Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1887, p. 4

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tHE FLESHERTON ADVANC E" . ganrra V 1 WT> n»r tM fonsis on m* M <Ki& T1U.O It AJr&iV p. Aiifr«ii*o<>'iN<r>m»per A,l . orUilim Uunku 1 10 Hpruo* at- L vrhfr" Ml»f rtUlM >uiiiri1« imT tmnirlifnr UUIXIBVV XOSK* THE ADVANCE. In publiihuil Every Thiii'sclay, KuoM TBI! Orrii'K, CoUinytcood Strtet, - - FUiliertott, Oni. TERMS OF St'llSCIlIPTlON: • 1 pur >niiuin wIihu pal.l strletl) In advance • I .'.0 per kuuuiij uli<:u nut ku paid. A. R- FAWCETT, Editor mtd Fropritior. PliESHERTON: THURSDAY. APRIL. 7, 1887. 'Ttl AT HOLLER MILL." (»iir editorial article, "Roller Mill NVauieJ," which appeared tiiree weeks ago. has broui.;bt at least one stone luiiltr down on us "like a thousand of brick." His letter aupciirs in an- Lithor culuuiii, above the nom dt plume, "Miller," and is certainly quite an in- lortstiiig production. One thing in cinnectiou with it amused us iui- minsely, viz., the repeated references 10 the Kditor of this paper as "he" instead of \/ou. \Vc are always pleased to throw ojMjn our columns for the discussion of live topics â€" sucii as this â€" and even our avowed enemies are not denied the privilege of uirinj,' thetr views, when they do so "decently and in or- Avt." Frequently those who favor us vitli conlribntioiis aj-o men who arc too nmvM or penurious to support liomc enterprise, but because their (iwn pockets have been toiicli«4 they f'jrthwith wax eloquent in proclaiming, ilicir wrongsâ€" roal or imaginary. "Miller's â-  chief object in writing .-.coma to have been a red hot desire i<> get whack at that unfortunate N.P. He knows as well as that there is a cose on his face, that roller flou* has come to stay. And, notwithstanding Lis boast of superior knowleeg<>, wo know of millers who have profited largely by cliauging tO'Mie "new sys- io;n." I'.utitisN. P: scalps he is after, as note his remarks on the duty un American lUHchiuory. Pmy, Mr. •â- Miller, ' cannot roller machinery be uanufuctured quite as cheaply in Can- ada iis in r.H. ? You answer no, if I lie duty weit.' only renwved. Ah, lull my dear sir, just as soou n.i that (iuty is removed, up goes .\nierican machinery in prio', and then what ijftter arc you off than before :> The |iricefl have been lowered simply be- cause of the duty : remove that and lip go the prices like so many sky rockets ! I'ut then the N. P. must he whacked. And we are free to confess It ban not, as yet, reached that degree of perfection we should like to see it :itt»in. Hut Rome was not built in a (lay, and the N. P. is yet in "long <lotllCB." Ihit let us return to "that roller mill" question. \\v are led to muler- stand (1) that meagre profits accrue to the miller Who adopts the roller .system ;|'2)that bread made from roll'r flour does not contain as much nutri- ment as bread made from stone tlour ; I'i) that bread nihle from rolh-r llour becomes as "diy as achip iwciity-four hours after baking;" (1) the flour made twenty years ago was just an ;;o(m1 and made as light, while und irholr$nme brtad as tkt roller Jhur of lu tiny.' Let us speak of those points cate- gorically : ll I -Admittitig for sake of argu- ment, that tho profits are meagre', would not iucreoecd .patronage liel^ki Id Kwdl tllo</^;f;regatc. "iiiirge sales mid small prqfiti" is tliii motto of the wide awake, suctufxisfiil merchant. Why not apply tlu) same ruli, with I'ligiit alleratii)iiu, to milling ".' Itiit tlien wo don't adiQitt that tlio profits lire inongrn : and even . if they were, â- â€¢iirely "half Kiaf in bettev than no h'cad," as stonn inill9Hp are sure to perceive in piwuQss of liin. .„ (•.i) â€" U IS a delmtable questionâ€" a qilCHlu.i% in fa«t, that linfl i-iodifced (pi )i.\wi con) able aiticlps in milling ;iVU'iii>l» from the j^ns of , oomp<!tent "riticaâ€" ati to whether there in ,niorc nutriment in stone than in roller tlour. (8) â€" We deny emphatically that bread made from roller flour becoineff as dry as t chip in "twenty-four hours after bakiikg." Practical personal ex- perience littH completely disproved ibis theory, ami shown that bread so made can be kept nice a:.d moist thrice twenty-four hours at Icnst. (4) â€" In this case "Miller" frankly acknowledges tint roller flour makes " icholeMome bread." It is refreshing to gain a point so easily. But "Miller" forgets to tell us why the stone flour of to-day is so much inferior to that produced by the same process twenty years ago. Perhaps '.his is one of the "lost arts. ' Such being the case he, as a practical man, ought to welcome the advent of the roller system which enables the good housewife to make as wholriome briad now as she did twenty years ago, when the stone process was the rule and not the exception us at present. It seems to us that our oorrespou- dent makes a poor case out of, â€" let us confess â€" crude and rather antiquated material. Alrao.«,';n the act of severe- ly coudeming the new process, we find him acknowledging its 8uix;riority, £hCrd immediately afterwards censur- ing the (iovernmcnt litcause it refus- ed to iegislatoin favor of th« minority as against tht majority,. l»y placing a tux of 76' cents per bane] on Ameri- can flour I .^s if that had any partic- ular bearing mi the question of a roller mill for Floiiiierton ! Stick to your text, "Miller." We know what Flesh- ortoii rciiuire."! better than you do. We know that thousands of dollars are at'Uttally being lost to our town fur WKiTt of a roller mill. Is it in human ntttire to stand inuetivc while other places are being built up at our ex- pense. No, sir â€" in fact it would pay Flesherton to give a liberal bonus for such an enteriiiise if ii could not be obtained otherwise. The Tliornhiiry News man would have the world believe him to be pos- sosBod with brains. He has under- taken a difiiciilt task, but we honestly think ho had some brains â€" away back sometime in the remote past. At the time of writing, howcvtr, the process of evaporation has reduced tli<eiu to such an extent, that it is qtiestioiiiihle wheth«r the most proworfu! tnicros- copc would enable one to dliscovor their wheiaboiits. In the nteantime the News scribe nianayes to get along tolerably well without them â€" by bor- rowing or stealing idfas from his con- temporaries I UK DlltS'T OKT n\ Referring to the statement of a Thornhiiry paper, giving the Notla- wasaga Light to .Mr. Neil McColnian, our excellent Clonservative contem- porary, the Flcshertoii Advanob, says : U may lie consider«d ungrateful on our part but we caniwt bely Baying that in our opinion the Conservative [lavly is digging a gdod ducp grave f(jr il8«If ill thii.-i putliiig a^ptniiiim on poJitieal cnMikedness. .\li .«liian has to do iiowailnys is to act the traitcjr to his i)aily and forsooth ! he isiuade '\ lighthoiii'Ai(te[)er or something else ! \ few more I'Muli blunders and ICajt (irey Conservatism •.vi41,.rtct;ive its cimgi As we have rt>inar':.o^ there is no foundation for the statement of tiie 'I'hurJjbury pajier. .Vml we may fur- ther fissure our co-.'.jimiiorary that F.a l,(irey has iiolh;:^|; whatever to do with tiiis matter ; tiid if any such appointinent shoiilil htve to be niaile ('i I'lingwood will iiiidortake to fill the bil.l with a conipeleiil and reliable man. And now, dei^i Ai>v.\n('k, we would resiieciriilly siig;,'eHl that yiui ovmhaiil your French* â€" C(dlinjwi><>d E-.tiif\)ri»r. Tlianlis, dear ^Htrr/iritc, thank.i â€" awfiilly ! â€" fui â- ;,ln; information and â€" crâ€" urnâ€" the ;vilvice. Having ovor- haiili'd our 1 reiicli, we make the hor- ribly.' and astounding discovery, that iiii}f.ead of spelling it coif-g-e. our in- teljligent compositor put it in type thus : f()H;/i' ! Our Townxhip Futbt-rs. Arteinesia Townsliip parlifnnenf inet'ini the Town Mall, FJe8hurti.,ii; oni4th inst., ut 11 o'clock a. 111. PreBeiit,- Messrs. t'lirnr»»)9, IJolancU McArtliur, Sharp and Cairns. The Clerk read the minutes uf previous meeting winch weri»du)y approved. Moved hy Mr. 3oland, 8«niided by Sir. McArthur, tH»t the Ue»irc and Mr.. Sharp be a conniitUe to go ;iiul test the- dei)tli of the craniJterry marsh and ascer- tain the best means to liave it put in thor(mi;li repain^â€" Carried. McArtliur, Sh«rpâ€" That the Reeve and Mr. RelUniy )>e Vcomiiiittee to paint and repair ToWimliip Hall. â€" Carried.' Mc.Vrtfiiir, Sharp-That the Auditors' Report, :w amended and flnolly audited hy the 01 ••mittee, be adoptec'.iaiid fyled^ and that li90 copies be printed' for distri- bution. â€" Cuiried. Mc^rtliur, ^harp â€" ThaA die Reeve is- sue his order for the Auditors' nalary, amt. 91- each, lotnl HM. Carried. Holaiid, Cairns- - riiat By. Law Nu.4Il, a|)tJf)iHtiiii; Municipal officers, be now read a third time, signed, sealed and en- tered ill the Hy-Law book. â€" Carried. Roland, Shai-j) â€" That tlio Reeve and Mr. Mc.\rthiir be a Cominittoe to inVes- ti^lc and rejKirt upon the necosaity of buildiii}; a bridge across the Saugeen river, on the South lino â€" opposite the Rurnett farm -also to examine and re- port upon the dcviution, (on the South line) througli Mr. Oliver's property. â€" Carried. Aeeountt. â€" R. •!. Sproule, stationery t2.0(> ; J. J. Field, for work done under the direction of Itoird of Health (188«>) iJlti.ftO ; <ioo. Latimer, work on Valley Road, with surveyor, ?1.50 ; W. .1. Bel- lamy, (piarter salary as Clerk $37.50 ; Medical Hall 82. Hi). All of whicli were ordered to be |aid. Roland, McArtliurâ€" Tliat this Council appi'iipriuU- ^150 to each Ward, and that the Councillors for each Ward Ik. coih- missioner ; and that their conni.issioii 1h) 8 |H<r cent, for exiMudinR said amount ; also, that tlie Reeve i.ssiie orders on cer- tificates of ('ommiiisioiiers - Carried. Orders were then issued for J'J for each nieml>er of the Township lo;,'islatiir« nls«i indi^'ent monthly allowaiioe, after which the house adjouniud. Time li o'clock p. m. LEITCHS 1: 1^ IV » V'l 1 L'Vrtr trlol Mratti for sores lUvi >iillu ( y<m»l duiilu t>.» very niarkut fur hialiiig a lUlta. PiliipluK, lUotdi.^ ItlLthofl of applvlllK Ciiri UruK StorK for -iv per I .or A I'arkrTi (%r y kind? I) In be- epnration in the iiK S'lrvH, ItuniH. H tlie only iiroper id. Holfl at the A N.\S\I, IN.IK "roil free wttl. ruoh bot- tle o( Sliiloh's C'utiirrli Ucinody. .Vice !W Ceati. Sold at Me(ha»l iUII . Money to Loan. At (Ik /V) C, ,i(. [.tt'icA i.n Sti-iiiiht J.iMii. WITH Iiitnri'i't paid yonrly, not In advaiK'B.No i:.>iiiiiilHi.i<)tivhar};«d. .\ppl>' to 4.<iUli;R. THOKMII RY AVER'S I. v»T i«^ Dl I I Q rpiitt'ir tiic I I L» Iâ€" lO â-  AHK YOU M.VDE misiiraldo liy IiiliKfst- iou, (.'iin«ii|>ftti(in, l)i/.2iii>-ss, I,iiss ol uiipe- lUf, Yellow SUn? Shiloli'ii Vitaliner ui a V#iiliTeaur«, Sold at Meiliiul Hsll. Sugar-Cos titf Cathartic If the comes turpi boweli nrt, conHllpiittd, or If the ituinBcb fallM to pi r{urin Its funclluns properlv, us« Aycr's i'llls. Tbi y uro iuvaluable. For some vcarH I was s victim to I.lvfr Compluiiil, hi eun^i'iitMiice of which I suffrrcd fruiii (<t'ii<'i»l Dt'l>Hlty and Indl- i;ustloi:, A few boxes of .\yir's I'ills rrfturrd me to pirfcct h«»lih. â€" W. T. Urij;blni'y, IleinUrnoa, \V. Va. For venrs I hiivi' rdlml more upon Ayrr's i'ills than aiiytliluK else, to Regulate my bowel*. rtii'*>i' I'iilH nre mild In action, iinddd Hull .»i'k lliui'<>UKl:'y. I liiive ii.ii'd Hicin with >;.unl etlWt, lii.*nHOH of Hhru- iiintliim, Kiiiiisy TiiailiU', jind I)vii>epsls„ ~(.i. F. .MII'vir/AttlclioroJKb, Miis*. Aycr's I'liWriiri-d me of Stumiuli nml Liver troiil)l(!s tviw whicli I li.ul sutliri' i. for yi'iirn. ! cohhIiIi r them tlic> hot pill* made, mill NMiiild nut he wlllioiit thim. â€" Moirls (iiiirs, I>o\Mi.ivilli', N. V. I w;is alt^K-ked with nilloiii 'W'Ver, which wan fiJiiiwril hy Jiiuiidlee, nml was so daiiL'ertiikily ill ihal my frit iitla de- spwlred of «iv luinvery. I coinmineed liikInK .\>i 1% )*lllh, and wHin rcgalnid my I'unloiiiary ^treni;tli and \ l^or, â€" John C l'uttl«)ii. I .Mill, .^'ibnirkri. Last sirini; I '.iitfered (rrently from a troubli'sini* humor on my .villi'. In i-plto of every , lOirt to lare thU eniptloa, It In- croaii'il iiiiMI the beeaiiic ciillrely rsw. I was tniublril. ut the same time. With IiiiHk 'tlioii. uiiil dll.tres^.«K pain" lu T^e Bowels. Ilv the n.lvlwMif n friend I heffnn Inklnif Ayer'H I'illi.. In a i-liiiit lime I was free friim puiii, mv fooil dlu'<"tt''d properly, the sores on my Imily coinmeneeil laiiMiit;, and. In li"*t ilian niie mmiili. I was cured. â€" SaniiK-l 1). While, Atlanta, (ia. I have luiii( nKeil Ayer's I'illn. la my fniiilly, anil ^"'lii vu thini to he the best pills iiiade. â€" S. ('. Durdin, Pardiii, .Mins. My wife :i(d llltio ^trl were taken with Dysi-ntery ufew ii.iys iiuo. and I «t oiiph beiran civ I114 llieni HinulT dows uf AVer's nils, t!iiiikii(K I wmildeall n doctor If the iMiiiine nnv worst'. In R short tlino tlin h .AmIv il('>eliiirires iitiippod, nil pnln went aitay.niid hi'iiTth wiii restored, â€" 'I'ln odore f^jMiij,', Klehmimd, Vs. Ayer's Pills, rcf|>ar»it by Dt. J. I'. Aji'r .t Cg . l.oKtll, Mass, Hold by f^ Uwlars la MmI;IvIm. Tailoring Establishment FLESHERTON! 7.V the plavt to s^ef ijovr Suits made in future. THE MA MET S. FT.ESHEKTON. Carefully Corrected Ktieh Week. Fltntr «2 00 to 2 10 Fall Wheat $0 % 10 i> 7H Spring Wheat iG 78 Barley II r<i> U -18 Oats ... i» :iH '.'7 Peas 4> 47 Hutter 14 U Kg^fs, fresh 12 \-i rotfttoes 411 40 Pork 5 ti'5 5 65 Hav.perton S 00 10 00 Hides 15 00 7 00 Wool Hi m Sheepskihs 10 ft .'-(; Geese 05 05 Turkeys 08 «« Cbiekens-por pair .W . -SO Ducks per pair 0' tO "»{) AT OORUbwS HARNESS SHOP rj.EsiiEiiTity, . You will tliu! ail aKH>.rtnK>nt of Heavy and Lierht Harness. WhipH, UruHliPH, Ciirrv Coinl. tc-^wimt 1'aJn. ami thtf cuhthrtiti'il "Harii^KM tHl.' (Mieap forCatih. ('all aud Kxamiiie Maxwell Carriage Works. Thos. A. Blak4>!) , Carriat^e and Wagon Maker, Painter, c^c, &c. X\*i^hi.R to antiouiiootu the public thst ho hti | ntsrtml in the nhuvii buKiuufls. All uriltirft proaipllv anil neatly att«iiU«<l to. ItcpairiuK sn<l I'slntlua a spiivisUy. Shop next dour to J. Little's blackauiitti shop, wlto will ito ul] work iu eoiiiitictioii to tho abovu "hop. THOK .\. lil.AKKI.Y. o noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo III thanking my customers for their liberal patrouaye in the past, I liiive uuch pleasure in being still able to supply llieni with the following celi'» brated, vi/... The Toronto I,i<;ht Biutler. The Toronto .Mower. The Sliarp Sulky Rake. The Massey ilarvester. The Massey Mower. The Tolten Pc« Harvester.. The Fox Pea Harvester. Hainilton's Combination Plow. Tolten's IJeuirc Di-aut'ht .Jointen Plow. Hamilton's Scufflers. Hamilton's Ross Ifaiis? Plow. Wisner 9 Sprini< Tootli (lultivators. The Cliathaiu Fanning Mill. A full slock of Uepviks always oil hand. Parties rcquirinj,' niiy of t!i.-> above will do well to call and iiiepeet Mach- ines, which will be found iu Spicule's wardiouse. A. S. /anDQSEN, Fl.KSllKKTOS. ooiioooooooooooooooooooooooooonoooo K. J. SPKOUL. Flmherton. t'ouveyiiticer, Apyraiiitr, Val - Uiifor aii(( Money Utulur. Drtd-i, Mti'- (inijf.i, tenses aiut IViUs rfruini up au'i Vidutttiam minii' ou ski'rtetl uftticc. Chiir- qes rery tuiv. Apply In ii. J. HFIiOlJ.J Foatiiuuter, Fleihrrton. CLAYTON'S ' iiAnxEsssiiopi: rLESHERTON, Is tlie plaie tn get ynur Hiirtieaa CuUnrs, itt . . muilf up 111 j/vo>i ttylc.' . Shitp ill 11*. Flf»ttrrtint. VUiytim's hoot d iflio« SUrrf, HABNESS HARNESS.. . - If you want Harness, Single or D()>vble, or Horse l!lanketS( Trunks. Ik'hie, Valises. Curry Combs. Ikushes or tile celebrated Harness Oil, c«ll & exa'uiiie before purchasiiig elsewhere. ilJ. WATSO^. PUIC K VILI.K . PHflTOGRAPfiT. MRS. BULMER. riioto^rajilu'v, FiBsherton - OnL Ha\*iti|: HpHiit fionvc time in tliu Htmlio of tii* • MUiutiH Tuvf'tito Phtitotfrnphur. Mt S. J.DixtT; «i-t|«re I aciitiirud v»luamo kno«le(lt;v iii Uetnit chinK< I trvl aAHuri'tl I cau civ** ^»?ot\ |*uuera. sfttit»factii>U- A call rv^^poctfaHv t.nlicitt'd. MRS. B'5J.Jin':R. KUsliorton.Si'pt 17'1' li<(» :-^D? CHASES ^ O^HDELI0H LIVER GURE HAVE YOU Liver Comiitiiinl. Py^peiwia, I digc^iion, lilioutrWAt, Jauiiilicv, hcailavhe, l)iz2iiir'*. Vatn in the Hack, CoMivtiwvV or fciiy di*ca»« i'ri»injs from a dcTanijeU Uv«r, r)K. Chahk"* I.iver Li kk will \< found a *U'; •â-  arid cenaii) rem (^. NATURE'S REMEDY TVe unqualified •otc-s- <>f I>r Chaw't l-i«r Cjrt in Liver Complaint riM* s >lcly with the fact lh»t it i» compoufidtil (ruBi naiiir>-\ well-known li%er fsulator*. MAM'HAkK vM' l» \M>Ei.i-'S, conibinfd with many other inv.^'^iable r»oi'>.. kirlci and herb*. ha«inK a powerful effect on fie Ki.liieyt, Stomach, Bowctt and' Itlood. 600.000 SOLO Over itmi'Ma^'/ m:.'i:>fn fj Vr. CMau's Rtit^ Booki . W€rt t-^U it i'.tna,/a ai\fn(. H't ivamt tx<^ mMn, W0tmnH amt iki'tJ tvha it t*'i*uS'eJ tvitk Livtr Cmm- pimnt tif try tk-'t es.tiitnt remttiy. SoMCTmMO New. Civcn Away Frci Wrapi>«d around every tioitlc of Dr. Chswe** Liver Cttr^ U a valuab'e Hoiurttold Mctltcal Guide and Ktci(>« Book (&4 paseo), containing over >«o useful ^ccipr^• pronouivevl ny medical nten and druggittk aiinvatu- abU, and wonti fen tioMs the price of the medicine. TFY CMASeS CaTAMN Curl a wfe and posilivr- ruiiedy. IVicc, *<t ccnl<L .TBY CHASI'S KIMEY and LvtR PUU ^5 ct^- P«'' w». solo by all dei^ers I^lesherton Meat Market. S. SPIHIT. . . raorHiKTOR cCV^^,'^; Cash paid for fat Catt:« and • Sheep. Fresh Meat.s ooii.staiitly on IiriuI for. Cash. Orders promptly (illetl. EUGENIA Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of intercut and on- term.<5 of repayment to suit borrower. F.A RMS bought and sold. CON VKYANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in II.C.J., Agent. for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All bu.siness-, promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office^'^Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. P5ENEY MIKPBUM, ^' » m I

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