THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE [Sep. I, 1887. I? Tit -Bits. Dontinue^l fiom I'iritt Page, Get your Lemons at REEFER'S. Now brick buildingH to be eroctei) next seaaou are already l>eiD(; Hpokca of. >fr. AVtii. Wilson advertigeH a fine farm for Mile or to rout in this issue of The Advance. See Mr. Samuel Slusardown's advt. in another column, headed, "renders," and gpveru yourselves accordingly. .Mr. K. C. MitclicU cauijlit a trout in Mill ercfk on Friday last wliich wcIkIi- ed three pouudu and a half. â€" TJu/ntlmry litdhilanl. Mrs. E. Morris, of lot H, in the 4tli con., Teeunist'th, huuf; hersidf in her liushaiKi's h.irn on Thursday last. Her husimud was lookirif; for her some tnree hours liefore she was discovered. No cause can he a.ssi^ned for the rash act, 1^8 they were in very comfortable cir- cumstanc«'s. â€" Shillnmie Free Frett. .Asa rirle thr very rich men are not those who huild up a community and er(!ate hoonis. \ sinjjlo business mau ftdl of life and snaji and enterprise, who is uot afraid tu talk and talk sense, and knows bow to advertise, is worth any dozen of very rich men who usually only take advautake of other people'a Ixwm- iaU Ut nicreaso tlu'ir values. â€" Chicago Intfr Ocean. At Flesherton Station, on Monday evening. Kev. ,J. Cashniau ({avo a lec- ture uu "imiia", ill the Oraiif^e Hall. 'ttna attendance was [;ood cousideriiii; thkt the lecture had not heou sufficient- ly published. Havin(> been twice or more to this iiiiiiiens<< and interesting^ couiitrv. Mr. C. was able to relate: many thiii»4H *hich hi.i bearers wore amuseil and instructed by. FLESHERTON SUNS OF iNEW AD\ EK TISEM KNTS. TEMPERANCE. To RENT or for SALE. lOHoIrr to lUtaln tht-ir Charter ami t'ontinue o»«. in the Goixl Work. EXTKAirrS FROM tiUAND SCRIBE'S LETTEE. BKI.SCi North liiiK of I,ot 31, Con. 10, Townslilp uf .\rteiiio8la. tVI iicruu, .Ou iif wljic-h in claarol uiiil ill tjoocl btatu "I cultivBtion. flood barn, hnuHe, and pump at the door. For fuller partic- ulars aiiply to WM. WILSON. ;i£{ â€" Im. on the premlHea. FABMfo^SALE In the interests of humanityâ€" fallen though It may be â€" we rise to kindly a<l- vise tliose of onr town youths who have )>eon in the habit of "^oiii' to book ap- j)los," etc., from (^aniens and orchanis, nnd who still intend carrying on their di'iircdatiiiiis in this line, to provide thcmselve.i with bullet proof suits, oth- erwise they need not he surprised to find thiuiisftlves sud(Wnly Kited with small shut or salt ou one of their trips. - .\fiiifiiiit Minor. THK KINKKIUiAHTKN .V I'lMMAKV nnvWlNfi COrnSK rarts I and II ,\iitliori/rd for mh.> in the Piih- lij' SiIiimjU. Kacli pitrt lOe. For sale lpy all lionkscljcrs. Toronto : Ski.hv a Co , I'lihlislH-TH. The wants of the a^e havi' long di'- luandod such a series of drawing-hooks the very yoiiiiy cbildien, such as the I Kindernart<Mi and Primary Drawing ('imrsi' reci-utiv authorizcil for use in thu public Hcbmds by tlio Minuter of Kdiu'utioii, One ureat feature of this series is that il reipiires no previous kiiowh^d^o of drawin)< liy the teacher l>efore beKiiiin^ teacbiuK. This will enable it to bo in- trodneed into schools where drawing- lias not liitlierto been taught. The very simplieilv of the sjuies is it.4 best recom- iuen<liitinii, it is fomided on the Fiohel- iaii plan, and has much of the idna ami s<>irit of the Kiiiderijarteii, and one woii- (birs at the inulliplicity and simplicity of the Desiifiis, ami they cannot fail to i.i'. appreciated by parents, teachers and pupils. Their use is autluui/ed frcun the infant class to the junior second. When used according to directions, .\ver'H Anuet'ure is warranted to erad- icate, friHii the sjsleni. Fever and .X^ue, Inturmilteiit, RetYiittent, and Ilihoiis Fevers, and all nialaviitl iliseases. Try it. Til HlootI no Hliow Ari<>r TIiIn. '•Freddie, I hope when you .''ow up to liK a man you will he iiwoiki'r. No mat- ter liow much money a man liiin W« euttlit to kui|W how to work," H^itl a rich aaint to her iieidiDW the <rther d*T. "1 realize that, iiinit," rephitl the old little fellow, "for 1 hc-ird pa say ill" other day that if he li.'idii I w/ukcd that one tliousaiid dollars out of yuii tlilsspriiiv! he couldn't have fixed the liousc over." • And 111' never iiializod wluit a^'oldmine lie had closeil for hi.i {ut. Anvirj: TO .MOTHr.UH.â€" .\rii you diatiirlierl at night and hrokrii of your icst by a Hicli clillrt •â- ilfurtiiKAUd oi>iiiR with pain i>f ('.nttiiiL'TailliV ir HOHond at OIK!.! and ml a Imttliiof •Mrn Wiii- Kl.m'B HootiiliiH Bynip' <"' I'.hildn-n T«ethin« \t,t value !• Inoalciilahlif It will i-iiliovo tim piiir little iiu.Toi 111 liiiniwiiatulv. IMpeiid upon II.. iiiiitlitti'ii; th«i'« i» no niixtnko alKMit it. It (UMiB IJVKonteiv and KiarrhceH. reuulatiis ttie HIciiiitttli and lloweln. ciniiB Wind Colic. Hoftima til ' liiiiiiii. rediiruK liitlaiiiinatiiin. and Kivuxtoiiu an loiiMisjto the whole nvstiMi. â- .Mm Wius- lowa HootliiiiKHvriip' for eliildren teethinH iK plcai-aiit tothe taMtoand In the preHurlptiaii of oiin of the oldr-t and bent fmuale phv«iolauii nn<l nuraiiK in the United state-, and IK fur xalx by all dni({«l«tK throiiKhoiit the world. I'rico twenty five eontH a bottle. He aure and aik for MiiH. WiNiii.uw'a SuuruiNO bYUur," aod (kk« HO othxr kind. For some time past it has been felt that the work--so well and ably performed by Flesherton Divinion of Sons of Temper- ance in the â€" was hein^' amply cover- ed by sister organiaitions. With a view of cniisiderint^ the iiuestion, and arouainf? apathetic niembfis to a stuisci of the duty dcviilvinj; upon tliem â€" and also to take up aonie decisive line of action, in the matter of retaining or surruiidcrinK the charterâ€" the followini; Wiis publislied in The ,\i>VANt'K of the week before bust : â€" "A special iin-etinn of all nuMnbers of tin; Sons of Tempeniiice. Flesherton, will bo held <ui Wednesday evening.' next the 'i4tli Inst., when the followini; motion will be considered and voted on. That where- as this district does not offer scope for two similar Teiiiporance societies, and whereas the work for which the Flesher- ton Division was orijjiiially orijaiiized ii- now Ijein;; so elliciently done by our sister society, the Koyal Templars of Temper- ance, we tlieiufore resolve to suspend all meetiiiKS for lUv piesent except such ii.s are necessary to retain the charter and secure all privilejjes to insured niemljurs. Full attendance particularly reijuestcd. " .Xccordiiifjly, on the eveniiii; of the 24tli ult., a number of the members assembled and disciis.sed the i|Ue8tioii pro and con. .\ leiiijthy and interesting letter from .\lr. \V, H. Kewcll, (Jraiid Scribe, was read ; also ime from a Markdale member, urniii^ the members not to surrender the I'harter. .\rter considerable discu&sioii, it was at length unanimously ilecided (1) to retain the charter, (2) to hold regular business and Open Divisions the first Wednesday in each month hereafter, and (It) to push forward the good work in every leuitimale manner ill the interval. It is intended to make these monthly metin<;s of a specially iiiterestini,' and in- structive character. The private business of the Order will be transacted lietween 7:110 and 8 o'clock p.m. sharp everj' meet- inn niyht. .Vt H o'clock the doors if the I)i\ision loom will lie thrown open to thu pulilic, when a choice ami varied program liistintc from one hour to an hour and a half will 1h: uone thioui^h with. Hy this iiieniis a new line of aclioii vtill be in- .iii'.'iiiiitcd III which the public will be cordially taken into "partnership'' in the Hiiat work iif Temperance lU'foriu, and a better system for elToctive uuiaidv work t'liinmciiced. Ill this c^innectioii, we make the f<dlow- iiu; evtr»*-t« from the Grand Scribe's liinlily inteivstini; letter :-- "Flesherton Division is uot new to me. Duriin; the years ltl7;t-4 ."i-ti. I friMpieiitly met members of your Division. I was tlieli a ri-^ident of Feveri-ham and inter- pslml in tin? wmk of the order and the ciiuse in yoiir County. I remember tin' noble woik done by your divisiun during til ; DiiiiKiii Art contest in Arlcmcjjia and (â- ley Comity. 1 reiiiemls'r the help that your Division «ave iis in Osprey, where we (gained such a splendid victoiy, '_'iviii<^ inspiration In the Tempeiaiice |ieoplc in (Jiey, lesnltiii;; in the lirst overwhiliiiiii'^ iiiiijority ill a County, after which the lire spri'iwl over the I'lovince, and the (iovoiiiiui lit tjavc us thu Scott .Vet. I iib- nieiiibi'i what Fli!shi;Hon Division has done for the older and for tlio cause «tf Ti iiipeiince in Ciiinida It is one of the best socielies tliiil lias ever oraced the I'liivimxi bust in memliers, best in labors, best in results. Wherever my lot has been cnst. It lias Is'eii my pleasure to speak in teiiiis of praise of your Division., I do net speak llaltery, hut I a.ssure y.iu that wlioio I am known perBou.-illy, Flesh- eiton Division hiui been heard of and with favor Vour ex-members are wide- ly scattereil and hundreds have known yoiii iiiombers or jovir work . A .(leat battle is yet to be foii'.dit and the .seiMii!» of your Division will be iieedwl Do not think iif surrenderini; your cliaiter for one moment. For your own sake ; for the sake of the woik yet to Isj done in your County ; for the sake of the oilier ; for tlie .sake of the iiitluen<;e yim have and do exert beyond the liiiiitK of vom xillaoe; fur tile sake of scores tliioii'jlioiit Canada who look to Flesher- ton Division IIS their slartiiii.' point in life's success ; for the sake of the many loyal meitibeis you now have, who will stand by the Division Hold lueet- iilKs less freipiently if yon ileeiii it wise, Imt never, never siniendci the charter you have so lont', so w.irtbily and so proudly eraced and honored." CONT.yiNINO .W acriw. bcinK Lot 170 in the Ist Con. South West of the Toronto and Syden- liani Koad, in the Township of .\rtenieHia : 4j acri:.s well cleared ; about j of an at^re of uood (Irchaid: splendid well ; food loij house lsx24, also lo« ham : near the thriviiiK villatje of Klesh- ettoii. lleasouabli iMiiis. Kor full pai'tiuulars, apply to I'HOM.AH DMEl.LIA, (lei-CI ColliiiKWOod r.o., Ont. FOR SALE orTo^ RENT. LOT :*2. Con. 7, Art.-iiK'.sia, 100 acres; about fi5 acrvrtC'learcMl Hii-i in «("«! !«tfttL' of cultivation. Sitiiatcii ubout hulf w ay t»t;lwet)ii Klwshyrtoii aii<l .MiixWfll MM the Colliiiwwooa roiul. (.k><»d wcU, tjoott h|>rtii»^ al ri-ai <>( lut; burn, stable an>l filhcr Hct*t»iiinio<iuti"ns, Knr full particulars aiu) ternjt*. applv to .1AMKS KKSTKll, Auf{. *^th, 18H7.â€" 1 !•). Flesherton. Notice to Contractors! SAI LT SAI.M'E .U.iKIE €A.\,iL. CONTIlAt'TOKS IntonrtiiiB to tender for works of eollKtruction of the Canal nropoKed to he rnriiii-il on the CanaOian side of the haint Mary s Itiver, are iterebv inforiued that 'I'euders will be received about J.\.M.\KV next, and that the iiioHt favoural}lo tinif to examine the l(K<a1ity will be oetween the preHeiit time and the early part of November nevt. When plans, HpeeillcatioliH and other doeu- liH'lits are pronareil due notice will b,i ^ivell. (ontraetors will then have iin opport'inity of exaniinini,- thuni and hu furnished with blank forms uf tender, etc. Ily order. A. V. IIRADLKY, Secretary. Departiiieut of Railwnvs and Canals, 1 Ottawa, 'ilth Auiiust, IMS7. 1 36-3t Tf^ndcrs WUJi b« recolvcti up to tbu 17th Hay of Sup- Cuiiibei, for the rtu>air4.i»{ uf (*hiirc-h atiU Shed at Mount /ion. Trm lowest or any tender not necewsanly actrcoiod. SpucltU-atious of work to be heeu at thu liuuno of SAMUKL SHK.VUDOWN. '^'STRAY STEER. C.VMl) to thr piuinJHt s at the un<len>i^ue<lt Lot IH Con U. Artenir->itt. about one uiohtli t#o. a ytarliiit; Mtt^er (Jw ihm- can have i*auie by prov- ing proiwrty and pa\iiiK exiHiuHftt. DAVIU JOHNSTON. AiiKUnt^4th, IHH7. Publisher's Announcement: In the matter of FINE JOB Printing ! Jt is gcncr.illy conceded that the T.AKES THE i] J J A IMir«-n-iit State of AtTnirs. "Catlwfrinc, what nmkiwyou sit aoiieitr .\lexiiiider whenever he calls ? T hope yon will not fonjet the proprieties." "(111. lint ma. poor .Alec is so dreadful- ly deaf, as you know." "Yes, dear, and, as I know, your fa- ther was troubled with the same complaint Istfori) WH were niaaried, but now I can't t'o through histroiiaers pockety (jf % morn- ing without waking him up," KVl-.liY TIME! Posters ! Fosters MAXWELL CARRIAGE WORKS ! Little & Blakely, MANUFACTDKEES OF Carriages, Democrats, Wagons &c. Repairing, Painting, Horse-Shoeing, and General Jobbing Done on Short Notice and at Reasonable Prices. JOHHSOIT LITTLE, ISIiKl.smitli, Maxwell, May dCth, IbST. THOS. A. BLAKELY. H'lDjoii-Mnhcr .1- I'tiinter. B OO'I'S &s lions ! Haviiisj iccoivcd large audiiious to my Stock, I have a good supply on hand of Summer Goods. Ij.VDIES' WKAK. â€" A fine assortment in Prunella, Fiencli Kid, Goat, Polisii Calf. Dull" and Heavy Hoots. MISSES ANT) BOYS WEAK.â€" A large variety of Lace «fe Button Boots, SiioeB and Slippers. â- . . ' CHILDRENS WE.\R. â€" A very large assortment of all sorts and sizes. MENS WEAR.â€" I Imvc Buff, Calf and Enamelled Balmorals, Oxford Tief» and Strong Lace Boots. FOR TRICE AND QUALITY, CANNOT BE SURPASSED. WM. CLAYTOIVT, , Flesherton. CHEAP AND C^ DUE ABLE ! THE W E L L - I< N O W N SPEIGHT WAGON ! Call and get Prices, &c. from undersigned. STOVES, TINWAKF- &c. for sale as u.sual First class value in every denartment. Agent for VICKER'S E.XPRESS. All parcels h/t with him 'dill be promptly and carefully attended to. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS OF •'>W!S»«^rt«»i^= :^i;?:r- Marbls d MQ!iii?.6!ilal Wds, Such a.s Mouumonts, Tomb Tables, Headstone.-* Coimtcr and Table Tops â€" in Aiueriean am^ Italian Marble and Granite, and made on abort notice. Also Mantles in Marble and Marbk'izcd Slate, &c., itc. Flealierton, Au^. 30, 1S83. HEALTH FOU ALL. From an Eighth Sheet to a mammoth Three -Sheeter â€" plain or in colors â€" at prices tliat will arrest your atten- tion and surprise you. Aiutioii Sale Bills WHILK YOU WAIT, DRUGGISTS' L.\BKLS As cheap ard as good as can be obtained in the city. HOLi:0WAy5;ilLL5j&Q|NTMENT illE TILLS Purifv the Itlot>d, coriuct all Disorders of the I-iivei% Stomtveli, liidn'^-w, a,ncl J7io-vvel«. They iuvi^orato and rflfltoro to boaltli DubiUtatcil Constttutioiis. and aro invaUmble iu al) (v'oui- pUiutHiiiuidental to Fenialos o( all o^jua. Vov ChiUlruii and the oijuil thuy aru priccluKa. THE OINTMENT Is an UifalHblo nnncdy for Had Lchh. Had IVrcastB, Old WouudiJ. Sores and Ulcers. It is famous fo' (rotit and Khuuniatisin. For diHorder» of thu Cbe-it it has no etiual. For SORE Tlino.ri. BRO.YCHJTIS. COUGHS, COLDS UUnUulivr HwuUiiigs, and all Skin n<Hait!ie>i it hat uo rival ; and for coutractud aud atilS ointB It acta like a charm. M luiitacturod only at I'rofossor Hoi.lowav's KBtahlishraont, TK, Xcw Oxi'oril Ktrc<'t ( Iiite 'tS», Oxford Street >, London. and aro sold at 1h. ljd.,2s. l)d., 49. (VI , Us., 'iin., and :n«. each Box or I'nt, and may ho had o( all .Mod cinu Voiidors throtiKhout thy World. pif I'nrehascn .ihimhl tool- it 'Ac L.thil <»i the I'ffs and Bwrx. If the (uhlreas m nnl ••Xf.?, OrfonI Sfivi'f, Loinli'ii, fhni arc •</»')'(V>iM. r ^ELIXIR ^ i^ .NATURE'S REMEDY. |POR C0U6HS',C0LD5,H0ARS£NBSS ,1 HROAr a LUNG COMPLAINTS Ins TAN 1RELIF.F POSITIVE Cure CouBLC TncATWcrtT IN VfiCH TACKAQC SOUTHCFJN ASTHMA CURE IN«TANT RCLiCr FOR ASTHWA AND BRONCHITIS BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF PRICE CAMPLC8, 26c.; Regular Size, kl.OO «oBi<c«» FULFORO * Co., BnocKVitu, onv. J. W. BATES, and Farnif'ij'e Dealer Undertaker, FLESHERTON, ! OXT