Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Oct 1887, p. 1

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I ^ • !* mm ,* >ip PLESHERT9N ADVANCE. 'TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR-"- ' PRLYCIPLES, .YOT MEJV." VOL. Vn., NO. 328. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6, 1887. A. R. FAWCETT, ^-p%lk,Er^^. -â- { The Centre Grey ?â€" i> Tit - Bits. Jew ELRY Stoke^: ' Rejyurter.i. Call and s«e Claytous P<.rh»t ifx/ Oiutmeitt, cheaper tliaa anvwheru tlst in the oomitv. Trade' with Comniitncea Fait KompUte ttock a) goodt in ail lin« Firtl^Ctat$ slio-pt carry. ff f«* ' lo purthate a. &ii>d)te ' We art oblim-il to leave over a lot of ' loeid anil ottier ictcrcstinsj matter Hus i.»Rpvk, sach as ArtamcHia Show Sot««. t Pnae hJfU PricK'.-ilk- JottUigs. <ic.. but 1 • look Qtrt for them next »«?«k sx well as ^'V. , ftu intectisiiu^ batch of ^eucml local iAati""^'- Will buBe iu, Oct. 15th. a full set of te^c lenaob fur uatnracc. near 'an<! fac liiuht. atid all exc delectK It viii pav to trv my iuetho>1 of ritt '.?•<» spfx pcrfect- 5v. w. A. Tow*^ jc Outiciau. MsTkiiale. Ut. ( i»*[ Fr.n Wau-h. Clock. EaKa«;cww!Bt or PoKt 0Uc*f X«rtire. in»-Oft<»be» tho iKt nntil the Ist of next M»y. Mwyipshtrton P 0. will be iop*"*'' *"'' <"'<*w^ Hail* iSitmiayB «Qt- loeptei!') aKfoHowVr^Qwnetl from H a. 'ik. till 7 p. Tu. R. .T. S)n-onie. Heshet- ' tpa. Dateil, October 1st, 1887. • Fbr a fine cigar go to ftnsacll's Flesh- .«?*"»• , . . •» .„,.-. , .. »â-  : P«'r^.*i'J>i<<?r?«;«' tor sale verVclreaii „,,i ,,_„_ '^'. Uoioi offers for sal* bis esorilent watur po\i«r saw mill, an] shingle ami brootabauiUe lactorv. .Unit at Littlu l*^ll«. 2 miles from FloHiierton. 3« feet •fiead nf wattr to ilrive n-ith. The laad -Mirromi'lttii:. will be -vA-' in lets to stiit ' pnrchR-sers. .Vddress, W. H'^i^a, f\e^h- erton Station. (8t) Russell's Noted lewelry Store, Flesh- "t*ton. is the v^VMf* t»' git .\oiir '\':»teht.'s. Cli'cis, .lewfiry. ic. Hib tiiiest stock in the councv. Took First Pri7.e at the Fletsiiuciuu ^uw ^u .Sf pk i'ixid and 2drtU XhuT are luiviut; a s{>«a(al discuunt^le of thttae ({ooiiB fur tiie ia»t 30 davs. and Cirine 20*^, off ou all oash Rales of tl iieamrs if The .\dva.sci! wtII uot-.c* m the fifth pajje ot onr paper this week the miuumuth 'F'dl Aitnuuivrintttf" of that euterprisiug firm of General 3for- chauctf, Mu:>iirs. M. Richardtion i Co.. of Flesijurtou. Thia firm enjoys a cuuu ty reputation aud iit nott)d fur it£ houe^t ami Ktran:htn'r\v&rd iieauut;~ with ;t- maiiy ciiNtomerw thronebout the ieiuitii> and breadths of this district. One tact we would call spt'cial attention to. ami it is this: Everythini: advertise'l by them thirniiih thiie newspapers or by ; moans of any other raediam. will be â-  fonud â€" liowever learehins the inve^ti- i;»t:onâ€"-j^cti\i u repr^t-nt'd. They oarry a maen:fii"ent stock in every de- pttTtmeuc A :heir Uu8iuet.:^. GREAT' Discount Sale! -OF- I If vuii want a Fu«t Prize Watch, and 1 one tJuu will keep tiiue properly, you I will uav'- lo call at Ru8i>eil 's N'oted Jew- elry .Sture, Flethertou. Watchtis war- rauteu from ii to 5 veara. ^ Cl&yiioas J^uesa Shop, Flesbectpt^ iij u»d told onln at a /air pag f'orytiur^' Gra^a in Fairly ;'ourinj5 ui to Fiedler- . Son market. Our buyers s;ive top prices. ^oodi profit, do biuiHete icithme. "T/mI. I'tuftlv" don I ouuu to nu of "necettitf'^ '^ .1 B4>dt>c<*tt^ aud Kiirean. with Pennine flatr Mir- ror uu for onl> $7.50. at Bairn'. I top prices. T.i-^aj-ufVQur Watch reimirtJ ncopei- IT. you wt}i b«'*e to. ia^iut it ta RusbeU. , flesbectott. â€" tkeg comu as a /'act/rvM "Jivioe" tof j v Ziuy good* and get icork dune : teliick ooiiJiJciux I remuiK indrpted tu mij »ang patrvHt e twe mutd Uooaeii iu Fle«U«rtoB lOBT. office. »^f|»fent. For iMrticuiars aj>plv »o ROBT •'"^^WaiTTEN, or-a* Tax .iDTincB "^ ' ) TIk beautiful tkua-aot presented b<^ iCSlrist Cbnrdi con-iTeaation to Miss ZtfiMtnu ptuUim Wort}, orifanixt. wa» i>n»cnre<l by thf Idomitifttw from '-the IVoples .leweller." todolMttrby ik» "public" oaak or , W. A. Kwwn, Markda'ie. • Tk»fi>llowi«iB were aferted otHcers of Fle«hiwrtoii Divijnfm. Sdn!* of Temper- auoe, for the ourreut Utui : â€" .^ r: Fawcett. D.O.T.P. • O. .T. Sproule. W.P. K. Beflaiiiv-Wjl. W. Leitci!rR.S. E. Uiowju. A. Kfc. a,, B. Ciiristot, F.5». U'. LaBmer. Traaa. N. Kester, Con. M. He^rrott. A.O. ,»^ V. Ke«ter. Sentinels Tliat ^pankins; yoiint; staHion, •''7i- »ruij-." â€" owned by Jas. T. Wilson. Esq.. Proton â€" tor>k socoad prize ^t Stayiiur the Roadster clasK. being ishowu 111 I <7r«. ii«a« 114 n ii If yoii \vanli to <«c«r» vnue first priM Watche"*. doclw and -Tewtlrv at whole- â- sate prit*s, Ton will do "ell to call at â- crvdU Uuxn an» otktr J^utbr m OntrHt\ »•• I •' Ban.irri. ftraO!^. of »<or- ftTisseU-s NoW Icw,^/ >u>te, Heshur " ] wich, Ont, wa-s visitiug his parent* ami ton. *itnin the noxt BO uays. ftrienus ill -Vi^mesiareeeutHv. Of course , , ~ ' : â€" '. â€" 'he wa« "in neaherum and called on maiiv -^ -wmewliat aimiwi..^ ineideut occurr- of his ..1,1 frifcods, who w«re <kliai;»ed n, , «*!â-  w this locality rec««i»i> . A dispute n^twiUi hioiasain. ' ^ ' V^ i**"^*"" t*«> «w«iwd but respec- - •- ' â- â€¢â- â- â€¢-'â- ' .'.jia,UlM ^iiyi^f biuMimsa luyii i-rMwiai-nii,^ ,^ Rev. Tboa. Wat»oo pr*»ac1iej n do- 1 »uiail debt oi KJ evM*. We will donit; t-~i*-JLM«< .n.i ;» i.K.> ^u«t.i>4 .<)uuwl. LQatWitiMaiiV Mr . A ^â€" Mr. b- ^ot con- re c,u Suudav niorniut! iW,, tbo le<u!. >'«n»«siioa Mr. A. uiSft^ mat Jir. B. .ins tlji>u(|h» innna tbe u«K-«»«»ity for Ijov- ow, i him tiiat .aniount and the latter lug Christ .11 thr l»tri. Text. Luke Ic ' <i«»ni<^ *e -of* inipeaehDiciit. Shortly 7v. S-veral baautiful aud iiioMXing afht wards "\[r. B. tcorcd ^o a ueishlwr- u { a^iutit live spleudid aulmals: he Cujk 2n<i at the Great Northuru, held at Col- Uuewu<Ki hut wuek, beinj4 .sbowu o^iautst aoine of the best hora«H in Cautwik Iu the opsu trot bt- took third plaee. This iR a ^rand reoorit for tlus handsome an- imal, and Mr. Wilson w to he heartily congrattilated on tiie spleudid sac<f!» I which has attended him at the big fairs ImenCoued above. R;ich entcrpri^ln; stock- raisers deserw the unstinted sup- jport of ^ wide-awalu at^iciUturists. I C.KRPET "WEAVING.â€" The under si|;uod ill now prepacod !w execute all 1 orders euDuslud to hiH care in the above j haiku i^ansfautiou guaraaioed- â€" N. I C.'tltfBEi.L. W. A. BROWN, Thp PfinniA A tlf^WftnGr. lidt«a were untoUad ia a ck«r aovl ««â-  ««>i t'"*"- ^bi'" a ai« little dodge »ii^ I na reUfJiiJS VC^''<7"'^''Li^oi ^^„^. .,,.... ;!?«rfvd'it..iftoMr i: -rtl get ever ^ Iâ€" â-  ...j^ f i twr . -. i U-it'.j liifti â- â-  fJiiJ he. Forth-vithhaftUeo If you want tu iocare siume lirtt jirize Watcben. t'Uxjks lUiti .Jewelry .it whole- sale priees, vou will do well uy call at .aU'b \u«ed Jmmmia 'dtoiA. '"'â- "Htr withm tihe nuxTlW davs. ton. W^rcsMSt Clocks 9 ImyrsLMMr» dec. In ordrr to make room for our larpt Fill uiid Winter Stock, tec havt deciu- iaI to yn'r 20 per ceui. <tjf on iH cath fiiet o/'$l.lMi an J over lor the luxt 30 DAYS! 77iu 14 •! fart chance to ttcure nuc good* at \fholetale pricfs tit the ttock mutt he rfiUced. An 81S.00 Watch r./r .n/y «1 4.-40, <« $15.dO Watth for »12.<W. d »10.(K> Watch for $8.yO. xrfirrtmted from three to tire yeart. Tltcte lire the ifooJt. that recvived jirtt }uii« lU Ftethertun Fail Fair. C'viit* oionai cmd get lome >/ the Bargaiut. Fotitirclf for 30 dayi rmly, tt RUSSELUS NOTED ; JEWELRY STOKE, UrL£Sff£^TM\ Markdale. s ' I The HovBo wft«w htiiHie in thi« ••wa 'a V^.^ wit': luipcrs ami varioiih kinds of â-  ' [in Sn a verr dan«;erons c\>nr(ttKin' and ;rui>bi«^ auu t'\prwe.-*d it CO.L>. to Mr ^- fshonld be attended to at once bjr- oor B. "sfcnifliow the lauer t(o( wuiU of tbe â-  -' ^ tTowaahfp Falheni. .\ >m)ai! cxpendi- *flair>ai»i wbau tbe Ikx arnvoti, rotiiseil AV t«K£! .a>TK«TIMMj^ljAT*l|^j^^^, ^^^^^ ^^^, ^ teluporarUy f»fe 5ob . fc lake it. It waa then ru.shtppod to *^ â- '"'tvS,' i^scK ami SOS fiT yoiir-*lf.fpf It, biitU ihouly a i^uestion of tiius -"*»â-  A., wht) had .'iO coats exprees char- HumiieO* have JxjiJ so auJ wuit. ''•'"-'>'<»'*; befow a uew biidau will havu to lie-ii(*« topa*-. Amttliis: ."j|.lir.rx'rVi:t:a"* H.tJ";,u";'^.iai.;bu^^ with Mr. B.: , un.iii oiK sou J04 v>»ii. w "'" J';.,«»>i,u â- ' -Mh ~~jz~ r •" ; "V ^, , â„¢ .1 ;~~^ ?ai .i.lvoiii..oiu»ii;.'*.n To}. Ar>VANr»: wiV. brluR . A.iftMtM in lata Anvi.tvJ |-t«»ow» i* I"'' ptaoe-io Watrhes, Clocks, in the «)niit\- i-- Russell's NoUhI Jewelry Su^ru, Fl^i- ' Th* ttnest st.x-k of M. .Ml ut Hire h.,;p / A.i..«i« .n-a» Any4.fs»|-w«oi*. 1* Ih.' ^et. yoar W,*lies, i h wolry. sjivrrware evutvlwia. Addl.«» <Jt o»U ou A. It- j';*»\5*«ll<Cl*0k».-'oW«lBy ...*!.. .ujvxxlk Offlt.-. r'.oJicrtoii.Tor wijiis. **. j,, ^)„, ^.„nn4, Took:»ho First l»rui« i\t StTe, Flo-^horton. It took ttrst prize at ' ' *~ ,J;"l»j»hexuni «lio'wiip,5>ti|>t..'J"Jnd«ivi ii:(n!. ^ Flesherton r»'J fair. It will pay you to «*'â-  . I.. I'lio !!«»â- Â«Â» .st\>c!r M be fotiud nt Rassj^ll's Noted Jcwelrv ' eouBt*. Tot o0000000000000000000O0000000000Qq^J^j.^^^^jjj,.^,^i^^^j^jjj^^^y,^ aalc lean ami Hv.iue souio of ihu bar>«ni»!t mmm i nKSsm^s Ivf tliB>4a«u<)ds ^ the uoxt MO 'i»\3. «ii4 ,thuv are ^viug fof tiiu next M liays. viu«( iii,% a(i on all eiudi saleu. of 81 1 ttMl o^r. ' â-  • 1 (, The H.v»e»t Uoiim Fe»'tiv»l, held in the Mellioviist oirireh. Klesjiei^tiOO, on Miss Frain*. the popular elovXitionist Woon.wiay u\-«iiuK if la^t «-wk. wji... n , t. t .AamiiVI and deli<."<»»ed the pef'^fe who : linaticiiii s«oii»s. Ihuspleinhd .s;{) Tliwv iK'iiig !<oori fjivspccts 01 «â-  ^^jj^^^,,, ^j,^, social in the Meth>Hlisti ui the bos, ineiit of liiie ohiiroa was vetv fifsh qnnmfty of l-lonr to Ih> «>U- i gj^jj^^.h i,err on Fria,nr nijjht List with ^ii-wUtable h^ th.- ladies, while ihe n^ti snuiod ^u llio viHago miJ suri'<>niiiii)i>ar'b4f powers .-Xi a iniWtc ctvlttr. she al- onltami decorations were the tastieot couutij the prctsciit season, ibc un- ' \vfijs Jot^s carry F^esljicctou audiences ' «n.t' best eVfv stH.^ lierc. TSe -stMcess iujvt Bra Kolh-d is- GruniJaieti Oai-^4lU Com Meal. Cracked Wheat, Chop. Slioi-ts. k^ parts ol tlu' i>ro);r;i w«» dr»iThR a horse and ca** over tltei , giderablv uitoresc ami much favoraiile ' Koyaa tm<h(«'lMre mi Fridav last, whuu cooiiDent wa^^indiil^ad in bv tlie atuli the aniinal smidonh" turiitsi and phnis;- oiio»' iu' ooniioi'tiim thorewitU. Tho • ed ik<wii the steei'^st part of t<iee»nb«u»k. . Choir received a t>racofiil and earnest I meirt- -la ot l."? feet ftH't doi'p. ChHrlet eonifh:mnt from Rrv. Mr. Shilt^ni for ' Was throw n some distance on the liiud tiie nmiuiev m wiiich they acquitted . -» i !j{r6uud A\it!i £{rcii$ violenco, and sus- ' themsehes. The gelectioim by the . .-•.!» j^j taiJB««l,8ymo hrliiHoa aixil a severe shak- J FloKlieitoii Glee Clnb were well adapt- ' * ''^'^Mi W "I*- ,'i'huA'tin;i: boys estai.s.'U uuLurt' od U> tlio oecasiuu aud the ruudeiinu oiithi)'*iii.-*iii. Mr. l>.)l:v)(dv of .AU'aiord Hi>ad. V Sp lug up. ,TUuA'tin;i: boys estai.s.'U uuLurt' od U> tlio oecasiuu a by juiupiug frou* tji« uart, Oiib >*itafl thereof croatod luaoii . ',' • ' Bl'8,11 and OitS otthc'CttJtwtvs.-<'.nan1ied, Imttlve lmi-s»;,r!wi ' ieaca4Jed uiiiuii«>Al. It was a iiijwwle"'' •â- â€¢ â-  ' :\.l Uottom TritiiS for Cash. â-  i , miracles that there weio uo iat»li^i«B. erial IHsfOiiBts Vied. RrTiiiKiE.â€" In Flu.shi.'rton. at the rosi ' leui e .'f M. Rich.irw--i'U, Esq.. ou ; Thursiiay. ."vpk i^'th, Mrs. Jane Rnc ; iedi^e, ar. . »<>« McFarland, aged 76 , vt-ars. I ^The funeral, which took place on .Saturday, w as oiiiedv uttouded by rela- tives. At rttpiest of >lecvasnl ipiior to her death) it waa to lie as ijaiet and iin- ostentiitious as i>oiwible, and her re- , .]uest was sacredly observed. The me- : iiioria! -kTrnou waa preaohpii here ou ' Sunday evpni'iq by Rev. Mr. Shilton. â-  from the ^irds found '.n Ruth k. and • Srst clause of verse 17th, viz.. "Where tliou diost will I die, and there will I ht' iniriej." .-VocorilinR to custom, relatives ^ of deoease\: occupied trout .-.tsats. It is | soarceiv ueeessary to add. that :» powar. , fill and soui-citirrint seriuouâ€" tuii >.<( brisiiit aud cheerful tiioufjiits â€" w:is preaebivi. I>r. Chri.stoe. who was with ieeeiu-e 1 durini; Ikt last illness. sp.»kc for «t'> f.nie conceniins her I'lire life. ' 5odlv example, pions conversation, oiid ;ilorious lcAt!i. l'>ecen.sed leaves a fa^ii- ily of i^iowii up childreu. a number .if »;rai;v! chilJrcu. .and .;rLa:>;raudklul>l- '. â- â- . !i ;.' J.KTLsli ;ier iiieiiuuy. 0( h««- ' *;;;;iiireii we luipht lueiiu, .i Mr W .1. McF.iriii-jil, of Mark;i;iio, a;i i Mrs. M. i liicliivTvisou, of Flesherloti- both well- l know 11 t*i .\i>vAMK readei--^. Al'Jiouth i not iKUsonallv aoquoititeU witii llie sub- i j«ct of this brief notice, we iiave v'n t more than one ocea«ioii been ciiarmtHl I ami delij;htcd with tbo i^'eiil iiiten-st slio t(wk in anitsinij a number of little children who where plavuio in Fle-sher's Tark here. This niav soeui a little thing ; but "little thiiiss" ivre often faith- ful indexes of character." ''Vf. 'ItA. ISST. It i»re|H>rtMd here that ou Mouoay Mr Geurue Banks, of lot '.i. ci>ii. 4, .^niarioiiij. near Lauml, full o(f tile ciiair, on Miticli he wivt sitting, and expired uiAtuutly lie dnjoved Kuod beaith up to the uuiv ol liis suiideii death. The duceHsuU wiui ubv^ul Oi> yoara of a^te. â€" :Si)eHHtnu Frre i'rna. The number .if entrie* at the Grvn: Xortheru Exhibition, CoIluuw.'oJ. t !ii> year. wi« in exoeM of any prvv!. in year, in every de|iai-tuieiit except l..-tdie» W,.rk. TUire was an atteudauco of 3,i.lO0 visit' r» uu socuud day »f show. Life becoinea alinust a burden when the tKHiV IS racked xitii liie -sutloi'u.' wiiich iirise;! fruui Krofui.k If .'Uiy itun; of ui;s disease lui-k> ill \iiur biiKni. Avii ~ SarsafMiriila will ex;<el it. The entire sys teiii may tie tiiowiui;hly renovated by tai,- inc ;his luediciiie. Mtiiiiit Forest sidewalks idnud condition. :»re in a a;.,i' OCVU- 1 I caca4>ed uuiuiuriA). It w»,s a numole^li i,>ted, tbe chair, auu tiie followiii»i i>eiith>- 1 iiwti aaiivored a Idrcs-ses, viju, Mr. Thos. Iveilti. Dr. tlhnstoo. Mr. I'horp Wrifiht, Mr. W, H Bj'wM. (.>mnc? Sciitoe of Mr. Win. Btvhanaa, and Ksv. I'hoe. the Sons of 'l\'intHTa«iee i« Ontario, Was Watson. Tin- xi't^ch of the « venino in Flcsherton la>t l'hnrsI^^^-, and called \ wa.s made b\ Kev. Mr. Watson, whoso Acouriliiuf 1</ (mwmt (1/ FMrKtUim: | npcvn a unmNT of members' of the Di- rcuuukaj^e orif;iinUity of tiiou^ht aud ___ wT '^l>|>T\rT)T 1? ' vision hei-i>. He instiliittyl a ifow Oi- common .poBselivnouaoo has won for him ly \\ ^ [^ Ixl^^Wyg^jC:^. v\mon «tli&^}\\it\n\t. last wp<>k. which J a forenui^t place iu the ranks of our best * â-  â-  ' 'piomisos to become qnito a (!iiTirishinj; : platform stKakors. The Bra-ss Band iiwtitutiou. lie also attended tlie Pi.-- ^ a.s,-iistvd. Sliijrtlv aftot 10 o dock the ^ [ trict Di\ i^oii st BaJocrog, a Tull ;u-coniit ' ix>opltf wt)to vhsuiiseed with Uie beuedic- : â-  _ _ _L ' -1! '-- â€" -i-' â€" â- 't~"'- , of whi»Ji Apixaicd in lujil wocdv's .-Nv- tioii. ooiK»«Mi<KKioooo»oooooOOOoooooODi)OOOo, v,v.Nca. Mr. Bowell ouuntaiut. a \.vv. â-  â€" -r -* â- â-  '- - â€""^ favortible inipresHii'H of the poo)>k' oi If you want a I'irut l>rize Watch, and tliiH l<K»l«v. H* »^>e^ks in slwwmi' ' one UitU «!ii keep time pn-pouly, you termN iif tilie past historv and fiiture I will have to call at Rnsjiell's Note«l Jew. pros|xvts of the Souk o; I'enijieriiuce elrv Store, Klesher«on. Watches war- aud is evidently a verv /.ealaus and i-a- tient woiJkt* IB the interests of that S<v eie*y as well an of tlie cause of Temper, auce youwraHy. 'Vhe finest stock of Watches, (.'Ux-ks, .lewelrv. Silverware in the county, is â-  to be found at Russell's Noteii .lewolry Store. Klesliert«>u. It t<>ok tir^t- prire ai Flfsherton fall fair. It will pay to call and secure <onie of tbo baroaius they are mvino for the next 30 davs. Xvxt door U/ Vim^vvt -S/iu* l)im>;i .\ Prns<>N unable to sleep in bed. un- able to work, unable t<i take ordinary e\ < ercise from the affects of .\sthiua> until uidu^; Southern .^sthiua Cure. A siunplu i liackagu rvUcved, Utree packages pur- uiaueiitlv cured.' , PHINTINU: -VKS. OH, VI&Sl IT WlUl. FW nil iimioiiuHotlt'ii*"***!* '••'' '*''» *''"'^ t > nut llmii 'â- 'oilii"'; '•''"" »' Tl"^ Al'v\NCH If- All. Vli«liortou. ('iH.>i utirk lit honMrt ^)nn'^ «vi.rv time I V ilolliM w»v«.l i* « *>ll»r •arat-l •uthoiirov^b »; «•. Fi»pi|.hi«w. Voi*«r% I'lr^ euUvn, l'r,.KVmii^. ni>.l>;.>i s. Sti ujUWUS. ."ill Hi-it.lK, Not.) Mi'H.U. lliHTiliU. Ni'to roniis. B'Sl- i.,.Hs CroIs. VlhltiiiK i'»>-<>». l.»)>olii. T»«», .t"^. l*l»ii» iw C'oluro.1. A.Wr«is» or i«4J uii A K, VawcMI, .\DVA.ScK Olflilo, b'losboi tOu, lor »arui». I rauted from H to .> vaars. ,. t Whkkb rr K.>r>». â€" Nine-tenths of tbe dia<>ii-»o denominated Catarrh is tbe re- sult of protracted or oft.reiieato<l oolds ADVJSr.TISS IJi Ttxe ADVAJlCS t'ton. Fbr a &m t4s^it*t9 liiuS«iB's> Fluah- 1 iu the head. Na.sal Balm will give im mediate relief and pexmaueut ouree. An iiifei-osiiiig «Hi'euioiiy whioii ha* been Usikeu forwaril to i,>r some time c;!inr.nau.'d mi Wevlliosday luoriiiUK in the inarniMje of the Rev, .)»». Ward, recontiy liiciinibeiit of this Parish and now of Milli<niik. to Mi«s Fanny Fi>rd, ddeat dniiu'hter of Mr, .1 W Fonl The inai". najje service was ooiidtieted lu Christ Church at 7 a, m., thepruaent lucunibeut,| K«v. Mr. Grahiuu, oMoiatiuj. - ,UdrlUu'e. l^oitJardf '^ ' j^

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