"Vi U- •* Dec. 29, 1887.] THE KLESHER'^ON ADVANCE. THE FLESHERTON Wareroom's Last Auuouucemcnt for 1887. %VE nisu A Hijpj Nfi'w Yew To All, And iu order to make it so iu every home iu Artemesia and Suriouuding Townships, we iiavc decided to make •still further EEDUCTIONS In all the Leading Lines of Furuiturc. For the New Year Festivities we have a most COMPLETE STOCK To select from uotwitlistandiug the grMkt roiili of ilia {MWt wuaks. \V« wet« so fortified with reet^ves of stock that our Sliowrooias are agaia full and must be cleared ( iu order to make N||0om for Undertakers Goods which will shortly oi'iivc) at a Very Small Advance on Gost. We are satisfied with the policy upon whicli wi' have coiuiueuced Busi- lioss and shall continue to use the same Motto, viz., Sflill Fril: d \iA Mur&s. Our Stock is all new and being almost daily replaced. To Close, Gish Jiuyera we would say call and see us before purchasing olsewliero at It \Vill Pay You. We manufacture and buy close for money and Sell Quick on «. verif small Margin- COME AND GET PRICES. SAW LOGS -AND- Kew Kailwayii. To the Editor of The Admnce. Notice is given in the Canada Gazette of application to parliament for an act to incorporate tlie Colhiigwuuil and liay of Quiiite Railway company, with power to construct a line of railway from the town of CoUiiigwood, ill the couuty of Siiuomi, to souiu point in the bay uf Quiute, in the county of Hastings, and for other pur)>08ea in connection therewith. Mr. Charles Drinkwater !{ivea notice that the Ontario »«d Quebec Railway company will apply^to the Dominion Par- liament, .It the next session, for an act extendiiii< the time ffir the coinpletioii of its westorn extension ; and also of it« Don branch into the city of Toronto, au- thorized to be conatructed by order in council, dated 25tli .January, 1887. Notice ia L'iviii that application will be made to the Parliament of Canada, at the next aeaaiou thereof, for a charter to con- struct and operate a line of railway, com- niencins; at or near Port Hope, or)Uiity of Durham, thftice through the counties of Ontario, York, Sinicoe and Dutferiii to a point at or near the town of Durham, county of Grey, with power to extend to Lake Huron, at or near Kincardine and Southampton, county of Bruce. â€" H'timi- iJfg CiiU. The al»ve notices I find are not gen- erally known by the people, even the peo- ple who should be very much interested in the matter. Tlierefore I beg to sub- mit tlieni thiou'^h your columns to whom it may concern, and just herj I would advance a few ideii'», wise or otherwise. It is now an established fact that railways, passing; through .xny part of country raises the value of land and briiit; business, capital and markets rifjht along the route, .Althout;h there may be extensive outlay and exi>etise by the munici(>ality throujih which it iHisses, by way of bonuses or otherwise, yet it has been demoiistratod that th« exiwnditure has been a <{<mx1 and laying investment in m<»t cases. Now let us look at the notices that will most innucdiately concern us. Oolliiiijwood it Bay of Quinte railway with intimations of a iHWsible extension fnini Collin«wood Wbstward. That will be into or through Grey. Just think where .\rteniesia is situated ia such au event, and what niiKht be ours if we t<jok time by the forelock and bestirred ourseires to secure the best obtainable situation. But in regard to the new railway which must concerns us is the one conimenciuK at Fort Hope, through Ontario, York, Suiicoe and Duf- ferin to or near Durham, county of Grey, with a (Mwiblo extension wrat to Lake Huron. Now liaa not every intelligent thinking mteijayer of Artemexia recou' nized the ur\;«iit need of a railway stretch, ing across the railways lUready running through the c<./untry. Such a one the Port Hope line would be. It would give us here in Grey enty aud rapid access to the lakes uu tlu west. But better still to the markets to the East of Toronto. Think nf the competition in K. R. tralUc and consequent reduction in freight rates, &c. , and making easy connecttf>n with the railways it would cross. But one ob- jection Artemesia shuulil make to the mute pro|)osed to be chartered for is that instead of passing through Dulferin it be carried further north through Stiuth Grey, Good reasons can he assigned for this. Dulferin is too far south to open up a por- tion of country that iii-eds it m<<st, where forests, streams and products abound, and await developeinent. Dulferin is already well, supplied with R.K. facilities and conveniently near the markets t<i the south. Heavier ijrade and engineering dilticulties would bo met with to puss through Dufferiu than through South Grey. Let South Grey be on the alert and if Port Hope shoots up a railroad in our direction, see to it that its rails run through South Grey, say from east to west. Why not I South (jrey can challonxe the continent alon<; her Beaver and Sau^een rivers for water powers that cannot be ex- celled, and manufacturing', capital and in- dustry, only await the snort of the iron horse to allow theni to operate iu full blast. With regard to the objection we hear from some seltish individuals, that a bonus would be required, we say, wait till you are asked for one and then think if |iA8t experience has not resulted in such being a good paying investment and should es- tablish coiitidence in judiciously granting others.-F.T.C. A Pkrson Unable to sleep iu bed, un- able to work, unable to take ordinary exercise from the effects of Asthma un- til usiu^ Southern Asthma Cure. A sample package relieved, three packages permanently cured. Maxwell. From our otvn Vurrespontieiit. The holiday season is upon us and hap- py faces are seen everywhere, especially among the juveniles, whei-e Santa C'laus seems to have been most interested in trying to please, and in which he appears t<» have Ijeen most successful. The nominations of our Township Fa- thers came otf on Monday and a large number coiii;re<;ated t<i hear the old Council ^'ivo an account of their steward- ship, which was dune to the satisfaction of nearly all present. There were four nouiinations for Reeve but two withdrew â€" leavini; D. K. Prest<in aud J. Douglas in the field. These aspirants are looked upon as lirst-class men and are both pledged not to canvas for votes, but will abide the decision on their merits. The tea meeting in the Methcdist church on Monday evening was as usual a urand success. The chair was occupied by Rev. \V. Furrier, and it is only iieces' sary to say that the eatini;, Hpeaking and music were lirst-class and everyone seemed well pleased with the evening's entertaiu- ment. \ Ball was also announced for Monday eveniiiifatthe hotel and a few noted wor- thies did attend and Iwwl, and such a bawl But uu need of anything niure un this item. Wood bees are all the rage here, each one niiiking a bee gets all his winter's wood cut in one day, and the buys are always jolly over their work. We are pleased to see our old friend Mr. J. Blakley, back to our village. Buf he seems to think he has had plenty ot Nebrasca, and there is no place like Max- well after all. WANTED.â€" Local & travelling sales- men tu sell our choice varieties of Nur- sery Stock either ou salary or coiumis- son. Perinaneut employment to the ri>{ht tueu, bo room for lazy ones, up- right and honest are the ones wu are looking for. Address with references. May Brothers, Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. '*I was trouble<l with au eruption ou my iace, Viliich was a source of con- stant annoyance when I wished tu ap- l)ear in company. After usiiin ten hot- tlea of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the humor entirely disapi>eare(l. "â€"Mary M. Wood, 40 AdaniHHt.. Lowell. Mass. â- â€"iâ€"iMMiiMiiâ€" "iâ€" iâ€" â€" »iii^^^^?^ Photos, LUMBER of allkiuds Wanted for which hiohest price will be paid. J. E. MOOEE'S furHittire Wartroomf, Durham iSt Fle^- er.U/H: Photos, Photos. We are- now tttming out Kork /ar »»ptrinr in sti/lc and Jinith l« any ever pro- duced in Flesherton. COPYING and ENLARGING at MODERATE 8 A TES. PICTUBE FEAMING done in all iti brnncheii. A good stuck of FRAMES and MOULDINGS kept contUtnlhi unhand. Will alto iut''vduce the new lillOMIDK I'OIiTRAIT, a picture that i« giving entire satin/action wherever inlrodiicetl. SAAIFLKS <«« be terru at mg Guilerj/ where all gtrticulart a» to Frice, Style &c., can he atcer- FLBSHBETQN Grand Gift Sale FQM TMM CHKISTMAS ^ HOLIDAY'S : AT THE MARKDALE : Book Store. As 1 have been carrying a stock of goods the past year double the (quantity nticessary for the Trade of the Locality. I have determined to reduce same by offering the following liberal inducements : â€" To all purchasers of BOOKS, TOYS, FANCY GOODS, or WALL PAPERS, amounting to 50 cents and upwards choice ot a Book worth 15c. One dollar and up- wards 25c One dollar and fifty cents 35c. Two dollars and upwards 50c., and so on in proportion equal to a dis- count of nearly 25 per cent, off all purchases in the above Lijies. THIS IS A BONA HDE OFFER. and as my object in making it is to induce Sales, I invite the general public to come along in force and participate in the large Keductions. I will still allow twenty-five percent, off straight to School Trustees and Sundav Schools retjuir- ing Books for prizes or Library's NOW IS YOUR TIME to replenish or purchase a New Library. Hundreds ot Books to select from. This Sale will continue from now till the 1st January, 1888. A. DINSMGBIT, VHOPRISTOK: Commercial Union Has nothing to do with the Big Sale of- •â- -a -s 3 o ji 'O .S « |# I'll s if^ s .s ~ - s « 2 =s o ^ 1 'I # 3 = ^ ^ '. 3 -3 - â- /I H = 2 . X o >. - â- 3 - = *^ _Z '^ c3 r^ '"^ EROhl TEN TO THIRTY PER CENT. C'-EAPER THAN EVER.. Below I quote a few prices to show I uioan husiniif^" Parlor Suites in Haircloth, Sofa, Ladies Platform Rocker, and 1 small Chairs for W«.00. Bedroom Suites 88..50 to $80.00. A bcanty for $1 1 .00^. Bureaus «.i.00 ; Cupboards 8.5.00 ; Lonii;^os witli spirn<:'i ?5 Beds Si. -25 to 81.50 ; Perforated Seat Chairs 75o. ; Pwfofalcd .-.; Rockers $1.25 ; Wood ScatBwt Ann Boekur «1.85; My Hollow Seat 4 SpindK; for Wd., cannot bo beaten. Hand Sleighs 85: to 75a.. aud in fact. an>>tlnnir yon want mi â- [ line, price and terms to siiit yoii.. onts Easy "0 ; Spriug .0 aud Back FiUruiture . ..}. See than* at a\^ Wareroouis. X. W, BATES;,