Aug. 4, 1887.] THE F L E S H H R '" O N ADVANCE f t ^ ^Publisher's Announcement I In the matter of FINE JOB Printing ! ft is generally conceded that the TAKES THE EVERY TIME! Posters ! Fosters ! From an Eip;hth Sheet to a mammoth Thrce-Sheeter â€" plain or in colcrs â€" at prices that will arrest your atten- tion and surprise you. AhcUou Sale Bills WHILE YOU WAIT. Poisoued. A siimll cliilil r)f Jlr. Tlierbn Patteraoii (Wiiirtoii) came iioiirly loHing its life on Tuesday lust by tiiltiiig carVjolio acid. It iippe.irs a iieighLni- '3 child had brouglit thu butblu cniitaiiiiiit; the poison into tlie Uduae nut beiiiLr noticed by Mi's. Pattuc- aon, nhusu child Cuok a Biiiiill quantity buf(iro beiiii; discoverod. Medical aid wa-s at niice aumnidncd and it is believed tile child will auoii recuver. This is an- other exani[)le of the carelessneHS of some parents in leaviu'^ bdttlt.s containing' poi- son in thu reiicli of children. â€" U'iiuti>ii Eclui. PAMPHLETS ! Dig, Little, Great and Small. Circulars, Bill Heads, Note Heads^ Streamers, Flyers, Dodi^ers, Business Cards, Visitini^ Cards, Shipping Tags, Labels, etc. etc. DRUGGISTS' LABELS As cheap and as good ns can be obtained in the citv. Is added to our stock every Spring and Fall. A niindalk Iteui. Tile Dundalk HcnM is responsible tor the followiii'^ : â€" 'â- One of oar mercantile firuu has been annoyed for several days by an ohnoxicjiis smuU about the premises, arising; from some unknown .Hourru. A sanitary inspector visited the i-laco and after remnvin'.^ boards and inserting.? his nasal ori;aii into every device and corner, annuuniyd his inablhty to detect the cause. Tlie odor \va.s so disagreeable that the Ixiok-keupiT had his dusk removed to another ]iart of the hiiildinsj, but this did not do any n<iod. Finally, health officer Tedford piooeedud to dissect the ink bottle, which wius found to contain a thousand or more d«ad flies. This dis- covery solved the mystery and the place will not be funiiuated." Bc*:ir i'siptiired. On i^untUy morning; the 24th .July, a bear wei;;hin;:{ some 300 pounds was cjip- ture<l by Messrs. .f. and D. Hisey, to- iicther wuh .1. 1?. Dimer. From what we can Icarn, it a|ipeai'S that gen- tlemen had set a bear trap Yomo days previous, and on visiting' the phice on the morning mentioned txnid his beai-ship seourelv* trapped, luiviu!; some small sap- lin'j;8 :;n.wcd dmvn in his an^t.r at beinsj ensnared. We learn there areseveial of these animals in parti of iMiunidaleyet, where the lioys avail themselves of the opportunity vf tliinuina them i;ut.â€" CVee- umre Adrrdiiwr. 4 Child's i'ut<' (liiestion. Little Fanny looked intently at her motlier for some time. Then slie .said : "Mother, you ain't a airl, are you ?" "No, Fanny." "What are you ?" "I am a woman." "You were a ;xirl once, weren't you ?" "Yes, Fanny.'' "Well, where is that girl now ?'' 4 Roland for au Olivvr. A lawyer driving along a country road asked a woman who Wiis walking in tl;e same direction which way he hud to turn to reach B â€" . The woinait gJive him di- rections, and adilud that she wa-s ^oin;^ in that direction, and would point cmt the way. "All ri.dit, i^ooil women," said the lawyer, "jump up ; better bad company than nolle. " After jo'4L;iiig some miles further the woman descended and thank- ed him for the drive. "Have 1 much further to ^o ere I reach the B-â€" road ?" asked the limb of the law. "Oh, you passed it some tw'> or three miles back," was the answer, "but as I thouijht bad company better than none I brou^'ht you on." jest opened a new saloon an' tapped a keg of free beer an' put out a lunch, an' I knowed that if I didn't hustle, the fellers would get away with it all, an' 1 didn't have tune to wait for the bridije to close, but I almost wish n4iw that I had, for I've tost my chance any way.' pctliciU. NOTICE! The Adv.vnce will he sent to any addres.-^ in Canada or the I'liited States for $1 jier year; and to England, Ire- land, or Scotland ior 1^1.50 Thl; Adv.wce uncjuestion- ably has no superior as a live Local and I'amily newspaper jn Simcoe, Grey, or Bruce. A. H. FA^^ CErr, f!<.liti.'r and Proprietvr, fte^HERTON, ONT. AiH'idcnt. On Monduy afternoon lu: old man num- ed Hamilton McLcod, while vliiigijij; in thu cellar at the rear part of Uutchai't's new building, had his leg broken near the ankle hy a small portion of the earth caving in. Dis. McCullough and Denhart set the injured limb ; but it will be some time before he uili be able to be around again, two bonus being broken. He conies fioni near Markdide and was de- [leiideiit on his daily earnings. We under- stan-l Mr. K. R Hufchart h;ui gen- erously offered to jii'y for neoes.sary attendance iwid board till the tinvn i.i well again ; but we think it time that of Kefuge was built by the Comity, where needy persons could bo provided for at the public expense. -""t/i iS'i>i//ii/ I'tino. t'untirdly and .Hiilifioiis .issuult. .\ wrck ai;o Suiobiy night a scene occurred on tjic tJlL um. of Egremoiit, not fitr fEoiii town which |iartakes s<imuch uf the iiatme of Wortern States rowdyism that an ell'ort shouKl bo put forth by the authorities to detect die ia.<cals concerned ill it. The particulars of t)ie ati'air iw told our reporter by thu victim are as follows ; .Vbont K) ci'cl<»ci: on the niglit in question Mr. Uobt. Biittoii, a young nuui. was on his way luuae friMU a iieighboiii when he was set on near Mr. .\ndrew IVniog'sgate by a couple of persons whom in the dark- ness he was unable to identify. Hearing a step btfhiiul him l{ritt(ui turned amund just in time to receive a heavy blow 011 the shoulder from a club in the hands of his a>..sailaiit, the blow evidently being aimed a' his head. Ho struck his oppon- ent and wa« in a fair way to give him the [imiishiuent he deservetl, when he was struck ill the bat'k of the head and uiuUred iusensible by a .second person. .Uter stunning their victim the two cow- ardly miscicants evidently kicked him until they they thought ho was done for, ai, on ret:ainiiig bis senses, Mr. Biitton was so sole from bruises on his body that he could scarcely move, he managed to crawl liiiaic and i.s now able to movo around again alth'>ugli thu doctor forbids his attempting to work for several weeks. Mt. .Vonxt li'-prrnenU.itnv. What First Troinpted It. "Uo you beloni! to th.' «i ciety known as the Woman s .Sulfrago asked a farmer of a Woman whose appearance might pos- sibly indicate that f.tct. "Certainly I do, sir," rtjpliod the lady. "May I what .are the real objects of the society /" he asked. "To promote the welfai"e of women and to elevate the mix," he leplied. "Is that iUl r "That is all.' "May I a.-ik first prompted the orKamzation of sucii a society I" "Yes, sir : we have no objections to answering such 4uesti<>ns. It was tirst pmmpted by the scarcity of husbands. " Tbc Import aufc of 4i«>oiira|»iiy. Negro father (to son) â€" "How yur git- tin' 'long at .school / " Boy â€" " Fust- rate. " Father â€" "Whut yer flingin' ycr mine •luwn nil fur de iiios' part .' ' B.>y-"Kifniertic. ' Father "Got down ter jogerfy yit ?" Boyâ€" "No, sail. ' Father â€" "Wall, I wants yer ter .;it dowu t>.r dat <:/, soon e/. yer ken." Boy â€" "What s jouerfy i^wiiie to do fur me /" Father- "Whui's it i;\viiieterdo fur you i \\ y, it il ;l1Ius kee|) yer outeii de po' house, dat .1 whut it gwme ter do. ' Boyâ€" "H*jw como i" Father- -â- â- Is yer dun los' .all yer .sense dat yer di-aii know bow come ! Doaii yer know dat er man wid plenty o jogerfy in hi.s head ken alius tell de age o' er huas by look in at him .' Doan yer know he ken tling \u.-i eye np ter de clouds an' tell v'\m its gwine ter rain, an' dat he Iteii skin er sheep .;es like .iiiatchin' otl'ur siiirt .' Know dat man whut tuk er peach tree switch an' found dat line Well o' v. iter on de Fulguiii place, di'iin yer '," Boy â€" " Ves, sail.' i'atherâ€" "Wail, he wuz er Ine haii' at jogerfy. Uo back ter dat scln "Ihouse an' strudy jiigiify, son ; go right back dar an' studv it dis liiinit. '' drowning Accident at H'ind.sor. Wind.sor. Out., Aug. 2. â€" .\ party of dancers who took part in the eniancipation celebration here last night embarked in a small boat about 12 o'clock last night to cross to Detroit. One of the party step- ped on the side of the boat, which capsiz- ed anil the occupants were tlirown into the river. Utticer Nash of the Windsor police force, who was on the dock at the time, pulled otf his hat and c<iat, and jumping into the water, rescued four of the :lrowiiiiig party. Miss May Lewis of Clinton, ilicli., aged 18, was drowned. The body is not yet recovered. A Common Cold Is often tlie begiimin); of sitihus alToc- tions of tbc Throat, Broncliiul Tulien, snd Lungs. Therefore, the impuitainfl of early and effective treatment cannot be ovcre«timatc<l. Aycr's Clicrry Pectoral may always be relied upon for the specdjr cure of a Cold or Cough. Last January I was attacked with a nevere Cold, w'liicli, by nei;lei-t and fre- quent cxpodUres. liceame worse, tinallv settlliig on my lungs. A terrible cough goon followed, accoiiipaiiie<l by pains In tile chest, from which 1 siill'eroil Inleiisely. Aftvr Irving varloiis riineUies, without obt.duhn; relief, I eoiuiU''neeJ tukiug AVer's Cherry rcctoral, and was Speedily Cured. I am that thin ri'mody saved mjr life. â€" Juo. Webster, I'awluiket, It. I. I contracted a nevern coUI. which sud- denly developed into I'neiimonia. present- ing dangerous and ob.»tiiiate nyniptoms. Mv physician at once ordered the use of Avpr's Cherrv I'ceioial. iii* limruetion-- were followed, and the result was a ispiii ami permaueut cure. â€" IL £. Simpsou, Kogcrs Trairic, Texas. Two yearn ago I siiffcrfd from a severe Cold which ^eltlcd ou my Luii«t. 1 con- sulted various phyniehiiis, and took the luedichies they pro'M.'ribed, but received only temporary relief. A friend iudui-ed me to trv .\vef's Cherry IVetnrsl. .\fter taking two buttles of this nie.lieine 1 was cureil. ."sinee then I ha\e civeii Ilic I'cc- tural to my children, and couaiikr It The Best Remedy for Colds, Cough*, and all Throst and Lung di«ease». eviM- UH'd bi my fiunily.â€" Itobert Vauderpool, Meadville, i'a. Some time ago I took a slL-lit Colil. whiih, being ncT'leeted, grew wurse. :ind keltleil on liiy hili:;s. I had a backing couiib, and was very weak. Tlio»« wlm knew me best considered my lite to be in greiit danger. 1 eonlinued to siilTer until ! comiiiriicod mmiik A \«i'» f '\ierrjr I'eeloral. J.ess than one bollleuf tlii.s ^al- uable medicine cured liie. and 1 fuel that 1 owe the preservation of my life to Its curative iiowem. â€" Mrs. Anu Lockwood, Akron. New York. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is eonfi'Iered, here, the one great remedy for all disfsscs of the throat and lunirs. niiil is more in deuLtiid than any other inedieine uf lt« eliuss. â€" .J. F. Uobeils, M:ti,'iiolia. Ark. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, rrenirnl hj Pr. .t C. A.rnr fc Co., I.ow»ll. Hjlu. bold by DrugijUli. Trice #1 ; six tiuiilo, f ^. *rlio wolI-l)reil l.^tirhnin Hnl). "DAUNTLESS!" Why They (nils 'Em Bulgarians. Customer (^pointing to dropsical mon- grel) â€" "What kind of a dog is that ?" Dog fancier â€" "That's a Bulgarian ter- rier, sir." Customer- "How terribly fat and swol- len he looks !" Fancier--"Oh, that's the breed, sir! They calls 'em B,vd^{arians 'cause uf the bulge on 'em !" Tho Kii.shin^; Spirit. A Ciiicauo man, in alteiiipti: '4 to juniii on a closing bridge, had both legs broken. When he had been taken to a Inspilal and relieved as much as poss:l>le of his siiU'cring. a [diysician ;i.<kud l.nn why he jumped upon tho bridge. "Was your time so valuab'e that you felt it your duty to risk your life ;" â- "Yes, sir." 'That's the way with our Chicago peo- ple," said the jihysiciaii, addressing some one who stood near. "Everything issac- rilicuJ u^ion tlie altar of tiuiu, but it is this rushnig spirit that has giveu Chicago an advanced [losition aiiioii;; the great cities of the world. My friend," again speaking to the wounded man, "you did not stop to con.sider the danger I'f your unfortuiiatu hiiiry, did you i" "No, sir. " "Your aim w:us to get over on tlic north side as soon as possible i" "Y'es, sir." "Your mind was wholly trikcn up with tho awaiting you /" "Y'es, sir." "Wonderful people, sir." said the phy- sician, again addressing the bystander. "And. " turning to the wounded man, "you would have rushed in fiimt of a railroad train .' " "1 guess I Would, sir." "What business was it that could not .allow you to wait a few moments until the biidge could be closed V "Well, you see s fvUer uamcd Jim ha4 r. il;:re WIM. 1)0 for t'li' mTVie.r uf Cow^ :hc -.-.l-ioti n li**7 lit his nun |iliiee. Lot l-W. :irtl Ksiiy \V.'»t. T .V, .ViteineHia. Ti'.iiMM : i>«r ciiw. ptivAblf on or l.efoi- .Inn. Nt. ISS.H. CiiWH nut ri:luine«l reU'lla ly '. liull ttill lieclmr;,'!- 1 nlK-Hl.T ill eiilf or Imt- UONAI.D Ml KI'.N/IK. Lil.Kini l'ro|iriotor. DR. CARTER, M.C.P. &.S.,t)xT. PHYHICIAN. Sl'RGEO.V, Ar-. FLE.SHEP.Ti )X. omee. Strain's block. I'.esiilencu, Wm.'.Vrif;lit < Jcatistni. DENTISTRY. Thomas Henderson. L.D. S. HLJtIiEO.N DKNTLsr, OoUl Medalist anU Hmmr (Inuhuite uf tjie lU:.D.ii., Will visit FI.K.SHKIlTf.N. l^flâ- .np<llowâ- K Hotel) 1 mill 3of uaeli luoutb. Toeth extrncte*!. insert- U'l and Ailed in ciiu bifjhost .stylus uf thu ait. aud ut UJixlerHle riitei-. HiiAU Opi'ici;, Tl'il Yi NO): Sr,. T. uhnto. J'rgal. J. W. FROST, LL.B.. Ii<trr\>*ter, Solivitof. Vniivi ijamcr, OIHcH, â€" Struius lluildiuii, I'"i.niHL'itTi -v. \. \. CHKSLl-.V. SoHeitor and C'oiiveyriijccr, Iti-hi'Ient .Mfil;ut;er. .MR. FUOST will l,,i found ut tho Cffico e,» Tliursdavs »s heretofore. p. McCULLOUGH, Bd.rrislcr, Solicitor, cfc. OliitM*. ov«-r llcl'arlaiid's stur«'. Marlidaio. Hohcv to Loan. MASSON & MASSON. BAURISTKHS, SiJLK'ITCHS. Av. OKi'icKsâ€" Ow<fU Soiiii.l, il \ ickors block. I'm lull St.; HraiiuU utticu In .Mai kiiuif, ovur Mc- tiirland'ft Uon-. oil Kiiduy uii'l .Suturday cvuiy J MASSON'. Q.<\ S. MASSON. \V. MASSCN N.H.â€" I'rivftt'^ vfc Ci»iiipaiiv'> fuiuU tu iuvtol u* from Six to Ki«ijl per cent. iJuaiufAS (L'avib. Jokn W. Armstrongi t'LUSllECro.N. Co. tJlii.i'. DfVIHION COfr.T (Lf.HK. COMMISKICS Kl'. in II. U.. (â- oiiVH>ioM;i,.r, ,vc. Ak< nt 'or iMiicliu- lied «ulu oi lands. .Vi'prftiscr tor C I,. C. Coui. Slid I'" 1'. H. iV >. Sticioty. .Mi.ii.i ui Uiaii en thu iMiiHt reii.Hiiuuhlu turms. IssiKa uK MAlilUAUl-: Llt'BXSKS. NOTAKY lai'LlC. MON EY TO LOA.N • At O l»er Cent. Ou Town or Fp.riu I'roi'crty s. ri.\Mvn!;. ;--;eniu-. TIMtER AND LAND SALE. CEllTAIN lilts and thii timber thorvrin siiuato in till' TowMiliips iif .Mliiii. A->iuiiiiuk. Hid- well. Hiliiitt^H, Ciiroiii von, Ciiuiidiidl. IIoiiIhihI, Shelluirt!! ilah. 'r.liUulii' irth and Milln on the MiiiiitiMilin Nlanil. in llii Llir-ti iet of AIs'Mili. in the Proviiiee of Ontiino, \\\1 lie olTiirud fur Sale 111 I'lililie Ar.eti.-n ill liloili- lit '-IW ai'ii<, lonre or less, on the Iirnt dnv uf Suiitundier injxt. lit lIlci'eliHli. A.M. at the Iielian l.nud Ollicu in lliu VilhlKUof MaiiitowioiiMK TerniHef Salo:--Honits for tiiiilior psyaiili' in (Misli, prieii of land pnyiililu in cash, a fbo alsu paviililu in eiisll luid dues ti, bu )iaiil aceord- iii(;lv tii 'I'arritr upon the tiinlior when cut. 'I'lie land on wliieli the tmiber ^tows to be sold with tlni timber without eoiiditionii of set- tleinunt. .\t the siinie time nnd place the M«relmnfnI)lo Tiiobor of not less than miie iiichus in' diameter at thu butt, on tllu Spanish Uivur Ueservu and l-'runch Uivor lower Ituservo will be uifurud tor sale for a easli bonus and auitual ,;round runt uf .â- »l,IH)per !-iiiiai« mile, ami dues to be paid on tlie timber as cut, aeeordiiiij to Tariff uf this Depart iiii-iit. Knr full parti. 'ulars ple.ise a-,iply to .Jas. 0. I'hippi^. Ksii . Indian Supt. Munitowaiiini!, or to the uniler^iuned. No iiilior paper to insert this advertisuinont without authority through thu (Jui^uns Printur L. VANKOLtiHNKT, Uuputv of the Snpt. Gun'l. of bidian .Mfftirs. Dopartniuiit of Indian Alfairs, Ottawn. 2iid .Innu. H)H7. GREAT OFFER! The Advance jrum noiv unlit end of the ygar for 35 cents. I W.J.BELLAMY, [ Twr. ci.KiiK .tnyiMi; si.i, i'(>y\KYAS'i'El:. fi>MMiS,<UXtJ . IS!<V}<AXi'l-: ACT, ,{i:. Di;i;iiS. .\|ol!TfiA(.KS. l.K.V.'il S, li>'., priju; ml lOlii properi> I'.Xeeilteii. IllM;iLI;i u i.:*<. I'l i 'I first-class conipaiiieii. Monuv lu l,.Ld ut .iiwui,t rnteh. (}f.t ~your"meat â€" :-FKOM.: â€" Fetch 8u Mitchell, OENEi;.\L Uri'i'lIKRS, FLESH EKTOM IL£^C' iMiil b;r I'al fullle, iV:., .'..•-. \i;W LIVKRV! THT'" \i!nl"'rsi;.'i.- i l.'i-ii- t*' iiniiitiiii'-u liuit jio L.i^ stiii'tuil a tiist-ulaKs Livury i:j the- f-Uiiiil .. |»- pi)Hito Muhflhaus llotul. l-'Ic^iiciton, uhctu tlio (rnvulliiifj i*u1jIi<: can be accoiunioUnted mill ^ood riijK ftnt] hfrnus nt utcKt icascunMi- 11 A < m Try mo an<l l-i* innviuct-il. UBrfia-ctluUy yours. W. H.JOHNSTON. Klushcrton, Nov. lath. IM<fl. Picture Fraiiiiu^;, Xeailij, Che(i})lii tV' (Jiiick- li/ J>o/rr', b/f J. B. MOORi:, Durham St.. Opposite Clayton's Harness !-hc|i "BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Qualitj. OATmLOQUI^S prce. BELL&GO.,Giieipii,ODt. {' r' -^