T HE FLES II E \< ro A \) V .\ N C it iA»jrii â- M» hurra v a wit x"? *>â- ^•<»'« «<> «<• •< '**<'k Advertliitnic ni)r«au ( luBprtioe b' . i, whero iMl»pmiIi well ft Co'a N«wtpa[iOtf louocu uuij be luado lur it III HISiv XUliK* TUE" ADVANCE. Is publisllnd Every 'Fh»»i-«tlti> , I'hoM I m: Okfk K. { tllingwuud ."^tnet, - • FMiertou, (M. TKUMS OK KLItSCIlIl'TlON : (I |..,r rititi.iii, wli.Mi |.»i.l >.triitl> 111 advaiiiu H SO l»cr utiliiiiii when not f-o l>fii'i A. R. FAWCETT, Editor aiul I'ruprietor. PIiESHEHTON: THURSDAY, MAIICII. 24. 1887. EdUorlal Xotcs. It is iiiiiusiiij^ to iiiitice liuw j/rttvi'Iy »ii(si</if.i ilui'idu tliu iduu cif Hiibstitiiiiiig rnlliMD fur stoiiL'S ill riuslierton fluuriii^i mill. Of course they arc clisiiituiostcil luirticsâ€" very ! rF.Mi'i:i:.i sci-: sftsriMKsr. The Uretj liirinr bewails "tlie uliiiost ; /tal oxtiiaticiii of Teni|H'niiice seiitinient in tiio luliii;; luiioni; both pitrtius, amltlic luiit'le fit limt election beiiii; an to who , .ulil sliow llie most love for the liipior i: uicRt, even Ur. Clinstoe, M. Itichaiit • u anil the AiivaniE, iiiakiii;{ a viyor- ;is ellort in tliut ilirection," On the 'iitniiv, we can assure tlio /iVriVir tliat 'i'ii.]>erani.' Hi'Mtimi'iit never was stroii^- ir m South (inv than it is at this nio- | ...c-iit ; but, unfortunately (iirforlunatelv') i jHihtical bias is stri^ii^er still ; and lor | â- ::at riason [inciKely the lii^h horse iiior- i; lulviser I'f tin' /.'. riri'- soujlht to ilijuie(!) : I. (.• ('iinservative candidate anions mod- iiiite drinkiiii; {lerinans in Noriiiaiiliy. in'Mtiiuk and idsewhere liy tryiiij; to li'Ve that llr. .laiiiii-.soii was a teiniiei- II I'l- man. And, in iider lliat the sworil 1 .i'.;lil cut bolli May.s at once, the deli^dit- f*i»- Jbliii Macdoiiald places his majori- ty in the House at forty. This is a Mtroii<; woikini^ irtiijorityâ€" in fact Tlit Wnk con- siders it (dtof^etlier too lar^e for ijood (jovernmeiit. What must be s.iid of Mr. Mowat's strong backing, then ? Mr. .\. F. Caini.bell. Kditor of the C'(m- .ii-rriitiir, was elected- Mayor of liranipton by acclamation, on tlnilHtli itist., in the rooiiLof L. Miliu,., iJ*ccased. .Some Kd- itrtr s are horn >vjlli silver «[ioons in their luoutlis anyliSw. The C'tmulu Citizen says all the dele- gates to the recent Alliance Convention, held in 'I'orontu, "advise independent, intellii^eiit and iniinediate political action" ill order to .secure proliibitiiui. .Iiist how ♦ lie peculiar kind of "piditical action" indicated will be [nit in operation many earnest Temperance worker-^ cannot for the life of tliein imf '.;ine. No (Luht time will tell. <,>iieli(-e is alreaoy tryini; to -jit it' ''ex- teij;.ive" liaud into the Dominion money b.i^' and Without any just rea.^on for so doiiiv'. 'I'lie ancient province i.i ;;cttiiio alto^'elher too clieeky and oii','lit. to be taken ai.foss the "Id .Man e knee and siianked. N.15. - The Ilaniilton Tinus will pleii.ie excuse us for an apparent in- fiinvement of its copyright in the sjiank- iiiLT business. TilE IIKV. (IKO. II iHAVi.R. ..1 iJ ,ur bell, hiU., «a.va : li >'li m â-ºâ€¢â- !! mid our lives to Sllll.nllS CiiNmU CL'llE." Sold at Meilical H.il ^"^^^:leixhs liiilii'fi trouhli'-l witii rimj^li*"'. â- ;!.•:. iicrt, j fQ^ Il'iU[,'h htiiuLs ur fiic<!, oi .-xirr^ <il un . â- â- i; ip- littii. hh'Hiitl uf*o .\lc(fiu^>'i *v I'ntXr > t a. boiic i ortitu. It will In.ivii llif 'kin in puriuil lifailh, Kiiiouth. clciin iirxl i:tur\ < olt^i-. 1 .• huj r un i (jut llu! (jL'rniiiif. niutli* I'v Mr( iroj^ur iV I'niku. I'nco ii."(C. huKi at tiio Dritu y^if^m. iMmiii^ K.J. ^iPUOUL. FiVa/icAfcv. '.'««!•â- jDietT, Apjiiniaer, }'n'-' \iittiir ivid MdWil iiuler, DccUx, i]t,ii' ifajexi /I'j.ic.i I'tiii 'tills ilraii-)t up iiji./ K.i.'iuiiioK.i miilf (nihiiitrH iii/tiir. ' lii'i- ;/<â- •« aril hn'-, AiJj'ht,. J!. ,/. l^lLi.L I.k, /Wtm.isier, FUfht-rb-. EsJaibkJisiSrilit SLHKPLESS NKiill'.S. in,i.i.' luispr.tl^U- by I hat UrrriLlu c.mi,'*!. Sliil<'li ^ iiii. i* tho reiufdy for yni. .'it-M iit M»hI!cu1 Hail. Hdvo you all (>M Soctr, Cut, lijniHc, t't'rn, Muii- i»iii, Salt Itlu'iiui, Piiiii'lf, liiuti ins, Ii,iti;ju Hunds or Fiif)!? If ho. iin*:n if but '-iitf fun, naiiioly. Mu<ir«f{or A I'liiktj'H (.\i.b'i.U' (tn-ato. If yuii but try it, it will c (tiviucu yuu. it tosts buli!.')C.ut the I>nt|^Htoiu. M;ive you ovur triod .Wui .if^^oi (t l>r)te'H Car- bolic Curiitti ^'»r Koreti of aiiv kino? It i.-* be- yoini (lotilit iVn vnry bt'^t jM«>*«ni<-i(Oi in tiiu hiarkc't for i'tuuliri'^ aiii) I'uih'U So.ch. ]luin». Cuts, rimplcH, lllotchi't-. ami i>- iliu oril> ju'jK^r nu'llioii of ui'i'ilyiiii; Cii' biiic Aciii Sol.i at l\\v Drut' Stor«j for 'jr>c. jn-i b-.x A \VoNM-;itFrbOH(j.\ .'. Tni' iar;:ist nrtraii i hik) I'lio til lit pluvii a i-oiitr- llib^ ii.m ot iIm* | lieulth uf tlie bo.ly is tffi" livt-r. If trljiiii or ^Inuctivi* tht! \vh..lu sysi*»in hi ('t.irifs 'ii:"" Um- <!. Dr, tâ- lm^t•â- H Livt-r Ctin- in lUn'l** M|)MrtJilly for LivtT uuil Ki'lnt'V liiHcuK'-,-,-. and is Ruar (uiteLMl to cure. hHctij e l»uok md iriedicine %\. Sold by all ^eal.ih. FLESHE^TOK!': Is I lie filtirfi i ^^1'*, l/aitr \ iS'-V/'/.v niddr i r fihi-e. j 'Finr iUAiiW'iris,! FLHSiIi::KTO.\ i *Jurrfulhi <Jorrrrt,it Ha, Utfl.. ' CLATrON'S FLESIIIRTON. As the jjliio i" 'jrl y.tirf.(<->i'.»-.'t Cvtlara, d-<-. rUelti-rtmi. I'linituH'tioul d- Hhve ^'f<^;â- C, iNKW ADVKIITlM'lMiN'i^. TENDERS WANTED. Okf] ('i:l)AK Stali.B fnr tlii' Ilcsh.-l ton Ceini.- 4vO\J frv. wiiiitf'l. 'I'eii.ttjrH will Id, reeeivtil iiji tlit iiooM Oil \Vu,llif*-'lH\ . .\pril 0th. fi U ( I,.WruN,Sic\, 1 U->li<rtiili Al'l'ly â- It. them eiviliteil with makiiiL' a hetter ]>oint ilo:;iai;s, â- vil who •'.lily Uiijoeeiit Temperance (0 man of the .'.'â- ii< '• tried to prove in .Arternesia- i Tie- Ne.i York llnii'itt II'. lA/;/, of 17t!i that l)r. Janiiesoii w;i» anytliinj^ but an in.'-t. , :,:iys : ''Sam .biiies and some otli- i.'.voeate of Temperanee principles '. Of ; er liviie.; Kvani.'<-li..ls L'et oti' a â- ,',p(id many li! the pc.i.lu in South ( irev who should 1 hri'.dit tliiiij^. but we have never seen . " 1 .lep iiiiiin concerniiio this matter, the yii.l' r of the 'iVreii- i.s the man. but the /oriiii- IS not content to lam- (. . II the .\l>v.\M i; : Mr. M Kichardsoii i:..l 111 ('hrif.toe are trottid f,.ith witli 'iie Usual scanty courtesy all'ordcil oppo- •.eiit.,< The l!> lo ./â- .scrihe says those ^'eii •'eiii. 11 made an ell >rt in the direction ot j'eu .111! their "lovt for llej li.|"i<iT inter- . t. ' It ..Illy recjuiies two Words to an.^- «â- I the .stat.-iiienis of iheyoumr man of he /i'.ri^"- 'I'hey are vigorous, exjir's- •lie and save miiltiplyit.;; v.ord.i. In !.' It thi-v ale- iiiiii '.'â- .' J than that reported of ,Iaeid> Knapp w!io I III rel.iikiir,' liair i-.]rlittini; th I said : ''It is II,. t < Jod hut the i Sets ini'ii l:iiiiiiiio a iiiosipiito'.s Ue islllli'. H 111],- .1 .'Ihhi l|.i .'ihlpricked cii d b( ,'â- '.•>• tlieiii. w ale 1 i LOST NOTES. A 1.1, )iHrtli;H Are hert-tn itiiltiuned ri^aiii- 1 lie- ij'itmtini; fiirtwii imli-^ on,' l,.i .-s .Ml, .Imwn in iiiv liiv..r liy .Mr llil|.,.k. iitel tie, (â- tluT f..i â- fl'i. ilrswii Ml my fuMir 1., H.'iii> Il'-uii. ti>.lh MOW line. II.* The Wllliio leiv liei'li l",-l O' liilw- phiC"! hy 111.'. J \V Ml IH.r-ifiN. lloi-MiMi;- .\inli'. M.ir.;i -'l.-t. lK.-,7 '•'lour la 11 W.ieat Spnii;,' Wlieiil .. liarh y CJulr, ' ... .... I'ea-i Ibltter Ki,',i,'s, fresh I'otulocH I'ork ... ILi v,[)er toil Hides Wool ops (ie, so Turkrys Clliekelis j.er p;iir |)iicks per p:iir STieonskin.i *i I Lo 2 10 iii)\7,o " 77 ti 7. 77 (I I., (I iii (I ;7 U :1 II 1 1 ;;ii 5 c, .s l"l (; 1 1(1 :t; (. M (I !â- .'. (I f'-^ (I :;ii HA U -18 -JO It 47 , 111 ..If voii v.ant Hhiess, Single or •;(i i Ibiiiblc.'or lIur^^e Blukcts, Tiunl.s, CO ' Dells, Vall.-^ei, C'lUl V.tBlbs. Bnislies I'lOr. 1 y >'!«' ^'''â- '"^'â- ^â- '^ l'i»n.~s Oil, call it ' I oxaii.ir.e WiVie [niicha'.!'-,' elsewhere. 1 I'lii'K villi:.- ;;,r\PHOToaaiPHY. or v.M.i .\iii.i; lAii.M PlIOll.KTV: III,'. I ill II ,',' AT GORDC UARXE.SS S||Oi',t'^RS- BULVIBR, I Jles'neflof) - Ont. n.r.siir.irios. \oU v.ili ..Nil nil Il»M Itlile.i I'lj^nt Trcfs til S{>rins. ." il<- Edit,., ../ Thr A.h.l.r. . Sir. - Will yi'ii alloc. Ill" to remind your e.t li-l'R, 111 colitiniiatioii of a letter i\d- .l:..vse<l to tl:em last fall, tleit the time is i|'|ii :> â- liiii:,' uliti. they iiiil->t decide 'l.i'lhi I or no. they will lo.ne aiiotliec year II lilt! matter of pli pal lie,' a future shel- 111 f'U their fariii.s. Tin le i.n l!othiii',' lo !.iiuler anyone haviiiL'. m a few year.^, a l;l;;li and almost solid w.ill of everjireen id"ii'.ithe jioitli or west of their farms, an :i'l liti' II wliieli would lo.ike it tar more ouiiifoi r.ilile to live III, more protitahhi to , iiji. and more ea.sy to sell. If iinyoiie ivill take the troiilileto visit some of those \iiiiis where such have been urciwii, thi'y will liever re.it till they have coiiiiiieiiceil lo plant one. 'tut what I i'.i.>lied mole paitieiilarly :'i iiieiitioii now is that, to tlio.se wlio . !i le to H pare a hroailer liult of himl, li.ii. if tlu'V «ill L'i\e siiy lifty foot in ..l..iiltli. and pi. lilt I' eloM'ly with decid- .â- iiii'-i, the lunnhir if hramdieH, no liiil they keep it in order, and not mak'.' u 11 li.ii hour tor Weed and riihliish, a lliiti!! I i,il> iii.ina','ed, will provi; in winter a.s . ill. in e a wind hre.ik as a line of e-ver- II, lis. For trees « In II pianted cloB.dy, a:. I uiveii care yrow to tall strHi'.;lit stem.1, I ;. limber of which break.i tiie force of iji •; iiid completel\ . It .-hould alio he In liced in this con- i.ei'ioii iliat here, aiiioii|{ others, could lie planted hickories, oaks, elms, ashes, mill so fiulli, many of whiih itru very val- iialile for dilhaci t purpo»n, even when only SIX inches throuob. I'Vuii such a hell i-xteiidim; aciosj the farm, tli^' own • r ciin cut, every year, as soon as i'u.urovvs lip, lar Kji;;'i imdiey's worth, ant) that wil'ioiit t^ie li.Voor of oiuwing, than tliu same hiiUl \:i\ ever produce in crop. l''or t li . di;.(' i.H, iinfiutiimitely, rapidly a|ipioaeliiii,.'. when all »llcli (joiids will be v.'rvdeai. .\t present, over iiiiioh of our rroni>, \Vi 111 an editorial ariicle in la.^t I^'iiday eveiiint's ll.iiuili.i.i Timr- oceiirs :lie fol- low iie,'sii.'iuticaiit sentence : "â- jt liecoiues our painful duty to take the Toroi'io tli'iiKr arrms our paternal knee iuid spaiilc it. ' Now, the 7V;;o-.< is the leadini,' lie form jouinal iii W rsterii <'amiila. and when it speaks '•ri^^lil out in meeline ' in tliLs manner tberu's •tometbiitu wron^ sure. I.s the (lli.ii, aliolit to imitate the Ml. I ' Tlie I tonii raisi'd hy frii mis i.nd s'.in piilhizert of Mr. .\lex. .Mitchell our the a|ipo»!it'lTi,«iit of our esteemiMl eiti.'iii, .Mr. W. (r I'lekoll. at haililf, has had the desiri)<l oU'ect. .Mr. I'leki 11 pi'Mtively ileidines the po.-itiou under the eiremii- stances and ha.- r.liied, leaviie.- llie lield open to his iioii-y eompetitoi.^. .Mi I'. has -leted wis'dy, for had he pei'si-ted '.ii holdinj,' his i.i,iiinil to whi. Ii In: wiv-i justly ami [a'operly eiitilltid the Imwl Would liavt been l"iij.', lou 1 :'.ml to a man of lini sensitive or.'aiiU'.atiiii per feetly urn ndurabh- l''roiii a sellish point of view, Tliornhiiry s |o.>s is Klesh- ertoii s L'-'iiii fi'l the piesi'iit at anyrate. For. |)YS(S.;i'.sI.\ 1.11.1 l.iv.r (.â- i.iiiiiliiiiit. 'oil l.iiVe 11 |irllr*til J.'U;.rilllti-,- I'll i-MTV lint ill- if Sliiiiil. n V- taio-.ir. It in-v.-r l.'iils lo Si.lil :lt M.-iheiil Hull. rill'T I'OWer of S.ili' r..;!*ioiii'.l i'l i. ee-tain 111.11 tijiii;,' lili.ili! h> I UlH llliliiK to Ihe 1 Seliil',!.,. which will h,' lii'oilll I lit the toil" i.r ~iile. Will l.f «ii!il I,. I'lihlii' \iiile.li Ht th.' ( ItOWN lli>TI-;i.. Ill 111,- Villut;,. ,1 I'KIIT \ ll.l.l: iKi -I-l-f.SIl W. M'Ull, I-... :fs7 M tl 1 ui;!-. 'U u.lil., till, ti.lliiv, lilt; vi.liu.hi, |,i ..pert V. ' vl/. 1 l,.)t i!iniil,.,r Ihilt.v 111 tl »â- Ut e't!u...^-i'.ii -oiith I'f 1)111 liMin Uiuiil leliOilMOte iflvii.i,"! leiiie .-I l...b. iiii.l iiJsii tl.,. > .iillii I 1 , T'OH liiu". 111"! iL ' , lluol ll'-ri'. Ill l.'.t tlin! , .1 ll . Ilisl r.ill ii "illl | i.t till' 1)11' i U..ii'i 11 th, r,vvii,lil|i I'l Alt,- j l-.i'MH 111 III,' (â- â- -l.M . I f lir, I ' -n will si-... I,,' - ,1 'li.'iT .M.>rt,;'i:- 11,11 I.- , I 1,-.- .\'ii.ii' ,ii-i.,-..ii iiii ' ui',- 1..; i.oi ',;. I, 111, i MM nil.' till fill I'l III'' h T I,.-,', , I' till' ..iiiH' till,'- j 1 jii'l |i| II '. til" [nll.iwo.i^ ), ..ji -It, : l.i.t- riMii- ' h.'v 11.1 .- ii.-i'l lii'i . ',1 â- â- . Ih lil.- ,f th,- I I i.l'ln.-\,',o,l l;.,i.le, in,- \.i;:,i:,- .-f 1' . ,-vii:,,, ' i.,ii.i; eiot i.f I'll. r,..M, |ii.,i 111 'ill.-. -| fl Ill^ "[O .â- anil .vil! Ill- Iltit -I- k-iiw:i .•:i Illty I ufnuiu, l-iil flirtll'ir IKOll'-ehil- ii|!'l> '•" ' M .1 Ki.-v r. I . 11 I 11. le.t-oi'' JO RENT nr FOR SALE ,"il) acre farm. I-l .I'-n-i eli-.-.n-.I. .Vt'ply t-i II. i;!( si\iti>.s«»\. Hoavv :::A L^^'li" '^"•'rrr'". Whip-., lil-'lshi -, l-ilr â- J.i 1:5.0; 1' ^'fet'OLLAKS 1 M'i;< lALTV.-'i^i ('h.-.l|i fer I'j h l-ii'.l '1 : 1 l''\ O' i-.e Maxwell CarriafiH Winks. llvm. A. «!ak4'!y, Carria I l!,i v.iif -1 -'it «iini' tin.' intli'tiwlio of tie ,1 ] fu. ill. lis â- lio.llto l'».lteL.'rHl lUr,-. S. J.I)i\iil' . .S. .11 I ..'-<l''ii..'l M^'iahh- kiaOVueiu Ueliitt l.ii.«. t Uv-I a,.Miri.l I I.OI Btv-ii-iil ncliC' 1 ,;!l^fin-l!'. I;. \ clli*.li'viii I Iftljy^uitnl. i Mi:s.,:aJ.Mi-:u. i-i'-t. iri'.i. i-s.'.. MBf«a«Z)ra«i 'â- '; \' tiiid h'a. )\iii::,!: c'-r.,' t". t" th.' [11 Imh' 1,1- I'.i-MI, •,-â- -. r.ii re'.'l te. Maki ^\ I* - to ii:.!'"ii:;.i it ill th.i 111 :iil\ ii-'il tl.),'.! 111-. !.,• hin .\:\ I'ol.r- 1:. I'll.i-' : .. Ulli ii.'i 'I, .\: I'l II t-. I I -ti: 'â- h!ii k II ill ^1 â- I .,1,1 i.u ail 'Villi. Ill I inoii-i-li,iii t'l I ill- I- 1.' I' 1. M'.is. .\. e.L.Vlvl.l.'i, 'frvl, 51 SCROFULA i-iir • IIACKMKI.V, I.. |ii-i fiimi'. I'rice 'J.'i a: .\;. -.11. Ill Hall. Humors, Erysipelas, i^;iii^ and riHu'raiit â- leiiit.-. Sill l.v .\lo .1.^111 , 1. Ill 11 I' ill .Mill III II. i hie., I 11 I.I ,Mi,.|il.-r>ii.: It S.I .eliil III mil-.' II i -ii.'V . S ....iioiu -i I I li, \..l II, IS i.i, ii..''i p or llltluMeleri I 1! it, in.illiiiis; 111. " I . .\le 'nil ili.-tll. hi .1 lit M , ,.,l' 1.,' ,. .,il, I nil •'â- pMll I'l .â- .itlili; I I . Ill ' :• ! II hiilll -'Ml . .1 111 fill . Illllll, II 1 1. I'll. I'l. II, 11 "ill I. Ill O II'. Ii'.ll.ili-lv I'lp.-llil 111'. '11 III. iiit^tiiki 111.' lit n it lit.ii ' itii-t Dito-i hii'ii, Cii'iil.il. ,. til I.I ll..\, <.|s.i-|lii', \\ lllil > I II II'. ~i.ll. nr tiii) I'l 1.1.-. ii.'liiei.it Inihoiiiiiiiiii'ii. mill Hi' ' fi'Ui- ll-l.|<'11. i:v 01 the Wlliile s\s1m|i1. --.Ml" V, i ii s- I -w ^ .s. .I'tiiinu: S\ riip" fur .-hllitreii 1. i-ihin;^ is phll.-init til ill,. I Illl,- 11 II. I is llle l>l-< pill II ,if II f fi.- i,|.|i-.l aliil ii '.st fi'iiii.l,' ph,-iiiiiiiH nil. I ."o -I- . Ill 'he I 11 III-. I stilt ei-. mill ir. Illl VI, I,, l»v Illl ilniij.'ists till .luehiinl the I'.irlii I'll,-.- Iw.i'it, livi i-.'iits II l,.ii I.,. He -'iin- mill toK Im- â- ns. \Vr.- low's So.iiiiiM. SMti e. uiel tfku II lo^lH 1 kill'l liys i-li. Canker, and Catarrh, smi.oii s p..- jlive I'll. I- Cai.ker .". 1.11' ii f.VT.-VIIUil 111 .MIT) V )i f.i I'lit'O-ili, I'ip hei a i.ii.l S.-lil ,11 M. '.Ileal ll'ill. i-oinitiy, i|iiantities of jjooj ivo.id are loii-eil into imiikot, hy ilio nucesHity' of the ow 11 eiK, ami while th.is is done the price st.iyB low IVjt, ti.J ,sli.:k is ex haU'sted in iiiai/y pl.^et*, ftiM at ike |ii-is cut rate soon will he in ail iTi twenty \ earn a farm of second ;(|-on-tI;,,, wi),! ).e lorth iifty clfiircd farms. YourH ol.j. , II. W. I'liiirH. Tjroi.tD, Miirch 17th, lb87. A S,\S\Ii IN.Iiv ' roll lr..e wall picli tiot- tle of Siiiliie'i C.i'.orli Ui-iinily. I'liec I'lO ciuts. Hull! lit Me.licd Hall. Still lillHlTKK willliiimedialely relieve I'im! Ci)iii;li, iind lit. nclillis. Ha 1. Can be cured by purifying the blood with 1 1 ,1,1 n.il luiiele lh;|- i ,\yei-*s .Sni-sapjirill:i hi- I nil e<|ual as ti rein, ip, I (or .Seri)fiili)iis Illl iimrs. It Is pleasiiiii I to take, niii-s slr.-iiKlli Hllil I h'.nr to till* I)UI|> , and prciliiees u ni.ir.' permiiui-'it. Iiislini;. re- sult tie. 11 any iiieilieine I .. \ .. r II «e.l . â€" 1:. llaiiies. .\o. Lliiilale.li. 1 have I'-i.-il .\'ir's Sarsaparilla,t!i tii.' t'liiii- lly, fur Seriirnia, and kiiuw, if it Is taken faith fully. It will th»roi|..;lily el iiillcuto this |.-rrilil.- disease. - \V. K. K.iwl.r. .\l. l>., tireonville, T.-nii. r.jf flirty years 1 hat* siiHere.l with I'.ry- sli). las. I lull.' tried ;iil sorts of rellledleH fur my eoiiiplniiit. i'lit ruimd no relief imtM I com me lie 111 l|s'<^^ A v.. r' s Siusapei'r.fii. After tiikiii,' ten I'.t- lies of this iimlii in ' 1 Hill l-olllpli-tell .-m-'.'b - Marv ( . .\iiusbiirv, UoeKporl, .Me. I have siill'i-ri-d, (nr years, from I'atari-il, wlii.-h was so hi-v.-r.' Ihut it .Ii-stiiiieil my iippptlle tiTA w lakemd my synteir. .^fl.-rtrv- iulj olliiT leiin-di. s, ami i;i'tlliiir im lelh-f, I lii'ifHii to eiLe .Vver's Sarsaiuirills, iiinl, in a few monlhs, waseiireil. Sn-aii b. Ci.iil;. yilll .\lli-iiiy St., boston lli(4lilainls, Mii.ss. .\yer's Suisiipiuilla jssiiperl.ir In iiiiy lilom! |)iirili.-r lliat I have I'v.-r tried. 1 Inne liiKeii it fur Seroi'nlii, Canker, nu.l Sall- Klieiim, iinil r.'ceivi-d iim.'li hi'ii.'tit fruiii it. U is ifooil. Ills. I, tor a ivuiik sloimnli.â€" Jllllle .bin.' I'eir.i-, .Suiitli ir.iiilford, Miiss. Ill,"' l-y ' lu'!. II an;, j-,-,- ..11 u/i;*!i^t lii.;'l.i. .1.; lor .k e,'!,i ter ''I.'' Ill Iiivor of >iiii -., I M '.itlii. wli'i-h (eil ill e no-'ilt 1 I Nov , l-i. , ,1.. 1 hil'e Hut ii'-,"M-il vuiue I'T till' M.llie, JO;'-S .-lUKliWixll) :it, Ku.4''ii-..i I'D, To Farmers' d Millers', FOE SALE. WrSIM I.f .5.1. CiMi y. Artniifs-ia. ANo TWO (a:\.M) WATI'lt I'oWJ.iih in liuj^iniia. nti>i a iHKii" r 'â- ! Tuwu Iit»t.- Uritx r.i< ItU I'l ItHV. r -M at I'.R-it SflkirH, M«iii . nr to U. Mc. 1, ri UI>V. r:>'| . I'.UKutnu, mtfl atitwiT \i»ll he luailt' at i> iii!i>. VI'CTION S\LK (»K VAIJ-AJU.K TAKM riopei tv lit thi) 'I\nTu-.b!»>Mi lUipUra^iu, in tin; Ctmiitv ..t liii'v- Tbt-tcwU b.» olTv-n-l fa,- s.iU- by I'lililic AiKluMi iittlu- l;l.\i:UK HdCHK. Ill t.h.' NiLa^t'of rHi.»i;MU U^ â- •» U\a Coumy i»f li-my. till I-IUDAV IMi: Kliill fl! IVW O. Al'Kll.. 1W7. at Mm liour »«f two u\-)->:^a iti Iho 11 tl-: noon nil att'i r>tiiLUlur tliat ct>rt.t n pau-i 1 or M act ul land ^ltlluttâ- in ilut pui'l lHw a.-^tiip <>t l.illi'ii asiH, c'Kiilhiiiii j; tuu' liuiiilrt-ii ik-m-?* nimo .t|- If^K C<.illlMiM-<l cf the :svnuil Imlf nf lut Mllli- bn J III U\v -.fi-iiii.l L-.iin'»'s?.iiiii. 'ibis il.-biriib!o pr •Li-ity lit-, alMiit nine nul«',H from Kb'; luTtnn, bitr an-1 a li.ill uiib-w (lom Kut^iii.a. an. I iwo ai.il a h'tif iiiiliw fruMi 1< in'bi'rlr> , aMlhii-; vrt c- M I t Itn-.-.ui a ln)\vi-ii bit; lii.u^r Ju \ n; nu-i Ian ll<arc Ii iinit'i -.':( \ It nbii'b ant mu>( to In* in .1 tail htalc ft rt'pair Tiif pri'in-itv in Wtll wat- fil Willi a n.'ihl ".[uit!^ â- M'cti intir'in;,' Oiioiiijli It and f.iiivtiiioiiilv *4n,..,i,t,;,i ,(s lo ti:ivoIU"I II Illl >. rbf. »â- I- a --liuni *>:-cbatii uiK'ii tlio |<u> jof., c.niiaMni â- ; abotit M\tv Imi'. tu-t-H T\\k1 -0,; 1 ^ lit a ibt> luaiii. abo-.it i;i a.-rn-* art* m iiftiir â- -CtU- "f ctihivariitji 111' lib'. v.- i.n':iiist»A w.II bi' otf'Tftl for Kali' iiinliT ami b> vii tin* of a p >w- v\- itl ^..ili> c'Milaiiu-il Ul II ft'itam nioi 1^;a:.;t' (\^l'ltâ- h will bn pn-'iiit'id at tin- tinio I'f Hah't anil uiil bf ..ifcnMJ lor <iili- Mibji'i-t ko a rc^oi vi- bi.I. 'I'KltMS and t'omliti.mH nind.- know n on dnv of wab'. {-'itr fiiitlicr paiti.-nbii -^ aopiv to )-. M. CH.U)\VI< K. \fiid...Hr>. licir.Mi. luattv. chad- will:, Mai'K.it. ckit (tu:t. 08 Wcllintitmi S it-et ha-t. I « V'lito- littU'd Hi i'tirontottii.^ Urd ,biv of Man li A.D.. •\1*t^ .^. ;)i. .\..d itii.-.i 'i'\tit 111'' ! >â- ' V . HJKVr. YOU ''iit.SfiT. t»'*^p<-;'si-i, I'tliycsn ll .1. j.,.c, iMOi;!- - . 1 '. â- â- '. I I'f, : .,1 .'v. l4iTjrt;' P.EM ,,'... l...i,L,'Vn )' . , ,' '1 .-. .' ,; ,'l"'l''. ... ; '. . '-'.S .-.(li., lij L, ;.'> OJO 3 3LJ .'1 .. 'I i f. CU<I3€'m /iI -â- I'lirc 7e,>M.i i ./-...â- â- . w. - -.1 'â- .- • I. .•'â- "/.Af./ Wl.-t /â- ,'u:n: /.' .''I . 1 * 1-JH..1'./ tind.\. 'Zm-Imiz tUw CivekAway Fill \Vrai>l .-,1 .11. Ill ,| -v.-ry i, .111.- -f I H Ch.i is ii "v.. 1..1 . e li.„'.«h..l M.'.l.'.ill.uiik- .li U'Sjl; I?i ;-i.-^^). i-'iCiiniti-.; evrryto . pri.ii'.uii' t-'l lyV«'*i'.i' iiif 1 anil ^.i>:ci-t%| able, ..lilt '., ".-.li '.. r. timo liiv p.ic^f tiu TRY Cmae'5 *at/|'R1h Car.:, -i.^ifc anl, iii'c reii.vi.tv. l:..'-. .-'iciit-.. l I THYChase 3Kidii:yanjI;v;rPiU. '-114;'^^ SOLD DY ALL DEjLcR!: T. KOMANSON * CO., Solo Ainlt, Eljiford Indies her t»n Meat Haiiiel. SKPT.GOOD, . l^ipiui:!*, Cash paid for fat Caqe and Sheep. Frtsh !Mcats conshintly ontuulfor Cash. Onlcrs primiiitly liVd. d at Ml ilieiil A!!!'. VOII MMir, iiiisi'iahle hy Iieh!,'. fit ion, (^ii'i'iMeilioii ni/./.in-Hs. Iiobh nf iijipe- ine V'll.i"- Miiir? Sliiliili's Vilalizer is a piisiiive eiiie. .Sold at Medical Hall. •lAi.T Kiirr-n t*--iitui â€" Sfcfirepor ,t- I'ttrk.i's farh.'IU- (-,'11- oj ha^- lieeti fiei' rikI font .1 to hu till' »t|iv p.isitive c'lve for f^iili llluniiii, Piiiiples. Hlo'r*';- 11 the flU'O or hilllds. Cuts Ihil iIk, U.-iii"es. Ill imv Sore that iiethiiii; else will hesl Try "tiiG uCDi 't- I'>irki>V CarLoIic C'eraiu -jlis.i par liox at thii Lit Ji; IHoiu. Ayer's Sa^saparilla, I'l.'paieil hy 1)1,, 1,1', .\_\,-i .'^ ( .... 1,11" til, MuDD, 1-rlcti »1 ; t.ls buttlea, SR. Money to .Loan. .If ''A I'll- fV)i(, /)it,ri!.st d. Stntitjht Lumi- WITH liiim-iist pairt ,eiii.^^j».it -^1 uilvaucn.No oj.iiiiiis,.lol. ciim-f^utl Apply to .l.UUIKK. fUWR.XUlUY EUGENIA^ eal Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest anq o;i terms of repaynient to suit borrower. 1 FARMS houo;ht and sold. CON VEYANCI':S of all kinds proiH.-rIy executed. COMMISSIONKR for taking affidavits in H.C.J. , Agnt for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business prompti)', carefully and confidentially attended to. Office, Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. HENBY MELDEUM, AGENL e /