Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Dec 1887, p. 4

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THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE THE ADVANCE. U I'uMinljL'il J'lvei'^^ 'rhiii-wday, Fbom TUE OKFirK, ,'<i liihiiiit street, - • Fle»)iertou, Old. TKUJIS OF SUllRClilPTION : '•I !"â- â€¢â€¢ ntinuin wh«^!i jtai-l strictly in ailvaiii'o ^' 'rj t'vi' uiiiuiiu when not ho )>Hi(l. A. R. FAWCETT, Editiir and Proprietor. FLESIIEiiTON: TIiniSDAY, DKC. -l-l. 1887. ./ Sl'VR JtllLU AY? 'I'lir tiiiio lias now ;iniv,.il, \vi> think, \. Ill 11 I'lisliortoii slioiild do somctliiii^' lowaiils beiteiiiij,' li<i- li.ilwiiy iiicili- 1; s. It is siiujily loss of time wait- I 1 .^.iiiir iine of railway to run across I..C C'otiiitv from Wist to East, and ii.-k ilu chances of its touching' I h slu Ttoii <Ji rou^c for some port on ll.( (i.oi^jiun Bay. Othir places arc waiting for the same "chance" Let i.~ (hop ch(mce-iriirk and turn oiir at- 1. 11 lion to certain lies. S"ine years ml;) a mild ajjitatioii i ion lure in nfiience to the uccos- Mtv for ft s|iur railway from tlic Sta- tion to Flr'shcrtoii. A pnhlic meeting Mas held, when it was icsolved to have llir road surveyed. Thi.-; was done â€" liic- I xi>enses ill connection tliercwitli I I in;,' chiefly borne by Mr. li. .1. iSlnoiile, a gentleman who lia« been i.Mst unliriug in liis etVorls to advance cur mntiial iiitiresls. Hut after the road was smveyed, the sclieino fell (hroiigli. There in now nothing im|)Oiiuiblc or inipriclicable ulxiiU that spnr rail- way project. I'rivate iiidividnal.s have Ixeii known to build lues of lailway, tor th' ir own iiccntiiodaliun ^tUfvn times the length. Surely a wealthy and (^'rowing place like Klesherloii will not iillow itself to hi- thrown into the ^hu(le l.y the enterprise and [ilnck of 11 '-iiij;Ie individual '.' We trow not. I'.esidi-s It is not necessary to have a branch Ime inoict than about one luile i.i Inigth, wiiicii would bring the ler- liiiiius to a distance of not more than liiilfa mile from the centre of the I iwii. Tiii>f would be i|uitf near ( iioiigli, and we do not think the rhf,'lilesl dilliculty need be feared in iigiirdto the C.IMi. To. furnishing ndlilig stock. Indeed they have ; howii a disposition to secure us iniicli (â- t llie hiisiiK'ss of tliis town as possi- hi)', ill ihul tiiey have ahvady decided I I run a telegraph line from the >Sta- iioii to Fleshirton. Mt. l-'mest, for iiistaiiec, is connected with l\w main hue by u branch railway. Why not 1 li sherton '.' What say our eiti/.ms ? If they con- I'emii the Hchi me, then we must a^ the next best thing fall baek upon the mnchlalked of .straight level road. Which dliallit be? FIcHhortoii <'h4M-s«> Fartory, t >ii Tluusday Htli iiist. the palmiiK iif ihiK faetiiry liii't ill (''lisheitmi, tii cluw ii|i thi! buiiii>!'t;< iif lliu |'ri\ii!iit V'ur mid i'> make aoiiiii iinaii'.{i'iii('iit» for tliu next. Thi' iiotjait i>r the f;ieti>iy tlilx' liim Imtii H8J0;iJ Dm. nf oliuiw luuii: from !L'ti.H(;;j llis.'ol iiiilk reiilizini; in ;ill«:'Kt4r).- :'i7, I hi! t-itiil ix|ii:iisi-n Him .>SIM7«> 'JD, Iciiv- liiii for till) palnpliH *«71'>'-l. 17. I'liclcwiui I'liid foi- iiiiikiiiu' elif.'si' JilKlL^.S, milk iiiim iiio ?7'-".'.l"J, to picsidfiit ami mivvc- t;iry ?40, 'I'l-lr'.'raphiiJL', postage and >li«li.iiu'ry ("U. '1'Ik' follci\Mn\' Wiui^ I'lett- 1 il ilireetorB for ntxt yoiil' : J. iMcKni, |i '111 .iii|.8on, ,). Teeter, T. RI.Aitliiir, T. Wiii/lit. I). .McMnllui. It. Obvri, U . Wii.ock, and S. Pnllar The luiM iiu'itin^ will !«• lii.lil uii tlm I It of Maicli. The //(uufnifn/ J.oititim Setrn i.Viiie.r. ii an l')ibtiiiii| is the haiiiJHoiueKt weel<lv I luspapc I ill tlir woild and. ooiisidfr- iiij; tlie vast e\peiisc riitiiili'i! in ;;i'ttillg np a Hiiigle iiiinitx'r even, it anni/.eH one In liiiiik timt tliis Hiiplieib journal eaii 111' sent to any in tijis loiintry lor one year (or the paltry sum of f4, or single copies 10 eeiit eaub. .\nil yet IH (he ease. One enii scarcely nil- agiiie a mere appropriatt^ C'liristniait I resent (ban a yoar's siibseriptiua to I Ids spUiudiil jiinrnul. or i.vmi a copy of I lie Xiuns iinnilH'.r of the same, ns^'ntly issued, and wbiehpietorial and tyi>o. ; rapliical exeelleiiee <-oiisidered is the lilKHt holiday number we have ever seen. Address: - TiiK li.i.rsTnATKD :"kwij Co., I'otter Huilding, N.Y. SK.\ W INl)i:US ii.slst In tlioii~BiidH 0' fonil'. I>iit «r«' Rnvpiti*s('il h. tin* iimrv/ It of Thcisti wli" aru ill Howl nf liroflliililn wiirK tlial i^uii Imi iloiix wliilu livlii' •• liiiniii Hliiiiilcl Hi "lull mini tliiilr «il. • r«-i"to A Cii . I'ortlBiKl. MhIiii', und re- (ruo, full ilidiriiiutioli llinv ottlmr »e\. at 1.11 «Ki>", v«li M'H'i' 'K'ni »-' '" *>'" •*«"â-  ''*/ •'"' 1 im«il« w'l'O' tlinv llvn. Yi)U nre ilarti'il fr.... i:«iill«l not ri'i|iilreil Hmiid have made < T.ii #4 Ilja Kiufc'ln rtny at till* wnrli. All fue- Forestry Report, Mr. Phipps very interesting and excel- lent Forestry Reportâ€" noticed in eur lnHt issueâ€" should be in the hands of every farmer, as well as every person interested in the culture and preservation of our forests. Kollowini,' is a brief .synoiisis of the contents : A report from JCO townsliips, giving tlie amount of wood tit for fuel yet stand- ing in the older settled portions of Onta- rio. A report of a caroful examiiiiition ot two townsliips, in Ontario, oiio lyinj; northerly and â- â- ne soutlurly, with the view of olitaining an accnralo idea of tliu I'tfects of Woods, or linos of trees, on the orowini; cnips, ;iiid tile eliniatic (lili'i^ren- ee» observed since the clearing u[j of the country. Notices of the I 'roLiicis of forestry in other countries. Result of cxperiiiieiit.i in sowing ever- greens in large (lu.iiitities in Ontarici, and directions as to how similar results may Ije obtained. Complete directions as to raising all trees from seed, and planting them out. Carefully prepared stutenients as to the lumber district of Ontario, the Value and I ses of Woods here, Planting ill School (•rounds ami on .Arlioiir Day, A'ahie of Woods ill I'lesei vihij Humidity in adja- cent fields, Proposed Forest Reservations, Manageiiii'iit of Trees int'ities, iiig in Ontario. I'lantalioiib- Advisable in Ontario painis Preservation of Uirds, Forest Work in India, Evergreen Hedt'es, and many kindred subjects, as wtdl as suitable reports from iioiilleinen who have of late years started plantations here. '1 h« Money to be Mnde. It is said that dull times are not known by the nyeiits for the u'reat pulihsliinir boUBM of (ieorge Stinson iV ('o.,of Port- land, Maine. The reason of this excep- tional success is found iii the fact they always give the the public that which IS keenly apiuecmted and at jirices that all can allord. .\t pieseiit vvo understand their n:,'ciits are doing wondeifiilly on Hevural new lines. Tliey need many more RKents in all parts of the country. Thosi; who need piolitable Work should apply at once. Wonieii do as \^ I les men. Kx- periunce is not nccewary, for i^I^^sKrs. StiuBoii \' do. undertake to show all who are williii'.; to work, not hard biiteiunest ly, the palli to lai'.'e siici ess. It should l>e renienilierecl that an ai^eiit can do a handsome business without beiiii; away from home over iiii;lit. Another advan- tage itcosts iiothini; to eive tlie lin.siness a trial, and an ai^'ent can devo'.e all his time or only his spare moments to it. StiliHon A (j'o. ^uaiaiilee trialid success to all who eiii^imi' and follow simple and plain directions that tliey u'ive. We have not space to explain all here, Iml full (Mirticulurs will Ue sent fr.-e to tlione wb i aildivs.s I lie tiriii ; their full addrj.<s is given above. Luxuriant Hair Can Hilly Iw priscrveil hy keeping; ilia sralp cli'ini, cool, niiil free fniin ilaii- ilriilT, anil the liuily in a Inaltlifiil eoiiilitioii. The ^reat popiilnrity of Ayer's Hiilr Vi|{ur is <lin? lo llie fact that it cleanses the scalp, iiromutcs the (jrowtli of the hair, jireveiits it from falling; nut, ami k'ivi's it that soft and silk.N «li)Ss»o es^teiitial to perfect hcaiity. Kie.lirirk llanly, of Itoxlinry, Mass.. a gi'iitleiiiaii llfly years of a^e, was last losiii;; his hair, ami what reiiiaiiieil was Krowiii;; tjray. Atti^r tryiii^; various ilressiiiKS with iin elTei t, liti coiiiniiiiceil the ii.Hii of Ayer's Hair Vifjnr. " It HtopiH'il the falling iiiil," he writes ; "ami, lo my (jreat surprise, coiivcrleil my white hair (willioiil staining' the sialp) to the some sliiide i>f liruvii it had wliuu 1 was 25 years of a},'c." Ten Years Younger. Mrs. .Mary .%loiiti;oiin.ry, of ImisIoii, writes: " Knr years, I v as ccuiipelled to wear a dress cap to conceal a hahl spot nil the crown of my head ; hut iinw I K'adly lay the cap aside, for yiiiir Hair Vi^jor is lirlii)r|nf; (Hit a new Krnwth. I eoiihl hardly trust my senses w Inn I first found my hair (jrowinn ; Imt there it is, and I am delighted. / loak ti-n ye'irn yituuijcr." A similar result attended the use of Ajer's Hair Vijjor hy .Mrs. (). (). I'res- eoll, of Charlestow II, .Mass.. Miss Ilessie H. llnrliiiKtnii, \ i , Mrs. . I,. I. Ilnrton, nt Haiigorj .Me., and miincruns uthiirs. The loss of liair iiiav lie owiiiK to im- imrity nf the lilonil or deniiiKciiieiil of the stiimiu'h and liver, in which case, a course nf Ayer's Hai-su|iitrilla nr of Ayer's I'lUs, in idiinection vviili the VlKor, may be necessary to jiive health and tune to all tin; fiinctioiis nf the liody, At the saiiiii lime, it caniint he ton Nlriiiiijlv iirticd lliat none nf these remedies laii do iiiucli (rood without n iiersiverln^ trial and strict attention to cleanly and tempiratc liahits. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Preparodbv Dr. .!.('. Aynr S; < a., I.owtHI. Ma«», Sold by Drugtfliiltt and I'erl'umura. CHILnRENS HEALTH. One of KdtKrex Kiinlest (iifts is ii lledllhi/ Uim.ititutiun. Giuird it aguiiiitt dlienic liy ux'uig Siamese Worm Powders. Ir-orm* (ire ike friiilfiil aiuite nf wii(H//| disorders in ('hil</riii. jS/.Ll/A'.VA'l WORM I'OWDHItS inUt expel Wunns] ill everij rii.^e leltere /Ac// exist, (rill reija- i late the >Stoviiirh (iiiil /inuels nt the same time. Use them, yon iront regret it. j The Itoss Itarber, ll.ate of SIlL'lburuel - door - hi - ('laijton's - .SVioc - Slutj). LiniEs- ii.viR n TTix«; .1 SI'KCIILTV. PecU'!^ J•l^^n^«i!^n^ l>ills!! Sluiriii'i, SluiinjMiiiiiii, <lc., <(-c. ErenjtliiiKf first-clasii. Oct. Cth. 1887. CLAYTON'S IIAR\ESS SHOP : FLESHERTON. Is the jiluee to ;/i( i/om- //.oio'.i.s (Julliirs, <(<: titude Hji ill ifood style. ".SVioyi (I. J„hnst,ni'.< Lii-n-'j <>jfi>-e. Flesh- Should tiliriii/s be used for Sick Ileitd- iiehe. TIteir iipenittun is viild iind\ertoii." ple.ilSdllt. Tlielf strike liome eitrii tiinei vaa^^i^MiMia^HBa^^BaaBanBaBaâ€" sa^i* icheii used for n Disordered Lire.r. '^"k' ^\^X f\fy^ '\ FA W fl T^ f\ TT for them. Get them. Doiit forg.t the M M I I I jj' If 5\ /I r H Y I'ill!-. If iioiir driiiuiist tins mil the iiii'ce lire- _ _ iJaio. iiisLk, n: »..s7A7v//;a- MRS. BULMBE, il- (j().. of .Mealord. null send them tn i/ou jire/iiiid on rereijil of 'Inc. fur either, ]^ll 1)1 0" I'll I) Il (' !'• ~) Of eiirh. or iismrl'il for §1.00. IV. w. mnB k CO. Ihll J.Jist.^, ir/oi/.'.Mlf.' .(â-  Urtiu'i, Flesherton Ont GREAT RUSH!- ••llâ- ^^llertl'll, Sii.t ITtli. 1^>-' What For? Where ? T,i \V S CHltlsr.lKHMe.licHl Hall. Flwliultoii, for the iHil.l.otte.l liie.lurliiu*, JoH.NSON'b â- lil.NlC Mil li:HS,,liililir.oMs Tonic l.iver I'ills, .KlllNsU.N S .Vl.n MK.Vl.l.\ti WHlll-; Ol.ST- .\ii-;.s 1 'VnV PnCTI i»f"' tlie iirrriiusas it i« lliri IVUOil kii.iwii t.i iHi tliu iKHt tor i\ll ucrvull^. illne.i-eH, ll> Hliu iu, Ueblllt.v (if Hliy i.iH of .VpiM'tiCt;, i'ciiiali: Ciil^llilaiiitr., uiul ,» of ('uiii|ile\iuii nlei ii"' III14 Iinlii |t,i\ert . iif til.' IIIimmI l^^lesherton Mvixi lEarkti. S. Sl'IKIT. l'l«>n:lKTO«:. I'ultMli'hH of ( uiii|ilti\iuii nifi nil i%>ui(luin ui'Im- Tlia Pnoh 'â- Â»''*»â-  111'- I'll'I-^' tin thi'it' are lUtJ IvUMi „„|,t. | tiiHii tlu^i! (or I.u t-r ('i>iiij>liiiiit ami tUMiiiii^iuiiuiit i>f lliu diijubt- i'Hi: ursil i^ for tlioOIN'r.MKN r as it runkn first ill its lu'uliii;' (jtmlitiuH lot nil skill UUeiisuM i.>r It si-ioftiWuM luitu'i-, llinif*. SchIiIn. iiv., A:c. Anil it i^ to itv liiuiitl til tlif Hi u^ Stortt of W. s. CHlllSTOK, FIuMlmrtou. t oiiiu iiiu' try uikI huo for yoursulvu*. ; ; (I i I) ! ! 1) I o : : o THE MAlUvETS. I'l.K.SllKllTO.N. V.irifnllii I'orrcrtril luirli ll'if Hour «1 (HI to I I'.ill Wliiai .^ll 7:i to II S;u-iiio \\ ileal n 7:i r..u-le_v (I .'â- ).â- ) II ' ... ;:i) (I I'eas (I oii II i'liiller II 17 II iv,M,'s. flesli (I 17 I'oliiliics lui.sli II -III (I I'oiic r> Nl C, H, IV, per ton 8 dO H Hides 00 7 Wool 18 Siieriisliilis (I 10 (I (ieese 05 'I'urlieys (1 7 Cliickeiis |iiT pair 'J,i> |)ncl<s prr )iiiir 1(1 Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. Fresli Mcat.s cousluntly tin liaiiil for Casli. Onleis pioinjitly liiled. Agents, Agents Now ItlvADV tn u Nkw HtMii. EARTH, SEA AND SKY -oU Marvels "ftln- Universe I'll lin, uir.<-i i-. t:n: . 1 1 1 L'l 1 1 il 1 11^' ft Vivlll tlUHf 11 J > t mil >f tlm .\tluiitif. I'mitU- ivTiil ImliHii <»(*caii« iiiHl I of tin- lV»iur Sirts, till* luoiistfis oi tliu «lcf(>, I iK-iiiitifut hi;iis1u-11h and iilautA, sin^tilar llslit-s ami dwulU-is in thf woilti ol waters;, rt'iiitu kalilt- tMi'aii curriiiits. etc., lojii-tlu'r with tlif aiiiazim; phi'iKiiiu'ii.i of tlio Kfdftr ami htarrv sv*itiiiis. l»v Hfiiry Uavciiport Noithrop. !).!»; fiiiladli-hcd with ovtir -tiHi iltu- t'iii;ravin;;-i. IdhtM'al ti'i in«^ to aWt'iit.^. Oxford l'uh]i>liiii;j C'otiil>aiiv, j .lotdan St., Toronto. Out. " ;tlo;kKS K.J. SPROUL. Fl'-.tlterioit. i\nirfwiiie< r, .l/i^i/'oj,\(<r. ViJ. lltltnr mid Moiieii tiiidi-r. Ilieiis, iliiri- tjii'les, lenses iiiid Hills ilrni'-n up iiiid I'liliiiitioiis made on rluotrst nutl'-e. Clurr- •irs r'-ni tine, .^fifilij f- /.'. J. SFHoVLK, Fostuiiister, Fh'shri ton. Positive Cure. ^ A Painless Cure^ James Sullivan, The Thismith, - FinPtiertor, llcitAiriiiti. Kavotrnii^hiiiR.Bud In fact overy- thiiic ill the bUHiiiusK will rucuivu my pruuil't and caiufiil Httttntlou kt. reft!)oiial)lu ^tricot*. FACTS rOR MEN OF ALL AGES. DISEASES OF MAK. TH *; c; n tui t u Ka m. th u f j.t •*; i ; 'i; n , Mnrvdl ot H»alinQ, nnd Knhinoor of MpJiclnei, ^"^ ^x.Ji ..A ^^^^V«,J r.tpooiimkiiil <»vi'ruork. â- ^z-oxj-x^ro-, 2^xiD2DiL.:E:'j^ai^iD ^xtxd oi-.xd 2!^Ea>T Who ai'u brokt-ti down from Ihn othM ts of Hlmso will And in No. H a radical euro fur uervous dol'ilily, ori;iinit) wnukno'^.s, iiivoUiiitarv vital losR*-*'. etc. STSfTTrMS Foa witiH No. 6 Suouijt UK VsKP.â€" Waut (if otKirgy, vevtiKO, want of i>urj>, (ItiniiHiiii o( hii;ht, avoraion to coeioty, want of coiifldouoo, avoidanco ot ionvortiaiioii. (lurtiro for sohtiidii, lntloitiU(tH4 au t inululity to f^x tho uttoutioii on a particuliir iitihjt'ct, cowurdi.M^, donrusgion of spirits, ^'iddiunH-*, loa-t of uionv>ry, oxcitaldlirv oi tonipcr, sj'or- iiiatikrrlUL-a, or loss of iho s-iniun' (hiidâ€" tho itiMult of Holf-nbuHO <'r marital i-xccssâ€" iiiipo- tonoy, Inniitlitinii, onrifia'io-i, harrpnm-;s, )>al|<itation of tho heiirt, h>ittt-vic focliiiW' iti (eniiileH, trmidihii^. in- I Uich.dv, disiiirbiiiii droaitm etc., aro all sviuidoiiii of thif* tt-rrihlo habit, ofti-ntimoa In-Hiccu'W iirtinircd. In short, tho spring' 'f vitHi fm-cti haviiiv; lost ita touKion, . vary fuiictl'^M waiirtw iri ronS'Mjutjnco. Stdtuitiftc wntorHaiid tin.) Mivo>i"toiideut8 of tiiHino inylnins unit « iii I'fil;rilli^^ 10 tho effi'Cts of pelfahusH tho j;roat nmjoiity of wastotl ^^vo^ which co 00 nrid ;r I'tir notico. If yi>u arn iti(>oiii)t(«tont for th« ar>huiiirt diitiuH of ImflitiiiHH, Incupat imto 1 f t tho onjoyiiHUti of life. No. h otTors an escape from tho ofTtfcta of early vico. If you aru (i()vanoe'l iu yoara, No. 8 will ^^ivo you full vivorimd Htrunj^th. Ifvuuaro hrolcHU dowu, v^i.VRit^tilly una tuorally from oarly indiscretion, the rnaiilt of iRuonuict atitl tollv, wti-l your addreua ami U) cuiita in stamps for M. V. laiuoN's TniatisM in l!oolc Form on Didcastfl of Man, SoiiWhI mid Ht-turo from obsmvation. Addrc'wall cinnmunications to 91. V. I.UUON, 47 WclliuKtoii SI. E., Toronto. A Man without wisdom lives in a loors paradise. CURES GUARANTEED. HEAL THE SICK. ^ttnUfftK DR^ CARTER, M.C.P. &K.,UST. piiYsiriAX. si;im;eo\,, &<•â- < FLE.SHERTUN. Offlco. Strain's liloek. llesur.«ice, Wm:Wripirt 9- ^^ DENTTSTRY..' Thomas Henderscn, L.D. 5.. SLUC;i:o.\ DENTiST Cliitd Me'liilist iitd lli.iiur '-Iriidnaie nf 'lie- Will viMit ri,i;f-fU".nTf)X. iMiiiislinw'R Hplil 1 luiil ;;<if ciiuli iij'MiUi. 'I'cDtli e.\tracto<I. iUM-it- c 1 iiii.l nilcd in till: Iiiijliol i-tyltjs ol tUe art, i; lit liioiUiiatc ratcn. Hi-.ui in ncK. Till Vi'M.r ^'r.. Tounxro. IlaviuK Klielit Kouic tilii.^ iu tlic wtiii'io "f tlie fjinniiiM Tiiruiito riiot'-in i-.I'Ih-i . Mr s. .1. lii\(;u, where 1 RiMiniicil vnlitiililc Vih'uK.iIcc in Iteti'li- j cliiuu. I fticl i'.f*suii-.l 1 cHii i^ivc .^(lo.l t;i-iicrtil { Kutinfacliuli- .\ chU rr>i'cillul!\ f^olK-itr.', Mi:S. JULMKK. 4:ri];il. J. W. FilO.ST, LL.B-. liitrrtsli'V, Sofit itor, ^'onviiftntrer, Ddi'-tj,â€" Strain's Itnil.Uiit;. Vlekhki:ton. A. \. (-'Ili:SLK V. S.iJiritor nnd ('onVL'y*»fii-, HcsitU'iit M»iiii;:i»r. MU. l-'ilOST will bo luuiul ut the CUicc tr. 'rinir.-iilftv s n> lu'i otofor*-. P M(3CULL0UGH, llti rri.sli'f. Soliri lor, «\'v. oni«T. ovt'i" Mrl'arliiiid's Sterr. .>lark<liilf. .lloin-y tii Loan. ^nuiurjsss Cui'rtu. John W. Armstrong, I'l.r.siiKiaiiN, Co. GiiKV. DIVISION COIKT CI.KUK. COMMlSKIOM'l; 111 II 1!.. CtiTivi-MiJIrr, ,Vc .\«*- null M»le 111 llillilh. Al'prfliscr tl>r ('. I. t'. ( cl;:. nil"! I'". 1*. Ii ,t s, socifty. .\luiit\ 1(1 Loan on t)u» iini^t nii~.>iiulil.. iiriiK. I>si Kii OK MAKKLVCiK I.RK.NSKS. XOT.\UY PL lU.lC. MONEY TO LOAN. .Vr LOWEST < rUKEM K.iTES. On Town or Farm IVoperty, S. DAMCDK. FloHherton. W. J. BELLAMY. I«r. CLKUK AllTKMK..iIA. ( •d.WKY.i S( 'F.i;, ( •nMMlssi(L\EI-, T\i;i:i>S.Ml)UT(i.\tiKS, I.K.VKKS, &c . Iirrlnr- J-' t'.i iiml itroprrly t'XeclitiMi. InHitrnnci. iiryi c i'.l ill tli^t liiiss coiiiiiuiiivs. Monuv to lend a> Ui\vf...t I all's. GET YOUR MEAT :-FK0.1I-t Fetch & Mitchell, (iKNER.AL lUTCHEUS, FLESIIEKTOM r..=E'Casli jmid for ful ciittlo, ."c-., !,c. Flesherton Station Mill. The above mill i.s now in good lunniiif,' order for Chop- ping,'. GeOK(;E MoOKEHOUSEf proprietrr, will be pleased to see all his old friends. Quan- tity of four feet Cedar Logs- Wanted. Farmers will do well to make a note of this A Permanent Cure. >b A Pleasant Cure. BELL" DP lb U lapprcached for Tone and Quality. CATAtLOGUtS FREE, BELL^Jl:(10.,GnelpIi,0Dt. J. W. BATES, Furiiitiire Dealer and Vtnlevtaker, # r-^-^, »'. â- # Ji^* â- ^: m ,t!S;s&frsaBi«ii^

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