A MODERN UICRETIA RORBIA. Wholesale Poisoning Charged Against n Boston Widow. IflSUKiiNOB MONBt Ttlt: TKkU'TATIOH. Ibr AIUMPI M Kill SUI ll.llrr I..- Cresss Psrlr. A Boston dispatch says : Tbs people of West BomerviUe were startled to-day to Isarn ot ths arriit, lam night, ol Mrs. Barah J. Kabinioo, a comely widow ot 48, for poisoning her ion Wiilism, 23 yean old by administering arienio in bii toed. Divelopments to-day indicate that tbi woman baa been engaged in the poisoning businsst for yean, and that bar husband , hsr thrss children and seven otber people have fallen victims to bir oold bloaded The widow Robinson ban lived for a year io Holland itrset, Clarendon Hill, and bM supported herself by taking boarders. A frequent visitor at her house lines hir husband B sudden death, four years ago, bM beenThomaa K. Smith, a married min, 6* yean old, who lives with his family al Hyde Park. His iuiimaoy wilb tbe widow has excited much comment, aod hs is now noser arrest, charged with being bir accomplice. When her husband died, from drinking ice-water while overheated, M WM supposed Mrn. Rgbinson WM living in Cambridge. Than she moved to Huwi street, sod sow slwr ber 10-yesr-old daughter diediuddenly. Subsequently ibe removed to Dewolf street, and while then ber sister died suddenly in South Boston, sad hsr sister's hatband, James Freeman, snd hie two imall children, took op their residence with tbe widow. In s ihort time an infant child of Mr. Freeman died. Toll death WM lollowsd by another change of residence to No. 54 Boylston street, where Mr. Freeman WM takns inddenly ill and died. Then Mrs Robin son rsmoved to Holland street, where, fcur montbi ago, her eldest daughter, Kiiza- beib, 84 years old, WM taken ill and, like tbi other relatives, died soon at tea. This dsath WM followed a month ago by Ihs death ol the otber Freeman child, wbo wai 7 yearn old.. These IM! two deaths caused snipioioD, for in neither CAM could the doctor! determine Ihe nature ol tbe illneti. Tbe suspicion WM ineressed when, a tiw days ago, Mn. Robinson's son William WM taken with nmilar lymptoms. Dr. White secured pan ot the contents of tbe young man's slornMh snd bad tbem analyzed al Harvard College. Large qnantiliM of anenio wsre found. Dr. Whits informed the police si once, aod Mrs. Kobinion wsi arrested. The widow torearned loudly for help wben told that she WM under srrMl, sad straggled violently to escape. Mr. Bssith waa jnel entering the boose, and be too WM arrested. Then the widow fainted, straightening oul as rigid as it dead. Bmitb, who is a Methodist Sunday Bebool inter- intendenl, asked Ihe officers il bs might pray lor tbs mother and boy who WM BO near tbs point ot dsatb, and kneeling down made a fervent camp- meeting prayer. Then tbe couple were taken to tbs elation. Tbi young man William died al 3 o'clock this morning in horrible oonvnleions, with evsry symptom of arssoioal poisoning. Tbs prisoners were brought up before Judge Story to-day. Tbe woman trembled in every liesb and ebowed great mental distress. Shi wore a black polka dot cam- btle dreer, witb long widow's wsid aod black bounel. Her face ii refined and intelligent. Mr. Smith pleaded not guilty to a charge of mingling poison with medi cms wilb intsnt to kill Wm. J. Robinson. Mrs. Robinson, when oalisd opon to plead, threw her bead back in a dramatic m inner aod in an agonising tone cried oul: " No sir; I am not guilty ot poisoning my own child! No, sir I MyQoel My Ood ! " A moment later the lorned sobbing to ber counsel and asked theatrically : " Is Willie dead ? Is Willie dead T" An evaoiva snswsr WM given and sbs resumed ber trembling altitude. Mr. Smith WM cool sad collected. Both prisoners were held tor trial OB Aog. 18ih. * Tbe motive tor Mrs. Hobioson's crime 11 opposed to bs tbi insurance money on tbe lives ol tbs violins. All wsrs insured for 83,000 each Jusl before be died ber boy William ssid : " My motbsr and Mr. Smith poisoned mi, and I knew it st tbs time. but I Ibongbl I could be cured. Since I have been lick I havs tsksn nciibir food nor medicine from anybody else. Atl I havs bad tbey gave me." A later telegram sayi : Tbe facts com. Ing to light regarding tbe charges of whole, sals poisoning by Mrs. B. J. Robinson, ot Bomeiville, and her alleged accomplice, Thoe. R. Smith, are ot Ibe moel damagitg nature. Tbe physicians who attended Ibe mimberi ol her household tbal htvs died daring the pail four years all iay tbey havs no doubt lhal their respective patients died by poison, They declare tbst a woman is CDS ol ths most cunning snd skillnl of poisoners. All of thsm wers pucEled and two or tbrse ot them wsrs snipieioas at the time they were engaged ontbeeassi, but Mn. Robioioo always socoeedid ID allaying laipielon by ber apparently genuine and ixtremi grief ovir the condition of tbe patienta. She always seemed willing, too, tbal there should be consultation! ot pbyiiolans, but ihe would Dot content to s fott mortem examination in sny CMS. It is BOW charged that Mre. Robinson i> responsible lor poisoning upward of 100 persons at Ibe strawberry festival of Park Avinue Metbodiil Church in June last. |I WM reported to Hieki, tbs Cbarlsitown caterer who furnished Ibe loe cream lor ths festival, yesterday thai Mn. Robioion WM ooi ol Ibs ladles wbo dished oul the oream that eviniog. Upward ol 80 piople wers poisoned snd vomited all night, and every- body attributed ihe oanse to Ibe loe oream wbieb they bad ate. Mr. Hioki nerved several hundred gallons ol cream tor otber partial and no complaints were made. Tbs lymptoms wsre those ol anenical poison Ing. Chist ot Police Parkhont, ol bomtr villa, has a oooitant itrsam of people soming into his office offering information regarding the woman, and hs will have 40 or 50 witneises tor ths Btsts. THE LORD MAYOR'S BANQUET. falisbarv Telia the Irish Tbev Cu't Have Hi* Rule. BIB ADOLPHE OAUON BPKAKB. A lut (WedoMday) night's London cable ays : A banquet wan given by the Lord Mnyor tbii evening. The usual loyal toasts were responded to. Sic Adolpbe Oarou, Canadian Minister of Militia, who responded to the toait of ihe "Army aad Navy," referred, amid load cheers, to tbe Canadian assistance tent to Egypt. Lord Blibbury , who wai heartily ebeered on rising, oaugiatulated those prsMUl on the retuiv of the eleotiooi. He ezpreased Hs pleasure at Lord Uouebery consistent continuance of a foreign lohoy tbat raised England in tbe eniuueaon of nalioni, whuie people were yearly showing a growing detire for peace, wniob would be miiotained if ralsri were guided by tbeir people's will. Be regretted that there etill remained a enbjeot for paicful meditation. " h very day's news," he nid, " remiode u tbat Ireland if net yet inhabited by a con- cordant i,d bcmoirineoua people. It u too Burly to cuter into details, bat it U tbe doty of ewery GjvaroBneul to devote ite whole eorglee 10 (teeing tbe loyal people cf Ireland from the ooustrainl exercised upoo them, wluiuer m tbe form of riot or in tbe mure daugeroun, insidious and tfittctivs lorm ol cuirK and intimidation. While admitting tbe great difficulty and respanfeibllily of tbe taek wbiob are 10 gret tbat previoni Governments, equally aoxione with oanelvsa, only snoeteded teu. lomnly and to an imperfect extent we poetess an advantage over oar prcde- onsKors, which we bop* to tarn to good nee. We bear a mandate from tbe people dtoidiug finally, and in my opinion irre- vocably, the qoeetion wnieh bat wrecked tbe peaoe ot Ireland. (Obeere ) Tbe question ot an independent Government in Ireland, alter deep dieroation and advocacy by tbe moat powerful itatei- man tbie ooDLtry ban ever teen, bai been n jeeted empbatioally and unequivo- cally by au enormous majority of tbe peo- ple ot tbe Kingdom. (Load cheers ) It ii not nnwortby to remark tbat moet of tbe voices in favor of leparation nave been obtained by tbe personal influence of tbe great etateemao and upon other considers- tiona iparl from the merits of tbe qaeition. I believe thai por opponente will eventually admit thai tbii ie England's final deouioo, rtutd witb wbieb ll la oar duly to restore i Ireland tbat aoeial order tbe loee of biob u tbe only Dense of ita dieoonteut. am oonvineed that in eneh a policy we ball find the strongest eupport in tbe normona population of wbieb you are rue representatives." Tbe Daily Nnti, commenting on Lard alisbury's apeion, asyi: "Lord bhs- ary'e ipeeob (ails to give promiae of a mootb ooorae in Parliament. It ebowed cly too plainly that in bie opinion tbe only medicine for Irieb disorder u a good doit f dr i 'tic coercion." TUB !.*! OF I.I I I I. ft. I'OI'I ll A llir-br. rrf Take* ! In.llnn I hlrl . l.lle la s>IMvisc. A dupsteh from Maple Greek, N.W.T. ays : " Two white men, joit in from Fort Aailnibclot, report that the Indian chief Little I'oplar, WM ebot and killed by a bait-breed two mile* from tbat poet on Tuesday iMt. No partienlare have been received, farther than that the breed WM looking for stolen boreee when tbe diepute occurred. The killing eeemi to have been done in ssU-dstsoee, as Poplar fired Raven abota witb a revolver at tbe breed, Ward wbo replied with three ibote from bU Win Chester rifle, all taking effect. A i Bitter, ol WSUM, W. T., wae showing bis wife a new breech loading rifle wben i wae accidentally discharged. Neither wa hurt ; bat tbe fact that tbeir 9-vear-olc boy, who bad been Bleeping on tbe bed, die not awake, led them to harry to tbe bed ilde. They foand tbe child deed. Tb ball had entered tbe left groin, came oat a the chest, entered again at the obin, an lodged In the top of tbe head. At a recent picnic neat Chicago, held b the Central Labor Union to raise money i defend tb* Indicted Anarehinte, pictures o Aognit Spies, which were offered for tale were bought eagerly by tbe women, man of wbcm lined the portrait. " Pa," laid Bobby, sleepily, "can I as yon on* qaeition it it ain't tooliib ?' 11 Ya M, nue more." " How moeb older i Old ftft the* ! Old eft T" HII I i i ll V A < ii i KK% TUNK. o . f. . .. ...... ,i ihr l. ih ( ihc Mo- At tbe Enield Petty Session*, before Meeero. H. 0. B. Bowles and A. O Kitob- at. Divisional Justices, Edwsrd Foo. of bambrook Colla^ee, Alma road, Edneld a^h, bootmaker, was charged, in his own ooofiwaion, with esasicg tbe death ot bis on Edward, aged 6 yr >". by throwing a berry etone down bie throat. The prisoner n beicg placed in tbe aook seemed much fleeted, sod his wife, wbo wae weeping on icr entrance into court, became hysterical nd bad to be carried awey. A constable tpoied tbat on Monday afternoon be was n duty aear tbe church at Eoflsld High- way, wben tbe prisoner cme ap tu him nd said, " I have choked my eon." Mr. iowlsi What state did be appear n. T Wllneei He teemed in great dielren, nd WM crying very much. I aid to him, " How did yoa ebokc >im ? ' and be replied, " I WM play- ng with cherry clones trying to throw hem iuto hie breast," I than aeked him tow be knew tbe boy WM dead, aud be DNwered, " I am quite lore, because bs wai black and cold before I left tbe home." then took him to tbe police station , where be WM charged. Tbe other testimony bowed tbat prisoner ie a respectable man, and tbat after dinner on Baaday he WM ndeavoring to pitob cherry stones down the leoeaeed'e breasl.tbe collar of bis sbirt being pen. Several attempt* having been made be next atoae thrown went into the boy's month and lodged in bis throat, drawn here by strong inward breathing at the netant Tbe lad began to choke, and died lefore aaaislanee oonld arrive. Dr. Bbaw, wbo waa lommoned to the case by tbe ttlloe, foand tbe cherry stone stioking ID be throat, and removed it, bat tbe anfor- unate lad had been dead tor icme lime. The Bench wire informed that notice of be occurrence bed been given to tbe coroner, and the prisoner WM remanded on is.il to await tbe result ot Ihe inqaeil j -i - -i * n>- 1.1 1 s -i -i t r Hni llliurii sl us Iswrrsl ! I r.lri . 1 iir. Will, l-o WlVf H A Chattanooga, Teen., despatch layi : A domestic romance was broofhl to a climsi hero hit eveoiog. Over thirty rears ego there resided near Ibis place lames Burns, a young farmer, bis wife and two little boys. In 1854 Blame eon- eluded to try bis fortune in the Weil, and enl to California. A month later, having ouiid a pleaunt iiitlement, be lent bit wife money with which to join him. Mr* Ham,, wrote tbat she would Hart in two montbi, bat at Ibe end ol tbat time ibe bad received no reply. Blarne wrote letter alter letter to hie wife and ritativn and he wrote to him, bat neither ever received a word from tbt other. Ten yeara after wardi Slarne sent bis wife JiOO, bat Ibe money went back to him M no one called lor It, By this time both hosband and wife opposed each other dead. Blarne went to Michigan and from thence to Wisconsin, where alx vein ago he married Ihe daogbler of a wealthy farmer. By some trange fate he drifted to Chattanooga last week, bat no one remembered him, and be could nod no Iraee ol bii folke. Yeiterday be learned tbat a family named Blarus resided near tbe oily and prooaring a oar riegje be took a drive to Moerlain whether Ibey were bis relatives. On arriving at Ibe house StarnH WM horrified to no J thai the aged white-haired lady who Motived bin wai his first wife, and be Ibin realized that be bad two wives. An explanation followed and tbe two wives were Intro dnoed, bat each exhibited marked coolness It ii not known what the parties will do. Urllc- ! UrHI Hlllllr. Tbe Nipiiaing (Oat) Unit* lays: On ot oar townsmen made a trip to Frencb River IM! week, and wben looking for min era) i discovered a doponib of haman bones Tbe bones of nearly 900 forme wire foui. ID tbe one bole. Biooe the discovery it bs been learned that these were the remain of a tribe ot Ircquoln, wbo about 200 years ago came op from the bead of LakeOalari on s, hunting expedition. They were me st tbe head of French River by a tribe o Ilurous and maieaered In a night attici. It h said thtl electricity will pal a pian oat of lane. We bavc many pianoe the have evidently been struck by a wbol broadside of lightning. " I am looking for employment." said young man entering a merchant's offia " Ton are, hey ? Well, yoo'll find it in to UttaMy OVII there - er amoog tbt E'l. ! B A Wsssssj BcUcvcd ! Hsve Olsrdtrcd tevesi atclsllVM i lies Tswlr iiirascr, A BomerviUe, MaM.,dMpatch > : Mrs. Harah Robinson, wbo waa arreitad yester- iay tor attemptiem Ihe death, ot her ion by idmiuisteriog pouon, WM MtaiAoed la oorl Ibis morning. The boy ha* noos led, and the oharge against her is now willal mardir. The examination bM bown oonoloiively that poison was admin- etered. It U anderttood the [olioe have oformallon of the saspicioos death of at eMt eleven person* directly or mdireotly elated to Mrs. Robinson, wbo were insured benefit organizations. 1'h.e money in loit cues fell into this woman's bandi. 'bomM R. Smith, hir supposed aceom- lice, WM alio arrested and bailed. He ban sported to tbe police that sinew the death f Mri. Robinson's husband eleven, ot her elativei have died, all within tour pars. bese include ehildren ot Mre. Robioion nd otberi ibe had the oare ol. Moil ot nm were insured. On tbe death ot a alher or molhir she would take oharge of ie children, and M Ihe insurance money ami down to the children shi, U is alleged, would put them out of the way. Her bos- and died very suddenly four yssri sgo. he alleged cause of bin death WM over- eat and drinking ice water. Hie life WM mured in tbe New England lielief Aaioeia- on for two or three thousand dollars. The MDuoialion related to pay Ibe money the widow, and the case ii now before tbe Supreme Court. It ie ilated bis any of lua. Kobuaton'i family were ek tbe same Dbyiieian WM never called vice. A 1 ill > Ut KIH.I I Plays I'r.Bk . Is a Chlcsg* in. . . A Chicago despatch lays : Tbe State Jrain loipeolor'i branch office at Outre venue and I6ih street narrowly escsped wing destroyed by a thunderbolt duriug ie rain norm yesterday morning. The x>lt struck a telegraph pole which itood gainst the wall of tbe building, ran in on 11 iwi Mb- board of the telegraph instru- ments, and went oat ot the window on the ther siie ol tbe cffioi, taking the glaas, Mb and all with it. A mesaenger boy, who WM lilting on tbe table, wai thrown en or twalvi feet through the open door and knocked ioseniible, and tbe telsgraph perator, wboie hand WM on the key st be time, bad bis right arm paralyzed, and WM partially stanned. The telegraph pparatoe was melted, Ibe table thrown crone tbe room, and all ol Ibe oocnpanti f Ihe apartment wen Manned and par- ially deafened by tbe thcok. The soil ooked like a round ball ot fire, about ss arge M a man's bead. Ii tint in as far as lie table and disappeared with a flash, eaving Ibe crowd standing boll upright, with their limbi rigid, and their ears ring- ng painfully. Tbe cfflee,took fire, but tbe ames wire ipeedily exiinguiibid. MAN uoninuo ratoiBi.BM. Urltalrrf sr ihr BalUl sc Trie* Use BmUtl. A Boston deipatcb says : A Utter pub- abed bere this afternoon from San )omingo givee tbe first details of a revo- ulioo that broke out there attending tbe ate Presidential elections. Tbe tetter ii ated Bai Domingo City, July e).b, and eads ai follow* : Tbe Prciidautial elee- ocs took place here on tbe36lh of Juue, icoeral Ulysses flereaox b mv elected by largq majority. Oineral Meyer, Ihe efoated catdida'.e, left for Bavager tw j ays after the election and rniaed an at my 1 1,000 men acd attacked Santiago, and wai defeated by Ihe Ojvornment toretm. jineral Hereaox, Ihe President else), left ere to-day, liadicg 6.000 men to rriotoroe icniral Duperon at Bantiaxo. Oeuersl esraman Uli 1'orlau l'iat. on tbe north de, with 5,000 men, and will join Ueresox, making an army of 10 COO men. This is is tror:|<es lusurrecilon that has started n Sin Djmiogo for some years, but Ihe evoll will be cf short life, ai Heresox is a ravs man aod nnderitande how bill to sal wilb sneb difficulties. API K\ 101% II I ICitlAPAUg. lie t lopr . \ l,h hl< >|0 llrl, r .. .,, d asrrln llrr mi lomrr.l. fred. Rickrer aliat French Fred, wbo loped with MIM Ktsaler, aCaioagoheireee, MI week, ie in Montreal and Ibe polios atborities have been notified. ll appeare hat Mite Ktesler'e tatber, wbo WM a floor merchant in Cnioago, died aboal throe weeks ego, leaving an entate valued at aboal " 200,000 to bie daughter. She WM Intro- need to Fred., who ii a married man, bav- og bren married to a Madame ChcqaettS n 1885, and fter some flirtations Ibey loped. An nuele of M s< Kesiler, who now ,eepi Ibe store, eayi she will not gel lay- bing. Mre. Cbcqaette lays the kaew . in Montreal, and bis picture WM in he rogae'e galleries ot levers! placet, and bat hi bad beaten her out 17,000 in liven months, and that be bad also icrved a term B the Kingston Penitentiary. A later .enpatcb says the ooople were married by Protestant minister on Monday. Before laving Ihe ceremony performed, Riekner consulted a well-known criminal lawyer, rbo advised him that bn marriagi witb ladame Ctaoqnette ie null, inasmuch ss he divorce she obtained in Chicago ii not lioding in Canada. Mies K feeler, the run- away heiresi, is vry handsome. Montreal Qaiette. Mg i Kli I > I < DBA1H. A \OIIM *lnn' ll>olln lo II I * nii.. . .1 o.i. HI,,, in. in. A Detroit despatch lays : Josiph filter, ot No. 1 ">''> Napoleon street, who contracted smallpox, alter lettering terribly for over two weiks, finally me- cumbed Ibis morning. This makes tbe icond fatal eaie of smallpox during tbe iresenl ooDlagion. Hii WM a peculiarly >ad can. Whin Mary Arnold wae taken itek, and such an old established authority ii Dr. Klein disputed the smallpox liagnosit, young Pniter did not exercise toy caution in paying visile to and sillicg or hours by Ibe bedside of tbe young girl, to whom be WM devoted. Wben the dis- pute WM tettlid and Health Oflioer Wight >M proven to be correct In bii alarm it wai too late. Tbe young man bad eon- racted tbe contagion, and WM in i few layi laid low. Mary Arnold reoovired. Tbe body of Pfliter WM buried to-night. ONTARIO CROP PROIPECTI, Acreage ard estimated Produce-Effect ot the Oroufht Wages of Firm Hindi Following if a luminary ol the isporl ol tbe Burian cf Industries for August tbe progress of harvesting, state ot us crops, and estimated yield being based upon information supplied by 074 corrsupou- deuts of Ihs Bureau on tLs .'.id' lost., and the statistics ot arses, nomber ot live look, etc., beiog complied from return* made by farmers on the !Ulh ot Juue : Tbe bmallh ol wheat laud sowu (set fall WM %1,7&8 aerei, but tfae injury by winter exposure WM so aevere that 70.171 aoiae wsre eilbar ploughed op or re-sawn m Ihe spring. The remaining 8 4CCJ aerei lu crop have produced an estimated yield of 18,057,71*4 bMbels. Toe straw was short, owing to a period of drought in Juue aod July in Ibe tall wheat Jutncu of me Province, bat the beads were well filled and ibe quality of the grain ie reported excellent. The reaping Mason hsgas. aboal Ibs middle ot Jaly, sod nearly ibe whole of tbe srop wse safely bouwd by Ihe end ot Ike monu. The great dioagbt urea Ol tbi Mississippi Valley aDpeari to have included Oaisrto about M tsr isatward M ths meridian ol Port Hepe, snd atl iprisg orops have been alfeoted to some extent Ot iprisg wheat, barley, oats, peas, bay and root* tke reports say that growth WM visibly arrested st one time, but aaueeeaeion of showers in Ihs second wsek of July tared them from serious barm. The setsUi and peats are uniformly reported M short in straw and slightly thin on the ground over the wnole dry area, bat there WM no appearance ol rail and scarcely any ot inseot enemies, and the crops were mMUiiog favorably. In IhecMtern poriion ot the Province, and especially in the Bl. Lawrcnoe and Ottawa counties, the rainfall bM been abundant and vegetation U luxuriant. Gomp*amta are made of ruit and mildew in localities- , and the barley crop is likely to bs dis- colored to some ixtenl. Tbe acreage and estimated produce of crops are presented in the followitg table : fall wheat Spring wheat .. Hley Ants. STT.eai Hush. 18.U57,tM . IMSfnaO 4M3U1T 1.UUJ71 1'er acre. 108 IU ft i _ 07 TU 1-i.u. ............:.....::.... v'm Compared with the average ct Ibe pMl lour yearn, the fall wbest this yesr la 120 000 acrei aod 3,219.1*4 bushels less ; ibe spring wheel, tt.119 acrei, and 1.2*5.118 soshsli less ; |ke barley, .4*8 acme, sad 107,'Jt)7 buus more ; las rye, 70 tttt acres and 1 800,080 bushels leis ; and tbe peeie, l.'i,79M aetes sod 4,107,844 bubnels more. Thi arsa in bay aod clover U 2,Wi 1J1 acres snd tbs yield 4.SI94 446 tons, being an average of 1 30 tons per acre. Tbe average ol ibs previous four years WM 8.15,1 MO acres aud J, 186,007 toes, or 1 45 tool acr Mrs. The arsa in bssni is 11,071 sores, aod tbi ittimated yield 461 104 bushels. Tbs area in corn is 15ti,4'J4 acres, being 2o,Jji acres less than the average ot lour yean, and tbe prospect ot a good crop ie not MJMKSglUg. Tbs numbers cf farm live stock are . lljisss, 5U64; cattle. 1016,173; sheep. 1.610949; hogs, <t0 116 ; aud poultry. MW.tfli. Ins uuuijir o( sheep u 144,466 ICM t Jtui last ysir ; in esob ol tbs otber oli- tbrre Is aa tLcreass. Tbe wool dip ie 5 647867, being 6tfO,480 IMS than the average ol four yssrs. Ibs average wati ot farm ban is for ibe Province is JUS with board, and 9S51 wild- oat board, per vear ; and 117.06 wilb board and t?6.k4 wuhoat board per month ot the setoiurt add harvesting sssou. Tbess figures are slightly lowsr than last year, i'be rate of wages of domestic ssr- vanu i< fl 62 per week; IMI yesr's rale WM 11.81. ill- I I -I l-l I'l - IN I ..!(..> I < ir ! ui I ! ia lulmii. Urg A Phyil, !' lai< mroi. II U not known that Toronto nu so far graduated in tbe sesle ol idem vine M to maintain a regular opium " joint," bat the Wcr.d learuea yMterday on good authority that ooutiJerable ol tbe drnd is cow used in tbe eiiy. " There are about twenty-five Obioameo lu Ibi eiiy," said a giDllemsu who has taken an interest in Ibis class ot our population, " but I don't believe tbat over bait a down ot them use opium. In tact the number may be lees." A well known duo man informed Ibe re- porter thai u WM a positive laol tbst two private " pipes " wire maintained in Ibe uorlbeMlern part of the city. Ualy a lew friends cf Ibe owuere visit ibe booses where they are kept. Same of them are Isdies. 1 was Ibsrs oy aeeidsnl ons night," said Ihs slab habitus, and I WM considerably surprised to Bake the discovery. I WM invited by the gentleman ot Ice boose to hsve a pipe ; but I respectfully declined. I tried Ibe experiment once in Buffalo, and I want LO more ot it." About us men tbi ago an elderly fernsle made her appearance on the itresti of To- ronto. She can still be lecn on King street fcoigbt. " Thai woman," said a pbynoiso, "is a couflissid opium-eater. Bht does not uie tbi pipe, however. I treated her tor a couple ol weeks, but oould do nothing tor her. Tbe quantity ol tbe drug she coo- somes is appalling. Look al her color." Tbe same authority said that the nee of morphia ind kkdred drugs u greatly on tbe inonaie both in tbe UuiMd Siatee and Oanada. It wai now a common thing (or men to carry around hypoairmie lyriunes and a boitls ol morphis, wbieb luey re- sorted to quits ofMo. He reoordea tbe case ot a young man whom he had treated for a gnu wound. Daring bis illness be gave him a few hypodermic iojeetioni ol morphia. The young man iiearcd s lyr ings of his own and neet ibe drag in large quantitiet unknown to hit pbyeiciau. Wben he got bitter be did not rilicquitb the ceedle, and be is a confirmed morphia user. Toronto World. Dr. .1 . i . V .lunblr. 1,1,1 A rtpirt from New York says : To obtain advances ot money, Dr. William P. Carver, tbe noted rifle shot, pledged iomi time %go with tbe Ameriean Exchange in Europe, Limited, tbe rifles wilb wbieh be bad per- formed hie feats, and articles of jewellery and ornaments presented to him by blgb personages ol Europe. Hs did not repay Ibe luao, and yeeterday Auctioneer John F. B. Smyth proceeded to Mil the pledges at his auction room, 63 Broadway. Thir- teen ol ibe Doctor's rifles were pal ap. Eddie Cebill bought three, and William 1'. Kirk, ei-Preiident cf Ihe Boodle Board of Aldermen, bii in one of tnem. Buffalo Bill and somi ol his nun got the rest. Olhir thing* sold were a diamond nog given by tbe Emperor ot Germany, aod a watch given by tbe Prince ol Wales. Tbe ring contained forty -two diamoLdi, the centre one being at least 4; inch in diameter. The ring bore Ibe inscription : Preeeoted by Qii Majsely tbe Emperor of Germany to Dr. William F. Carver, Berlin, June 16, 18HO." It WM bought by James II. Welli for ItiOO. Mrs. Lynch, Ibe well-known diamond merchant, wu a bidder. Tbe watob weighs nearly a pound ; Ibe coveri of the eaaa represent dngi at rest Ibs lyes of the animate being of diaur.nds. Jewel- ler Blnmsnbeimsr bought tbe watob for 1575. Tbe entire sail brought in about ia,ooa on > i i. ill 'i ii A 'I n Hirsllcwi III- I r. it, .^ ihr. .n . HI <JHI ( III- 1loni.fl.. A Boston despatch sayi : Oa Thursday a remarkable nurgical operation WM per formed al the Maasacbuietle Oeneial Hos- pital by Dr. Maurice H. KiohardsoD.of Ibis city. About a year ago John McCarthy swallowed a ssl ol artificial teela. Tfae p usage ol food to tbe stomach was almost wholly prevented, tbe patient grew emietatel and weak, anl It became evident tbai unless relief WM had bi rnait soon die. Dr. Riobardion made a trsDaverte out in tbi left aide ol thi abdomen, ihrocgo wbieb tbe man's stomach WM drawn oul and then enl open, when by tbe insertion of bis arm to Ihe elbow Dr. Ricbardion wae able to reach and remove the teeth. Xbe internal opening WM then oloied witb ftn silk altd Ibe stomach replaced, tbe exteraal eat being also closed with ititohei. Tue whole operation WM oooaslsted In Icily' five mlnotei. Thi patient is doing will and bis complete recovery is now ecu eidired little less than certain. B<M. \ , The petieri-by on Young itreet were hocked, yoelcrday afternoon, at sneiog three boys, tbe eldest not over or years (I ags, carried oat of tbe yard adjoining Hi. Ann's Bobool. AU ol the ehlldreu wen in a moet helplesi state of totoxioatioo sad an dsborlbed by a gentleman wb( witnessed Ihe scene ar parlol aparly o five, whj bad obtained liquor presumably from one ol tbe adjtoenl ouiur grooeriei wilb which this diitriol aboondi. Tin ohool melt Is si preeeol aloud. JfoUrta MIU AND KEF 'ROM ilMANfNT PAITURF By WIIIUM Hronu, I't.lf ...r ! Arl i 'iliui. ,11 Ihe Oat.rlfi tlfullurl The United States sgriealtoral prsesbas Uugbl for muy >esri that " Qrau is Hiuf.' Tnid toaud aphorism is built largely npou whsl nsiurs givn, tor wltn all ibbir agi, wealth aud snler pries oar ueightiori have dons com psralively little with cultivated perms usnl pasture. Tiiey nad, M Ontario asn also teil in her experieLoe, Utal ll loll* three acres ot tbe average cultivated bs>y and natural mssdowi to maintain ons cow, or one 2 year-old store. This u no adequate return for these days, when other agricultural products here sxd elsewhere are in sneh keen competition. Xbsie is no doubt of the fact that Ihe present limn of Norlh American pesMM is 1,300 ib>. (.1 milk, or J Ibs. ot beat per Mrs per season of flva aud ons-ball months. Tnese at tbres-lonrilis of a sent asd fivs ouo is pec ib gave I'J 7 J and 14 2o revpeo- lively, or an Average value ol 17 per acre, ilb tbe viry marked difference cf nearly 1 JO per oenl. in lavor ot the sailk product. LI thest deserve to bs oalisd " King," wfcsl msy ths future as indicated by tbe follow- ing 1 Ibs pMtnrs iieded down iu lw4 is still Holding two cowi per Mrs eaciiy, and pro- dnomg at tbi rats of 7,li'J3 Ihs. of milk per of flva aod out uif menths by com- mon grade cows sows wbieh under any ojudiuoos never give over '& Ibe. per bead laily. Wen tbey Holsatuis, AyrtJtirM or Snorlborui, thi ICMOO'I produoe would amount to about 14000 Iss. of milk per sere. Xbu two eommoo 6 year uid ojwi .n this experiment ate also adding to tbtir weigh! al tbs daily rate of fully three quarters of a pound cacti, wbieb therefore may become to unfavorable leatore ot this pasture ; lor so tar as known, matured cows in toll milk on ordiusry pasture bold their own good.eondiuou wugbl only, and may re- duce rather than luoriMa in flash. Four aorej ot Ibeie experimental plot! wire laid down last year with oar xleoted eigbl varieliM o( grasiM and fivs eleven, tbe couducl of wbiob is given 13 Uel year's annusl report. This year, tbi flnt ot their depMturion, asai-fiftb ol the area eonsist- otluw lying ipote WM killed by trosen waur u ipring. Eieewhers tbe laalnre i very wealthy. The continuous leavy spring rains delayed oeeopation until 20ib May, when two 'i year old sod two larling slore steers were put on. Had we disregarded poaching acd spoiling oficr- wiss, Ibs anistaei could havs bad a full bite on 1U.U May ; stud nets ws fcllowers f moon il ths ordinary practice ws oould hsve cleaned our cattle's teeth by a four boars' run daily during bs first week of thai month, whin rolling WM done. Tbe rush cf growth became so strong In be IMI week ol May that, rather than mow so seily, wi s4sid three 1 year-old infers to Ihe four itseii for a week in order e keep pasture witfaiu sweet conditions. I'htse beifin bid to be removed to avoid hi keasonicg trouble, bat we now rssliis that ll would hare been belter tc purchase six steers ID place ol tear, M under prcpir mauagimeol heavy sleeking is belter than allowing plMfci to seed and bseoms rank. As ii w>e, we kepi under by mowing and mulching the early grataci on Jans llib. I *m it opinion luat our uniurs SOSSSIIM loo much olover, and M cauls prefer gjud jrc.i) tooiovdrt unr future reoo>msi.da- loui will bavs to note Ibis smung oibtr icings. Why catile alee ofiso caoo.e dan- delion and prsftr tbe inaenrnr ritil nnnidid jriMses on Ibs ouuide ol s field as agatait Ibs more lender aud leas bratoay OLM cl Ihe like kmdi in the eloeer eonditions d th* e.,>. we bav* y el tu kssku Mseesiiy. Tbs four steers sri LOI able tu keep down tbe lout acres ( jr rather Ibe three aod one ti.'ih seres ol fully ouversd ground) which are divided into two flels ot two Mroe eaob, Ibs cattle b.iug related weekly and reomviug unlimiled water and rook salt. No grain and no top-drseeiog has Deen given. The rain, which fell on seven- teen days during the period, amounted lo 5 017 loehee ; maximum tsmperstnre in the sbsde, sv.i ; ounimjm, 33.3 ; mean, 6047. Tncse ordiasvry Bbcrl-boru grade stoere lavs made an aversge daily gala ol 3 03 be. per head from !W b May to Slsl July. 1 bin is at the rate of 1.79 Ibi. per sore per day, or o25 Ibe. ol beet on foot pir acre ier aeon ol li days. Thai tbeii laols will surprise many ws do siocsrsly hope, and that they may bavs 1 1 be reduced whet several ysan' ex- perience ie gathered 11 not uahkely. Mean- time is Ibe future to be 158 for dairy pro- duoe, or 131 (or best per Mr per summer? A BriUtb suihorny in 1072 ssid tbat nril-slsei land ii thai whiota will produoe twenty imperial stuns (180 Ibs.) ol meal per sets withcul artificial aerietacos," sud in Ibe public press ot IMI month il WM staled lhal ' in tiootlaod the average ol permanent psiture and rotation pasture requires 1 Oti aoree to eaob dairy ww." Uomps>re these with the results we uva obtained for marly two seasons al ibis experimental farm. Ws hsvi in TICW to Mil tbi value M ,Mturs of laviral of our bs> native <rMsei, and Ihougb not locking for resnlle equal to s proper mixture of varisliei, there may be otuir qjaliiies thai will tbow how much Ibey are dsurving atlenlion by selee- tiou and proper management. I submit to Ibe Ontario farmer, under every meatmre ol oanlion, ibal cur pasture tests even now are dtouive enough in Ibe Henee of showing how musb ws havs yet to learn of certain lines ot cur protsssioo, and that Ihs possibilities of Canadian climate and soil are but being tonobed open. HI Id.l 411 > U1-. a I ll ir. sol Frail. Botanioally Ibe strawberry belong! to Ibo genus Hoeaecw, or rote tribe, a:d the part we eel is not s berry or even a (run, says Longman.' t iljjatiiu, bat is merely a deaby receptacle, tbe true fruit, U. O. Ulasepole tells 01, being tbe ripe csrpele wbioh are scattered ovir its surface in form of miuate grsini, looking like seeds, wbiob tbsy really are not, for Ibs seed n iu closed inside ol Ibe shell of Ibe carpel. This is exactly tbe contrary to Ibe raupberry ; here yon throw awsy Ihs reeeptsble snder Ihe name of tbe core, never inspecting lhal It i ths very pskri you have been tsMliog upon in Ibs strawberry. In one CMS ibe receptacle robs Ibe carpel ot all their juices in order to become gorged aod bloated ai their expenie, in Ihe other CMC tbe earpele Ml in Ibe eatue selfl-b manner upon Ibe MOdplasle. D.,I n.l ihc Brhltih . lnnn A sfeoial sable de| loh from London layi : Tbe meeting of the Britieb Associa- tion, wbieb will lake place al Birmingham on September lit, promises to possess peculiar interest for Canadians. Bir Wil- liam UaWtSD bae bras eel estel M preside, and will* deal in bisr opeoiag; addrs> with tbe neoJogkal hmtorj ol Sottk Ao?tric. Prof. Meconu will read a rf f r Ch "Ctna dlan Botany ; " Alexander Begg will lecture on tbe ('aoadiau 1'acirto Kulwav, and Pro- lessors Vriam and lowe, ol Oitswi. will hold forth on various educational lutjeete eonniokd with Ihe Dominion. oik oui.i * .in It, Mr. Jagi e>od Mr. Oagi wers talkisg abool relitioue mallet*. 1 II is sgreeil pity Ibal Noah's ark scald not have been preserved," ssid Mr. Oegt. " It wooM bawe materially assisted in edu- cating tbe masses io religion. ' < I don't know shoal that.' replied Mr. Jens. " II It wire In existence, Barnom would have It." Yes, I nppoti," mused Cagi. " Either Barnum or thi luiled btates navy." Mtrehant UUberl 1 -.1, ,br ^., Is- u i I..II.UM rrbes. Uilberl Yost, the noted isle burglar ant inventor of burglara' looli, hss jual died, so Detective Hubert A. Puilisrtou learns, la tbe Northern Indiana Priaon. when be WM serving a fourteen yeari' imprison mcLt He WM tbe inventor of a set of borglars tools, weighing less than five pounds, which enabled him or any ons understanding tbs tools to opes any ordinary fireproof sals la ISM than tfieen minutes, without making tbe slightest noise. For a camber cf years Yoei worksd with these tools without tbs ssorsl ot bis iLventio!! becoming known to other parties oouude of thoee wbo were bii immediate aisoetstes aod worked with him. This whole set of tools oonld bs earned la an inside coal pocks I without beicg noticed. Yost and his aon witn this isl ol tools confined iheaMlvw almoil entirely to robbing sales ol country jewelry storee, and so socceaaful was their work thai the wholesale jeweleti Lund it neoeery in order to protect retailen, wbo in many instaooM were tbeir creditors to Urge amounts, to lorm what is known M ths Jewellers' Bseurily Alliance, lor the porpose of followiag op sod puniibiDg bnr k la*e wbo robbed ita members. Tbs Aliiaueu retained Ibe Piokertotis M their dmeeiivei. Hi WM arrested for a jewelry robbery in Indiana, lor which he WM serv- ing out his Mntenoe when be died. YJCI had a grsat habit ol feigning insanity wben arrested, aud on ibis dcdge sueossdad several timii in gstttLg cut ol bu trouble Wuco a*i to stawis) is Morthtrn ladiaaa fur tbe VcU bsrglary Ibe keepsrs rsoog nized him M a former Inmate ol Ihs prison wbo bad feigned inasoity, acd this time, although Yoet bed pretended to be hsans and ret used to do aty work, be WM kipt in eijee confinement from the time ot hii arrssl until bis death. I I lu'ii I u.l,.., r . or I.e., Ulster U ihi boms ot ibs flax plant, thi grateful blue blossomi of wbish give inch dsligbtlo toe summer fields, affording a pIsMant relict to the many aoree cf meadows carpeted with the enow while ineni which thi facK-ries hsvi produotd 'rcm this isms plant. Tbs msnofaclars of twlorid almost to ths bsgiuning of tninga in Ireland, its nirodacston into thi ojuutry boiug aatsrior to Ibe period ct his- torieel record. Tbe tirst Eoglisb reprs- esuUti\e to manifest any resl lympathy with Icosl actirprus, so far M the Irish iioen trade WM losemisd, WM Thomas Wsntworth, Earl of Ulnflord, who. when acting M ths Viceroy ot Obsrsss U alopttd miMureifor ibe improvement of toe cultivation uf the dax plant. Ths Vise- roy made a tour through Ulster su tbs summer ol 1U7. Inn trip was fruitful of observation and bineneial In its results. Lord Biraflord was attracted by tbe abun- dance cl wild flax which he esw growing along tbs hillaidu near BaUyoeatie, and WM not long in coming to the ooailasion that under favorable cultivation tbe yield- tog power of the soil might be greatly improved. Wilb tbe view of putting his idese to tbi bee I possible test he bad a cargo d aeed imported from Holland, aod got over Mvsral experienced Dateb (arm- era to superintend aad laslroet Ike native cultivators in tbe art otgrowiog the plsol. The retail WM most gratifying, ibs u*xi ) ear's crop bsing a hundred 110,11 larger IB quantity thai, the previous yield, while in lunhty u was greatly superior to any that nai (ormeily bren raired in tbe eoontry. lu this, a-i iu okner thioge. ths LjrJ D-puty win ' ltaorjos;b,"^ad tn promou^K the liueo mstiofaoinre of Ireland spent in one year (10 000 of bu own private (oitune. At hie own ejei be unj s ksndrsd of tbe beet linen looms broiubt over from Amsterdam, tbetic weie distributed aanrg^i .be most worthy of Ib* Ineh weavera. Thus tbe Uneu trade ot b'lster earns to be a powerful factor in tbs earn cl Irub induitry, end bad ths foundations of .ts prosperity sab suntielly laid. In Ihs Province of Ulster there u now not lest than 160 000 000 invested in flax p a .1 K and pjwer-luuin weaving, three- fuuribfi of lhal sum being credited to Belfiwt alone. Then are over 30.000 loom* and 900.000 spindln al work, giving direct employ meutw about 100.000 persons. The fun capital imbarked m the Ulster linen industry, estimating Ibe earn required lor the carrying on bl tbe various operations M equal to tbal invested in mills, plant, lie , will amount to Mioo.000,000. Thi imeu trade ot Irelssd benefited, like Ibe rest of tbe fabric producing world, by the lotroduoiioool steam power in the flr.i belt of ths century , lull, although tbi Ulster Icomi an of Ibs most improvsd pattern, tbe baud-loom ie yet largely em- ployed in tbe production of the flaer kiLds of damMks, a better (uaJily ot pisee setog oblaiund frum it ibou irom ihe power-loom Tbe Ulster lai.dacsps is thickly planted witb faoloriss their tall chimneys aod ms>uy-wind]wed fronlsges telling cl an Industrial prospsrity wbiob is in marked contrast with the agricultural dej ression Ibal forms so unwelcome afestors cf other parti of the ojunlry. As for BelfMl itswlf. ibe capital of Ibe province, with its tX) 000 iubabilanls, its miles ol streets, its band soms public buildiuMs. its iplindid wars bouses, its scores of gigaolic mills, and its exteniivs shipbuilding and sngiosering ssMblishmcnts, it is e vast industrial metro- polis, eombiaiog the best slesnsnls of au Eaglieb mannfacluringlown with Ihemon agreeable features of Irish life and oharae ter. Belfast bM produoed many notable commercial leaders, whose abilities have been wisely divided between Ibe promotion of their own individual enterprnes and tfae advancement cf tbe general good, and to- day can chow M noble a roll ot industrial names as almost any city in ths entire. London Society. A !.,.,.> ii A. TklrSfMS > . - OM. The advance ot tbs ladies Ii M marvellooi M il ii irresistible. Here ie Miss Dolom Lleonarl y Casanovas, M. D., who has josl laksu her doolor'e degree at Barcelona. Bbe began her university studies al tbs age ol 8. wneu II ibs became a B. A , acd now al tbi ripe ags ol U. after coming out finl in all her examtnalioni, and teUing nnuier one pnzts, sbein a fully .inalitled physician id roigeoc. Fancy a female B. A., of 1), discoursing on bidtoni diseases wilb six syllabled namsi and correctly diagnosini and prescribing for ber brothers add sisters But H ie wbal we havi got to expect, sod tbe fair Spaniard i* to be ootgretalated en being ibs flisl of bsr sex to show wbal can be done in ibe way of rapid development MIM Uoloree, etc., msy be fairly addrewed like her namesake sang ot by Mr. Swin burns, M " wiss among woman and wisest our Ldy ot Pain."/*.'/ J/oU PUBLIC SCHOOL PRIZES. Ontario Tsachen' Aainit ths Cuitom. Protest iH,,kh, i i.ik.. oi r Mr. Qladitons is soms limis censured by eritioe of Ibe school wbo think Ibal Ibe tailor makes ths minister, for not drcMiog ap to Iks level ol his part. But be U dandyism itself eomiared witb L rd Salis- bury, who may plausibly chum to be tbs worst drtsisd man in London. Mr. Glad "tons brightens himself ap with a roes In his button bole and with ibs whits waist- coat aud tight trousers of festivity. Lord Salisbury never departs from Ibs eostomi ol a diaisaling minister solemn black from hsad to tool, and tbe loug surtoul io which be is rivalled alone by Mr. Brsdlaugb. Ths edifies is crowned by a masher Ibal was im- posed npos him probably by the shop ksi per. or selected for Its fit rstber than ill haps, and usually brushed Ibe wrong way, Ibe whole terminating tn the Wellington hoots of his boyhood. A'ni York THE NaTW OFFICERS ELECTED. Toe Ontario Teachers' Association soo- eludd IDS busiseea of its SLnosI sesstoa last svenitg. Tosss ottasa wsre sleeted wilboat opfoeitioo : PrsiUsni-B. I. Strong, PriadpeJ of G-derieb OoUsgtals lasntuts. rtecretsry-Robt. W. Doso, of TorentO, Corresponding Beentsry-D. H. Hantsw, ot Woodstock. Treasurer W. J. Bsndry, ol Toronto. Tbs retiring c, (Beers were warmly thanktli tor their services. Mr. M *"frH' J M President, spared no efforts to advasss ths interests ol ibs statists tinn. aod M Chsir- man ol Ik* convention he acted with s fair- M sod baiiness promptitude thai gave Mineral latisfaelioo. Mr D C. MeHenry, of Cobourg. read SB able paper on Prises sad Scholarship*.' Us ej tended tbal priest wan a tailors. They incited to a snstpeHSlrm aaeoag sasnacd parils m wbieb the blflfeef aad truer aims of edusaMon wire ottsu lost sight of. Bs held that all wbo rssehsd s fixed standard abould gst a prlx*. M it WM matifMtiy notsir thai oos who hsf psced to obtaic s tew marks higher Mesa smith ST should carry off all Ib* honors. He moved a series of iseatwiiufAl which wsre adopted Mtattowt: " Wserees the pnst kystsni lo opinteoB a our schools sad soUegM involves the ilpss*\)iois ol A large asnount of sooney tbai iboald bs devoted to better oca* in advabucg the interests of edssstios ; and ' snse tbe inemwvws implsyed and mouvM thai sfposlsel t* tesd to rslsrd aibsr than aid the tsesbir IB trying t* mploy ths higher methods of culture ; tberese somastiiive sxsminaiioos an set nfnsieatly rails Ms ia SMS ol awardis* He, and wbertM tk* awarding of scnclanbips, nstioilbly to aid needy tocVats, is insffsetive and misl*adin,f Resolved, 1. Thai it is the i|tti n at this assosiaiioo that pnzis, inessls sad eholanbips iboald be abolished in all our daoeuonal lastirattoaa. S Tbst poatee mocsy now dsvotsd lo this purpose esovsi * used to increase Ibe geoiral efficMoey ol the Provincial t nivsnity. I That prise money cow derived from private souVsee. npplsmsatsd by M mash mon M msy be vailable, should be used : (s) To iBtebitab beneficiary fond lor needy undents, to b* iswareee* according to s plea limits* t* bat 10 operattoa IB Tale College, insrudiag ths principle ot loans to sues undents. based oo moral worth, present need asd potable scholarship, sad ladepsedestly I competitive siasjinsiicns, (s) Aay vailabls lurplos to be used to snsoorsgjs nginal research and special post graduate work. 4. That instead ot tbs present yusm of prizes, rsbolarahips and medals, lOoor students should be olaesiflsd la neb s wsy that tbs highest dutine- ion in the university shall be MtatnskM y all whose inholarsfaip resahee s srlain standard say that of present gold medallists, lubordinats honors to be de- idsd in a similar manner- ins prusasls sn involved to apply also to mstnsnls ion and ordinary isssioml examinations. Thai a copy of these resolutions bs MDI so ths aumcritiM ol sees uotveniry ia Ualtario a the liprtssed cpision ol tns swrooiation." Tber* were Isw diSNnhBg voics*. Mr. . MoMoraby. ct Toronto, maiulainsd that bs aeoolarsnip was ot great value in sdn- auooal work. Teaching was ibs only rotsMtoo tbal assuied to develop tbe slants I poor hoys, and il WM ths Ibongbl >f bringing out tbe hidden trsMurss ol the mind that recoooilid him to remaining ia e profession. Mayor Elowland addressed Ihe members n the Normal School Hall IMI night on Practical Education end Industrial Schools." me a SCHOOL stcrtox. In ths High Bebool nation. Principal D oks.u. ol tus Upper Canada College. WM lietsd Chairman. Mr. W. Mofinds moved, teoonded by Mr. : . E. Diokion, Thai in thi opinion ot Ibis .Sea i io u a County Board of Sxaminsn, composed ojly of the lleadMMtenof High laboota ( r Collegiate IniMlutse) aod tbe ubiio HjAool Insfsoton within tbs County, mould read ibe answsn ol candi- dates tor admission to Uin Bobools, sad that ihe Board ol Examiners should have tbe toll diMntiosary power ol passing say 9O( il they think able to keep op with High School work Tbe motion WM earned. Moved by Mr. Btraag. seeoadsd by Mr. Hirchrd. That a oomenittee cmsisliag ol Messn. MacMonby, Kmbree, Feessodso, MoBride, J.K Diekson. John Hsodsreos, Wstbsnll and the oover be appointed to wait opou tbe Minister of EJaeasloo after bis nturo. od to call his atterrtioa to the jbjeeuoaabis cbaraster of essay of toe papers al tbs resaol Jerxmntuer, tal exaauas. lions for sdmiskioo to Ihs liigh Bcbools. sod for tesebsrs' ooc profsMiooal ssrtifl- ,les. Carried. The eommiitee appoiatsd to csosider the advisabilily of a otaangs in matriculatioa and finl ytar K' nhii reported as follows 1) Tbai for IttfW there should be substi- tuted tor Cowper's Tajk. Book III. : LIOM on Rsesipt ol My Mother's Picture. John Orilpln, The Csslswsy, and each other ol Cowper's minor pceme as will bs sn equivalent. U) Tbal lor ItrM the oa> lisb oe Cbilds UarolJ, (^nto 111., aod Tbe Prisoner ot Cbiiloo or Epislie to Augusta, Die to Napoleon aod Napoleon s farewell. M) That the play ot Bbakspeare, sbsseo for oocor jocior malrioalaUoa of ltN7, vts., Tim on of Athens," is quite unfit to be read in mixed classes. Ii is suggested thai some otber play bs. it possible, substituted for il. On motion, the third clause WM adopted. Tbs tlrnt and second chaoses were referred to tbe Executive Committee and tbe High Bebool representatives oo tbe Univeml tienat*. I ! OpItUfta ( Hrprirr. 1 Talk about nportsrs not being trutk- tul and boossl. ' ssid Hev. Dr. Talma**, when his attention WM called to a resent report of an occurrence in New Turk City, I think, thai tbey are, M a etaee, more truthful and honest than Iboee who say they snoot. I personally know a gresl many of the reporters on the paper* in New York eiiy and Ibey are all perfect gentle- min. I bavs never been misrepresented daring all the yean tbst I have been acquainted witb newapspen aod newspaper so. I have never had a reporter break faith with me. Whenever they have pramned to return a manuscript or otnit anything tbey hv mTsmaNy dose just M tbey said they would do. Tbst there are mistakes in newspapers 1 sat willintr to admit, hoi I am not williof to edaait that tbsy wsre mads purposely. " Tbe troubls with most men is thai they ar* eonitantly trying to keep some- tbiug bMk inetead ot being perfectly open, frank and free. This the npertsn invariably diawrer and tbey will invariably flsdoul wbsl tbal mmatbing is. Meet ol tbe mistakes and misrepreses tattoos sasde io reports arc mistakes thai ess slaicst always bo ehertnd op to tome one oatatdi ot tbs siwspausr eUce osssUy aa sited person. ' \ " What have you for supper ?" askid the ipiourtan boarder ol tbe girl with red hair and spit curls. " Beefsteak aad toadstools," WM the startling answer. Be offend I lain beef i leak. A small boy stoppeds railroad train near Wsly, GOOD., sy trsoUeslly wmviog bis binds, aod laid the isgiaisr thin was a draokes rase om ths track. The fellow wt MOOIS* asst got ol. but he swore like s pirate si bsfs< awakened, and threatened to thneb tbe be r who bad saved bis lit s. Il Is said that Boston's lea rat* will be 11 M on 91,000 this yssr, an In mem ol II seats on tl.OOO oru a year sgo,