADVANCE. la iiublisliad Kvery T^liursdaj^, Fnna TBB OrFicK, 'ii;j/./'i:A.»m iSrwt, - - Ftetherton, Owt. TEUM8 OF SDBSCKU'TION : h: par »nnnni When i>«M strictly In *d»*ne« ^1.10 i*er annum whuu nut fio pulil. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor otid Proprietor. FLESHERTON: TRUB8DAY. FEB. 2. 1888. EDITORIAL yoi'ES. Our contemporary, the Duiidalk ITemli, pot* off «ome good things every week uiuler t lie heiiding,"aniong our Exchanges. " Last week it contaiiiud the fullowiiig pungent mid leiisibU paragraph : â€" **" "The Markdale Standard o\ last week cmitaiu« a letter from ".\ O ranger" in niKwer to the Flcsherton i>a|H3r'N insinua- ti'iii icgardini; "tlie buyers in a iiuiglibor- ii.j village." Ho ffivea the .\dvance man no nppMftunity for discliiiiiiini; the iiiHin- u.ition, hut iMJsitively tnkua to heart that Markdalo ia the intended show ground ai-.d circua where these li(iii|iiil;{ clowns an J jumping Jacks referred to hy the Ad- •xmico are to Im; si^n. Well, wr liiivd no wi.ih to diaputu their claim, tliiiiit;li Ae did dispute the iiiainn:t'.ioii iiiid whilst 'nt coiigratnl.itu the Markdiilo Imyers on their acrobatic performaucus, we desire to tuke a btck aeat fi<r the futuiu merely loukiii/J nil It the reiiiaindor <if the "ahin-dii;-" All Item in reg;wd to a (irniigi'r'a letter Worthy of notice is tlmt lie ntU'iiipt.s to â- leak with authority nndi'i- a timnmr â- /- jii'iin'. 111) lukys : "If an t.'<iii"i'or town ckii- sidtTH they are ratsin;^ themselves by apcakiiii,' evil of or ridiculing others, I cdiisidei' their jud;{enieiit exceedini{ly fiiul'y." Who is I ? A <!raiiacr. Who la •I (iraiixcr? Nobtxly. Then what welt,'ht does he alipiMiie his ju<l'4t>ment uiid c<>n- Hidpratioii can have 7 Verily none. The Advance man ia known and resi)ccted ; hiM utterances have \ti uht in pro|M>rtiuii til the circulation of Ilia pitper. Hut a <iraiii{er, who ia ho ? It may be the editor III disguise, it may bu Tom Tootle or liill 'I inker. No one knows nnd no one cares. Itut let us here inform a (.raiiKur that if he desires to speuk with authority ho iiiiMt di.Hclo«<j hm name an that people may at least know whose ideas ttiey are folliiwing, otherwise his articles can have no weight, and the Advance mini may tuiii the tables and s.iy that your ''article III itself is not wortliy of attunticni." Diiiidalk has a District Grand Council 'if ''Ancient Order of J{tdnieii." S<im(i people may imagine, hIhmi they rend this, Dundalk is located somowhore on i<ne of the late "Xig Itonr'a" |daiitationa, away out in the "great lone land, beyond the sotting sun." As a iiistler of fact it M silunled within ten or eleven miles of civilization I ! [N.H. Tlmt last word is a 4luiiiMle alluainu to Klesherton. Dominion Councillor BuchaitMi, of Tliimilton, stnmgl}' ndriK'atea the union of the (iood Tttinplara, ftnna of Teinper aiico, and lUtyal Templars, on the princi- pie that "union ia strength. ' We like the idea very much, and hope the scheme will Iw put into practical ahape at an ear- ly dato. It seems the chief otijeotioiia I'ome from tliu Cood Ti'uiplars. We have heard <ilijeclioii8 from other sonrcoa, but they can readily l>o met If the mora important uhetaclea can bo a* sucoossfully dealt with, the union will only Imi a ijuea- iioii of tiinii. Hut, 111 thin A;;e of iiinnTs- tion, what guaruiitix- liniu we that other temperance organi'^atiiilia would not spring into eiintence in oimo of the ronteniplali'd uinal;,'iiniation taking plaou 1 Tlui l)iiiidalk llrrnhl Iiuh a suiisiQe I'lV itorial, 111 its last week's inauu, itnent "Rj- liuioiia Instruction in SSolinoU " We quite ii^reo with the llnnlil that pollticiaiia fn- duli^ed ill a senseless wuiufiue, when tliey iiitriMluced the i|nestion at the hut pro vincinle U-ctions. Whether the lions Itible, or the one nioro particularly ideiitilliMl with the reign of that illuatrious monarch, good King James I of Eiiglnnd and Yllh of Scotland, lie used in oiir aclnxda, the Teacher will be obliged if he consulta liiH owns sa/ety- to avoid coninient for fear of giving a coloring to his iuturpretik- tion which ntigjit bu nt variance with that of some of the pupil's |«iunli. And to avoid explsinin<»1hv Henirt.nro ^onld d« feat the very obje.t of lluir introcliK-tioii into our coniinon school curriculum. It would soon bucinnn aunim luuttor of form. I'tilusi taught in a nioixi imuattoul manner (ban at present, wu cniinot sue tvlnit goml it will du. The folltiwioe item kaa a|i|«aare<l in the t'ollingwood hutlrtiii for ov'.-r two months ill succiiaiiuu â€" luiiur misaiiiK a wuok - "Fleahort4m'a iitw RolUjr Mill it ex- iieeted to Ite in upri'ttuMi aUxit New Years." Ol coaru- w« have no vmry stiKMix ob- jections to seeing it in the familiar t^d "Select jjaragraplu" column, sandwichetl among patent medicine IfKals ; but redliy a newB item two mouths old is rathBJ- stale reading. If our friend of the ^»l^- Ittiii wishes to use it any longer to septtt- ate the "soothing syrup" item from the "Asthnitt'oiie, will he kindly change IM wording soiiiowhat. It would brighleii those "solect [laru graphs," and would also help Ui Ijoom us in better style. Alaxwell »^;hooI llutters- 1\» tAe £Jitor of The Adtance. Dear Sir,â€" I noticed in the Advance of last week, an epistle over the signature of Jambs Duekingliam regarding school Inatters in this place, and, only that peo- ple unac.iuainted with the circumstances of the matter might be led to think there was aonit; foundation for his attack, I Would treat his effusion with silent con- tempt which is the only merit it deserves. But in the Krat pla<!t! he says he never did nor does not wish to say anything disrespectful of any of the TriiHteea. Hut what was hi.s language onb year agu ? Why, tliut llie Trustees werO tinly a libst of lutten eggs, nnd other C>]Uitlly as bad n^mes, and when called ttl titsk through Tut AbvA.M K he was not tnallly enough to even att.inpt a defence^ I Would lik« to know if there Is diiy nhd who will say that his Htatuinenta and actions are nut disrespectful. He <)ily wished to know why ihu Trus- tees -lid not keep the laf<i Teacher who gave Hueli good aatisfttction. AVell in the first place Mr. 1). )iever asked audi a question either of the Trustees, nor at tile annual school meeting. Neither did he ask any other queation nor find fault in any way with the actions of the Trus- tees. But when he gets away privately with tnuiie of hia kind there is nothing doiii' to suit him. The <|umtioii referred to was a^ked by another person at the annual meeting and answered to the sat- isfaction of nil ]ireaent, or nt least such appeared to be the case as thure was not a diaseiitiiig voice. Ho ulso says we had a rin||5 fonued. Well tkisis only another of hia fulau insinttatiims got up to suit his evil mind. iSiri if there was a ring form- ed 1 wottld like to know who was more anxious to join it than James Bucking- ham as he got himself set up as a candi- date for Trustee and done his own can- vassing aiiduot beaten almut 3 to 1, and •veil soino of those who voted for him ar« nabniiiod of it. He does not want the scliuid closed nor a cheap teacher om- pliiyed, and so on ; well, I am idnascd to hear that he has liecoine jnutially coi.- rerted, as it ia only tivu yrnurn a^u stuee he took nie to task as being uullty of giv- ing a teiicher loo much salary when a much cheaper one would du just as well. But further cominciit is unnecessary id- thi.uKli niiu'li III. ire iiiiglil be said. But in coiK'lii.Hion I Would aay to ,laiiii<s Buc- kingham that if in the future he has any grievance in scIuhiI matters to go to the truutues like a muii, and X nui satislied that the gentlemen now composing tlio achiM.I l.riard will i^ive him justice every lime, and if lie has anything U> say or write, to at toast try and be truthful, rnless Hiiinethiiig of nioro im|M)i'taiice conies up 1 aluUl in future treat ti^s say- ings by being silent. W. Lo.NO, . , . u â-  Ex-Truatee. MAxweil. Prom otir ott-ii rorrcjpotirfenf. Our mails front the east dltl hot arflVo between Wednesday ' of last Week iHltil Monday of this week owing to the bad roads which i^ere never in A worse coiJQi- tion. The mails Wtweeu'liere and Flesherton were delayed t*o day», but thl.s should be enquired into as the roads between Fe- vershatn and neshciton were passable every day. The tiuspel Teni|>enince Workers have bebn holding melitings here but owing to the stormy xVbatUer the attendance was smAll until Sitturday Jiight when it began to improve. Tile pt^jceedinga Were much appreciated but tall^ig to a scdiity audi- ence seemed dlseuUraging. A letter by Jaa. Buckihghatll appeared in your [lapor criticising fibliltt temarks made by your corrwiK)ndeHl tt ftiW weeks ago, but as your col'^inly gtlVe what ap- peared at the tiiue^aie public sentiment tas'" toll I it was not injustice tolmy one. It ia reported that our "rownahip Clerk has resigned his {Kwition on aocount of too low aalarj-; Miss Ella KorV, who has been attending the Odlegiate Itintitutc at Cidlingwood, is home, being ill, it is said, from overstudy. Mr. Smith, otie of the Ooapol Temper- ance Workers gave one of his feet a se- vere cut on Monday last, having gone to the bush to enjoy a little exercise. He will likely be laid up fur a few days. You Carry A whole mcdieiue in your pocket, with one. Ijox of .Ayer'a Pills. As they operate directly on the stomach and t>oweU, they indirectly affect every other organ of tlie boily. When the stomach is out of order, the head i» affected, digestion fails, the blood be' comes Impoverished, and you fall an* easy victim to any pri'valeut lUeease. MtaH M. E. Boyle, of Wilkeslmre, I'a., pots the whole truth in a not.vhell, when she saya : ** I use no other medicine than Ayer't mils. They are all that any one needs, and just splendid to save isouey in doctors' bills." Here is an instance ol A Physician who lost his medicine cliest, but, having at liand a Imttle of Aycr's Pills, found himself fully equip|>ed.â€" J. Arriaon, M. v., of San Ju.ii!, Cal., writes: " Boiue three years a^o, by the merest accident, I was forced, ho to s]<cak, to prescribe Ayer's Cathartic Pills for several sick men aiuonK a party ol engi- neers in the Hiorra Xevada mountains, my medicine cheat having been lost in crOHsiug s mountain torrent. I was surprised and ilelighted at the action of the Illls, so much so, indei-il, that I was led to s further trial of tbeiii, aa well as of your t'lierry Pectoral nn>I 8arsa|)»- rilla. I have nothing hot praise to offer in their favor." John W. Brown, M. D., of Oceana, W. Va., writes: " I pi%icrilN) Ayer's Pills In my practice, ao<l tind them excellent. I urge their general usA in families." T. E. Hastings M. !>.. of Ualtimore, Md., wrttea: " Thai Ayer'a Pills do con- trol sad cure the otmiptalnls tor which they are dealKoed. U as c«ar)ustvely proven to lue aa any iKlng iMiSHtM,)' cau U», They are the boat cathartic uiul ayetir eut within the reach ol the protwaaWSk" Ayer's Pills, raxraBsn bt Or. J. O. Ayer A Co., Lowsll, Mut. Bold hy ai: Drusglala. Photos, •^•^n Photos, CHILDEBS HEALTH. Change in Business I The ondoraigned bavlng Iwuiilit out S. Spirit's I niitclieriue buiiinoan in Flesheitou, iiu opanetl (mU of Naturet tmidett Uifll l* o up with « ftu» stock of Oyuten. tmlmon. bar wr ^,1 ri .-. .- /-. J'. • , (1 lltt. If'resh A- Dried MestH, Fr.;«ll A- 8»lt Kiiiu diiertse by uiiiig Siamese Worm Powders. !>»u»»i!e, liologf.a. i-c, aud invjies tile paople to call and got ai;i|imiiito<l sud Umfa a trial orJlsr lor anytliiui; in tliu abwVe liuos. JOS. MtCONSELL. FlealiertOD, Feb. 1st. 1B6». lybrfrts are the /ruitful atute of many dim)rdert in, Children. SIAMESE WORM POWDERS will expel Worm»\ in evfry COte where they <-xist, will regu- late the Stomitch and JioteeU at the sunir time. Use them, yoK won't regret it. I*ecl£'>i l^illK I Should abcayt he used for Sick Head- ache. TIteir operation it mild and pleatant. The;/ strike home each time tchrn uted/or a Disordered Lifer. Atk , for thein. Get them. Don't forget t\e\ name, I^ecili's* l^leuttailt JPills. 1/ your druggist hat not the above yr* . jxiratiuH in Stock, »'. H'. i'7'A7V/A*;Vi tfc CO., of Mea/ord, will send them :^\ you i>rcj>:iiil on receipt of'lbc./or either, [ 5 oj each, or attortrd for 81. '10. ( Tlte Boss Barber^ tL.*w uf SUclburnei iftxi - dour -io- da^on't - Shot - Shcrp.- L.49IES' IIAIK CTTTI.XG A SPECI.4LTY. Sharinq, Shamp<'iiinti, d-e., Jirat-datt. Oct. 6th. 1887. dx. Eteruthinii w.w.mmum.i llrwjiii.-:!.*. Vf In4es,ile .[• i.'.fui', CZL^YTON'S l£l[ft\ESS SHOP r FLESHERTON, ' It the place to i/ff your lltiruea CvlUtri, dc jiKi(f« k;) ill ijooil ilijle. "Shop in Jvhuiton's lAfenj O^ice, FltJi- \ert<i)i. GREAT RUSH! J; U^'J' 1. - Photos. VIThat For? TO here ? To W.S.l'HUISTOK .SM.- li.iil Ball, KU-sliiTtou, lor till' i'i'li-l>riit<-<l iiii'liciueii. JUHNSON'H TtlXU' Hill r.US. Johiii<» Tsuio Livur Pilla. .IDIISSON S .VU1..-HE.\1.1.SU WHITK OIXT- MKNP TtITi' PFTQW is fur Iho lUTTKUS as it ia inXl AUOXl known to In) the iMsat for all IKTVOUH ilittoaHoH, llynturia, Dubility ol any aort. IjOtM iif .\l<lK'titi*, r'i'Uiale t'oiu^ilainta, aiul I'aU'iU'nii of Coiiiiilcxion anil all dliiirtlurn aiib- itiit from povt-rly t>f \iw IIUkhI. TIlO PiiqIi i» for tilt' l'lL.l.t> ua there are lllO XvUMU ,„,„u iwttiir than Uitwu fur Liver ConiiilHitlt auil dirauueliu'tit of Uliidltlest- ivu or^ftUN. Tin: HUSH la for tlio OINTUKST »a.i% raukii tlrat in it* lit-alliii; >|iuUti. » for aUbkiu Uiavaavl of a Hcrofuloti'. imtur\-, liuniH. Soid>tti. i^ l- . Jtc. And it is to bo found at the Drui; Storo ol W. S. CHIIISTDK. t'lenliurtou. Come aud try and aoo for youisclvt-s. " I H I I) I I (I I (V I I (I j I I 0. THE MAIiTeTS. FLESIIKUTON. Cartfutlff Vontftt^l Htu-h Fioui- fl 00 Full Wheat $0 78 Spring Wheat 78 Barley 65 Oats .S9 IVas 57 Uuttcr !7 Kfrga, fioah 17 Potatoes biiBli 40 Poi'k 6 70 Hay, per ton 8 00 Hidos 4 50 Wool 18 ShoepskinB 50 Gee8C 05 Tnvkoys 7 CliickeiiB per pair 80 Ducks por pair tt 5(i Utr k. to 4 'JO to i^O II 80 I) 72 SO 58 17 iT 40 6 80 10 00 5 50 21 1 00 05 8 30 » 'M UK.WAKDKU are thoae who read tlos iiiul tlun act; they will ftnd hon- orable uiuploviiuMit that will not take them from tluir homes and families. The llro«l^ aro larte and sure for every iuduitrious |>«rsou, iimu> have made aad are now makini; several hundred doUan a month. It is easy f<n any onn to make *3 and upwarda per day. who is willing to work. Eith- er sej. yuuuK or old ; es|>ital not newded ; we start you. KverythitiK new. No special ability ruquirnd ; von, reader, can do it as well aa any one. Write to ua at oiioii lor full jvaniculars, which we mail Inxv .\ildr«aa Sliuaon & Co. I'ortlaBd, Maine. Agents, Agents ! ?»ois 1UIA1>Tâ€" I â€" Oin Nrw Booa. EARTH, SEA AND SKY â€" onâ€" Marvels ufthe Universe IleiiiK-i fall and craplu^ description ol all that â- a wiMiii^rfal in every CMitinent of the Globe, in the WiirUl of waters aaU tlie starry Heavens. C'ontaiii'iic thrillini; ndaootureson landaud sea, renowui tiaiseovories of the aorUI's greatest ex- plorers Ml all imes. and reiitarkaMf pheuoniena 111 aver\ realm of nature. Knibrsciiii; the stnk- inirpliysu'iil (eaturua of the earth the peculiar oharaetei'istii-s of the InoiDin iiii-e. oi suinials. hii'ds, liwscts. etc.. ineiu<lui||a vivi<l duscriptioli of the AHautlc. raciUc aitd Indian Oeoans aiSl of the l^llar Seas, tliti monsters of the deep. liutkuUfnl spaahells and plants, sinitular ishrs I and dwollers in the world ol waters, reuiarkahle [ I'l'oaii currents, etc.. toijether with the amazin,; phauonien^ of the solar and starry Hyateuis. try Hanrv Davenport Northrop, D.U.. eiiibellishal with ovur .tM Une oiwravintis. liberal leniis to asonts. Oxford Publishiiis Coniiiany. 5 .Tordan Hi .Tonnito. Ont SlO-StS R. J. SPKOUL, FlciJu'rton. (.'otiwi/iificrr, .-lp^»r(i i«rr. Viti- uiilor a«d Moneii tender. l>eedf, Uort- piii/f.i, lea»e» aiul iVUls rfniicti up aivd i'u/iKilioiu laade on shortest notice. Char- MS rerj/ low. Applii to K. J. SPJiOl'LE, rottuuuter, F!eikert(.»i. SKA WONDKHH eslit In thousands ol forms. ba» are siirpasaiHl t)y the luarvela of liivtintioi). TbuM) who are iu ueml i4 prolltablo work that can Ikj done while Mviug at home shonlil nt once send their ad- dtvsa u< Hallelt ,t Co., Torilaiid. Maine, aad r>- mIto IrtHi, full inforiuatiun how either aax, of I all ««>â- >. ran earn from H to ^ por day and I ipwards wlwievor they lire. Ton are started I tirae. Capital not re<|uir«d. Some have made I over jiM In a sIhkIu d») at this work. All suc- •eed. - X. . -. . ' â- - . â€" m\ A Positive Cure. *b A Painless Cure. FACTS POR MEN OF ALL AOES. 1^ DIli'EASES or MAK. Tilt: <jnt:^4i HEaLtu nKjri:WF.H, Hanrsl of Hsaling, and Kohinoor of Msdtcinfs. tile lerrlblo eon'.4M|iii*iiofl*N of ln«llaer«il«n« rxiMaiirc isiiil Overwork. e. We arc now turniug out iciM-k far superior in ityle and Jiuith l9 any ever pro- ducid in Elethrrton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE •I RA TES. ^ PICTUEE FRAMING done in all ill btanahct. A good ttock of FRA.MES and AtOlLDIXaS kt^U conttanlliton hand. Will alto inl'w/ue« the new lUiOMIDK l'0/iTliAlT, a pirture tlmt it gii'ing mtir« tatit/uctivH ifhrrerer iutroiluccd. SAMPLKS can be iten at my Gallery wher* nil particulars ai to Price, Style &c, can he a tee i:^ tattled. YO"cri7c3-, avgropi.uE-A.oBP .AiTX) OU3 aunrrr Who are broken doivn ff r^i tli«> illeeta of nliuse will And in No. H a radical cure lor nerToot dpoliilv. ./r^airiJ wnukuess, involuntary vital li>a8oa. ate. BTurToMa roi> wiiub Na 8.*ugei.i> na I'suii.â€" Want ol energy, vurti^iu, want of pnrpoae. diniiiuKa of HiKhl, B»u»«ioi» l«» BOoloayi want ol confldenoe, avoidmico ol conversation, (Insiro foraohtudn, hcUiiKsniiiii nuiti oi^ility to llx tho atteullon on a partlrulur anhiect, oowardu'o, deproaaiou. q^ spirits, ^id.;iiie!ui. l,>as of uiemorv, oxcltaldlity o( tomper. sper- iiintorrh«ea, or loaa (^f ilio Memtnal tli\id - the result of Holf-iuniso or marital excessâ€" imjxv leney, Innntritloii, uiuaoialion, tusrrenneMS, i«itlpltation of tiio heart, hyatprlo f»uliDK>. Id fanialea, treiubllnK. iiielancholv. diatiiihmh' Jroiuaa etc., aro nil ayuiutoma of this terrible liahitiufteutlinealnniHjenilv iwi|iared. In abort, tho sprhi); of vltHl foro«< having loal its tonsion, Kvory function wanes in oiiiiaeipu'iictx Scleiitiflo writorsaiid the ituperintondeuta uf iiiH'ino iwnyhims uiiitit in nscrlhlnt; to tho affoots o( seU'abusa the i;reat innjorlty ol wiisteil llvea which ootiie under Itieir notice. IC you, tire ineonipoteitt for the arduous dntluH of liiisiiiitsfi, iiioapaclUkteil for the anjojniieiits of lllo. No. H offura an escape from tho elToctaof uaily vtco. 11 you are ndviinctivl tu vtmrs. No. 8 will ijiva yon full vUoraod streni:tl). Ifvouaro hrokon down, ph>slciilly aiui morally from ourly indiaciotieu, the result ol Iguoranoo and follv, annd your addraaa and ID couta iu atanikw for M. V. laiMoN'a Treatise in Ikxik Korui on Iliaoutiea of Mail, Hoahnl 'inil Sijcnro from obsorvatioQ, AddruHR all ouminuulcatloua to â- . V. LUUOM, 47 W«lltaal«a Nt. C, TorunW. A Mm without wlidom llvo In a lool't paradlie. CURES GUAHANTEEt. HEAL THE SICK. Permanent Cvice* Pleasant Ourei^ >'. .<>SJ

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