Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 17 Feb 1887, p. 8

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Vf. ! THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE. .1 THE im AllSriili ! LARGE OATHEKIXtf OF EL- ECTORS ly FLESHERTOX. The Town Hall, Flesherton, was tilled to overflowing on Siiturday aftt'iiiooii last, by A most iiitulli>(ent and eiitliuHiastic â- ;»theriii)? of Artuniesia latepayurg and otliera. The presence of a fair represeu- tatioit uf the fair sex elicited warm re- marks of approval from the various speak- ers. H Damude, Esq., was unanimously voted to the chair, and made a very neat and appropriate speech â€" short and to the point. Mr. M. Richardson was the first gen- tleman to address tlie electors, and, upon taking his place on tlie platform, was re- ceived with great applause. He rapidly but clearlv reviewed the condition of the country under the regime of Hon. Alex. Mackenzie. Then with a few inasteriy touches of real oratory, the changed con- dition of the country under the beneficent influences of tlie National Policy was vividly presented to the electors amidst cheers and much applause. The policy of Mr. Mackenzie and the policy of Sir John, relative to the coiibti'uction of our great national highway, the C. P. R. were con- trasted in a most powerful and teliini; manner. The first was a jialf-hearte*! IMilicy, while the second was docidetily the reverse, for under the latter the C.P. R. is an iissured fact â€" s-tretchinn its iron bands from ocean to ocean and tending to unile the provinces of the Dominion in one grand and harmonious whole â€" •developing the resources of the country and laying the foundation for a great and progressive nation. The Riel question was reviewed, fnmi the events which led up to the first reljellion down to the time when Louis Riel, the black-hearted trai- tor and murderei expiated his crime on the scaffold at Regina. The attitude of the Rkforni press before andaftcr theexe- outioii, the race and revenge cry <md everything else in connection therewith were reviewed by a master hand, eliciting enthusiastic cheers and round after round of applause. Owing to tlic abseiise of Dr. LMiderkin iu another part of the riding, Mr. Win. 15. OH n spoke in his behalf, lie said the Riel i^uestion was a dead issue, but tliat the Tories persisted in entrenching them- selves behind the dead body of that un- fortunate lunatic. He wjis willing to dis- cuss the question with Ur. Christoe at any ' time and place he might mention. He 'iiad sUted this at the Price ville meeting. Dr. Christo«. â€" I was not present when the statmeiit was made. Mr. Urown. â€" You challenged iiW to discuss the questimi and 1 accepted it. Ur. Christoe.- Idid not ; butl'ui ready to nieut you any time you choose, (cheers) Mr. IJrown (continuing) defined the meaning of the word Tory, which, he *aid, signified "robbers," from tlic word Toree to rob. He said Tories well deser- ed the name, for they had been robbing the pubUc treasury, when opportunity pr.tseiited itself, from first to last. He then drifted into provincial politics, and referred to the alleged "Tory conspVacy" iu 1.^4. From this he struck out on -.mother tack, and, amid derisive cheers, referred to the Conservative party as the "Party of False Pretences. " Uuspokein kindly terms of Dr. Jaiiiie.s<in whom, he said, would no doubt support Mr. Rlake in the House ; but reminded the electors that it was the Government which was on trial before the public tribunal of this country, and caic must be exercised to prevent gentlemen â€" however ustiiiuiblu us citizens â€" being sent to Ottawa to jier- petuatc a rejimp of cxtravagmice and niis- up|iiopriation of the public funds. D. CreightoM, Esq., M.P.P. for North <irey next addiessed the electors. He was received with loud cheein. Ho ex- preH.i«d his surprise at the introiluction of jirovincial politics on suuli an occasion as this and proceeded todis«ect .Mr. Hiiiwii'm remarks in this direction in a iiinHf. scath- iw;^ and satisfactory Jle ho.ii, )in»v,i;d that not one Coiisiti vative nieir.- bur ill the Ontario .Vssonibly was cogni i;aiit of tlie alleged atlenipt to biibe meiii- bers of the Oovtirninent. He next pro- ceeded to discuss the live issues in the l>resciit election. The National Policy, the C.P.R, and other important matters were ably and impartially dealt with, lloth si<le« of the questimis under discu- sion were fairly presented and contracted. The nationnldebtv IS clearly shown, from the public recoids produced by speaker, to have increased much more under the Mackenzie rr(/ini<' than under the adniiu- istratiiiii of Sir .lohn Macdonald's Guv- crnuiKiit. Mr. Brown made statements which he did not and cuuld not prove ftovx tlte public records. Every asser- tion made by himself (Mr. Creighton) was based upon facts gleaned from the bluj books, and could not be gainsayed (chev-rs). The speaker then drew a most giaphiu and thrilling picture of the Riel reliellion ; of the real originators of that rebellion ; of the letters which passed be- tweenâ€"not hulf-broeds, but white set- tlers on the banks of the Saskatchewan, and of which he read an extract from the blue book relating thereto ; of the Frog lake massacre ; of the dreadful murders and all the other terrible things in con- iiectiou with that fearful drama in real life. Mr Creighton closed one of the most brilliant politicid speeches ever de- livered here amidst loud and long c<m- tinued applause. Dr. Jamiesoii was received with much applause and enthusiasm, and created a most favorable impression by the liberal tone of his remarks, his gentlemanly treatuieiit of opponents, and by his calm and pointed allusions to the public ques- tions of the day. He is a fluent speaker, a pleasing speaker, and last but not least an honest speaker. W|^) could listen to his sturdy and manly utterances without being convinced that he is a politician to be trusted anywhere and everywhere â€" at h^Miie and abroad. He introduced his re- marks in a most happy manner, and al- luded to Mr. Ur<jwn in a humorous but gentlemanly style. He intended, lie j.i'd, to have had another shot at Mr. Drown, but Mr. Creighton had so thoroughly de- molished Mr. U. that there was sc.ircely enough of the latter left to shoot at (cheers and laughter, in which Mr. Urowii heart- ly joined). He then proceeded to review the questions at issue which he did in a niamier to convince all that he is compos- ed of the material only found iu broad- minded and honest legislators. Dr. Christoe made a most energetic speech, meeting Mr. Urown's statements with an overwhelming array of facts, which were presented in a forcible and logical m.aiiner. Point followed point in rapid succession, each one being greet- ed with great applause aiid cheering. He would meet Mr. Hrown or any other man on the public platform and discuse the Riel question, (applause/ Those who knew him were cognizant of the fact that he was not the kind of man to shirk such a meeting, (cheers and a voice : "How does that suit y.m, Mr. Urown !") Mr. John Lyons, of Markdale, deliver- ed a short but rouRing speech, confining his remarks chiefly to the important na-' tore of the fisheries question, the belli- gerent attitude of the U. !;> senate and a portion of the press, and to the Riel ques- tion His remarks were greatly applaud- ed. Three rousing cheers each were given f'>r the Queen, Dr. Jamiesoii, and D. Crciglitor, E«<|. M:P.P. A hearty and unanimous vote of thanks tendered to the chairman. Four-fifths of those at the meeting were in favor of Dr. Jamie- son. A liivtNo yrKSTioN.â€" Questionâ€" "U this life north living?'' Annwer â€" -It all de- peiids upon the livpr?" If tiirpiil or inac- tivi! it cainos a dull, toufili, laiiguiil feelini:. Dr. Chase's Tiivcr ('me gives health and buoyancy. Hold by Dr. Christou. .UtE YOU MADft miserable by In-'lfiest- ion, (Constipation, Dlzzineso, Tjoss of appe- tite. Yellow .Skin? .Sbiloh's Vitalizer is a positive cnie. Sold at Medical Hall. KOU DYSPKl'HIA and Liver Complaint, you lir.TP a printi'd (.Miarmitcc on every bot- tle (if Sbi]of,'« \' It. never fails to cure. Hold at Medical Hall. SHir.OH'S jiosittvt^ cuie Canker Mou'.b, CATARRH REMI'.DYâ€" a for Catiirrli, Iliplliei'a and Suia ut .Medical Hall. THE lUOV. UEO. 11. I'HAYER. ul Buur- boii, Iiid., says : ''Dotli myself uud wifu owe our Uvea to SHILOH'8 CONStfMPXIO.S CUllK. ' Hold at Medical Hall. TO THE ELECTOaS â€"OFâ€" SOUTH GEEYI Oe.ntleme.v.- In pursuance of the constitutional principle, that when there is any material extension of the Fran- chise, the House of Commons has been dissolved, a»id a new election will take place on Tuesday, 22iid February. Having been chosen by the Liberal Conservative party 08 their Candidate, I beg to solicit your sufl'niges in the ap- proaching contest. If elected 1 shall give a fair support on all vital questions to the present Gov- eniiiieiit, believing that it has shewn by its past record to bo heartily iu accord with the progressive spirit of the age, and that under its care the laws have been fairly and impartially administered, but on some (luestions I may be compelled to dilfcr with it. I shall favor the repeal of the present Franchise Act, and the substitution for it of Manhood Suffrage. I believe there should be some radical change made in the constitution andfuiu tioiis of the Senate, or if this be not jjiacticable, then I should favor its abo- lition entirely. ' The present fiscal system which gives protection to our inunufacturies has she * u itself to be successful and should be coti- tiiiued. The depression existing in our agricul- tural interestsand the small returns i-e- ccived by farmers from their investments and labor should eiigiu^e the earnest and careful attention of our Legislators. He- lieving tl-.nt the high rate of interest at which fanners are compelled to iKiriow money, causes a cqustant and large flow of their hard earnings to the cjipitalists of ihe old coui^ry, I think the Govern- ment should assume the control of the currency of the country, and that the ne- cessary legislation should be passed to favorthe establiihmeniof Farmer's Hanks, and the supply of ciiea|> money U) the ag- ricultural classes. Now that all tlw groAt public wiuks rendered necessary by Confederation have been completed, I think the time has come to exorcise the most rigid, careful and. economical control of our expendi- ture, and to endeavor to carry out the affairs of the country withimt further in- creasing the public debt. Hoping my views will meet with your approb.ation and that you will favor me with your sup- port and earnest co-operation. I am, gentlemen, Your Obt. Servant, David Jamiehon. A liivKn Curb. â€" Onn single trial of Vr. I'liiise's Liver Cure will ci'iivince the most skeptical and confirm better than thunrands of testimiiiiialH tbnt it is a sure cuie. Med- eiiiie and Ileeipe liook SI. Sat.t nnp.c?; f5onr.i>.â€" McGreRor & Tarlto'" { ('ai bilic I'urato lia« l>eon t» ieil mid fnioul in l,.- tlio only posiliv.. euro ff>r .Suit Till. nun, IMniphiH, Illotelies Oil tlio fftcn or ImiidH, ('nth. liniiiR, HrniHos. or nny Son; tlmi niitliiiik' el"e will iienl. I Trv Meflrepor .^ I*ark(.'i* CarLolic Corute. -.'jc. I liur XiOT at the Drui; Stoic. Ladies tronbled with I'iinplen, IlU'tehef., Ilon(,dl JiaiulB (ir fftcG. or SoreH of nny devrrip- tton, Flioiihl npii Mi!(iret,'or & Taike'H rnibolic Cerate'. It will leave lie* ; kin in ]ierfe(!t liealtll, «nif»>tlt. *:le(iM tind (/no.i cvlor. I'o jture and pet theKenwiiie. made by Meliregor A raiko. Price 25e. Sold At tlie Drug Store. f«r,EEPLRSS NIOHTS, made miserable by tbat lerriblo nough. Sliilob'» ('uro ih tliu remedy for you. Sold at Medical Hall. MotiBBooii & VahK' '« (Imnni.ic Cbbatb.â€" Ilnvc you an old Kore, Cut. llruise, Corn. Bun- i'ln. Halt lllienm. Tliniilo, Iliotelios, Tmigb Ilftnds or Fiieo'* It 80. tlnne ih Uiit one cure, immelv. MedroKor A I'srke's CarDolic C'orotn. If yo I ti'it try it, it will couviiiuu you. It costH but 2.'>c. at tlie DruK .Store. Hive yon over tried .Mc(Jre((or & Parke's Car- bolic f'cirato for BoreB of any kind? If In he- yoiid donht tho very heKt preparation In tho nia'kef for lioalinu and cnrliiK lore". DnmH. Cutfl. IMinploH, niotobef. and In tho only ptoj^er mnthnd o( applying f!art>"llc Acid. Sold at the Drug .Stoio (ur SOc. per boi. Sore Eyes The eyes are .ilways iu i.ym|)athy with the body, and afl'ord iin excellent Index of its coiulitiun. When the eyes become weak, and tbc lids liiflnmed ami here, it is an evidence tliut the .syntem lias become disordered by .Scrofula, for wliiidi Ayor's SsrsaparilUi U tlic best known leuicdy. Scrofula, which produced a painful In- flaiumalion in iiiy eyes, euiised me mueli sufTurliig for a m'lmlx'r of \eiir«. By ibe lulvlee of a pliyiiiciaii I cunimeiiced taking Ayer's Sar.iiiparillu. After u»lng Ibis mcdiciuc a short time I wum cuiiipietcly Cured My eves arc now in a splemlid condition, and 1 nm iis well mid nHou).' as ever. â€" Mrs. Willlum Uiigc, Concord, N. II. For a mimbor of years I was troubled wltli a liunior in my 'ere», and was nimble to obtain any relief iiiilil I eummcueed using .•Vyer's'.Sarsapiirilla. This medipiiie has elleeted a I'liinpletc eiiie. and I believe It to be the bent of blood puiiUers.-- C. K. Upton, Nashua, N. II. From cliildliood, and until within a few months,! have been atllieted with AVeak and .Sore Eyes. I have used for lliese complaints, willi beiiellcial resulls. .Nyer'.s 8ai's»pariila. and consider it a ;.M'eal blood purifier. â€" Mi's. C. I'liillips, Ulovcr, Vt. I snfTei'i'd for a rear witli Inflaniinii- tlon in my I'.'ft eye. Thrii' uleerH formed oil the ball, di'i'iriving nn; of sight, and causlii;C great pain. After Irvbig iniiny other remedies, to no purpose, 1 was liiniHy Induced Iu use Aycr's Sarsaparilla, sud. By Taking three bottles of this medicine, bnve lieen entirely eured. Jly .sight Inis been re- stored,' ami lliere isno sign of inllamma- tlon. sole, or uleer ill niv eye. â€" Kendal T. Howell, Hw^nv Tree Kidgc,()liio. My daiigbler, ten years old, was afflicted with Scrofulous Sore Eyes. Diirin:; tlio lust two years she never saw light of any kind. I'liysiclaiis of the bigliest standing exerted tbeir skill, but with no pcriiiaiient success. On iliH rcconimeiidalloii of a li'lend I purchased a bottle of AVer's Sar- saparilla, wliieli my diiiigliter eoinmeiieed taking. lieforo she bad used the third lioll|l<; Inr siirlit was restored, and she eiin now look sbadily at a brilliant light with- out pain. Her cure is complete. â€" W . K. eulluii'luud, Evuugelist, Shelby City, Ky. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I'rcparfd by Iir. J. C. Ayr fc Co., I.awrll, MaM. Selil bjr all Lirufglau. l'ri<i« «1 ; tit botUu, «*. LEITCHS Tailoring Establisliiiieiit PLESHEETON! Is ihe place to <i'et your Suits niade in future. THE MAMETS. FLESHEUTON. Carefully Corrected Eiuh Week. Flour «2 25 to 2 25 Fall Wheat $0 77 to 77 Spring Wheat 77 77 Barley tfO 87 50 Oats ... 27 '.'8 Peas 48 48 Butter 14 15 Rgfjs, fi'csh It) IC Potatoes ,. iiO 30 Pork 5 liU 5 ()(> Hiiy,perton ID 00 ]0 OO Hides 00 7 00 WooJ 10 in Siieepskins 40 50 Geese 07) 05 Turkeys OS OH Chickens per pail- 0.00 OHO Ducks per pair .'jO 50 AT GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESIIERTOy, You will Qud au asscrtuient of Heavy and Lisrht Harness, Whips, BriiKlicR, Curry Combs, Sweat Pads.&Dd tbo colubrated "HarucHti Oil." :^«'OLLAR8 A SPEt'IALTY.^^ ("heap tor Casli. Call and rxamino. Maxwell Carriage Works. Thos. k. Ulakely, Carriage and Wagon Maker, Fainter, &c., &r. WisboH to nnnounco to tbti public that ho Iiah fltartod in the above businesH. AH oi-derH promptly and neatly iittondud to. Repairing and I'aiiitiiig a nporfnlty. Shop next dnor to J. Ijittlc'n hlneksmitb shop, wlio will do all work in connoctioii to the nboTo "bop. TIIOS. .\. 1IL.AKELY. PRICEVILLK ROLLER MILL! Tlie New Mill is now com- pleted and in full working or- der. The Roller Process is thorough in every respect, and a full line of rolls. The lijlisst C&:h Fries M \] ]ii For any quantity oi Wheat, Positively no credit will be given in the Grist Mill. The SAW Mill is doing splendid work. Bring in your logs and you can get the lum- ber home with you, First class PLANER and Matcher. Mr. John McLeod manages the Saw Mill which I hope is a sufficient guaran- tee for good work. ROBT. McGOWAN. Jan. 24, 1887. '• â- Â»:•..'."â-  ''' K.J. KPROUL. Flcslieit"ii. (JiDivciKincer, Appniifer, Val- iuit(/r and Mi'ner/ h-nder. Devda, Mori- ijuijec, leasen and Wills diaiCH up ami Valuation! vuide >m Klii/rtift notic:. Cfuir- tfeD iKiy luu: ApphjtuH.J. iSt'JiOULE, Foitmaitier, Fleshertvn, CLAYTON'S : I1AR\ES.S SHOP ! FLESHERTON, , . [s the place to tjet ywir lliiniens CoiUtrs, <I-ey made yip in yuuil atyle. Sliap in n'. Clayttnit's Boot d; Shoe Store y Flesherton. HARNESS • HARNESS. ...If yon want Harness, Hiiifjle or Double, or Horse Blankets, Trunks, Hells, Valises, Curry Combs. Brushes or the celebrated Hurness Oil, call * txaiuinc before purtbasiiig elsewhere. R J. WATSOJN . BKICE VILLE, PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMBR. I'/ioto^rapher, Flesherton, - Ont. HsringRpent Home time in tbo fttadio of tbe' fatnout Turouto Ph&toRrauher, Mr. S. J. Dixou. where 1 acquired valuable knowleO^e In Ketou- cbin^, I feci niiKur«d I can uive Rood ^oneyikl fiAtiBfactiou. A call rospoctfulJy aolkitod, MRS. BULMER. Klcahortou, Sept. I7t!i, 1B85. •nn Hft'ELEBRATED ^\ v>jD? CHASES V"*^ VJAKDELIOI* «i: HAVC YOU I.iY«r Compl»ini, D3»|.«p«ia, Ii.dig"iion. B'lliouiine^ JaMdict,, liiitin.K». I'a'" m l»« Hick. Cottiveness, or wny diM;i>B mrting *rom a (ftt&nKcJ liver, Dn. Cham'.'s I.iril.-, Clkk w.H U fomiJ " •»"« mnd certain rtm* dy. NATORE'3 REMEDY Tbe uiiquilificil ^utc.ssofl'r C li.i»e'» Uvct rurff irt Liver LompLiiiX re^ls s My wllh Ihe fact th.-it it is compounilcd from n:iUir-'«wtll-kiiown liver rr(!ulalor», Mamikakf. a.n'I) Ii'.Mim.i.-K. con.lin'J with m»njr other invaiinl.le r.<ui., I...1I. i.iiil liirbs l»>iiig » powerful elTecl on ii.r KUI..t)s - m;.i;h, Dowcli ;.nJ' Blood. GOO. 000 SOLD CHir om-half >n,lL.<n / /'/ . L hast t Kri/e Htmkr vert tt^ii in Ca/tM4/a itiMt. il^t turtHt r-i'y mmm,. vittmfiH an,t chad u'/jc it tf>*ub>t:,t wii't /-I'f.r C«M* pitunt to try this tjtteiUnt remetiy. SoMETHiMO Hiw. Civtti Away Fke Wrapped aruund every bottle uf Dr. CliJt.e's Liver Cure is a %'.iliiab'.e Iloii«ehol.l Medical Gtiide and Recipe ISook (84 p.ige*), conLliriing over aoo tiscful recipe", pronounced by me<tical men antl (trtli{f!i-.tK as invalu* mbic, and wnrth ten times the price of the inediciue. TRY CHASE'S CataMH Cure, a Mfe and positive remedy. Pri, , 25 c^â- Ilt^. TRY Chase's Kismey aho Uveh Pills, js ^ts. per boa. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS T. lOMANSON * CO., Sol* Asants, Bradford IT'leshevton Neat xVarket. SEPT.QOOD, . PuopiHKTOii. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sbeep. Fresh Meats constantly on Iiaud for Cash. Orders promptly filled. EUGENIA- Real Estate Affencv MONEY 10 LOAN at lowest rates of interest arid on terms of repayment to suit borrower. FARMS l)ouf,'Iit and sold. '-- CONVEYANCES of all kinds properly executed. ' ''" ' COMMISSIONER for taking affidavits in H.C.J., Agent for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All busines.s promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office, Corner of Inkerman and Napoleon Streets. HENEY MELDRUM, • 1 ^\ f . r #>•â-  r-, V ttHiM

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