^^ m^T THR FLESHERTON ADVANCE. [Sep. 15, iSSf. â- i â- * ^S Til-Bifs. VoiUininul t'foiu Fimt Pane, HhIiIht Im\ih Ui'j^H, oliba]) aii<l good, lit Claytirn'M, FIcHlii'rtou. Tlio cruim aroHoliuavy iii Tyroiiu tliat otio farnii^r was uhligtMl to stack Home of his griitii (III the Hidu uf tlw, road. Mr. Will. Kay lias hoM his papir, the Chcwloy EiiUrirrute, to Mr. A. W. Uohb. of 'r<iioiit<>, who will takd poHNisHiciii forthwith. Up to Tuewlay, IKth iiwt., nearly 64,000 iiKirr wcirt! talu-ii in hy tho To- niiito Iiiihistrial Kxliiliitioii .Vssdciatioii this year than laHt, in tho saniu time. Tho r.arliih' .\iil of tlie Pnfwhyteriaii ihiirth iiKj |iri paring tn n\\v. visitors a Kood, hot, cheap diiiiur in the Town Hall 0:1 Friday, second day of Kast (ircy ICxIiihitioii. Got your Circulars, Mill Heads. Note lli'atls. Streamers. Flyers, DodRors, .Sale HiIIh, Hiisiness Caris, Visitiu({ I'ards, Sliippiny Ta^x. I'tc printed at The AnvAM k oHice. Mr. .1. K. Moore commenced hiisinesH in KlesheiU.n this week in the Kmnittiro line, and makes an interesting^ toluuin announcement in our advertisiny col- umns elsewhere, which slioidd Ihi road hy everyone. Mr. Moore has put in a magnificent stock tf furniture, which will Imi sold at niarvtdlcmsly reduced prices. ,Iust call at his coniiuodious i warerooins, opisjsite Clayton's hoot A shoe Htoro, and be convinced. The next lueetiiiH of the South (irey Teachers' .Association will he held in thu Moilel .SduMil, Uurhani, on Thins day and Friday the 'ilith and HOtli of Si-|it. Trustees, Teachers and all other friends of edm^ation are cordially in- vited to he present. I'ro^raiiinies will he printetl anil iiiaile<l to Teachers in a lew days. Messrs. Merchant, of Owen .Sonuil, Krethuiir, of Collint^wuod, Ha({- artv, of Ml. Forest, and Miss Kasson, of Stratfoiil. will he pieseiit. Teachers should not fad to lie present as au ex- cellent meeting is uxiH.'cted.â€" Wii. Iitwi!f, Secretary. The Tliornbury Stundnnl Kives an iii- terestini; and amusing aL-coiint of the exploit* of the liiirnlars in Thornliui y and Clarkiihnru. Thu N.K. statioujiafe was literally hlowii t<i jiii'ces and every drawer broken open hut tlie ImrKhirs (jot "nary n^d." They then went t<i Clarksbnrt{ ,ind burst o|Kin all thu draw- ers ill the l>ankiii(4 oMico there hut took nothini^. allhou^h they discovered "II copiH-'rs and 11 cents in pimtiitie stamps." Thoy then visitcil Hartnian'K' ilriin sti ire, wlicro they S4iciircd f 1,50 (11 silvor cur- n.'lley. .\nd this was the aiiioniit of their â- •haul." The chisel!', hraeoM, \c. used on the occasion wt-ro taken from Ihiy- moiid' i cariia;;ii works, Thornhnry. Sonic [lerHOU or |)crs<insuxploded p.iw â- der or some other comhustllile in the lu•i^;hhorlloo^l of Mr, 11, Triinhle's store late last Saturday ninht or early on Sunday nioriiin);. .\ stuffed ftnure was left stanilin^; beside a post. Mrs. Trim hie, who is ill delicate health, \\as(,aiuily terrilicd by the noise. It KfCliis tlie tliiii({ was intunded for a scare. It wa^ a most iTui'l and dis(;raeoful joke ('1 and has reHectt d coiiiiiderahle disin dit on our town. We iiiiilerstaiid a rewanl has l«'en otiercd for the appiehensiun of tho Jierpetratyr.i. This is ri;^ht. I'.very nnans should Is; nsc'il to stamp out such contemptililu tricks. Ihir^lars and their cruel iiuitntors iiinst be made to inider- staiid that the honest citizens uf I- hsli- erton are determined to iiiakti tliiiijj-^ un- coiiifortahlo fur thein in futiiKi. I. N. Marshall, llarrister, Uroclcville, Out, , states ; â€" 1 was po troubled with c.il I in the Ilea 1 that I colli I not sjieak plaiiil, Oun application of N.iHal llalm (javu iiiiinudiate rnlief, and llioruu;{hly eleauc.I out my head. ni«>«l I'nder nilornforiiu .Moutiial, Sept. !l. .V yoiiiii; liuiy nam- ed iJeauvais, a-.'eil 1!) yeaiit, cniiie from 1 apairiu to Notro Dome Jhii^piUil here hint ni^lit to have a tiiiMor ruiiiovetl from her liioulli. she was also Hufl't^rinij from heart diaeami, Rliil npi in the (luctorH ^ii- iie4 liei cliloioform while she wa» iiiider- ^•iiiii5{ opfration hliu never rucovurcd coii- HciuUDIIUM. II : ON Yoi'ii (Ikahii, Don t allow a culd in lhi> liriiH III kIowIv iuhI huhIv run into Catiirrli, vt lien yon enn lie nnru<l for 2!tn, liv iisiiiK Dr. CliMHe'k (^alnirli Oiirn. A fi-tv applicati'MK iMirc iniiipieiit catarrh ; I ti" boxes oiir«8 iir>tiii"ry ratarrh ; 'i to A boxi'H ^H >'Unraiiti'«il toriirK chronic ratitrrli. Tri it. Only 'iii otiiiU unit aure cure. Sold by Uli (leulriji. Coiiiily N'«-MH. Ohicki'ii thifVCB are nuuicniun in the vicinity of Coleridge, IJulferiii toinity. Mr. D. Halhiril killed a licftr near Cor- betton on Siilurdiiy of week before last. Itusli fircH have Uien very prc»aleu.t and water is Bc.irce in t\t vicmity of Cnt beltoii. MifH.lnlia I'ickell, daivlitor 'if Mr. W. <i. I'ickell, .Markdale, bus rctarned to Ht. Louis, r. S. Wiuliim; niachine fraudH are ,v_'aii» on llic war path. Look nut for them. S. I}.â€" This does not refer to a:.'ents of reh- iibl.! concerns. Mr. Arthur Murpliv, of Kosemout, will) was i;<rt (I by a vicious bull a short time ayo, is recovered so far as to be abli! to sit up. Mr. .1. W. Fnnl, of Markdale, has iniido airanL'ciiieiitH with lii.s creditors, wliicli enables- liiiu to rcsinue business in thu fliiurini; line. A Memionite tahernnelc uit'otin',' was in pro'.'ress la.st week near the village of Kifsytli. The Meiinnites are described as fiod-fearin;; people. liimri fires north and west of Shclburnc were still in progress last week. The Kiiioke n',ts so deiise that teams frei|uciit- ly collided on tile roads in (l.iyli<;ht. The KincanlJnu hotel-kei ;vrs •^'</ ciose their hotels- aa stated in this column I la.st weekâ€" but tlioy uladly threw open their doors auaiii two days afterwards. I (Jold has been di.scoTered in the towii- t ship of I)ifni.siiii, almo.^t ifiiu north from Kidariiey and .-Muoma Milju. .\ branch of the C. P. K. runs tlir<int;ri Denison. Kev. A. Wilson, pastor of .'Markdale and Flnsheiton I'reshyterian riinL'rei.'a- tioiiH, preaclieil an .-loipieiit sermon in the I'lvsbyterian church, ((ranyevillf. on Sunday morning' of last week. 1 The spicy, well edited, well [irintcd I and ably maiiaued Shrlhiinif Kinnoniiat I enters its tiflli volmiie this week, enlarg- ed and improved. May every success attend you, Bro. Smith. You deserve to succeed. The Trustees of Sliri(;ley public soliool have re-eiuiayed Mr. David Stewart as teacher for 1K«« and IHWt. It is s.iid Ml. Stewart li;is been teacliini; in Duffer, in lon^ur than any other member of the profuitHloii, .\ wuek n^ii liwtt Sunday, n Um house on Lot :i.'). Coll. 1, .Xiiiamiitli, toj^ether with a lot of lumber, oh^ht tons of hay, a plow uuil wikhIuu hftrrowH, atul alsiut forty umIs of rail fence were destroyed by tire, which ipreiul fmin a swamp near by. Thu Herlin ('iiuiicd has introduced a bylaw ami iviid il a tiiist time to author- i/,e the council 10 l.iko slmk ill the Can. adiaii I'aciliu Hailway branch to the amount of $H0, (100. It is suppoited by the leading busincs* men uiiil luaniifac- liireis of the loHii. .Vt thu openiii!{ uf a iigw church at lliirniiii!'s Mill.H n-cently, a worshipper liiid bis I iickets picked by a niembi'r of the lielit.tiii:;cieil L'eiitry. Sonio fruit, 11 hive of Imes, and a lamb were stolen fioiii stviral putties in the. same neiolibor. hood about the xHliie tinic. The death ocelli red at ..Vyhiier on Tues- day, at the ailvancid a<;e of "H years', of Tlioiiias ,)eukliis foiiuerly a well known Hoolh-ii maiiufaetiirer of Vienna, who in 187-1 eonlesled tile east ricliii;^ of Kli;iii in I the Cnnsei vatiii' mteiest at tlie election fur the llilU.M' of ('iilllllHMlS. \ Thiee ( twen.Siiund bank clerks under- I took t'l iiianaue a sail boat on the hay one day lust week. When the boat cap- sized they became convinced that they weie didy amijtuiiis after all. They iiiiiii- a'.;ed 1.41 din:,' to the boat until as.sistancu ariiieil. when they were resoueil. The ,\yton iiost-otlice wits entered by huiu'lill/. on Tue.sday iiieht of last week llie day after Flesherton post-olhce bnri;- lan anil ten doll.iis in cash, some papei.s and a key cairied away. The key optii- iil the safe, which contained JlilK), hut till- biiri;lms oviii looked the fact. While Nelson .\ndersoii, of ruslimli, was leadiiiij oue of his boiiusi to Hatmtlie animal kiekeil him in the hice, the cork of till! sline cilttim.' out oiiei've, cjijnplete- ly dcMtioyini; the Ri;jli<, and throUi,di the hiiduu of hi.s nose, intitiliitinK that nieni. lier fearfully. He is sj.nvly recoyeriij,'. Tuedday niiilit tho drie,' ami jewelry store of C. .Milli!oi-j.;e of .Vyor was huri:- larixeil. The safo was blown open and watches, rinus and other jewelry to the aue.iiiit of Stifll) secuieil hy the midnight maiaiidei-.', 'I her 1 was no nioiie)' in the safe. No traces whatever of the hui-Klars, .\ number of Markdale hoys wont out lainpinu lecelit'y. Olio of them was put- tin^' in a eharife in a u'uii when the Inini- luer slip] ed, eaiisinn the ^jiiii to i^ootr, clis eliari.'iiix a bullet in the face of another who chanced to come up at that niomeiit. Dr. Sproulu'a sui vices wiiiu called into riiipiisitioii. The lad will recover. Thin IS bow the Oinii Soinul 7'i/ii'J putt it : - "The editor of the Flkshkhtun Au- VAM R aiiinoiiiiiis that he is buildmg a new brick homiM and otticu. We extend our coii({ratuhiiioiis to Bro. Fawcett, on such unprecedented suKcew iii< running a paper that he is able to atltaitce in that direction." Thanks, Bro. Creighton.- we are iitlntiuunj in all directions ; So al- so is our t<iwii. One day last week a little child of Mr. Thos. B'den, if the Sth con., S. W., Me- luncthon, accideiitly swallowed a pin. Mr. floleia saw her child put the pin in its miii«li ami went to iiet it, when the child b* uian to lau;;h and the pin became lodged crnsBways in its throat, and be- fore hlie could uet it out the child tave a choke and K»all''i«ed it. No serious re- sults ha.->e as yet ensued. â€" SMhume tJ'iininhiit. A fatal aceideiit hapiiened to a man name<l Win. .folm Koi.'i.rs, at the- barn of \\ i!«. Bruce, I'eel. a few days a'.'o. He was «n a pea mow when a "patent " fork- ful of peas, after l<eii>;; deposited, rolled tow.irds hiiH, and cro«ded him i^tf Ijefore he r«ali/.ed 't or couhl save himself. In I fallini; he hfrnck the rack and fell from tliencu to the tloor. He w.-is fatally hurt and died eoon afte»w«r^i. He was only 21 yeart of ajje. JIA.WVHLL CARRIAGE WORKS I I r. LoITTLE Sc BlAKELY, M.\.N"LI-.VtTLItKllS ut-' Ciirrias^es, Democrats, Wa'.;oii8 ito. Eepairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing, and General Jobbing Done on Sliort Notice and at ReJMonable Prices. THOS. J0H1T305 LITTLE, ItUlrl.niiiitli .MaxH-fll. Miiv-2r,tli, IV.7. A. BLAKELY. OOTS & S ]IOES! .Vnxwell. Fri»iv tmr mnt Cinifspoii'leut. ( )n FHday evenint; last:, the barn uf Mr. Will. SSproi'.te was discn'»ereil to bo (111 tire, and alth< otjh plenty if help nils on hand in a few minutes, notriViiitj couhl he ilone to save suiythini;.. TUu whole contents of this years crop bmide all his farm implements wene ooiisniiM-'i. Much sympathy is expressed for -Mr. Soroule, lu his loss is very heavy and no iusuiance. The lioune of .Mr. S. Winfers of the Tliiral Lino was burned on .Sunuay e\mn- insf,. caused by the falliii'.; of an old stove The contents were all reiimved mostly in a safe condi^Nm, and, ,-is the house was an iild bi!> onu the lovs is not BU[ipoKed to be rerj- hent'j'. Tlireshinij c'liitiii'its to occujiy the at- tention of the farmers Jiiid the yield of j;i-ain is reported to lie an average yield. The Dakota man espectej^ hcrii did not arrive until Saturday, and His object was not to lecture but to entice visiJ^rs toscc that great uouiitry, of which. He gave i.'lowinK aceoaiitt There arw some anxinaa to yii but are not able to alh>rd the ex- pense. llaviiij,' recei-i'etiriirge aMtlJtioiLS to try .Sifdck, I iiave a good supply on hand of Sttiuincr Owsds. LADIKS WEAS. â€" A fine as.soi-fment in Prunella, FiencFi Kid, Cioat, I'oli.sh Calf. Wifl" and Heavy lloots. MISSKS .WNI) nOYS WJ-'.Al!.- A large variety of Lace A Cutfon tJoots, Shoes and Slippers. CIIILDIJENS WEAIJ. â€" \ very Imgc assortment of all s.jrts and .sizes. -MKXS Wl:.\n.â€" I have Jliiff. Calf and Eiiainelle.1 BalnioraLs, Oxford Tie.» and Strong Lace Boots. FOR I'lIICF. AND QrAr.TV, CANNOT ?.Â¥. Sn;l'ASSED. WTIYI. GLAYTOItf , , Flesherton. CHEAP O AND T II E WEL L DUEABLB ! K N O \V N SPEIGHT WAGON I Call and get Prices, &c. horn undersigned. STOVRS, TINWAKK. &â- â- . for sale as usual First-class value in everv dennrtmcnt. Ni:\V .VDVKUTISK.MKNTS. To RENT or for SALE. Bl'.IMi Noilli Imlf o( lAit .11, Cull. 111. 'I'liivtiBlilii of .Vrtt.iiii.Kii4,ivl Hciwi.. '41 of wiiirli is cli-uruil mill in u 1 »tiitu of i-iilliMilinn (liiml Imrii, liiiiiK.., io|il iiiioiu St t'le ili'iir. Kit tnllnr piirtic- iiliiiK lii'iily »'• \V.\t. WII.Sli.S-, :i'2:i Ini IMI tile lireinlHuit. FABM for S-ALE CON"r.\lNlN<» «u»eri'«. tiitii(< ).e» IfH in tli" li-t (i.ii, Noiitli ^Vl'l•l III llje I cieiitu uial Kyileii liiiiii Kmui. ill tile TiiwiiKliiii iif .trteiiiefls ; l'> iii'ri'H wi'll cli.iiruil I ftUiilt i .il Sll ticle lit i.*immI iiiiliiirl , â-ºiiliiiHlJ u-i-ll: fiioil loi: linuM- l:ix'it, iilwi lot; liani; near tlie tlnlMni; villinjenf Klesli- â- Itiin KiiU.^i liable telli|.< |i'iir tilll intiliillUrs, IHOMAS IIMI.PI.IA. i'"lliii.iWoi>il pii ,(iu;. Agent for VIGKER'S F.XPKESS. All panels kjt nith him will be promptly mid careftiHy attended to: FLESHERTON. ^ MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, iipi>t> to FOR SALE or to RENT. LOT ;t'2, ( oil 7. ArttMiKrHJn. Knj hctiM , hIhuii fw iirrt-scli'.iioflaiii) ill ^ooil s^Htt «'f i-iiUivutttM). SltiiiLtoit iiIm'IU Imlf wiiv tM'iwi*;ti I'lc.-ilu'iUtii ami Maxwill on Dh) C'olliiitwtMMl mfttl a I well, Ijonil (.)>iiiii,: :it Tuar uf \oi ; imui. ^t:itili< aiul othiT ii« t Miiiiitodatiuus. Fur full pni tti.||lAi'H HDil tt'.iii- i.i'ply to JAMKS ki:M KU. A Ilk' 'lilt 1 1 1â- ^•H7.â€" I I". FIcHlnitim ^ :^^ Notice to Contractors! s\\ i/r sii.xTi^: .nAKii: < a.v.il. CDNrit.VCTi ll.Sllltc'liilint; to timiler fur woiUh III e.ili.tMU-lMMl 111 til " .\LL Kl.NPS or â€" i"^ - Si-cli a.'* Moiiuincnts, Tomb Table.--, lloadstone^ C"ouiitcrand Tivhlc Tops â€" in .\hierican ami Italiaiy MarWc and Crranilc. and made oir .Miorfc notice, .-Vlso Muiitlod in Marblo andi Mart4eize(T Slate, .vc. ic. FlesheTti.n, .tw^. :». !>â- '«.â- ! lIi:.\LTII lOU ALL f.n-i Hivii. iirv III riiliy Infill I receiv.-.l iil>.>iit J.Wl'.MiV n.-V will : luirt \\1 »t lin .( Ni l'iilit%l iirop.'se.l t*> lie I "11 th.. ('Misilisii -ii'i- iifJIiuSuiut 51iir>-s I lltrtt Teli.U.rs w ilHi*. tlint the loalilu tiliiH to e.xiiiuine ttie loeslity tui'i M tile priisi-iu tjliie Hliil thv itarly miicr next. h... ii|Hicitt(iitlmit Hint otlier lUicu- lililitK nil |iiii)>lirnil illm m.tleii will Iw kIvbii. Ciintrii.Ici- uili tlieli Imv,. nil e|i|iiiiliiiilt v uf i-XHiiiiiiii r iIk'UI iliiil till .'Mriii^lit.l with lOuiik fiiiiie. iif t, Tiiltir, olc. ]t) orilor. â- V I'. r.U VDI.KV, Suorutary. noimi-t.iii..nt of KailwavK iin.l (finals, 1 Olluwii, i2l(b .\iiifiiHt, 4H.S7, I afrw TIIH PILLS purify tliu lllisjil, rcurcct ftll l>l^^>rvK'^ i i.f tile I^i'^'tii', Stojntich, Ivi<ln'yw, an*l Uo-wefsf- 1 rimy iiiviuiirste mill riKt. lie to liesltli lii'liilitnteil ("oiHlitiitioiiB. iiiul are iiivalimlilu in all Coiu- l>Uii|t!< iiiolil«uta) lo t'eiiiiilei 1.1 it.l aav*. Kor Cliiliirvii ainl tile iiijeii tliuy am pricelebs. THF OINTMKNT Isim iuf*Uil>lo roniftclv f..r 1U»! !.«•♦,«. }X%,\ Urvtist^, Oltl Wounds. Sort"* and I'lceri. U is famouHtor Gout and UUt>tiiii*ttisui. Far disunlurs of tliu C'h4v->t it has no ei])ul For SORE THUOA'I, IiIlO..\CHITIS. COUGHS, COLl)i> Ulaivtiilar.Swulliii),'i<,iiii<) all Kkin DiiaiuniK tt )ia'< iin rival; aud for cotitru<.-t<sI uuil lititl oiiiCH ifr aets like a charm. Minnfacturecl only at ProfossBr Hot,i.owAY's KatablUhincut, r.S, \«'w Oxford Strcot ( into ii.ri. Oxford Street >. London, nuilatiiHoM iit Is, li,l.,-Jti. '.kl., A*. M . lla ,-i!4.. nml -at. fnc-li Tli>\ or Pot, ftiul mav ho hail of all Mi-il line VuiiUors tlii'o>i|iliuiit th« Won.l. ^â- it" Parchaafn shmild Imik li. >he hiM rm the I'nl.i niid /).m .â- <. // the ad<ire»s U nut .")?./, (trfttr<l Str'i't^ Lvooliiji, f/i^#/ <ir»* .i/M'rioi,'.<. T«ndci»s W 11,1. 1.1. I Ill fivcl lip to till' ITtli I>nv of H«<(- f.iitlio ii'imi'-iiiK of Chiiuh »u.l SIumI at M .uut Ziiiii. Till' lowu-.t or any tuii,l(.r not iioi i-rti-ailly accciitiwl. SiviilhatioiiK pf wol k to bo miull at thu liniliii of » H.\MIK1. 8HEARrO\VX. ,' ' NATURE',S -^REMEDY. FORCOUGHS'COLDS.HOARSENtSSi THROAT a LUNG COMPLAINTS: liJi^USiUiWiamKaUaaam STRAY STEER. CWW. Ill llm )iruliiii<«>' o' tho lllllhll^i|;nllll, Iiot IH I'oii 11. ArteiiH'-l*. iihiiiit 01111 iiioiitli a^'o, a viiarllii^ Sto*ir. (Iwiuir onti havuhatuu by pruv- Iu'b proporty and paylud c««ptii»eH. D.VVID JOHNSTON. .ViiKUat 21th, 188^, DOUSLC TnCATMCKT IN KACH PAC«»a^ Southern ASTHMA CURE ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIK BY MAIL ON BECtlPT OF PRICE SAMPLCS, 25c.; HCauLAR SllK, •l.OO ADDRcva FULFORD A CO., BNOCKVlkLC. fttvaj' ' I ifj i t ' J. W. BATES, Furniture Dealer and Undertaker, PLBBHEHTpK, OKT 4. « iW^^.' ^fi^ ti-,^