\ IttTU ANU OKATU Of ANAHVItW How ib. . ..Uti n ike Mviiiii.i. waa HriTl-l I'kir l*iUui.i-r>' AsKB i.trni >lr An.. i. t o in. iui-1 u 1 Wawi ike ' Xflisiaifj" Mav* A iatt (F.iday) uight't Chicago deipatob *yi : Aiti'tut Anarobial priioncri hc remained i. i the "cage," wnar* tb*y bad been taken from tbe court-room, nearly two bourn, Fieohtr aaid to ft reporter, "You oau *ay tbat tbl* only begin* tb* flgbl gainat the ayitem. It ii tb* birtb of anarchy.' Spiea, at he ibook band* wilb hi* ooonitl, a*id, " Ooullemen, we did not *zp*ot il.'' Paraona waa almoat rqaally calm. Tb* twain eouanlted with Black and r oeter, while Neeb*, Fulden and Liogg hovered at tbeir tlbowe. Salmon in aiiolber corner talked witb the gaunt, wretched looking Bobwtb, wbo, with bia. lank phytiqae, unkempt lull beard, atariijg apeetacltd eye* and batttred alcucbed bat, preaanUd tbe ideal appearance ot demor- aliaed eoiivict. E:gel and Fincber were being talked to by Attorney Zsitlar, wbo grew decidedly t>mpbatio, and expreiaed bimielf in language wUiohtounded strangely lik* *y nap tiny for ib* Anarchi*!*' oa u*. II i* rnmortd tbal the polio* bave a lial containing tba i uinej ot nearly 300 men who were ravaged in tb* Anarcbial con- ipiraoy -i'i tbat wboleiale ftrre*** will follow. It i* reported that Mr*. Lucy Fanon* *nl Mr*. L'zz.c Holme* ar* among tija* for wbom warrant* bava been U*aed. To* Arbficr Zeitmg appear*) tbia after- noon witb tba fullowiiK headline*: " Bhameful 1 1 1 Btven ot tb* ftoeued con- demned to death and Neobe to IS yean in the penitentiary. Motion tor a new trial mid*." Ooxminticg on tbe verdict, the paper tay* : " Tbe new* which 11 conveyed In the above headline* wa communicated by Oaborna, tbe foreman of the j iry, to Judge Oary. Tba 'apottari' wbo mingled among Ih* crowd in the atreel brok* into a hurrah when tb* announcement wa* made, but Ib* jnd K i.' became quit* pale. Not ven b* bimaelf had quite czpcoied it. Ctrinnell awaited It openly. Pretnmtbly be bad bia reaiOD* for *o dciog. Marshal Field and meu of bit (trip* bave much unlimited money. Wbal do tbe people lay tc tbe ver- dio) ? W* could not believe tne flr*t nw* till it wa* eonflrmad later. Oaptain Black at one* moved for a new trial. Orlnndl did not object, acd Judge Oary will hear the motion al the September term. Uhonld b* r*fn** il then Ibere remain* nothing bat tb* appeal. We arc, onraelvea, too mocb excited to lay more to-day." The TUMI to-morrow will aaj : 'Tbe execution ot tb* death penalty aeon tbe Booialial malefactor* iu Chicago will b* in It* effect the execution ot the delh penally upon th* Socialist propaganda in thia coon try." lltll'i I. UBUWNINO. Tkre \ c u .. Hen i .o.r TtMlr aUlvn w? kite H.hlo In <lrr I >kr. A Hillidale d**patoh aayi : A vary tad drowning accident occurred on Monday evening U*l at Orr Laki, about three aud oat half mile* norlb cf ttii vilUge, by which three peraorjaloai their live*. Their nam*e were Tboma* Taylor, William Tay lor (brothers), aod John HtntilKin, a lad about 14 year* ot *ft*, eun of Mr. Jt- e* Hamilton, 1*1 eon , Flo*. All three went oat flahing in aa old rickety b^at early tbat evening. Hi* *on not having returned during the night, Mr. Hamilton became alarmad.and al daybreak niartad to teaio'j forhim. iLqniribg at *omo cf tb* bcurea near tbe lake, be found tb* three bad been aaan making tor th* tooth kbore about half pail 7 tb* previous evening. Procur- ing a boat, Mr. Hamilton atrnek out for tbe apoi indicated, but bad not gone far before be aaw a fUning rod clicking up out ol tbe water, which h* at once reeogniiid ft* h oo'i. Standing ttraigut up in tbt wattr and graiping tbe pole, with tbe hoc wrapped round bi* limb*, wai tba boiy at William Taylor. Proeariog help, Mr. Hamilton conveyed Ibe body to the tbore, and then began to Rearch for tb* other*. Tboma* Taylcr beicg found abortly after- ward* within twenty feel from where bU brother wa* discovered. The itarob for tai body ot young Hamilton wai a pro- longed and aaxlon* one, b* not bcicg fouod until 7 o'clock io tbt evening. ui" i u ic< i r <ii BY * ii t KIII it . AUIauaae II nii.ir. i.rr Hills it.. -Ian Hr Hkavle. A Providence dinpatob ) : Tbie ftfleraoon Patrick H. McOarron, aged 86 yeare, a hairdreHer, of 836 Aiwell'n avenue, cut the throat ol James Oroiby, 41 yearn Old, a greater, wbile abaving bim, Oroiby ran iato tb* *treet, and dial on Ibe tide- walk. MoCarrou ba* been inbjtct to flta of dementia a net an ^oaidenl alcvtn years ago, wheu bi* iknll waa trepani.ed. A pbyaioian laal montn advised tbal ba be taken to an aaylum. H* bad a rsturn of tb* fit* on Monday night, tai committed tb* deed while deranged. He wa* taken into onetody. I n:.-.i ir.i.i i Nrtkwal. Mr. Dacker, of Ib* U i'.K., ia preparing the NorlhwcBt exhibit* for the Toronto and other fair*. Mr. L. A. HamUlon 1* prepar- ing the Britiah Colombia exbibit* for the Toronto and Dominion exhibition*. Tbo Winnipeg Board ot Trade will give ft bacqnet to Mr. Etan oo bi* retirement from the General 8up*rintendeucy of tbe Canadian Paoiflo Railway. The City Council Ihi* afternoon attended in a body tbe funeral ot tbe daughter of Mayor Weitbrook, who** remaioa were brought from Detroit. The Ooveri men! telegraph line in the Norihweit ia being extended to Badd'e take. An effort ie being made to icoore reduced fares tor the Provincial Exhibition from Ontario. Tbe Manitoba rifle team lafl for Toronto to-nigbl. Tbe team enniiit* of Me m Oilli**, Mitchell. Bnoban, Qrabtiro.Doidge, Maekliu, Barnhart, Bruce, Ualfonr and MeDiarmld. A meeting I* being held at Portage Ik Prairie to consider Ibe financial situation. II It bf lieved tbe action of tba corcoration official* will bav* a bad effect on Manitoba ieonrities In England. Tba Director* c t the Manitoba A North' Wntern Road are oonaldtring tbe queition of releasing tbl debtntur** Riven by Por- tage la Prairia to tb* road, tod ixtendlog it to Winnipeg. Sir John Maodonald and hi) party reached Mooacmin ycitarday. H* will ba in Fortag* la Prairie to-day, proceeding thence to Silver Oreak, returning the lam* night, and arriving in Winnipeg on Sunday morning. Tbe Mounted Folio* toil morning car- lured near Elkhoro, Mao., one cf the blgb way robber* wbo rcbbed tbe mails on tbe Prince Albert trail. Ha wai identified by baviog In hi* ponwiion a watch itolea from on* ol Iba p*r*on* robbed. Tbi Mounted Polio* alio tbi* morn log captured nine mn wbo barglarlcad a farmer'* bonei near Ktgii.a. Tb* burglar* wbo Hot* (3(X and boriaa from ttltr* ar* ftl Urge, but th* Mounted Polio* ar* on tbeir track. A t.llAMll V B10HT. TIM Valiklail (taecr i II I . i r , r r al ike lluiiem ! ihr Mirer, A Brtt|eboro dcipatob iaya : A vitlt to tbe icane of the 0ad aeoldeul cf laat night at Weal lUvtr bridge showi a terrible wreck. The river at Ibia point it about 15( feet wide aud was ipaoned by an iron ace wooden Blrcc'.uro reeling upon stone abut menla, to tbe north side of wbieb extended treille work about fitly teat in length On* cud rested on tbe north atom pier and tb) oiber upon the back. B*low Ibi* traetle, wbieb i* about forty feet bigb, Ibere ia al pmtnt op water, wbile between ibe pieri of the main bridg*, wbieb are fifty feet bigb, tbe water ie from eight to fifteen fel deep. Hire He **vn ear* aod tbt engine of tbe train. Tba engine lici upon the track* covered by only about two feel of water, through wbiob al an early hour tola morn- ing could be icen tbe gbaitly face of En- gineer Smith, though dtad itill at bit poet Uii body waa to thoroughly held down that it could nol be teonrtd until power wa* obtained for tb* removal of tbe engine. Of tbe three remaining can one, a freight car, ia raiting again*! ib* atone pier, landing on end. J. Worthen, tbi eonduo lor, waa seen it hi* bouie on I'Uti etreet. Qe WM infifcrtog from hi* wound*, wbioh lontiit of a broken ankle, a iprained right tool and other bad bruises. He iaya : "Al tbe time of tb* accident I wa* tilting on the top ol the rear freight ear next tb* paaicugcr car. I beard a craab, acd look- ing ahead aaw the front part ot tba traiu linking. I mad* ft jump for tne brake and remember clinging to il, and that ii thi Uat I remember until I wae found by Superin- tendent brooks, wbo bad com* from the nation witb midioal aid. I wai carried on s door to t home near by and from tbe re io my bom*. I Ibink I mail have lain on the platform 10 or 16 minute*." TOBIM. ar h I ... o I I If r .u J I-, .,.,,,, on (he A BI. Jc.bo'1, Nfld., deapateh aaja : Aeoonnta ot tb* dealruetioo caused b; tbe recent gal* are faal coming ia. Tbe storm hat 8ft epl over B:. Pierre ou Wednesday night wa* tbe fioroeel storm for * qntrler ot a century. Building* were blown down n every direction and considerable damage a-aa don* to shipping. Two veetel* were driven achore and wrecked, several men ing badly burl. Dog laland I* alrawn rilh wreck* of flahing vceiela, aod grave care are entertained for tbe safety ol Ibe Grand Banka fleet. Al Black lalaod a flahing akiff drove on the rocki and all lauds periabed. Five Freepaattjy sk.fl-i are miftioa;, aod io all probability they were act with all hand*, a* they drove to **a ia Ibe gal*. At Bird Island Cove great bavcc wa* caused by tbe moron tod lumullooua ea. Five Aibiog veesala were there. Tbe iakiogatagta were wrecked and blown into tba lea. At Old Perlioan a flahing veaeel waa iwamptd aod all band* perished. Two raf N drove aihore at Lead Cove ; one man wa* drowned and eeveral lerienaly ii jured. At Baealien, where a large number of e**el* were fishing, it i* fear*d tb* Iw* of ifa ani properly la great. The banker J. I. Man dell waa driven aabora at Biioay lay and wrecked. Tbe thip'a ndc waa iroken in ; acd loch wa* Iba lory of the sea tkat the crew witb difficulty clung to be bottom ot tbe wreck all nigh*, bu. K urf-waabed till 9 o'clock tbe next morriotr, whec they were reecned. It ia feared the *bing fl*et oo the Labrador o.'aet have offered btavily. TUB f,K i ,, i n v l 01 i .ord K..rbrr. . B*KIB*II< ...I BBB- pi.. 1 1. i-,i.. i Aialawi lis II.IIIH 1 1... .1 A London cable iay*: Lird Rwebery'a leepateb of July 18tb to tbe Russian Oov- rcmant, relating to Ibe cloning of the port f Bttonm, ii rubliibed. Tbe dupateb ay* in iubetai.ce : There i* oo* direct, upreme and perpetual intr*kl at stake in be traneaoiion, namely, tbe binding force ad aanotily ot internaliooal pledge*. England 1* always ready to uphold ibi* riueipla, aod U will nol paltor therewith n the preaent tnitaco*. Therefore the TkNW .rb.llr ACM on II r lln.h.ad A Plymouth, Ind., daapatch iaya: Mra V. P. Kirk, wbo bat not been living with her bnebabd for *om* time, thought in* law bim witb another woman, and, beoom ing Inaanaly jaalou*, bought a bottle o carbolic acid and attempted to throw it in hit y*. During the ilrnggle part ot tb* acid win! Into hi* yei, part on b*r band and part over their ion Jobn. Mr. Kir I will IOM one eye and Mr*. Kirk and b* on Jobs an badly burned about tb* laot Mkdftimi. Uovernmeol cannot rccognixe or aaacciatc itielf in any ibap* or form with ai* id of the Kuaaian Government, wbich t ft violation of Iba Trtaly of Berlin, and which will lend to make Ibe eoncluatoD of imiltr treatite In future difficult, il not oipoeiibla, and oaal donbl at leaal upon ho*e already o;neloded. Tb* other Powera mnel judge bow far they will aeqaicaoa in hi* breach o! international eiiKiKement. 1. Da Qier*. th* Kuaaian Fjre : n i Minister, n reply, expremed himaelf aa painfully urprued by tbii despatch, lie maintained bat Ibe Russian Emptror'i prooiiaa waa oot cquiftlent to an obligation. Rnsiia, be itate*, wa* (till toxiona to contribute to iho oochoudalion of tb* general peace, sud be expressed tb* hope that tba Powers which fixed and guaranteed it* baai* would hemialvo* reipeot them. M. De Oier* ilia- ilay* throughout mnob Irritation, and bia one ii decidedly menacing. A fl.l < Hi Won AN. U llh II. r I rn.lT Hill, .h. U r., .,<- II rr I "o I blldr. D From ike Jaw* of Large Pstaikrr. A Toloco, III, de*ptoh MJI : A large Inn-colored panther, wbieb for eevtral weeki terrorized the people about BOUM'C Jrove, eight milca wulbetil ol bare, waa :ill*d yeaierday alternooo by a woman, who thereby aavid the liven cf ber two lillle ;irl*. The plucky woman wan Mr>. Mont- aJm, who waa on her way from Ih* Indian territory to her former bom* near Cleve- aad, 0. Bom* year* eg* one and her boa- Mind wenl weal, where Ib* latter wa* killed. fl wilb two little children, tbe woman oaded her goods on a waggon acd atarted on the long journey to her Ohio home. The raveller* reached Ban**'* Qrove yeaierday and Mra. Montcilm Hopped and proceeded o gel dinner. Tbe children wandered cfl nto the wooda, and whan tbe mother called upon them to come to dinner thi received no aoiwer. Faariog eomelblng wai wrong, be took bar rifl* from the waggon and started for Iba wood near by. Before going ar a moving branch ol a tree attracted ber attention, and on going nearer ibe diseov- red t large paotber prepariog to sprint; on icr children, wbo were lying aaleep at the 'ool ot tbe Ire*. Mr*. Montoalm at cue* Irew a bead on tb* brat* and ibot bim through tb* boiy. Bb* theu removed Ibe pelt tod took it wilb her on her j lurney. I. IKK A HLUB ae . io< r .irr Pe*l new . h, Baaklaej on ike Waters. A OlouMitcr (Maa* ) deepateh itya : Ibe ica serpent waa again leeu tff Olouornter ini* morniog by a falling party. When flrit taan tb* mounter wa* only 800 feet aw*y and looked Ilk* a bug* apar nearly 100 feet long, lying upon tbe *urfiee ol the waten, riaiog and fulling with Ibe wavee. A* the boat drew nearer, i>* buna bead wai raiard *ix fret from tbe water, and two glittering *ye* war* plainly seen. It then qaiakly diiappeared, but noon came to the surface torn* diitaac* away. Another bri*l glimpaa ot Ib* moniter wai obtained, but il quickly pasted oat ol view and waa not again t**n. A Bta " II." "It it waau'l ter one thing, boya," laid an old farmer, aa be got down from hia waggon, " I'd bet anny amount o' money on thai bay colt o' mine irottin'a mil* in 3.16} I'd b*t 11,000 000 at I had it." Tba crowd langhtd derisively. " Wbal ia the oca thing J" aikad on* ol Ih* crowd. " Tbe dittano* i* too tur fer tbe time." Lift. tJABT AWAV IN I Hi PACirtU. A foor lialtea Wb . l*r l.n, Vcare a aiaive Aaseaaj Caauslkal*. Th* crew of tb* barqao Bimblir, which returned to Loadon Iato in May from a trading trip amobg tbe laland* ol th* W*tero 1'acino, reported having lean in a crowd ot native Mew Briuioor* Ib* uolor tuuato Italian ol wbom lailon bav* now . 1 then brought tiding*. A* far a* known nc attempt ba* ever been made to restore him to hla native land. For year* h* wan a at> ittry captive amocg the fierce nativeb of B^gainville, ooe ot ibe largeal ielaiidti ot the Solomon groap. He wa* itarved, maltreated and overworked. HIB iqfler ioga m .la bim almoal ao iinbeetle. Tweuly year* ol lit* among Ibi wortt tavage* of ih* Pacific to changed him that be ia budly NoogQlzablcaaa mao of European orifcia. Tha craw of tbe Ktmblcrbay b* ia ae big a otcuibal aa any Po.'yceaiau, wetra one ku< lock ol hair in a coil on Ibe top cf hi* bead, i* dretved in native bark plolh, will not vtait the vocieli thai at rare later- val* oaal anchor near the tribe with whom ba now live*, and will nol open bii lipi to white men, except to auk for food. Wben Mr. Romilly wa* orniiiog in Ibe wealern Pacific io 1881 b* law a man and irnd uninectaifuUy to talk wilb bim. Hi* uame, il ia *aid, waa published y*ar* ago, but every recent writer wbo ha* mentioned him teem* to bave forgotten il. H* waa a member of tbe oalebrated expedition wbioh ihe Marquis de Ry *nt to New Ireland. Tbu large party of French aod Italian colonial*, deceived by tbe glowing acooonta and riobaaM and salubrity ol tb* country, left tbeir home* to Mill* in tb* new El Dorado. They were landed on tb* mo*t inhospitable coaat of New Ireland, and tba ibip tailed away, leaving them to Ibeir Fate. Bom* of them died of hunger or !*v*r. Oihera ware loat while makiog tbeir way to other island* in email boat*. A few were eventually mooed. Th* I ail relic ol true melancholy enterprise ia Ib* Italian whcia wretched exUienee ia (till prolonged. Witb five comrade* b* rowad 200 mire* to Bougainville, where, a* toon as they touched tbe nhore, bia companion* were killed and h* wa* r***rv*d for a mor* terrible fate. H* wa* lold aa a alav* to a baab tribe in the interior. Yean ol captivity to completely changed the man thai when be waa offered M a Qaeeoiland labor ship for two tomahawk* tb* trad* wan mad*. Hia new owntra tboogbl ha wa* a native, and expected to make * fine prcfll by diipcticg )f hia aerviee* to some (Queensland planter. They discovered, however, attar a few day* ihat b* wa* uolhicg but an notorlnnale Italian, and lotbey aboved him ashore on New Britain a* au object ot no commercial value. There be still live*, a miaerabl* re- mainder of tb* moet onlortunata party cf inropem j wbo ever waul to tbe Wealern i'aeifie. A number ot whit* meu long h*ld in cap. i vity among atvagea are known to bave IB greatly weakened in mind by tbfir ernel experience*. Joeepb Forbai, a young Kogliah sailor, waa a pruooer on Ib* little tlauda of Timor Laul, uorlbweal of Nw Ooinea, for aeveutotn year*. Wbenba waa reaeoed, in 1899, ba could ool talk to bia rescuer* cor even nadenland a word of Kugliah. The knowledge ol bii mother toDgur, however, rapidly came baok to bim a* bi improved in menial baallh. He diad oaly a few yean ago In Auitralia. UB uaa i iiitt.i WIVBO. Ik. l.>u.i Bv*>lli ! a Heua wllk a < , ,.i. ,i FeiaKV lr ' Cbarlc* 8 jeer, a young muaio teacher, wa* meniad a year ago to MU* Liaiic, a ronng and beautiful girl. Tbey wenl to housekeeping at 1(4 Weil Monroe *tr**l, aud took for a boarder young man named Frederick G jod. Oood waa amootk- alkiog fellow, and Mr*. 8u****r soon lagao acting in a way that axeitcd tb* young hutband'a jealous). Mr. Buaaatr nutated on a obtng* of riiidanoe, but bie wife refused to move nnleu Qx>d abould be taken a* a boarder. A couple of month* ago a child wai bora to Ibe Banaan, and a week ego Mr*. Suesser el*p*d with Oood, caving ber babe behind her. Oiod 1* said to have three wive* in different part* of tb* world. Nine years igo b* married tbe young daughter of a armor near Lecde, England. 11* took her o London aad t 03upl* ot year* later le**rted her and bar infant *on, coming Io America. Io Philadelphia h* married a 'oung girl, but loon tired of ber and wenl to )}*ton, where be again married. II o left ila wit*, wbo followed him bar* and is now ivirg al 619 Weal Indiana itreal. Buffalo New*. A PI* X% In. II ;.. . Thar* waa a queer Dig aod bone race recently al Burlington, Vl., tbe recall ot a Ml. Ibtpig'i backer trained bim by pat- ting bim tl oa* cr.d ot a 100-yard Ian*, and at tb* other end waa a trough io wbiob wculd b* dumped the corn. The moment Ihe corn wa* placed there tb* pig would b* 1*1 go, and ha wonld at once proceed to Ibe trough. At tor b* got tb* time of eating down floe he would run faster, until in two week*' tint* b* would make tb* 100-yard daab io several ceeonde. Every day the trough wa* moved further away, until il (ol Ihe required dietaoo*. The pig wta lept half starved, and as eoon aa be law ibe corn and waa 1*1 go b* gav* a gruol and iben daabed forward. Tbi* kind of practice was kepi up for three weeka, and at Ih* end f that time h* mad* tbe diitaoce witb a Maud 8. gait. When tb* race took place iba pig waa in good condition aod very mcgry. The bora* and pig were put lid* >y aide ; they itartcd ; th* porker got under ID* horee'a legs and rather embarrareed . H* then dashed ahead and reached the end forty aeoouda ahead of tb* boric. '!.. rlr.l al T*. A Providence (R I ) deipatoh to tba Pitteburg DitpatcA rayi: A wedding like ibal witoeited by twenty people in John- alon, laat *v*Dlog, i* rarely ***o. Tba contracting parties ware Mr*. Sarah Lw, wbo ia over 70 years old, and Daaoou D*vii Wilbur, who 1* nearly 70. They bad been aohoolmatca and lover* In early youth, but were aeparated by a quarrel, and were 93th bound by other tie* for mor* than tcrly year*. She lived io New York Stale than. On returning to Rhode laland ib* mat Ih* friend of her youthful dayr, for wbom her affection dill remained itroog. Their lova-makiog wa* renewed, and pledge* ware exchanged which led to laat ivening'i marriag*. Tb* ceremony waa held at tbe residence of Franklin A Bleere, on Ihe old holliogly road, Mr*. Bteere being a nice* of tbe bride. Bed fire and Obioct* lantern* made tbe ground* gay. hiii Waal* *moor Back. A Chinese army of 40,000 men I* laid to b quartered on tba Bongari Biv*r, in Man- ehooria, near tba Rusaiau boundary. Man- choorit in an cxteaaive region ot Eastern A*i, with th* BuMiao terrltorin on Ib* west and Ih* Roasian Amoor provinces on the north and east. Tut** province* were acquired by Rutai* from China aod Japan in 18(8, aud at* very fertile. But whether the Chinese could wreel them from Ibe Coenacki, who iobabil then), remain* to be aecn. Hull, tbe movement, the Philadelphia Reeor <1 think*, i* another indication of tbe dtatorbed oooditiou ot tbe **!, and ot th* war fever which *e*m* to b* affecting both barbarian and civilized dynaatiae. Bob Ingaraoll U growing ftt. Ha ira't any balder than formerly, for tbal II impomible. Hla eye glaiie* bate changed to ipeotactM, and hi* chnbbinei* ia turn- log into fl*hin**a. HI* yean ar* begin- nirg to tell, but bi* amile and twinkling eye* ar* th* lame. Iog*r*oll baa a habit, when interviewed, ot writing out both question) and aniwwa, and reading them ovar before tbt reporter gOMt IRISH LAND QUE8TION. llcury Urorfe Talks to a New York " World" Reporter. DAVITT THE FUTURE LEADER. New York Uity Oomparnd with Ireland. Sew York World, log. 13th. Tbe masterly addreia ol Miabacl Davit io the aiiembleJ Irian aonieuaa a> Cuioug .mi Buurday baa arouaed tbe tblLuaiaia of Henry Oeorge, the tobolar and political eoonomiit. To bii mind Davin ia tbe greatcil leader in Ibs Iriih 010*1. Mr L)*vit p , I ki Mr. Osorge, advocate* tba oat!.::a!:**ti3a cf tbe laud. Mr. Oeorge balievc* tbal tbe recent ekotioo* io Eag land will have the tffaot of uoiting tbe democracies of the two nation*, and Ibal Ibe day ol triumph lor Inland i* near at band. He al*o believe* that Ibe Land Bill wa* tbe bugbear which frightened Ibe is jgluh aod brought abcal th* defeat cf the Horn* Rule measure. All the Irub people bad to do cow waa to preserve iheir uatiimily and continue iba good fight. Cjercion u-igui be tritd by t lory Govern- mnot to teei tbiir fortitude, but U would fail aiiigLally under rjalitbary'i adrniui* Iration a* it bad under Oladttuoe'*. " Davilt," laid Mr. George to a World reporter, " 1* entirely right iu bii poeiliou. Tbe policy for which b* baa contended ha* ai Us I prevailed, and tb* maaa ol tb* Eog- lien people arc io a tamper to learn t) do jtuilog to Ireland. Mr. Oladitob*'* change of front wai perhaps too sudden to earry iho first election, bai 11 mail be rantem- bered tbat all the or position to him did oot come from tbo** who objected to Iriah II' ms R?l*. Many Etigluhmcn wbo bav* been m favor all along of conceding to Ire- land tb* fulleai measure of Home Rale fooiid fatal objietione to tbe data U of bia propoaed Bill, and many other* opj >ed bim Became ibay eonaidci(d ibe Laod Purehaie Bill a part cf nil scheme ' " Wiial really ii tbeotjrsrion ib Eogland to tb* Land Purohaee Bill ? ' ' Ou the part of EbgluLmen, wbo be- lieve a* Mr Oavui aod 1 dj tbal the land i* tb* oooimon property ot Ihe whole people, and who look forward to the re- eomption ot tbe land ot Eaglaod by Ib* nauoo, there ia ao Uflixible otj c.iou to toy propoeal to buy out tbe landlord*. They look upon tb* Iruh Land PurchaM BUI ta selling t precedent Ibal Ibe people should b* compelled to pay for what ii rightfully tbeir OWB. To buy out tbe Iriab land- orde wonld be to eaiabliah a claim upon ihe Eogliib, Bcottb aod Welah landlord* to e bought out whan tbeir time coma*. And 00 tbe pan of tboae wbo bave now gone than far there it t vry natural iodi*po#i- uon to mak* Ih* Engliah nation rcaponai jle for a Urge rum cf mOLay to petaioo cfl a body ot meu who** greed and tyranny lav* kept tbe two pecplee in hot water. Nothing em be better calculated to throw nto strong light tbe cMentitl ir jaitio* aod Vurluy of private pr. prly in lai.d than Ih* propukiiioa to buy out tbe landlords iu a body. Wbcn a man goce to buy a [lace of IL J be doea nol do to without a> king by hat trie it ia btld, and wb*u the prop j lition i> mad* tbat a peo( h thoo:i buy tbe aad tf tbe country from torn* ot tbeir owu member*, ill* but natural that the quea- lion ol Ib* title should oema up, aid tbal m*u should aak by wbal right >ome men can claim M bold aa tbeir own ludtvilnal propiriy tbe land ol ib* country. Mr. Jladitooo will oow doobllaaa abandon bu and-purohai* icbame, and thi* will bring to bi< aide many ot tboa* wbo o| p aed bim in tb* laal election, while tb* irraaiuible growlb of radical opinion en the land qoca- tion will land ileadily to slreogibun tb* moat radical party." I Wbat will b* the teodeccy in Ireland on the land qaailion ? " " Mor* and mor* to the petition that tb* and of Ireland belocgt of natural right to ibe whole Irub peofie and ihaull b* treated aa tba common properly ot tbe catioj, all laod-owncra being merely iaoi*. Tb* day, 1 believe, ha* loag gon* y when any acbiaia ol pra*ai.t proprietor* couiJ even give ball o tto liu.ii laud movement. I! tb* Ejgliu p*o[le w*ro willing to buy out tbe lri>h landlord* and ieav* tb* ItLd qntttioo to be act tied by an ' 'ib Parliament, I don't tbink the IrUu would ranch care, but it U certain ibal the talk cl tbe pecpli will nivir oacvect to bay oat ibe landlord* at their own COBS, nor to deem tb* IrUb land question *ati* tuMiily Battled when the property ol th preient proprietor* bad bean divided amocg a larger number ot MEalkr prcpria- tore." " Mr. George, wonld you txfiaia tb* difference between laudbolliog io America and io Ireland I Many lympatbicon ol Iriah landlord* upon tbu aide ct the water aak why tb* landlord* in Ireland have not tbe cam* rifbl to poesee* property aa thoa* upou tbia aide of Ibe Atlantic." There ia no difference between land- tiolding iu Irelacd and landboldtog in America. Tbe landlord in America ie *v*n Freer to evict a tenant than a landlord in Ireland, aod tb* ayetam I* fully a* bad Here a* there, th* only difference being tbat our population i* ool yet aa danee a* tbat 01 IrelaL J. aod w* do nol realiae it* efleota *i clearly, bat I know ol ne part ol Ireland where the abeordity and injuatioa ol treating land a* th* privat* properly ol ndividnala can b* *e*n mor* olaarly than m thie very city of New York. There ia no part ot the world where p*apl ar* packed mor* closdy together and larg*r mm* are pocketed by noa producer! t* a tribute from labjr tor Ibe me ol natural opporinnili**, to wbieb one eitiisn ba* macifcitiy a* good a right aa another. W*. too, have our abaente* IL JlorJn, our back rent* and our eviction*, atd here, too, wa may aa* in chrome- poverty ani grow- ing pauperUm tb* inevitable reaulU ol allowing some pecprc to claim a* tbeir own wbal natare ua* provided for th* uie of all. Il ii nol only th* lympalhiMr* with English landlord* wbo think Ib* landlord* of Irelaod bave a* good a right to wbtl tbty art pl*a*d to call their property a* bav* Ihe landlord* of America. I certainly hold tbal view, and I hardly think ib* Iriah landlords would oaul m* t* oncot their ympatbiierr." " But wai not tbe property of Ireland acquired by conquest while that ot Amelia* WM gained by peaceable m**na ? " II That make* no difference. Wbeiber my great-gr*at-grandfatb*r wu forcibly mad* a Blav* or whether b* voluntarily acxpted alavcry for bimeell *uid bia dc- loaudaota make* DO differtLCC to me aud cannot affaji tbe title ol aay man wLo cltimia rinht to tbe prcduoj ol my ltb<r bout i{iviui me aLyihiug IQ re ur.i. Tbe rlgbi ot a man to bimaelf i* an in- alicLablo right iuberdilin mau, and aaa no more bo void by parcha** or grant tbau il eau by conqttbal, aud Ibia rinhi iuvolyta Ib* rtgbl ol every nan to a tootbold in ihi world. Tbi Inalienable right to lit*, liocrty a:.J tb* pursuit of bapptnee* involves an Inalienable riKbl to an tqual abare in tb* natural elements neoenary to thi tuainte- nauce of IKe. The true doalrioe ie that declared by Thomaa JiOaiou, tbat the laud ot Ik* country belong* iu naufrncl to Ihe wbol* p*opl* of tbal oonatry, and that our generation can bav* DO right to grant 01 de 'd away tbe birthright of futon genera- lioui. Every child that ia bora io tbii oily Ntw York comae Into Ihe world wilb 1 ia rioal permitaton ot th* Creator, ft d equally entitled to all tbal nalnre ha* | >vioed for lha enjoyment and initonanoe oi man. Yet under onr ayptem come ol Ibe children born her* acquire, by virtue of tbeir birth, th* legal right to more land than they can by any possibility uae, while Ib* great majority BIT* no legal ricbki wbal- ever in tbe land ot tbeir birtb, and are forced to bay permUeion to live In tbie world from tboea wbo are legally tbe ownera of tbii part ol the planet. Tbia ia tbe foundation and beginning ot tbat mon- atroua iujuauoe ia tba diatribution ot wealth, wbieb ia prodooing on one aide tbe millionaire and ou tbe other Iba pauper. Xbe Irieb land qneetion ia aimpiy tbe land <iaeatiou of tba whole oivilued world." "Da Maiara. Davilt, Parnell and the other Irub leaden bold iaob extreme viewa ki you do upon tbe land queatian T" Oavill, I think, doae, and ao do num bera ol other Infloeniial men, among whom may be mentioned Dr. Nolly, Bi.bop of Heath, and auob men ae Patrick Ford in tbia country. 80, too, do aome ot the Iriah membera of Parliaaitnt, but Mr. 1'aruell wbo ia himaalf an Iriab landlord, and Ibe leading membera ot bia parliamentary alaf do ooi. Tbey repraaant tba political aspiratiooi of tbe Iriab people, but Davit repreaanta aa well tba aoaial aepiratioci Parnell and bia ooadjutora moat, however aitber drift along with Ibe current or dually be overwhelmed by it. The moment tbe political tide of the Iriab qaeatioo n aetilec Ibe movement for tba oauooalization o! tba land wUI lame up, not in Ireland alone bat in Great Britain ae well." Don't you thick that fear of tbe real:'z- lion of mob a acbeme will frighten away from Mr. Oladatooe'e aopport tbe Brn IcMIe olaeeea and olbera beaidea tbe Luoi'iiy wbo believe in tbe righta of pro. periy and defer the day ol Uome Rale for Ireland 7" 1 Tbat ia preciaaly tbe difficulty which now makes thoae claaaaa loath to accede to any aettlement of tba Irish qneetion Ibal w-uld conform to tbe wuhea ot Iba Iriab f la. Tbe real tear they have ia ae to wbal would become of tbe Iriah lacdlorda , not ao much tbal they bave any eenti mental regard for the Iriah landlorda. bat that they know that tbe overthrow ot Iruh landlordlam would be but a prelude to tbe cveribrow ot Briuah landlordism." Mr. Qeorge waa tangoine tbat the lin>e waa not tar distant in tact, wiibm the oext generation when tbeae great trulba would be fully eetabiiahed. A century and a quarter ago people doubted tnal raon arenieal form ol Government would diapr.ear from Fracoa ; that the greati rtpublio of anoioni or modara tucet would apring from Ibe Wealern Atlantic and tbat Ulavary would meal He doom. But all ibnec eventt happened and he bad not the HlifcbUii doubt Ibal tbe land qneetion would be aolved In the near tutor*. mrtrm IIN in Allrr Tribal tlm.ti k.. i. ihiac ki>. . II. !.. I rlrd Ike rlMl. A -New Tork deipatob taye : An elderly man, well dreaaed and eickly-lookiog, regu- tered at Ibe Urand Uuion Hotel a little after 10 o'clock on Tburaday night ae MarehalJ. BUJmin, of Barra, Maaa. Be carrtel a pareail and a coatly travelling aa-.chtl. lie bad evidently arrived on Ibe Boston ezpreee, due at Ibal time. HUlmau waa abaent from tbe hotel yeeleriiy until ' o'clock. A abort time after bie reinrn i<tol hjia ware beard in bu room. IIUI maa waa found eiiung on a cL.ir wiib bu bead ihrcwn forward on bie ohe.l. Blxd noklid tbruogb bia bail Irum tbrea wonuda ia hie head and blood from a wouud in hie tbroai. Tnree bullela were attarwaxda found ia tbe oeiliu(. lieeide be ebau on tbe flour waa an old-faebiocad Bmith & Weaaoo iU-caiibre iuw.1. Hill- man faintly told Police Captain Sehulti tbal be bad anffered aa long aa bt could re- member from dyapapeia. II* eaid be bed ried everything to core bim, ai.1 cow be bad tried iba pmtol. lie aaid be bad a eon- u-law wboee name waa F . J. Barrett, aod baa be waa with tbe Boker FernliziLg Company. Tba wounded man waa taken to Belie vua Two ol tbe ballet* bed made only tcalp wanndi.one waa embedded IL acd bad fractured Ibe iknll, and one bad gone broogb tne threat to Ibe epinal eolumu. Al 9 o clock but night Hillman waa aioktng, tnd Ouroner Livy waa eommoned. Before ia arrived Dr. Mitchell dao.ded to perform trephining and traebeotomv. Tbe two operation* are aeidom performed at tb* came time. Coroner Levy will lake liill- man 'a aote-mortem alaiemenl ibie morn- LH Uillman baa about on* cbanoo m five of recovering. WOICB*TIB, Aug. *). Marebal J Hill. nan ia tbe aenior member of the firm of Jillmau & William*, wbo keep tbo country ttora in Barre, twenty milce from tbu city. Ililiman waa born in New U.mp hire about fitly year* ago, ai.il baa lived n Baira about twenty year*. He ia a man -f Mady babita, but ba* been.ntj) to J.a ot dimintia. Tbeae ware never violent, and kl* ln*nd* never lent him to an atylum, though they bav* talked ot It. Nixr ! aLaacamirr x-r <.*! Over ike fall* b* Barrrl. A Lancaatar deepateh iaya . Jacob Chamber, a cooper of tbii place, la build- og a barrel to go Ibrongb Ibe Rapida and over tb* Fall*. Mr. Sebamber i* about '"i year* of age. H* xp*et* M atari from Ton*- waoda.sail down tb* river over tb* Fall* aod through tba Whirlpool. H* say* b* can Io tb!i aod ex peels bu barrel done io about two week*. Il I* belitved tb* iwell the sidea and Ih* ballaal of lead in tb* wit.! will keep the barrel upright. Tbe oanbole extend* 27 incbe* above tbe top proper to aupply air. The barrel will be of J{ inch nave*, and will bo 3 f**t 1 icobea wide tt the centre. The <n. i HrMej* ! A]r. An act ol unpardonable vasdaliim I* going to be commuted it, at report *ay*. tb* old bridge cf Ayr ia to be deruoliahed. It when Barn* wrote on tba bridge of Ayr Le could talk ol tba " poor narrow tootpalb cf aatreat, where two wheelbarrow*, tremble when they meet," it i* not aurprieing tbat the atouea are now dropping from tbeir r laoe>, and that the auld brig :e couiilerad aJe far iraffia. Bat for olo;e on 6oO iiar* it ha* don* II* work, and that sorely * long enough to have earned the rerxxe not of annihilation but ot an honored national monument. Tbe " conceited gowk," tbe new bridge, ia mil quite capable of carrying all wbo wieb to eroie the Ayr, aud il ie difficult to underaland wbal Im- perative reason there can be for deatroylng ibe " brig of ancient Pietiah race, tbe vera wrir,klee Oolhi* in bie lam." And, beeidea .la commemoration by tbe Ayrshire poet, Ibe bridge ha* a romantic Interact of MS >WD, banog, Ilka tbe pyramid ol Rbodopin, Been built at Ibe cole eipenee ot a slcgl* lady, though tradition variously describee bar muliv**. Poll Mall (lautu. A < ..11 II- l>.k..>.i I. an... By an unfortunate typograpbioal error wo ware m*de to *ay laet week that our dlMlnguiabed towniman, Pro'eaeor K-n nidy.wa* about to riynp a nobby baboon for tbe comfort and copy men I tf his (laoaibter on her wedding trip over the prairiee. Wbat we meant to aay waa a nobby balloon. We write tbia with our lalt band, while lying on onr upare bed, witb one eye entirely eloaed and ibe other hand-painted, and an inverted chair aoroa* onr stomach for a writing table. Tbe iiteut ot our retire! for the bluuder may b* measured by the difflraltUa we bav* aur mounted In penning tbia tiplanation. A new and plaaaible tiplanation ot Ibe doittraetiv* Dree occurring In piae foreata i* cffered. The pine reeln eluding from ibe trace ia often of Una shape, aud b fore it thoroughly harden* frequently ot cryalal- Uae oltarnet*. It i* *urmiaed tbal wbile in tbal condition a reaia lene may loaej* tba SOD'* rays upon aome white twig ot reeinoo* point and *o "tar I bl*a* tbal luiokJy MD pp a foiwt. A Blew ..* Ian n ildaily woman, witb keen gray aye* loAiog ibarply through Heal bowed sp*et*el*a, *nter* and otanally ixaminaa several bolt* of lawn lying on tbe counter. " At, good day, Mr*. H ." tayi lha proprietor, oomiug briakly forward, an- tioipaiing a tale , " looking to* lawoe T" " Mo, I doao * I wa*," *ay* Ib* po**ibl* cnstLtner, guardedly, " I wai jn*l noliciok tbeaa." " Tby'r* pretty pattern. I juat goi them ii.." " They're til *o light." " L'gnl color* ar* all ib* rage tbia *um. m*r. But here's a black and wbiM pi*o* ihaf. jusl tb* thing for you. Mow. laa'l ibal neat ? ' 11 Yea. rather ; bat it ao't jaat wbal I like. How mnob ia il t" " Fiftecu cento a yard." " Ao'l tb'- dreadful bigb lor lawn* ?' " Mat for lawo* of that quality. Joel ate how flu* it 11." " Yea ; bat they re selling lawo* av'ry mite and graiu aa good a* that in tL* city al 8 aod 9eQl-i." ' ImpoautU, Mr*. H 1 " " ludtM, they aral And one of my neiKhbore got a good piece for 7 ceota." " Tbey are nut aucb good* a* this.' " Il'a i retty cigb tbe very laeoc tbu>g. I hadn't calculated on giving more than 10 eania." " Why, Mra. H , Ibia coal mor* loan tbat al wbolaaal* I " " Oa, I go*** not. Aoyhaw, I can't give but 10 cent* a yard." " I can't take il." " I won't give any more." " Weil, jail txamiae that lawa oloaely, now." ' It took* well enough, but I ain't at all anr* ibal it won't fade." " I'll warrant II cct tj tad*. Il'aa itaod- ard mak* aod fait eo!on. ' " Will, now many yard* ar* there in tba piece ? ' " Thirteen ; jutt a good full paittra." " Eleven would be a great pUnty for me " 11 Now, I'll i*ll yoa what I U do. Ill l.i you bav* the piece fcr li cento a yard, easing a* if* all I've got left." " Oan'l yea *ey ao *v*o II ctota to an old customer like me ? " " Mo, really, I couldn't." " Fourteen cent* i* too much for lawn tkat'* telling ev'ry where for 10 otnla." "Ob, I tbink you're miatakao." " Well, aa* bare, I'll give you 12J exnli a yard tor it." " No, I couldn't go below 13 cent*, and wouldn't 1*1 anybody but yoo bav* u for Ibal." Well, I'll give yoa 13 e*nt* it you'll call I twelve yard*." "Bui there* full thirteen yard* io lac piece. ' " Well, call il twelve aod I'll take it "Cao'l do it. ' " I reckon you/H throw in thread aod otloca and wain lining ? " " C juldn'l do it for that money." " Wall, *ay thread and buttons ibea ? ' " I'll throw io a ipool of thread. ' "And a card of book* aod ey*a T " " W* I, I don't know -yea, I will " " N , why aao't you say button*, too >' "1 really eansol ; 1 ui laaing money ow ' " And you cao'i mak* ii Hi c.cu ft yardT" " No." " Well, I ga*a* I won't lake it I ain't ceediog a lawn draaa tbia rammer, aoy bow." YeeuA*' " AT A i n > . m -i O Way el I r u.< i- 1 1 H n i >. i TI %a a. n.. Walairat Jl.rr Thaw "Ii u I h* ike. Bevaral monlbi ago we chronicl*)e1 far tka Enquirer ao account of one John Owen Bkidtr, wbo at that time bad been walking at lea*! eighteen kocua day tor atgliaaea month*, aod travelling at tba rate of Iva mtlae ao boor, or eighty milaa in twenty- four, *ye a Barttord letter. Now It la over two yean line* ba commenced hi* Hrciea* tramp, aod, tritead of from bu nnparallalad walk, on be and inatead ot slacking bu rpead b* ba* inereaicd it, until ba ia a* fl.t of foot a* a dear. Ovtr two yaara ago ba waa xa'aaal with tb* hallueinauoo tbat three layer* bad suddenly and aa mvetenonely formed in the aole* of bia feet, and ha tuamnfl U hi* dieaaaed micd or intatjnaiino tbat M remedy other than walking would aver remove tbam. U* at one* look up tba Una ot march in Ih* rear of bia dwelling on bia farm, aeven mil** aoutbeaal of tbia sty-walking in a circle from riBt to left. At firet be walked with maaaurad tread, ai.d woald convene witb aeigk- bore and Ui*r.da rauonaUy upon aay topic except tbe mania tbal bad taken poa- aaaelon cf bim. aai no advice, device or restraint acull be brougbl into rc.juiaiaiea to induce kirn to tjrego bia tramp. At lime went on bu cpeed waa accelerated, aid ILO Lour* f tramping innmaad. an*U c.iLitea oonn ot every twenty. four toomi him walking aboni bis beaten track. Hi* meali were beoded to bia, aad he at* a* be walked. B* navar removed hi* -i^fc'^t, but about 1 a L oacopiea a *balr near bia circle pixiviled for bim, aod at o&c* fall* aaleep. At 5 o'clock promptly be ia again upon bia tirelaa* rooL J. A room baa bean pro- vided for bim for we in colder waatbar, and be walk* about bia apartment, or rather run*. Il u aa**rt*d by bia friend* thai b* walk* about while *lrrtnag ao toundly that bia anoricg ia annihte la aootbir apartminl of the dwelliog. Ia rammer acd tall, in all kinda ot wwatber, bowevtr inclement, be may be found out of doora, going about Iba circle long sine* siablu-brd. at a rate of tpeed tbal u mar- valon*. Ui. mind ia el**r upon all tub- j-.c-j but iba atraoga hUineiaation thai ba* | watpel aod dwarfrd hie barter judgment. After ba<iag tramped about lor a year or i more be conceived tea idea tka* 40.000 mil** ot travel were oeeeaaery io order la relieve bim of tbe peculiar malady tbat affliond him. but now b* ba* travelled HI*) i \- mil in Aa I ko l Toawr I. lp Uowu Pla* I < kre> WhUkrv Wlia If mlml Urmmlit. Oa Wadneaday tb* polio* w*rc notifltd bat a man we* lying in tb* alley .eiwaan liate atr**t and Wataaab avecaa on Thirty nrsi etreel in aa nneoofoion* condition, where he had been for several boon. Tba police foucd him still in an nnooDaeiona tat* when they arrived, aod removed bim o the county bocpital. There wi hi* poneaeion whereby be ecnld denuded, but it wa* tboogbl to be ft if alooholitm, and b* would r*viv* in tiro*. I* Lever recovered o >n>oiou*n*u, and dit d early yeeurday moroiog. Upon invest!- anon il wa* learned Ibal be bad been in rtri3i Clabby'i aaloon, at No. I OW Slat* tre*i, Wedueeday morning witb several other men dtioking, aad a diipoto aroaa oLg them aa to tb* quantity ol wbiikey 1 man could drink and not abow it* t fleets. Tbe d*e*a>aed man loudly beaded tbal ba could drink half a pint of whiskey ar.d a glat* of bt*r immediataly after if *cme ote would pay for il. O-e of tbe party agretd to do thi*, and tbe liquor wa* fnroisbed. It was at once gulped down by tbe boartfnl toper. In a abort time be axaertad lie ability to repeal Iba doae, aud ocot more ft foolish companion agreed to pay for it. Again the l.qnor WM awallowtd, and tbia time with deadly ifl.o:,for in &va minute*) tbe young man fell eaoaeleM to tb* floor, and hi* oompaniooii carried him out loM Ibe alley, where b* wa* toned. Tba man wbo bcugbl tbe whiskey and tb* aelorn- teeper have net yet been arrested. Tba body ol the fooleardy unknown lice at the morgue awaiting identification. II u cloth- ng consisted of a dark cnit ot brown elotb |0cda and a liaen cap. Clueafo Timrt t lll.l> lr Hoax. There I* no ebange in the hoc proaf eela n Madion C oiity . Bol very few grower* 'ill place bop boiee ia tbeir yard*, and tka w wbo may will be awarded only with a w vermin eates, jois* attracted quali-y ol worth tb* money it required to harvest them. Tba (Ob ihed cellmate, plamog tbe jroduol of Franklin County at 4.000 bale* tbie year, again*! 16,000 la*t *aaon. IB erroueon* aod calculated to mulaad. From trualwcrlby roureea, *ay* tb* Uneida Cm n, we are in reesipl of information ao tbe fleet tbal the county referred to will Lot produce '200 balea ot merchantable hope. to Lewie, U<wrgo and Oneida Conntit* tba outlook ie still lee* promiiitg aod It 1* too at* for tb* vie** to rally, *v*n *b3uld Honey-dew and lice diaappear, wbieb there Meme to be DO proapeel of eo long ta there i* anything in the ihapa ol a hop left to pray upon. Old hopi are held firmly in view ot tb* proepecl, and but few tranaao ion* take place, either in Ibe country or city market. Daring Senator Coebran*'* reaant vliit to British Columbia b* wa* walkicg along tb* track cn vary dark night and suddenly t*ppad iato a eattl* guard, linking bie ncae agtioet the timber. II* Icat t quan- tity of Mood, but auccaided in gelling out ot Ibe calih guard by himaalf, after which b* fainted on tb* track, where a twitch- man ehortly atterwarde found bim ID lime to reeouc him from tbe eipreaa. H* waa taktu tj a hotel aud medical aid sum- moned, and although for aom* time in a vary prtearion* itate, ba wa* toned to b*> ofliaienlly recovered to b* removed 19 Calgary. Beeide* tbe injury to the lace. be received some very severe brniaa* about Ib* body, bat will in a short Mm* be around again a* oautl, Had tb* amide at cenrred to a leu mfu*d man than tba Benator il would likely bav* proved fatal Calgary Tribune. Deacon BkuUer-Oood mawaio, pat- eon ; I'a* bean 'plnted a commiite* to find oat when 'twould b* 'vemeolforde bredren in ii*ir* tar gib you a ipri** parly. Parson Holdback 'Bool lobly y*aba from no', Urnddar Hkallar, bout fobly yeah*. o ii:o II well ik 'boat dat lim* for m* t*r revamp from de la*' one. July,-. Lawreneevill*. III., a strong prohibition village, ia eonildtrably agitated beoani* ita Town Board ha* granted lioenaae tor two aaloon* at tl (KM each. Threat* are made tbat tb* aaloon keeper* will ool have an wry HMD of it. ly 40 000, aod ba* mad ia quiakaoad, bia pace acclerald and boor* of walking increased. Hi* diapoaiiioo 1* melancholy In character, yet at lima* ba tajoy* tb* j ;k*a acd jtata of tnaada wbo oaUl upon him. Qe waa **nl to tba asylum a year go, walked all the time while on tbe ear*, ooQiuaed bu tramp darmg hi* itey at th* aylnm, and wbtn returned aome aa barm la*a mado toe *ame jworney a* going. Dor- ieg hi* *tay la ibi* ally waiting for tba train be walked aaoai ibe court Inaei yard. Ilnodrtda of ciujsca ware) aitraaetd to iba scene to wilnaa* tb* atracg* prowdur*. Wten restr.i-.td ftoai walking bia fact tltarnately were lifted treat the groaud. lie avert t&al if h* wool* 1 atop walkicg Li limb* and body would fly into a tboucaod fngnaata. H* oavar seamiogly grow* bunary, caver aak* for food or dnofc, aad ea:a ai.d drmka wbau- var u given kin a.c.jjplnninglj, all tb* time convincing bta ecdlee* rcand. Hie limb* are at arm ae iron like wh-t-eord. Be u * man of ordinary intelligence. Hta tun* are lueb a* to preclude tbe idea ot bia malady orutioaucg from dotnaette d.BV euliMN, aod no a**inable maa ia known for th* iirang* aod on accountable freak that bia c-me over him. He e**m* to b* Kitted with power* ol divinaHoo, aad m* accurately foretell coming tvcnt* with a preeiaiou and oorr*cin**a thai bncg to bim many wbo wiab to b* mor* fully informed a* Io lb*ir future weal or woe," aad jnet now tbe icore cr more ol Candida*** are aeking bia knowledge cf tbeir fa lore cue. MM cr defeat. Ibe rapidity cf bu aiiertioo tbal he can make mor* mil** in twenty foe' hour* than tne bai trained cqain* of tba world. Hi* power* ot antar- aaa* and rate ot ipeed axe paal amnpre- beuaion, almoat bejoad coLcepuoa, and Uad thoae wbo are not convaiaaaol with tb* fact* to eueeeel the atatemeclD about bim to b* greatly eueueraitd. Juart when bia jiaruy'a> aud wi.l b* reached oone can divine. Die pbyiique ie good direction perfect. Lvary pbyaieal condition point* I) tocii lit*. Th* caaa ta without a parallel - rceurd cf aay OL* umilar may ba tcuad. Hnodred* ot euhoa* and la- areduUa* people bav. nailed Mr. Holder aod lor boure watabad bia perecrinaaioa e. eominx away mysufle J, yet aatulad ot tb* trutbfulaeas of th* wcodartnl itcrtee eoa- onroiDit bim. Il i* aaid by Ibe*)* wbo have it-emd bu beat efloria aod mad* ealaala- lio<:a, tbal b* travela at tbe rat* ot taw ml!** an hour aod w.:bont th* laa*t tiga of ff.i^uc. Bjmecf.b: beat pd*a*riana ot tbu ocuutiy bavj iri* 1 to k**p pace witb kirn, but Uivariabiy CAOJC :ui aeaj&d awal Wbil* w* ar* wondering what la tbe world to do witb our doge, iboce of Pane bav* actually a faahion " article all to tbrmealv**. Tbu* w* learn tbal tb* " grifloo ' of tb* Couuteea Borac* da Cboiiaul live* entirely on tb* wing* at lowla , witb oibar tnttroeting A " *bi*n ebie " baa bia tailor , would be ateclniely danraded if ba iied any bat the artui moat ta Moreover, hi ba*. if moving in nelly good circle*, hi* " bather, but bairdneeer, aad bi* ehaver. Tb* last named require* to b* a real artiat . and laal autumn, w* ar* told, tb* Marcbiooaa* dc Bdbrat. wbo baa a paaaion tor " eanich**, ' imported a akaver from tb* land of t'igaro. wbo ia rapidly makiog a fortune. The outfit of a full dreaied dog eonilita of collar*, braaeleaa, greatcoat*, shirt*, waiiteoal*. tm*mrm for fl )wer*. aad other kaiwg* denoted by an at oatara. Bjma bav* boot*, aitber of in diambber or morocco ; and tba wife of Oo. Terr baa mad* for her dc g Niojoke, whoa*) ear*, [oor Ibini). are vary delicate aod ao wonder a while bocd wbieb ah* (*Tlnl**i| wear* In wai weather. la oHer to be " raperobic," th* dog mast b* either Broe- i1lgne(in or Lilipnliaa . and tb* uglier, apparently, the baiter. Marpi, tb* " car- 1m " cf tb* Coutaaa i* tttaohamai*. at dree* id aloioat alwayitn wbtta elotb. era- or idereJ wnn gold . *o tbal, with it* baauk face. It le aaM to raeembia a Hindoo Mai, Tb* doga of Mm*, d* 1'ermigny ar* at way* io red or whit* which aetma to be the fawrit* eauine color*. Finally there ar* dog* not only eoparcbiea but " eupercon- qucnehic* ' -and ifcere area toe nbimaaa* ot f aabioo eaema to pao**. aicept to t*U a* that oor, baoaoj* ah* limp* a little, it eaUed Mil*, d* Lavilli.r*. Altogether, faabioo teem* prerarm*; pteoly of work lot M. P ateur-Zxma.ua 01***. apt* f erwaia C>pMliT. II waa a Main* girl ol whom tb* Mary to told that ih* refwed to marry a moet de- voted lover until h* should bave amaacad a fortune of 1 10.000. After teoi* expoetula tion b* accepted the deer** aad waal to work. Abiut three montb* after this ih* avarieiona young lady, maaliott bcrjlevwr, aikid : ' Wall, Charlie, bow arj yoo getttag alon!" " Ob, very well, indeed." OaarU*niwiaa1, Cheerfully. " TV* got lit* a*v*d. Tb* yoonii lady blu*b*d and looked down at tb* toee of her walklog boot*, and slabbed tb* iacfteoai v* earth with tba point of her paraaal, " I guiia." raid she, fatally _< I racaa. Charlie, tk*t i about near aoougl)." UJirfir i Mr,