\ r r i^ THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [Oct. 27. 16B7. - â€" jj â€" 1- â€" 3 7: CD Eh <) o (L) BEDROOM SlITKS! In Walnut, Onk, Asli & Mahogany IhiiHli. My 8H. 50 and $14 Suites are Lxtra Value. â€" SEK MYâ€" l\l\[ Ui l±m yes ! CENTRE TAIJLKS A F\Lli LEAF TABLESâ€" VEUY CUEAP. My stock of Wood Showing C'uiinot be BiirpiiBHcd in tho County, citbor for workinuiushii) or cheaptifss. CHAIRS! C'aiu>, Pt'ifonitiMl, mid Woodn^atH, from tiui hcKt makerti in Oiilurio. Airivmg daily, â€" TRY MY â€" "Woven "Wii'« SrWNG = BED I From $3 I |>wnr«lN ! MATTRESSES, BEDSTEADS, CRADLES. CKIH BEDS, ( FiiUliiKi and Often) BUREAUS, SIDEBOARDS, CUPBOARDS t III fact everything you want in the Furniture Unu at prices and tormB to suit you. Come and hoc ! Agent for thf Cf.'ehriitett UM * OUGAJN. See them on nhibitiou nl 1111/ ]\\irno<tmt. J. W. BATES, FtirnUum Dealer, Undertaker, Ac., ri.ESHEllTON, - - • ONT. Wanted! A quantity of BaHswood, Soft and Rook Elm, Birch, Maple, Ash, Cherry, and Dnttemut Lumber iu oxohange ^tot Opodo. J. W. BATES. 4'ouiity NrwH. Duiidalk is agitating for a public CBine- tery. A furniture factory in llnnovur, Out., employs 108 IihikU. A fine Walnut tiylit day Clock for only tiM) at KuHsell's Noted Jewelry Store, Fk'Hlierton. An old resident of Sydenliam Township says tlii^ Miiiiitobii wheat crop will aver- aye 'M buHhels to the acre this year. Mr. Ool^'iin, hiirdware nurchaiit ami tinsmith, of .Shelbnrne, luis made an as- iignment for the benefit of his creditors. An unoccupied house and barn in Nor- maiiby township was set on tire by an in- cendiary on Tuesilay iii^ht of last week and destroyed. Mr. .James Brodie, the popular Secre- tary of .\rteme8ia Aj;. Society, was one of the .ludf^es at the \V<irld'8 Fair held at Rocklyn recently. Hev. T. Mall, of I-M"hii;h, Iowa,â€" f.rin- erly Editor of the Dundalk /f./v/</- vis- ited friends in Markdale recently. He passeil his recent examinations with hon- ors. The Dnndalk ILmtd rakes J. 15. Wat- ton, "orator and humoiisi, ' lore and an. In its last week's issue. Whatever Wnt- »on may bo otherwise it is certain lie isan able lecturer. Gill>ert Isaac, of Tliombuiy, a|ipeared before Mayor (irier recently, charijed with as.sault and the use of profane lanj^uane. He pled ({uilty and was fined $1 and costs, in all atxmt 8!'. A man named Wm. Cullen, of Owen Sound, in preparing to leave his house to BO to work one niomini; lately, fell do'.vn In a fit and expired l)eforc noon, without regaining consciousness. A Dnndalk nmn sjiys "he has eighteen hens which laid Ki'Jo eggs between l.i.'.t March and the (ii-st of Oct. and rai.ied a flock of chickens and a Hock of ducks.' Although a/oi'/ yarn it has a mighty tishy •mull 1 IJro. Creighton, of tho Tiiini, says there is always a plentiful supply of laughter in connection with the enter- tainments given by Mr. J. W. Ileiigonu'h, Editor and Cartoonist of (hip. He ought to know. Allan's "sink hole," in Gloneig Town- ship, is to be covered by a lloating brid'je by Mr. ('. A. .Tohnslon, of .Markdale, f..r the sum of %I.'IH(). Ilnw would a similar structure answer for the iiotoriouH "Craai- ts-rry Marsh" ni Artumesia ? Anthony .Mercy. Sexton of the Roman Catholic church Walkerton, has summon- ed four or five liiiys befiJle the seat of Justice, for indulging in profane language ami other disorderly prr)Coediugs around tliechurcli dmir on Sunday evening last. â€" 7(nici' Iliralil. Thornbury and .Meaford |iapers are frantically agitating for a High School in each of their respectative towns : ditto Durham, ditto Markdale. Kleshurton calmly looks on the Idliputian "tug of war" and one of these days will <|uietly and serenely v\il in and carry oil' the cov- eted prize. A child betwien three ami four years of ago, belonging to Mr. Kaufman, living near Dunkeld. wandered away from home on Tuesday lani, and hail not been found U|> to the time of going to press. The whole neighborhood turned out and spent Tuesday night in an unavailing search for the little one. ilnur llmild. Our enterprisini; and intelligent stock farmer Mr \\ ni. Kaweett, Deputy Kinve of Eughrasia, took eleven prizes for .iheep alone at the (treat Northurn Kxhibition in (!(dlingwood. Mr. Fawcett on Satur- day last expressed two pigs to Shunk, the great stock farmer at Aurora. What do you think of that. -7'/i'oi</i»ri/ Sliuiittinl. Mr. Thomas Cuttell, of Melancthon, was Seized w ilh a paralytic stroke on Fri- day last. .Xs he is an old man, over 88 years of ago, he will hardly recover from tho oH'ects of tho stroke. Mr. Cut- tel is considered to be tho oldest luinter in Canada, and was proprietor of one of the first job [rrinting offices in T(u-onto. â- Shi'lliunie Free I'nHS, Mr. AIbx. Hrnwn, sr. , of tho tf>wnlino Minto and .\rtlmr' father of Mr. James lirown of Mt. Forest, met with a bad accident last 'ITiiirsday. The old gentle- man with an axe over hi* shoulder was walking from tho liush to the house when he stumbled and fell, the blade of the axe striking him in the back ot tbe head in- flicting a deep gash. Dr. Meikle was tumnioneil and dressed the wound and the old gentleman is progressing favora- bly. Had thu axo struck Mr. Brown on the neck it would certainly have killed him. â€" Mt. Forest lieprcwnMiw. The vault in Mr. Cargill's office was broken into on Thursday night last, and the sum uf onu hundred and forty four dollars carried away. Tho work was done by two disguised robbers, who first tied u]) the night watchman. It was the day before pay-day in Mr. Cargill's office, and a large haul wivs no doubt anticipated. In this the robbers were fortunately disap- pointed, as Mr. Cargill never keei)S much money around him. He draws the amount of the pay sheet from tho bank always on pay-day, and only happened to have this money in the safe from receiving payment of a bill the night before. Con- stables Hefleinan and Kerney were on the ground next morning, -lirmv. Ueridd. The Sun. The sun is a v.i.st body, l,2(i(;, 000 times as large and nearly ;V_'7,()()0 tii'ics jis heavy as the earth. That which we .see of it or- dinarily is a white hot central mass, which is really only a part of the great globe. Next to this i:< a beautifully-colored en- velope from .'i.OlK) t<i 10,000 miles in thick- ness, called the chromosphere, while out side this is a comparatively dense atmos- phere, or corona, stretching away for at leat 100,(X)0 iinles, while Iwyond that again there is a further atmosphere con- sisting to a laiu'e extent of hydrogen, the lightest substance known, reaching, it may be, a million iiiilos or more farther into space. Look at the .sun shining brightly nbove us ; it seems a picture of (juietude and stately grandeur. In point of fact it is sonicthing veiy ditlerent. There is noth- ing with which man is acciuainted that is in such wild cnfusion as tho surface of the sun. Talk "I startling volcanic erup- tions, eartliipiakcM andstorms, the violence of all terrestiial commotions since the world was inhabited would not equal one hour's disturbance on the face of that boiling cauhlriiii we call the sun. A cy- clone on the faith's surface that whirls around at the rate of 100 miles an hour is a hurricane carrying' all before it ; but there are S(dar whirlwinds and fiery floods that sweep along at 100 miles a second. .\n eruption oi W'suvius entoinlis Pom)>eii; but there are momentary and unceasing eruptions on tle^ sun in which the whole earth would melt with fervent heat and \hi engulfed, so as to leave not a rack behind excipt an inappreciablo addition to the sun's gaseous atmosphere. l*lirnomrnal. "Oh, fieorge, " cried yonnt; Mra. Mer- ry, running to meet her husband at the door. "I've something the liest to tell you.'' â- 'No," said Oeorue ; "what is it/" "Why don't you think the baby can talk ! Yes. sir, actually talk 1 He's said ever and ever so many things. Coiiie right into the nuraery and hear him." (Jeorge went in. "Now baby," says mamma is-rsuasivo- ly, "T.dk si>ino to paiia. Say, 'flow do you do, papa (' " "(ioo, t;oo, goo, goo," says baby. "Hear him ! "shrieks inannna, ecstatic- ally. "Wasn't that just as plain as plain could be /" (ieorge says it is, and tries to think so, too. "Now nay, 'I'm glad to see you, papa.'" "Da, da, boo, bee, bee." "Did you ever ?" crit^l mamniii. "He can say everything ! Now you precious little honey bunny boy, say 'are you well, papa (' " "Boo, ba, do, goo, goo." "There it is," said nianuna. "Did you evi^r know a child of his ago who coiild really talk as he dues ? He can jjst Hay anything he wants to: can't you, you own dear little darling precious, you ?" fioo, goo, dee, di, fioo." "Hear that I He says, 'Of course lean,' just as plainly as anybody could say it. Oh (ieoige, it really worries me to have him so phenomenally bright. These very brilliant babies nearly always die young." A CriH|> Coiirt.ship. A young man was employed at an oflico on the Western Union Telegraph Line. In the course of business he ascertainod that the ]>ersoii having charge of a station in a smnll town some 70 miles distant was a young lady and that her name was Sarah. Forthwith, in an interval of leisme, Hashed over the wires this mes- sage : ".My name is Smith. How old are you ?" To which the answer was promptly re turned .• "IMy name is Sarah. None of your business." The next oii»«»n thus : "I am not married. What are you worth '( " To which the words came back : "worth a million." As a climax tb» youth replied ; "Will you marry me I" Tho answer was "Yos," and in four months they were married. Having opened out a lot of Fall & Winter Goods Personally selected by myself, I can confidently recommend them. I bave » large assortment of Mens. Ladies, and Ghildrens BOOTS AND SHOES! Also a full supply of Mens and Ladies RUBBERS, and Mens FROST PROOF FELT lUlOTS. I hope to receive a liberal share of the trade im tins vicii>ity. I will endeavor to satisfy my customers iu QUALITY and PRICES. V^m, CLAYTON, , Flesherton. DURABLE I CHEAP # AND THE W E L L - K N O W N HT WAGON ! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TLNWARE. &c. for sale as usual First-class value in every dq^artment. Agent for VIGKER'S EXPRESS. All parcels left with him will be promptly and carefully attended to. MAXWELL CARRIA6E WORKS ! Little <& Blakely, .M.\NLK.\CTUBEHS OK Carriages, Democrats, ^\'agona &c. Repairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing, and General Jobbing Done on Short Notice and at Reasonable Prices. JOHNSON LITTLE. liUtckinHith, Maxwell, Jlay afitli, IsW. THOS. A. BLAKELY. U'lilfoH-Mdktr <t' I'ainter. H" FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS or e uii MoBU!!i6&t&l Works Such tt-3 Moniuuents, Tomb Tables, HcadstoncEc Counter and Table Top.s â€" in American and Italian Marble and ('minite, and made on short notice. Also Mantles iu Marble and Marblcized Slate, &c., ifce. eshorton. Aug. 30, 1883. IIEALTIT FOR ALU HIJtlitOWAMiplLtS^aiMIMENT THE PILLS I'urify the lUooil, corroct all DtsordurB of tlie Liver, StomticU, Kidneys, a.ncl JBro>vet»*. Thoy inviKoratoaud roHton.' to hmltb Uubilitatod CoiiRtitutlonn, and are invaluable iu all C^oiif- plaiutHtiiciduutal tu KuniiUutt of all af<oii. For Children ami th<> nf^utl t})uy aru )>riceUH». THE OINTMENT la an iufallibleroinody for Dad 1>«R54, Had HroantR, Old W'uunds, St^>)n|S tyid Uloera, It is famous f«f (itnit and Hhuumatisui. For disordei-s of tlio C'bii^t it baa no etiual. For SOUE THUOAl, BROJVCHITIS. COUGHS, COLDS UlandalarBwolUugs.and all Skin niHentos It has no rival ; and. fpl ooi^actud and still oiitts it acts like a cliann. MantitaotareA only at Profossor Hou.ox^v's Establish iiioot, 78, New 0\for«l Street (late .'iSS. (Oxford .Street), London, and are sold at Is. lJd.,-28. IKI., 4s. (Id., lis , 2*.. and :ti8. ea«h liox or not, and may bo had o( all Med clnit VciKlorB tlirou^bout tlio World. ^Slf* Pitrchuncrs !<hi>i'hl hmh ir. Ok- hiM im the Pi/U and Uirrm. If the udobrosi uruU 5.<'^, ()if>rd Street, L<'(wJo«, they are s)»ir'untK, mpmPmmC I, .NATURE'S REMEDY. ,! iFOR C0UGHS',COLDS,H0ARSENES5, iTHROA.T a LU:NQ COMPLAINTS iNsr.ANiRELiEi- PitsiTiviiCuiu. DOUSLC TUCATMBHT IH KAOH pACKAOfl Southern ASTHMA CURE INSTANT ncucF Ton ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF PBICC SAMPLES, 26a.; REQULAR SUE, •1.00 •ooMCM FULFORD & Co., â- nocKVii.LC C. OrJT. J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer arid Undertaker, ^liG^j^&aTON om. k ^.i â- Sir**' M, i