Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 10 Feb 1887, p. 4

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VW I I i r 3^" i i 1^ >'«â- Â»â- Â»â- â€¢ -ti^ ..«»«» «»f -^aKU'^jffc-'irtfc.-'''*'**'''^**'^ -^ wfc"-""*v*^^*<'^'*« Jw«ir *&^- THE FLESHERtON ADVANCE ttim mmai THIS PAPEE j?\E<.'^°s'a?.»5::iis AdT«rtl«lll«Bu«»u(108pro<»8lAwh5r»«" ^' ' - MOtnaU iwr b« mad* Air U raHrâ„¢ THE ADVANCE. Is publUbod Evei'y Thursday, I'BOM TUB OFPICK, â-  i'oUiii'jwuod ati'eet, - - Flesherton, Out. TliUMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: 91 pur uiiuutn ^heu paid strictly in advauca ll.jO per auuuiti whet) not bo paid. A.. R. FAWCETT, Editur and Proprietor. FLESHERTON: 'rilUESDAY, FEB. ]0, 1887. Tin: fRIVEVILLE MEETING. Dr. Landorkin's uieeliiig iu Lamunt's luill, Priceville, last Friday evening, was woUattiiiduJ. A. Butters, Esq,, occupied the chair. Dr. Laiiderkiii delivered a ipetch, which lasted from half past seven until ten o'clnck-two huurs and a half, \Vu fully ux[)ectud to hear a complete vindication â€" or an attempt at one â€" of lii.s course in parliament during the past torn). Naturally we expected he would tvU his constituents how his time had been occupied in the House of Commoii.s a.s their roprest'ntative. A faithful pub- lic surviuit is usually expected to give a correct and unbiased account of his stew- ardship oil Buch occasions. But we were doomed to disapointment. The speaker frittered away his valuable time over a lot of insignificant mattersâ€" such as sala- ries of civil service officials and the house- liold furnishings of the Canadian High Commissioner's London residence. He did allude to the national debt, bat only ;>iesenled o>ic side of a highly colored pic- ture to his auditors. He did not tell them, however, how he helped to swell the debt :ind increase the burthen of taxation by .>l>structing the business of the House during the Riel debate and then cooly ]>ockctnig jsoOO indemnity fur so doing. He had plenty of time to have done so, Imt he didu't. Not one word did he say : b. , the great public works so success- fully carried out by Sir John's Uoverii- inent. Not <>»e word about the great railway, the C.P.R. : not Olio word about the Interc(donial ; Aiid precious little did he say about the National I'olicy, which has helped to form :lie nucleus of a great nation North of :ho 49th parallel. All of which reminds us of that forcible little couplet, given tvith such vim nud humor by Sil John at . )wen Sound roccirtly :â€" \8 boos on flowom aliubtluff ia&nu tbeir butu, I) KutUluit in their places Uriis grow dumb I" And it is f.liglity sigf.^.fteant and rfui^geS- t;vo that the worthy Doctor did not utter :i solitary syliiiblc concerning tll6 Riel • {Mu.stion.' The Doctor camo out stronij on the wheat question. But here ho gave anotli- • T one-sided picture and made a blundfr â- in well The blunder consisted in his .stating that 91 per bushel liad not been i>.\id for wheat during the Iniit foui' years, .vhon as a matter of fact that amount and • .ver wiis paid in the spring of 1884 â€" a trifle under three yeai-a ago. But the Dr. ."ive the wrong rea*m for the present I â- v>' price for wheat, tie did not say it u a.H owing in a large ih<:asure to the de- voloiiment and rapid growth of the great ^rain-producing districts in ode Canadian Vorth-West. He simply left it To be iii- .erred that the Government waa some- liow or other to blame ! Ho wa« quite vitty on this subject. Seemingly his main object was to create a laui,li at the t tpense of his opponentu. This is alright ivhen the witticisms are based on fcu-t.i. But in the case they weren't. He never .'illuded to the indisputable fact, that if wheat is cheap, so also are the neccisaries (if life. When was cotton, sugar, or tea :n cheap as now ? When, in the histoiy »'f this country, were any of the neces- <^ iries of life as cheap as they are at this luoment? And if the price of wheat is iotr, are nut tlie tailing masses of laboreifi lencHtted in tluU tlis prices of brcad.ttutjtt .-ire correspondirw^fy low ? Dr. Laiiderkin did not give the othCir sUle .of the picture it would have dampoitij tji^i nrdor of ta»«u]i])ortcr8 too much, ^'.v hnvu plea- sore in sujiplying the omi.igio'n. With the Dr's views re tlio Semite lu«i i:.e Fi;ijicliiso Act wo arc mure in i!$.r- i.ioiiy. 8o, also, is Dr. Janiioion, t)i« roming M. P. for South Groy. Ij'r. Landerkin said the Dominion l.!C4;4»«, .iot allowed hotej bars u> Imlvt'pt . .ci;, ( n tjn^id^y, but in the absonco uf the prncfa,. wp djapute the statomerrtj. ^.yt^lu' Dr. pi^duje tho'Q "f avoid rofer- riOQ;l<»H,lio Ai-t alloL'ether. W^ Were glad when we lie«rd the Dr. tiaie that he was a total abstainer and '<id iMien such all his life. Under tlifse '•ycmustaijces, however, can it b<( said that lie was consisteut when he voted iu favor of the wine and beer clause iu the proposed Scott Act amendment ? We think not. Dr Christoe addressed the audience for half an hour, making a far more practical speech than his predecessor â€" so far as the vitrtl questions of the hour were concerned. Ho was well received and succeeded in ereatiiig a favorable impression iu favor of Dr. Jamieson, by the calm, logical and convincing manner in which he present- ed the facts in connection with the lead- ing political questions of the day. The meeting was prolonged to a late hour af- ter Dr. Christoe took his seat. "REVIEW" AND "POST." Our article under the heading, "Ques- tionable Tactics," has actually stirred up the languid Orey Revieii', and it positively beca-'.e mildly enthusiastic in its endeav- or to find a suitable apology for its un- journalistic treatment of Dr. Jamieson. It kiioVvs as well as we do, that it has misiiiterpreteu the Dr's position politi- cally, with the |>alpable object of assist- ing Dr. Landerkin's candidature. Such tactics are certainly (lueationable, not to use a stronger term. And the Rericic is begining to tind this out, for it has al- ready modilied its tone (juite considerably: it even admits that its tactics were ques- tionable. TheK' is always hope for i sin- ner who repents of his evil ways 1 Sb we havi! hopes of our Durham coteni. The Hanover I'ost is quite mild. It has reason to be. It is very young po- litically and may be pardoned for attri- buting to Dr. Landerkin what Dr. Jamie- son really possesses, viz.) "backb<jne." The I'ust has evidently not studied Dr. L.iiiderkin's political career , or, if it has, its memory is short. Wo would advise it to get the llaiiziird for 1885-86 and road the Commons' debates carefully Just make a note of how gracefully ho tied himself to Hon. Edward Blake's coat tails tiuring the memorable Kiel discussion ; how be talked in favor of the "wine and beer" clause in the proposed Scott Act Aiuondments : and how he cooly pocket- ed the $600 indeuinityâ€" thereSiilt of the luborioui speeches of himself and fellow- obstructionistsâ€" and at the same time vi- olently de/iuiitit'ii'(/ the alleged extrava- gence of the (iovernmeiit ! There were chances for Dr. Landerkin to have shewn "back-bone" I But he was weighed in the balances and found wanting ! Electors ' can you trust hiui again ? A LiviNo ytiKSTinx. â€" Questionâ€" "Ik tliis life worth living?" Answer â€" "It uil (If- pciiHs upon the livnr?" If torpid or iniic- tive it cauivB a dull, tough, iitrguid (relinK. I)r. Chase's Liver Cure niv.-s health and buoyancy. Sobt hy Dr. Ohrislou. ARK YOt: MADE iniBorabln by ImliRiirt- iou,''';on>iiipatii.n, l>i?7.iue68, Lr^ft (»f appe- tite. YcUoW ykin/ Hhilrrh'T! Vitalizcr is a positive cure. Sold at Medical Hall. A Common Cold It often tli« l)o;;lnning of serious affcc- tlom of tlie Throat, Uroncliiul Tubci, apd Lung.s. Therefore, tbc huportanc* of early aud effective treatment cannot be overestimated. Aycr's Cherry Pectoral ju»y always be relied upon for the speedy cure of a Cold or Cough. Last January I was attacked with a •evere Cold, which, by neglect and fre- quent exposures, became worse, finally settling on my lungs. A tcrril)le cou|{h soon followed, ncoorapanled bv pains In tbc chest, from which 1 sufTereo Intensely. Aft»r tj-yiiig viirioiis remedies, willioul ^obtaining relier, I conmu-iiccd taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, aud was Speedily Cureci. I am satisfied tliiit this remedy savnl my life. â€" Jiio. Webster, pawtucket, It. I. I contracted a severe cold, which sud- denly developed into ('ncunioniu, prcnenr- Ing daiigei'OH.s and obstiimte Mvinptoni*'. My phvsieii* at once ordered tlie use of Aycr's"Cbc'riy Pecloi^il. Ills Instruetioiif were folloXv-t'il, and ttie result was a riipiJ and pcrmiriunt euro. â€" II. E. Simpsolii, Uogcrs Priilrlc, Texas. Two years ago I snttered from II sevc'rd Cold whieli settled rti my Lungs. I con- sulted various pbyKlciiuis, nn<i took ^li« medicines they prei.cril>e(l, but received only temporary relief. A friend iudueed me to try Ayer's Cherry Pceloral. After tnking two bottles of tliin medicine I wu« cured. SInee then I hnve given the Pec"- toral to my children, and cousider It The Best Remedy for Coldi, Couc;hfi, nnd nil Throat rml Lung disifiisey, ever used In my family. â€" Bobert Vauderpool,3le:idville, Pa. Some time ago I took a slight Cold. which, being lugleeted, grew worse, slid •eUlcd on my lungs, I hud n hnuliiiig .eougb, and was vcrv wenli. Those wiio 'kjaemr me best considered my life to be ito «rent danger. I continued to suffer until I comnieneed usim; Avir's Clierrv Pectoral, Ij;iib than one bottle of tbia rnl- uablc 'medicine cured me «nU I feel tiiiit I owe the preservatior of my life to iu curative jiowem.â€" Mrs, Auu Lockwood, Akrou,>ew 'York. Aycr's Cherry Tectoral Is considered, here", the one grciit remedy for all dlieanes of the throat and lungs, and U more In demand tlinn any •tier medicine of Its class, â€" J. F. Koberts, M»i;nulia, Ark. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prcparad hy Dr. .T. C. Ar«r k Co.. T,ow«ll, Uui. Hold \ij lirugnlaii. I'rict %\ ; itlx tvtllM, fj. -â- -!'â- â€¢'•• - • V ' I ..: â-  THE KEV. GEO. H. THAYKft; bf Dour- bon, Ind., cayd : ''Both myself nud wite owe our lives to SHILOH'S CO!<SUMpTIl>N CUBE." Sold at Medieal Hall; FOB DYSPEPSIA and Liver Complaint, you have a printed guatantee on every bot- tle of Sliilok's Vitaiuef; It never fails to cure. Sold at Medical Hali; SHILOH'S CATAttliH KEMEDYâ€" a positive cure for Catarrh, Diptberia and Canker Mouth. Sold at Medical Hall. to THE ELECTOKS -OF- SOUTH GEEYl Gextiemkn. â€" III pursuance of tKe constitutional principle, that when there is any material extension of the Fran- chise, the House of Commons has Ijceii dissolved, and a new election will take place on Tuesday, i!2iKl February. Having been chosen by the Liberal Conservative party as their Candidate, I beg to soHcit your suffrag»3s in the ap- proaching contest. If elected I shall give a fair support on all vital questions to the present Gov- eriiuiont, uelitf\i«g that it hoij shewn by its past lecoid \6 be heartily in accord with th*J progressive spirit of the age, and that under ilii ttlre the laws have been fairly and impartially administered, but on some questions I may be compelled to diller with it. I shall favor the repeal of the present Franchise .\ct, and the substitution for it of Manli'.od sjuti'nigu. I believe there should bo seme radical change made in the constitution and func- tions of the Senate, or if this bo not practicable, then I should favor its abo- litiott entirely. 'The present fiscal system which gives protection to our nianufacturies has shewn itself to be successful and should be con- tinued. The depression existing in our agricul- tur.ll interestsaiid the small returns re- ceived by farmers from their investnienta and labor should engage the earnest and careful attention of our Legishitoia. Be- lieving that the high rate of interest at which fiu'iners are compelled to borrow money, causes a constant and large How of their hard earnings to Uio capit.ilista of the old country, I tliinkf; Jio Govern- ment should assume the «, ;rol of the currency of the country, and that the ne- cessary legisl.itioii should be ]iaNsed to favortheestablisliiiieiuitf Farmer's Banks, and the supply of cheap uioikiy to the ag- ricultural clHsses. ' Now that all the great public works rendered necessary by Confederation have been completed, I think the time has come to exercise the most rigid, careful and oc(momical control of our exjiendi- ture, and to eiideiivor to carry out the affairs of the country without further in- creiudng the public debt. Hoping my views will meet with your approbation and that you will favor me with your sup- port and i«irne8t co-opuratioti. I am, gontlemei*, Your Obt. Servant, David JaMibson. PRICEVILLE ROLLER MILL ! The Ncii> Mill is now com- pleted and in full working or- der. The R0LI.ER Process is thorough in every respect, and a full line of rolls. The Si^kl C&sli Fflss Will \) ]ii For any quantity of Wheat. Positively no credit will be given in ihe Gkist Mill. The SAW Mill is doing splendid work. Bring in your logs a'hd you can get the lunn- ber hc'me with you. iMrs^c class PI^ANEK and MatcAf.r. Mr. John McLeod manages the Saw Alill which I hope is a sufficient guaran- tee for g'ood work. ROBT. McGOWAN. LEITCHS Tailoring: EstabiiKliiiient FLESHERTON! Js the -place to ^et your Suits made in future. THE MAllKETS, FLESHERTON. Cavvfally Corrected Each U'eck. Flour «2 25 to 2 25 FallWlieat §<U 77 to 77 Spiiug Wheat 77 77 Barley !i5 511 Oats ... '>7 27 Peas 48 48 Butter !â- ! 15 Eggs, fresh 1(5 1(5 Potatoes (1 ;i(l 30 Pork 5 r,() 5 (50 Hay,poi-ton 8(10 10 D'' Hides (! (H) 7 OD Wool 10 10 Sheepskins 10 oO (ieese (15 06 Turkeys 07 OH Chickens per pair 20 OHO Ducks per pair 40 50 KTrsPROUL. FUiiherlvti. (.\iitKijatici-r, Ajijtrdiiier, t'ld- U'ltiir (lilt/ MiiiHij hiidiT. l>faU, Mori- ijiiga, teasv-n <iiid If'i'Ws driuiii tip and yaliiatioiis jnadv on aluirtrjit witicf. Clxtr- (/«« vcnj low. -1 ;'/>/!/ '" li. J. Sl'JiOVLE, I'oitvumifr, Flediertim. MsTwell Carriage Works. Tlios. A. Uiakcly, Carriage and Wagon Maker, Painter, &c., &r. Wislios to announce to tb«> puljlic that lie lias startud in the above biiBineKi'. All orders prouiptlv and neatly attunded to. Kepairlng and I'aiutinf; a specialty. Stiop next rinnr in .T. Ijittle's blackninHb shop' wbo will do all work In cotinnotion to the aliove shop. THOS. A. lILAKKLiY. FlesSierion Meat Market. SBPr.GOOD, . PnomiiToii HARNESS HARNESS. ...If you wiiiii Hariuss, Single (T Double, or Horse lilankclB, Truiil;-. Bells, Valises, Curry C'oinb.s. Brtislu â-  or the CL-lebiattd liaruess Oil, call .•. examine before purchasing elsewhere . R. J. WATSON . PKICE VILLK. Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. I'Vcsli Meats coustantly on hanti for Cash. Olfleis promptly filled. CLAYTON'S 1IAME8S SHOP ! FLESHERTON, [3 thr phicf tt, t)t-t your llarima VMnra, df, inudr np in ijovd ntyle. Shoj) in U'. (^aytoyi'g Boot «t Shoe Stin-e^ Flesherttni. PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMER.: I'hotoQ'rapher, F/esherton, - Ont. Hiivii^: xiHMit Koiu« tiuie in tlie stiuUo of t).-% fniiHitis Turont" l'hf»t(»^;rft|llu'r. Mr. S.*J. Dixon whore I ftutjuirud valtitt^lo kiiowlt-tl,;!' in Ivt* tou - ctilnu. I feci iiHMurf'd t cuu aivo po&d ^diiern- satliiXtkctiou. A call rcwfx"jt fully siriicited, Mli><- BVLMEP.. FlCHliortou. Sept. 17tli, 1MR5. HAVE YOU I.iver Complaint, Dy^pepslft, lndipcWo*\ riUou^nftw, jaundice, HeutUithe, l>iMii^-*, l'-'^ m the Uatk. liver, I>K. Chask's I.ivt.-. Ct ki: Ic found a inrc and ccri:un r»-ni dy. NATURE'3 REMEDY The umiu;dified mi. crwi cf l»r.'> I.iver Cure ii.* Liver C'tiiiphunl ti:-.u s .\t:\y wilii the futt that it i> tompotii.dcd frortt ii.iti:r:'-»«cIl-Uiiowii!iver rfpul.itor-, MANtHfAKK .VNO 1 > vN:iri.ii-N, Lcnibin-il wiih m.iny other inv:lliMMu r>Aii-. lt..iV% nnd h<rl». l.kviiiK a Sowcrftd cffcijt (in the kitluty^. S orru^h, IloweU und 'lood. SOO.aOO SOLD Ovrr cHfhAff m.Ufv** â- / Dr. iShast's I^dipe /tc>t}lr wny soi*ii'i C.itii'iil li/oHt. //V umtit n't>y vum, flaiht ta%ry thtl t.rc%'ii£nt renutiy. Something New. Given Away Free Wrapped aruiitid (.-very holtleof l>r. C'h.i-e's I.iver Cure is a valuable Hou^chokd iiuii!e and Recipe Hook (3^ pasc.s), CKiitainiiiK ijver 200 useful recipe-, priMiuuiu cd T.y riHidii ;d men and dtu^xi'^l* as iiivalu- able, and worilt tf-n times the price of the medicine. TBY CHASE'S Catarrh Cure, a safe and po itive remedy. I'rice, 33 cents. .TRY Chase's Kidmey and LivEa Pills. 35 cts. per boa. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS J. CDUANSON « 00., SoU Ae«ti4». Bradford: I Jan. 24, 1887,; EUGENIA' Real Estate Agency MONEY TO LOAN at lowest rates of interest and on terms of repayment to suit borrower. FARMS bought and sold. CONVEYANCES of all kinds properly executed. COMMISSIONEI-i for taking affidavits in H.C J., Agent for the Norwich Fire Insurance Society. All business promptly, carefully and confidentially attended to. Office^ Corner of Inkerraan and Napolran Streets. HENEY MELBKUM, i FLESHEBTON. Loan & Insurance ! AGENCY. MONF.Y TO LOAN. Insurance effected on Farm and Village Bnildinpn and cot-tcnlP, Insuraiioc^ ajjaiust Liglitning a specialty. Pcoflg, Mortgages, Leases, Wills, &c., carpfiilly prepared and proporl'y executed. Office, â€" Toronto street, near Towo Hail. W. J. BELLAMY, k^ent } f.r \ â-  •i S..'«v 1 ,â-  '. . •• < ^ â-  I-' ^ % I 1^:: *> rt-«» • It »H. '' 'â- ^â- " ' m^

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